The undervaluing and underfunding of the arts is largely a product of our state-school system that was established around the turn of the century by the financial elite including the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Gates, and Vanderbilts.  Compulsory state schooling was designed to reward rote behavior and obedience, not to encourage critical thinking and creative artistic expression.

As Rev. Frederick T. Gates, business advisor to John D. Rockefeller, stated in 1913, the goal of the state education system was not to create authors, orators, poets, artists, painters, or musicians, but docile and responsive citizens:

“In our dream we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand.  The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk.  We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science.  We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters.  We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians.  Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply.”

         – Rev. Frederick T. Gates, 1913

During the years when children are most naturally curious and creative, they are forced to sit in highly regimented classrooms and learn standardized curriculum that suppresses their artistic inclinations.  Then, if they evidence restlessness, fidgeting, boredom or non-compliance, they are often put on Ritalin or other dangerous psychtropic pharmaceuticals.[1] Most students in the U.S., from elementary to high school, have little access to music, theatre, arts, or drawing classes. If they do, they are considered “extracurricular” and are not given equal weight to other classes. This is no accident. If students were to access their full range of potential, through critical thinking and creative expression, they would be more apt to bond with each other through shared creating instead of compete against one another, which would challenge the dominant power dynamic.

The suppression of art extends beyond the lack of encouragement and funding in the state schooling system. It can also be seen in who does and who does not get funding for their art projects. For example, hip hop and rap artists with positive messages are denied funding from record labels who are owned by major media corporations. These musicians are trying to challenge the mainstream messages of rap and hip hop that often degrade women, promote violence, and reinforce negative stereotypes, but they are rejected by major funders. Wouldn’t these companies want to help support a positive message and change public perception about communities of color? Judging by their funding, apparently not.  Their money goes to reinforcing the status quo.  Exploiting people of color is very common. Empowering them and their communities does not seem to be.

Throughout the last century, the financial elite through their “philanthropic organizations” have funded and pushed the state schooling system in an effort to suppress both critical thinking and artistic expression, and have also denied funding to artists that challenge the status quo in order to maintain their positions of power.

[1] It’s estimated that 20% of American children are being medicated (, and that 75% of Ritalin prescriptions are for children. ( )


This pyramid shows the basic global structure of dominance and control through the money system.

The different levels are broken down as follows:

Financial Elite – The global financial elite – including members or representatives of the Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Morgan families – hold secret meetings and make important decisions in closed groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations.  These plans are then implemented throughout the world, further consolidating material wealth and control.

Bank for International Settlements –The BIS is the central bank of central banks based out of Basel, Switzerland that is controlled by the financial elite. It has 55 member central banks but is mainly run by bankers from the United States, England, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Japan. It operates with little transparency and is not accountable to national governments even though it has significant control over the global financial system by setting reserve requirements, the amount of money a banks around the world must have on reserve.

International Central Banks – Central bankers use the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to make more money while exploiting the resources of countries they lend to – bankrupting them in the process. For every dollar the US contributes to these banks, US Corporations – such as Halliburton, Exxon Mobil, and Bechtel (controlled by the economic elite) – receive more than double that amount in contracts from these international banks.[1]

National Central Banks – Almost all countries have a central bank (see the list here), of which commercial banks are members. Central banks set interest rates and determine the amount of money in circulation. They also lend to governments at interest, putting them above the lower four levels of the pyramid.

Big Banks – Big banks offer corporations loans at special rates, allowing them to do business. This puts banks in a powerful position, above corporations and the rest of us, because funding is what allows the corporations to go forward with their projects.

Corporatocracy – Corporations fund political campaigns and influence politicians through lobbying. Many are now bigger than entire national economies, putting corporations above government.

Government – Government is largely funded through taxpayer money, putting it above the people.  If it wants to borrow extra money it must go to a Central Bank.

People, The Planet, and All Living Things – At the bottom level of the pyramid is the majority of people on this planet and all other life.  As of 2010, one in every seven people on the planet did not have enough to eat and most ecosystems were suffering.


