Tag Archive: Bible

How I Got Arrested and Abused at the G20 in Toronto, Canada

Posted by admin on July 1, 2010 · 39 Comments


(Editor’s note: On Tuesday, June 29th, 2010, Toronto resident Tommy Taylor published, on his facebook page (log-in required), an extraordinary account of being arrested and caged at the G20 for 23 hours. At the time of his arrest, he and his girlfriend were watching a group of peaceful protestors, and had joined in when they sang “Give Peace a Chance.”

Below we reproduce, with permission, the post in its entirety, including the images originally used by Taylor. I find it hard to imagine a more important piece of journalism being written this year. – FM)

By Tommy Taylor

I’m going to start by saying that at no point in this note will I be exaggerating, bending the truth or lying in any way. I can also say I’ve never felt this angry, violated or betrayed.

Black Bloc left alone to create carnage and photo ops.

Black Bloc left alone to create carnage and photo ops.

Second, to those who are disgusted with the violence and vandalism — I agree. It was disgusting, but happened to property, by a small group. You can see the photos everywhere of the few individuals who did that. They were also allowed to by police, who parked the cars and left. Everywhere else there were organized riot police in the thousands. They left Yonge Street alone – why? Just read more than the headlines and photo ops — http://2010.mediacoop.ca/.

I’m not going to wig out in a conspiracy theory way, just read for yourself. The Black Bloc caused so much distraction and carnage. It happened to me and I still find it hard to believe, I don’t want to believe it. My country broke my heart.

So here is what happened.

PART ONE: Grandmas, Idiots and High School Reunions.

I was home during the day on Saturday June 26th until around 1:00pm when I went over to Allan Gardens Park (which is literally across the street from my apartment). Hey, if Mayor David Miller was encouraging people to get out and do things in the city, why not? There were a few tents left over from the Tent City, which slept there the night before. Various groups were getting signs still, ready to march over to the ‘Free Speech Zone” at Queen’s Park — far away from all things G20. I met a group of grandmothers who were marching on behalf of grandmothers in Third World countries who have adopted millions of children whose parents have died of AIDS. (To all those who are speaking out against the violence in the streets of Toronto and damning the protesters — where were your voices of outrage at this? Or do you only care when the irreplaceable Starbucks has its window smashed? g20-grandmothers-stephen-lewis

When it’s on your front doorstep you cry and give the rest of the world your apathy — why are you only upset now?)

I walk with the grannies and arrive in Queens Park. There are thousands of police in all kinds of riot gear, mounted police units (people chant of “Get those animals off those horses” made me laugh). There were students, seniors, media, everyone, thousands! And it was so peaceful and a tremendous sense of community. The riot squads were quite scary, but people were chanting “You’re pretty, you’re cute, take off the ugly riot suit!”, which also made me laugh, and many of the officers in the riot gear laughed too, one of them quipped “I wish, this thing’s hot.” Cool, this was fun. Good messages, free speech, the grannies along side the burly boys of the Steel Workers Union. Someone gave me a marker and bristol board. I made a sign “Apathy Will Kill You.” After a while of awesome speeches, interesting people and wasted money (1.2 Biliion…?) I give away my sign and head home to Jarvis & Gerrard. Like on the way there, cops are lined up everywhere, watching everything — no holes anywhere. Strange absence of cops at Yonge and Dundas Square . . . they were all over it earlier . . . .

At home I soon read about the violence happening along Yonge . . . what? Where are the cops? It’s guys in ALL black, easy to see. Why are they just running along with no one to stop them . . . there were cops there. Ok. Weird. These guys suck for doing this, because this is all anyone will see and read about. And now it’s justification for the gross amount of force and money spent. Then comes word about the police cars parked and abandoned, they even rolled down the windows before leaving. What? No radios or any equipment inside the cop cars? No police in sight? Arrest these idiots before they ruin any chance at — oh, too late. So then the media starts to assemble the evening news with the fiery money shots of Yonge St and the burning cars. Vandal assholes taking the bait and acting in a predictable destructive way. Idiots.

Watch an account by a photo journalist who followed them:

Argghh! But, hey, at least things were cool in the “Free Speech Zone”. My girlfriend Kate gets home with her co-worker Ben and their friend Simon at around 7pm. She asks if it’s ok to go out and see what’s going on. I said sure, the Free Speech Zone is awesome, there’s all kinds of causes, we can go take a look. So, off we go along College Street. There are people on sidewalks and taxis and cars, all very normal. We got to Bay and College when around 20 mini-vans full of riot cops honked their horns and went flying through the intersection — I had never seen anything like it, it was crazy. We arrived at University Ave to find it completely blocked off by riot cops in full gear. The “Free Speech Zone” was completely blocked in. The cops wouldn’t answer any questions, wouldn’t move, wouldn’t look at you. Nothing. Then rows of riot police form on College behind us, start banging their shields and march in, followed by a rows of mounted horse units. Then out of nowhere two young guys are pepper sprayed nearby, everyone runs, nothing is said by police, no announcements. People help the guys and pick them up, they don’t know what happened or why.

Up on the steps of a building I see a friend from high school, Derek. We head over, catch up — he came down to see what was happening, but was blocked off from Queen’s Park on all sides. Shortly after some homeless people threw on arm bands and had extending night sticks and tackled people standing around and dragged them behind the dense line of riot cops and dragged them away. Secret under-cover homeless police — oo la la. Still no messages from the police and no violence to be seen except from them. I remember on JackAss when Johnny tried being tasered and peppered sprayed and said the spray was the worst thing he’s ever had done to him and never again, poor dudes on the ground. Nothing happened. So, guess the day was over and police didn’t want the protest getting any bigger (is what we thought). Derek went back to Mississauga and we decided to head home and Simon went to a bar.


PART 2: A Blue Raspberry Slushie and the Lost Tactical Squads — A Saturday night in TO.

Now 9pm. Kate, Ben and I were thirsty and I remembered reading a story about the ice cream truck guy that parked at City Hall at Queen and Bay and how G20 was killing his business, and I like blue raspberry slushies. So down we went, he was up front with his feet on the dashboard. I was very thirsty at this point, so it was great. The streets seemed a little empty, but people were around, walking, going places to eat, taxis and cars driving around. Seemed like the oncoming rain and shut-out from the police killed the protests. We said “All people will talk about is the violence, too bad.” Then things changed around us. It was now just after 9pm, all the violence from earlier in the day was long over and the vandals who committed it, gone. Vans and buses of riot police and tactical teams were swarming. We couldn’t see any protesters, but the streets were filing with cops, cars tried backing away and had to jump the curb, people were getting confused, and no cops were saying anything.

We thought it best to head east and get home right now, who knew what was happening. The guys in green tactical gear were pretty scary and shouting to each other “We’re in the wrong place, go west! Go west!” They got in their vehicles of all kinds (from armored personnel carriers to Budget panel vans), big gas guns, crazy gear. Kate needed a bathroom desperately, nothing was open now and there were quite scary police squads everywhere — now very confusing as to what’s happening. We see two construction workers peeking their heads out of the door of a store. We run over and Kate talks her way into the bathroom. We talk to the guys, it’s confusing, but no signs of violence. The workers wish us well and head back inside.

We’re now at Bay St and King St, trying to head east. The sky opens up and the rain pours on down. Heavy. We see a group marching AWAY from the fence, away from G20, they get blocked in by police, but are then let go and told to move east — great, towards home! It’s a crowd of maybe 200 people, all kinds. Some flags and signs lead the group. The free speech zone was shut down, so I guess there was nowhere else to go. We live in Canada, so before you say that everyone should have gone home, no. Is that the country you want to live in? Where you can’t speak up? One day you’ll have to actually face an issue of injustice that will make you actually stand up and go outside and use your freedom, use your voice — and you’ll be glad you can. Imagine if you couldn’t? What country does that make you think of? So, with no instructions from the surrounding police I ask someone marching in the street and they seem to think it’s back to Allan Gardens Park, perfect! We live there!


PART 3: Tommy Taylor, You’re Under Arrest.

So the three of us follow, on the sidewalk, away from the central group. Occasional clapping on some great slogans chanted. There are regular people on the street watching, who live and work in the area. We get to Front St. continue south to the Esplanade and stop in front of the Novotel. Hrm? Apparently the workers are on strike at Novotel for unfair treatment and some delegates from G20 will be staying there. We are across the street on the sidewalk, in front of The Keg. The marchers sit down and chant “peaceful protest”. And it is. Everyone is calm; it’s actually pretty awesome to see. There are some awful things in this world and when our economic and political leaders gather in one place to decide the world’s solutions and futures (including the government of China), people are going to want to have their voices heard. That’s the Constitution, thankfully.

Then they start singing “Give Peace a Chance”, wow — it’s actually a cliche of a protest! It was a lot of fun, a great thing to witness live instead of stock footage form the 60’s and 70’s when people were changing the way sexuality, gender and ethnicity are treated in North America. Without public protests we would still have slavery and women couldn’t vote. Would you go back and tell those people to go home? No word from police yet, and why would there be? It’s 10:00 at night on Saturday on a small sub-street in Toronto with no traffic tonight. Everyone’s peaceful and out of the way, and only in a number of 200. It actually seemed like just a little whimper from the numbers I saw together earlier, but at least they had heart and spirit. We join in singing “Give Peace a Chance” — how could you not, it felt so great. Then, riot cops show up on the sides of the street. Uh-oh. They’re blocking it off, time to go.

We head towards them to leave; they say “Get Back”, no problem. We turn to leave the other way, more riot cops “Get Back”. Okay, we ask if we can please leave — no response. They haven’t said anything. There are journalists in here, a couple comes out of The Keg and tries to leave, they are told, “It’s too late.” Too late for what they ask, and are told nothing. We ask again (Kate has become quite distraught and upset) if we can please leave and are told, “You should have left when we told you.” Wait, what? When? Everyone is saying the same thing. Then the phone number for legal aid starts making the rounds, people write it on their arms and hands (I already had it on a post-it note). The guy from the Keg can’t believe it. The guy in the wheelchair on his way home is stunned. The confused guy with cerebral palsy is freaking out and scared. A few First Nations people around us say, “Well, this is familiar. Welcome to our club everyone.” A gay couple hugs, in tears. An older lady (the splitting image of Jane Goodall) asks what’s happening. The media with the huge cameras seem at a loss. The riot police have the full gear, shields, helmets, masks down, saying nothing. The leaders of the march ask for a negotiator to get people out of here. No response. They give official media a chance to leave that have badges, but no one else. Not even people who have obvious news camera and photo cameras. Steve Paikin from TVO managed to get out. We all chant, “Let us go!” They begin pulling people out of the sitting crowd and take them away. There was no resisting, they turned around and offered their hands. Then a riot cop with a classic cop mustache announces, “You’re all under arrest. You will all be charged and you cannot leave. ”

We can’t believe we’re about to be arrested. They won’t tell us why we are under arrest, which they legally have to. We were on the sidewalk the whole time. People from the condo above The Keg throw things down at the group. We throw nothing back and a few riot police laughed. The workers in The Keg are all at the window, confused, one of them starts crying and walks away. Everyone is trying to find out why we just can’t go home. Then the riot squads form a half circle around us, shield to shield. People angry, afraid. We were nowhere close to the fence; there was no violence — what was this? People singing a John Lennon song all arrested? Confusing. Upsetting. I want to get out of there with Kate and go home and I can’t. I hate the way this made me feel. I didn’t do anything. Nothing was happening here with these people, whom I was now a part of. Some sat down, many were on dying cell phones trying to call family and friends, some kids trying to call parents and asking to borrow phones, journalists calling their offices for help . . . scary.

The unmoving riot officers had arm badges saying they were from Calgary. Then all at once, they took some pill and took a sip from the tubes attached to their riot gear. It became clear they were a little confused, a supervisor was yelling at them they were in a wrong formation, some of them tripped over each other. I noticed the street was blocked off at both ends, no media anywhere at either end . . . denied access to see what was happening down here. Soon the street was full of buses and paddy wagons and riot cops outnumbered people 5 to 1. Many of the cops behind the semi-circle took off gear and lay down, sweaty on the sidewalk, obviously overworked. One by one, officers would come through the shrinking semi-circle line and take people roughly away. People would turn and offer their hands peacefully, waiting to go.

My new name!

My new name!

