Michael Rivero

It’s the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times; creating the enemies you need.

In 70 BC, an ambitious minor politician and extremely wealthy man, Marcus Licinius Crassus, wanted to rule Rome. Just to give you an idea of what sort of man Crassus really was, he is credited with invention of the fire brigade. But in Crassus’ version, his fire-fighting slaves would race to the scene of a burning building whereupon Crassus would offer to buy it on the spot for a tiny fraction of its worth. If the owner sold, Crassus’ slaves would put out the fire. If the owner refused to sell, Crassus allowed the building to burn to the ground. By means of this device, Crassus eventually came to be the largest single private land holder in Rome, and used some of his wealth to help back Julius Caesar against Cicero.

In 70 BC Rome was still a Republic, which placed very strict limits on what Rulers could do, and more importantly NOT do. But Crassus had no intentions of enduring such limits to his personal power, and contrived a plan.

Crassus seized upon the slave revolt led by Spartacus in order to strike terror into the hearts of Rome, whose garrison Spartacus had already defeated in battle. But Spartacus had no intention of marching on Rome itself, a move he knew to be suicidal. Spartacus and his band wanted nothing to do with the Roman empire and had planned from the start merely to loot enough money from their former owners in the Italian countryside to hire a mercenary fleet in which to sail to freedom.

Sailing away was the last thing Crassus wanted Spartacus to do. He needed a convenient enemy with which to terrorize Rome itself for his personal political gain. So Crassus bribed the mercenary fleet to sail without Spartacus, then positioned two Roman legions in such a way that Spartacus had no choice but to march on Rome.

Terrified of the impending arrival of the much-feared army of gladiators, Rome declared Crassus Praetor. Crassus then crushed Spartacus’ army and even though Pompey took the credit, Crassus was elected Consul of Rome the following year.

With this maneuver, the Romans surrendered their Republican form of government. Soon would follow the first Triumvirate, consisting of Crassus, Pompeii, and Julius Caesar, followed by the reign of the god-like Emperors of Rome.

The Romans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting the rule of Emperors.

Julius Caesar’s political opponent, Cicero, for all his literary accomplishments, played the same games in his campaign against Julius Caesar, claiming that Rome was falling victim to an internal "vast right wing" conspiracy in which any expressed desire for legislative limits on government was treated as suspicious behavior. Cicero, in order to demonstrate to the Romans just how unsafe Rome has become hired thugs to cause as much disturbance as possible, and campaigned on a promise to end the internal strife if elected and granted extraordinary powers.

What Cicero only dreamed of, Adolph Hitler succeeded in doing. Elected Chancellor of Germany, Hitler, like Crassus, had no intention of living with the strict limits to his power imposed by German law. Unlike Cicero, Hitler’s thugs were easy to recognize; they all wore the same brown shirts. But their actions were no different than those of their Roman predecessors. They staged beatings, set fires, caused as much trouble as they could, while Hitler made speeches promising that he could end the crime wave of subversives and terrorism if he was granted extraordinary powers.

Then the Reichstag burned down; a staged terrorist attack.

The Germans were hoaxed into surrendering their Republic, and accepting the total rule of Der Fuehrer. Hitler had German troops dressed in Polish uniforms attack the radio station at Gleiwitz, then lied to the Germans, telling them Poland had invaded, and marched Germany off into World War Two

The state-sponsored schools will never tell you this, but governments routinely rely on hoaxes to sell their agendas to an otherwise reluctant public. The Romans accepted the Emperors and the Germans accepted Hitler not because they wanted to, but because the carefully crafted illusions of threat appeared to leave no other choice.

Our government too uses hoaxes to create the illusion that We The People have no choice but the direction the government wishes us to go in.

In 1898, Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World and William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal were arguing for American intervention in Cuba. Hearst is reported to have dispatched a photographer to Cuba to photograph the coming war with Spain. When the photographer asked just what war that might be, Hearst is reported to have replied, "You take the photographs, and I will provide the war". Hearst was true to his word, as his newspaper published stories of great atrocities being committed against the Cuban people, most of which turned out to be complete fabrications.

On the night of February 15, 1898, the USS Maine, lying in Havana harbor in a show of US resolve to protect her interests, exploded violently. Captain Sigsbee, the commander of the Maine, urged that no assumptions of enemy attack be made until there was a full investigation of the cause of the explosion. For this, Captain Sigsbee was excoriated in the press for "refusing to see the obvious". The Atlantic Monthly declared flat out that to suppose the explosion to be anything other than a deliberate act by Spain was "completely at defiance of the laws of probability".

Under the slogan "Remember the Maine", Americans went to war with Spain, eventually winning the Philippines (and annexing Hawaii along the way).

In 1975, an investigation led by Admiral Hyman Rickover examined the data recovered from a 1911 examination of the wreck and concluded that there had been no evidence of an external explosion. The most likely cause of the sinking was a coal dust explosion in a coal bunker imprudently located next to the ship’s magazines. Captain Sigsbee’s caution had been well founded.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt needed a war. He needed the fever of a major war to mask the symptoms of a still deathly ill economy struggling back from the Great Depression (and mutating towards Socialism at the same time). Roosevelt wanted a war with Germany to stop Hitler, but despite several provocations in the Atlantic, the American people, still struggling with that troublesome economy, were opposed to any wars. Roosevelt violated neutrality with lend lease, and even ordered the sinking of several German ships in the Atlantic, but Hitler refused to be provoked.

Roosevelt needed an enemy, and if America would not willingly attack that enemy, then one would have to be maneuvered into attacking America, much as Marcus Licinius Crassus has maneuvered Spartacus into attacking Rome.

The way open to war was created when Japan signed the tripartite agreement with Italy and Germany, with all parties pledging mutual defense to each other. Whereas Hitler would never declare war on the United States no matter the provocation, the means to force Japan to do so were readily at hand.

The first step was to place oil and steel embargoes on Japan, using Japan’s wars on the Asian mainland as a reason. This forced Japan to consider seizing the oil and mineral rich regions in Indonesia. With the European powers militarily exhausted by the war in Europe, the United States was the only power in the Pacific able to stop Japan from invading the Dutch East Indies, and by moving the Pacific fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Roosevelt made a pre-emptive strike on that fleet the mandatory first step in any Japanese plan to extend its empire into the "southern resource area".

Roosevelt boxed in Japan just as completely as Crassus had boxed in Spartacus. Japan needed oil. They had to invade Indonesia to get it, and to do that they first had to remove the threat of the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. There never really was any other course open to them.

To enrage the American people as much as possible, Roosevelt needed the first overt attack by Japan to be as bloody as possible, appearing as a sneak attack much as the Japanese had done to the Russians. From that moment up until the attack on Pearl Harbor itself, Roosevelt and his associates made sure that the commanders in Hawaii, General Short and Admiral Kimmel, were kept in the dark as much as possible about the location of the Japanese fleet and its intentions, then later scapegoated for the attack. (Congress recently exonerated both Short and Kimmel, posthumously restoring them to their former ranks).

But as the Army board had concluded at the time, and subsequent de-classified documents confirmed, Washington DC knew the attack was coming, knew exactly where the Japanese fleet was, and knew where it was headed.

On November 29th, Secretary of State Hull showed United Press reporter Joe Leib a message with the time and place of the attack, and the New York Times in its special 12/8/41 Pearl Harbor edition, on page 13, reported that the time and place of the attack had been known in advance!

The much repeated claim that the Japanese fleet maintained radio silence on its way to Hawaii was a lie. Among other intercepts still held in the Archives of the NSA is the UNCODED message sent by the Japanese tanker Shirya stating, "proceeding to a position 30.00 N, 154.20 E. Expect to arrive at that point on 3 December." (near HI)

President Lyndon Johnson wanted a war in Vietnam. He wanted it to help his friends who owned defense companies to do a little business. He needed it to get the Pentagon and CIA to quit trying to invade Cuba. And most of all, he needed a provocation to convince the American people that there was really "no other choice".

On August 5, 1964, newspapers across America reported "renewed attacks" against American destroyers operating in Vietnamese waters, specifically the Gulf of Tonkin. The official story was that North Vietnamese torpedo boats launched an "unprovoked attack" on the USS Maddox while it was on "routine patrol".

The truth is that USS Maddox was involved in aggressive intelligence gathering in coordination with actual attacks by South Vietnam and the Laotian Air Force against targets in North Vietnam. The truth is also that there was no attack by torpedo boats against the USS Maddox. Captain John J. Herrick, the task force commander in the Gulf, cabled Washington DC that the report was the result of an "over-eager" sonar man who had picked up the sounds of his own ship’s screws and panicked. But even with this knowledge that the report was false, Lyndon Johnson went on national TV that night to announce the commencement of air strikes against North Vietnam, "retaliation" for an attack that had never occurred.

President George H. W. Bush wanted a war in Iraq. Like Crassus, George Bush is motivated by money. Specifically oil money. But with the OPEC alliance failing to keep limits on oil production in the Mideast, the market was being glutted with oil pumped from underneath Iraq, which sat over roughly 1/3 of the oil reserves of the entire region.

George wanted a war to stop that flow of oil, to keep prices (and profits) from falling any further than they already had. But like Roosevelt, he needed the "other side" to make the first move.

Iraq had long been trying to acquire greater access to the Persian Gulf, and felt limited confined a narrow strip of land along Kuwait’s northern border, which placed Iraqi interests in close proximity with hostile Iran. George Bush, who had been covertly arming Iraq during its war with Iran, sent word via April Glaspie that the United States would not intervene if Saddam Hussein grabbed a larger part of Kuwait. Saddam fell for the bait and invaded.

Of course, Americans were not about to send their sons and daughters to risk their lives for petroleum products. So George Bush arranged a hoax, using a public relations firm which has grown rich on taxpayer money by being most industrious and creative liars! The PR firm concocted a monumental fraud in which the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States, went on TV pretending to be a nurse, and related a horror story in which Iraqi troops looted the incubators from a Kuwaiti hospital, leaving the premature babies on the cold floor to die. The media, part of the swindle from the start, never bothered asking why the "nurse" didn’t just pick the babies up and wrap them in blankets or something.

Enraged by the incubator story, Americans supported operation Desert Storm, which never removed Saddam Hussein from power but which did take Kuwait’s oil off of the market for almost 2 years and limited Iraq’s oil exports to this very day. That our sons and daughters came home with serious and lingering medical illnesses was apparently not too great a price to pay for increased oil profits.

Following the victory in Iraq, yet another war appeared to be in the offering in the mineral rich regions of Bosnia. Yet again, a hoax was used to create support for military action.

The photo (right) of Fikret Alic staring through a barbed wire fence, was used to "prove" the existence of modern day "Concentration Camps". As the headline of "Belsen 92" indicates, all possible associations with the Nazi horrors were made to sell the necessity of sending yet more American troops into someone else’s nation.

But when German Journalists went to Trnopolje, the site of the supposed Concentration Camp. to film a documentary, they discovered that the photo was a fake! The camp at Trnopolje was not a concentration camp but a refugee center. Nor was it surrounded by barbed wire. Careful examination of the original photo revealed that the photographer had shot the photo through a broken section of fence surrounding a tool shed. It was the photographer who was on the inside, shooting out at the refugees.

Once again, Americans had been hoaxed into support of actions they might otherwise not have agreed with.

While several American Presidents have willingly started wars for personal purposes, perhaps no President has ever carried it to the extreme that Bill Clinton has.

Coincident with the expected public statement of Monica Lewinsky following her testimony, Bill Clinton ordered a cruise missile attack on Sudan and Afghanistan, claiming to have had irrefutable proof that bogeyman extraordinaire (and former Afghani ally) Osama Bin Ladin was creating terrorist chemical weapons there.

Examination of the photos of the debris revealed none of the expected structures one would find in a laboratory that handled lethal weapons-grade materials. Assurances from the CIA that they had a positive soil test for biological weapons fell on their face when it was revealed that there had been no open soil anywhere near the pre-bombed facility. Sudan requested that international observers come test the remains of the factory for any signs of the nerve gas Clinton had insisted was there. None was found. The Sudanese plant was a harmless aspirin factory, and the owner has sued for damages.

Later examination of the site hit in Afghanistan revealed it to be a mosque.

Click for larger image

Meanwhile, back in Kosovo, stories about genocide and atrocities were flooding the media (in time to distract from the Sudanese embarrassments), just as lurid and sensational and as it turns out often just as fictional as most of William Randolph Hearst’s stories of atrocities against the Cubans.

Again, the government and the media were hoaxing Americans. The above photo was shown on all the American networks, claiming to be one of Slobodan Milosovic’s Migs, shot down while attacking civilians. Closer examination (click on the photo) shows it to be stenciled in English!

Like Germany under Chancellor Hitler, there have been events in our nation which strike fear into the hearts of the citizens, such as the New York World Trade Tower bombing, the OK City Federal Building, and the Olympic Park bomb (nicely timed to divert the media from witnesses to the TWA 800 shoot down). The media has been very quick to blame such events on "radicals", "subversives", "vast right wing conspiracies", and other "enemies in our midst", no different than the lies used by Cicero and Hitler.

But on closer examination, such "domestic terrorist" events do not appear to be what they are made out to be. The FBI had an informant inside the World Trade Tower bombers, Emad Salam, who offered to sabotage the bomb. The FBI told him "no". The so-called "hot bed" of white separatism at Elohim City, occasional home to Tim McVeigh in the weeks prior to the OK City bombing, was founded and run by an FBI informant!

Click for larger image

And nobody has ever really explained what this second Ryder truck was doing in a secret camp half way from Elohim City to Oklahoma City two weeks before the bombing.

So, here we are today. Like the Romans of Crassus’ and Cicero’s time, or the Germans under a newly elected Hitler, we are being warned that a dangerous enemy threatens us, implacable, invisible, omnipresent, and invulnerable as long as our government is hamstrung by that silly old Bill of Rights. Already there have appeared articles debating whether or not "extraordinary measures" (i.e. torture) are not fully justified under certain circumstances such as those we are purported to face.

As was the case in Rome and Germany, the government continues to plead with the public for an expansion of its power and authority, to "deal with the crisis".

However, as Casio watch timers are paraded before the cameras, to the stentorian tones of the talking heads’ constant dire warnings, it is legitimate to question just how real the crises is, and how much is the result of political machinations by our own leaders.

Are the terrorists really a threat, or just patsies with fake bombs and Casio watches, paid for by Cicero and given brown shirts to wear by Hitler?

Is terrorism inside the United States really from outside, or is it a stage managed production, designed to cause Americans to believe they have no choice but to surrender the Republic and accept the totalitarian rule of a new emperor, or a new Fuhrer?

Indeed, given that acts of terror undermine the very public support needed by the so-called "terrorists" to bring about change, it may be argued that there are in fact no genuine acts of terror; that they are all manufactured events to be blamed on the groups wishing to challenge the status quo.

Once lost, the Romans never got their Republic back. Once lost, the Germans never got their Republic back. In both cases, the nation had to totally collapse before freedom was restored to the people.

Remember that when Crassus tells you that Spartacus approaches.

Remember that when thugs in the streets act in a manner clearly designed to provoke the public fear.

Remember that when the Reichstag burns down.

Remember that when the President lies to you about weapons of mass destruction.

"This (9/11) was all planned. This was a government-ordered operation. Bush personally signed the order. He personally authorized the attacks. He is guilty of treason and mass murder." –Stanley Hilton [Pakistan Daily]

The 9/11 Reichstag Fire

Reichstag Fire

Reichstag fire, burning of the Reichstag (parliament) building in Berlin, on the night of Feb. 27, 1933, a key event in the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship and widely believed to have been contrived by the newly formed Nazi government itself to turn public opinion against its opponents and to assume emergency powers … his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, is supposed to have devised the scheme. … On Feb. 28, 1933, the day after the fire, Hitler’s dictatorship began with the enactment of a decree "for the Protection of the People and the State," which dispensed with all constitutional protection of political, personal, and property rights.

Encyclopaedia Britannica

Excerpt from History Channel documentary detailing evidence of Hitler’s supporters burning down
the Reichstag in 1933

5.6 MB RealMedia video

The Reichstag fire was a disaster for Communists because they received the blame for starting it, but it was a dream come true for Hitler and his cohorts as it allowed them to turn Germany into a dictatorship.

Did the Bush administration try the same trick on September 11, 2001?

The victims of the 9/11 attacks have been disaster for Muslims because 19 Arabs were named as hijackers of the planes, but they’ve been a dream come true for the PNAC ‘think-tank’ whose 2000 Statement of Principles stated a "catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor" would advance their policies, i.e. justify wars and "regime changes".

"This is about control over Middle East oil. [The Statement of Principles] indicates that America is aiming for global leadership, both military and economically…" – Michael Meacher, UK MP

WMV video download (831kB)

The fact that Pearl Harbor was engineered by the US government to bring America into WWII would have been known by PNAC signatories…

10 [PNAC members] are now in the Bush administration. As well as Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz, they include Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage; John Bolton, who is undersecretary of state for disarmament; and Zalmay Khalilzad, the White House liaison to the Iraqi opposition. Other signatories include William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine, and Richard Perle, chairman of the advisory Defense Science Board. [ABC News 3/10/2003]

…so their statement actually referred to policy advancement through a governmentally orchestrated "catastrophic and catalyzing event" – Operation Northwoods is an example of this thinking.

The "new Pearl Harbor" occurred on 9/11…

Like his father, Bush tries to keep a daily diary of his thoughts and observations. That night, he dictated: "The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today." [Washington Post]

…and now wars and "regime changes" are justified by the events of that day:

U.S. President George W Bush … defended the war in Iraq, telling Americans the United States was forced into war because of the Sept 11 terror strikes. [Japan Today 17/06/05]

"The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century" effectively thrust PNAC’s radical ideas to the fore…

The terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and concerns that another similar attack might follow, gave Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld "a tremendous sense of urgency" in pushing his transformation effort … . Rumsfeld said … the Sept. 11 attacks underscored the importance of the transformation program he announced Sept. 10, 2001. [American Forces Press Service]

…so were the events of 9/11 governmentally orchestrated?

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

There were many exercises prior to 9/11 which related specifically to the events of that day:

NORAD conducted exercises with fighter jets simulating hijacked planes flown into the World Trade Center in the two years before the attacks. Pentagon planners also envisioned the attack on the Pentagon five months before it happened.

WMV video download (936kB)

On June 2, 2001 PNAC signatory Paul Wolfowitz predicted a military surprise:

"Military history is full of surprises, even if few are as dramatic or memorable as Pearl Harbor. Surprises happen so often, that is is surprising that we’re still surprised by it. … Be prepared to be surprised. Have courage." []

From July 26, 2001 John Ashcroft stopped traveling on commercial airlines:

In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a "threat assessment" by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term. [CBS News]

World Trade Center staff received evacuation drills prior to 9/11:

Ben Fountain, 42, a financial analyst with Fireman’s Fund, was coming out of the Chambers Street Station, headed for his office on the 47th floor of the south tower. "How could they let this happen? They knew this building was a target. Over the past few weeks we’d been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual. I think they had an inkling something was going on." [People]

On September 10 top Pentagon officials were compelled to cancel travel plans:

On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns. [MSNBC 9/24/2001]

Also on September 10 Willie Brown, the former Mayor of San Francisco, was warned about air travel:

Brown received a warning about 10 PM on the evening of September 10 to be cautious about air travel. He was scheduled to fly to into New York City. Brown refuses to say exactly who gave him the prescient warning, citing only "my security people at the airport." [SFGate 9/12/2001]

President Bush’s cousin had a fortunate change of venue for a September 11 business conference:

President Bush’s cousin should have been in the World Trade Centre when it was attacked. Jim Pierce, managing director of AON Corporations, had arranged a business conference on the 105th floor of the South Tower where its New York offices were based. But his group was too large so they decided to move across the street to the Millennium Hotel. [Annova]

An imminent attack was forecast…

"The Director of the CIA warned that there could be an attack—an imminent attack—on the United States of this nature. So this is not entirely unexpected." [Memory Hole]

…maybe that’s why FEMA was in New York on September 10.

The above may be seen as coincidences, but also consider the following:

All of the above cannot be dismissed as coincidental. PNAC demanded a "catastrophic and catalyzing event", they got it, and a cover-up ensued. The Nazis attempted to initiate a New World Order by burning the Reichstag, and it is apparent that an identical objective lay behind the 9/11 attacks.

"There is a chance for the President of the United States to use the disaster . . . to carry out what his father – a phrase his father used I think only once, and it hasn’t been used since – and that is a New World Order."

Senator Gary Hart,
Sept. 14, 2001 [mp3]

The attacks had the desired catalysing effect…

"I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you … and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon."

WMV video download (563kB)

…and gave the US government the green light to start a pre-planned war in Afghanistan – how convenient it was that the head of the Northern Alliance was assassinated on September 9, 2001.

The attacks also created a much needed enemy and stripped US citizens of liberties in the guise of fighting terrorism.

"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death." – Adolph Hitler

"There will be no going back to the era before September 11, 2001, to false comfort in a dangerous world."

WMV video download (123kB)

Watch the History Channel documentary excerpt detailing the burning of the Reichstag and note the parallels to today’s ‘War on Terror’, then read these Bush family connections to 9/11 and dictatorship.

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator" – G.W. Bush [CNN 12/18/00]

CNN video of dictatorship comment

“Who gives a flying fuck what the polls say,” he screamed at a recent strategy meeting. “I’m the President and I’ll do whatever I goddamned please. They don’t know shit.” [Capitol Hill Blue 8/25/05]

Click for article...

2001 US Naziesque stamp - click for details
"Fascism will come to this country and it will come disguised as Americanism" – Governor Huey Long

The fourteen defining points of fascism

Another ‘al Qaeda’ attack would result in America coming under military rule.

NSPD 51 has barely been reported by the mainstream media. … This Combined Directive … grants unprecedented powers to the Presidency and the Department of Homeland Security, overriding the foundations of Constitutional government. NSPD 51 allows the sitting president to declare a “national emergency” without Congressional approval. The adoption of NSPD 51 would lead to the de facto closing down of the Legislature and the militarization of justice and law enforcement … NSPD 51 grants extraordinary Police State powers to the White House and Homeland Security (DHS), in the event of a "Catastrophic Emergency". []

The Constitution of the United States would be consigned to history.

PATRIOT Act II would become legislation – not nice.

Plans for establishing civilian labor camps have been drafted and detention camps are being built.

"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." – President Harry S. Truman.

Former CIA Senior Analyst Warns U.S. Headed Down A Fascist Road


Index of What Really Happened

The Shut Down of Arab Muslim Web Sites in the Days Leading up to 9/11

The World Trade Center Collapses


FEMA was in New York on September 10
9/11 Security Courtesy of Marvin Bush
Who Told Giuliani the WTC was going to collapse?
There Were No 800ºC Infernos in the Twin Towers
The "Truss Theory": A Fantasy Concocted to Conceal a Demolition
Evidence of WTC Demolition
Videos of the Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

President Bush’s 9/11 Visit To Booker Elementary


Why was Bush allowed to visit Booker Elementary on 9/11?
Bush Caught in a Lie About the 9/11 WTC Attacks
Bush at Booker Elementary – The Video
What Did Card Really Whisper to Bush on 9/11?
The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark

The 9/11 Hijackings


Alleged Hijackers (7 of whom are still alive)
Media Published Fake Passenger Lists for AA Flight 11
Proof of Lies Against The Hijacker Suspects
Hani Hanjour: 9/11 Pilot Extraordinaire
Evidence Showing Ziad Jarrah Was Not a Hijacker
9/11 Airport Surveillance Video Discrepancies
Pre-9/11 Inside Trading Leads to the Highest Ranks of the CIA

Flight 93


Flight 93: Proof of 9/11 Lies by the US Government and Media
The Fabrication of the Flight 93 Myth
How Did Human Remains End Up Miles From Flight 93’s Crash Site?
Something Strange about Flight 93

The Pod People and the Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon

Eyewitness Accounts of the Pentagon Crash

The Pentagon Renovations Completed on 9/11/2001

The 9/11 USAF Stand Down

War Games: The Key to a 9/11 USAF Stand Down

9/11: Real World or Exercise?

Anthrax and 9/11


The 9/11 Anthrax Frame-Up
Why send anthrax specifically to the media and congress?
The FBI Anthrax Attacks Cover-Up
The mysterious deaths of top microbiologists

Israel and 9/11


All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company
Odigo Workers Received Warning of 9/11 Attacks
The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11
The Israeli Spy Ring
Two Israelis arrested with bombs in the Mexican Congress

The Death Of John Kennedy

There have been two official investigations. One concluded Oswald acted alone, the other that there was a conspiracy. After forty four years, many of the key documents which could tell the whole story remain classified. John F. Kennedy’s brain is still missing from the National Archives. Why, if it is an open and shut case? Why the secrecy, if Oswald was just a "crazed lone gunman"?

NEW! The Zapruder Film stabilized (Quicktime)

NEW! Jack Ruby worked for Richard Nixon

NEW! Memo surfaces linking George Bush to CIA

NEW! Photo surfaces suggesting George H. W. Bush was in Dealey PLaza during the assassination.

NEW! Memo surfaces proving George H. W. Bush was planting misinformation with the media prior to the assassination.

NEW! Memo surfaces linking Oswald to CIA

NEW! Posthumous book claims Ford knew of CIA coverup in Kennedy assassination

E. Howard Hunt’s confession! There was a conspiracy, and that’s right from the mouth of one of the conspirators.

Video shows Kennedy’s Secret Service ordered to stand down. Note the two Secret Service men walking on either side of the car would have been in an ideal position to protect Kennedy when the shooting started, but as this video shows, were ordered back into the Secret Service car following JFK’s car. One agent clearly expresses confusion at this order.

New study confirms HSCA conclusion of more than three gunshots and shot from Grassy Knoll.

The House Select Commitee on Assassinations concluded that John F. Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy based on the recording of the gunshots fired in Dealey Plaza, captured over a police radio. A total of 7 impulses were caught on the tape, but citing budgetary constraints, the HSCA only had 4 of them analysed. The analysis concluded that all 4 were gunshots, two of them occuring within 1/2 a second of each other, too close to be fired by one man. Comparisons of the echoes with test shots fired in Deakel Plaza confirmed that at least one of the recorded shots had indeed been fired from the Grassy Knoll. Needless to say, the existance of 5, rather than just 3, gunshots destroyed the Oswald as lone gunman cover-up. Warren supporters quickly tried to dismiss the audio record of the gunshots by claiming that the recording was actually of gunshots in another part of the city, and confused for Dealey Plaza shots because of a timing error. Without explaining just where the other shots had occured, or why the echo patterns matched matched the test shots fired in Dealey Plaza, the Warren supporters declared victory. New research has shown that the report that dismissed the audio recording of the gunshots was itself deeply flawed, and ignored evidence that confirmed both the locatrion and time of the recording as being in Dealey Plaza at the time of the JFK assassination. This means that the original House Select Committee on Assassinations conclusion is the correct one. There were at least four gunshots in Dealey Plaza, two of them within 1/2 second of each other, and at least one of the shots came from the Grassy Knoll.

Dan Rather’s "fib"

Dan Rather, at the time an unknown newscaster from a small market Texas TV station, viewed the Zapruder film, then described it to America on the CBS network. As this recording of that broadcast shows, Rather lied to all of America in claiming that the head shot pushed John F. Kennedy’s head forward. Rather’s meteoric rise to network status and stardom soon followed. When the Zapruder film was finally shown publicly, during Jim Garrison’s trial of CIA agent Clay Shaw, Rather’s lie was revealed for all to see. Sound file provided by

JFK Researchers Honored.

Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment.



Dead witnesses.

[Zapruder Segment ]

The photos from Post Magazine: Proof the media lies to the public.

Click for eyewitness report of gunshots from grassy knoll. Video file courtesy of Liberty Think

Click for Oswald’s voice. Microsoft Wave format. (86.8K) Click here for a wav file of Lee Harvey Oswald claiming he was just a patsy.

Click for HCSA evidence. Wave format(140.9K) This was the evidence which led the House Select Committee on Assassinations to conclude that there had indeed been a conspiracy in the murder of John Kennedy.

Click for complete Zapruder film.

Click for Zapruder film focusing on the driver at extreme right.

Click for Zapruder frames 186-207.Note the little girl in the background who stops running to look off to the left, suggesting a gunshot far earlier than the Warren Report claimed.

JFK Head X-ray

This is the X-ray plate from page 170 of the book, Mortal Error, showing bullet fragments still inside JFK’s skull. This photo is posted here in reference to the claim that a .38 unjacketed lead slug penetrated Vincent Foster’s skull without leaving any fragments at all!

Robert Kennedy Assassination: Intimidation of a witness.

Lion's Den Site Of The Week

Lion’s Den Site Of The Week.

Click for Serrano Interrogation. MP3 format

This is the official LAPD audio tape of the lie detector test given to witness Sandy Serrano who claimed she saw a woman in a polka dot dress running from the Robert Kennedy assassination exclaiming "We shot him". The interviewing officer, LAPD Detective Hank Hernandez, was rumored to have intelligence connections, which would explain his having administered a lie detector test to the dictator of Venzuela just prior to doing the same to Sandy Serrano. This audio tape excerpt of the interview was obtained by Serrano’s lawyers when she sued the LAPD.

I include this audio sample here to prove an historical tendency for law enforcement officials with intelligence connections to harass and intimidate witnesses. There is no confusing whatsoever that Hernandez’ intent is to convince Sandy Serrano to alter her story. Hernandez spent 50 minutes trying to get Sandy to alter her story. This tape covers only a small portion of what went on.

Given this prior proof of such practices, claims by present witnesses of attempts to coerce their testimony in regards to the Vincent Foster affair cannot easily be dismissed.

The above image is a scan of the actual LAPD teletype that announced the arrest of Sirhan Sirhan. Notice that it mentions the woman in the polka dot dress that Detective Hank Hernandez told Sandy Serrano did not exist!

John F. Kennedy Jr.

Evidence Of A Cover up

John and Carolyn Kennedy

JFK Jr. – Why the official story is in doubt.

Let’s get something clear. The purpose of this article is not to suggest an alternative explanation for the crash of JFK Jr’s plane. The purpose of this article is to suggest that it is reasonable and prudent to examine all possibilities, not settle on the first explanation forced upon the public to the exclusion of all else.