By Kimberly Carter Gamble

In journalism, they always say if a story doesn’t make sense, follow the money. To learn more about the value of this, you can check out various links on our website. Here are some easy tips for how to follow the money with projects and organizations in your life:

If there is a project in your town that you are concerned about:

Find out what corporation is proposing, or benefitting from, the contract. Let’s say it’s a proposed coal-fired power plant. One of the main coal companies around the world is AES Gener, so for these purposes we’ll say that is the corporation behind the project in your town.

AES Gener has to have a loan to fund the project. Just like you need a loan to build a house or start a business, big corporations need loans to fund their projects.  Go to the website of the company. Go to the investor relations section and look up their SEC filings – particularly their annual report 10K and their annual proxy for indications of their lead bank. Sometimes it can be found in the exhibits (such as loan documents) to their annual report. The SEC filings can also be found on the SEC’s website under their EDGAR system (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, & Retrieval).

Sometimes this is a tedious task and takes some sleuthing, and may show up indirectly. It is usually in fine print and amidst seemingly boring information. I first got the idea for this by doing a search for the word “risk” while I was digging around looking for the funding institution of a proposed coal plant. The 10K report had a statement saying that one of the risks to their shareholders was bad publicity for their bank. Voila! What a good idea! Create big risk to the funder and the project gets pulled! (Much of the money for coal plants in general, and for AES Gener in particular, is loaned by Bank of America. So if you oppose coal-based energy, don’t bank with Bank of America.)

Get as much negative publicity as you can for the bank and the project. Boycotts are one of the most effective strategies, because the banks rely on our deposits for the funds they use to make their loans. I suggest you organize everyone you know who opposes the project to withdraw their money from the bank that’s providing the loan. It is also valuable to ask them to put in writing to the bank why they are withdrawing their funds.

If you are supporting a charitable cause you can follow the money like this:

Check to see where any philanthropic organization you support keeps their money. You can call them up and ask, or you can check their Annual Report, which is required to be available to the public.

Because of fractional reserve lending, banks are allowed to loan out about 9 times the money they have on deposit. This is important for a variety of reasons, and in this case what it means is that if you give $100 to an organization that protects wildlife, and that organization banks with Union Bank of California, you are giving $900 worth of lending power to the bank and only $100 to the cause you support. Union Bank of California is owned by Mitsubishi, who is responsible for vast clear cutting, which is one of the major threats to wildlife. So a contribution to an organization that banks responsibly is a very leveraged contribution, just as a financial gift to one that banks with one of the tapeworm twenty is going to greatly undermine the impact you are hoping to have.

I suggest you speak directly to the people in charge of the organization you want to support. Many people are simply uniformed. It is also not an effortless process to move a large organization’s money – there are many perks from the banks and they will do a lot to keep big clients. Here is a link to some questions and considerations that can help them make the move. The more people do this the more competitive local banks and credit unions can become in terms of their services. Meanwhile, it is a question of values: Is it worth financially supporting the people and institutions who are causing so much destruction on this planet and in our lives just because they offer cheaper ATM fees and more immediate convenience?

You can tell the head of the organization that you will contribute when they change their bank to a local bank or credit union. Even if it’s not yourlocal bank, if the charitable organization is based somewhere else, for instance, they can still bank with an institution that is local to them and their different branches, thereby making those communities more resilient while simultaneously de-funding our demise.

Here’s what I recommend for following the money with a political policy or congressional bill:

  • Look outside mainstream media, especially outside official government sites
  • See what the people and organizations who will be effected directly by the proposed policy think about it
  • Expose yourself to opposing arguments
  • Look for details about the policy or proposal rather than the broad idea
  • Google search: don’t just use the first sites that pop up, try searching back several pages
  • Think about who will benefit and who will be hurt from the policy
  • Check sources for facts and ask for documentation of claims from key spokespeople
  • Investigate the relationship between the person who is advocating for the policy and the people who will implement or benefit from it – This can be done by further googling the names of the spokespeople, their Board of Director and past employment affiliations, what other bills or projects they promote that benefit the same corporations, etc.