Next to us was a guy with a green mohawk, punky looking guy, two approaching arresting officers laughed and said “I want to get this guy right here”, they pushed through the other people, grabbed and spun him around and pushed him away roughly. He didn’t say anything or resist in any way. Jesus. Another male officer says to the gay couple “I’ll go find some lady officers to arrest you boys.” His patch says Toronto. Really? Surely, two female officers take one of them away. We can see people put into paddy wagons, or filling buses. I use Ben’s phone to call my parents, who were out. I call the legal aid number, no answer. I call my friend Chris Legacy (we were going to hang out on Sunday, now maybe not) he is out. I tell his mom, Linda what is happening, she is worried and hopes we’re okay and wants us to call when we can. They push through the crowd and pick out Ben

My evidence bag.

My evidence bag.

(who is in a bright yellow shirt, his work uniform shirt, he’s Brazilian with long black hair and a beard). Kate and I kiss, then they take Kate away and there is not a thing I can do except watch them handcuff her and make her walk away backwards. I hated the feeling I had at the moment, I never felt it before and I hated I was being forced to feel it.

I turned and offered my hands, I was handcuffed and made to walk backwards across the street to officers in front of the Novotel. I’m handed over, searched, asked my name — all very peaceful. My arresting officer, Toronto Constable Caesar, asked me if I understood I was being arrested — I said I understood, but I didn’t know why. He paused. “You’re being charged with — ” He stops, talks with someone else, moves me, and says “Mischief”. Another officer comes over with a form and a clipboard, Caesar says “Finally got a clipboard huh?” The officer replies “Yeah, this thing is fucked up.”

Our wristbands.

Our wristbands.

My official arrest time is 12:48am. But they’ve held me since 10:30pm. They search me, take my house keys and a post it note from my pocket (that’s all I had). I give the answers to the form questions and am put in metal handcuffs (hands in front now), Caesar says they need my shoe laces, so sits me down on the curb and takes them off and bags them. He helps me up; I can see Kate with other officers, random people all over, forms being filled out, and handcuffs going on. I see officers in bucket hats, and ask, “Who are those guys with the Gilligan hats?” I’m told those are officers from Saskatoon, an officer then jokes, “Yeah, those hats are gay.” Another adds, “Well most of them are faggots anyway. Except the dykes.” They laugh. Real police solidarity there. Cops everywhere are chugging bottles of Gatorade and water and throwing the bottles to the ground. We all had stickers with numbers stuck on us and pink wristbands with the same number. I was #0106. No one has read me my rights. I hoped I would end up in a wagon with Kate.

Here are two videos from some people who were in the condo. Listen to the Rocket Scientist who yells, “You guys are dumb!” then breaks into a Beavis and Butthead laugh. No media was allowed to see what was happening to us, so, here’s what it looked like:

PART 4: Taken on a Ride.

So, handcuffed and waiting around I see cops on the sidewalk lying on their shields, gulping Gatorade. Kate is put into a paddy wagon. I’m brought over to a different one and put in after a young guy. The back of the wagon has two seating areas, divided by a steel wall. There are no lights; the back wall is angled so you have to hunch over. I introduce myself to my fellow prisoner, he does the same. His story is much like mine. 45 minutes later we now have 6 guys on the bench. The last one in is a photojournalist, the officers toss in his evidence bag (with big fancy camera and case). “That’s my camera!” he yells, they laugh and slam the door. The police’s attitude is very relaxed, casual, many smiling and laughing. I overheard many talking about the confusion they

faced in the arrest_van

day and right now. The other guys tell me they never had their rights read either and were all told different reasons for the arrest, “Disturbing the Peace”, “Obstructing Justice”, and so on. No one clear reason we were all there. I can only make out their silhouettes when they lean forward, no lights.

We can hear the guys on the other side of the truck. One of my 6 guys shouts “Tim?!”, “Yeah?” we hear back. Turns out they went to elementary school together in rural Ontario way back when. The ages of the guys in the truck range from 15-47. The only light that comes in is from tiny circles in the metal doors, the glass is dirty, so we can’t make out too much. We drive for 1 minute and stop. They turn off the truck and leave. The truck behind us backs over and stays put, still on. Our truck now begins to smell of fumes . . . I don’t think this was on purpose, as the drivers seemed confused about where to go, we could make out there were many discussions happening between all kinds of officers outside. But diesel fume headaches started in. After another 10 minutes we drove to a large prisoner transfer bus.

Our bus looked a lot like this.

Our bus looked a lot like this.

One by one we were let out of the small truck and led aboard the bus. The first portion of the bus had sectioned off pairs of seats with plastic and metal cages with their own doors. Inside were female prisoners, two by two. I saw Kate sitting with another young girl. She didn’t see me, she looked so sad. The back section was all open seating. They told us it was two to a seat and move to the back. We filled up all the seats and were left with one extra guy. They yelled at him “Sit down now!”, he told them there were no more seats, they yelled “GET IN A SEAT NOW!” So he sat on the floor. Some girls were asking about a bathroom, as we’ve been in police custody for almost 4 hours now. No reply. “Where are we going?” No reply. “Will we get a phone call?” No reply. Some of the guys had no shoes, some had no laces and some still had their shoes fully intact. The mix on the bus was great. All ethnicities, ages and genders. Protesters, pedestrians, media, the homeless, tourists — but mostly everyone in there was from Toronto. So, with about 12 girls up front and about 20 guys in the back, all in handcuffs, off we went. I tried calling to Kate, but she couldn’t hear me. No one had any phones, cameras, no way to record anything from here on out.

Everyone couldn’t believe what was happening to us. We all talked about our rights, what phone number to call, where we might be headed. The general thought was the new detention centre they built inside the Toronto Movie Studios at Pape and Eastern. And sure enough, as the bus left the St. Lawrence Market area, we headed east. There was a sense of outrage on the bus, but when we got our phone call and legal counsel, this would be exposed for the farce it was. A girl started getting really wild and screaming — it was a bit much, a few guys laughed, and I heard a “Shut-up” — it was unmistakably Kate, she wasn’t into the girl next to her losing her mind just yet. I called out “I love you!”, another guy jokes “Will you be my prison wife?”

We arrived outside of the wet and dark Toronto Film Studio, with its large gates and armored guards and dozens of police cars and fenced off areas. It was creepy. The buildings were huge and grey with red signs with white numbers on them. It was something from a George Orwell novel. Large spotlight pointing down from posts, in the rain. Our bus was stopped in front of a large garage door to one of the hanger-sized buildings. The door rolls open a light pours out from it. We drive inside.

PART 5: Behind the Grey Door.


As we go in there are rows of cages on left hand side. About 12′x20′ and around 10′ high. They were cages. Chain cages full of people. From what I could see they were all young people in these cages, maybe the young offenders. I have never seen anything like this, only in holocaust films, sci-fi films or pictures of Guantanamo Bay (and no, am I not comparing this to those events, I’m just sharing what came to mind and the only things I can reference it to).

There are skids of bottled water and Gatorade the police are drinking from. The men on the bus are talking about how the police cars were abandoned and no police officers stopped the infamous Black Bloc — learn more about that here.

We all agreed that we were the hundreds of protesters left at the end of the day; long after the violence was done that afternoon. But hey, how do you justify to the people of Canada that we spent 1.2 billion dollars? You arrest all the protesters. We thought we might be held for 24 hours so that the streets would be cleared from people demonstrating their right to free speech. I mean, they closed down the “Free Speech Zone” in a public space, so . . . why were we there? Finally an officer comes on the bus and states “Come forward and give your number”. So one by one we go. Outside we are handed off to a Court Services officer, all with “Special Constable” patches. Some have removed their nametags, others have them still on. Some are Barrie Court Services, some Toronto. I’m given to a shorter female constable who removed my metal cuffs and put me in the plastic binds — she had trouble getting them tight enough. “My gloves are too sweaty” she says, a male officer grabs the tie and pulls them — tight. My wrists are already raw from the cuffs; I say they are too tight. “You’ll live” I’m told. Oh.

She asks where I’m supposed to go, no one really knew. Everyone there seemed a little overworked and confused. Someone told her to make sure I read ‘the sign’. She takes me towards an ominous black corridor — it was this pocket of darkness in this hanger that led to another section. Kate had already disappeared inside it. She stops in front of a sign, which states that all video and audio would be recorded in the cells and could be used as evidence, etc etc. She asked if I understood and I said I did. I was actually happy to read that, in case anything in violation of the law happened to me inside. We walked into the darkness . . .

PART 6: Welcome to Cell Block OL 6 in Detention Level 2 Prisoner #0106, or
Come for the cup of water, stay for the condom-ball.

Inside the former movie studio, I almost can’t believe it. I’ve never seen this outside of movies. It is almost unreal. There are no windows to be had. The cavernous ceiling is 200 ft high, I can barely see it. It makes the warehouse from the end of indiana-jonesRaiders of the Lost Ark look small. Hanging down to about 15 ft off the ground are rows of intense florescent lights. Dozens of rows as far as I can see in either direction. Over each cell is a small black pod container, a camera. It appears to be a maze made of industrial shelving, construction office trailers, wooden decks and walkways and cages. The cages are roughly 12′ by 20′ and around 10′ high. There is sheet metal on 3 sides; the front side has a sliding door section that locks. Inside each cage is a porto-potty with the door removed, no toilet paper. It reaches close to the ceiling and is about 4′x4′ around. Those potties — bright orange, with an elaborate art deco style molding. A 1.2 billion dollar porto-potty to be sure. I pass rows of the cages with people bleeding, crying slumped on the concrete floor. Huddled, asking to call family, asking for water, asking what the charge is, wanting to know their rights. All the officers were ignoring them and laughing. Laughing at people. I have never seen anything like this.


My officer was asking where to take me — no officers knew. One officer tells her “Who knows? This place just got fucked up. Good luck.” She sighs. Finally it’s decided and I’m taken down a row of cages, I see Kate in a cage with about 30 girls, huddled, still wet and in this place (which I just notice is freezing). She smiles — “I love you!” I call to her, I hear “I love you too!” as I’m brought around the corner. I see the girls have no door on their potty, with mostly male officers around them walking by, looking in. We’re near the wall and I see a cage full of about 35 men. “Cell Block OL 6″ says a white sign on the cage door. In I go. I recognize some of the guys from the bus and paddy wagon. Hello agains are said. We are still handcuffed with the vinyl ties; I now have a cut on my wrist. I see the guy with the green mohawkish cut — he looks troubled.

Like this, but little bigger with one bench and huge outhouse.

Like this, but little bigger with one bench and huge outhouse.

Soon enough, a few more guys are brought. There are no 40 men in the cell. The young, short male officer with spiky orange hair and a shirt labeled Toronto Police jokes to us “What do they think this is, Auschwitz?” This is what he said. 40 witnesses, and the video/audio equipment was right above us. They have since stated this footage would be made public. Amazing, I can’t wait. There is one steel bench in the cell that seats five. There is standing room only. The floor is cold concrete, dirty and covered in chipped splotches of bright green paint — from when the movie studio would use green screen. Anyone who sat was covered in a bright green dust.

It was now around 2:00am. I’ve been held since 10:30pm, not read my rights, not explained anything, not yet charged,no phone call. And in an overcrowded cell with no access to water. Every guy had to pee; there was a line around the inside of the cell to piss. Trying to pee with your hand cuffed together was horrible . . . but we all managed . . . the outhouse was messy. No toilet paper. So, here we all were. Ages from 16-78. Three German men asked why the guard made a joke about Auschwitz. They were here from Germany, left a bar, got arrested. They said they had no idea Canada was like this; they said the world thought we were free. They said “Poor Canadians, this is shame.”

The camera -- I hope you're getting all this up there.

The camera — I hope you’re getting all this up there.

The stories from the men in the cell were all very similar. Some were protesters in the Novotel March, one man was having dinner at the Keg with his girlfriend (who was also arrested), there were two journalists, a homeless old man with a big grey bird and long hair with scruffy clothes — he was almost in tears and confused, he said they grabbed him walking on Carlton. He then asked us “What’s a G20?” Sick. The 16 year old kid hasn’t been able to call his parents and now he’s locked up with 39 men. The cage houses all kinds. There’s a young gay couple curled up together. Some men have no shoes, some no laces and some still have both. Wet socks and feet and clothes in this freezing, unending hanger. And now we’re thirsty.

Stories are exchanged, we all discuss what to say to our lawyers or legal aid when we call. One guy explains how he was working at a music store up at Ossington, left work, saw his buddy across the street gave him the rock and roll horns with his hand, then a cop saw him and said ‘Don’t give the cops the finger!” while running at him and then tackling him. He was bleeding and his clothes ripped. He was shocked. Still thirsty. We ask why we’re in here. “Because you committed a crime,” quips a Barrie Court Services officer — a tall, bald man with one hell of mean streak. It looked ugly. Some officers were laughing and joking at us. I was feeling the crowded cell growing tense and angry. One black, shorter male Toronto Officer came over as we began pleading for an explanation, for water and for some of us to be moved into another cell. He came over and said, “This is wrong. Guys, I’m sorry, this is fucked up. But there’s nothing I can do. This place is just chaos. I’m sorry.” he leaves. Very thirsty.