Part 1. An Age Of Lies

We live in a time of very unpleasant realities. Truth has become such a valuable commodity that the government of the United States and the media have started (to put it politely) economizing it. Documented cases of media deception over the years have made it clear that the media lies to the public on important issues. As Richard Salent, Former President of CBS News has stated, media’s job is to feed the public what media thinks the public ought to know. Clearly, anything that happens that the media doesn’t think the public needs to know about will simply not be reported.

By way of example, let’s take a look at the JFK assassination. For years, the government and the media sang a uniform chorus of "lone assassin" and "Magic Bullet", even though careful analysis showed that the media was using fraudulent photos to sell these claims. Finally, last year, trapped by his own handwritten notes uncovered in the National Archives, Warren Commission member Gerald Ford admitted that the Warren Report altered the official location of the entry wound on JFK’s back. While the admission was made to appear quite trivial in the media, a moment’s consideration reveals that this confession triggers some important consequences.</HREF=".. ford.html? jfk politics ..>

JFK had an entry wound down on his back, over by the shoulder blade. The photo of JFK’s shirt showed clearly where this entry wound was. Gerald Ford’s (and the Warren’s) official version placed the wound up by the base of the neck. The hole in the shirt was explained away by suggesting that the normally fastidious John Kennedy had allowed his shirt to come un-tucked and ride up his back under the suit coat sufficient to place the back of the shirt up around the neck. Now, however, the original source document showing the back wound to be right where the (properly tucked in) shirt indicated it was.

What does this mean? The theory of the lone assassin is based on the "Magic Bullet" theory, that one single bullet accounted for all of JFK’s wounds except the head wound, plus all the wounds on Texas Governor John Connelly. In order to work, the entry wound on JFK’s back had to be up at the base of the neck to line up with the purported exit wound in the front of the throat. If the entry wound wasn’t where the "Magic Bullet" theory requires it to be then there is no "Magic Bullet". If there is no "Magic Bullet", then there is no "lone assassin".

But more to the point, even ahead of the implications for the "Magic Bullet" theory, the irrefutable fact is that the Warren Commission lied to the public about that back wound. Though they may try to explain it away as some bizarre attempt at historical "clarification", the plain simple fact is that a wound lower in the back and out on the shoulder blade was reported to the public by the Warren Commission as being at the base of the neck.

The Warren Commission lied to the public about the location of that wound. There is no other way to put it. It cannot be candy-coated. It cannot be "spun". It cannot be excused. The wound was in one place, but the public was told it was someplace else.

Just take a moment and think that through.

Once you accept that the Warren Report lied to the public, you’ll realize you knew it all along. After all, the last official government verdict, rendered by the House Select Committee on Assassinations, was that there had indeed been a conspiracy, and John Connelly went to his grave insisting he was not hit by the same gunshot that had hit John F. Kennedy. The Zapruder film bears him out, showing Connelly, after John Kennedy has clutched his throat, still holding his Stetson hat in the hand which was just moments later, struck by a bullet. A different bullet.

For those of you old enough to remember, recall how the media unabashedly signed onto this lie of a "magic bullet" and a "lone assassin". The mainstream media, who purports to be the watchdog against government abuse on behalf of the American people, stood up to be counted with what may be the most monstrous lie told to the American people in the last half century. People tend to believe what they hear over and over again. And over and over again we heard the steady and unrelenting litany of "lone assassin", "lone assassin", "lone assassin". It wasn’t news; it was a hypnotic sales pitch.

When Robert Kennedy was killed, yet again the people were told over and over again that it was a lone assassin. The government and the media spoke with a single voice of reassurance that nobody else had taken part in the assassination of Robert Kennedy. Yet it was clear from initial police reports that one other suspect did exist, a girl in a polka dot dress who was seen leading Sirhan around early in the evening, then running from the scene of the assassination. Probably few would have paid that much attention to her, since the investigation appeared not to be interested, until an official LAPD audio tape surfaced from the lie detector test of witness Sandy Serrano. Serrano was one of the witnesses who saw the woman in the Polka-dot dress leading Sirhan around prior to the shooting. Yet as can be heard on this tape, the police investigator is clearly trying o coerce Serrano into changing her story!

One more Kennedy death. One more cover-up.

In those innocent times, the American public was naïve, perhaps dangerously so. Americans never dreamed that our government and the media would lie to us all about something so important as the killing of our leaders. But, as history has shown, they did just that. We never dreamed that our nation’s future was being shaped, not by the ballot box, but by the hired assassins of secretive powerful individuals. Yet it was, and still is.

The Kennedy assassinations, coupled with that of Martin Luther King, plus the attempted assassination of George Wallace, brought an end to that naivete, as we watched the man who would have never been President but for all those convenient deaths walk into the White House on Inauguration day, 1969.

More than anyone else, with the possible exception of the current occupant of the White House, Richard Nixon destroyed the image of an honorable and law-abiding American President we had all been raised with, The lesson of his term in office was a simple one. Presidents do break the law. Presidents commit perjury and obstruction of justice. Presidents have things to hide.

Oddly enough, Richard Nixon was forced to resign because of the John F. Kennedy assassination. The break-in at the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee would have never become the issue to topple a President, but for the need to protect just WHY the crime had been committed. The Democrats had obtained photographs which showed Nixon "associate" E. Howard Hunt to be one of the tramps arrested and then released in Dealey Plaza. This is why Hunt led the break-in at the Watergate. He was protecting his own posterior.

Rather than risk exposure of a far worse scandal, Nixon resigned, turning over the White House to Gerald Ford, the Warren Commission member who last year admitted last year to altering the official location of JFK’s back wound.

From this linkage, it should be obvious that the various assassinations that dominate the political history of our nation are not the isolated events that the media and government would have us believe. They are, rather, high points on an ongoing continuum of intrigue and criminal enterprise that is the political reality.

Starting from the fact that you were lied to about the deaths of John and Robert Kennedy, take a moment to think back at just how many people had to sign onto those lies. Newscasters, police officers, investigators, and government officials, all had to take part, all DID take part.

That is an important lesson to keep in mind, that a lie to the public demands, and has little trouble obtaining, a vast number of people to help it along.

Part 2: The dishonesty of the media.

Asked to give a toast before the prestigious New York Press Club, John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff at the New York Times, made this candid confession [it’s worth noting that Swinton was called "The Dean of His Profession" by other newsmen, who admired him greatly]:

    " There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, as an
     independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you
     who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know
     beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for
     keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others
     of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who
     would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the
     streets looking for another job.

     If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper,
     before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of
     the journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to
     vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell the country for his
     daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting
     an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men
     behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and
     we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the
     property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. "

From a very young age we are all raised in the belief that the media is supposed to keep an eye on the government, to watch out for wrongdoing. There is a carefully crafted illusion of an independent media, but it is illusion only. Since WW2, the Central Intelligence Agency has been running operation MOCKINGBIRD which places CIA assets in management positions of all the media. That the CIA wields a great deal of control over the media and what it tells the American people was revealed by the heavy handed actions taken in regards to covering up that portion of the Iran-Contra scandal that took place at the Mena, Arkansas airport. Following the killing of cocaine smuggler and Iran-Contra pilot Barry Seal, writers Roger Morris and Sally Denton uncovered documents proving that Seal had been working for the CIA. That information was written up as an article for the Washington Post, and had been cleared for publication by legal and fact checking when Managing Editor Bob Kaiser spiked the article without explanation. When writer Gary Webb wrote his series of article "Dark Alliance", which accused the CIA of being the source of the cocaine that poured into Los Angeles in the 1980s, virtually every major newspaper, including the Los Angeles Times, united in their attack on his story. Less than one year later, the CIA’s Inspector General issued a report that admitted to the cocaine trafficking in connection with Iran-Contra. None of the newspapers that savaged Gary Webb ever bothered to apologize to him.

The few times the media has appeared to expose government wrongdoing has later been revealed in historical hindsight as one faction using the media against another faction. For those issues which all factions agree must be kept from the public, the media operates with total unanimity. As we saw in thephotos from the Dec 14th, 1963 POST magazine, the media was committing outright fraud to sell the single bullet theory to the public. And, as we saw with regard to the cocaine smuggling by the CIA, the media not only ignores the story, but attacks anyone who dares touch the subject.

And again, these are not isolated incidents, but part of a continuum, as evidenced by the various scandals which have hit the major media involving the fraudulently manufactured Food Lion story, the phony Bosnian "Concentration Camp" photos, and the use of explosives to manufacture a story about unsafe side mounted gas tanks on GM trucks.

That our media is biased is clear. All the mainstream media championed the story that White House Deputy Council Vincent Foster committed suicide. CBS "60 Minutes" went out of their way to attack writer Chris Ruddy, who pointed out the evidence of cover-up (evidence which has now brought the FBI into Federal Court on charges of witness harassment and evidence tampering). A&E’s "Inside Investigations" explained away the lack of fingerprints on the smooth metal revolver Foster was found with by using a heavily textured semi-automatic pistol on their program, a deliberate fraud.

Speaking of CBS "60 Minutes", the executive producer of that show, Don Hewitt, has admitted on video tape to editing his show’s segment on Gennifer Flowers to discredit her and help Bill Clinton, even though Gennifer Flowers had audio tapes which proved her story was true.

DON HEWITT (Executive Producer, "60 Minutes"):   And they came to us 
because they were in big trouble in New Hampshire.  They were about to 
lose right there and they needed some first aid.  They needed some 
bandaging.  What they needed was a paramedic.  So they came to us and 
we did it and that's what they wanted to do.  When I told Tim Russer 
that I was persona-non-grata at the White House, he said, "Why?"  I 
said, "The Gennifer Flowers interview."  He said, "You got him the 
nomination."  I said, "I know that."  As far as I know from the 
conversations I've had, Bernie Nussbaum knew that, Gergen knows that, 
Lloyd Cutler certainly knows it 'cause Lloyd had a hand in his coming 
on that night.  
You know it was strong medicine the way I edited it but he was a very 
sick candidate.  He needed very strong medicine, and I'm not in the 
business of doctoring candidates but he got up out of a sick bed that 
night and walked to the nomination and as I said to Mandy, "You know 
if I'ld edited it your way, you know where you'd be today?  You'd still 
be up in New Hampshire looking for the nomination."  He became the 
candidate that night.

Because of incidents like the above, plus others so numerous as to be beyond the scope of this document, it has become popular to refer to members of the media as "presstitutes", in keeping with John Swinton’s quite honest assessment of his own profession.

It therefore follows that, since the presstitutes write or broadcast what they are told to write and broadcast, that all media presents to the public is what the owners and controllers of the media want you to think. They print it, you think it. They broadcast it, you think it. They print it, you think it. They broadcast it, you think it. People believe what they hear over and over again.

And over and over again, you are being lied to.

Part 3: The FBI and COINTELPRO – harassment of those who try to expose the lies.

The FBI has enjoyed, for much of it’s existance, a splendid public image. This is no accident. J. Edgar Hoover spent as much time polishing the image of the FBI as he did solving crimes, and the unofficial motto of the FBI remains, "Never embarrass the bureau".

Hoover was obsessed with Hollywood, going back to his battles with Charlie Chaplin. Hoover personally supervised the filming of the Jimmy Stewert movie, "The FBI Story", and FBI documents show that the FBI not only kept watch on celebrities, but kept an eye on movies that might be considering showing the FBI in a poor light. So concerned with the FBI’s [public image was Hoover that he even used bureau assets to track rumors of his gay lifestyle.

But that’s just the FBI’s public image. The reality is quite something else.

It is inevitable that when a government lies to the people, sooner or later the liars need to have in place a mechanism to suppress anyone who might wish to expose the lies, the first amendment be damned.

Fullfilling that role is the FBI and it’s COINTELPRO program, the harsh reality behind the polished public image.

Originally started back in the 60s to sabotage opposition to the war in Vietnam, the FBI’s COINTELRO operation was exposed in the 70s and led to Congressional Hearings. In those hearings, it became obvious that rather than fighting crime, the FBI had been engaged in criminal actions of its own and for no other purpose than to silence anyone who spoke out against the government’s policies, and especially those who challenged the official view of events.

One of the tools most used by the FBI was to sabotage public support for dissident views by planting false information, either through informants, the complicit media, or undercover informants which operated on every college campus (and still do to this day).

One of the most infamous smear jobs involved the "Black Panther Coloring Book". The Black Panthers were originally formed to address two issues. They wanted to make sure that kids in the ghettos were getting breakfasts, and they were concerned with the curriculum in the public schools and wanted local control of education (an issue that many today can easily identify with). And, of course, they wanted the government to respect their Constitutional rights.

Needless to say, the Federal government did not like either the idea of giving up control of the public school curriculum, nor of having to respect anyone’s Constitutional rights.

The FBI then printed up the coloring book shown at the above link and distributed it far and wide. That it was mailed primarily to white households should have been the tip-off, but again, people didn’t believe that the government of the United States engaged in such despicable behaviors, and that belief kept the people blind. The mainstream media then proceeded to tell the public that the coloring books were being given out to black children at those free breakfasts, and forever after, the Black Panthers were portrayed by the media as dangerous fanatics intending to kill white people. Needless to say, all support for local control of the curriculum vanished.

Yet another infamous FBI trick was the smearing of actress Jean Seberg, who at a time when the Black Panthers were under attack by the media and the FBI, openly supported them on the issues of civil rights. Because of her fame as a film star, Jean Seberg drew a lot of public attention to the real issues the Black Panthers were working for, so the FBI set out to destroy her.

The SAIC Los Angeles wrote a memo to FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. Page one of the memo requested permission to plant a false story to destroy Jean Seberg’s public image. Page two of the memo contained assurances that the smearing would never be traced back to the FBI, clear evidence that the Los Angeles office knew it was acting in an unethical manner.

Permission was granted by Washington D.C. with the suggestion that the smear be delayed until Jean’s pregnancy was much more obvious. He phony letters were sent, and the story broken by Los Angles Times gossip columnist Joyce Haber. NEWSWEEK picked up the story, and it was soon world wide. All this at a time when inter-racial sex, let alone an inter-racial adulterous affair, was a career-wrecking scandal. The emotional shock of the smear drove Jean Seberg into miscarriage. The funeral for the baby was help with an open coffin, so the lie stood revealed in it’s most tragic and pathetic form. Soon after, Jean eberg committed suicide. Because Jean Seberg’s husband was a French Diplomat, the scandal became an international incident that ended only when the FBI was forced to make a public apology for it’s action (one of very few times it has done so).

This is the harsh reality behind the glitzy and quite phony façade of the FBI. As whistleblower Frank Whitehurst has pointed out, and as the lawsuit against the FBI for witness harassment and evidence tampering in the Vincent Foster case underscores, the FBI is not always interested in what is true, but only in what is expedient.

The FBI is in the business of planting false information for the express purpose of deceiving the public.

Part 4: The NTSB and TWA 800

Perhaps no stronger indication exists of the culture of deception that permeates our government than the deplorable behavior of the NTSB in the aftermath of the crash of TWA 800.

The evidence that TWA 800 was victim to something other than a mysterious fuel tank explosion could fill a website (several, actually) but for our purposes, we will focus on one issue only, that of the strange red residue found on three rows of seats in the reconstructed wreckage.

In the NTSB’s report, specifically the Fire & Explosions report written by Merritt Birky, the NTSB claims that the red residue, thought by many to be the combustion products of a solid fuel rocket motor, was the 3M contact cement used in the manufacture of the seats. The NTSB went further, claiming that lab tests conducted by NASA scientist Dr. Charles Bassett had linked the red residue to the seat glue.

But that is not what Dr. Bassett found. In a sworn declaration entered as evidence in a court case Dr. Bassett makes it clear that his tests did not and could not link the red residue to seat glue. More telling, deliberate attempts by him to coerce the normally pale green contact cement into assuming the reddish color of the residue all failed.

The NTSB lied to the public when they claimed Dr. Bassett’s lab tests linked the red residue to seat glue. R. Bassett’s tests did nothing of the kind.

The NTSB lied.

What the red residue actually is, is a subject for another monograph. The key point to be made here is that the National Transportation Safety Board willfully and knowingly lied to the public about an air crash.

The NTSB lied.

Keep that in mind.

Part 5: The crash of John F. Kennedy Jr’s aircraft and the indications of a cover-up.

Having established that the government and the media have a prior (and quite deplorable) record of deliberate lies to the public, let us look at how the official story of the crash of John F. Kennedy Jr’s plane evolved, and why it is suspect.

As first reported by United Press International, John F. Kennedy Jr. on approach to Martha’s Vineyard in 8 mile visibility, was in radio contact with the ground, calmly informing them of his intentions to drop off a passenger before proceeding to Hyannis airport. Then, according to ABC News, JFK Jr’s plane went into a steep dive, and crashed.

However, even before the wreckage was found, the story being put out in the media began to change. Gone was the previously reported radio conversation a calm JFK Jr. had with ground personnel just before the plane fell out of the sky, replaced by a declaration from the NTSB that JFK Jr. had not used his radio at all as he approached Martha’s Vineyard. Gone also was the originally reported 8 mile visibility while the media began to hammer home the claim that Martha’s Vineyard had been totally blanketed with a haze so heavy that pilots in the air would have been blind.

No sooner were the various stories put out but they quickly fell apart.

Here are some examples.

PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. was lost.

FACT: When JFK Jr. radioed controllers on the Cape (as reported on Boston TV News) to announce his approach to Martha’s Vineyard, radar showed him to be just where he stated he was and at the correct altitude for the approach.

PROPAGANDA: JK Jr. was in "over his head".

FACT: JFK Jr’s conversational tone on the radio reveals that he was calm. He was not disoriented. He didn’t ask for directions. He didn’t indicate he had any problem at all. He clearly was confident he was going to find the airport and land.

PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. stalled the plane.

FACT: The radar track shows that he was well above stall speed.

PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. went into a steep turn and lost his horizon.

FACT: There is no reason for JFK Jr. to have been in any turn at all at that point on the flight path leading into the airport. He was already lined up with the main runway at Martha’s Vineyard airport.

PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. didn’t know his altitude and simply "flew into the ocean".

FACT: The radar track shows him flying at the proper altitude, then (as ABC News put it) "falling out of the sky".

PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. lost his instruments, and that is why he could not handle the dark and hazy (?) conditions

FACT: The fact that the radar was getting good data from his encoding altimeter proves his instruments were operating.

PROPAGANDA: JFK Jr. would have lost his artificial horizon if the vacuum pump failed in the aircraft.

FACT: MSNBC is the only media outlet to have tried to hype this one, using a self-proclaimed "aviation expert". His claim is also false, as there is a backup vacuum system in the pitot assembly of that aircraft.

PROPAGANDA JFK Jr. was a reckless pilot.

FACT: This claim was planted everywhere in the media, always attributed to an "unnamed source". One reporter, Cindy Adams at the New York Post, later had cause to suspect she had been lied to. So did Andrew Goldman at the New York Observer. Interviews with individuals directly familier with JFK Jr’s flying ability shown on Inside Edition confirmed that he was a highly skilled and careful pilot.

PROPAGANDA JFK Jr’s wife was afraid to fly with him.

FACT: Again a story attributed to "unnamed sources", and again debunked by the interviews shown on Inside Edition. JFK Jr’s wife had no problem flying with JFK Jr. and flew with him often.

PROPAGANDA JFK Jr. had only 40 hours experience.

FACT: He had 40 hours in that one aircraft. His total experience was about 300 hours, more than enough to qualify him for a commercial pilot’s license. According to FAA statistics, 300 hours made him a more careful and safer pilot than one with 1000 hours, who is more complacent.

PROPAGANDA The weather was very hazy.

FACT: The FAA issued VFR weather conditions that night, and the weather report (mentioned in the UPI story) called for 8 mile visibility. One witness on shore reported that there was very little haze and that standing on the shore, he could see airplanes out over the ocean on approach to the island, proof that airplanes on the approach could see the shore. This claim is backed up not only by the weather report of 8 mile visibility, but by a weather radar image taken at about the time of the crash. This radar image is showing haze and fog along New York and Long Island (if this radar image were of clouds, the FAA would not have declared VFR flying conditions that night) but none at all at Martha’s Vineyard. On the morning after the crash, CNN reported that weather could be ruled out as a factor in the crash!

PROPAGANDA: Martha’s Vineyard is very dark and won’t show through the haze.

FACT: That may have been true only a few months ago. However, as evidenced by a Letter to the Editor of the Martha’s Vineyard Times just days after the JFK Jr. crash, new lights installed on the island, lights that point up in the sky, are so bright they are drawing complaints from island residents.

That the Kennedy family has been the target of political assassination is a part of the American political landscape. It’s a given.

That cover-ups surrounded the deaths of Kennedys is also a given.

That our government lies to us, with the media’s help, is a given.

There is good cause to assume we are being lied to yet again.

General Background Info

Gay Head

Martha’s Vineyard Airport (NOA satellite image)

The aircraft Click to go to aircraft specs.

Piper Saratoga II TC

Performance Specifications


Manufacturer: Lycoming

Model: IO-540-AHIA

Horsepower: 300 hp to 12,000 feet

Number of Cylinders: 6


Manufacturer: Hartzell

Number of Blades: 3

Type: Constant Speed


Standard Empty/Equipped Weight (*b,c): 2464 lbs/1118 kgs

Standard Useful Load (*a): 1151 lbs/522 kgs

Gross Weight: 3600 lbs/1633 kgs

Wing Area

Wing Area: 178.3 square feet/16.56 square meters


Wing Span: 36.2 feet/11.0 meters

Length: 27.9 feet/8.5 meters

Height: 8.5 feet/2.6 meters

Cabin Length: 124.25 inches/315.6 centimeters

Cabin Width: 48.75 inches/123.8 centimeters

Cabin Height: 42.0 inches/106.7 centimeters

Headroom (seat to ceiling):

Front Seats: 38 inches/96.5 centimeters

Middle Seats: 35.75 inches/90.8 centimeters Rear Seats: 34.5 inches/87.0 centimeters

Fuel Capacity

Usable Fuel: 102 gallons/386 litres

Oil Capacity

Oil Capacity:12 quarts/11.4 litres



Forward Compartment: 7 cubic feet/.2 cubic meters

Aft Compartment: 17.3 cubic feet/.49 cubic meters


Forward Compartment: 100 lbs/45.4 kgs

Aft Compartment: 100 lbs/45.4 kgs

Maximum Speed

TAS at gross Weight: 192 kts/356 kmh

Cruising Speeds

High Performance @ 8,000 feet: 174 kts/322 kmh

Cruise Speed @ 10,000 feet: 177 kts/328 kmh

Cruise Speed @ 15,000 feet: 186 kts/345 kmh

Stall Speed

Flaps Down Full 40 degrees: IAS 60 kts/IAS 111 kmh

Cruise Range

(*d) Cruise range includes 45-minute fuel reserve at cruise power plus allowance for fuel used during taxi, take-off, climb at MCP, cruise plus descent.

High Performance @ 8,000 feet: 788 nm/1460 km

Cruise Speed @ 10,000 feet: 797 nm/1477 km

Cruise Speed @ 15,000 feet: 822 nm/1523 km

Maximum Operating Altitude

Maximum Operating Altitude: 20,000 feet/6096 meters

Take-Off Distance

Ground Roll: 1200 feet/366 meters

Total over 50-foot obstacle: 1800 feet/549 meters

Landing Distance

Ground Roll: 640 feet/195 meters

Total over 50-foot obstacle: 1520 feet/463 meters

*a. Standard Useful load is ramp weight minus standard equipped weight.

*b. The standard empty weight and standard equipped weight are the same.

*c. Standard aircraft per marketing.

*d. Predicted performance based upon established analytical methods.

The New Piper Aircraft, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in specifications, materials, equipment or prices at any time without prior notice or to discontinue models as required. It is the responsibility of the pilot to conduct all operations in accordance with FAA approved Pilot’s Operating Handbook, which is the only official source of data.

To visit The New Piper Aircraft Web Site, click here



Engine-Lycoming TIO-540-AH1A 300 HP At 2500 RPM, Turbocharged, Direct Drive, Six-Cylinder, Fuel-Injected

Dynafocal Engine Mounts with Internal Dampers

Three-Blade, Constant Speed Propeller

Polished Propeller Spinner

Geared Starter, 28 Volt

Air Filter

Full Flow Oil Coolers (Two) – w/Thermostatic Control

Dual Pressurized Magnetos

Alternate Induction Air with Manual Control

Oil Quick Drain

Engine Driven Vacuum Pump


Piper Truespeed Indicator

Magnetic Compass (Illuminated)



Turn Rate Indicator

Rate of Climb Indicator

Electric Clock DVR 300I-XT w/Voice Recorder

Overhead Switch Panel

  • Bar Guarded Push-to-Start
  • Battery Master
  • Alternator
  • Bar Guarded Electric Fuel Pump
  • Bar Guarded Magneto Switches, Two
  • Taxi Lights
  • Landing/Pulse Lights
  • Navigation Lights
  • Strobe Lights

Annunciator Panel with Push-to-Test and Day/Night Switch

  • Starter Engage
  • Low Bus Voltage
  • Alternator Inoperative
  • Oil Pressure Low
  • Gyro Vacuum Inoperative
  • Nose Baggage Door Ajar
  • Gear Warning
  • Flaps in Transit
  • Pitot Heat Inoperative/Off
  • Air Conditioning Door (Optional)

New Engine Instrument Indicators/Monitoring System

Digital Display Monitor Panel with

  • Percent Power
  • Fuel Management Including GPS Interface
  • Temperature Readings Including OAT
  • Electrical System Performance Indicators
  • Exceedence Monitoring and Recording
  • Manifold Pressure Indicator
  • RPM Indicator
  • Turbine Inlet Temperature and Fuel Flow Indicator
  • Oil Temperature & Oil Pressure Indicator
  • Cylinder Head Temperature & Vacuum Indicator
  • Fuel Quantity L/R Indicator
  • Engine Hour Recorder
  • Alternate Instrument Static Source


Hytrel Dual Control Wheels

Stainless Steel Control Cables

Flight Trim Controls

  • Rudder with Indicator
  • Stabilator with Indicator

Engine Controls – Pedestal with Friction Lock

  • Throttle
  • Propeller
  • Mixture (with Lock)

Alternate Induction Air

Stall Warning Horn

Steerable Nosewheel

Heavy Duty Brake System

  • Pilot’s Toe Brakes
  • Copilot’s Toe Brakes
  • Parking Brake

Landing Gear, Retractable-Electro Hydraulic

Landing Gear Warning Horn and Position Lights

Wing Flaps, Electrically Operated with Four Preselected Positions (0, 10, 25 and 40 Degrees)

Fuel Control Selectors w/OFF/LEFT/RIGHT

Emergency Gear Extension System


28 Volt, Alternator-90 Amp

24 Volt 10 amp Hour Battery

Master Switch Relay

Alternator Control Unit

Electric Vacuum Pump (Standby)

Heated AN Pitot Head

Resettable-Type Circuit Breakers in CB Panel

Back Lighted Rocker Switches, Conveniently Grouped on Pilot’s Instrument Panel and Overhead Panel

Static Discharge Wicks

Automatic Emergency Locator Beacon (ELT)


Two Interconnected Fuel Tanks per Wing with 107 Gallons Total Capacity, 102 Gallons Usable

Engine Driven Fuel Pump

Electric Emergency Fuel Pump

Fuel Quantity Sight Gauge, Inboard Tanks, Two

Fuel Tank Quick Drains, Four

Fuel System Central Drain

Fuel Sampling Bottle

Flush Lockable Fuel Caps


Heater Muff, Provides Heat to Cabin Area, Regulated by Control on Panel with Six Floor Heat Outlets

Heat Regulating Levers-Located at Each Passenger Seat

Windshield Defrosters And Control

Cabin Air Exhaust Vents, Two

Cabin Fresh Air Vents, Six Individually Controlled, Overhead, and Four Individually Controlled, Floor Mounted

Ventilation Fan w/2 Speed Settings


Exterior Paint, DuPont Imron 6000 Base-Coat/Clear-Coat System

Full Chemical Corrosion Protection

12 Inch Shadowed or Outlined Registration Numbers

Cabin Doors, Two-Right Forward and Left Rear

Main Wheels, 6.00 X 6 w/H.D. Tires and Tubes, eight-Ply

Nose Wheel, 5.00 X 5 w/H.D. Tire and Tube, six-Ply

Stowable Towbar

Tie Down Rings, Three (Retractable On Wings)

Jack Pads

Fore and Aft Cabin And Nose Baggage Doors, Lockable

Utility Door for Rear Baggage Access and Cargo Loading

External Power Receptacle

Entrance Step

Keys with Piper Logo


Instrument Panel Lighting

Avionics Dimming

Map Lights

Cabin Reading Lights, Four

Forward Baggage Compartment Light

Cabin Door Lights, Two

Navigation Lights

Landing/Pulsating Recognition Lights In Wing Tips

Taxi/Landing Light on Nose Landing Gear

Wing Tip Comet Strobe Lights


Forward Cabin Door with Single-Lever Locking System

Six Seat Configuration in Club Seating

Choice of Four Interior Colors, which Includes: Leather Seats, Designer Side Panels, Wall-to-Wall Carpeting and Headliner

Pilot/Copilot Vertically Adjustable Seats with Inflatable Lumbar Support, Pilot/Copilot Folding Armrest, and Magazine Storage Pockets On Back of Each Seat with Headrests. Fore, Aft and Tilting Adjustment with Inertial Shoulder Reels and Safety Belts.

GARMIN Pilot/Copilot and Passenger Intercom System

Pilot and Copilot Stowable Armrests

Armrests-Crew Area, Two

Map Pockets, Two

Pilot’s Vent Window


POH Holder

Color Coordinated Throttle Quadrant and Center Console

Scuff Pads, Pilot and Copilot

Tinted Windshield and Windows

Window Shades on Passenger Windows

Deluxe Six Seat Lounge Interior Group

Headrests for All Seats, Club Seating Arrangements with Shoulder Harness and Seat Belts, Rear Seats Incorporate Quick Release Feature For Easy Removal, Refreshment Console with Cup Holders, and Fold-Down Armrests on Crew and Rear Seats, Built-In Executive Writing Table.

Super Soundproofing, Quietized

Luggage Compartments with Security Straps

  • Rear Cabin and Hat Shelf Area, 17.3 cu ft.
  • Max Rear Baggage Area Load, 100 lbs.
  • Fuselage Nose, 7.0 cu ft. 100 lbs.

