Al Gore the bumbling Global Warming Fraudsters has been caught red-handed through a bunch of hacked Email as a complete LIE and Fraud.These Emails divulged how they have conspired and changed scientific facts to back their lies and their Global Government scam.It has been proven by real scientist that one volcano produces more CO2 than man has since he’s been on the planet.And now as everyone can see the planet is actually cooling down not warming up.Their plan of making humanity the evil and taxing are so-called global carbon footprint’s has fallen flat on their asses.We the people must now stand up and demand justice and put all these scumbag Fraudsters at the very least in jail for life.With the Federal Reserves on the brink of being audited for the first time in History and exposing even more of their massive and premeditated theft fraud and murders of many,many humans around the world, by their Global Dominance scheme over the past 2 centuries of their sneaky behind the curtain manipulation of all our society’s worldwide.We as a people worldwide must now stand up and just say NO TO TYRANNY and these scumbag Bankers.This is a fight for life itself, this is a fight for real justice, and this is a fight against the Elite Rothschild Bankster Tyranny of THE SYNAGOGUE of SATAN.It seems that the Book of Revelations prophesy are coming to bear either because they are true prophecy writing by the one true creator of all, or it is being manipulated by evil design of the elites who see it as the coming of there God Lucifer and the Anti-Christ.
Al Gore is fast becoming the lying laughing-stock of the planet,from his claim of having created the internet to his Inconvenient Lie he is a FRAUD and people are really beginning to see it and know it why because he stinks and people can really smell it From the scumbag like Maurice Strong, George Soros to Canadian Paul Desmarai and the big bosses worldwide the Rothschild Dynasty people are starting to see these rich scumbag for what they are a bunch of eugenics lowlife with visions of Godhood for themselves… Why because they have one thing over the rest of us the route of all evil Money,Dollars, and why do they have this money because they have stolen the right of a country to print its own money interest free, through bought and paid for puppet politicians in most countries around the world.So when these lowlife need money they just turn on their printing presses and print whatever amount they need to buy up everything on the planet through privatization,free trade and disgusting fraudulent laws.
These dirt bag elites have completely stolen the third world and are now working on bringing down North America.They have all their puppet politicians in place. OBAMA and his cronies in the USA.Steven Harper or Mr. World Government puppet himself, Micheal Ignatief in Canada.These puppet are in power for one reason and one reason alone to destroy our sovereignty completely and to turn us over to the one world system of Global Governance financed through climate Carbon TAX their capstone of this evil conspiracy.

We of the Truther movement can claim a large victory with the release of these stolen Emails which totally expose the fraud of Humans as responsible for climate changes and global warming…But we still have a long way to go to completely rid the planet of this evil Synagogue of Satan or The Rothschild Dynasty. Then and only then will we have a chance at a real free world for all mankind.Its up to you and me and every other moral peace-loving human on the planet to bring about these crucial changes we would like to see. ZoSo ZoSoTRUTHTALK

You can read the hacked email for yourself here Hacked Emails on Climate Change Scam