In police custody for 6 hours now, no water, no anything. We start to get worried. We are still very polite to the guards, “Please, we need water. Please help us. Please help this 16-year-old kid. Please split us up, we can’t even all sit in here.” We look at the camera and beg for help. We can hear people in the other cells yelling and begging for water. We hear a girl “Please! I need my medication! HELP ME!”. I yell “Help that girl, what the hell is going on here!” Other cages begin to yell. I find out later this girl was in my girlfriend’s cell and was way past her medication time. The male officers were laughing in at her and tapping their keys along the bars leering at the girls in wet clothes. Finally two female officers took the girl away. They also had a 17-year-old girl in her cage as well. Still thirsty.

7 hours into custody, the people break. A shout for water breaks into a little riot, all cells yelling water, shaking the cages, and kicking at the doors. People with cracked lips and cracking voices — I’ve been awake for 22 hours now. Luckily a guy in our cell kept a watch. The place is going insane, we are told by guards “We’re working on it!”, some are apologizing, some are obviously lost and confused, others are laughing.

Finally water reaches our cell. They have a blue jug on an office chair, rolling it around with one officer pushing, one with a key, and one holding styrofoam dixie cups. We are told to line up. Many of the men say “Thank-you”. I had to beg for water. BEG FOR WATER. For 9 hours. I hated being made to feel grateful for this tiny sip of water. Many gulped their cup down, some took it slow. “So shut-up now,” said the officer. Well, guess who was starting to get hungry after 8 hours in custody?

An older First Nations man produces a condom and blows it up into a balloon. We all laugh — the water did us good. In fact we all got along really well, making the best of things we could. Quiet guys, big loud guys, punks, well dressed men, journalists, people who were at work, protesters, homeless, gay guys. We all got along, totally united. So, with this condom balloon, we started bouncing it around, like volleyball. We then called it Condom-Ball. The rules were to bounce it with your elbows or legs, and try and catch the tip in your empty dixie cup (as they were tied together, like a volleyball bump already — too easy). Some guys got really into it, some were laughing, some thought it was gross, but funny. We joked about starting a condom-ball league. We’d rent the cages and have teams of 40 guys in each one. I’m looking forward the security footage from our cell — look at these crazy violent protesters . . . . playing games. So, some dude popped the condom with his cuffs, we all jokingly booed him and someone said “Now you’ll have to pay child support, never break the rubber!” Then the First Nations guy pulled out another condom. We cheered. They guy who broke the last one volunteered for blow-up duty. Someone said “When we get out I’m gonna say being in a cell with 40 guys sucked, until we found a condom.” We all laughed our asses off. Soon people tired of the game, as we were wet, crowded and hungry and still didn’t know anything.

PART 7: Awake for 25 Hours, Imprisoned for 10 of them.

It was a weird feeling being locked in a cage like animals. Told by my captors that it was wrong (but also laughed at by others), begging for food and water. Then, down the hall across from my cell I saw this: the bald Barrie officer was dragging in a kid with mild cerebral palsy (I saw him with a friend while they were arrested, he was so scared). He pushed and then they said something to him, his clothes were torn and his eyes red from crying. I guess they wanted his shoes, because he poultry-farmstruggled to lift his leg (his pants were falling down) when the officer slammed his leg down. “Never mind. Stop being stupid.” He laughed at the kid, as did the other officer. Away they went. Heard a door slam.

The guy who took his girlfriend to the Keg tells us how he told her it would be safe out “The violence was long over, and even the Mayor had said to go and enjoy Toronto.” He called out for his girl, “Trudy!?!”, we hear a “Yeah!? Is that you Sean?” he looks happy and yells “Yeah Baby!” she yells back “It’s over!!!” we all start laughing. Later I find out from Kate that Trudy was in her cell and also yelled, “Just joking!” but he didn’t hear because we were all laughing. The laughs were hard to come by. I was still sick that I begged for water and had been here for 11 hours and I hadn’t done a thing. And that I watched helpless as they roughed up a kid with CP. This was like some sick, twisted social experiment. All handcuffed, we ask “What if we have to shit? No toilet paper!” 45 minutes later they push a few sheets through the fence. “We’re bound, we can’t even wipe!” The male officer says “Figure it out boys”. Laughs. We make a pact that none of us will shit. I find out from Kate that the girls had to make a human wall when using the bathroom and help wipe each other. They also had to beg for toilet paper. Apparently they didn’t think girls needed much for the bathroom. So women asked for tampons or pads, the male guards laughed and said, “That explains your attitudes.”

 Haha, cerebral palsy is hilarious. BEG FOR WATER!

Haha, cerebral palsy is hilarious. BEG FOR WATER!

It was 6am, we couldn’t lie down or even all sit. We tried rotating on the steel bench. It was freezing. The Germans missed their flight. Another guy visiting his girlfriend from Manitoba misses his bus. Trudy’s boyfriend tells us she was to be on a bus up north to camp where she would be a counselor to children with disabilities. Good thing those kids are now safe from her, I mean, the woman had dinner at The Keg! Oh no! We hear that one cell contains a lawyer who has stated all our rights had been violated. Another holds a TTC Streetcar Driver in full uniform whose streetcar was caught in a blocked off zone, he left his vehicle and was arrested. What?

People are hungry. We plead to the passing guards for food or an explanation, or to tell us what’s happening — even to split us up so we can lie on the cold concrete. They say we will be processed, interviewed, charged and released in about maybe 3 hours — we can also make a call then to legal aid. And food? “We’re working on it.” We ask the guards how they could be a part of this. Some look guilty as hell, some laugh. We get the attention of Toronto Special Constable White, a short balding man with glasses. He comes to us; we all desperately and calmly explain what’s happening to us. White listens, apologizes, admits that it’s wrong and says, “I’m just a pea in a pod. I can’t help.” So, the old “I’m just following orders”, which followers of human right violators have used for ages. Wrong is wrong, whether it’s your paycheck or not. But hey, this is the G20, blood money for all!

White leaves us, apologizing and saying he’s going to try and help. 10 hours, a sip of water, no food, nothing. The gay couple has curled up on each other trying to sleep and keep warm. The man next me says, “I’m jealous.” I say “Me too.” he says, “I’m starting to look for the cutest guy in here.” I say, “Well, when in prison . . .” We chuckle, but it’s an empty chuckle.

PART 8: “Food” for the disillusioned.

You know what smells? 40 guys who haven’t showered in 30 hours with an open door outhouse and wet socks. I wonder what happened to Ben? Tension is mounting in the cell, some guys are getting wild-eyed. Some are starting to freak out. We’ve been in the cage for 10 hours, crammed together. Finally food arrives in the form of a plastic wrapped dinner roll with a slice of processed cheese in it, and slathered in butter. Everyone digs into their food, devouring them. It’s around 8:30am. One guys asks “Why is there so much butter?”, the officer replies “It’s not butter, it’s margarine.” processed-cheeseHe jokes back “I can’t believe it’s not butter!” Some us laugh, some are too into the sandwich to notice anything else.

I suggest we write a message in the chain ceiling with our dixie cups for the people watching on the camera. We all decide “HELP” is the best option — maybe they’ll do something and at least split us up. A quiet young guy in glasses puts it up. Nicely done. I find out that Kate’s cell (Cell Block OL 5) made a peace symbol and that Ben’s cell block (OL 2) made a chandelier from some danger tape they pulled inside, the cups, and the ends of the plastic handcuffs they chewed off. Fancy. I hope the officers on the other sides of the cameras saw the dangerous people they had. Then two officers arrive and take away the green mohawk guy. We ask about the rest of us and we’re told “Soon.” That’s all. We ask about our rights and Toronto Court Services Special Constable # 99257 says, “We can hold you for as long as it takes to process you.” I ask him “Is that the law? What if it takes four years to process, you can hold us?” He says, “Yes.” I tell him he’s lying. I demand to know his name (his name tag was off) and says “Your fault if you believe me”, looks nervous and quickly leaves. Never gave a name. We were told many times about being processed and we’d reach what they called “the Otherside”. What was there? I don’t know. They said that we’d have to wait again there anyways. What was this Otherside? Someone suggested we’d be turned into cheese slices. I said I would make terrible Soylent Green. A few guys laughed emptily.

PART 9: No Help for a Broken Heart.

We are thirsty again; it’s been 15 hours in police custody. Still 39 guys overcrowded. Getting very scary. Awake for around 30 hours. Had one sip of water and cheese shit-bun. The 16 year old hasn’t been able to call his parents. We yell for someone to help us, to help this 16 year old kid — for someone to do anything, to please help us. We get the attention of black female Toronto Special Constable Ottey, with short hair and glasses. We tell her about the 16 year old, she writes down his information and says she’ll do something about it. I see her several times in the next few hours, ignoring us as we ask for an update. Poor kid. His poor parents. We see officer White a few more times, he always apologizes. They say they are looking for people they suspect of bigger crimes first — an officer comes by and yells “Islam! Is there an Islam in here?” Nope, no one by that name here.

We start losing it a little bit. Saying to every officer, “You know this is wrong, look at us in here!” We hear from the other cells that some only have 20 or 15 guys. Why is this happening? How is this happening? Some guys start screaming, kicking the cage, and shaking it. We can hear this happening all over the place. We yell for help, some cops are laughing, some look devastated and helpless. I’m so thirsty and I’m screaming for water. It felt like nothing I’ve ever felt before. A prisoner. Innocent. Screaming at my captors for water. Right then my heart broke.

I looked around at the screaming men, the scared kid, the huddled couple, the disgusted Germans, the confused old man, the First Nations man who didn’t seem surprised at all, the guards laughing, the others dismayed. Thought about the g20-tommy-taylor-freedom-tshirt

peaceful things I saw at the park, the grandmothers with AIDS orphans, Kate taken away in handcuffs, the kid with CP roughed up, begging for water, and my heart simply broke. That’s the only way I can describe it. My beloved country, my city. I looked down at my t-shirt — bright blue with a big white maple leaf and in bold, caps letters below: FREEDOM. I kid you not. I was proud to wear that shirt earlier that day. Now it stung. I was so helpless and empty. For those of you who may not think this sounds like much, or is justified, you weren’t there. People from all walks of life were breaking in that place, including police officers. One guy lost it and went into “Fucking pigs! Fucking giving us swine flu! Fuck you!” I always thought people who said things like this don’t appreciate that the police have a hard job and deal with so much crap. But right then, I got this guy and those people. People who have been victims of the police. Are all bad? No. But they give into their own kind of mob mentality. I saw the blood lust in those Riot Cops’ eyes and the disregard from some of these guards. One man yelled “We are people! We pay your salary through taxes!” The officer yelled, “You don’t paying any fucking taxes, look at you!” The university educated, employed man in awe asked “What the hell do you mean?” He walks away laughing.

We yell and scream, beg and cry out. Eventually officers arrive and say “You’ve been in here too long. Sorry, we’ll move some of you,” and take six guys, then another six. I went with the second six.

PART 10: Meet the New Rat Cage, Just Like the Old Rat Cage.

I’m led down to Cell Block OL 2. Across from us are large sections of industrial shelves and we can see into a deck area where 4 trailers meet, they each have a door. The door I can see says “Booking Room 10″ with a red light above it. Cops lean on the railing, laughing, and dancing when people chant slogans from their cells. They think it’s hilarious. Coming on 15 hours in custody. There are already around 15 men in this cell. They tell us some guys got removed a while ago. There are many similar stories in here, and another journalist. There is one guy in an English soccer jersey that tells me he was at a bar, stepped out for a smoke and was arrested. He was a huge soccer fan and was about to miss the big Germany/England match. The 16 year old was now in this cell. Around 10am there was a shift change in officers and we began begging for water again, maybe these guards would help us. I notice the evidence shelves under label OL 6, there are 5 bags — but there were 40 guys in that cell . . . where’s all our stuff?

My mouth was pasty and dry. Some guys mouths were cracked. We were once again ignored and told to wait. More promises of the Otherside. Some try to sleep on the concrete and share the single metal bench. Officers wander the hallways aimlessly, some calling out names, asking each other what happened to certain prisoners — confused. Several officers repeatedly pass our cell asking for the same names and numbers. Why don’t they know where they put anyone? There were hundreds of officers in this place. Why so slow to process? What was the charge? Where is our phone call? I beg for more water. I’m getting dizzy and have been up for 31 hours. The lights never dimmed, no blankets. The majority of everyone I’ve met so far lives in Toronto.