Compass Correction Card with Holder

Halon Fire Extinguisher


Manufacturer’s Full Two-Year Limited Warranty

Initial Pilot Training Slot with ATTITUDES INTERNATIONAL, INC.

Pilot’s Operating Handbook

Aircraft Log Book

Engine Log Book

Certificate of Airworthiness

Flight Bag

Piper Warranty/Inspection Form


Audio Panel with Marker Beacon and Intercom






#2 Indicator (Loc and GS)





S-TEC 55 Dual Axis Autopilot with automatic electric trim and turn indicator

ADI (Flight Director Bars)


HSI with Slaved Compass




Altitude Reporter

Ground Clearance System

Pilot/Copilot Wheel Mic Button

Avionics Master Switch

Microphone (Telex 100T)

Headset (Telex Airman 760)

Speaker w/Mic/Phone Jacks

Static Discharge Wicks

PS Engineering Headsets (4)

The Weather That Night.

Weather Radar Shows Clear Skies.

Weather radar image taken 10:40 PM the night of the crash. The radar was set for "clear", a much more sensitive setting than "precipitation" which tracks rain. That this radar image is showing fog and haze as opposed to clouds is proven by the fact that the FAA had listed conditions as VFR with 8 mile visibility for the area.

This radar image shows fog and haze along New York and Long Island, but Martha’s Vineyard is definatly in clear air.

News Articles.

The first UPI article.

Click HERE for news article which confirms JFK Jr. to be in calm radio contact with the ground, in 8 mile visibility, and reports a witness who saw a white flash up in the sky. This article also tells a story of a strange radio bacon, thought to be that of JFK Jr’s plane, which started at the time of the crash but in the wrong location, then mysteriously shut down some hous later.

There was no heavy haze.

Click HERE for news article which quotes an eyewitness report that conditions on Martha’s Vineyard were not hazy. This report also shows that people on the shore of the island could see aircraft on approach out over the ocean, proving that aircraft out over the ocean could see the shore.

It Wasn’t Dark at all.

Martha’s Vineyard has bright lights shining up into the sky.

Click HERE for a Letter to the Editor published in the Martha’s Vineyard Times complaining how new lights which point up into the sky have turned the center of the island as bright as the "Boston Skyline".

Deliberate Disinformation That Points to a Cover-up.

New York Post reporter Cindy Adams outs C. David Heymann for deliberatly planting false information with the press, information which implies that JFK Jr. was an incompetant pilot.

Deliberate Disinformation That Points to a Cover-up. Part 2

New York Observer reporter Andrew Goldman confirms C. David Heymann for deliberatly planting false information with the press, information which smears JFK Jr. as a reckless and incompetant pilot.

The on again off again beacon.

The very first night the aircraft carrying JFK Jr. vanished, there were early reports of an emergancy beacon being detected, but detected quite a dstance away from where the plane’s wreckage was actually found.

From the initial UPI story, we get the following odd comment.

 An emergency beacon thought to belong to the plane was activated and
heard by the Coast Guard in Long Island, N.Y., at 3:40 a.m. But as the
search went on, authorities seemed to discount the relevance of the
beacon signal.

Was another plane down in the area that night? If not, then the beacon has to be relative.

   Kurt Hartman, spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard's district
headquarters in New Haven, Conn., said this morning, "We received a
call from our district office in Boston directing us to conduct a
shoreline search off Horton Point, in Long Island Sound, for an
emergency locating transmitting beacon."
   But by 10:30 a.m., the Coast Guard was no longer receiving a signal
from the emergency beacon that was believed to be on Kennedy's small

Here we find that the beacon that has the Coast Guard ordering a search in the WRONG LOCATION simply goes away. The source of that beacon has never been identified.

For those critical first few hours, this beacon had searchers looking in the wrong place. Then it simple went away.

FOOTNOTE: The July 26th, 1999 issue of Newsweek

Just days prior to his death, NBC Dateline hinted that JFK Jr. was considering an entry into politics, and mentioned that a story to that effect was to be published in the July 26th, 1999 issue of NEWSWEEK.

NEWSWEEK recalled that issue from the distrubutors, and had them destroyed. CNN ran a story claiming that NEWSWEEK planned to change covers and re-distribute, but that never happened. The NEWSWEEK issue dealing with JFK Jr. is dated August 2nd. The July 26th 1999 issue of NEWSWEEK simply vanished.

John F. Kennedy Jr. had already publicy stated a desire to run for Pat Moynihan’s Senate seat should he retire. Had Kennedy done so, he would have probably won, and Hillary Clinton’s grab of the NY Senate seat as a stepping stone in her (thankfully failed) run for the White House would have failed.

NEW!Witness "no longer available".


                                              Aug. 5, 1999

 I just phoned the Martha's Vineyard Gazette and spoke with a
 woman there. I asked her about the statement -- in the July 17th
 United Press International report of the John F. Kennedy Jr.
 plane crash
 -- that a reporter for the Martha's Vineyard Gazette had
 witnessed an explosion in the sky around the time of the crash.
 She replied, "Oh, that story was completely bogus. What really
 happened was that someone was shooting off fireworks on Falmouth."
 "Falmouth?" I said, "Is that an island?"  "Falmouth," she said,
 "is the closest point to Martha's Vineyard."
 I said, "But this reporter witnessed an explosion in the SKY."
 She countered, "Well, they were shooting rockets up in the
 air, or something like that."

 Fearing that she might hang up if I continued to contradict her,
 I asked, "May I speak with the reporter who witnessed this?"
 "Oh, no," she replied nervously, "we can't do that."
 I said, "Oh, that's strange. What could be the problem with
 speaking to a reporter?"  She repeated, "We can't permit that."
 I said, "Okay, can you at least give me his name?"
 "No, we can't do that, either," she persisted."  Then she added,
 "He no longer works for us," almost as if she were making it up,
 just to get me to give up. Then when I responded with a surprised
 "Ohhh", she suddenly realized that her comment had made matters
 worse and, in a jolt of vexation, she sputtered, "Oh, no, no!
 It has nothing to do with that incident. He went back to school."
 "Oh," I said, "so is he a journalism student?"  After an
 answerless pause, I thanked her and said goodbye.
 I think she was relieved.

 What do you make of this, folks?  What questions would
 you have asked if you had called the Martha's Vineyard
 Gazette, at (508)627-4311? Would you have asked if the
 reason why the UPI quote (of his statement that he saw a
 "big white flash" in the sky off Philbin Beach at about
 the time of the crash) was expunged from ALL subsequent
 news reports from ALL news outlets was because this
 reporter had personally called United Press International
 and told them that he had made a mistake -- that the
 "big white flash" he saw in the sky off Philbin Beach
 at about the time of the crash was REALLY caused by
 someone shooting rockets into the air from Falmouth?
 And if he would have ever made such an absurd retraction,
 then how is it that no other news outlet ANYWHERE has, after
 July 17th, repeated the reporter's sighting ANYWAY, considering
 that news outlets feed off of one another (e.g. WCVB-TV said
 this, and UPI said this, and so on)? How is it that this
 media magical disappearing act could have been pulled off so
 neatly, without ONE SINGLE news outlet breaking the code of

 And so, we come, full circle, to that unnamed, unidentifiable,
 unapproachable reporter: the unreporting reporter.
 If his retraction was so widely recognized throughout all
 the cutting rooms of mass medialand ... then why in the hell
 can NO ONE be allowed to speak with him, much less, even find
 out his name?

 And how does the Vineyard Gazette KNOW that its reporter
 definitely saw fireworks off of Falmouth, and not a "big white
 flash" off of Philbin Beach? Did the reporter later reflect on
 his sighting, replay his mental videotape, and say to himself,
  "Gee, that wasn't a big white flash in the sky off of Philbin
   Beach. It was rockets shooting up in the air off of Falmouth."
Is that how the human mind functions? You just go back and
replay the tape in your head, and see what actually happened?
Or, did someone ELSE tell the Vineyard Gazette that the reporter
saw fireworks off of Falmouth at around the time of the Kennedy
plane's plunge into the ocean?  -- and that they had better stick
to that story!

Furthermore, did you ever hear of anyone going "back to school"
before August 5th (the date of my phone call to the Gazette)?
Doesn't school start in September?

And furthermore still -- someone notified me that Falmouth is in
the opposite direction from Philbin Beach. The UPI report indeed
stated that the Vineyard Gazette reporter sighted the "big white
flash" off of Philbin Beach. Well, that's easy enough to
check out. Is Philbin Beach near the line-of-sight of Falmouth?
Would you check it out for me and let me know?  Thanks.

             John DiNardo

Obama Is Preparing to Bomb Iran

Webster G. Tarpley
July 21, 2010

After about two and a half years during which the danger of war between the United States and Iran was at a relatively low level, this threat is now rapidly increasing. A pattern of political and diplomatic events, military deployments, and media chatter now indicates that Anglo-American ruling circles, acting through the troubled Obama administration, are currently gearing up for a campaign of bombing against Iran, combined with special forces incursions designed to stir up rebellions among the non-Persian nationalities of the Islamic Republic. Naturally, the probability of a new fake Gulf of Tonkin incident or false flag terror attack staged by the Anglo-American war party and attributed to Iran or its proxies is also growing rapidly.


The failure of the CIA’s Green Movement in Iran gives rise to the tendency to fall back on the previous neocon plan for some combination of direct military attack by Israel and the United States.

The moment in the recent past when the US came closest to attacking Iran was August-September 2007, at about the time of the major Israeli bombing raid on Syria.1 This was the phase during which the Cheney faction in effect hijacked a fully loaded B-52 bomber equipped with six nuclear-armed cruise missiles, and attempted to take it to the Middle East outside of the command and control of the Pentagon, presumably to be used in a colossal provocation designed by the private rogue network for which Cheney was the visible face. A few days before the B-52 escaped control of legally constituted US authorities, a group of antiwar activists issued The Kennebunkport Warning of August 24-25, 2007, which had been drafted by the present writer.2 It was very significant that US institutional forces acted at that time to prevent the rogue B-52 from proceeding on its way towards the Middle East. The refusal to let the rogue B-52 take off reflected a growing consensus in the US military-intelligence community and the ruling elite in general that the Bush-Cheney-neocon policy of direct military aggression towards all comers had become counterproductive and very dangerous, running the risk of a terminal case of imperial overstretch.

A prominent spokesman for the growing disaffection with the neocons was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who had been a national security director in the Carter administration. Brzezinski argued that no more direct military attacks by the United States should be made for the time being, and that US policy should rather focus on playing off other states against each other, while the US remained somewhat aloof. Brzezinski’s model was always his own successful playing of the Soviet Union against Afghanistan in 1979, leading to the collapse of the Soviet empire a decade later. A centerpiece of Brzezinski’s argument was evidently the claim that color revolutions on the model of Ukraine 2004 were much a better tool than the costly and dangerous US bombing and US invasion always championed by the monomaniacal neocons. There was clearly an implication that Brzezinski could deliver a color revolution in Iran, as he had done in Ukraine.

Brzezinski’s Nightmare of 2007 Is Back

Brzezinski formulated his critique of the neocon methods of aggression and imperialistic geopolitics in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in February 2007, going so far as to point out the likely scenario of a false flag event or Gulf of Tonkin incident designed to embroil the United States in direct military hostilities with Iran. The heart of Brzezinski’s analysis was this: ‘If the United States continues to be bogged down in a protracted bloody involvement in Iraq, the final destination on this downhill track is likely to be a head-on conflict with Iran and with much of the world of Islam at large. A plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran involves Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks; followed by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure; then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the U.S. blamed on Iran; culminating in a “defensive” U.S. military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.’ 3 Today we could add Lebanon and Syria to that list, plus perhaps Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, and some others in central Asia.

The factors contributing to the current increased danger level include three major trends:

The CIA’s Green Movement in Iran Has Fizzled

I. The US sponsored Green Movement in Iran has now demonstrably failed in its project of overthrowing the Achmadinejad government. Back in 2006-2007, the Brzezinski-Nye-Trilateral “soft power” or “smart power” group attacked the stupidity of the neocon plan for a direct US military attack on Iran by pointing out the opportunities for staging a color revolution in Iran, just as the Brzezinski faction had successfully staged the Orange Revolution to install NATO puppets in Ukraine. Why attack Iran directly, argued Brzezinski and his friends, when a US puppet regime in Teheran could be used against Russia and China in much the same way these same people had played Afghanistan against the Soviet Union, with catastrophic results of the latter. The apex of these subversion efforts came in June 2009, with the so-called Twitter Revolution, which was celebrated with hysterical gloating in the Anglo-American media. The Mousavi-Rafsanjani faction left no doubt about its CIA and MI-6 parentage with its signature chant of “Death to Russia, Death to China.” The illusion of an easy coup in Iran has died hard in Washington and London. But by June 2010, the impotence of the Green forces in Iran had become evident. Hillary Clinton is even complaining that Achmadinejad now represents a military-backed government which has marginalized the mullahs, whom the US has demonized in public but privately relied on to prevent the economic modernization of Iran. This gives rise to the tendency to fall back on the previous neocon plan for some combination of direct military attack by Israel and the United States, combined with escalated subversion efforts among the Baluchis, Azeris, Arabs, Turkmen, and Kurds of Iran.

Russian Policy Now Uncertain

II. During the time that the neocons were attempting to launch aggression against Iran, that task was rendered much more difficult by pervasive uncertainty about the possible reaction of Russia. One of the targets of any bombing campaign against Iran would necessarily be the Bushehr nuclear reactor, being built by Russian technicians. Neocon war planners had to worry about events like the visit to Tehran of Russian President Vladimir Putin on October 16, 2007. During the Putin era, Russian media and figures like General Leonid Ivashov took the lead in calling attention to suddenly increases in US-UK war preparations, as in the case of Operation Byte, the attack on Iran proposed for Good Friday, April 6, 2007.4 While it was thought very unlikely that Russia would risk general war as a result of an attack on Iran, there remained nevertheless the question as to what Russia actually would do. This dangerous uncertainty was a very serious obstacle for the pro-war agitation by the neocons.

In this way, Putin was able to make a decisive contribution to the maintenance of world peace during the years after 9/11. As of mid-2010, it would appear that the foreign policy of Russian President Medvedev is momentarily evolving away from the fierce independence and Russian nationalism championed by Putin, and is placing more value on projects of cooperation with the NATO countries, sometimes obtained by unilateral concessions to the US. Part of this can be ascribed to the increasing influence of the free market ideologue Anatoly Chubais, the architect of the nomenklatura privatization of Soviet state property during the 1990s, whose concept of the modernization of the Russian economy depends very heavily on information technology, in which he portrays the United States as being in the lead. Newsweek has reported the approval of a new foreign policy outline drafted by the Russian foreign ministry which has allegedly gained provisional approval by President Medvedev. This document is entitled “Program for the Effective Exploitation on A Systemic Basis of Foreign Policy Factors for the Purposes of the Long-Term Development of the Russian Federation.” 5 The main immediate effect of the reported new Russian policy is the apparent willingness of the Kremlin to make important foreign policy concessions to the United States with very minimal returns. This in turn means that key unknowns surrounding a US attack on Iran have become less of a concern for the resurgent neocon war faction in Washington. This adds up to a situation in which an attack on Iran is now more likely.

The Us-Uk Hedge Fund Blitzkrieg Against the Euro Falters

III. It is a grave error to imagine that normal relations with the Anglo-American financiers can be obtained in the current world depression through conciliatory behavior. The US-UK are experiencing cataclysmic instability in the form of a financial breakdown crisis, and this crisis impels these powers towards irrational, adventuristic, and aggressive behavior. A key lesson of the 1930s is that, when imperialist financier elites are faced by a disintegration of their fictitious speculative bubbles, they often respond with strategic flights forward of the most lunatic sort. In the wake of the 2007-2008 disintegration of the Anglo-American banking system, the New York and London elites have shown signs of going collectively bonkers, although these clinical tendencies have been primarily expressed in the area of their reactionary domestic socioeconomic policies. The specific form assumed by this tendency after the second half of 2008 involves the severe weakening of the US dollar as the world reserve currency by the creation of a $24 trillion credit line by the Federal Reserve, US Treasury, and FDIC for the purpose of bailing out the Wall Street zombie banks. This tidal wave of dollars led to a severe weakening of the US greenback on international markets during most of the second half of 2009. In late 2009 and early 2010 a group of Anglo-American hedge funds around Soros, Paulson, David Einhorn, and others launched a speculative attack against the government bonds of Greece, Spain, and Portugal, with the goal of using a crisis in the southern tier of the euro to bring on a panic flight of hot money out of the euro, thus collapsing that currency to Third World levels. Partly because of the countermeasures instituted by the German government, including the banning of naked credit default swaps on Euroland bonds and naked shorts of German stocks, and partly thanks to direct support from China, the planned Anglo-American blitzkrieg against the euro has now bogged down after eight months of effort, with the euro currently oscillating at a price of about $1.25 – $1.30. This means that, unless the city of London and Wall Street can come up with a new plan, the forces of world economic depression represented by $1.5 quadrillion of bankrupt and kited derivatives may now find a new victim, most likely in the form of either the British pound or the US dollar.

The immediate threat of a pound or dollar currency collapse is leading the ruling financier factions to reconsider a very dangerous flight forward in the form of an attack on Iran, precisely because such an aggression would likely lead to a blocking of the Straits of Hormuz or in any case to a serious disruption of one third of the world’s tanker traffic. Following the tested model of the Kippur war/oil boycott of October 1973, the US-UK financiers would bid up the price of oil to $500 or $1000 per barrel, thus creating enough demand for dollars to soak up much of the dollar overhang and prop up the greenback, at least for a time.

An Astronomical Oil Price As Salvation for The US Dollar

As Jean-Michel Vernochet of the Réseau Voltaire has pointed out, the likely Iranian retaliation for the looming attack in terms of interdicting Hormuz and the Gulf is actually built into the US-UK war plan as a positive contribution towards saving the dollar by massively driving up the price of oil, which is of course still quoted mainly in dollars.6 Energy and Capital editor Christian A. DeHaemer, an oil market analyst, commented: “The last oil price shock in the Middle East was in 1990 when the United States invaded Iraq for invading Kuwait. The price per barrel of oil went from $21 to $28 on August 6… to $46 by mid-October. The looming Iran War is not priced in,” he warned in his newsletter. Iran has the third-highest oil reserves in the world and is second only to Saudi Arabia in production. If any action prevents the flow of Iranian oil, the price of “black gold” would soar, he added.’ (

Playing The Arabs Against The Iranians

One important prerequisite for US aggression grows out of the Trilateral group’s strategy, starting from the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group of 2006, of forming a block of the Sunni Arab nations against the Persian-speaking Iranian Shiites and their allies in the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas, as well as Syria. The Anglo-American hope for this tactic of divide and conquer is that hostility between Arabs and Persians will eclipse the more recent enmity between Jews and Arabs. “The Jews and Arabs have been fighting for one hundred years. The Arabs and the Persians have been going at (it) for a thousand,” wrote Jeffrey Goldberg on The Atlantic’s website.8

With many reports that the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are ready to support the US aggression, great importance must be attached to the current struggle over the future shape of the government of Iraq. Here The secular Shiite Allawi is a US puppet, while his rival Maliki prefers Iran. Sadr and his Mahdi army, closely linked to Iran, represent a key stumbling block for US intentions. The US requires an Iraqi puppet state which will pursue at least a pro-US neutrality in case of war, and above all prevent Iranian special forces or guerrillas from cutting the long US supply line alone Route Tampa from Kuwait City. This is why the question of the Iraqi government was so important that Vice President Biden had to make a special trip to Iraq in the vain hope of quickly setting up a suitable puppet regime there. If the Iraq army turns against US, the situation of US forces could become extraordinarily critical.

War Warnings, Calls For War

Over recent days, warnings about imminent war and direct calls for war have been proliferating in the world media. The veteran Cuban leader Fidel Castro gave his most detailed media interview since the beginning of his illness several years ago, apparently for the express purpose of issuing a warning about US aggressive plans for Iran, and also for North Korea (DPRK). According to a wire dispatch of July 12, ‘the 83-year-old former president talked about how tension between the United States and both North Korea and Iran could ultimately trigger a global nuclear war …. Castro warned that an attack on Iran would be catastrophic for America. “The worst (for America) is the resistance they will face there, which they didn’t face in Iraq,” he said.’ 9

On July 11, the former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad stated that ‘the US compelled the UN Security Council to impose sanctions against Iran in order to weaken the country and lay the ground for a military attack. The former Malaysian premier added, “It is a matter of time before the war criminals in Israel and the United States launch another war of aggression, once Iran has been weakened by sanctions.”’ 10

Around the same time, former Senator Chuck Robb and former NATO deputy commander General Charles Wald issued an editorial call for the US to begin preparing an attack. Their argument was that the fourth round of economic sanctions extorted by the United States from UN Security Council on June 9 would never be effective, and that military action had to be geared up in parallel to these sanctions. They also warned that the Cold War doctrine of deterrence would not work in regard to Iran: ‘Absent a broader and more robust strategy, however, sanctions alone will prove inadequate to halt Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons…current trends suggest that Iran could achieve nuclear weapons capability before the end of this year, posing a strategically untenable threat to the United States. Contrary to a growing number of voices in Washington, we do not believe a nuclear weapons-capable Iran could be contained…. We cannot afford to wait indefinitely to determine the effectiveness of diplomacy and sanctions. Sanctions can be effective only if coupled with open preparation for the military option as a last resort. Indeed, publicly playing down potential military options has weakened our leverage with Tehran, making a peaceful resolution less likely. Instead, the administration needs to expand its approach and make clear to the Iranian regime and the American people: If diplomatic and economic pressures do not compel Iran to terminate its nuclear program, the U.S. military has the capability and is prepared to launch an effective, targeted strike on Tehran’s nuclear and supporting military facilities…. The stakes are too high to rely on sanctions and diplomacy without credibly preparing for a potential military strike as well.’ 11

The Neocons Promise A Cakewalk — Again!

One of the most blatant calls for war with Iran comes from the former CIA agent and neocon ideologue Reuel Marc Gerecht. The Weekly Standard, the central organ of the neocon warmonger party, devotes the cover story of its current issue to urging the Israelis to put an end to Obama’s dithering by mounting the attacks themselves, thus presenting the feckless tenant of the White House with a fait accompli.12

In the inimitable style of neocon Kenneth Adelman, who notoriously promised a cakewalk in Iraq the last time we went down this road, Gerecht impatiently dismisses a series of arguments against such a fateful act of incalculable folly, and does not miss the opportunity to settle accounts with Brzezinski, whose alternative model of imperialist management is now losing support within the ruling elite. Gerecht writes: ‘… concerns about an Israeli bombing are no more persuasive. Hezbollah would undoubtedly unleash its missiles on Israel after a preventive strike…. Hundreds of Israelis could die from Hezbollah’s new and improved store of missiles. Israel might have to invade Lebanon again, which would cost more lives and certainly upset the “international community.”…. The Obama administration might fume, but it is hard to imagine the president, given what he has said about the unacceptability of Iranian nukes, scolding Jerusalem long. He might personally agree with his one-time counsel, Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, that Israel has become a pariah state, but politically this won’t fly.’ 13 Three years ago, Brzezinski had the upper hand and the neocons were in disarray, but now the tables have been turned to a significant extent.

There is nothing to worry about, Gerecht assures us, since the Iranians are a paper tiger and the results will be a cakewalk: ‘American fear of Iranian capabilities in Iraq and Afghanistan has been exaggerated. The Americans are leaving Iraq; within a year, most of our troops are due to be gone….’ 14 Back in 2002-2003, the neocon line was that Saddam Hussein was so powerful that he had to be attacked. This time around, their field is reversed, and the main argument is that the Iranians need to be attacked because they are a pushover: ‘If the Iranians tried their mightiest, they could give us only a small headache compared with the migraine we’ve already got courtesy of the Pakistanis, who are intimately tied to Afghanistan’s Taliban. And the Israelis know the U.S. Navy has no fear of Tehran’s closing the Strait of Hormuz. If Khamenei has a death-wish, he’ll let the Revolutionary Guards mine the strait, the entrance to the Persian Gulf: It might be the only thing that would push President Obama to strike Iran militarily. Such an escalation could quickly leave Khamenei with no navy, air force, and army. The Israelis have to be praying that the supreme leader will be this addle-headed.’ 15 The tried and true ‘cakewalk’ argument is neither the first nor the last notorious neocon trick which is being brought back these days.

But what about the awesome threat of Iranian state-sponsored terrorism, the danger which these same neocons have been incessantly harping on for the past decade? No problem, says Gerecht. All we would need to do at that point is to issue a bloodcurdling thermonuclear ultimatum to Iran about incinerating that country with nuclear missiles, perhaps killing tens of millions of Iranians. As a matter of fact, Gerecht suggests, the US had better start issuing this sort of threat right now, without any further dithering: ‘It is entirely possible that Khamenei would use terrorism against the United States after an Israeli strike. That is one of the supreme leader’s preferred methods of state action, which is why he should not be permitted a nuclear weapon. The correct response for the United States is to credibly threaten vengeance. President Obama might be obliged to make such a threat immediately after an Israeli surprise attack; whether the Iranians would believe it, given America’s record, is more difficult to assess.’ 16 Note carefully that these statements amounts to the public advocacy of aggressive war, a behavior which may run afoul of the Nuremberg precedents of 1945.

The Iranians are crazy, says Gerecht, so the old-fashioned nuclear deterrence of Mutually Assured Destruction will never work. There is no point in wasting time any longer, and it is time for the Israeli missiles and bombers to fly: ‘‘It is possible the Israelis have waited too long to strike. Military action should make a strategic difference….If we’re not at the end of the road, then the Israelis probably should waste no more time. Khamenei is still weak. He’s more paranoid than he’s ever been. The odds of his making uncorrectable mistakes are much better than before. Any Israeli raid that could knock out a sizable part of Iran’s nuclear program would change the dynamic inside Iran and throughout the Middle East…..Unless Jerusalem bombs, the Israelis will soon be confronting a situation without historical parallel…. In the best case scenario, if things were just “normal” in Tehran, Israel would likely be confronting Cuban Missile Crisis-style brinkmanship on a routine basis.’ 17

Obama As The Cynical New Woodrow Wilson

The reactionary writer Michael Barone makes the apt comparison of Obama to the Morgan puppet Woodrow Wilson, who cynically got himself re-elected in 1916 on a platform of “he kept us out of war,’ and then demanded the US entry into World War I about a month into his second term. Obama campaigned for the presidency quite explicitly as a warmonger in regards to Afghanistan, although his constant claim to have opposed the Iraq war left many voters with the false impression that he was less bellicose than Bush. In reality, Obama was always adamant about his desire to bomb and invade Pakistan in pursuit of the phantomatic “Osama bin Laden.” Barone comments: ‘It would be ironic if the professorial Barack Obama launches a military attack when his supposedly cowboy predecessor George W. Bush declined to do so….But I take it seriously when … nonhawks [Joe Klein and Walter Russell Meade] say Obama might bomb Iran.’ 18

Acts Of War In Iran By Jundullah, a US Terrorist Proxy

The Sunni terrorist organization known as Jundullah, which operates in Baluchistan on both sides of the Pakistan-Iran border, is notoriously a creature of Anglo-American intelligence, as Brian Ross of ABC News documented in 2007.19 Earlier this year, the Iranians, acting with the help of Pakistan, succeeded in capturing the Jundullah leader Rigi, whom they then executed this month. Rigi, according to Wayne Madsen, had been on his way to a meeting with US regional Ambassador Richard Holbrooke at the US air base in Kyrgyzstan.20 Retaliation from Jundullah soon followed in the form of a murderous attack on Iranian territory which killed 21 persons, including members of the Pasdaran Revolutionary Guard. Iranian leaders were quick to denounce this action as the latest in a long series of acts of war against Iran by the United States using terrorist proxies. Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani condemned this attack, which occurred in Zahedan, while explicitly blaming the United States: ‘“The Americans should know that they have started a game that will not end well for them,” he said in Tehran. Larijani asserted that Iran has ample evidence that the Jundullah terrorist group has links to the United States. The terrorist group Jundullah, which Iranian officials say enjoys U.S. support, has claimed responsibility for the attacks. In a statement posted on its web site, Jundullah described the attacks as retaliation for Iran’s June 21 execution of the group’s former ringleader, Abdolmalek Rigi. Larijani said that the United States cannot invent an excuse for the bombings. “They may get away with other issues, but not with this one,” he added.’ 21

Medvedev Policy Shift Increases Moscow-Tehran Friction

One of the main policy goals of the Brzezinski faction in the United States has always been to maneuver Russia into a position of hostility against Iran. The hope has always been to foment conflicts between these two Caspian powers. Unfortunately, the policy of attempting to placate the United States on certain issues pursued by President Medvedev has now created a Moscow-Tehran relationship in which elements of acrimony coexist with gestures of cooperation.

On July 12, Medvedev made an important verbal concession to the emerging US-neocon theory of Iranian nuclear weapons. A RIA-Novosti dispatch read: ‘Iran is about to acquire the capability to make nuclear weapons, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned on Monday. He urged Russian ambassadors and permanent representatives to move away from “simplistic approaches” toward Iran’s nuclear problem.’ 22

On June 20, Medvedev had expressed concern about ‘U.S. secret intelligence data that Iran has enough enriched uranium for construction of two nuclear bombs. “As for this information, it needs to be verified but in any case such information always worries. Today the international society does not acknowledge the Iranian nuclear program as transparent. If the information from the American secret services is confirmed it would make the situation more tense and I do not exclude that this issue would require extra consideration,” Medvedev said at a news conference after the G8 and G20 summits in Canada.’ 23 US intelligence regarding Iran is notoriously unreliable, and distorted by political agendas inside the US intelligence community. It is even possible that some of the material which Medvedev was shown during his time in North America cam from the alleged defector Shahram Amiri, whose credibility is gravely in question.

In response to Medvedev’s allegations about an Iranian nuclear weapons program, leaders in Teheran responded with vigorous denials. On July 13, RIA Novosti reported that ‘Iranian officials on Tuesday angrily dismissed Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s remarks that Tehran was on the verge of acquiring military nuclear capability, the Fars News Agency reported. “These remarks are at odds with reality,” Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said during a press conference at the Iranian embassy in Madrid, stressing that Tehran has always sought only peaceful uses for nuclear technology.’ 24 During the preparation of the Iraq war, Russia was very skeptical of the explanations offered by the Bush regime, including at the UN Security Council. This time around, it would appear that parts at least of the Russian government are lending credibility to the US charges.

In response to these Iranian objections, Medvedev returned to the issue on July 15, reiterating that ‘Russia possesses information indicating that Iran is continuing to develop its nuclear technology …”The information that is being received comes both from open sources and from special services that deliver relevant reports and shows that these [nuclear] programs are being developed,” Medvedev said during a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Russian Urals city of Yekaterinburg.’ 25

The Russian government has issued sharply conflicting statements about whether the sale of modern Russian S-300 surface-to-air missiles would be blocked by the new round of UN sanctions. It is generally thought that, if Iran can finally take delivery of these missiles, any design for air attacks against Iran would have to reckon with extravagant losses among the attacking aircraft. On June 11, RIA Novosti reported that ‘a Kremlin source said on Friday the sale of S-300 air defense systems fall under the new UN Security Council’s sanctions against Tehran, but the Russian foreign minister said it was up to the president to make the final decision.’ 26 Ironically, this reading of the sanctions was less favorable to Iran then what the US State Department was saying on the same day. On June 11, the State Department opined that ‘the delivery of Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to Iran is not against the recently imposed UN sanctions.’ 27

In the face of criticism, the Kremlin characterized its position as evenhanded. On May 26, RIA Novosti reported that presidential aide Sergei Prikhodko had argued that ‘Russia’s position on Tehran’s nuclear program is neither pro-American, nor pro-Iranian. The statement comes after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a televised interview earlier in the day that Russia’s support for UN sanctions against Tehran was “not acceptable to the Iranian nation.”’ 28

Russia also expressed no enthusiasm for an expansion of the so-called five plus one group (composed of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) which had been negotiating the nuclear issue with Iran. The arbitrary nature of this five plus one grouping had been pointed out by many countries, and inevitably arose after the initially successful mediation of the Iranian nuclear fuel enrichment issue by Turkey and Brazil. Why not have Turkey and Brazil joined the five plus one? The addition of these two states would obviously make the negotiating group less hostile to Iran. But the Russian Foreign Ministry was not interested. On July 19, RIA Novosti reported that ‘Turkey and Brazil are not joining talks led by the Iran Six group of international mediators on Tehran’s nuclear program, the Russian foreign minister said Wednesday. “There have been no discussions on the issue,” Sergei Lavrov said. Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Tuesday that the Islamic Republic wanted Turkey and Brazil to participate in the talks.’ 29

Criticism of Iran keeps coming from numerous Russian diplomats. On July 14, Russia’s UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin said there was “still cause for concern about Iran’s nuclear program as signals from the Islamic Republic have been far from encouraging… “The signals I have heard from Iran are not encouraging,” he said. “Iran continues to set out terms, make excuses and say that it will persist in enriching uranium to 20%.”’ 30

At the same time, Russia continued to assist Iran in the construction of the Bushehr nuclear power reactor, which should come on line and start generating electricity within a few months. The Iranians also operate research reactors. On July 12, Iran announced that ‘nuclear fuel for the Tehran research reactor will be ready in September 2011…. “God willing, we will deliver the fuel to the Tehran reactor next September,” Ali Akbar Salehi of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) was quoted by Fars News Agency (FNA) as saying. “At present we have produced about 20 kg of 20%-enriched uranium and we are now producing fuel plates,” he said.’ 31 The Anglo-Americans have tried to make this 20% enrichment a virtual casus belli, despite the fact that weaponization requires far higher percentages, well above 90%.

Russia appeared inclined to defy the US on some issues. There were indications that Russia was willing to help Iran frustrate the UN Security Council ban on other nations’ selling refined gasoline to Iran, which is one of the centerpieces of the latest US-backed sanctions offensive. Iran produces abundant oil, but lacks refineries to make that oil into gasoline and other products. Here was an ideal way to get around this gasoline embargo. According to RIA Novosti, ‘Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko said … that Russian companies are ready to supply oil products to Iran despite U.S. sanctions punishing companies that sell motor fuel to Iran or help it rebuild its refining capabilities, which have been degraded by years of international isolation.’ (‘Iran hopes to become largest gasoline exporter in 2-3 years’, RIA Novosti, July 15, 2010,

According to Vernochet of the Réseau Voltaire, the Russian policy ‘appears to reflect a certain schizophrenia at the highest level of the state, or an openly diverging policy with two heads, with a presidency a priori more pro-Western than Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.’ 32 McDermott agrees about this latent conflict, noting: ‘There is also the thorny issue that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, has a group of foreign policy aides managed by Yuriy Ushakov functioning as a “little” foreign ministry: which represents the single greatest barrier to adopting such policy concepts (Ezhednevny Zhurnal, May 14).’ The net result of these developments is that the aggressive forces inside the United States think they have a much freer hand with Iran than they did during the time of the Putin presidency.

Brzezinski Group Weaker, Neocon-Petraeus Faction Stronger

As already noted, the Brzezinski-Nye-Trilateral faction is losing ground to the neocons, who have been mightily strengthened by the ascendancy of their chosen factional figurehead and presidential candidate for 2012, General David Petraeus. The planned color revolution in Iran has not materialized, and therefore the neocon recipes for aggression are winning by default, especially given the systemic hysteria induced by the financial breakdown crisis. The Brzezinski-Nye-Trilateral group had been early supporters of Obama, and growing public awareness of Obama’s weakness, fecklessness, dithering, and treachery are also weakening his backers.

Petraeus, The Savior Of The Savior

Obama’s appointment of Petraeus as the new commander in Afghanistan, succeeding McChrystal, is an act of supreme political folly. By appointing Petraeus, Obama has focused new adulation by the political class on his most formidable opponent for the presidency in 2012, as seen in Petraeus’ 99-0 confirmation vote by the U.S. Senate. It should be evident that Petraeus is not likely to have accepted this new command without having extracted certain binding policy commitments from Obama in advance, and one of these is likely to have been a more truculent US stance against Iran, to say nothing of Pakistan and other states. Obama had been the savior, but Petraeus now assumes the role of the savior of the savior, and it is the neocon faction and its strident war program which is the beneficiary.33

A New National Intelligence Estimate By And For Warmongers

During the declining years of the Bush regime, one of the most important signals of a general ruling class consensus that the US attack on Iran should be taken off the table was the national intelligence estimate issued in December 2007, which concluded that Iran no longer had a functioning nuclear weapons program. This simply meant in practice that the neocons, for the moment, were out of power. This finding was opposed tooth and nail by the neocons, and was directly contradicted by the claims of Israeli intelligence.

The way in which this new NIE is being rigged, with the facts and intelligence being fixed around the desired war policy, is reflected in a recent rare interview by CIA Director Leon Panetta. The new phony NIE is now guaranteed to repudiate the previous finding, and to accuse Iran of actively seeking nuclear bombs. This was in fact Panetta’s first network news interview since taking over the CIA in early 2009. According to one published account, ‘in an ABC News interview Sunday, CIA Director Leon Panetta alluded to a fact that was reported by Newsweekmonths ago: U.S. intelligence agencies have revised their widely disputed 2007 conclusion that Iran had given up its efforts to design or build a nuclear bomb. That shift is expected to be reflected in an update of the controversial 2007 National Intelligence Estimate, which was supposed to have been completed months ago, but according to three counter-proliferation officials, who asked for anonymity when discussing sensitive information, the formal update still is not finished and may be delayed for months to come. Even when it’s done, officials have said, the Obama administration is expected to keep the revised report’s contents officially secret….’ 34 Panetta, a political hack, has claimed that Iran is working on weaponization of fissile material, which has been a central issue in the dispute within the US intelligence community. With this, Panetta clearly joins the warmonger camp.

State Department: Iran Wants Nukes, Iran Has Always Wanted Nukes

On June 8, David E. Sanger of the New York Times reported that US diplomats at the United Nations were already beginning to prepare the other members of the UN Security Council for a complete volte-face on the question of Iranian nukes compared to the December 2007 NIE. In December 2007 there were no nukes, but now there are some again, the US in effect argued. One imagines that UN Ambassador Susan Rice took special satisfaction in an Orwellian reversal of this type. Sanger wrote: ‘The American briefings, according to foreign diplomats and some American officials, amount to a tacit admission by the United States that it is gradually backing away from a 2007 National Intelligence Estimate. It is using new evidence to revise and in some cases reverse conclusions from that estimate, which came to the much disputed conclusion that while Iran had stepped up its production of nuclear fuel, its leadership had suspended its work on the devices and warhead designs needed to actually build a weapon.’ 35

The neocons are already mobilized to skew the new NIE in the direction they want. An example of their effort is the op-ed by Gabriel Schoenfeld of the arch-reactionary Hudson Institute appearing in the Wall Street Journal on July 19. Schoenfeld’s first goal is to perform the Orwellian exercise of expunging the December 2007 NIE: ‘In December 2007, our intelligence agencies put out a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), which in its opening sentence baldly declared that “We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program.” In a stroke, this authoritative pronouncement eliminated any possibility that President Bush, then entering his final year in office, would order a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities. Perhaps even more significantly, it undercut White House and international efforts to tighten sanctions on Iran. After all, if the Iranian nuclear program had been halted in 2003, what would be the point?….Behind the scenes, the intelligence services of Germany, Great Britain, France and Israel all took issue with the NIE. It became the subject of fierce criticism in Congress and the press. It is now clear that while the U.S. dithered, Tehran forged ahead…. Evidence has surfaced that the flawed 2007 NIE was the result of political cookery…. Since late last year, U.S. intelligence has been preparing a new estimate of Iran’s nuclear program. The critical question is whether the forces that led to politicization in 2007 have been eradicated. Will the drafters of the new Iran NIE call the shots as they are, or will they once again use intelligence as a political lever?’ 36

Neocons Want a Team B For Iran

Notice that, for this neocon doublethinker, ‘politicization’ is anything which delays or avoids war, while objectivity is identified exclusively with the warmonger position. Schoenfeld is obsessed with counting how many months remain before Iran stages their first nuclear detonation. Israel says there may be as few as twelve months left! How to focus public attention on this issue? Schoenfeld has an answer ready: ‘That is why a neutral outside panel should be brought in to scrutinize the discredited 2007 NIE and the entire estimating process in this sensitive arena.’ This sounds very much like an old neocon trick – Team B, the panel of apocalyptic dissident ideologues created by Bush the elder in 1975-76 to prepare an alarmist estimate of Soviet intentions in contradiction to the findings of the official CIA.37 In such a contest, neocon Strangeloves proclaiming dramatic doomsday messages have an easy time marginalizing colorless bureaucrats with their plodding prose. It is the neocons who are the iron chefs of cooking intelligence. As Sir Richard Dearlove, the boss of MI-6, informed Tony Blair and his ministers in July 2002, ‘the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy’ by Washington in the runup to the Bush-Cheney aggression against Iraq.38

Leverett: There Is No Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program

One leading US expert on Iranian affairs is Flynt Leverett, who worked on Iran during his time in the G. W. Bush National Security Council. In a July 18 radio interview transcribed on Leverett’s website, Race for Iran, which is also by run by Hillary Mann Leverett, an important Iran expert in her own right. the former official stated that ‘to the best of my knowledge…there is no evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program.…I haven’t been working in a classified environment for a number of years now and I certainly wouldn’t claim to know everything that the U.S. intelligence community might have, [but]…my very strong impression is that we know that the Iranians have been working on…a dedicated fuel cycle program focused on uranium enrichment for a long time. Could they have at some point…looked into other kinds of technical or engineering problems that you would need to solve if you were actually at some point going to build a nuclear weapon? Yeah, that’s possible, but I’ve never seen what I would consider clear and convincing evidence of it.’ 39

The mendacious process by which National Intelligence Estimates are manufactured on sensitive issues like Iran is much illuminated by the case of the Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri. Amiri, it will be recalled, issued a Youtube video in which he alleged that he had been kidnapped by the United States while on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, and was being held in Arizona. Later, he issued another videotape, this one better produced, in which he reassured the public that he was fine, studying physics in Arizona of his own free will. A third tape went back to asserting that he had been kidnapped. Amiri at length appealed to the Iranian interest section of the Pakistani Embassy in Washington, DC, and soon returned to Iran.

Amiri, The CIA’s New Iranian Curveball?

So what is the truth about Amiri? We need to recall the examples of the anonymous “source Curveball” and of Achmed Chalabi, two Iraqi adventurers assiduously courted by the neocons and plied with large sums of US taxpayer money in order to make fantastic allegations about the allegedly threatening programs of weapons of mass destruction being pursued by Saddam Hussein. If the CIA had really brought Amiri to the United States and offered him $5 million, it is a pretty good guess that he was being paid to provide the lurid details of an Iranian nuclear weapons program which many qualified experts, as we have just seen, conclude to be nonexistent, just as the US government officially stated in December 2007.

The Leveretts stress that Amiri was never a top official of the Iranian science establishment, and it is therefore very likely that his opinions about the alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program are worthless. As the Leveretts wrote on July 15, ‘We warned, in April that Amiri could not possibly be the highly valuable intelligence source that some Western officials and the National Council for Resistance in Iran (an affiliate of the MEK, which the U.S. government has designated as a foreign terrorist organization) claimed him to be — a source who “had worked on sensitive nuclear programs for at least a decade” and was now revealing the inside story on Iran’s alleged clandestine nuclear weapons program. We were appalled that theWashington Post was reporting these claims without the most minimal, common-sense follow-up questioning. Now we learn that the CIA apparently tried to pay Amiri $5 million. Along with trying to figure out the details of Amiri’s trajectory over the last year, journalists ought to be focusing on what the Agency’s willingness to pay $5 million to a hyped-up source signals about the U.S. Intelligence Community’s desperation to make a prosecutor’s case against the Islamic Republic. Indeed, the CIA and the rest of the Intelligence Community seem sufficiently desperate to make their case that they will pay taxpayer dollars to gotten-up defectors who might be prepared to say—for the right price—what Washington elites want to hear. As we noted in our April piece, if the CIA and its partners in the Intelligence Community are unable to make a case against Iran, “how could Washington argue for intensified sanctions against the Islamic Republic—much less keep the military option ‘on the table?’”’

Press comments on Panetta’s ABC News interview suggest precisely this: Amiri was brought in to provide fodder for a campaign of mass brainwashing designed to show that Iran is on track to build nuclear bombs. On the ABC website we read: ‘Panetta did not directly confirm that the controversial 2007 National Intelligence Estimate on Iranian nukes was under revision. But other officials have confirmed to Declassified that an update has been in the works since late last year. They say its completion has been postponed several times while agencies evaluate new intelligence reporting which has surfaced over the last few months. At least some of that fresh input is believed to have come from one or more Iranian nuclear insiders, including Shahram Amiri, an Iranian nuclear scientist who disappeared about a year ago while on a religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia. Earlier this year, ABC News reported that Amiri had defected to the United States. Although government sources have acknowledged …that they are aware of Amiri’s defection and of information that he might have provided, they do not confirm that he defected to the U.S.’ 40

Now that Amiri has fled back to Iran, another possibility opens up for the US mindbenders: they might now argue that the December 2007 NIE which concluded there was no Iranian nuclear weapons program had been based on falsified information procured by Amiri and others like him, who had been recruited to espionage by the US, but who later proved unreliable – as shown by Amiri’s flight back to Iran to rejoin his family there. All of these points represent good reasons not to believe the contents of the new NIE when its contents are reported in the press in the very near future. It is guaranteed to be a tissue of lies.

Amiri’s Last Word: No Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program

The last word from Amiri seems to be a statement that there is no Iranian nuclear weapons program after all. This has been established by CIA veteran Philip Giraldi based on leaks from his networks inside the agency. As Gareth Porter of IPS reported, ‘Contrary to a news media narrative that Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri has provided intelligence on covert Iranian nuclear weapons work, CIA sources familiar with the Amiri case say he told his CIA handlers that there is no such Iranian nuclear weapons programme, according to a former CIA officer. Philip Giraldi, a former CIA counterterrorism official, told IPS that his sources are CIA officials with direct knowledge of the entire Amiri operation.’ 41 But mere facts have never prevented the neocon mythographs from pressing for aggression. Maybe they will now re-create the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans, which was responsible for a series of whoppers in 2002-2003.

Obama Regime Beats The Propaganda Drum For War

In the wake of the new round of sanctions in June, top officials of the Obama regime have begun to suggest that sanctions will be inadequate to stop the nuclear weapons development which they will soon claim is going on, leaving the obvious conclusion that direct military attack is the only option. ‘”Will [sanctions] deter them [Iran] from their ambitions with regards to nuclear capability?” CIA Director Leon Panetta told ABC News on June 27. “Probably not.”’ 42

Defense Secretary Robert Gates is taking special pains to argue against the idea that Iran could be held in check by traditional nuclear deterrence of the time-honored Cold War type, even if Tehran were to procure nuclear weapons. This is an argument which has been endorsed by some leading US military officers, who are obviously not eager to go into the Iranian meatgrinder. According to Fox News, ‘Gates is sounding more belligerent these days. “I don’t think we’re prepared to even talk about containing a nuclear Iran,” he told Fox News on June 20. “We do not accept the idea of Iran having nuclear weapons.” He added: “I don’t think we’re prepared to even talk about containing a nuclear Iran. I think we’re — we — our view still is we do not accept the idea of Iran having nuclear weapons. And our policies and our efforts are all aimed at preventing that from happening.” … “Actually, what we’ve seen is a change in the nature of the regime in Tehran over the past 18 months or so. You have — you have a much narrower based government in Tehran now. Many of the religious figures are being set aside. As Secretary Clinton has said, they appear to be moving more in the direction of a military dictatorship. Khamenei is leaning on a smaller and smaller group of advisors.”’ 43 Gates had been skeptical in public about the Iran attack, in conformity with his Brzezinski pedigree; his joining the extreme war party thus means the bureaucratic situation is deteriorating.

The US argument against the Iranian regime used to be that Iran was bad because it was a theocratic dictatorship of the mullahs, who were the bearers of Islamic fundamentalism. Gates and Clinton now argue that Iran is bad precisely because it is no longer a theocratic dictatorship of mullahs, but an authoritarian military dictatorship. The only constant is the desire for war and confrontation.

Netanyahu Of The War Party

In order for the US to assemble an Arab-Sunni front in the Middle East to oppose the chosen Persian-Shiite adversary, it was considered advantageous to get the Israelis to make a few concessions to the Palestinians with a view to creating the illusion of progress towards an overall peace settlement between these two parties. Because the politics of economic depression has produced a marked heightening of the extremist elements of Israeli politics, the Netanyahu regime has refused to make any concessions, and has acted out defiance of Obama for domestic political consumption. This dynamic gave rise to the hostile and heated atmosphere of Netanyahu’s previous White House visit. This time, the atmospherics were kept more conciliatory. In any case, Netanyahu’s demand for US military attack on Iran is a constant refrain.

As the Leveretts pointed out on July 11: ‘it is the Prime Minister’s remarks on Iran that deserve special attention—for these remarks suggest that Netanyahu is embarked on an extremely dangerous course. Netanyahu is pushing the United States to take eventual military action against Iran — a confrontation that would have predictably disastrous consequences for U.S. interests and regional stability, and for which Israel and the pro-Likud community in the United States will be blamed, because they will have led the charge to war. Such a scenario would be far more damaging to Israel and the American Jewish community than anything Iran might conceivably do. Netanyahu argued that the Islamic Republic’s “irrational regime” cannot be allowed to develop nuclear weapons capability, because “you can’t rely on the fact that they’ll obey the calculations of cost and benefit that have governed all nuclear powers since the rise of the nuclear age after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”’ 44

Netanyahu, it is argued, is also trying to force the US to take the lead in attacking, which is less convenient for Washington than being dragged into war by a supposed breakaway ally: ‘…while preserving the option of Israeli military strikes against Iranian nuclear targets, Netanyahu is shifting the onus for forestalling the further development of Iran’s nuclear capabilities onto the prospect of U.S. military action.’ 45

The UAE Calls For War At Aspen, Colorado Ideas Festival

Many reports stress that the political leadership of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are issuing strident demands that the US make the attack on Iran, thus abandoning all hypocritical pretenses of Arab solidarity. One piece of evidence in this regard is the outburst of the UAE ambassador to the United States during a panel discussion in Aspen Colorado during the first week of July. In response to a question about Iran, UAE ambassador to the United States Yousef Al Otaiba issued a remarkable open call for US military aggression in regard to Iran, despite the likely serious negative side effects which his own country would experience because of its close geographical propinquity does a theater of war. ‘”I think it’s a cost-benefit analysis,” Mr. al-Otaiba said. “I think despite the large amount of trade we do with Iran, which is close to $12 billion … there will be consequences, there will be a backlash and there will be problems with people protesting and rioting and very unhappy that there is an outside force attacking a Muslim country; that is going to happen no matter what.”’ Al-Otaiba concluded: ‘”If you are asking me, ‘Am I willing to live with that versus living with a nuclear Iran?,’ my answer is still the same: ‘We cannot live with a nuclear Iran.’ I am willing to absorb what takes place at the expense of the security of the U.A.E.”’ 46 Al-Otaiba was soon called home for consultations. His formulation is reminiscent of French President Sarkozy’s cynical comment that the only thing worse than bombing Iran is Iran with a bomb.

Joe Klein in Time: Arab Gulf States Want Iran Bombed

According to Joe Klein of Time Magazine, the demand for war by the Saudis and the Gulf states is pushing the United States rapidly down the path to military conflict. One senses that alibis are being prefabricated for Obama and his officials for when the body bags begin to come home. Klein writes: ‘One other factor has brought the military option to a low boil: Iran’s Sunni neighbors really want the U.S. to do it. When United Arab Emirates Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba said on July 6 that he favored a military strike against Iran despite the economic and military consequences to his country, he was reflecting an increasingly adamant attitude in the region. Senior American officials who travel to the Gulf frequently say the Saudis, in particular, raise the issue with surprising ardor. Everyone from the Turks to the Egyptians to the Jordanians are threatening to go nuclear if Iran does. That is seen as a real problem in the most volatile region in the world: What happens, for example, if Saudi Arabia gets a bomb, and the deathless monarchy there is overthrown by Islamist radicals?’ 47 We should stress that the rulers of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states represent some of the most extreme and backward feudal relics to be found anywhere on this planet, having survived through the 20th century mainly thanks to the fact that these were British imperial puppet states for most of that time. The idea that a gaggle of titled feudal reactionaries can talk the United States into a catastrophic war shows how far gone the current situation actually is.

The clamor for war from the Saudi and Gulf potentates is also the theme of a recent article in the online edition of the pro-British German newsmagazine, Der Spiegel, where we read: ‘Israel and the Arab states near the Persian Gulf recognize a common threat: the regime in Tehran. A regional diplomat has not even ruled out support by the Arab states for a military strike to end Iran’s nuclear ambitions…. Never have the strategic interests of the Jewish and Arab states been so closely aligned as they are today. While European and American security experts consistently characterize a military strike against Iran as “a last option,” notable Arabs have long shared the views of Israel’s ultra-nationalist foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman. If no one else takes it upon himself to bomb Iran, Saudi cleric Mohsen al-Awaji told SPIEGEL, Israel will have to do it. “Israel’s agenda has its limits,” he said, noting that it is mainly concerned with securing its national existence. “But Iran’s agenda is global.”’ 48

A Philodoxer Of The War Party: Bernard-Henri Lévy

One who rejoiced that the UAE was now ready to fight the Iranians to the last American was the notorious philodoxer Bernard-Henri Lévy, who had already done yeoman service for the Anglo-Americans over many years as an all-purpose warmonger on the subject of Iraq. Here is part of the Huffington Post account of Lévy’s remarks: ‘”The UAE has chosen to side with the camp of those who apply to the letter the new United Nations resolution of June 9,” wrote Lévy, noting that it was “truly a blow to the regime” in Iran. For Lévy, the “union sacrée” of Muslim countries against the “Zionist enemy” is a fantasy. The countries that feel threatened by Tehran, he added, now have the opportunity to form an alliance of convenience. We might as well say that the Emirates’ decision is truly a blow to the regime…. And the fact that, for the first time, an Arab country took this step, the fact that it said no to the Iranians’ attempted holdup, thus foiling the manœuvre of which Hamas and Hezbollah were the vanguard but whose ultimate goal was to set the region ablaze, constitutes not only a gesture of survival but proof of maturity and a welcome sign of clarification. If this decision is maintained, nothing will ever be the same again. And for Ahmadinejad, the countdown will have begun.’ 49 The reference to the countdown at the end suggests Lévy’s vision of US missiles streaking towards Tehran with their deadly cargo.

Saudi Arabia Volunteers As Springboard For Assaulting Iran

Saudi Arabia has by all indications volunteered the use of its airspace as a transit corridor for Israeli planes attacking Iran. According to other reports, Israeli forces are now present on the territory of the kingdom. On June 12, The Times of London reported that Saudi Arabia had recently ‘conducted tests to stand down its air defenses to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities’ – as part of an attack on Iranian targets. In March, reports had started appearing in the European press about secret negotiations between Jerusalem and Riyadh to work out the details of cooperation.50

On July 5, these reports became more concrete when the London Times wrote that ‘the head of Mossad, Israel’s overseas intelligence service… assured Benjamin Netanyahu, its prime minister, that Saudi Arabia would turn a blind eye to Israeli jets flying over the kingdom during any future raid on Iran’s nuclear sites. Earlier this year Meir Dagan, Mossad’s director since 2002, held secret talks with Saudi officials to discuss the possibility. The Israeli press has already carried unconfirmed reports that high-ranking officials, including Ehud Olmert, the former prime minister, held meetings with Saudi colleagues. The reports were denied by Saudi officials. “The Saudis have tacitly agreed to the Israeli air force flying through their airspace on a mission which is supposed to be in the common interests of both Israel and Saudi Arabia,” a diplomatic source said last week. Although the countries have no formal diplomatic relations, an Israeli defense source confirmed that Mossad maintained “working relations” with the Saudis.’ 51 On June 28, RT Jerusalem correspondent Paula Slier reported that Israeli helicopters were dropping off materiel at Saudi bases. Vernochet of Voltaire cites a press agency report to the effect that Israeli planes landed in Saudi Arabia on June 18 and 19.52

Another Big Difference This Time: The French President

During the Bush-Cheney propaganda campaign for an attack on Iraq back in 2002-2003, a key focal point of resistance was constituted by French President Jacques Chirac and French Foreign Minister Dominique De Villepin. These French leaders earned the gratitude of persons of goodwill all over the world through their opposition to the wild lies told by the US neocons. This time around, the world situation is qualitatively worse because the independent French spirit typified by Chirac and Villepin is no longer reflected at the top of the Paris government. Instead, the tenant of the Elysée Palace is Nicholas Sarkozy, an adventurer and demagogue who grew up in a household closely allied with the Wisner family of the CIA. Of all the European leaders, Sarkozy has been the absolute worst on all issues concerning Iran, where he has surpassed all the rest in his bellicose and belligerent rhetoric. Everything indicates that Sarkozy, if he is still in office, intends to support the coming attack on Iran. Sarkozy has attempted in particular to pull Medvedev away from the traditional Russian position and towards the Anglo-Americans. As RIA Novosti wrote, ‘France has welcomed Russia’s decision on new sanctions against Iran, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum…. “I would like to welcome, in particular, the decision by President Medvedev in regard to voting for sanctions on the Iran issue. This (sanctions) would be impossible if he had not made this choice,” Sarkozy said.’ 53 There is now some hope that the l’Oréal political contributions scandal could weaken or even oust Sarkozy. This scandal is at least a sign that seventy years after de Gaulle’s famous call to arms, French institutions are fighting back against foreign domination. The US anti-Obama opposition could learn a great deal from this scandal.

China Opposed, But Without Conviction

As for China, this power is trying to placate the US hawks while at the same time maintaining reasonably good relations with Iran, upon which the Chinese depend for a significant part of their current oil supply, and which above all represents the best future hope of building a pipeline (Iran-Pakistan-China) which would finally provide a land route for oil from the Middle East to the Middle Kingdom, far from such chokepoints is the Straits of Malacca, and above all far from the naval domination of the Anglo-Americans. Hillary Clinton has blackmailed China by telling Beijing that they have to choose between supporting sanctions on Iran, which might cut off their Iranian oil imports if Tehran becomes enraged, and the worse option of losing all their Gulf oil imports if there are no sanctions, since in the absence of sanctions a more likely Israeli or US attack on Iran would lead to the total closing of the Gulf through Iranian retaliation. Risk giving up your Iranian oil, Hillary told the Chinese, or risk your Saudi oil as well, with the latter supply being more important. China also has its own areas of direct conflict with the United States, including such issues as US cyber-subversion campaigns, sovereignty over the oil-rich South China Sea, China’s sovereign right to manage its own currency, and the proper handling of the DPRK. The Chinese have argued that, although they voted for the sanctions as demanded by the US, they had been instrumental in making them weaker and more diluted. In any case, China is anxious to find ways of getting along with Tehran. On June 6, a RIA Novosti article reported that ‘China is ready to strengthen diplomatic relations with Iran, regardless of sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang said on Thursday.’ 54

How The Next War Will Come

Joe Klein of Time describes how, during the time the neocon General Petraeus was in command, the US CENTCOM was busy working out new and apocalyptic scenarios for Iran. He stresses that Israel has been integrated into US military planning, under various pretexts. Klein writes: ‘…intelligence sources say that the U.S. Army’s Central Command, which is in charge of organizing military operations in the Middle East, has made some real progress in planning targeted air strikes — aided, in large part, by the vastly improved human-intelligence operations in the region. “There really wasn’t a military option a year ago,” an Israeli military source told me. “But they’ve gotten serious about the planning, and the option is real now.” Israel has been brought into the planning process, I’m told, because U.S. officials are frightened by the possibility that the right-wing Netanyahu government might go rogue and try to whack the Iranians on its own.’