Another cheese sandwich arrives. My mouth was so dry I had trouble swallowing. Some guys used theirs as pillows. One man asks a guard if he has any kids, the guard says he does and so what? The man says that his two kids have no idea where he is and were expecting him two hours ago. The guard writes some info down and says he’ll see what he can do. I’m seeing some spots and getting woozy.

PART 11: Lights Out, Tommy Taylor.

The next thing I know, I’m outside the cell, surrounded by a few guards. An older female guard with short dark hair and glasses is offering me a cup of watered down Tang and instructing my binds be cut. I’m given a second cup of juice and new, looser cuffs. They ask if I’m ok, I’m so confused about why I’m outside the cell and ask “What’s going on?” They ask if I’m alright, and I say “I guess so” then they open the cage and put me back. The guys make room on the bench and sit me down. Asking if I’m ok. “What happened?” I ask with a now splitting headache. “You passed out man!” they tell me. Timber. Over I went, boom to the ground. They yelled to the guards for help, the officers wouldn’t come in to get me so the guys had to pick me up and take me to the door. I was then up on my feet and being given juice . . . so the blanks were now filled in.

I passed out. After begging for water. I passed out and fell over in jail. What was happening to me? No sleep, no water. The men went nuts. “Is this what it takes, a guy passing out! Christ!! What’s wrong with you monsters!” My head kills, they ask for medical attention for me, I second the motion and we’re told “Not right now”. Guys slump to the floor in defeat. The female officer who helped me aids in bringing some watery orange Tang to all the cells. We line up, quietly and broken, for our drink. I find out from Kate that this same female officer broke down and cried with the women at their cell. She was sobbing and apologizing, “This is wrong, you shouldn’t be here. This is all so wrong.” Their own officers couldn’t handle it, she was worn down by the injustices she was being ordered to do. This happened in Toronto.

Across from our cell Special Constable C. Smit, a short white female officer with blonde/brown hair, stands guard. We nicely talk with her through the cage. “Please tell us how you can do this? We are begging for water in here. This guy is only 16 and this guy passed out. Your co-workers laugh. They are joking to us about our rights and laughing at a disabled kid. You know this is wrong, what’s happening?” After too much of this, with tears in her eyes she breaks. “I don’t know anything, no one here knows anything! I’m not even a cop . . .” She then leaves in a hurry. Madness.

PART 12: Live from Cell Block OL 1, it’s Test Their Logik!

So, from out of the blue, in the cage next to ours, a rap starts. About the G8/G20. It’s awesome, and holy hell. It’s the rap from a video I watched about a rap duo appearing at the party supposed to happen Saturday night. And holy hell, those rappers, Test Their Logik are in jail. And now they are singing live in prison. Every cage joining in the chorus “G8, G20, they few, we many!” They do the whole song, the place gets pumped and they finish with everyone singing. Then when it’s over we all clap, yell, cheer and rattle our cages. It was so awesome; it reminded me of when the prisoners hear the opera song in Shawshank Redemption. Brilliant moment for all of us in detention hell. The song is “Crash the Meeting”, see it here:

PART 13: See you in the Parking Lot, Special Constable Milrod.

The “fuck the pigs” guy is loosing his damn mind. A young guy on the new officer shift, with reddish hair and a goatee seems ready for a fight. He says to the guys in our cell “I want to see all you guys outside in the parking lot, then we’ll see what’s what. I’ll take you down.” Wow. He walks away laughing. I inform an actual Toronto Police Officer of what he said and his name. Next we saw Milrod, his nametag was gone and he didn’t look at us or speak to us. It’s on camera Milrod, with 30 witnesses.

The cops are still searching for random names. They claim processing is taking long. One officer says, “We had to arrest 1,000 people, so wait.” We theorize that we’ll be held until just before the legal 24 hours they can hold without charging, which coincides with the end of the G20 Summit. Spirits are broken, guys lying all around. Two are removed for processing and they tell us they are clearing our cell next. Finally. It’s almost 3pm we’re told, when we ask for the time.

The only evidence I can see that it’s the day is a tiny hole 200 feet up with light on the outside. I wonder if anyone knows what happened down at the Novotel or what’s happening in here? We’ve only seen officers — no lawyers, medics or media (other than the ones in cages). It’s getting close to 24 hours in custody. I haven’t slept in 40 hours and new prisoners are being brought in. We’re told they are trying to process the women first, as they are out of room for female prisoners. I find a silver lining in that, hoping Kate might have gone home.

PART 14: Time to rush and time for rain.

So, they tell us they’ve doubled the staff and will be moving quickly. Some guys have pulled their hands out of the plastic cuffs. Some are too tight. Some guys are still in metal cuffs. 22 hours in cuffs. Bloody wrists. My head is in hell, my elbow hurts, and my wrists kill. I pull my one hand finally out. Finally I can stretch my arms, after 22 horrid hours. Rub my wrists, but it stings. I guess I always saw people rub their wrists in movies after removing handcuffs — that’s bull, it hurts too much. The guards don’t care that we’re doing this. Why were we all in handcuffs if we were already locked up?

So, bags of evidence are rushed around as officers call out names, holding photographs of some guys, looking around. They mostly just call numbers. My wrist tag is pretty worn out by now, but I remember my number, 0106. The crazy “fuck the police” guy has exactly 12 stickers on his body with his name. Looks like the police had fun with him. I hear them say “Santos!” That’s Ben’s last name! A few minutes later I see Ben taken down a hallway with his evidence bag. Awesome I think. See you soon buddy!

We’re told we’re being taken straight outside. No processing, no interview, no phone calls. We’re leaving. The officer who was there when we first arrived and made the Auschwitz joke comes back in for his next day of work, sees us and says, “Holy shit, you guys are still here? What the fuck is going on here?” and walks away. A few more guys are taken from our cell, we’re all calling each other brother now, pounding our handcuffed fists and reminding each other of how we’ll stay in touch and to tell everyone what’s happening in here. Then there is a loud steady booming. A rainstorm. The sound fills the entire chasm. Sounds like heavy rain. They finally take the 16-year-old kid.

As time passes I think about what to do when I’m out. Then I hear my name. I almost can’t believe it. 23 hours. Was it over? I answered questions about my date of birth and address. They opened the door and led me away. Around the corner, back through another area to the fabled Otherside.

PART 15: Break on Through to the Otherside.

So, just after the G20 was officially over, just before the legal 24 hours they could hold me, I was being rushed out. Convenient. They found a way to keep 500 legal protesters from their Constitutional rights. In this country. Canada. My shirt feels dirty. When I make it to the Otherside I see signs that let me know I was a Level 2 Detainee and I was heading into Levels 3 & 4.

Inside this hanger, more cages and metal detectors. The L3 area housed small groups of men and women, looking battered, some bleeding. They all made peace signs and told me to tell everyone about them. Down another hall, rows of single person cells. These look like leaders, organizers, many bloody. I see the green mohawk guy. He says “Adios”. I’m then put into another cage with some former cellmates. They tell me not to worry; they are taking us out one by one from here. There is a younger black guy with an awesome baseball cap; an officer asks, “How’d you get to keep that hat?” “Because I look good in it.” he replies smoothly. We all laugh, including the officers. I’m taken out, cuffs cut off and put against a wall to have my photo taken again.

Against the wall I’m told that I was arrested for “breach of peace”, I will not be charged, but if I am arrested for this or a similar crime again, I will be charged and appear in court. Do not join any more protests and assemblies during the G20. “Do you understand these terms?” I said I did. He then said “And the bad news is it’s raining cats and dogs out there. Take him out.” Then, I try to take my jacket from my evidence bag, but am told to head out, don’t stop.

I’m out in the pouring rain, it’s around 9:30pm, still a little light. I’m told to cross the parking lot. There are large gates with a turnstile to the side. GO through the turnstile riot cops tell me. Out I go. A crowd across the street under tarps and umbrellas cheers for me. I see a basket of apples, I eat 4 and gulp a glass of water. Pats on the back. My mind is ablaze, I can’t focus. I don’t see Ben or Kate.

PART 16: Scream.

The detention centre was at Eastern Ave. and Pape. I have no money, no wallet, no phone. My head is aching, my wrists raw, body sore and awake for 43 hours. I walk up Pape to Queen. I have a long walk home to Jarvis/Gerrard. My keys and shoelaces are in a bag. Some people didn’t get their shoes back. Standing in the rain. No shoes. The angry is whelming up inside, my brain is exploding, tears are filling my eyes and I scream and punch the construction wall next to me. How did this happen? Where are my friends? What did I do? Who was in charge in there? I’m crushed, lost and might as have been hit like by a truck.

I make my way finally to a pay phone by a bar. It’s raining and dark. I make a collect call home, Kate answers. She was out around 4pm and told nothing about myself. I have trouble speaking when she asks if I’m okay. I can barely keep it together. I tell her I’m fine. I’m not. She asks if they beat me — I don’t know. I’m standing soaking wet in the rain on a collect call on a payphone with cars whizzing by. It took everything not to fall to my knees. She says take a cab, she’s called my parents and the Legacy’s are worried. Come home. She hasn’t heard from Ben. He’s not answering his phone. I finally hail a cab and fall into it.

PART 17: Homecoming.

I arrive home at 11:00pm. Kate’s waiting outside. We hug and kiss. I’m starving, soaked, thirsty and sore. We go inside, I call my family and my friend Chris. I can’t talk long, I just tell them I’m home and safe. Ben’s mom hasn’t heard from him, he’s not answering his phone. We finally hear from him at 1:00am. They detained him and accused him of being Black Bloc. He was still in a bright yellow shirt from work. Horrible things happened to him and Kate. I peel off my soaking wet Canada Freedom t-shirt. I throw it on the ground and get a lighter. I want to burn it. I don’t. I drink juice, we eat. We’re so sad. Our lives have changed. I was shivering and couldn’t form sentences. A shower. I couldn’t sleep. I had 38 emails. Where are you? My production team for the show I’m directing at SummerWorks wonder where I am, we have things to do. I send brief messages, make a note on facebook. I also notice how many people are raging about the protesters on facebook. Of course, the news is all about burning cop cars and broken windows. Things went exactly as I said when I saw those photos the previous afternoon. Jesus, it worked. Everyone got spoon fed a justification for the 1.2 Billion spent.


That’s all true. Think about it. Is this Canada? Do you think this is right? You don’t want to live in a country where this happens. It’s changed my whole outlook and attitude on life. My responsibility to every human being in this world. Plato said, “The Price of Apathy towards public affairs is to be Ruled by Evil Men.” I used that as a tagline for a play I co-wrote and directed in the 2006 Toronto Fringe, called Lifeboat. Back then I felt pretty good that I explored these issues in my theatre work. Now I know it has to be a part of my life. The World needs you. Educate yourself. Your comfort is shame; your looking away kills people. You’re not small. You’re not helpless. You can do something. You have a voice, don’t let them silence you before you even try to speak.

This guy, Dan, was in my cell, he’s gay and was segregated by homophobic police:

Think this is bullshit? Fine, stick with the mainstream media, but look what they say:

Read what happened to others in The Toronto Star.

Read what happened to National Post photographers.

The truth is tough from the violence:

Or is it like this?

Watch an account from a prisoner, jump to 2:20 minutes:

Read all the news you and be your own judge:


G20 Arrests: "Sue the Bastards!" — Sinn Fein Veteran.

July 22, 2010


There is a them and us: ‘them’ who want to cage and ‘us’ who want to stay free.
" The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."  John Philpot Curran

by "Irish Dan"
There was an overwhelming response to my article, "G20 Arrests: A "Dry Run."  The Article has been re-posted on dozens of other sites, Left, Center, Right Wing, Liberal, Christian etc, It has also appeared in many languages and Google had over 2500 links. It certainly hit a nerve!
What was achieved? So far not much! If there is a coherent response, there will be a pull back. If not, it is a green light for yet another turn of the screw! The fight back starts here! They are now watching your reaction! What will you do?
Evil prospers when good men do nothing!    –John Philpot Curran
1 )  Getting a message out to the world is the great strength of the net : the fragmented isolated responses are one of  the weakness in getting a response back. We are not alone; we are just too scattered and uncoordinated! This must end. When you comment on your own sites please copy and send back no more than one hundred words, including brief headline, to http://www.henrymakow.com. Also give a live link back to your host site and full comment.  [hmakow@gmail.com]
2 )  The overwhelming interest in the first article came from across the board. Can we, with this response, transcend race, creed, culture, gender and politics, this one time to shout "stop, enough, no more"?
All that mattered to those caged Canadians interned together, was their arbitrary imprisonment and attitude of the cage  guards mocking their human rights. Do the rest of us have to wait until we too are in a crowded cage to see each other as human beings first and above all else. There is a them and us: ‘them’ who want to cage and ‘us’ who want to stay free.
They are organized to imprison us; what are we doing to ensure our freedom? [Ref. to "Arrested and Abused at G-20 Summit")
4 )  I have have visited WW2 Death Camps, stood in the gas chambers and and looked out through barbed wire. It was never to happen again! It did and is still happening. It always starts with arbitrary arrest, unlawful detention and a gross denial of Human rights just like those handcuffed caged Canadians. Why were grown men deprived of water and toilet paper? Why were handcuffed women put in a situation where they had to clean each others private parts after toilet? Why if not to humiliate, dehumanize and intimidate? To make the captives feel powerless and at their mercy How much more are those guards prepared to do on orders? Want to wait until you too are in a cage to find out?
5)   Why is this situation accepted in Canada, a civilized country of laws, liberties and free people? So far it is! Nothing has yet been done to prevent it from happening again in Canada or elsewhere. Stop it in Toronto and we stop it in Texas, in Dublin, in England, in Europe and throughout the Civilized world. Do nothing and that experience is waiting down the road for all of us!  Do you think that the special police have not already shared their  humiliation videos around other NATO Country special police forces by now?
6 )  These are some of the observations of an Irish Lawyer, a long time civil rights activist, street protester and University law lecturer: "Those people in Toronto were falsely imprisoned – they were not even legally arrested. They were held in cages, like animals, in cruel hand restraints, without water, food, sanitation, medication, heating or outside communication for up to 24 hours. Needless to say, they were not charged with any offense; obviously, as they were not even legally arrested. Many of the people falsely imprisoned were not even involved in the demonstrations. And many of those carrying out the false imprisonment, and denial of basic human rights, were clearly doing so reluctantly and under orders."
7)   Elsewhere, the Lawyer has this to say: "Those who oppose State terrorism are well aware of the personal consequences in doing so.  Now, totally innocent (dare I say politically apathetic) people are being targeted for State thuggery.  This smacks of dictatorship.  Democratic, civil and political rights must be defended.  They were hard come by, but can be lost much more easily. One way to defend them is to hold accountable those who have violated them.  The screw with the cruel grin on his face, as he watched dozens of people begging him for water and food, will be a very different man when he is standing in front of a superior court judge, attempting to defend himself and his actions.  (It will be interesting to see if the Nuremberg defense ["I was only carrying out orders"] is paraded and accepted.)"
8)   The Lawyer’s observations regarding what can be done:  " Not only individuals but the State of Canada itself must be sued.  Those thugs were acting in the name of Canada – a British commonwealth country, with a legal system based on the common law of England. A strong decision from the Canadian courts (assuming the judiciary are still working independently of the other organs of Canadian State government) will send an equally strong message to other common law countries and their governments."
9)   Tommy Taylor’s observation — " I can also say, I’ve never felt this angry, violated or betrayed" — also articulates the feelings of the mass of ordinary decent people around the World. The mass response must also come from ordinary decent people who believe in the norms of democracy, human rights and civilized law. The answer must be sought within the rules of law. To quote the lawyer: "Structures within political democracies were set up to act as checks and balances, to prevent the abuse of power.  Let’s put this to use and turn the force of the Canadian courts on the abusers of Canadian citizens’ rights." 
10)  We are all now part of the net global village. Let us immediately get accountability for this gross violation of human rights with a mass legal action against the Canadian State.
First, will all who were detained, arrested, caged and abused who want to be part of this, please join the legal fight so all can come together and organize.
Second, will all Canadian people who were at the demonstration, or who want to be involved in this defense of human rights and state accountability come forward group to assist their caged and other abused citizens to hold their police and other forces accountable in law for their actions.
Third, would all people of goodwill world wide outside of Canada who agree with these proposals  also express their support for this proposed course of action.
If support for this action exists, then an organizer can be chosen along with an organizing committee. To Establishments, resistance is the most feared word in the English language. To the rest of us it is simply called democracy!
"Assassinate me you may; intimidate me you cannot."   John Philpot Curran

Is Oil Spill Cover for Massive Foreclosure?

July 24, 2010


by Jack Ragnarok
See the Gulf of Mexico oil spill not as an engineered environmental disaster but rather a savvy political move that diverts attention from foreclosure action by foreign financiers. 
The lands have been offered by successive elected governments as collateral for the enormous cumulative debt of today. The Federal Reserve has issued unlimited debt instruments as fiat and electronic currency to government only through consent of its foreign owners. Ten foreign financial institutions are the corporate owners of the world’s biggest alchemy machine, the Federal Reserve system.
Government is an agent of Plutocracy to transfer wealth from serfs to aristocrats. And the military serves to protect the economic interests of Plutocracy. Until recently the US has been Plutocracy’s chief global policeman to enforce foreclosure and inflict punishments. Busily policing and bullying other nations, US citizens have yet to understand the time has come to foreclose upon the lands of the New World of Amaracu (America)..
PANMAP.jpgIgor Panarin predicted that the USA would begin balkanization in 2010 through secession and civil war.  Professor Panarin’s map depicts 4 new zones on the continent. Secession and civil war will come, but the initial phase of the lands restored to  foreign ownership by foreclosure appears to be by an engineered environmental disaster that will undoubtedly trigger ubiquitous social convulsions.
See the Gulf action as part of a larger political process to balkanize the USA, restoring the land to its legal foreign owners to partition as they see fit. Now that the USA is effectively a bankrupt sovereign nation, the region east of the Mississippi from the Gulf to the Great Lakes/Canada is the first designated zone of an agreed-upon foreclosure target.
Worry little about the oil spill. There exist bacteria and other mechanisms that can eliminate the nuisance of the oil. Besides, naphtha and gases leak regularly from earth’s crust and generally pose little harm.
Worry about Corexit.  Corexit is the chief toxin of depopulation and mind control through unhealthy blood leakage into the body and brain; it also has a chemical prophylactic to neutralize its toxins. After the body absorbs corexit, blood leakage weakens human immunity and any energy that might otherwise be directed to resistance is suppressed (BP executives are unlikely to get ill from corexit).
The aforementioned comment does not detail the history of the original owners of the lands of the New World, their legal heirs, and the skulduggery and machinations which finagled a temporary Constitution that was replaced with corporate ownership in the fashion of The Virginia Company in the time of Lincoln. Each sitting President since the civil war has acted properly as a CEO of the corporate US.


"Second Oil Spill Confirmed -Smaller than the First (which was the largest in history.)"
(From Ken Price)

Dear Henry,
Here is an interesting tv news broadcast from July 21st that reveals a second deep water oil well, called the "Ocean Saratoga," has been leaking since April.  What I find most interesting is that this information was just released by the coast guard.  In the report,they state that the size of the spill is SMALLER than that of the Deepwater Horizon’s, but that it is now visible as a slick on the ocean that is miles long.  
Can you believe the rhetoric!  Smaller than the Deepwater Horizon’s?   So, it could have been as large as the aforementioned oil volcano, or, it was so small that the US Coast Guard didn’t even need to mention it, or something in-between.  Thanks for presenting a potential second disaster as though it is nothing!
It is amazing what kind of confounding/worthless information these supposed professional newscasters are getting away with.  "Hey it’s just another accident in the already accident-prone Gulf of Mexico."
Is it possible that there is a tie-in with the Mathew Simmons story about the original and uncontrollable Deepwater well being ignored with this now recent report of a confirmed second leak?  Why?  For confusion purposes.
Go here for a map of the total number and location of oil rigs currently in the Gulf region.  There are 3,858 platforms.
Go here for a hurricane forecast.  The forecast is for gale force winds to be in the vicinity of the cleanup efforts five days from now.
With these conditions and changing events noted, one thing I think we know is this:  
In the aftermath of the next hurricane striking the gulf region (which could be soon), Government data vs. BP data vs. TV media data vs. Internet data won’t matter, as it will be impossible to sort out the real truth in the midst of forced evacuations and media cowardice.


From June:
Did you see this video on youtube, by any chance? It states the entire gulf oil leak was created and is controlled by the NWO for depopulation:
My husband and I watched it and we must admit, it does make us wonder if this entire gulf oil leak was indeed purposed and created by the NWO to cause a phony disaster in order to enable them to depopulate (use bio weapons (dispersant) and kill off low income coastal populations) and gain control of all waterfront properties! I do know that much of those waterfront areas are populated by low income and black people.
The video does not give the name of the person who says he or she received this info firsthand from the top levels of government, so it lacks credible witness, but it does provide for an extremely credible possibility that what this person is saying is true. After listening to it, we do wonder why there is not more oil, not tar balls, but oil, coming up on the beaches.
This should be more evident. Could this ‘illusion’ be the reason the government is breaking the first amendment and keeping the media from knowing too much? Could they have played the ‘illuminati card’ for real, drilled into the volcano side to create a  ‘controlled’ oil leak, and tell the world it was a real accident–now playing the world into thinking this is a huge out of control disaster…thus giving them an easy way to commit mass murder?
This video by a person shows that the oil in the gulf can be cleaned within 6 weeks by the use of natural microbes that live in the ocean:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCYxsbAXXvg
This is how the oil during the 1979 gulf oil leak disappeared and got cleaned. So, the NWO was not concerned about allowing oil into the gulf back in April, as they know the microbes would dissipate it eventually, like the1979 scenario.
I saw a news video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-4oooyqe_8) showing that gulf disaster back in 1979, and this gulf oil leak seems to be an exact copycat, except this leak is in a deeper area of the ocean. Back then, they performed all the exact same procedures that they are doing now, and in the end nothing worked until they drilled  ‘relief’ wells. This was 4 months after the spill, and thus they were finally able to cap that well.
Could it be that they staged that oil leak back in 1979, and now, repeating the process again to further their global agenda? Or could it be that they used the 1979 oil disaster as a blueprint to create a ‘staged’ oil leak in 2010?
What does concern me is that many news sites are using this Simmons fellas’ (oil expert from the Bush era) interview…yet he is CFR, right? So, can he be trusted? Or is he a plant to make this illusion look real?
I am sure we will all know more later as time passes, but the above first video is compelling information to consider…what do you think?
The facts remains…highly toxic dispersants were used and is now raining down on the gulf populations…and soon humans will get sick and die just like some plants and trees are currently doing.  (Dispersants were used in 1979, by the way). It is unbelievable, simply unbelievable, that they can get away with using such a toxic dispersant…yet, here they are, legally killing people all under the guise of stopping the oil….what genius by these madmen!
Ken Price comments on Second Video
I think everyone should watch this video.
I haven’t had much time to research asphalt volcanoes, but I intend to.
I think this video is extremely valuable in that it gives us a different direction to look and think.  I believe that depopulation of the Gulf Region and a redevelopment toward a modern Riviera is very believable as it fits in line with what we saw from Hurricane Katrina.
It explains why not one world leader has threatened the United States with retaliation for not stopping what appears to be a breach in the world’s food chain.
This young man is very courageous.  He gives us the background of the police state that is in existence as we speak and yet his main message is to not worry about the world’s oceans.  He is a man I want to believe.
I almost weep to think what life would be like if we allowed people like him to be our real leaders.


BP accused of trying to silence science on spill

By Agence France-Presse
Friday, July 23rd, 2010 — 10:03 am

 BP accused of trying to silence science on spill

LONDON (AFP) – The head of the American Association of Professors accused BP Friday of trying to buy the silence of scientists and academics to protect itself after the Gulf oil spill, in a BBC interview.

"This is really one huge corporation trying to buy faculty silence in a comprehensive way," said Cary Nelson.

BP is facing lawsuits after the oil spill, which has destroyed the livelihoods of many people along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

A copy of a contract offered to scientists by BP, which the BBC said it had obtained, said scientists are not allowed to publish the research they do for the oil giant.

They are also not allowed to speak about the data for at least three years or until the government gives final approval for the company’s restoration plan for the whole of the Gulf, said the British broadcaster.

BP said it had hired more than a dozen scientists "with expertise in the resources of the Gulf of Mexico," according to a statement given to the BBC.

Bob Shipp, the head of marine sciences at the University of South Alabama, said BP’s lawyers had approached him and wanted his whole department.

"They contacted me and said we would like to have your department interact to develop the best restoration plan possible after this oil spill," he said.

"We laid the ground rules — that any research we did, we would have to take total control of the data, transparency and the freedom to make those data available to other scientists and subject to peer review.

"They left and we never heard back from them."

Nelson warned BP’s actions could be "hugely destructive".