Klein also acknowledges that there is resistance among the US military to this new round of aggression. And well there might be: at various times over the past few months, Obama has had more US combat troops in the field than Bush ever did. The suicide rate in the U.S. Army in particular has grown to alarming proportions. Armies can reach breaking points, and the U.S. Army is not exempt from this rule. Klein notes: ‘Most senior military leaders also believe Gates got it right the first time — even a targeted attack on Iran would be “disastrous on a number of levels.” It would unify the Iranian people against the latest in a long series of foreign interventions. It would also unify much of the world — including countries like Russia and China that we’ve worked hard to cultivate — against a recowboyfied U.S. There would certainly be an Iranian reaction — in Iraq, in Afghanistan, by Lebanese Hezbollah against Israel and by the Hezbollah network against the U.S. and Saudi homelands. A catastrophic regional war is not impossible…. But it is also possible that the saber-rattling is not a bluff, that the U.S. really won’t tolerate a nuclear Iran and is prepared to do something awful to stop it.’ 55

Flynt Leverett regards this new and wider war as a gradual process, with time necessary to show that the new round of sanctions has not had the desired effect. Leverett said in a radio comment on July 19, ‘we now have these new sanctions in place that we’re going to need to go through—six months, twelve months or so living with these sanctions until everyone is willing to acknowledge that they’re not having the desired effect. And I think the Israelis are playing a game, looking at a year down the road, 18 months, maybe two years down the road, when after more and more people come on board and say sanctions aren’t working, the Iranians are continuing to develop their fuel cycle capabilities, etc.—at that point, probably around the time that President Obama is gearing up for his own reelection campaign in a serious way, the Israelis can come back and say, “Okay, now we need to do something more coercive around the Iranian problem.”’ 56 But things may also move much faster.

De Borchgrave: Obama Wants Three Wars And Both Houses Of Congress

The veteran columnist Arnaud de Borchgrave offers the following estimate, which gives considerable attention to the US military opposition against the coming strike, as well as to Iranian capabilities for retaliation in the region: ‘A former Arab leader, in close touch with current leaders, speaking privately not for attribution, told this reporter July 6, “All the Middle Eastern and Gulf leaders now want Iran taken out of the nuclear arms business and they all know sanctions won’t work.” The temptation for Obama to double down on Iran will grow rapidly as he concludes that Afghanistan will remain a festering sore as far as anyone can peer into a murky future, hardly a recipe for success at the polls in November. With a war in Afghanistan that is bound to get worse and a military theater in Iraq replete with sectarian violence, the bombing of Iran may give Obama a three-front war — and a chance to retain both houses of Congress. Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also expressed reservations from time to time. The Joint Chiefs and former CENTCOM commanders know better than most experts that Iran has formidable asymmetrical retaliatory capabilities. For example, all of these are vulnerable to Iranian sabotage or hundreds of Iranian missiles on the eastern side of the Gulf: from the narrow Straits of Hormuz, which still handles 25 percent of the world’s oil traffic; to Bahrain, the U.S. Fifth Fleet’s headquarters where the population is two-thirds Shiite and the royal family is Sunni; to Dubai, where about 400,000 Iranians live, including many who are “sleeper agents” or favorable to Tehran; to Qatar, now the world’s richest country with per-capita income at $78,000, which supplies the United States with the world’s longest runway and sub-headquarters for CENTCOM, and whose LNG facilities are within short missile range of Iran’s coastal batteries; to Saudi Arabia’s Ras Tanura, the world’s largest oil terminal, and Abqaiq, nerve center of Saudi’s eastern oil fields.’ 57

On The Eve Of A New False Flag Provocation?

Naturally, the traditional Anglo-American method for neutralizing any possible opposition from military leaders or members of Congress, to say nothing of the increasingly atomized US public, has been to stage a provocation along the lines of the Gulf of Tonkin in August 1964, or an event like 9/11, quickly followed by the appropriate congressional resolution which can be used in lieu of an actual declaration of war, as needed. Vernochet finds that these ingredients are really the only ones missing in the current constellation of forces to get military operations going in grand style.58 Vernochet estimates that the only possibility for stopping this war would be the creation of a large block of states led by Russia and China, and that this possibility seems very remote at the present time. But instead of seeing the denizens of Manhattan and the city of London as power crazed, it would be more accurate to regard them as living in mortal fear of their own imminent financial bankruptcy, and desperately seeking some way to convince the world that their empire of derivatives, zombie banks, and hedge funds actually represents the economic future of humanity.59 In the meantime, one thing which antiwar activists can unquestionably do is to begin inoculating public opinion to regard any terrorist act or military clash attributed by the mass media to Iran as a provocation deliberately staged by the US-UK war party.

US And Israeli Warships Mobilized

The US has recently deployed a second aircraft carrier battle group to waters near Iran. A large number of US warships, by some accounts 11 vessels, passed through the Suez Canal heading east towards the Gulf at the end of June. This was evidently the expanded battle group around the attack carrier USS Truman. An Israeli report says: ‘International agreements require Egypt to keep the Suez open even for warships, but the armada, led by the USS Truman with 5,000 sailors and marines, was the largest in years. Egypt closed the canal to fishing and other boats as the armada moved through the strategic passageway that connects the Red and Mediterranean Seas.’ 60 Some reports stated that an Israeli ship was part of the armada.

There are also reports that the Israeli Navy is expanding its operations into the Gulf: ‘Several defense websites have reported that Israel is deploying one to three German-made nuclear submarines in the Persian Gulf as a defensive measure against the possibility of a missile attacks from Lebanon and Syria, as well as Iran. “The submarines of Flotilla 7 — Dolphin, Tekuma and Leviathan — have visited the Gulf before,” DeHaemer wrote, “but the decision has now been taken to ensure a permanent presence of at least one of the vessels.”61 These submarines fire nuclear missiles, and could destroy Iranian cities. They cannot defend anything, but they can launch a nuclear first strike.

US Troops In Eleven Countries Encircle Iran

US forces currently operate in at least 11 countries within striking distance of Iran. These are Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Kyrgyzstan. While Manas Air Force base in Kyrgyzstan might be available for operations against Iran, there are currently no US bases in Uzbekistan, so far as is known. But the US is trying to re-open its Uzbek base, which was closed in 2005.62 Thus, US military forces are now present in virtually all of Iran’s neighbors, except Syria. Many of these are places which the US peace movement, to the extent that it has survived the coming of Obama, has never heard of. This includes more than 50,000 GIs in Iraq (where the US is now alone, after the departure of all coalition contingents) and Afghanistan, where there are some 100,000 US forces. There are US forces in various disguises in Pakistan. There are NATO bases, including the formidable Incirlik air base, in Turkey. Whether Turkey will allow its territory to be abused for aggression is another question.

US Protectorate Over Azerbaijan

US forces are now in Azerbaijan, a country which Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited at the end of June. When these troops showed up, they provoked an immediate stir among the Iranian Pasdaran: ‘…a large American force has massed in Azerbaijan, which is on the northwest border of Iran. [Iranian] Revolutionary Guards Brigadier General Mehdi Moini said Tuesday that his forces are mobilized “due to the presence of American and Israeli forces on the western border.” The Guards reportedly have called in tanks and anti-aircraft units to the area in what amounts to a war alert.’ 63

US Forces In Armenia

US units have also surfaced in Armenia. A report dated June 24 details a sharp Iranian protest against this further hostile militarization so close to its border: ‘Iran will not allow a United States-led military force to be deployed in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone that immediately borders on its territory, according to the Islamic Republic’s chief diplomat in Armenia. At a press conference in Yerevan on Wednesday Ambassador Seyed Ali Saghaeyan claimed that Washington is contemplating a deployment of its troops in Fizuli, which is one of the seven Armenian-controlled districts around Nagorno-Karabakh. He further alleged that the American intention was to do so under the guise of a peacekeeping operation.’ 64

Result: Iran Surrounded

The following summary by an oil industry analyst sums up the degree to which Iran is hemmed in by hostile US and NATO military. Emphasis has been added to show the number of countries involved: ‘Iran literally is surrounded by American troops, notes an oil market analyst, Energy and Capital editor Christian A. DeHaemer. There is no evidence of an imminent attack, but he connects a number of recent events and the presence of American soldiers to warn that oil prices might soar — with or without a pre-emptive strike aimed at stopping Iran’s nuclear power ambitions. Iran is bordered on the east by Pakistan and Afghanistan, where U.S. troops have been waging a costly war, in terms of money and lives, against Taliban, Al-Qaeda and other terrorists. The Persian Gulf is on Iran’s southern border, and last week’s report, confirmed by the Pentagon, that 11 warships had sailed through the Suez Canal, raised alarm bells that the U.S. is ready to fight to keep the Persian Gulf open. Iran has threatened it could close the waterway, where 40 percent of the world’s oil flows in tankers, if the United Nations or the United States by itself carry out harsh energy sanctions against the Islamic Republic. An Israeli ship has also reportedly joined the U.S. armada. Kuwait, which is heavily armed by the U.S. and is home to American bases, is located on the southwestern border of Iran. The country’s western neighbors are Turkey and Iraq, also home to American bases, andTurkmenistan, the Caspian Sea and Azerbaijan are the Islamic Republic’s northern neighbors. The U.S. Army last year advanced military cooperation with Turkmenistan. An independent Caspian news agency has confirmed unusually heavy activity of American troops along the border with Iran. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Brigadier General Mehdi Moini said last week that his forces increased patrols, including tanks and anti-aircraft units, along the border with Azerbaijan because they noticed increased American activity. Iran charged that Israeli forces were also present, sparking a virtual war alert among the Iranian Guards.’ 65

US Nuclear Response To Envelopment In Iraq, Afghanistan

The US naturally intends these forces to be a factor of strength in the coming conflict against Iran. There is, however, another possibility, which is that US units in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere near Iran, which are widely scattered or which are operating in inaccessible areas, could be surrounded by Iranian or pro-Iranian forces, or else could have their supply lines cut by the Iranian side.66 A retired U.S. Navy captain who had served in the nuclear submarine fleet under Admiral Hyman Rickover described in a conversation with this writer on July 18 how he had at one time in his career participated in an exercise which assumed that 35,000 US troops had been cut off in or near Iran. The immediate response was the use of nuclear weapons, he recalled.

Israeli Retaliation Against Syria For Hezbollah Actions

This is not the appropriate place to offer a detailed hypothetical scenario of what the consequences of an Israeli or US attack on Iran might be, but it is already clear that they would be catastrophic. We should bear in mind once again the Brzezinski testimony of February 2007. One factor which has changed is unquestionably the growing strength of Hezbollah in Lebanon, which would almost certainly be brought to bear on Israel if Iran is bombed. To this must be added in the now-declared Israeli policy of carrying out retaliatory strikes against Syria in response to whatever Hezbollah might do to the Israelis. In the London Times of April 18, 2010 we read: ‘Israel has delivered a secret warning to Syrian President Bashar Assad that it will respond to missile attacks from Hezbollah, the militant Lebanese-based Islamist group, by launching immediate retaliation against Syria itself. In a message, sent earlier this month, Israel made it clear that it now regards Hezbollah as a division of the Syrian army and that reprisals against Syria will be fast and devastating. It follows the discovery by Israeli intelligence that Syria has recently supplied long-range ballistic missiles and advanced anti-aircraft systems to Hezbollah. “We’ll return Syria to the Stone Age by crippling its power stations, ports, fuel storage and every bit of strategic infrastructure if Hezbollah dare to launch ballistic missiles against us,” said an Israeli minister, who was speaking off-the-record, last week. The warning, which was conveyed to Damascus by a third party, was sent to reinforce an earlier signal by Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli foreign minister. “If a war breaks out the Assad dynasty will lose its power and will cease to reign in Syria,” he said earlier this year.’ 67

Based on this report, we must assume that a conflict with Iran would impose the necessity of US combat operations in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, with the status of Pakistan being anybody’s guess. Hostilities would probably involve Yemen, where a pro-Iranian insurrection confronts the Saudi-backed regime, and might also implicate Somalia, and even Sudan. For a bankrupt power with an overstretched and exhausted army like the US today, this means biting off a very large chunk of the globe as a theater of war. Bombing Iran means killing Russian technicians at the Bushehr nuclear reactor and other sites. It may mean killing Chinese present in the oil fields were supervising Chinese oil imports from Iran. Bombing Syria may involve the Tartus naval base of the Russian navy, which is being expanded. From here, the possibilities of grave danger go on and on.

Israel In The Crossfire Of Missiles From Hezbollah And Iran?

Another way in which the planned attack on Iran could go out of control and lead to a more general war, including a nuclear war by miscalculation, has to do with the erosion of the conventional superiority traditionally enjoyed by Israel in the Middle East.. As long as the Israelis can win on the conventional plane against their Arab neighbors, they may not be tempted to escalate to nuclear weapons of mass destruction. But, if Israel is facing conventional defeat, then the impulse towards nuclear escalation may become irresistible. The failure of the Israeli efforts against Hezbollah in the August 2006 war already suggested that Israel’s conventional edge was no longer what it had been in the past. Now, there are press reports of large transfers of solid-fuel ballistic missiles with reasonably accurate guidance systems into the hands of Hezbollah. If the reports are true, these missiles might represent a lethal threat to the Israeli Air Force, which has always been a cornerstone of that country’s conventional strength. This is the background for the Israeli ultimatum to Syria reported above.

David Moon of the Asia Times has recently called attention to the upgrades in the Hezbollah missile arsenal, and to their far-reaching strategic implications. Moon writes: ‘The recent alleged transfer of a small number of Scud missiles to Hezbollah from Syria only serves to highlight the capabilities of Hezbollah-operated M600 missiles manufactured and supplied by Syria. The M600 is a truck-mounted solid fuel booster pushing a 500 kilogram (1,100 pound) warhead nearly 300 kilometers…. The unanswered question – and the one of most concern – is the number of game-changing launchers Hezbollah has already got hidden away or that it will acquire from Syria.’ 68

Hezbollah: From Counter-Value To Counterforce

In August 2006, Hezbollah launched some 4,000 short range missiles against northern Israel, most of which were Russian-made Katyushas of World War II vintage. These missiles had limited range and were impossible to aim accurately. Accordingly, Hezbollah could only point them in the general direction of Israeli cities. But the new missiles may be much more accurate, and might allow Hezbollah to engage in a counterforce rather than counter-value strategy. Instead of terrorizing Israeli civilians, Hezbollah might be able to target the air fields used by the Israeli Air Force. At the same time, Israel has been developing a layered missile defense in the form of the Iron Dome, David’s Sting, Arrow, and Patriot systems. There are reports that the Israeli air force is ready to flee northern Israel at a moment’s notice and take refuge in bases in the south of their country, where the Hezbollah missile threat is less. But what if Hezbollah acquires accurate missiles which can reach all that Israeli territory? And what happens if Hamas can get a few more effective missiles into the Gaza Strip?

As Moon writes, ‘Israelis express concern that this missile [the M600, also known as the Fatah 110] will be directed at population centers. A more accurate and more dangerous threat to Israel militarily is for Hezbollah to rain down rockets on its most dangerous enemy – the Israeli Air Force – principally on airfields in northern Israel. However, with upwards of 40,000 Katyusha rockets stockpiled, Hezbollah still retains the terror option. If Hezbollah’s plentiful M600s were fired in high-volume volleys, the Arrow system could be overwhelmed. If the IRGC [Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps] launched Iranian high-value Shahab-3Bs and variants timed with Hezbollah’s M600s, the Islamic republic could deal telling blows to strategic targets…. Hezbollah is said to be flush with the Russian-made SA-7 “Grail”, the SA-14 “Gremlin” and the SA-18 “Grouse”. These shoulder-fired SAMs are a point defense for covering mobile missile launchers like the M600 when exposed during the firing and retirement cycle. Also in the bargain came the SA-8 “Gecko”, a mobile launcher with a range of about 16 kilometers and a height of 12,000 meters. Mix these new capabilities with Syria’s new radar system supplied by Tehran… For Israel, the cost of setting back Iran’s nuclear program a few years before dealing decisively with Hezbollah and Syria is now at an all-time high.’ 69

If Iran and Hezbollah can coordinate their missile salvos, Moon thus suggests, it might be possible for them to overwhelm the Israeli antimissile defenses, and to inflict grave damage on the airfields where the Israeli air force is based. This potential for conventional defeat or simply for grave losses conjures up another prospect of an escalation into the nuclear realm by the Israelis as the sole remaining means of saving the day. On the surface, it would seem that the atomic bombing of southern Lebanon and even more so of Gaza would make no sense for the Israelis, since the radioactive debris and fallout would descend in large measure on Israeli territory and Israeli population centers. But there are also unconfirmed reports that the Israelis may have developed their own version of the neutron bomb, something last discussed widely in the United States during the Jimmy Carter administration. This might avoid most of the radioactive fallout problem. In any case, using the neutron bomb against Hezbollah would unquestionably represent the first use of atomic weapons, and would clearly cross the nuclear threshold. At that point, the Middle East and the world would have entered a new and uncharted terrain, replete with incalculable risks of general war and nuclear war.

In the meantime, we would like to interrogate the proverbial fly on the wall during this week’s meeting of Obama with British Prime Minister Cameron at the White House. Was their discussion really consumed by the vicissitudes of BP and the Lockerbie incident, or was there also some discussion of cooperation in military aggression against Iran? Given the way the wind is blowing, the latter hypothesis appears persuasive. Someday we may find new and more scandalous Downing Street memoranda devoted to this meeting. But let’s not wait around.

Political mobilization against this new war danger is imperative. There is a conference in Albany, New York within a few days which bills itself as a national gathering of the United States peace movement. If this movement still exists in reality, it will respond to the situation around Iran with a call for mass mobilization against the new warmonger-in-chief Obama and his new and wider war, before the end of the summer. It is important to promote primary election or third-party challenges, especially against Democratic members of Congress who have voted for or otherwise supported war appropriations over the past two years. Most important would be the presence of a qualified, serious, antiwar challenger against Obama in the Democratic primary election process, starting in Iowa and New Hampshire in January 2011, which is just six short months away. A third-party peace candidate of real presidential caliber would also be a godsend. Those who are intelligent enough to understand these necessities had better get busy right now. One thing is certain: Noam Chomsky and the various left-liberal paladins of impotence are not going to take the lead on this one.

Even though the forces that may initially respond to such calls for mobilization may be relatively limited, they can perform the indispensable function of alerting larger parts of public opinion at home and abroad that a tragic and genocidal crime is being prepared behind the scenes. If we recall the fateful summer of 2002, when the Iraq war was being cooked up, the warlike intent of the US administration was signaled through a bellicose speech by Cheney at the Veterans of Foreign Wars in August, followed by a coordinated media campaign of war psychosis starting in September.70 So far, Obama and Biden have not started a campaign of open war propaganda concerning Iran. This time around, it may be possible for those of us still in the reality-based community to get out in front of the war party rather than having to run to catch up with them.71

It is genuinely appalling to realize that we are now back to something resembling the desperate situation of 2002, with Iran as the target this time around. One rule of thumb which many learned during the Bush-Cheney years is that the attack is likely to start during the dark of the moon. This suggests a possible timetable built around August 10, September 8, or October 7 of this year, or perhaps some time later. It may come as an October surprise, as de Borchgrave seems to suggest. We are back once again to the classic predicament of persons of good will in recent decades: get active or get radioactive. So it’s time to get active.


1 Webster G. Tarpley, “Cheney Determined To Strike In US With WMD This Summer,” July 21, 2007, at

2 “THE KENNEBUNKPORT WARNING/ To the American people, and to peace loving individuals everywhere: Massive evidence has come to our attention which shows that the backers, controllers, and allies of Vice President Dick Cheney are determined to orchestrate and manufacture a new 9/11 terror incident, and/or a new Gulf of Tonkin war provocation over the coming weeks and months. Such events would be used by the Bush administration as a pretext for launching an aggressive war against Iran, quite possibly with nuclear weapons, and for imposing a regime of martial law here in the United States. We call on the House of Representatives to proceed immediately to the impeachment of Cheney, as an urgent measure for avoiding a wider and more catastrophic war. Once impeachment has begun, it will be easier for loyal and patriotic military officers to refuse illegal orders coming from the Cheney faction. We solemnly warn the people of the world that any terrorist attack with weapons of mass destruction taking place inside the United States or elsewhere in the immediate future must be considered the prima facie responsibility of the Cheney faction. We urge responsible political leaders everywhere to begin at once to inoculate the public opinion of their countries against such a threatened false flag terror operation. (Signed) A Group of US Opposition Political Leaders Gathered in Protest at the Bush Compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, August 24-25, 2007” at


4 Webster G. Tarpley, “Operation Bite – April 6 Sneak Attack By US Forces On Iran Planned, Russian Military Sources Warn,” March 25, 2007,

5 Roger McDermott, “Kremlin Contemplates a Seismic Shift in Russian Foreign Policy,” May 31, 2010,

6 ‘Sans oublier le scénario de basse intensité comportant la fermeture du détroit d’Ormuz… mais à y regarder de plus près, celle-ci ne ferait que retarder l’échéance d’une campagne (déjà planifiée) de frappes massives destinées à donner toutes ses chances aux forces intérieures œuvrant au renversement du régime. Le scénario « Ormuz » devant se révéler tout aussi impuissant à dissuader les attaquants potentiels… L’artère jugulaire d’Ormuz par laquelle transitent près de 30 % de la production mondiale des hydrocarbures nécessaires à faire tourner le moteur planétaire, fermée, un baril qui bondirait à 300 $ serait d’ailleurs une aubaine inespérée pour les Majors, le cartel des grandes Compagnies pétrolières, qui pourraient dès lors se lancer dans l’exploitation à haut coût des schistes et des sables bitumineux du Groenland et d’ailleurs ou se lancer dans d’aventureuses campagnes de forages en eaux profondes comme dans le golfe du Mexique et avec le « succès » que l’on sait.’ Jean-Michel Vernochet, “La guerre d’Iran aura-t-elle lieu?” Réseau Voltaire,

7 Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, ‘Iran is Surrounded by US Troops in 10 Countries,’ June 27, 2010.




11 ‘Sanctions alone won’t work on Iran,’ Washington Post, July 9, 2010,

12 Reuel Marc Gerecht, ‘Should Israel Bomb Iran?’, Weekly Standard, July 26, 2010






18 Michael Barone, ‘Rising speculation about bombing Iran’s nukes,’ San Francisco Examiner, July 21, 2010 at See also Jim Lobe, ‘Stirrings of a New Push for Military Option on Iran’, Inter Press Service, July 9, 2010, at

19 ‘ABC News Exclusive; The Secret War Against Afghanistan,” April 3, 2007, at


21 Tehran Times, July 18, 2010,

22 Iran could acquire nuke weapons capability – Medvedev,

23 Russia’s Medvedev says worried with U.S. intelligence data on Iran (Update-1),

24 Iran says Medvedev’s nuke remarks ‘divorced from reality’,

25 Russia up to date on Iranian nuclear developments – Medvedev,

26 S-300 missiles come under new UN sanctions on Iran – Kremlin source,

27 Russian-Iranian S-300 missile deal not against UN resolution — U.S.,

28 Russia rejects Iran’s claims it favors U.S. on nuclear issue ,

29 Turkey, Brazil not included in Iran Six talks – Lavrov,

30 Iran’s nuclear program still cause for concern – Russian envoy ,

31 Iran to load reactor in Sept. 2011 – nuclear chief,

32 ‘En ce qui concerne Moscou, cette décision semble bien refléter une certaine «schizophrénie» au sommet de l’État ou un bicéphalisme ouvertement divergent entre une Présidence a priori plus «occidentaliste» que ne le serait le Premier ministre Vladimir Poutine.’ Jean-Michel Vernochet, “La guerre d’Iran aura-t-elle lieu?” Réseau Voltaire,

33 See Webster G. Tarpley, “Towards the Eighteenth Brumaire of General David Petraeus?”, June 23, 2010, at

34 “New Iran Nuke NIE Still Not Ready,” Newsweek, June 28, 2010,

35 David E. Sanger, ‘U.S. Presses Its Case Against Iran Ahead of Sanctions Vote,’ New York Times, June 7, 2010 at


37 See Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography(Washington DC: EIR, 1992), pp. 320-325.

38 Michael Smith, “Blair planned Iraq war from start,” London Times, May 1, 2005.

39 See

40; see also

41 Gareth Porter, ‘Amiri Told CIA Iran Has No Nuclear Bomb Programme,’ IPS, July 19, 2010, at

42 This Week, June 27,




46 ‘U.A.E. diplomat mulls hit on Iran’s nukes,’ Washington Times, July 6, 2010,

47 Joe Kein, “An Attack on Iran: Back on the Table,”, July 15, 2010, at,8599,2003921,00.html; Time, July 26, 2010, p. 22.

48 Alexander Smoltczyk and Bernhard Zand, ‘Persian Isolation: A Quiet Axis Forms Against Iran in the Middle East,’ Spiegel Online, July 15, 2010, at,1518,706445,00.html

49 ‘The Arab World Against Ahmadinejad?,’ Huffington Post, July 6, 2010,

50 Hugh Tomlinson, ‘Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites,’London Times, June 12, 2010, at

51 Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran, London Times, July 5, 2010,

52 ‘Verdict qui tombe après que l’Agence Guysen International News eut diffusé le 24 juin une information donnée pour être d’origine iranienne (!) suivant laquelle « … des avions israéliens auraient atterris sur l’aéroport saoudien de Tabouk les 18 et 19 juin dernier…C’est ce qu’a rapporté l’agence iranienne FARS dans un article intitulé “Activité militaire douteuse du régime sioniste en Arabie Saoudite.”’

53 France’s Sarkozy welcomes Russia’s support of new Iran sanctions,

54 China ready to strengthen diplomatic ties with Iran (Update), .

55 Joe Kein, “An Attack on Iran: Back on the Table,”, July 15, 2010, at,8599,2003921,00.html; Time, July 26, 2010, p. 22.


57 Arnaud de Borchegrave, ‘Global Sentiment Builds to Attack Iran,’ Newsmax, July 13, 2010,

58 ‘Il ne manque plus au tableau qu’un prétexte plausible, une provocation intervenant n’importe où dans le monde mais suffisamment spectacularisable pour frapper les opinions de sidération, cela, le temps nécessaire à lancer les premières frappes qui tétaniseront les oppositions en les prenant de court et enclencheront automatiquement l’escalade militaire.’

59 ‘Sauf par conséquent à ce que l’initiative tripartite ne soit reprise par une large coalition conduite par la Russie et la Chine, ce qui semble peu probable dans la conjoncture présente, le scénario du pire, sous les deux versions qui viennent d’être évoqués – frappes préventives, représailles, fermeture d’Ormuz – est en fait de plus en plus plausible. Et sauf une levée de bouclier internationale particulièrement nette et ferme, La guerre de Troie aura bien lieu si les dieux assoiffés de puissance qui siègent dans l’île de Manhattan et règnent sur la Cité de Londres s’accordent entre eux et en décident ainsi. Il restera aux stratèges de décider s’ils frappent directement la Perse, ou s’ils font éclater un conflit à sa marge, pour l’y précipiter et l’y détruire.’ Jean-Michel Vernochet, “La guerre d’Iran aura-t-elle lieu?” Réseau Voltaire,

60 ‘US, Israel Warships in Suez May Be Prelude to Faceoff with Iran,’ June 20, 2010,

61 Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Iran is Surrounded by US Troops in 10 Countries, June 27, 2010.

62 Ann Gearan and Robert Burns, ‘Uzbekistan Being Considered By US As Backup Air Base,’ Huffington Post, February 5, 2009, at

63 Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, ‘Reports: IAF Landed at Saudi Base, US Troops near Iran Border,’ June 23, 2010,

64 ‘Militarization of the Caucasus: Tehran Says it will Oppose Deployment of American Forces in Karabakh close to Iran Border,’

65 Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, ‘Iran is Surrounded by US Troops in 10 Countries,’ June 27, 2010.

66 This danger is not new; see Webster G. Tarpley, ‘US Could Face Catastrophic Military Defeat In Iraq – What Baker And Hamilton Forgot,’ December 17, 2006, at

67 Uzi Mahnaimi, ‘Israel warns Syria over Hezbollah attacks,’ London Times, April 18, 2010, at

68 David Moon, ‘Amid war talk, arms buildup continues,’ Asia Times, July 20, 2010, at

69 David Moon, ‘Amid war talk, arms buildup continues,’ Asia Times, July 20, 2010, at

70 For Cheney’s Iraq war campaign kickoff speech of August 27, 2002, see

71 For the reality-based community, see Ron Suskind, ‘Faith, Certainty, and the Presidency of George W. Bush,’ New York Times, October 17, 2004,

North Korea vows ‘physical response’ to US exercise

US aircraft carrier USS George Washington in South Korea (21 July 2010) The US-South Korean war games will involve 200 aircraft and some 8,000 personnel

North Korea has promised a "physical response" to joint US-South Korean military exercises this weekend.

The comments came as Asian foreign ministers met in Vietnam for a regional security forum.

The forum has been dominated by the crisis resulting from North Korea’s alleged sinking of a South Korean warship in March.

The US has accused Pyongyang of "provocative" behaviour and on Wednesday announced new sanctions.

North Korea’s delegation spokesman at the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) Regional Forum (ARF) in Hanoi said the military exercises – which begin on Sunday – were an example of 19th century "gunboat diplomacy".

"It is a new century and Asian countries are in need of peace and development, and DPRK [North Korea] is also moving to that end," said Ri Tong-il.

He said the exercises went beyond defensive training and would involve "sophisticated weapon equipment".

"It is a threat to the Korean peninsula and the region of Asia as a whole. And the DPRK’s position is clear: there will be a physical response to the threat imposed by the United States militarily."

Washington and Seoul say the war games – involving the aircraft carrier USS George Washington, 20 other ships and submarines, 100 aircraft and 8,000 personnel – are intended to deter North Korean aggression.

China has criticised the plans and warned against any action which might "exacerbate regional tensions".

But Japan is sending four military observers, in an apparent endorsement of the drills.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is attending the forum, declined to comment directly on North Korea’s comments, but said the door remained opened for it to return to talks if it committed to irreversible de-nuclearisation.

In comments earlier in the day, she accused Pyongyang of launching a "campaign of provocative, dangerous behaviour".

On Wednesday, the US announced it was to impose new sanctions on North Korea, aimed at halting nuclear proliferation and the import of luxury goods.

The Asean Regional Forum was attended by foreign ministers from 27 nations, including China, Japan, North Korea and the US.

The BBC’s Rachel Harvey in Hanoi said there had been hopes that the forum could be a chance to reduce tensions on the Korean peninsula.

But if anything, the proximity of the protagonists seemed to inflame sentiment, our correspondent adds.

South Korea sought to rally support behind a statement condemning North Korea over the warship sinking.

But a closing statement from the forum only expressed "deep concern" over the incident, echoing a UN statement that fell short of blaming Pyongyang.

China – which is North Korea’s closest ally – has been reluctant to take strong measures against its unpredictable neighbour.

The Cheonan warship sank in March near the disputed inter-Korean maritime border with the loss of 46 South Korean sailors.

An international investigation said it was sunk by a North Korean torpedo, but Pyongyang has rejected the charge and demanded its own inquiry.

In a separate development on Friday, North Korean and US-led UN Command military officials held rare talks on the sinking in the truce village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) between the two Koreas.

The talks lasted two hours, Yonhap news agency said. The results were not known, but they were believed to have set out the details for further higher-level talks on the issue.



Continue reading the main story

John SudworthBBC News, Seoul

It is unclear, of course, how carefully the North Korean spokesman weighed his words before unleashing his latest verbal broadside. But the talk of a "physical response", if taken at face value, seems troubling.

Angry rhetoric from North Korea is nothing new – it serves both a domestic political purpose, keeping the enemy constantly in the forefront of its citizens’ minds, and an external one, by raising tension when Pyongyang believes it is in its interests to do so.

At times the language turns flamboyant, even poetic. So it is difficult to know what to make of the latest, threatened "physical response", but on past form, it probably should not be taken at face value.

Smoking Guns of U.S. Treasury Monetization

By Jim Willie CB   
Jul 22 2010 11:08AM

Use the above link to subscribe to the paid research reports, which include coverage of several smallcap companies positioned to rise during the ongoing panicky attempt to sustain an unsustainable system burdened by numerous imbalances aggravated by global village forces. An historically unprecedented mess has been created by compromised central bankers and inept economic advisors, whose interference has irreversibly altered and damaged the world financial system, urgently pushed after the removed anchor of money to gold. Analysis features Gold, Crude Oil, USDollar, Treasury bonds, and inter-market dynamics with the US Economy and US Federal Reserve monetary policy.

A significant feature of fiat money systems is the privilege for the custodian of the reserve currency to engage in regular practices of ham-fisted monetary management, even permission for fraudulent centers to flourish, surely developing a debt monster that an economy grows dependent upon. Fannie Mae might be the most offensive blight on such privilege. Unfortunately, many shenanigans have matured into grand fraud. They are smoking guns of USTreasury fraud and counterfeit, with strong whiffs of monetization. Much more monetization is to come, fully endorsed and sanctioned. Other clever techniques are being used, given the Quantitative Easing has officially been halted. A close look reveals that Excess Cash Reserves at the USFed are being drawn down, which are thus funding the USGovt deficits in the last couple months. Ironically, such reserves held by big banks at the US Federal Reserve were the only thing preventing vast insolvency. Now that cash is being used, and the USFed insolvency is slowly exposed. Details can be found in the July Hat Trick Letter reports. Evidence is compelling, and grand motive for foreign creditors to reject the USDollar, whose active control strings are traced to Wall Street. When recognized monetization destroys the last vestige of trust and confidence in the USDollar, when more official rounds of sponsored Quantitative Easing arrive, the USDollar will be on a downward spiral. In fact, all major currencies face the same prospect of vast monetary expansion. They will all fall sharply in value, and by counter-effect, the Gold price will rise powerfully.


This story is a gem. The Chinese Dagong credit agency made an inaugural splash with a debt downgrade of the USTreasury Bonds. They called the US-based trio of debt rating agencies politically biased, an under-statement. The Dagong agency used its first splash into sovereign debt to establish a bold standard of creditworthiness around the world, giving much greater weight to wealth creating capacity and foreign reserves than Fitch, Standard & Poors, or Moodys. Dagong pays more attention to rapidly escalating debt levels. The Chinese Govt has coordinated their strategy, selling off short-term USTreasury Bills, but hangs onto a large raft of long-term USTreasury Bonds. On a net basis, the Chinese purchases have hit a plateau.

Meanwhile, with distracting commentary, China has doubled its gold holdings. At least the Chinese Govt has promised not to use their foreign reserves as a weapon. What a relief!! And Wall Street promises no more bond misrepresentation, no insider trading, no more fraud, no more drug money laundering (see Wachovia & Wells Fargo). What a relief!! The USGovt strives for clarity about management of China’s $2.5 trillion in FOREX reserves, the world’s largest. It contains $868 billion in USTreasurys at last count. The growing fear is that, in anger over trade friction, or in disgust over reckless USDollar management, or from a response to discovered hidden USTBond monetization, or with ambition to displace the US from its dominant post, China could dump USTreasury Bonds with a vengeance. The credit market analysts justifiably call it the Nuclear Option. The Beijing officials have given veiled warning to reduce the USGovt deficits and to put aside thoughts of another Quantitative Easing. The next QE2.0 comes as sure as night follows day. It comes with a heavy cost. The message is written on the wall, that the United States has forfeited its sovereignty with rampant debt production rather than industrial production.


This story is a gem. USTreasury bond issuance exceeds even the gargantuan USGovt deficits. The gap is $1.5 trillion over four years. One could guess that Wall Street is selling bonds and squirreling the money in foreign banks, a basic counterfeit in a syndicate operation. The operation might bring new meaning to monetization. At least a parallel exists. The majority of home mortgages have their income stream used in more than one mortgage bond. That is the real reason why home loan modification is a thin farce. The MERS database conceals the game, but the public has the satisfaction of knowing that MERS has no legal standing. The state courts are declaring no legal standing, and foreclosure procedures are blocked as a result. People cannot be removed from their homes when the database is used in handoffs of notes and titles.

Under Goldman Sachs rule, the USDept Treasury is running some bold kind of racket game, whose purpose is unclear, except it lacks legitimacy. The USGovt borrowing through debt issuance was $142 billion more than the June USGovt federal deficit, which means they are doing more than financing the deficit. The extra proceed funds are not accounted for. In chronic fashion, excess issuance has been the pattern, as the USGovt has issued $1.5 trillion more in debt securities than its budget deficit in the past four years. During the past 45 months, the USGovt has accumulated an incremental $4.7 trillion in new debt, but the federal budget deficit has grown by $3.2 trillion, much less but still a mammoth amount. Nobody asked why so, and nobody asks where the resulting funds from the bond sales go. One is left to speculate that a vast bold new syndicate technique is simply selling bonds beyond newly formed debt, seizing the funds in foreign locations for syndicate usage. The June USGovt official budget deficit was logged at $68.4 billion. During the same month, the USGovt borrowed a staggering total of $210.9 billion. These are not refinances of USTreasury debt in rollover. On a consistent basis, the USGovt has borrowed much more in each deficit month than was required to close the deficit and finance the debt accrued. The differential of excess debt issuance for the first six months of 2010 comes to a hefty $290 billion, a pattern in continuance.

Perhaps the Wall Street firms in control figure that with large numbers, nobody will notice, or given the hidden monetization, they might as well put the bond presses in hyper-drive. The cumulative data, as well as the mindboggling differential (dotted line) between the two series is shown on the attached chart. Perhaps it is for war funding far in excess of the stated costs, to save embarrassment and questions. Perhaps it is for enormous vertically integrated business investment in Afghanistan of clandestine type. Perhaps it is for the heavily rumored underground cities under construction for elite resident purposes. Perhaps it is extra costs for additional new military bases scattered across the globe. Perhaps the answer is simpler, in that it is just being counterfeited and stolen by the financial syndicate with impunity. This is a smoking gun.


This story is a gem. The Chinese dump USTreasurys and England accumulates them. Or more accurately, the USFed hides its vast monetization efforts in the United Kingdom account ledger item. No way to the reasonable man can Britain purchase $170 billion in USTreasurys in five months from legitimate sources of savings!! In May 2010, China reduced their USTreasury holdings by $32.5 billion, now the lowest level since June 2009. China shed $35.4 billion in short-term USTBills, offset by a mere $2.9 billion in purchased USTBonds. Furthermore, Japan reduced holdings in USTBonds, as did the OPEC nations. However, buyers could be found, all Anglo descent, at least on the surface. The total foreign USTreasury holdings rose from $3957 billion to $3964 billion. Attribute the good tiding news to gigantic ongoing accumulation by England, just like the last several years. The UK-based buying is highly suspicious, like a group of homeless men walking out of a haberdasher shop wearing Brooks Brothers suits with bad hair and mismatched shoes, but arouses no attention except by intrepid analysis divorced from Wall Street or the USGovt. Generally, the United States financial system suffered a dramatic decline in May as foreign purchases of US assets hit a wall, falling from $110.3 billion to just $33 billion. See the graph of steady Chinese unloading of USTreasurys in the last several months.

As of end May, China still holds a gaggle of USTreasurys, but their USTBill holdings are down to a trifling $7 billion, as China sells into the confusion, especially at high principal prices tied to near 0% yields. China is selling the bubble. Without any question whatsoever, the USFed and USDept Treasury are using the United Kingdom as a ledger item for their mammoth USTreasury monetization, all barely hidden, with the TIC data used as a tiny fig leaf that offers inadequate coverage. The story receives no mainstream attention. The United Kingdom has wrecked banks, staggering deficits, no trade surplus, yet managed to buy a whopping  $28 billion of USTBonds in just the month of May. Seems like Printing Pre$$ operations and London serving as the Hidey Hole. At end 2009, as of the December tally, the UK owned $180.3B in USTBonds, yet somehow managed to accumulate in the new year, up to the current $350.0B. THE UK SUPPOSEDLY HAS ALMOST DOUBLED THEIR HOLDINGS IN A MERE FIVE MONTHS!!

Bear witness to the shadow USFed debt monetization operation, operating out of the United Kingdom, or at least its accounting. The hidden USTreasury Bonds reside in England, home of the master to US bankers. Anyone who accepts the following graph on its face is foolish, compromised, or politically motivated to the extreme.

Bear in mind that we are talking about crippled England here, or the United Kingdom more generally. The UKGovt just announced spending cuts to reach 40% of budget, not the previous 20%. Britain could not cope with an extended episode in the credit crisis, according to the Bank For Intl Settlements. Yet this nation gobbled up $170 billion in USTreasurys from ripe savings in five months?? Hardly. The Bank For Intl Settlements has warned that sovereign debt under siege cannot adequate be relied upon as the coupon for broad national financial rescue and stimulus, not again, not in the next round. The UKGovt is admitting openly that the situation is worse than they said before. Newly ordained Prime Minister David Cameron ordered the officials to draw up 40% cuts, the biggest in history. He has ordered cabinet ministers to draw up a Doomsday budget whose essential service spending cuts could see tens of thousands given pink slips. Yet this nation gobbled up $170 billion in USTreasurys from ripe savings in five months?? Hardly. This is a smoking gun.

In the summer 2008 leading up the the Wall Street death experience, the British suffered their own shameful episode with Northern Rock, Royal Bank of Scotland, even the venerable Lloyds of London each succumbing, no longer breathing life in a solvent sense. They are equally broken and insolvent as the biggest US banks. Billions of pounds were spent in nationalizing the Royal Bank of Scotland (partial), Lloyds Banking Group (partial), and Northern Rock (total) in an attempt to prevent their collapse. Neither the UK nor the US is on any path of reform or restructure. London redeemed failure from a real estate bust, which is the absolute opposite of investment or stimulus. Yet this nation gobbled up $170 billion in USTreasurys from ripe savings in five months?? Hardly. This is a smoking gun.


This story is a gem. Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Mgmt casts a suspicious eye at the USTreasurys for the so-called Household category in their accounting. It is a blatant ledger item for illicit monetization, a veritable crime scene without the cordoned zone and yellow tape. Sprott directs his accusations like a skilled prosecutor. He reinforces the claim of Ponzi Scheme cited by Bill Gross of PIMCO. Sprott calls the solution to finance the mammoth USGovt deficits to be the actual problem, namely hidden monetization. The Hat Trick Letter is in perfect sync with his line of reasoning and accusation, as the "Household" accounting ledger item is the culprit. This item has been the topic of past Jackass focus and analysis. Data in gory detail is offered in his indictment. Sprott points out that in order to balance the budget for fiscal 2009, the USGovt needed to sell $2041 billion in new debt, equal to three times the new debt that was issued in fiscal 2008. Witness the grand rampup without identified sources of buyers, mythical buyers in official USTreasury auctions, fraudulent accounting on the official books. No purchasing groups could could afford to increase their 2009 USTreasury purchases by 200%, a simple conclusion. So by process of elimination, the monetization source arises most visibly, but he shows where it appears in the accounting.

In the latest USDept Treasury Bulletin published in December 2009, ownership data reveals that the United States increased the public debt by $1.885 trillion dollars in fiscal 2009. That much is clear. According to this report, there were three distinct groups that increased their purchases from 2008 levels. The first was "Foreign & International Buyers" which purchased $697.5 billion worth of USTreasury securities in fiscal 2009, a 23% rise from fiscal 2008. The second group was the US Federal Reserve itself. Their published balance sheet reveals an increase in its USTreasury holdings by $286 billion in 2009, a 60% annual rise. Consider that jump to be a direct result of the official USFed Quantitative Easing program announced in March 2009. Quick summaries cover the other groups. Q1, Q2, and Q3 data from 2009 suggests that the State & Local Govts and US Savings Bonds groups were net sellers of USTreasurys in 2009. Then the pension funds, insurance companies, and depository institutions increased their purchases by only a paltry amount. The remainder was purchased by a category called loosely "Other Investors" as a catch-all. This other group purchased $90 billion in 2008, but then turned up into hyper-drive its purchases to $510.1 billion of freshly minted USTreasury securities so far in the first three quarters of fiscal 2009. On an annualized rate of purchase, the catch-all category is on pace to buy $680 billion of USTreasurys this year, over seven times the 2008 level. So the murky vague "Other Investors" saved the day and financed a gargantuan amount of the USGovt deficit.

Go to the source. The USDept Treasury Bulletin identifies "Other Investors" as consisting of Individuals, Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE, as in Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac et al), Brokers & Dealers (who sell as intermediaries), Bank Personal Trusts & Estates, Corporate & Non-Corporate Businesses, Individuals, and Other Investors. It is far-fetched to believe parties in these groups had $700 spare billion to invest in the USTreasury market in fiscal 2009. Sprott dug deeper, and found the source in the data. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors Flow of Funds Data provides a detailed breakdown of the owners of USTreasury securities to 3Q2009. Within these parties, the GSE group acted as small buyers of a mere $5 billion this year. Brokers & Dealers were sellers of $80 billion. Commercial Banks were buyers of $80 billion. Corporate & Non-Corporate Businesses collectively were buyers of $11.6 billion. Add these cited parties to arrive at a net purchase of only $16.6 billion. The huge increase of purchases in 2009 came solely from one source within the "Other Investors" group.

The Federal Reserve Flow of Funds Report defines the infamous "Household Sector" which is a grab bag catch-all miscellaneous ledger item. The Hat Trick Letter has honed in on this corrupted ledger item in past reports. This category supposedly purchased $15 billion worth of USTreasurys in 2008, then jumped with ink jet assist (printing press) in 3Q2009 to a staggering $528.7 billion in purchases, a 35-fold increase. The Household is on track to buy $704 billion worth in all fiscal 2009. The bottom line is a shocker! What is the Household Sector? It is a combination of miscellaneous, ledger adjustments, and blatant monetization. Sprott calls it a PHANTOM that does not exist, but serves the purpose to balance the ledger in the US Federal Reserve Flow of Funds report. In the past, this ledger item was calculated as residuals, securities on loan across groups, even inclusive of rounding error. The monetization is no longer hidden. He concludes that USTreasurys have become one giant Ponzi scheme, just like Bill Gross of PIMCO quipped. This is a smoking gun.


Sprott summarized the bulk buyers of the $1885 billion in USTreasurys through Q3 of 2009:

  1. Foreign & International buyers which purchased $697.5 billion
  2. The US Federal Reserve which bought $286 billion
  3. The Household Sector which bought $528 billion (think printing press).

Foreign USTBond holders share their worry openly. Zhu Min is deputy governor of the Peoples Bank of China. In a recent discussion on the global role of the USDollar, he told an academic audience that "The world does not have so much money to buy more USTreasurys. The United States cannot force foreign governments to increase their holdings of Treasuries… Double the holdings? It is definitely impossible."With foreign sources unwilling or unable to support USGovt debt, the monetization card will be used repeatedly and powerfully inside the desperate US-UK quarters. When the process is more widely recognized and publicized, the USDollar will be denigrated further, and rejected as quickly as any reasonable alternative can be produced by consensus. It is that simple. Worse, a viable alternative might be put forward with powerful force, enough to break any resistance from inertia or threadbare obstructions.


No creditor nation whose leaders are in their right mind would continue to support the USDollar as the global reserve currency when its debt securities are the object of such open fraud and high volume monetization. The USFed Chairman Bernanke before the USCongress testified that the USTreasury is not buying its own debt with printed money. His denial was a lie. He cannot identify the USTBond buyers. The evidence is compelling, and all around us. One does not have to be an advanced financial engineer to detect the trails of the monetized debt, its accounting location at the Household slot within the USGovt and within the United Kingdom in the Treasury Investment Capital (TIC) Report. The USGovt is racking up gigantic deficits, which will run in the neighborhood of $1.5 trillion annually for some time. The second half recovery claim is for the simple-minded. Austerity measures are a pipedream. Reform is nowhere. Confusion is everywhere. Economic recovery is a mirage.

Recent condescension from Kartik Athreya of the Richmond Fed toward economist critique was particularly offensive and disgusting. One does not need advanced economics degrees to detect grand malfeasance like described in this article, and utter failure of policy directions. Trained and decorated economists in the United States have very little to show for their erudite prose, abstruse doctrinaire, and affluent effluence. They have given wreckage to the USEconomy and insolvency to its financial foundation, as the cancerous outcome to their arrogant financial engineering and complex money & banking charts. An advanced statistics degree totally overwhems an advanced economics degree any day of the week. We make tools to fine tune a business, as our resumes overflow with successful stories.

Blown opportunities, wasted bailouts, and lack of solutions like reform & restructure assure a much high gold price. Actually, they assure much lower currency valuations. With the redemption of Wall Street bond failure in October 2008 (see TARP Funds), and the nationalization of failed firms (see Fannie Mae, AIG), and the vacant economic stimulus that served little more than state budget shortfall plugs, the potential for a $2000 gold price was provided. Over $2 trillion was wasted. Debt across the debt-plagued landscape will be monetized. That is a fanciful way of saying newly printed money will be used to buy the wrecked debt, so that it can be shoved under the carpet. The growing lump under the carpet is not a piece of furniture, but rather a fashion cancer. With the redemption of British bond failure in 2008, and the nationalization of failed firms, the potential for a $2000 gold price was reinforced from the Anglo flank. Over one trillion British Pounds were wasted. Debt across the debt-plagued landscape will be monetized. With the redemption of European sovereign debt in May 2010, and the absence of stimulus in the European Economy, the potential for $3000 gold price was provided. Almost $800 billion was wasted. Debt across the debt-plagued landscape will be monetized. Gold thrives when the major currencies are debased, debauched, and destroyed.

The winds are showing strong signals of another powerful round of Quantitative Easing, the so-called QE2. When announced formally, or incontrovertibly detected, the potential for a $5000 gold price will be provided. The USEconomy is moribund, and the EU Economy is moribund. Economic stimulus and monetary accommodations have ended in the United States. The deceptive cry of a second half recovery is met by the arrival of a second half deep swoon. November elections are coming in the United States, when liberal policy, free spending, and reckless decisions are normally made. Numerous smart analysts like Eric Sprott, Jim Grant, Jim Rickards, and Porter Stansberry expect the QE2.0 to set sail soon, a second shameful voyage, maybe announced this calendar year. Some analysts believe another financial market crisis episode will be permitted first, in order to permit an easy political path for the next round of Quantitative Easing. The QE2.0 is assured, not even worthy of a forecast. My forecast is for QE3.0 to be announced by early 2012, and for QE4.0 to be announced in 2013. The reason is simple. Absolutely no effort is being made to fix anything. Vast sums of newly printed money are being thrown at a problem without much thought or planning, while many new rules actually freeze businesses. The prevailing objective is to preserve power, but at a cost of devaluating all major currencies with a flood of money supply.

Banks still hold tons of toxic debt, as mortgage debt has been written down by $270 billion but residential housing alone has come down $7 trillion in value. Even the SEC head Shapiro admitted that a slew of bank failures is coming soon. Restructure of the USEconomy is not even a topic, as consumption is desired, not seen, as job growth is desired, not seen. Capital formation and job creation are no longer an understood concept within the tarnished marble halls of US economist offices. Return of the US industrial base is not even discussed, a lost bastion. Instead, the priority of banking and political leadership is preservation of power, in order to control the coveted USDollar Printing Pre$$.

The entire world is working overtime behind conference doors to fashion a new global reserve currency. The IMF Special Drawing Rights vehicle is openly discussed, more like a Straw Man. The New Nordic Euro is a promising initiative conducted in secrecy, to be constructed with a gold component. By design, it is to enable a return to monetary system stability. However, by design it is also a USDollar killer. Its arrival will come without any doubt. When it does, the talk will not be about a skein of distracting topics. Talk will be about hyper-inflation and the United States facing a Third World prospect. Talk will be about $5000 gold. Talk will be about nothing fixed by the stewards in charge. Let’s hope by then, that some form of justice is introduced into the unfolding chapters of an American Tragedy.

Obama Joins UN Effort to Dictate Acceptable Behavior on the Internet

Kurt Nimmo
July 22, 2010

The United States — along with the UK, China and Russia — have agreed to work together under the globalist umbrella of the United Nations to determine “norms of accepted behavior in cyberspace,” according to Computer Weekly. France, Germany, Estonia, Belarus, Brazil, India, Israel, Italy, Qatar, South Korea, and South Africa are also involved in the effort.

Obama Joins UN Effort to Dictate Acceptable Behavior on the Internet  onepixel

Obama Joins UN Effort to Dictate Acceptable Behavior on the Internet  un5
Obama Joins UN Effort to Dictate Acceptable Behavior on the Internet  onepixel

Globalist organization exploits cybersecurity hype to impose “norms of accepted behavior in cyberspace.”

Robert Knake, a cyberwarfare expert with the Council on Foreign Relations, says the signed agreement represents a significant change in U.S. posture. Participation of the U.S. demonstrates the Obama administration’s strategy of diplomatic engagement, according to Knake.

“To achieve that goal nations will share information about their cybersecurity laws, develop international standards of conduct, and help less developed countries tighten their cybersecurity. The principles have been finalized for the United Nations, but there is no indication when they will be reviewed,” reports writes Bert Knabe for Lubbock Online.

As has reported, the threat of cyber attacks is vastly overstated. Dire reports issued by the Defense Science Board and the Center for Strategic and International Studies “are usually richer in vivid metaphor — with fears of ‘digital Pearl Harbors’ and ‘cyber-Katrinas’ — than in factual foundation,” writes Evgeny Morozov, a Belarus-born researcher and blogger who writes on the political effects of the internet.

Morozov notes that much of the data on the supposed cyber threat “are gathered by ultra-secretive government agencies — which need to justify their own existence — and cyber-security companies — which derive commercial benefits from popular anxiety.”

“Our legislature is utterly supine before the national security bureaucracy, which exaggerates cybersecurity threats and consistently uses the secrecy trump card to defy oversight,” writesJim Harper for CATO. “Benign intentions do not control future results, and governmental surveillance of the Internet for ‘cybersecurity’ purposes may warp over time to surveillance for ideological and political purposes.”

Our nation will be even more supine before a global security bureaucracy that does not answer to our elected representatives, does not respect our national sovereignty and our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced in 2009 that the globalist organization has moved to prevent “hate speech” on the internet. “There are those who use information technology to reinforce stereotypes, to spread misinformation and to propagate hate,” Ki-moon said during a seminar on “hate speech” held in June of 2009. “Look no further than last week’s shocking shooting at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. For years, the alleged shooter was well known for spewing racist venom through the internet and elsewhere.”

The corporate media and liberal bloggers attempted to place blame for the Holocaust museum shooting on members of the patriot movement. James W. Von Brunn, the accused shooter and avowed white supremacist, “was a right-winger — a far right-winger,” David Neiwert wrote last June. “More to the point, this is precisely the same belief system that today fuels the cottage industry in conspiracy theories — promulgated by the likes of Ron Paul and Alex Jones — that the Fed is part of a massive conspiracy of ‘international [read: Jewish] bankers’ to enslave Americans and destroy the country.”

Following the release of the Department of Homeland Security’s report labeling gun owners, returning veterans, and patriot movement activists as the number one threat to national security, the corporate media launched into a concerted effort to portray “rightwing extremists” who defend the Constitution as domestic terrorists.

Obama partisans — including members of the FCC — characterize conservative talk radio as hate speech and demand it be shut down. Obama’s regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, has argued that the government ban “conspiracy theorizing” and infiltrate “extremists who supply conspiracy theories” to disrupt the efforts of the “extremists” to propagate their theories over the internet.

The red herring of cybersecurity is now being exploited by the global elite in a cynical effort to tame and fully corporatize the internet and shut down the alternative media that has eclipsed the old dinosaur dead tree and televised corporate media.

The recent agreement at the United Nations signifies that the globalists are determined to take efforts to control and censor the internet to the next level.

Love Conquers All: The Message At the Heart Of The Road

Love Conquers All: The Message At the Heart Of The Road 230710Road











One of the most bleak films ever produced has a shining ray of light at its core

Steve Watson
Friday, Jul 23rd, 2010

Warning: This contains spoilers for those who have not yet seen the movie or read the book!

The Road, directed by John Hillcoat based on the Cormac McCarthy novel of the same name, is an extremely powerful film because it explores the fundamental human condition and the basic struggle between good and evil.

The imagery in the movie provides the perfect backdrop for a stunning exploration of the greatest threat to our civilization – barbarism.

The near future post-apocalyptic landscape serves as a physical embodiment of the spiritual decline of humanity we see unfolding all around us today.

To emphasize this theme and to achieve a disturbing realism, the film makers used images and video from events in recent history including billowing smoke from the aftermath of 9/11 and the ruined landscapes of New Orleans after Katrina. Thus, although the viewer will not consciously be aware of it, they will already be familiar with the devastation they see on the screen.

The boy in the film represents innate goodness, the ultimate truth if you will. He has never known an existence other than the dangerous and savage waste land that exists before his eyes, yet he has a deeply held desire to help his fellow man, in the shape of whomever he comes into contact with as his journey unfolds.

The doting father character strives to protect his son from his own altruism, which is pitted in a struggle against a total degradation of empathy and morality in the world he is born into.

This is never more evident in the film than when the father and son’s meager shopping cart of supplies is stolen by a scavenger. They catch up to the thief and the father takes back the cart, along with everything else that the man has, including his clothes. Despite the scavenger’s wrongdoing, the boy argues with his father that it is not right to leave him to freeze to death, it is not something “the good guys” would do. Eventually the boy’s persistence with his father pays off as they turn back and leave the man’s clothes for him to find, with a can of food. This theme is revisited several times.

The father is intent on passing on to his son what he refers to as “the fire” he is carrying inside. The soul, the spirit, the will to survive, creation itself, a greater enlightenment and understanding – call it what you will, it’s desperate fight against darkness and dehumanization, reflected in the cannibal savages, is the central theme of the film.

A common theme in dystopian fiction is the break down or the deliberate destruction of the family. This is because the function of the family is a microcosm of human civilization itself. The virtues of the family – trust, loyalty, togetherness, love – are at the core of the human condition, in constant conflict with suspicion, jealousy, selfishness, and hate.

In The Road, the family is devastated in the opening scenes by the suicide of the mother. The father’s slow prolonged illness and eventual death also mirrors that of society. In the end, however, there is hope, as the boy, still carrying the fire, is adopted by another family – a father, mother, boy, girl and a dog.

The boy’s adopted family represent civilization itself, and the message is clear – we are all interconnected and if we are to survive and progress as a species we must recognize our social responsibility to love one another and protect ourselves from the barbarians that threaten our survival. Only love can save us from such a barren desolate future.

Watch Alex Jones’ review of The Road and how the movie’s themes tie into the struggle against the New World Order being implemented around us:

How I Got Arrested and Abused at the G20 in Toronto, Canada

Posted by admin on July 1, 2010 · 39 Comments


(Editor’s note: On Tuesday, June 29th, 2010, Toronto resident Tommy Taylor published, on his facebook page (log-in required), an extraordinary account of being arrested and caged at the G20 for 23 hours. At the time of his arrest, he and his girlfriend were watching a group of peaceful protestors, and had joined in when they sang “Give Peace a Chance.”

Below we reproduce, with permission, the post in its entirety, including the images originally used by Taylor. I find it hard to imagine a more important piece of journalism being written this year. – FM)

By Tommy Taylor

I’m going to start by saying that at no point in this note will I be exaggerating, bending the truth or lying in any way. I can also say I’ve never felt this angry, violated or betrayed.

Black Bloc left alone to create carnage and photo ops.

Black Bloc left alone to create carnage and photo ops.

Second, to those who are disgusted with the violence and vandalism — I agree. It was disgusting, but happened to property, by a small group. You can see the photos everywhere of the few individuals who did that. They were also allowed to by police, who parked the cars and left. Everywhere else there were organized riot police in the thousands. They left Yonge Street alone – why? Just read more than the headlines and photo ops —

I’m not going to wig out in a conspiracy theory way, just read for yourself. The Black Bloc caused so much distraction and carnage. It happened to me and I still find it hard to believe, I don’t want to believe it. My country broke my heart.

So here is what happened.

PART ONE: Grandmas, Idiots and High School Reunions.

I was home during the day on Saturday June 26th until around 1:00pm when I went over to Allan Gardens Park (which is literally across the street from my apartment). Hey, if Mayor David Miller was encouraging people to get out and do things in the city, why not? There were a few tents left over from the Tent City, which slept there the night before. Various groups were getting signs still, ready to march over to the ‘Free Speech Zone” at Queen’s Park — far away from all things G20. I met a group of grandmothers who were marching on behalf of grandmothers in Third World countries who have adopted millions of children whose parents have died of AIDS. (To all those who are speaking out against the violence in the streets of Toronto and damning the protesters — where were your voices of outrage at this? Or do you only care when the irreplaceable Starbucks has its window smashed? g20-grandmothers-stephen-lewis

When it’s on your front doorstep you cry and give the rest of the world your apathy — why are you only upset now?)