"Our ability to evaluate the disaster and write public policy and make decisions about it as a country can be impacted by the silence of the research scientists who are looking at conditions," he said.

"It’s hugely destructive. I mean at some level, this is really BP versus the people of the United States."

BP said it "does not place restrictions on academics speaking about scientific data," according to the BBC.

The environmental disaster began on April 20 when the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers. The rig sank two days later rupturing the pipe that connected it to the well.

Leaked G20 Documents Show Carbon Taxes Still High on Globalist Agenda

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
22 July, 2010

This week The Corbett Report was sent documents purported to be the notes of an attendee of the recent Toronto G20 meeting. The documents, if genuine, show that the recent meeting once again gave the G20 a chance to discuss global government as an answer to the ongoing economic meltdown and reaffirm that carbon taxes are high on the globalists’ priority list.


The idea of funding a nascent global governmental structure through the introduction of carbon taxes is by no means a new one.

The notes were obtained from a source inside a South African bank whose CEO was a confirmed attendee of the Toronto meeting. According to the source, they are most likely notes from a feedback session between the CEO and bank officials upon the CEO’s return from the conference.

Download the documents in PDF format via this link.

According to the documents, the delegates concluded that a process of fiscal consolidation would be the key solution to the crisis, involving country-specific ideas with central coordination…presumably by the G20 itself. Although the delegates evidently discussed the need to address the sovereign debt crisis “through cutting expenses and not through increased taxes,” that statement is immediately followed in this attendee’s notes by the idea of introducing carbon taxes.

The idea of funding a nascent global governmental structure through the introduction of carbon taxes is by no means a new one, having been proposed as a funding mechanism for a North American Union at a secret Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting in Banff, Canada in 2006.

Perhaps not coincidentally, the idea was last floated in the G20 Finance Ministers’s meeting in Scotland last year. In leaked documents from that meeting it was revealed that attendees had seriously discussed the possibility of using a carbon tax to fund an international financial body which would supposedly be entrusted to look after climate adaptation and mitigation programs.

That the carbon tax was discussed during G20 deliberations comes as no surprise. Nor does the fact that the delegates deliberated on the need “to develop Global governance structures” and the desire for “coordination across countries.” The urge to use a manufactured economic crisis to institute a new international system of governance administered by the very bankers who created the problem in the first place has likewise been noted for years.

But there are hopeful signs that the globalists’ agenda is being derailed by a mass political awakening among the public, exactly as key globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski discussed in a recent speech. Perhaps the foremost hurdle to the implementation of the G20’s plans comes from fierce opposition to the carbon tax agenda in the United States exemplified by the fact that the current Senate climate bill is likely dead in the water. Another hopeful sign are those passages of the leaked documents that seem to suggest that national governments may be diverting from the globalist agenda in order to protect their national interests, including repeated references to the specter of increased protectionism as a result of the global downturn.

On a more ominous note, however, are references to the need to create a “B20″ or “Business 20″ to give unaccountable multi-nationals an even bigger stake in the nascent global governmental structure inherent in the G20 structure.

This year’s G20 drew the ire of Canadians and concerned citizens around the world for its $1.3 billion security budget and brutal treatment of protestors. The next G20 summit will take place in November in Seoul, Korea.

Poll: Faith in Social Security system tanking

By Danny Johnston, AP

Jane Roswick pauses during her shopping trip to a Little Rock Wal-Mart store at a Social Security Administration information table near the store’s pharmacy Feb. 20, 2008.

By Susan Page, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — Battered by high unemployment and record home foreclosures, most Americans seem to have lost faith in another fundamental part of their personal finances: Social Security.

A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds that a majority of retirees say they expect their current benefits to be cut, a dramatic increase in the number who hold that view. And a record six of 10 non-retirees predict Social Security won’t be able to pay them benefits when they stop working.

Skepticism is highest among the youngest workers: Three-fourths of those 18 to 34 don’t expect to get a Social Security check when they retire.

RETIREMENT: Tips, latest news on how to save

PLANNING: Time to rethink your estimated return

STUDY: For many, retirement savings will run out too soon

The public’s views are more dire than the calculations of Social Security’s trustees. Last year, they projected the system would begin running in the red in 2016, as the Baby Boom generation retired, and the trust fund would be exhausted in 2037.

Even then, Social Security — which celebrates its 75th anniversary next month — could finance about three-fourths of current benefits through the payroll tax.

The downbeat outlook reflects "all the attacks on Social Security that we have this total crisis in the program," says Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. What’s more, she says, "the fear and distrust as a result of the financial collapse and the Great Recession has spilled over into people’s expectations generally, that you can’t count on anything."

Well-informed or not, public attitudes could affect the debate over what to do about Social Security, a subject that is likely to be raised when President Obama’s deficit commission delivers its report in December.

"It makes it easier to make some of the changes that we are inevitably going to have to make," says Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. "We could make changes and still have people collecting more in benefits than they’re expecting to see."

So far, however, resistance hasn’t eased against steps such as raising the retirement age or increasing Social Security taxes. The only policy options that command majority support are imposing the payroll tax on all the wages of higher-income workers — the amount is now capped — and limiting benefits for wealthy retirees.

Confidence in Social Security has significantly eroded since 2005. The percentage of retirees who predict cuts has jumped by 24 points, even though benefit levels have never been cut for current retirees. In that time, the number of non-retirees who doubt they’ll get benefits has risen by 10 points.

The poll of 1,020 adults, taken July 8-11, has a margin of error of +/–4 percentage points.

CNN Anchors Call For Crackdown on Bloggers

July 24, 2010

Anchors Kyra Phillips and John Roberts discussed the “mixed blessing of the internet,” and agreed that there should be a crackdown on anonymous bloggers who disparage others on the internet.

Infowars.com Censored in Greece

July 23, 2010

An Infowars.com reader sent an email today informing us that our website is no longer available in Greek public libraries. “Prisonplanet.com is still accessible, but it’s only a matter of time before the Greek censors notice attention has shifted to that website, and move in to ban it as well,” she writes. “This isn’t just a local library banning access to Infowars.com, but is a nationwide ban: the digital traffic filters, through which all traffic from and to Greek public libraries passes, are located in and controlled from Athens (National Technical University of Athens), so yes, THIS IS A NATION WIDE BAN!”

Attempting to reach Infowars.com from a Greek public library produces the screen below.

Infowars.com Censored in Greece  greekscreen

If Greek public library patrons want to protest to ban, they are out of luck. There is a page for this purpose, but it is only accessible to library workers with a special password and not library patrons.

Patrons and others outraged by this blatant effort to prevent access to Infowars.com in Greece should contact National Technical University of Athens, the institution responsible for providing libraries with internet connectivity:

National Technical University of Athens,
Network Management Center,
Heroon Polytechniou 9,
Zografou 157 80
email: nmc@ntua.gr
tel: + 30 210 772 1865
Fax: + 30 210 772 1866

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show

Kurt Nimmo
July 23, 2010

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show  onepixel

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show  eternalflame

The military attempted to prevent Ventura and his crew from filming a stand-up at JFK’s Eternal Flame.

In an exclusive interview on the Alex Jones Show today, Jesse Ventura will talk about the U.S. military’s attempt to undermine his popular TruTV show, “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.”

Jesse was prevented from filming a stand-up in front of the Eternal Flame at Arlington National Cemetery for an episode on government involvement in the JFK assassination. Despite the military ban, Ventura managed to film the segment. “I did it anyway,” he told theMinneapolis Star Tribune.

“They felt I offended them with my last series, because I look into government things, Conspiracy Theory, my TV show,” Ventura told Ann Sharpsteen of Scripps News. Sharpsteen posted a video of her interview with Ventura on YouTube earlier in the week (see video below).

Ventura told Sharpsteen he went through “proper channels” in order to film at the Eternal Flame. He was subsequently told by the military that he would not be allowed to film “because we don’t like your television show,” accord to Ventura.

The U.S. Army’s Public Affairs Office in Los Angeles, which acts as a liaison to the entertainment industry, told Kevin Diaz of the Minneapolis Star Tribune that JFK’s final resting place is “hallowed ground” and off limits to the media. “We don’t allow stand-ups next to the eternal flame for anyone,” explained Ken Hawes, director of the U.S. Army’s Public Affairs Office.

JFK’s Eternal Flame has appeared in countless television shows and movies. As part of the National Park Service, Arlington National Cemetery and JFK’s Eternal Flame are open to the public.

Hawes said that the government does not think it proper to cooperate with a show alleging that JFK’s death was an inside government job. He denied Ventura’s assertion that they turned the ex-governor down simply because they don’t like his show, according to Diaz.

“The bottom line is we said we didn’t want to be part of his television program,” Hawes told the newspaper. “We support all kinds of programs, but that one was just a little out of bounds.” In other words, the military will now decided who will be allowed to film at the Eternal Flame and permission will be predicated on what is politically acceptable to the government.

Jesse was in D.C. earlier in the week complaining about the incident of military-imposed censorship. The former Minnesota governor has complained about the incident to “every congressman I run into.”

Jesse will also talk with Alex about efforts by the Department of Homeland Security to prevent his crew from filming at other sites.

White House Emails Show More Extensive Improper Contact With Google

Submitted by Peter Flaherty

McLaughlin photo

Recent email communication between White House Deputy Chief Technology Officer Andrew McLaughlin (in photo), who is Google’s former head of Global Public Policy, and multiple outside individuals raise new questions about the official’s alleged circumvention of federal ethics and recordkeeping rules.

McLaughlin’s communications with Google officials and others about issues that directly benefit the company appears to be more extensive than indicated by a May White House report, which resulted in an official reprimand of Mr. McLaughlin. Click here for a 12-page pdf of the McLaughlin emails.

Administration rules expressly prohibit former lobbyist company officials like McLaughlin from involving themselves in federal policies that materially impact their former employer.  But the new emails, which NLPC obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, show a continued pattern in which Mr. McLaughlin communicates with another apparent Google lobbyist, the leader of a Google-funded organization that lobbies in support of Google’s primary area of federal interest, and the head of a nonprofit that works closely with Google lobbyists.

The topics in the email communication involve many of Google’s highest priority lobbying issues, including FTC rules on online privacy; Administration broadband policy, including Net neutrality; and intellectual property rules.

As Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Internet Policy, McLaughlin is at the policymaking nexus of virtually all of the most important Internet issues being debated in the country today. There is now no doubt – none whatsoever – that a more serious investigation of potential ethics breaches is warranted. These emails raise additional questions about whether Mr. McLaughlin’s efforts circumvented or just plain ignored federal ethics rules.

Today, we are asking Rep. Edolphus Towns, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Rep. Darrell Issa, the committee’s ranking member, to conduct a thorough investigation.Click here to download 3-page pdf of the letter. It reads, in part:

Like Halliburton in the previous Administration, Google has an exceptionally close relationship to the current Administration. No fair-minded person could look at McLaughlin’s record and not conclude that further investigation is warranted. Click here for a pdf of the letter.

Among other things, the emails reveal:

In September 2009, McLaughlin agreed to meet with a representative of Wilmer Hale Cutler Pickering and Dorr who was a registered Google lobbyist as recently as 2008 according to Senate lobby disclosure records.  The representative, Becky Burr, proposed a meeting to discuss White House assistance in weighing in with the Federal Trade Commission on privacy regulation in ways that would appear to benefit Google.

Over a two-week period in February 2010, McLaughlin exchanged numerous emails with Free Press director Ben Scott, another prominent advocate for Net neutrality who has coordinated policy strategy with Google and attended joint meetings with Google at the FCC and White House on numerous occasions.  They agreed to meet outside the White House at a nearby coffee shop to discuss Internet policy.

From January through March of this year, several email messages relating to intellectual property issues were sent to McLaughlin from the Executive Director of a Google-funded coalition.  The emails appear to have been sent to keep McLaughlin “in the loop” regarding copyright and intellectual property issues – key policy issues for the Mountain View company.


U.S.-S. Korean War Drills Begin

Published: July 25, 2010


The United States and South Korea on Sunday kicked off their largest joint war game in years, with a nuclear-powered American aircraft carrier prowling off the east coast of South Korea while North Koreathreatened to retaliate with its nuclear weapons and reportedly put its military on an alert for war.

Rising tensions demonstrated how tenuous peace remained on the divided peninsula after the Korean War was temporarily halted in a ceasefire between the U.S.-led United Nations forces and the communist troops from North Korea and China 57 years ago on Tuesday.

The current spate of tension was sparked when a South Korean warship was blown up in March, killing 46 sailors. A team of investigators from South Korea, the United States and other countries that joined the U.N. forces during the war determined in May that North Korea torpedoed the ship.