I walk with the grannies and arrive in Queens Park. There are thousands of police in all kinds of riot gear, mounted police units (people chant of “Get those animals off those horses” made me laugh). There were students, seniors, media, everyone, thousands! And it was so peaceful and a tremendous sense of community. The riot squads were quite scary, but people were chanting “You’re pretty, you’re cute, take off the ugly riot suit!”, which also made me laugh, and many of the officers in the riot gear laughed too, one of them quipped “I wish, this thing’s hot.” Cool, this was fun. Good messages, free speech, the grannies along side the burly boys of the Steel Workers Union. Someone gave me a marker and bristol board. I made a sign “Apathy Will Kill You.” After a while of awesome speeches, interesting people and wasted money (1.2 Biliion…?) I give away my sign and head home to Jarvis & Gerrard. Like on the way there, cops are lined up everywhere, watching everything — no holes anywhere. Strange absence of cops at Yonge and Dundas Square . . . they were all over it earlier . . . .

At home I soon read about the violence happening along Yonge . . . what? Where are the cops? It’s guys in ALL black, easy to see. Why are they just running along with no one to stop them . . . there were cops there. Ok. Weird. These guys suck for doing this, because this is all anyone will see and read about. And now it’s justification for the gross amount of force and money spent. Then comes word about the police cars parked and abandoned, they even rolled down the windows before leaving. What? No radios or any equipment inside the cop cars? No police in sight? Arrest these idiots before they ruin any chance at — oh, too late. So then the media starts to assemble the evening news with the fiery money shots of Yonge St and the burning cars. Vandal assholes taking the bait and acting in a predictable destructive way. Idiots.

Watch an account by a photo journalist who followed them:

Argghh! But, hey, at least things were cool in the “Free Speech Zone”. My girlfriend Kate gets home with her co-worker Ben and their friend Simon at around 7pm. She asks if it’s ok to go out and see what’s going on. I said sure, the Free Speech Zone is awesome, there’s all kinds of causes, we can go take a look. So, off we go along College Street. There are people on sidewalks and taxis and cars, all very normal. We got to Bay and College when around 20 mini-vans full of riot cops honked their horns and went flying through the intersection — I had never seen anything like it, it was crazy. We arrived at University Ave to find it completely blocked off by riot cops in full gear. The “Free Speech Zone” was completely blocked in. The cops wouldn’t answer any questions, wouldn’t move, wouldn’t look at you. Nothing. Then rows of riot police form on College behind us, start banging their shields and march in, followed by a rows of mounted horse units. Then out of nowhere two young guys are pepper sprayed nearby, everyone runs, nothing is said by police, no announcements. People help the guys and pick them up, they don’t know what happened or why.

Up on the steps of a building I see a friend from high school, Derek. We head over, catch up — he came down to see what was happening, but was blocked off from Queen’s Park on all sides. Shortly after some homeless people threw on arm bands and had extending night sticks and tackled people standing around and dragged them behind the dense line of riot cops and dragged them away. Secret under-cover homeless police — oo la la. Still no messages from the police and no violence to be seen except from them. I remember on JackAss when Johnny tried being tasered and peppered sprayed and said the spray was the worst thing he’s ever had done to him and never again, poor dudes on the ground. Nothing happened. So, guess the day was over and police didn’t want the protest getting any bigger (is what we thought). Derek went back to Mississauga and we decided to head home and Simon went to a bar.


PART 2: A Blue Raspberry Slushie and the Lost Tactical Squads — A Saturday night in TO.

Now 9pm. Kate, Ben and I were thirsty and I remembered reading a story about the ice cream truck guy that parked at City Hall at Queen and Bay and how G20 was killing his business, and I like blue raspberry slushies. So down we went, he was up front with his feet on the dashboard. I was very thirsty at this point, so it was great. The streets seemed a little empty, but people were around, walking, going places to eat, taxis and cars driving around. Seemed like the oncoming rain and shut-out from the police killed the protests. We said “All people will talk about is the violence, too bad.” Then things changed around us. It was now just after 9pm, all the violence from earlier in the day was long over and the vandals who committed it, gone. Vans and buses of riot police and tactical teams were swarming. We couldn’t see any protesters, but the streets were filing with cops, cars tried backing away and had to jump the curb, people were getting confused, and no cops were saying anything.

We thought it best to head east and get home right now, who knew what was happening. The guys in green tactical gear were pretty scary and shouting to each other “We’re in the wrong place, go west! Go west!” They got in their vehicles of all kinds (from armored personnel carriers to Budget panel vans), big gas guns, crazy gear. Kate needed a bathroom desperately, nothing was open now and there were quite scary police squads everywhere — now very confusing as to what’s happening. We see two construction workers peeking their heads out of the door of a store. We run over and Kate talks her way into the bathroom. We talk to the guys, it’s confusing, but no signs of violence. The workers wish us well and head back inside.

We’re now at Bay St and King St, trying to head east. The sky opens up and the rain pours on down. Heavy. We see a group marching AWAY from the fence, away from G20, they get blocked in by police, but are then let go and told to move east — great, towards home! It’s a crowd of maybe 200 people, all kinds. Some flags and signs lead the group. The free speech zone was shut down, so I guess there was nowhere else to go. We live in Canada, so before you say that everyone should have gone home, no. Is that the country you want to live in? Where you can’t speak up? One day you’ll have to actually face an issue of injustice that will make you actually stand up and go outside and use your freedom, use your voice — and you’ll be glad you can. Imagine if you couldn’t? What country does that make you think of? So, with no instructions from the surrounding police I ask someone marching in the street and they seem to think it’s back to Allan Gardens Park, perfect! We live there!


PART 3: Tommy Taylor, You’re Under Arrest.

So the three of us follow, on the sidewalk, away from the central group. Occasional clapping on some great slogans chanted. There are regular people on the street watching, who live and work in the area. We get to Front St. continue south to the Esplanade and stop in front of the Novotel. Hrm? Apparently the workers are on strike at Novotel for unfair treatment and some delegates from G20 will be staying there. We are across the street on the sidewalk, in front of The Keg. The marchers sit down and chant “peaceful protest”. And it is. Everyone is calm; it’s actually pretty awesome to see. There are some awful things in this world and when our economic and political leaders gather in one place to decide the world’s solutions and futures (including the government of China), people are going to want to have their voices heard. That’s the Constitution, thankfully.

Then they start singing “Give Peace a Chance”, wow — it’s actually a cliche of a protest! It was a lot of fun, a great thing to witness live instead of stock footage form the 60’s and 70’s when people were changing the way sexuality, gender and ethnicity are treated in North America. Without public protests we would still have slavery and women couldn’t vote. Would you go back and tell those people to go home? No word from police yet, and why would there be? It’s 10:00 at night on Saturday on a small sub-street in Toronto with no traffic tonight. Everyone’s peaceful and out of the way, and only in a number of 200. It actually seemed like just a little whimper from the numbers I saw together earlier, but at least they had heart and spirit. We join in singing “Give Peace a Chance” — how could you not, it felt so great. Then, riot cops show up on the sides of the street. Uh-oh. They’re blocking it off, time to go.

We head towards them to leave; they say “Get Back”, no problem. We turn to leave the other way, more riot cops “Get Back”. Okay, we ask if we can please leave — no response. They haven’t said anything. There are journalists in here, a couple comes out of The Keg and tries to leave, they are told, “It’s too late.” Too late for what they ask, and are told nothing. We ask again (Kate has become quite distraught and upset) if we can please leave and are told, “You should have left when we told you.” Wait, what? When? Everyone is saying the same thing. Then the phone number for legal aid starts making the rounds, people write it on their arms and hands (I already had it on a post-it note). The guy from the Keg can’t believe it. The guy in the wheelchair on his way home is stunned. The confused guy with cerebral palsy is freaking out and scared. A few First Nations people around us say, “Well, this is familiar. Welcome to our club everyone.” A gay couple hugs, in tears. An older lady (the splitting image of Jane Goodall) asks what’s happening. The media with the huge cameras seem at a loss. The riot police have the full gear, shields, helmets, masks down, saying nothing. The leaders of the march ask for a negotiator to get people out of here. No response. They give official media a chance to leave that have badges, but no one else. Not even people who have obvious news camera and photo cameras. Steve Paikin from TVO managed to get out. We all chant, “Let us go!” They begin pulling people out of the sitting crowd and take them away. There was no resisting, they turned around and offered their hands. Then a riot cop with a classic cop mustache announces, “You’re all under arrest. You will all be charged and you cannot leave. ”

We can’t believe we’re about to be arrested. They won’t tell us why we are under arrest, which they legally have to. We were on the sidewalk the whole time. People from the condo above The Keg throw things down at the group. We throw nothing back and a few riot police laughed. The workers in The Keg are all at the window, confused, one of them starts crying and walks away. Everyone is trying to find out why we just can’t go home. Then the riot squads form a half circle around us, shield to shield. People angry, afraid. We were nowhere close to the fence; there was no violence — what was this? People singing a John Lennon song all arrested? Confusing. Upsetting. I want to get out of there with Kate and go home and I can’t. I hate the way this made me feel. I didn’t do anything. Nothing was happening here with these people, whom I was now a part of. Some sat down, many were on dying cell phones trying to call family and friends, some kids trying to call parents and asking to borrow phones, journalists calling their offices for help . . . scary.

The unmoving riot officers had arm badges saying they were from Calgary. Then all at once, they took some pill and took a sip from the tubes attached to their riot gear. It became clear they were a little confused, a supervisor was yelling at them they were in a wrong formation, some of them tripped over each other. I noticed the street was blocked off at both ends, no media anywhere at either end . . . denied access to see what was happening down here. Soon the street was full of buses and paddy wagons and riot cops outnumbered people 5 to 1. Many of the cops behind the semi-circle took off gear and lay down, sweaty on the sidewalk, obviously overworked. One by one, officers would come through the shrinking semi-circle line and take people roughly away. People would turn and offer their hands peacefully, waiting to go.

My new name!

My new name!

Next to us was a guy with a green mohawk, punky looking guy, two approaching arresting officers laughed and said “I want to get this guy right here”, they pushed through the other people, grabbed and spun him around and pushed him away roughly. He didn’t say anything or resist in any way. Jesus. Another male officer says to the gay couple “I’ll go find some lady officers to arrest you boys.” His patch says Toronto. Really? Surely, two female officers take one of them away. We can see people put into paddy wagons, or filling buses. I use Ben’s phone to call my parents, who were out. I call the legal aid number, no answer. I call my friend Chris Legacy (we were going to hang out on Sunday, now maybe not) he is out. I tell his mom, Linda what is happening, she is worried and hopes we’re okay and wants us to call when we can. They push through the crowd and pick out Ben

My evidence bag.

My evidence bag.

(who is in a bright yellow shirt, his work uniform shirt, he’s Brazilian with long black hair and a beard). Kate and I kiss, then they take Kate away and there is not a thing I can do except watch them handcuff her and make her walk away backwards. I hated the feeling I had at the moment, I never felt it before and I hated I was being forced to feel it.

I turned and offered my hands, I was handcuffed and made to walk backwards across the street to officers in front of the Novotel. I’m handed over, searched, asked my name — all very peaceful. My arresting officer, Toronto Constable Caesar, asked me if I understood I was being arrested — I said I understood, but I didn’t know why. He paused. “You’re being charged with — ” He stops, talks with someone else, moves me, and says “Mischief”. Another officer comes over with a form and a clipboard, Caesar says “Finally got a clipboard huh?” The officer replies “Yeah, this thing is fucked up.”

Our wristbands.

Our wristbands.

My official arrest time is 12:48am. But they’ve held me since 10:30pm. They search me, take my house keys and a post it note from my pocket (that’s all I had). I give the answers to the form questions and am put in metal handcuffs (hands in front now), Caesar says they need my shoe laces, so sits me down on the curb and takes them off and bags them. He helps me up; I can see Kate with other officers, random people all over, forms being filled out, and handcuffs going on. I see officers in bucket hats, and ask, “Who are those guys with the Gilligan hats?” I’m told those are officers from Saskatoon, an officer then jokes, “Yeah, those hats are gay.” Another adds, “Well most of them are faggots anyway. Except the dykes.” They laugh. Real police solidarity there. Cops everywhere are chugging bottles of Gatorade and water and throwing the bottles to the ground. We all had stickers with numbers stuck on us and pink wristbands with the same number. I was #0106. No one has read me my rights. I hoped I would end up in a wagon with Kate.

Here are two videos from some people who were in the condo. Listen to the Rocket Scientist who yells, “You guys are dumb!” then breaks into a Beavis and Butthead laugh. No media was allowed to see what was happening to us, so, here’s what it looked like:

PART 4: Taken on a Ride.

So, handcuffed and waiting around I see cops on the sidewalk lying on their shields, gulping Gatorade. Kate is put into a paddy wagon. I’m brought over to a different one and put in after a young guy. The back of the wagon has two seating areas, divided by a steel wall. There are no lights; the back wall is angled so you have to hunch over. I introduce myself to my fellow prisoner, he does the same. His story is much like mine. 45 minutes later we now have 6 guys on the bench. The last one in is a photojournalist, the officers toss in his evidence bag (with big fancy camera and case). “That’s my camera!” he yells, they laugh and slam the door. The police’s attitude is very relaxed, casual, many smiling and laughing. I overheard many talking about the confusion they

faced in the arrest_van

day and right now. The other guys tell me they never had their rights read either and were all told different reasons for the arrest, “Disturbing the Peace”, “Obstructing Justice”, and so on. No one clear reason we were all there. I can only make out their silhouettes when they lean forward, no lights.

We can hear the guys on the other side of the truck. One of my 6 guys shouts “Tim?!”, “Yeah?” we hear back. Turns out they went to elementary school together in rural Ontario way back when. The ages of the guys in the truck range from 15-47. The only light that comes in is from tiny circles in the metal doors, the glass is dirty, so we can’t make out too much. We drive for 1 minute and stop. They turn off the truck and leave. The truck behind us backs over and stays put, still on. Our truck now begins to smell of fumes . . . I don’t think this was on purpose, as the drivers seemed confused about where to go, we could make out there were many discussions happening between all kinds of officers outside. But diesel fume headaches started in. After another 10 minutes we drove to a large prisoner transfer bus.

Our bus looked a lot like this.

Our bus looked a lot like this.

One by one we were let out of the small truck and led aboard the bus. The first portion of the bus had sectioned off pairs of seats with plastic and metal cages with their own doors. Inside were female prisoners, two by two. I saw Kate sitting with another young girl. She didn’t see me, she looked so sad. The back section was all open seating. They told us it was two to a seat and move to the back. We filled up all the seats and were left with one extra guy. They yelled at him “Sit down now!”, he told them there were no more seats, they yelled “GET IN A SEAT NOW!” So he sat on the floor. Some girls were asking about a bathroom, as we’ve been in police custody for almost 4 hours now. No reply. “Where are we going?” No reply. “Will we get a phone call?” No reply. Some of the guys had no shoes, some had no laces and some still had their shoes fully intact. The mix on the bus was great. All ethnicities, ages and genders. Protesters, pedestrians, media, the homeless, tourists — but mostly everyone in there was from Toronto. So, with about 12 girls up front and about 20 guys in the back, all in handcuffs, off we went. I tried calling to Kate, but she couldn’t hear me. No one had any phones, cameras, no way to record anything from here on out.

Everyone couldn’t believe what was happening to us. We all talked about our rights, what phone number to call, where we might be headed. The general thought was the new detention centre they built inside the Toronto Movie Studios at Pape and Eastern. And sure enough, as the bus left the St. Lawrence Market area, we headed east. There was a sense of outrage on the bus, but when we got our phone call and legal counsel, this would be exposed for the farce it was. A girl started getting really wild and screaming — it was a bit much, a few guys laughed, and I heard a “Shut-up” — it was unmistakably Kate, she wasn’t into the girl next to her losing her mind just yet. I called out “I love you!”, another guy jokes “Will you be my prison wife?”

We arrived outside of the wet and dark Toronto Film Studio, with its large gates and armored guards and dozens of police cars and fenced off areas. It was creepy. The buildings were huge and grey with red signs with white numbers on them. It was something from a George Orwell novel. Large spotlight pointing down from posts, in the rain. Our bus was stopped in front of a large garage door to one of the hanger-sized buildings. The door rolls open a light pours out from it. We drive inside.

PART 5: Behind the Grey Door.


As we go in there are rows of cages on left hand side. About 12′x20′ and around 10′ high. They were cages. Chain cages full of people. From what I could see they were all young people in these cages, maybe the young offenders. I have never seen anything like this, only in holocaust films, sci-fi films or pictures of Guantanamo Bay (and no, am I not comparing this to those events, I’m just sharing what came to mind and the only things I can reference it to).

There are skids of bottled water and Gatorade the police are drinking from. The men on the bus are talking about how the police cars were abandoned and no police officers stopped the infamous Black Bloc — learn more about that here.

We all agreed that we were the hundreds of protesters left at the end of the day; long after the violence was done that afternoon. But hey, how do you justify to the people of Canada that we spent 1.2 billion dollars? You arrest all the protesters. We thought we might be held for 24 hours so that the streets would be cleared from people demonstrating their right to free speech. I mean, they closed down the “Free Speech Zone” in a public space, so . . . why were we there? Finally an officer comes on the bus and states “Come forward and give your number”. So one by one we go. Outside we are handed off to a Court Services officer, all with “Special Constable” patches. Some have removed their nametags, others have them still on. Some are Barrie Court Services, some Toronto. I’m given to a shorter female constable who removed my metal cuffs and put me in the plastic binds — she had trouble getting them tight enough. “My gloves are too sweaty” she says, a male officer grabs the tie and pulls them — tight. My wrists are already raw from the cuffs; I say they are too tight. “You’ll live” I’m told. Oh.

She asks where I’m supposed to go, no one really knew. Everyone there seemed a little overworked and confused. Someone told her to make sure I read ‘the sign’. She takes me towards an ominous black corridor — it was this pocket of darkness in this hanger that led to another section. Kate had already disappeared inside it. She stops in front of a sign, which states that all video and audio would be recorded in the cells and could be used as evidence, etc etc. She asked if I understood and I said I did. I was actually happy to read that, in case anything in violation of the law happened to me inside. We walked into the darkness . . .

PART 6: Welcome to Cell Block OL 6 in Detention Level 2 Prisoner #0106, or
Come for the cup of water, stay for the condom-ball.

Inside the former movie studio, I almost can’t believe it. I’ve never seen this outside of movies. It is almost unreal. There are no windows to be had. The cavernous ceiling is 200 ft high, I can barely see it. It makes the warehouse from the end of indiana-jonesRaiders of the Lost Ark look small. Hanging down to about 15 ft off the ground are rows of intense florescent lights. Dozens of rows as far as I can see in either direction. Over each cell is a small black pod container, a camera. It appears to be a maze made of industrial shelving, construction office trailers, wooden decks and walkways and cages. The cages are roughly 12′ by 20′ and around 10′ high. There is sheet metal on 3 sides; the front side has a sliding door section that locks. Inside each cage is a porto-potty with the door removed, no toilet paper. It reaches close to the ceiling and is about 4′x4′ around. Those potties — bright orange, with an elaborate art deco style molding. A 1.2 billion dollar porto-potty to be sure. I pass rows of the cages with people bleeding, crying slumped on the concrete floor. Huddled, asking to call family, asking for water, asking what the charge is, wanting to know their rights. All the officers were ignoring them and laughing. Laughing at people. I have never seen anything like this.


My officer was asking where to take me — no officers knew. One officer tells her “Who knows? This place just got fucked up. Good luck.” She sighs. Finally it’s decided and I’m taken down a row of cages, I see Kate in a cage with about 30 girls, huddled, still wet and in this place (which I just notice is freezing). She smiles — “I love you!” I call to her, I hear “I love you too!” as I’m brought around the corner. I see the girls have no door on their potty, with mostly male officers around them walking by, looking in. We’re near the wall and I see a cage full of about 35 men. “Cell Block OL 6″ says a white sign on the cage door. In I go. I recognize some of the guys from the bus and paddy wagon. Hello agains are said. We are still handcuffed with the vinyl ties; I now have a cut on my wrist. I see the guy with the green mohawkish cut — he looks troubled.

Like this, but little bigger with one bench and huge outhouse.

Like this, but little bigger with one bench and huge outhouse.

Soon enough, a few more guys are brought. There are no 40 men in the cell. The young, short male officer with spiky orange hair and a shirt labeled Toronto Police jokes to us “What do they think this is, Auschwitz?” This is what he said. 40 witnesses, and the video/audio equipment was right above us. They have since stated this footage would be made public. Amazing, I can’t wait. There is one steel bench in the cell that seats five. There is standing room only. The floor is cold concrete, dirty and covered in chipped splotches of bright green paint — from when the movie studio would use green screen. Anyone who sat was covered in a bright green dust.

It was now around 2:00am. I’ve been held since 10:30pm, not read my rights, not explained anything, not yet charged,no phone call. And in an overcrowded cell with no access to water. Every guy had to pee; there was a line around the inside of the cell to piss. Trying to pee with your hand cuffed together was horrible . . . but we all managed . . . the outhouse was messy. No toilet paper. So, here we all were. Ages from 16-78. Three German men asked why the guard made a joke about Auschwitz. They were here from Germany, left a bar, got arrested. They said they had no idea Canada was like this; they said the world thought we were free. They said “Poor Canadians, this is shame.”

The camera -- I hope you're getting all this up there.

The camera — I hope you’re getting all this up there.

The stories from the men in the cell were all very similar. Some were protesters in the Novotel March, one man was having dinner at the Keg with his girlfriend (who was also arrested), there were two journalists, a homeless old man with a big grey bird and long hair with scruffy clothes — he was almost in tears and confused, he said they grabbed him walking on Carlton. He then asked us “What’s a G20?” Sick. The 16 year old kid hasn’t been able to call his parents and now he’s locked up with 39 men. The cage houses all kinds. There’s a young gay couple curled up together. Some men have no shoes, some no laces and some still have both. Wet socks and feet and clothes in this freezing, unending hanger. And now we’re thirsty.

Stories are exchanged, we all discuss what to say to our lawyers or legal aid when we call. One guy explains how he was working at a music store up at Ossington, left work, saw his buddy across the street gave him the rock and roll horns with his hand, then a cop saw him and said ‘Don’t give the cops the finger!” while running at him and then tackling him. He was bleeding and his clothes ripped. He was shocked. Still thirsty. We ask why we’re in here. “Because you committed a crime,” quips a Barrie Court Services officer — a tall, bald man with one hell of mean streak. It looked ugly. Some officers were laughing and joking at us. I was feeling the crowded cell growing tense and angry. One black, shorter male Toronto Officer came over as we began pleading for an explanation, for water and for some of us to be moved into another cell. He came over and said, “This is wrong. Guys, I’m sorry, this is fucked up. But there’s nothing I can do. This place is just chaos. I’m sorry.” he leaves. Very thirsty.

In police custody for 6 hours now, no water, no anything. We start to get worried. We are still very polite to the guards, “Please, we need water. Please help us. Please help this 16-year-old kid. Please split us up, we can’t even all sit in here.” We look at the camera and beg for help. We can hear people in the other cells yelling and begging for water. We hear a girl “Please! I need my medication! HELP ME!”. I yell “Help that girl, what the hell is going on here!” Other cages begin to yell. I find out later this girl was in my girlfriend’s cell and was way past her medication time. The male officers were laughing in at her and tapping their keys along the bars leering at the girls in wet clothes. Finally two female officers took the girl away. They also had a 17-year-old girl in her cage as well. Still thirsty.

7 hours into custody, the people break. A shout for water breaks into a little riot, all cells yelling water, shaking the cages, and kicking at the doors. People with cracked lips and cracking voices — I’ve been awake for 22 hours now. Luckily a guy in our cell kept a watch. The place is going insane, we are told by guards “We’re working on it!”, some are apologizing, some are obviously lost and confused, others are laughing.

Finally water reaches our cell. They have a blue jug on an office chair, rolling it around with one officer pushing, one with a key, and one holding styrofoam dixie cups. We are told to line up. Many of the men say “Thank-you”. I had to beg for water. BEG FOR WATER. For 9 hours. I hated being made to feel grateful for this tiny sip of water. Many gulped their cup down, some took it slow. “So shut-up now,” said the officer. Well, guess who was starting to get hungry after 8 hours in custody?

An older First Nations man produces a condom and blows it up into a balloon. We all laugh — the water did us good. In fact we all got along really well, making the best of things we could. Quiet guys, big loud guys, punks, well dressed men, journalists, people who were at work, protesters, homeless, gay guys. We all got along, totally united. So, with this condom balloon, we started bouncing it around, like volleyball. We then called it Condom-Ball. The rules were to bounce it with your elbows or legs, and try and catch the tip in your empty dixie cup (as they were tied together, like a volleyball bump already — too easy). Some guys got really into it, some were laughing, some thought it was gross, but funny. We joked about starting a condom-ball league. We’d rent the cages and have teams of 40 guys in each one. I’m looking forward the security footage from our cell — look at these crazy violent protesters . . . . playing games. So, some dude popped the condom with his cuffs, we all jokingly booed him and someone said “Now you’ll have to pay child support, never break the rubber!” Then the First Nations guy pulled out another condom. We cheered. They guy who broke the last one volunteered for blow-up duty. Someone said “When we get out I’m gonna say being in a cell with 40 guys sucked, until we found a condom.” We all laughed our asses off. Soon people tired of the game, as we were wet, crowded and hungry and still didn’t know anything.

PART 7: Awake for 25 Hours, Imprisoned for 10 of them.

It was a weird feeling being locked in a cage like animals. Told by my captors that it was wrong (but also laughed at by others), begging for food and water. Then, down the hall across from my cell I saw this: the bald Barrie officer was dragging in a kid with mild cerebral palsy (I saw him with a friend while they were arrested, he was so scared). He pushed and then they said something to him, his clothes were torn and his eyes red from crying. I guess they wanted his shoes, because he poultry-farmstruggled to lift his leg (his pants were falling down) when the officer slammed his leg down. “Never mind. Stop being stupid.” He laughed at the kid, as did the other officer. Away they went. Heard a door slam.

The guy who took his girlfriend to the Keg tells us how he told her it would be safe out “The violence was long over, and even the Mayor had said to go and enjoy Toronto.” He called out for his girl, “Trudy!?!”, we hear a “Yeah!? Is that you Sean?” he looks happy and yells “Yeah Baby!” she yells back “It’s over!!!” we all start laughing. Later I find out from Kate that Trudy was in her cell and also yelled, “Just joking!” but he didn’t hear because we were all laughing. The laughs were hard to come by. I was still sick that I begged for water and had been here for 11 hours and I hadn’t done a thing. And that I watched helpless as they roughed up a kid with CP. This was like some sick, twisted social experiment. All handcuffed, we ask “What if we have to shit? No toilet paper!” 45 minutes later they push a few sheets through the fence. “We’re bound, we can’t even wipe!” The male officer says “Figure it out boys”. Laughs. We make a pact that none of us will shit. I find out from Kate that the girls had to make a human wall when using the bathroom and help wipe each other. They also had to beg for toilet paper. Apparently they didn’t think girls needed much for the bathroom. So women asked for tampons or pads, the male guards laughed and said, “That explains your attitudes.”

 Haha, cerebral palsy is hilarious. BEG FOR WATER!

Haha, cerebral palsy is hilarious. BEG FOR WATER!

It was 6am, we couldn’t lie down or even all sit. We tried rotating on the steel bench. It was freezing. The Germans missed their flight. Another guy visiting his girlfriend from Manitoba misses his bus. Trudy’s boyfriend tells us she was to be on a bus up north to camp where she would be a counselor to children with disabilities. Good thing those kids are now safe from her, I mean, the woman had dinner at The Keg! Oh no! We hear that one cell contains a lawyer who has stated all our rights had been violated. Another holds a TTC Streetcar Driver in full uniform whose streetcar was caught in a blocked off zone, he left his vehicle and was arrested. What?

People are hungry. We plead to the passing guards for food or an explanation, or to tell us what’s happening — even to split us up so we can lie on the cold concrete. They say we will be processed, interviewed, charged and released in about maybe 3 hours — we can also make a call then to legal aid. And food? “We’re working on it.” We ask the guards how they could be a part of this. Some look guilty as hell, some laugh. We get the attention of Toronto Special Constable White, a short balding man with glasses. He comes to us; we all desperately and calmly explain what’s happening to us. White listens, apologizes, admits that it’s wrong and says, “I’m just a pea in a pod. I can’t help.” So, the old “I’m just following orders”, which followers of human right violators have used for ages. Wrong is wrong, whether it’s your paycheck or not. But hey, this is the G20, blood money for all!

White leaves us, apologizing and saying he’s going to try and help. 10 hours, a sip of water, no food, nothing. The gay couple has curled up on each other trying to sleep and keep warm. The man next me says, “I’m jealous.” I say “Me too.” he says, “I’m starting to look for the cutest guy in here.” I say, “Well, when in prison . . .” We chuckle, but it’s an empty chuckle.

PART 8: “Food” for the disillusioned.

You know what smells? 40 guys who haven’t showered in 30 hours with an open door outhouse and wet socks. I wonder what happened to Ben? Tension is mounting in the cell, some guys are getting wild-eyed. Some are starting to freak out. We’ve been in the cage for 10 hours, crammed together. Finally food arrives in the form of a plastic wrapped dinner roll with a slice of processed cheese in it, and slathered in butter. Everyone digs into their food, devouring them. It’s around 8:30am. One guys asks “Why is there so much butter?”, the officer replies “It’s not butter, it’s margarine.” processed-cheeseHe jokes back “I can’t believe it’s not butter!” Some us laugh, some are too into the sandwich to notice anything else.

I suggest we write a message in the chain ceiling with our dixie cups for the people watching on the camera. We all decide “HELP” is the best option — maybe they’ll do something and at least split us up. A quiet young guy in glasses puts it up. Nicely done. I find out that Kate’s cell (Cell Block OL 5) made a peace symbol and that Ben’s cell block (OL 2) made a chandelier from some danger tape they pulled inside, the cups, and the ends of the plastic handcuffs they chewed off. Fancy. I hope the officers on the other sides of the cameras saw the dangerous people they had. Then two officers arrive and take away the green mohawk guy. We ask about the rest of us and we’re told “Soon.” That’s all. We ask about our rights and Toronto Court Services Special Constable # 99257 says, “We can hold you for as long as it takes to process you.” I ask him “Is that the law? What if it takes four years to process, you can hold us?” He says, “Yes.” I tell him he’s lying. I demand to know his name (his name tag was off) and says “Your fault if you believe me”, looks nervous and quickly leaves. Never gave a name. We were told many times about being processed and we’d reach what they called “the Otherside”. What was there? I don’t know. They said that we’d have to wait again there anyways. What was this Otherside? Someone suggested we’d be turned into cheese slices. I said I would make terrible Soylent Green. A few guys laughed emptily.

PART 9: No Help for a Broken Heart.

We are thirsty again; it’s been 15 hours in police custody. Still 39 guys overcrowded. Getting very scary. Awake for around 30 hours. Had one sip of water and cheese shit-bun. The 16 year old hasn’t been able to call his parents. We yell for someone to help us, to help this 16 year old kid — for someone to do anything, to please help us. We get the attention of black female Toronto Special Constable Ottey, with short hair and glasses. We tell her about the 16 year old, she writes down his information and says she’ll do something about it. I see her several times in the next few hours, ignoring us as we ask for an update. Poor kid. His poor parents. We see officer White a few more times, he always apologizes. They say they are looking for people they suspect of bigger crimes first — an officer comes by and yells “Islam! Is there an Islam in here?” Nope, no one by that name here.

We start losing it a little bit. Saying to every officer, “You know this is wrong, look at us in here!” We hear from the other cells that some only have 20 or 15 guys. Why is this happening? How is this happening? Some guys start screaming, kicking the cage, and shaking it. We can hear this happening all over the place. We yell for help, some cops are laughing, some look devastated and helpless. I’m so thirsty and I’m screaming for water. It felt like nothing I’ve ever felt before. A prisoner. Innocent. Screaming at my captors for water. Right then my heart broke.

I looked around at the screaming men, the scared kid, the huddled couple, the disgusted Germans, the confused old man, the First Nations man who didn’t seem surprised at all, the guards laughing, the others dismayed. Thought about the g20-tommy-taylor-freedom-tshirt

peaceful things I saw at the park, the grandmothers with AIDS orphans, Kate taken away in handcuffs, the kid with CP roughed up, begging for water, and my heart simply broke. That’s the only way I can describe it. My beloved country, my city. I looked down at my t-shirt — bright blue with a big white maple leaf and in bold, caps letters below: FREEDOM. I kid you not. I was proud to wear that shirt earlier that day. Now it stung. I was so helpless and empty. For those of you who may not think this sounds like much, or is justified, you weren’t there. People from all walks of life were breaking in that place, including police officers. One guy lost it and went into “Fucking pigs! Fucking giving us swine flu! Fuck you!” I always thought people who said things like this don’t appreciate that the police have a hard job and deal with so much crap. But right then, I got this guy and those people. People who have been victims of the police. Are all bad? No. But they give into their own kind of mob mentality. I saw the blood lust in those Riot Cops’ eyes and the disregard from some of these guards. One man yelled “We are people! We pay your salary through taxes!” The officer yelled, “You don’t paying any fucking taxes, look at you!” The university educated, employed man in awe asked “What the hell do you mean?” He walks away laughing.

We yell and scream, beg and cry out. Eventually officers arrive and say “You’ve been in here too long. Sorry, we’ll move some of you,” and take six guys, then another six. I went with the second six.

PART 10: Meet the New Rat Cage, Just Like the Old Rat Cage.

I’m led down to Cell Block OL 2. Across from us are large sections of industrial shelves and we can see into a deck area where 4 trailers meet, they each have a door. The door I can see says “Booking Room 10″ with a red light above it. Cops lean on the railing, laughing, and dancing when people chant slogans from their cells. They think it’s hilarious. Coming on 15 hours in custody. There are already around 15 men in this cell. They tell us some guys got removed a while ago. There are many similar stories in here, and another journalist. There is one guy in an English soccer jersey that tells me he was at a bar, stepped out for a smoke and was arrested. He was a huge soccer fan and was about to miss the big Germany/England match. The 16 year old was now in this cell. Around 10am there was a shift change in officers and we began begging for water again, maybe these guards would help us. I notice the evidence shelves under label OL 6, there are 5 bags — but there were 40 guys in that cell . . . where’s all our stuff?

My mouth was pasty and dry. Some guys mouths were cracked. We were once again ignored and told to wait. More promises of the Otherside. Some try to sleep on the concrete and share the single metal bench. Officers wander the hallways aimlessly, some calling out names, asking each other what happened to certain prisoners — confused. Several officers repeatedly pass our cell asking for the same names and numbers. Why don’t they know where they put anyone? There were hundreds of officers in this place. Why so slow to process? What was the charge? Where is our phone call? I beg for more water. I’m getting dizzy and have been up for 31 hours. The lights never dimmed, no blankets. The majority of everyone I’ve met so far lives in Toronto.

Another cheese sandwich arrives. My mouth was so dry I had trouble swallowing. Some guys used theirs as pillows. One man asks a guard if he has any kids, the guard says he does and so what? The man says that his two kids have no idea where he is and were expecting him two hours ago. The guard writes some info down and says he’ll see what he can do. I’m seeing some spots and getting woozy.

PART 11: Lights Out, Tommy Taylor.

The next thing I know, I’m outside the cell, surrounded by a few guards. An older female guard with short dark hair and glasses is offering me a cup of watered down Tang and instructing my binds be cut. I’m given a second cup of juice and new, looser cuffs. They ask if I’m ok, I’m so confused about why I’m outside the cell and ask “What’s going on?” They ask if I’m alright, and I say “I guess so” then they open the cage and put me back. The guys make room on the bench and sit me down. Asking if I’m ok. “What happened?” I ask with a now splitting headache. “You passed out man!” they tell me. Timber. Over I went, boom to the ground. They yelled to the guards for help, the officers wouldn’t come in to get me so the guys had to pick me up and take me to the door. I was then up on my feet and being given juice . . . so the blanks were now filled in.

I passed out. After begging for water. I passed out and fell over in jail. What was happening to me? No sleep, no water. The men went nuts. “Is this what it takes, a guy passing out! Christ!! What’s wrong with you monsters!” My head kills, they ask for medical attention for me, I second the motion and we’re told “Not right now”. Guys slump to the floor in defeat. The female officer who helped me aids in bringing some watery orange Tang to all the cells. We line up, quietly and broken, for our drink. I find out from Kate that this same female officer broke down and cried with the women at their cell. She was sobbing and apologizing, “This is wrong, you shouldn’t be here. This is all so wrong.” Their own officers couldn’t handle it, she was worn down by the injustices she was being ordered to do. This happened in Toronto.

Across from our cell Special Constable C. Smit, a short white female officer with blonde/brown hair, stands guard. We nicely talk with her through the cage. “Please tell us how you can do this? We are begging for water in here. This guy is only 16 and this guy passed out. Your co-workers laugh. They are joking to us about our rights and laughing at a disabled kid. You know this is wrong, what’s happening?” After too much of this, with tears in her eyes she breaks. “I don’t know anything, no one here knows anything! I’m not even a cop . . .” She then leaves in a hurry. Madness.

PART 12: Live from Cell Block OL 1, it’s Test Their Logik!

So, from out of the blue, in the cage next to ours, a rap starts. About the G8/G20. It’s awesome, and holy hell. It’s the rap from a video I watched about a rap duo appearing at the party supposed to happen Saturday night. And holy hell, those rappers, Test Their Logik are in jail. And now they are singing live in prison. Every cage joining in the chorus “G8, G20, they few, we many!” They do the whole song, the place gets pumped and they finish with everyone singing. Then when it’s over we all clap, yell, cheer and rattle our cages. It was so awesome; it reminded me of when the prisoners hear the opera song in Shawshank Redemption. Brilliant moment for all of us in detention hell. The song is “Crash the Meeting”, see it here:

PART 13: See you in the Parking Lot, Special Constable Milrod.

The “fuck the pigs” guy is loosing his damn mind. A young guy on the new officer shift, with reddish hair and a goatee seems ready for a fight. He says to the guys in our cell “I want to see all you guys outside in the parking lot, then we’ll see what’s what. I’ll take you down.” Wow. He walks away laughing. I inform an actual Toronto Police Officer of what he said and his name. Next we saw Milrod, his nametag was gone and he didn’t look at us or speak to us. It’s on camera Milrod, with 30 witnesses.

The cops are still searching for random names. They claim processing is taking long. One officer says, “We had to arrest 1,000 people, so wait.” We theorize that we’ll be held until just before the legal 24 hours they can hold without charging, which coincides with the end of the G20 Summit. Spirits are broken, guys lying all around. Two are removed for processing and they tell us they are clearing our cell next. Finally. It’s almost 3pm we’re told, when we ask for the time.

The only evidence I can see that it’s the day is a tiny hole 200 feet up with light on the outside. I wonder if anyone knows what happened down at the Novotel or what’s happening in here? We’ve only seen officers — no lawyers, medics or media (other than the ones in cages). It’s getting close to 24 hours in custody. I haven’t slept in 40 hours and new prisoners are being brought in. We’re told they are trying to process the women first, as they are out of room for female prisoners. I find a silver lining in that, hoping Kate might have gone home.

PART 14: Time to rush and time for rain.

So, they tell us they’ve doubled the staff and will be moving quickly. Some guys have pulled their hands out of the plastic cuffs. Some are too tight. Some guys are still in metal cuffs. 22 hours in cuffs. Bloody wrists. My head is in hell, my elbow hurts, and my wrists kill. I pull my one hand finally out. Finally I can stretch my arms, after 22 horrid hours. Rub my wrists, but it stings. I guess I always saw people rub their wrists in movies after removing handcuffs — that’s bull, it hurts too much. The guards don’t care that we’re doing this. Why were we all in handcuffs if we were already locked up?

So, bags of evidence are rushed around as officers call out names, holding photographs of some guys, looking around. They mostly just call numbers. My wrist tag is pretty worn out by now, but I remember my number, 0106. The crazy “fuck the police” guy has exactly 12 stickers on his body with his name. Looks like the police had fun with him. I hear them say “Santos!” That’s Ben’s last name! A few minutes later I see Ben taken down a hallway with his evidence bag. Awesome I think. See you soon buddy!

We’re told we’re being taken straight outside. No processing, no interview, no phone calls. We’re leaving. The officer who was there when we first arrived and made the Auschwitz joke comes back in for his next day of work, sees us and says, “Holy shit, you guys are still here? What the fuck is going on here?” and walks away. A few more guys are taken from our cell, we’re all calling each other brother now, pounding our handcuffed fists and reminding each other of how we’ll stay in touch and to tell everyone what’s happening in here. Then there is a loud steady booming. A rainstorm. The sound fills the entire chasm. Sounds like heavy rain. They finally take the 16-year-old kid.

As time passes I think about what to do when I’m out. Then I hear my name. I almost can’t believe it. 23 hours. Was it over? I answered questions about my date of birth and address. They opened the door and led me away. Around the corner, back through another area to the fabled Otherside.

PART 15: Break on Through to the Otherside.

So, just after the G20 was officially over, just before the legal 24 hours they could hold me, I was being rushed out. Convenient. They found a way to keep 500 legal protesters from their Constitutional rights. In this country. Canada. My shirt feels dirty. When I make it to the Otherside I see signs that let me know I was a Level 2 Detainee and I was heading into Levels 3 & 4.

Inside this hanger, more cages and metal detectors. The L3 area housed small groups of men and women, looking battered, some bleeding. They all made peace signs and told me to tell everyone about them. Down another hall, rows of single person cells. These look like leaders, organizers, many bloody. I see the green mohawk guy. He says “Adios”. I’m then put into another cage with some former cellmates. They tell me not to worry; they are taking us out one by one from here. There is a younger black guy with an awesome baseball cap; an officer asks, “How’d you get to keep that hat?” “Because I look good in it.” he replies smoothly. We all laugh, including the officers. I’m taken out, cuffs cut off and put against a wall to have my photo taken again.

Against the wall I’m told that I was arrested for “breach of peace”, I will not be charged, but if I am arrested for this or a similar crime again, I will be charged and appear in court. Do not join any more protests and assemblies during the G20. “Do you understand these terms?” I said I did. He then said “And the bad news is it’s raining cats and dogs out there. Take him out.” Then, I try to take my jacket from my evidence bag, but am told to head out, don’t stop.

I’m out in the pouring rain, it’s around 9:30pm, still a little light. I’m told to cross the parking lot. There are large gates with a turnstile to the side. GO through the turnstile riot cops tell me. Out I go. A crowd across the street under tarps and umbrellas cheers for me. I see a basket of apples, I eat 4 and gulp a glass of water. Pats on the back. My mind is ablaze, I can’t focus. I don’t see Ben or Kate.

PART 16: Scream.

The detention centre was at Eastern Ave. and Pape. I have no money, no wallet, no phone. My head is aching, my wrists raw, body sore and awake for 43 hours. I walk up Pape to Queen. I have a long walk home to Jarvis/Gerrard. My keys and shoelaces are in a bag. Some people didn’t get their shoes back. Standing in the rain. No shoes. The angry is whelming up inside, my brain is exploding, tears are filling my eyes and I scream and punch the construction wall next to me. How did this happen? Where are my friends? What did I do? Who was in charge in there? I’m crushed, lost and might as have been hit like by a truck.

I make my way finally to a pay phone by a bar. It’s raining and dark. I make a collect call home, Kate answers. She was out around 4pm and told nothing about myself. I have trouble speaking when she asks if I’m okay. I can barely keep it together. I tell her I’m fine. I’m not. She asks if they beat me — I don’t know. I’m standing soaking wet in the rain on a collect call on a payphone with cars whizzing by. It took everything not to fall to my knees. She says take a cab, she’s called my parents and the Legacy’s are worried. Come home. She hasn’t heard from Ben. He’s not answering his phone. I finally hail a cab and fall into it.

PART 17: Homecoming.

I arrive home at 11:00pm. Kate’s waiting outside. We hug and kiss. I’m starving, soaked, thirsty and sore. We go inside, I call my family and my friend Chris. I can’t talk long, I just tell them I’m home and safe. Ben’s mom hasn’t heard from him, he’s not answering his phone. We finally hear from him at 1:00am. They detained him and accused him of being Black Bloc. He was still in a bright yellow shirt from work. Horrible things happened to him and Kate. I peel off my soaking wet Canada Freedom t-shirt. I throw it on the ground and get a lighter. I want to burn it. I don’t. I drink juice, we eat. We’re so sad. Our lives have changed. I was shivering and couldn’t form sentences. A shower. I couldn’t sleep. I had 38 emails. Where are you? My production team for the show I’m directing at SummerWorks wonder where I am, we have things to do. I send brief messages, make a note on facebook. I also notice how many people are raging about the protesters on facebook. Of course, the news is all about burning cop cars and broken windows. Things went exactly as I said when I saw those photos the previous afternoon. Jesus, it worked. Everyone got spoon fed a justification for the 1.2 Billion spent.


That’s all true. Think about it. Is this Canada? Do you think this is right? You don’t want to live in a country where this happens. It’s changed my whole outlook and attitude on life. My responsibility to every human being in this world. Plato said, “The Price of Apathy towards public affairs is to be Ruled by Evil Men.” I used that as a tagline for a play I co-wrote and directed in the 2006 Toronto Fringe, called Lifeboat. Back then I felt pretty good that I explored these issues in my theatre work. Now I know it has to be a part of my life. The World needs you. Educate yourself. Your comfort is shame; your looking away kills people. You’re not small. You’re not helpless. You can do something. You have a voice, don’t let them silence you before you even try to speak.

This guy, Dan, was in my cell, he’s gay and was segregated by homophobic police:

Think this is bullshit? Fine, stick with the mainstream media, but look what they say:

Read what happened to others in The Toronto Star.

Read what happened to National Post photographers.

The truth is tough from the violence:

Or is it like this?

Watch an account from a prisoner, jump to 2:20 minutes:

Read all the news you and be your own judge:


G20 Arrests: "Sue the Bastards!" — Sinn Fein Veteran.

July 22, 2010


There is a them and us: ‘them’ who want to cage and ‘us’ who want to stay free.
" The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."  John Philpot Curran

by "Irish Dan"
There was an overwhelming response to my article, "G20 Arrests: A "Dry Run."  The Article has been re-posted on dozens of other sites, Left, Center, Right Wing, Liberal, Christian etc, It has also appeared in many languages and Google had over 2500 links. It certainly hit a nerve!
What was achieved? So far not much! If there is a coherent response, there will be a pull back. If not, it is a green light for yet another turn of the screw! The fight back starts here! They are now watching your reaction! What will you do?
Evil prospers when good men do nothing!    –John Philpot Curran
1 )  Getting a message out to the world is the great strength of the net : the fragmented isolated responses are one of  the weakness in getting a response back. We are not alone; we are just too scattered and uncoordinated! This must end. When you comment on your own sites please copy and send back no more than one hundred words, including brief headline, to Also give a live link back to your host site and full comment.  []
2 )  The overwhelming interest in the first article came from across the board. Can we, with this response, transcend race, creed, culture, gender and politics, this one time to shout "stop, enough, no more"?
All that mattered to those caged Canadians interned together, was their arbitrary imprisonment and attitude of the cage  guards mocking their human rights. Do the rest of us have to wait until we too are in a crowded cage to see each other as human beings first and above all else. There is a them and us: ‘them’ who want to cage and ‘us’ who want to stay free.
They are organized to imprison us; what are we doing to ensure our freedom? [Ref. to "Arrested and Abused at G-20 Summit")
4 )  I have have visited WW2 Death Camps, stood in the gas chambers and and looked out through barbed wire. It was never to happen again! It did and is still happening. It always starts with arbitrary arrest, unlawful detention and a gross denial of Human rights just like those handcuffed caged Canadians. Why were grown men deprived of water and toilet paper? Why were handcuffed women put in a situation where they had to clean each others private parts after toilet? Why if not to humiliate, dehumanize and intimidate? To make the captives feel powerless and at their mercy How much more are those guards prepared to do on orders? Want to wait until you too are in a cage to find out?
5)   Why is this situation accepted in Canada, a civilized country of laws, liberties and free people? So far it is! Nothing has yet been done to prevent it from happening again in Canada or elsewhere. Stop it in Toronto and we stop it in Texas, in Dublin, in England, in Europe and throughout the Civilized world. Do nothing and that experience is waiting down the road for all of us!  Do you think that the special police have not already shared their  humiliation videos around other NATO Country special police forces by now?
6 )  These are some of the observations of an Irish Lawyer, a long time civil rights activist, street protester and University law lecturer: "Those people in Toronto were falsely imprisoned – they were not even legally arrested. They were held in cages, like animals, in cruel hand restraints, without water, food, sanitation, medication, heating or outside communication for up to 24 hours. Needless to say, they were not charged with any offense; obviously, as they were not even legally arrested. Many of the people falsely imprisoned were not even involved in the demonstrations. And many of those carrying out the false imprisonment, and denial of basic human rights, were clearly doing so reluctantly and under orders."
7)   Elsewhere, the Lawyer has this to say: "Those who oppose State terrorism are well aware of the personal consequences in doing so.  Now, totally innocent (dare I say politically apathetic) people are being targeted for State thuggery.  This smacks of dictatorship.  Democratic, civil and political rights must be defended.  They were hard come by, but can be lost much more easily. One way to defend them is to hold accountable those who have violated them.  The screw with the cruel grin on his face, as he watched dozens of people begging him for water and food, will be a very different man when he is standing in front of a superior court judge, attempting to defend himself and his actions.  (It will be interesting to see if the Nuremberg defense ["I was only carrying out orders"] is paraded and accepted.)"
8)   The Lawyer’s observations regarding what can be done:  " Not only individuals but the State of Canada itself must be sued.  Those thugs were acting in the name of Canada – a British commonwealth country, with a legal system based on the common law of England. A strong decision from the Canadian courts (assuming the judiciary are still working independently of the other organs of Canadian State government) will send an equally strong message to other common law countries and their governments."
9)   Tommy Taylor’s observation — " I can also say, I’ve never felt this angry, violated or betrayed" — also articulates the feelings of the mass of ordinary decent people around the World. The mass response must also come from ordinary decent people who believe in the norms of democracy, human rights and civilized law. The answer must be sought within the rules of law. To quote the lawyer: "Structures within political democracies were set up to act as checks and balances, to prevent the abuse of power.  Let’s put this to use and turn the force of the Canadian courts on the abusers of Canadian citizens’ rights." 
10)  We are all now part of the net global village. Let us immediately get accountability for this gross violation of human rights with a mass legal action against the Canadian State.
First, will all who were detained, arrested, caged and abused who want to be part of this, please join the legal fight so all can come together and organize.
Second, will all Canadian people who were at the demonstration, or who want to be involved in this defense of human rights and state accountability come forward group to assist their caged and other abused citizens to hold their police and other forces accountable in law for their actions.
Third, would all people of goodwill world wide outside of Canada who agree with these proposals  also express their support for this proposed course of action.
If support for this action exists, then an organizer can be chosen along with an organizing committee. To Establishments, resistance is the most feared word in the English language. To the rest of us it is simply called democracy!
"Assassinate me you may; intimidate me you cannot."   John Philpot Curran

Is Oil Spill Cover for Massive Foreclosure?

July 24, 2010


by Jack Ragnarok
See the Gulf of Mexico oil spill not as an engineered environmental disaster but rather a savvy political move that diverts attention from foreclosure action by foreign financiers. 
The lands have been offered by successive elected governments as collateral for the enormous cumulative debt of today. The Federal Reserve has issued unlimited debt instruments as fiat and electronic currency to government only through consent of its foreign owners. Ten foreign financial institutions are the corporate owners of the world’s biggest alchemy machine, the Federal Reserve system.
Government is an agent of Plutocracy to transfer wealth from serfs to aristocrats. And the military serves to protect the economic interests of Plutocracy. Until recently the US has been Plutocracy’s chief global policeman to enforce foreclosure and inflict punishments. Busily policing and bullying other nations, US citizens have yet to understand the time has come to foreclose upon the lands of the New World of Amaracu (America)..
PANMAP.jpgIgor Panarin predicted that the USA would begin balkanization in 2010 through secession and civil war.  Professor Panarin’s map depicts 4 new zones on the continent. Secession and civil war will come, but the initial phase of the lands restored to  foreign ownership by foreclosure appears to be by an engineered environmental disaster that will undoubtedly trigger ubiquitous social convulsions.
See the Gulf action as part of a larger political process to balkanize the USA, restoring the land to its legal foreign owners to partition as they see fit. Now that the USA is effectively a bankrupt sovereign nation, the region east of the Mississippi from the Gulf to the Great Lakes/Canada is the first designated zone of an agreed-upon foreclosure target.
Worry little about the oil spill. There exist bacteria and other mechanisms that can eliminate the nuisance of the oil. Besides, naphtha and gases leak regularly from earth’s crust and generally pose little harm.
Worry about Corexit.  Corexit is the chief toxin of depopulation and mind control through unhealthy blood leakage into the body and brain; it also has a chemical prophylactic to neutralize its toxins. After the body absorbs corexit, blood leakage weakens human immunity and any energy that might otherwise be directed to resistance is suppressed (BP executives are unlikely to get ill from corexit).
The aforementioned comment does not detail the history of the original owners of the lands of the New World, their legal heirs, and the skulduggery and machinations which finagled a temporary Constitution that was replaced with corporate ownership in the fashion of The Virginia Company in the time of Lincoln. Each sitting President since the civil war has acted properly as a CEO of the corporate US.


"Second Oil Spill Confirmed -Smaller than the First (which was the largest in history.)"
(From Ken Price)

Dear Henry,
Here is an interesting tv news broadcast from July 21st that reveals a second deep water oil well, called the "Ocean Saratoga," has been leaking since April.  What I find most interesting is that this information was just released by the coast guard.  In the report,they state that the size of the spill is SMALLER than that of the Deepwater Horizon’s, but that it is now visible as a slick on the ocean that is miles long.  
Can you believe the rhetoric!  Smaller than the Deepwater Horizon’s?   So, it could have been as large as the aforementioned oil volcano, or, it was so small that the US Coast Guard didn’t even need to mention it, or something in-between.  Thanks for presenting a potential second disaster as though it is nothing!
It is amazing what kind of confounding/worthless information these supposed professional newscasters are getting away with.  "Hey it’s just another accident in the already accident-prone Gulf of Mexico."
Is it possible that there is a tie-in with the Mathew Simmons story about the original and uncontrollable Deepwater well being ignored with this now recent report of a confirmed second leak?  Why?  For confusion purposes.
Go here for a map of the total number and location of oil rigs currently in the Gulf region.  There are 3,858 platforms.
Go here for a hurricane forecast.  The forecast is for gale force winds to be in the vicinity of the cleanup efforts five days from now.
With these conditions and changing events noted, one thing I think we know is this:  
In the aftermath of the next hurricane striking the gulf region (which could be soon), Government data vs. BP data vs. TV media data vs. Internet data won’t matter, as it will be impossible to sort out the real truth in the midst of forced evacuations and media cowardice.


From June:
Did you see this video on youtube, by any chance? It states the entire gulf oil leak was created and is controlled by the NWO for depopulation:
My husband and I watched it and we must admit, it does make us wonder if this entire gulf oil leak was indeed purposed and created by the NWO to cause a phony disaster in order to enable them to depopulate (use bio weapons (dispersant) and kill off low income coastal populations) and gain control of all waterfront properties! I do know that much of those waterfront areas are populated by low income and black people.
The video does not give the name of the person who says he or she received this info firsthand from the top levels of government, so it lacks credible witness, but it does provide for an extremely credible possibility that what this person is saying is true. After listening to it, we do wonder why there is not more oil, not tar balls, but oil, coming up on the beaches.
This should be more evident. Could this ‘illusion’ be the reason the government is breaking the first amendment and keeping the media from knowing too much? Could they have played the ‘illuminati card’ for real, drilled into the volcano side to create a  ‘controlled’ oil leak, and tell the world it was a real accident–now playing the world into thinking this is a huge out of control disaster…thus giving them an easy way to commit mass murder?
This video by a person shows that the oil in the gulf can be cleaned within 6 weeks by the use of natural microbes that live in the ocean:
This is how the oil during the 1979 gulf oil leak disappeared and got cleaned. So, the NWO was not concerned about allowing oil into the gulf back in April, as they know the microbes would dissipate it eventually, like the1979 scenario.
I saw a news video ( showing that gulf disaster back in 1979, and this gulf oil leak seems to be an exact copycat, except this leak is in a deeper area of the ocean. Back then, they performed all the exact same procedures that they are doing now, and in the end nothing worked until they drilled  ‘relief’ wells. This was 4 months after the spill, and thus they were finally able to cap that well.
Could it be that they staged that oil leak back in 1979, and now, repeating the process again to further their global agenda? Or could it be that they used the 1979 oil disaster as a blueprint to create a ‘staged’ oil leak in 2010?
What does concern me is that many news sites are using this Simmons fellas’ (oil expert from the Bush era) interview…yet he is CFR, right? So, can he be trusted? Or is he a plant to make this illusion look real?
I am sure we will all know more later as time passes, but the above first video is compelling information to consider…what do you think?
The facts remains…highly toxic dispersants were used and is now raining down on the gulf populations…and soon humans will get sick and die just like some plants and trees are currently doing.  (Dispersants were used in 1979, by the way). It is unbelievable, simply unbelievable, that they can get away with using such a toxic dispersant…yet, here they are, legally killing people all under the guise of stopping the oil….what genius by these madmen!
Ken Price comments on Second Video
I think everyone should watch this video.
I haven’t had much time to research asphalt volcanoes, but I intend to.
I think this video is extremely valuable in that it gives us a different direction to look and think.  I believe that depopulation of the Gulf Region and a redevelopment toward a modern Riviera is very believable as it fits in line with what we saw from Hurricane Katrina.
It explains why not one world leader has threatened the United States with retaliation for not stopping what appears to be a breach in the world’s food chain.
This young man is very courageous.  He gives us the background of the police state that is in existence as we speak and yet his main message is to not worry about the world’s oceans.  He is a man I want to believe.
I almost weep to think what life would be like if we allowed people like him to be our real leaders.


BP accused of trying to silence science on spill

By Agence France-Presse
Friday, July 23rd, 2010 — 10:03 am

 BP accused of trying to silence science on spill

LONDON (AFP) – The head of the American Association of Professors accused BP Friday of trying to buy the silence of scientists and academics to protect itself after the Gulf oil spill, in a BBC interview.

"This is really one huge corporation trying to buy faculty silence in a comprehensive way," said Cary Nelson.

BP is facing lawsuits after the oil spill, which has destroyed the livelihoods of many people along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

A copy of a contract offered to scientists by BP, which the BBC said it had obtained, said scientists are not allowed to publish the research they do for the oil giant.

They are also not allowed to speak about the data for at least three years or until the government gives final approval for the company’s restoration plan for the whole of the Gulf, said the British broadcaster.

BP said it had hired more than a dozen scientists "with expertise in the resources of the Gulf of Mexico," according to a statement given to the BBC.

Bob Shipp, the head of marine sciences at the University of South Alabama, said BP’s lawyers had approached him and wanted his whole department.

"They contacted me and said we would like to have your department interact to develop the best restoration plan possible after this oil spill," he said.

"We laid the ground rules — that any research we did, we would have to take total control of the data, transparency and the freedom to make those data available to other scientists and subject to peer review.

"They left and we never heard back from them."

Nelson warned BP’s actions could be "hugely destructive".

"Our ability to evaluate the disaster and write public policy and make decisions about it as a country can be impacted by the silence of the research scientists who are looking at conditions," he said.

"It’s hugely destructive. I mean at some level, this is really BP versus the people of the United States."

BP said it "does not place restrictions on academics speaking about scientific data," according to the BBC.

The environmental disaster began on April 20 when the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers. The rig sank two days later rupturing the pipe that connected it to the well.