Sweden, which did not join combats of the war, participated in the part of the investigation that concluded that the torpedo was "manufactured by North Korea," but not in the intelligence analysis that determined that the torpedo was fired by a North Koran submarine.

North Korea has called the investigation a "fake." China, a North Korean ally in the war, also rejected it. Meanwhile, the United States and South Korea announced new sanctions against North Korea last week when their foreign and defense ministers traveled together to the inter-Korean border in a symbolic gesture of confronting the North.

On Sunday, in a show of their combined military power, a fleet of U.S. and South Korean naval ships and submarines sailed into waters off the east coast of South Korea, led by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington, one of the biggest ships in theU.S. Navy. Japan, a historical rival of the two Koreas but an ally of South Korea and the United States in their confrontation with North Korea, dispatched military observers in the four-day exercise.

The drills mobilized 20 ships, 8,000 troops from both allies and an unusually large number of warplanes: more than 200 aircraft, including the F-22 Raptor fighter, which joins an exercise in South Korea for the first time.

The exercises this week are the first in a series of U.S.-South Korean maneuvers to be conducted in the coming months. U.S. officials warned last week that political pressure arising from the succession of power from the ailing North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, to his youngest son, Kim Jong-il, might prompt the regime to attempt further military provocations.

On Saturday, North Korea vowed to launch a "sacred war" against the United States and South Korea at "any time necessary," and counter their “largest-ever nuclear war exercises" with its own "powerful nuclear deterrence."

Radio Free Asia reported that the North has put its military and hunger-stricken people on high alert. North Korea uses tensions with the Americans to boost solidarity at home and justify its development of nuclear weapons.

It will likely test short-range missiles and fire artillery in waters near the disputed western sea border and might even attempt a test of its long-range missile and a nuclear device, said Kim Yong-hyun, a North Korea analyst at Dongguk University in Seoul. North Korea is also enriching uranium to boost its nuclear capabilities.

"North Korea will try to fend off the mounting joint pressure from the United States and South Korea by retching up tensions in stages," Mr. Kim said. "For now, both Washington and Seoul seem to believe that they got nothing big to lose by continuing the pressure. What worries me is that the tension is not just between the two Koreas but also between the biggies, the United States and China." China turned unusually vocal in confronting the United States and criticizing its joint military maneuvers with South Korea, prompting the allies to relocate their drills from the sensitive Yellow Sea.




the Lord of Dispersion

by Anders Sandberg

from SpiritsAndOtherBeings Website

Choronzon, also known as 333, Lord of Hallucinations, is one of the most feared umbrood in existence. Many mages have fallen prey to its cunning plans, and its power can’t be ignored. It is a preceptor, which some claim is one of the Wyrm’s most dangerous servants. Other mages whisper that it is a part of Wyrm capable of independent action. Some mages claim Choronzon is the Wyrm. The truth is not known. Choronzon appears to sometimes be a group of entities, and sometimes a single entity (My name is Legion).

Choronzon is a spirit of dissolution, physical, mental and spiritual. Everything around it will begin to decay. It will do its best to hasten the dissolution of everything it can reach. Matter will slowly dissolve. Living beings will age and sicken. It derails the trains of thought, and turns people insane. In the vicinity of it, nothing remains untainted.
It is said that every mage must some day confront and overcome it in order to ascend. Choronzon will do its best to hinder anybody from reaching Ascension or any other goal. Its greatest triumph is when a mage loses Arete. On December 6, 1909 Aleister Crowleyfoolishly let himself be possessed by the demon (Se Liber XXX Aerum, The Vision and the Voice, for more detailed descriptions). The end result was close to a disaster, and according to many mages Crowley lost the path towards Ascension.
Choronzon is confused and often quite stupid. But it is also extremely cunning and dangerous. It can manipulate people subtly while appearing to make crude attacks. The demon will almost always retreat from any attack, not even defending itself. But it will never give up, and will reappear later, in a more insidious form. The only thing it cannot abide is order and discipline. Any form of highly ordered thought, speech or behavior is abhorrent to it, and it will flee if possible (unless it could topple the order in a subtle way).
The demon seldom appears threatening to a mage. Instead it appears to be a quite confused and irritating little being, unable to do much harm. In fact, it often behaves entertainingly, incoherently discussing things that seem important to the mage. While the mage listens to the confusing demon, it will slowly plant the seeds of dissolution in the soul of the mage. Choronzon will strengthen the flaws and illusions in the victim, making the victim believe in his own self image. As the demon works on, the mage will be derailed from the path towards Ascension and turned towards dissolution and insanity. A mind infected by Choronzon will slowly decay, and the victim will be a simple matter to possess for the demon, regardless how strong-minded the victim believes he is.
It is thought that Choronzon dwells somewhere near The Horizon, in an area known as the Abyss (Which could be another name for the Deep Umbra). According to some rumors, he must be defeated by anyone venturing out into the Deep Umbra searching for a place among the Oracles.
To summon Choronzon is quite simple, almost any fool with Spirit 2 can do it. It sometimes acts as a kind of freelance paradox spirit, appearing when a mage has used spectacular entropy-prime effects. In many cases it has secretly encouraged the mage to continue, thus spreading entropy even more.

Choronzon as the Serpent on the Tree of Life

Choronzon very seldom manifests physically, preferring to possess people. It does this with great skill, making his victims think they are in perfect control over their own minds. When it does manifest, it will only appear as a voice. Sometimes it will manifest using many bodies and voices, giving the impression of a great horde of demons.

  • Attributes: no own body

    • Perception 5

    • Intelligence 1

    • Wits 5

  • Abilities: no useful

  • Background: Arcane 5

  • Spheres:

    • Entropy: 5

    • Life: 4

    • Mind: 4

    • Prime: 4

  • Arete: 5

  • Willpower: 1

  • Quintessence: 5


  • Typical Effects:

    • Dissolve Structure (Prime 4 Entropy 3/4/5)

      Choronzon initiates decay wherever he goes. This effect will make anything start to dissolve into nothing. Most of the time it uses this effect coincidentally, preferring to let dissolution take its time. Sometimes Choronzon dissolves things quickly, often for no reason. The process is subtle, but when initiated it cannot be stopped except by more powerful magick. The dissolution slowly spreads, turning matter into dust which blows away and disappears, killing life and making people slowly go insane.

    • Dissolve Mind (Entropy 5 Mind 2)

      Choronzon implants a destructive, irrational or confusing impulse in the mind of someone. This impulse will not go away, but will slowly grow until it becomes an obsession. Usually Choronzon implants distortions in the self image, turning people into unknowing caricatures of themselves. Sons of Ether will slowly become complete egomaniacs. Celestial Chorus will slowly become fanatics. Choronzon will quickly become even more confused.

    • Sow the Seed of Entropy (Entropy 3/4/5 Prime 2)

      The demon plants a small entropy seed inside something or someone. Most of the time it will remain there, unchanging but when stressed, it will release its entropy. A rope will suddenly break when someone’s life depends on it, a horse will bolt, a mirror will crack and faith will momentarily crumble in a crisis. Choronzon does not have any control over these seeds, but spreads them liberally.

    • Confused Knowledge (Mind 3)

      The demon is almost constantly using this effect. It opens the user’s mind to every other mind in the area, especially nearby ones. The user will know everything anybody knows, feel every desire and fear and generally understand the secret motivations of people. Unfortunately the user is completely confused, and his own personality and knowledge is submerged. This doesn’t matter to Choronzon, who hasn’t got much personality in the first place. Using this rote, the demon will always talk about things that interest the listener, have beliefs somewhat like his and a uncanny way of revealing the deepest secrets of a person in an offhand way.

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by Michael Topper

That “Mighty Devil” in the Enochian system of magick (which latter was “channeled” by Edward Kelly at the Elizabethan Court through supervision of Elizabeth’s astrologer/spy/mathematician the renowned Dr. John Dee). Guardian spirit and scourge of the “Abyss”, that apparently unbridgeable separation between states of the created worlds and real Gnosis of the spiritual worlds. Choronzon personifies the total breakdown of “translation” between one mode of being and the Other. He is most direct/fearsome embodiment of the real chasm in quality, orientation, understanding and existence confronting any aspirant to spiritual attainment of that threshold degree, or intensity, where true transformation is required, where development must peremptorily produce a real Revolution of the being or else erosion and oblivious backslide inevitably ensue.

In all of spiritual/metaphysical/or magickal literature there are no (authentic) accounts of any direct commerce with that “Devil” Choronzon, all “crossings” being made in the framework of traditions ,not demanding every element (physical, psychic and spiritual) be submitted to such Change of the intensity demanded in the spirit of Choronzon—except one. Aleister Crowley (qv) records in his Magickal Diary his hallmark episode of crossing the abyss while literally crossing the desert of Bou Saada with his magickal student assistant Victor Neuburg. Putting aside the arguable question as to whether the Master Therion ever completely succeeded in so monumental a milestone to Magickal accomplishment, it must be noted that only within the framework of the Magickal tradition (with its perennial emphasis on bridging the corporeal and spiritual, of bringing spirit down into practical embodiment through the physical dimension of things) had such an endeavor ever actually been made.

This is significant for the one reason that such ultimate integration and whole being resolution between the two seemingly disparate Magnitudes is inevitably mandated for the corporeal dimension as a whole, and all the class of chronically 3rd density consciousness associated with it. Such epochal “crossing” as Crowley assayed to accomplish presages the Don Juan material of Carlos Castaneda, similarly acting as instructive forerunner for a humanity which—even in its ostensible vanguard—seems reluctant to concede out of its conventional yogic “withdrawals” and functional “separation of the planes” that such a whole being physicalized translation can be made to metaphysical Peaks.

Yet this is precisely the confrontation of Crossing presently faced by the planet as a whole, as chronic 3rd density (host of physically focused consciousness) transmutes through implacable processes of Cosmic Timing to the unmasked meta physical fourth. Such Crossing, being imposed upon the plane and all its corporealized inhabitants does not, then, depend upon the personal desideration of “approach” but visits all its disrupting implications directly upon and through the consciousness of everyone no matter how dismally unprepared. This accounts for all the political, social, economic, national, technological, energetic and spiritual disruption characterizing the calendar of “current events” on the planet In particular it manifests as a direct communication from the heart of the Abyss, that channeled confabulation of cacophonous “counsel” issuing from the dead zone or no-man’s-land of self proclaimed/invisible Brothers and higher dimensional beings from beyond.

The opportunity of every plane, dimension, planetary or dark star entity, social/memory/complex and galactic guild to pour its influence, advice and allure into the widening breach of the crumbling 3rd density “screen” can only manifest, collectively, as a chaos; it can only sift out in the end as a gibberish, an ultimately unintelligible babble of oranges demanding to be compared and collated with apples, and an all too gullible Earth intelligence soaking in the psycho active downpour (wreaking witless though nonetheless extensive damage on the mind/body complex) while trying so earnestly to comply with the Alice in Wonder land instructions.

Thus the Spirit of Choronzon is alive-and-well, presently known to one and all but by another name. With so many, competing and obviously contradictory “Christs” and “Jesusescoming by active interdiction on channeled airwaves owing to guaranteed kneejerk adulation and uncritical obsequy toward the bare whisper of the name, the longstanding archetypal image holding sway over the planet by a priestly and off-planet confidence-game is now manifestly decaying, expiring like an isotope as it sheds its last radiative venom over the planet. The identity of “that Devil Choronzon” is given away in the insane susurration and slow crumble of the greasepaint countenance given its last ugly embodiment through insipid “Sanandas” and specious sons-of-god sponsored courtesy of “Ashtar Command”, P.O. Box 333 Betelgeuse in the Constellation Orion.

(Note: UFO has the value 666 by Qabala, since vav is equivalent to “U”, “F” and “O” in English.) It has been noted by many who know of such magick things, that “Choronzon” is almost identical in spelling and pronunciation, save for an extra vocalized “n”, to the Spanishcorazon, meaning “spirit, love and heart”. Assuming no such thing as coincidence, may we imply a deliberate “formula” thereby? Can it be that, were Choronzon simply to learn to “spell his name” correctly, he might undergo a real change of heart? (Amazing what horrors a lack of primary-school education can breed.)

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The Mass of Choronzon
by Pete Carroll

from ChaosMatrix Website

An Invocation of the personal ego or false Holy Guardian Angel, for the purpose of casting ones entire will as an Enchantment upon reality. Such an operation would normally qualify as an extreme act of black magic, were it not prefaced by an initial invocation of theformless Kia or real Holy Guardian Angle. The essential purpose of the conjuration as a whole is to increase the dominion of ones ego over the world in the hope of bringing the formless life force of the Kia more fully into play. The ritual is traditionally performed with a wand to exemplify will, although other instruments can be used, or improvisation made with the clenched fist if necessary.

The invocations are in the Enochian language and represent in part, adaptations of the calls of the first and tenth Enochian Aethers, and consist of eleven and thirty three words each.
Unlike the Mass of Chaos B (Baphomet Conjuration), this ritual cannot be aimed to enchant for any specific desire and has the property of tending to phenomenise the desires of the ego at random. Herein lies its use and its danger. You may only realize what it was you wanted when it arrives.
The ritual must therefore be considered as partly an act of Divination. Following the statement of intent, the Kia is first invoked by an incantation, a mantra and a brief period of complete mental silence. It would be both blasphemous and catastrophic to attempt to conceptualize Kia as other than a formless pregnant void. The god/daemon form of Choronzon is manifested by a visualization of ones self in the form of ones grossly hypertrophied ego whilst the incantation is given. The ritual is concluded with three simultaneous acts.

  • a lightening flash in the form of the solar sig or sigil or sowulo victory rune is visualized flashing down from ones head to the ground

  • a loud martial arts Kia is shouted

  • the wand is struck against the ground

  • laughter banishing then follows

Mass of Choronzon

  1. Statement of Intent: LET MY TOTAL WILL BE DONE !

  2. The Eight Rayed Star of Chaos is traced upon the ground with the wand.

  3. The Invocation to Kia is delivered, holding the wand aloft, with both hands, directly above the head.

    ZIRDO       IADNAMAD            ELILA
       I am    the undefiled knowledge of the 1st aether
       MICALZODO   SAANIR              MADRIAAX
       mighty      in the parts of     the heavens
       FINIS       BALZIZIRAS          IADA
       executing   the judgement of    the highest
                   IO KIA !

  4. "I" mantra for one complete exhalation. In PTAH posture (feet together, wand held with both hand upright against body).

  5. Mental silence for a few moments. In PTAH posture.

  6. Choronzon Invocation: wand held crosswise above the head.


       ANETAB        OTHIL         LUDSI           CAOSAGI
       in government I have set    my feet         in the earth
       ZIRDO         LONSMI        DEPEDE          ZARZAX
       I am          the power     333             of the 10th aether
       SOBA          DOOAIN        MAD             ZILODARPE
       whose name    amongst you   is              the god of conquest
       TOOAT         GMICALZOMA    LARSAD          TOLGLO
       furnishing    a power of    to dispose of   all things
       YRPOIL        LATOK         OVCHO           ASYMP
       division,     one thing     let it confound with another
       UNCHI         OMORS         ZODACARE        GOHUS
       confound      understanding move!           I say
                     with darkness
       OADRIAX       OROCHA        DODPAL          CAOSAGI
       the lower     beneath       let them vex    upon the earth
       ABRAMAG       NETAAIB       CAOSAGI         IO CHORONZON !
       I prepare     for the       of the earth

  7. Visualize Lightening Flash, Shout Kiai, Strike Wand to Ground.

  8. Banish with Laughter.

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The Dark Side Demoness of 333

from NewCovenantChurchOfGod Website

Choronzon is the female half (333) of the Beast (616, 666) described in the Book of Revelation and goes, like so many demons and demonesses, by many different names. Because she is an associate aspect of the Beast, she is often described in male terms. She is known as the "Lord of Hallucinations" and is viewed by occultists as the chaos latent or manifest in the ego. Because she is a part of a group of demonesses she can either manifest as a single demon or group of demons. Her characteristics directly parallel those of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) only Her diametric opposite. Thus she is known as the "demon child of wisdom and understanding", paralleling the Ruach’s (Spirit’) own title and function as Hochma (Wisdom). Choronzonis the supreme demon of Thelema (will), the occultic order founded by the late arch-satanist Aleister Crowley. Hence the occultic motto, "Love is the Law, Love under Will". In all the female demon counterfeits of love, love is a servant of the will or ego, the diametric opposite of the Christian paradigm. Many metaphors may be used to describe the characteristics of Choronzon but perhaps the best would be a "stagnant pool" filled to the brim with psychic sewage.
The numerology of Choronzon is of especial interest to us in this ministry. The Hebrew of Choronzon is ChVRVNVN which is 333. In Greek numerology 333 corresponds to a kaleidoscope of negative words such as:

  • akolasia (dispersion, incontenance, debauchery, wantonness)

  • akrasia (self-indulgence, lack of self-control)

  • epikranthen (make bitter, become bitter, be harsh or embittered)

  • orgilon (quick-tempered, prone to anger, passionate)

  • ediati (the why)

  • ekataba (the fall)

  • eparthenoi (the conceit of apparent purity)

  • demosia (the public acclaim that causes public figures to begin inflating their egos)

  • paidiske (maiden, female slave – seductive aspect)

  • eaeidelos (unseen, dark)

The fallen, carnal nature of all mankind has a correspondence with Choronzon, one of whose functions is to catalyze the inherent chaos within us. As a demoness, she is quick-tempered (typical of most demons, in fact) and passionate without self-control, and is thus known in some circles as the Obscene Gardener of Bitterness. When the soul refuses to forgive wrongdoing and the carnal aspects of hate and bitterness take over, Choronzon is there, invited in by transgression of the Law of Forgiveness which Christ taught. If there is bitterness or hatred in a soul, then it’s a good bet that somewhere, and to some degree, Choronzon is involved.
Satan is a master at playing with our unseen fears, and Choronzon is his primary agent waiting in ambush within. One of the peculiarities about Choronzon – yet not so peculiar when you consider that all demons are anti-life, since they possess none of their own and must rob it from disobedient humans – is that she has no substance – she is an empty shell simulating life, as is true of all counterfeit spiritual activity. Like all demons, Choronzon tears people apart inside and then feeds off their life force which leaks out rather like a damaged nuclear reactor. This ’spiritual bleeding’ leads to a kind of ’spiritual anaemia’, draining the soul of its will to live. If Choronzon had a motto it would probably be: "Let my total will be done" … at the expense of your own, of course.
Choronzon was regarded by Aleister Crowley as "the first and the deadliest of all the powers of evil", and in that observation he was probably right, as we shall see. Choronzon – also known by some in an anagrammatical form as Noznoroch – is a notorious shape-shifter. She is the sole inhabitant of the Abyss between Kether and Daat in the Kabbalistic system and her force is the diametric opposite of the force of occultic magic, a kind of spiritual "anti-matter". In this respect she is similar to Hecate who, in the final act of destruction which she presents as a kind of state of Nirvana, oneness, or enlightenment, simply sucks up the soul like a vacuum into a darkness of nothingness.

That is why I describe her (and the other ’wives of satan’) as anti-life – she is am empty shell which she presents as a substantial universe, but which in truth is nothing. Presenting her world as deliciously attractive and freeing, it is not until the victim is in her vortex that he realizes that he has been tricked and that his ultimate destination – if he doesn’t break out – is a kind of spiritual ’black hole’. Those who have been sucked into this ’black hole’ and are delivered from it believe that they "are" the darkness and are dead. Yet it is an illusion, as are all demonic ploys. That structureless world is known by Kabbalists as qilpoth. It is no more or less than hell’s sewage vessel.
This state of oblivion is presented to victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) as a kind of ’counter-paradise’. By latching on to the dark side of the ego or ’false self’, Choronzon and her allies like Hecate create the false illusion that the false self is the true one. And quite naturally the soul, deprived of consciousness of the true self, believes that there is no hope and that the Christian portrayal of Yahweh’s world is all illusion. That way they are tricked into remaining in darkness because they fear that by leaving it everything will collapse – or to use the expression of some survivors of SRA that I know, "there is no safety-net" beyond what they know. That is another lie. When Yah’shua (Jesus) is invited into the soul to transform it, He also holds it together and is the safety-net.

The symbol for Choronzon – the three triangles arranged in a circle – is the very same symbol employed to denote the danger of radioactive material

We should pause now to consider more about the numerology of Choronzon, as well as her logo, which consists of three triangles (3+3+3=333) (see above). You will recall that Hecate’s symbol consisted of a triangle with a circle around it (see below). These reflect the functional differences of Hecate and Choronzon, even though their activities overlap and function rather like a choir.

Another symbol used by Choronzon is similar to that of the planet Uranus (the old version) but minus the circle at the bottom – )+(. This symbol was even seen on the underside of a UFO over San José de Valderas, Spain (see below). Yet another Choronzon symbol is the lightening flash popular amongst fascist and various occult organizations.

Choronzon has been described as a kind of entropic agent of decay. This demoness causes everything that she touches to whither and decay, whether on the mental, emotional, spiritual or physical planes. She causes age and illness to accelerate so that the body begins to look worn out and old. Thought processes become confused often leading to insanity. Even being around someone who is influenced or controlled by Choronzon causes them to experience her dissolving influence, which is probably why friends and acquaintances are usually repelled and melt away. Only those who have a proper covering of the Ruach (Spirit) are able to withstand this spiritual suction machine of dissolution.
Occultists who are aware of Choronzon have been deceived into believing that she is someone they must "overcome" in order to "ascend" to a plane of mythical enlightenment and immortality. But true to demonic form, Satan uses one set of demons to oppose others to create the illusion of "white" vs. "black magic" or other sets of opposites. Demons help noone. They are not interested in human beings as anything other than sources of energy to be parasitized or vampirised, and take perverse pleasure in deceiving them. Satan has set up mythical ’paths to enlightenment’ which lead to destruction either in this life or the next, for it matters little to him whether they discover the truth of his deception here or there, so long as he has them in his power. Choronzon may be used as part of the theatre of demonic illusion and convince occultists that she is a ’power’ to be overcome in their spiritual ’ascent’ to some ’higher plane’, not realizing that all the planes are a part of the clever transient scenery purporting to lead to some ’reward’ for loyalty. As you will have read in the story of Hecate, the loyalty of humans to demons is never rewarded except with greater enslavement or destruction. Crowley may have believed that he ’overcame’ Choronzon as part of his journey to some ’higher plane’ but the truth is he is one of the greatest fools of them all – for he is utterly trapped and powerless now.
So what does Choronzon do? By messing around with mental, emotional and physical processes, she simply blocks off the natural God-given functions of reason, feeling and health. The effect of Choronzon is to create within a person confusion and give the impression that he is quite stupid. A person possessed of this demoness will alternate between thinking that he is extremely intelligent to being very stupid indeed. The person may have great depth and insights into certain aspects of life but has little or no idea of what the whole consists of, and cannot tie them together because key thought and feeling channels are deliberately blocked. In short, they are unable to integrate their diverse thoughts and feelings. In the case of MPD (Multiple Personality Syndrome), this anarchy is maintained between the various alters who cannot see their way to finding wholeness and integration. There are just so many gaps in mental and emotional knowledge caused by this intruding demoness and her legions of helpers that they see no hope of ever being one again. Fear replaces certainty upon which demons naturally play with great skill, convincing them that only they can "hold the show together". Removing them through deliverance is the first or integral step with the process of integrating the ego on the basis of truth and not lies.
Choronzon is cunning and dangerous to an extreme. She is able to subtly manipulate people while appearing to make overtly crude attacks. Whilst she will often retreat from an attack that uses the Name and Blood of Christ, she rarely gives up and returns at another convenient time and usually in a more insidious and unexpected form. A characteristic of this demoness is that she passionately hates ordered thought, ordered speech, and ordered behavior. Thus she is dedicated to the task of creating disorder and anarchy. She hates rules, commandments, and systems which might bring order, harmony and system to the soul within.
Choronzon rarely appears threatening to the victim and frequently gives the impression that she is incapable of doing much harm. By this deception she is able to consolidate her control. But the act of just listening to her is enough to accelerate the planting of the seeds of dissolution in the victim. Every flaw and illusion in the victim will be painstakingly strengthened thereby, causing the victim to believe in his own self-image carefully crafted by the demoness. By this means the victim is deflected from what he must do to retain control of his mind and reason, namely, turning to Christ for salvation and casting out the demons present. The mind thus infected by Choronzon will gradually decay and the total possession of the victim will simply be a matter of time, irrespective of how strong-willed the victim may believe he is. For the victim will be unaware that his own will has been subverted to the will (Thelema) of the demoness, like a virus taking over the duplicating apparatus of the cell in order to multiply itself and create chaos (cancer) in the process.
Choronzon is dangerous precisely because she almost never manifests physically, her craft being to make the victim think he is in perfect control over his own mind. When she does manifest, is is usually only as a voice, though sometimes she manifests as thousands of voices to give the impression that thousands of demons are present.