Here’s an example from July 2011. I was listening to the mainstream news right after President Obama gave his Jobs Report Speech to Congress. The latest unemployment statistics had just been released and a sense of panic prevailed.  Flashing across all the stations was an excerpt from Obama’s speech in which he emphatically encouraged us to put pressure on Congress to pass the America Invents Act. I followed the process outlined above and here is what I found in one session of light research:

The America Invents Bill:

  • favors big corporations, big banks, companies with funds to invest in patenting, undermining most inventors who lack large funds by changing the current “first to invent” clause to “first to file”
  • forces inventors to spend money on patenting before research and development, experimenting and checking the merits of an invention – again benefitting large corporate interests
  • the provision in Section 18 expands the time limits for a class of patents known as “business method patents” (BMP’s, allowing banks to infringe and use others patent’s for extended time periods without getting in trouble)
  • converts US patent law to international patent law, (empowering global elite over sovereign nations)

So in fact big corporations and big banks would benefit from this America Invents Bill, and it would not help unemployment in any way.

No matter what subject I look into, the money almost always follows a predictable chain of command, benefitting big banks, and consolidating power into the hands of the people who own and control them. This is true globally, nationally and locally. The banking system is the mode by which it happens. So the place to follow the money is by looking to the banks, the bankers and the corporations they lend to.

You have a lot more power than you might realize.


“We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our only objective.”

– 1981 internal memo from Michael Eisner, former CEO of the Walt Disney Company

“In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control, generally, the policy of the daily press…. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.”

– U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

By Foster Gamble

Most media is owned by large corporations that benefit financially from the promotion of a particular message. This inhibits true journalistic inquiry. Stations are largely funded through advertisements, making them less likely to provide content that conflicts with the agenda of the advertisers. This is a big problem for everyone. It means content is censored based on a profit-motive.  We don’t always hear the truth, or get the whole picture, because certain stories threaten the moneymaking abilities of corporate owners.
When I followed the money behind the media, I found that it is largely controlled by the same economic elite who dominate all other sectors. The control seems to come from owning stock in the major media companies, and issuing loans to media companies that elite bankers agree with and repealing loans from those that threaten their control. For example, there’s a nationwide movement to abolish the Federal Reserve, but there has been little to no press coverage. By controlling the media, the banking elite can control what information gets out to the public. It’s no wonder most people don’t know how the economy actually works…we’re not supposed to know.
Many of the largest banks own stock in major media companies. Chase Manhattan Bank has accumulated stock of various news outlets over time. In July 1968 the House Banking Subcommittee reported that through Chase Manhattan Bank, Rockefeller owned 5.9% of the stock in CBS. [1] In 1974, a report issued by Congress stated that Chase Manhattan Bank’s stake in CBS went up to 14.1% and NBC to 4.5%. It also held stock in 28 broadcasting firms. I have not been able to find more recent information on media stock ownership, but I imagine Chase and other bankers would not sell their stock given that the industry is growing and remaining profitable.
There is also significant overlap of Board Members in big banks and the biggest media corporations. Directors oversee company activity and have significant authority over management.  These Directors often make decisions that support each other’s consolidation of power.
Time Warner Directors include:

Jessica P. Einhorn
Trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
Former Managing Director of Finance and Resource Mobilization at the World Bank.  Visiting Fellow (1998-1999) at the IMF.
Deborah C. Wright
Chairman and CEO, Carver Bancorp, Inc.
Walt Disney Directors include:

John S. Chen
Director, Wells Fargo
Fred H. Langhammer
Director, Shensei Bank
Monica Lozano
Director, Bank of America
Robert W. Matschullat
Former Director and head of worldwide investment banking, Morgan Stanley
Orin C. Smith
Director, Washington Mutual
Here is a map of other corporate ties to Walt Disney:

Made with NNDB Mapper
Link to interactive Map
Link to large JPEG image
News Corp. Directors include:
Andrew S.B. Knight
Chairman, J. Rothschild Capital Management
Peter Chernin
Director, American Express
Kenneth Cowley
Former Director, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Rod Eddington
Non-Executive Chairman, Australia and New Zealand JP Morgan
Here is a map of other corporate ties to News Corp.:

Made with NNDB Mapper
Link to Interactive Map
Link to large JPEG image
Political contributions are another way to buy power. In 2008, The TV/Movie/Music Industry gave more than $34 million in total contributions to Congress (75% to Democrats and 25% to Republicans)[2]  and Telephone Utility Companies gave more than $7 million (46% to Democrats and 54% to Republicans).[3]  AT&T is one of the biggest funders of politicians – it has given more than $39 million since 1989.[4]  There are also more than 110 people who have gone back and forth between some of the largest media corporations in the nation and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).[5]
I believe that the five major media corporations in the U.S. – Time Warner, The Walt Disney Company, News Corporation, Viacom, and Bertelsmann – are owned and operated by a small group of financial elite whose interest lies in selling certain products and messages that will support their agenda for not only maximizing profit, but also centralizing control of the population. They are not adequately informing the population. Instead they are breeding a culture of inadequately informed people by failing to cover stories that are important in order to protect their own interests.
For more information on media ownership, check out “The Big Six” ownership chart on the Free Press Website.

[1]Thomas D. Schauf, “The Federal Reserve is Privately Owned.”
[2]See for details.
[3]Telephone Utilities Top Contributors 2009-2010.
[4]AT&T Contribution Trends, 1990-2010.
[5]FCC Revolving Door from Also see article from Public Integrity on revolving door.

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Follow The Money / JUSTICE

Follow The Money – Justice

Most judges are appointed by politicians (even the Supreme Court), who in turn are controlled by corporations, who are beholden to major banks.

So the bankers at the top of the pyramid can use the justice department and the courts, even the Supreme Court (as in the “Citizens United” case giving corporations free reign to bribe politicians), to do their bidding. (Guantanomo, extraordinary rendition, enhanced interrogation techniques…were all “OK’d” by the Justice Department)

A fuller exploration into Following the Money in our Justice system will be forthcoming. Meanwhile here is a story that gives a sense of the power structure unethically and illegally using the “justice” system to keep itself in place.

Catherine Austin Fitts, a highly successful financial executive, had a first hand run in with what she calls “The Myth of the Rule of Law.”

Here is what happened to her when she started to use her talents to “follow the money.”

“After a successful career on Wall Street, I moved to Washington, DC, to serve as Assistant Secretary of Housing in the first Bush administration. After I left the administration, I was invited to join the Federal Reserve as a governor. I declined the invitation in order to start my own investment bank, Hamilton Securities”


“Cleaning up Iran-Contra period fraud had persuaded me that democracy and markets depended on citizens having access to government financial disclosure contiguous to the political jurisdictions in which they elected officials.”

“Hamilton was developing a software tool called “Community Wizard” that would have provided communities with their own access to rich databases and software tools that painted a clear picture of how government money works in each community. The first step to reengineering a negative-return-on-investment economy is to “see” it.”

“After the seizure of the Hamilton offices, I became for all intents and purposes a prisoner in my own home…I was living with physical harassment and surveillance while various people around me were trying to persuade me that the dead animals on my doorstep, the break-ins, the people following me on foot or by car, and the clicking noises on my telephone were one ongoing coincidence. I determined that my life depended on learning as much as possible about who was really in charge.”

“I have emerged a more seasoned and knowledgeable investment banker with membership in a new and evolving global network. Litigation with the US government and its informant have helped me develop the skills required to survive and thrive in the midst of growing lawlessness and economic warfare.”

From Department of Defense (DoD)…

“We reported that DoD processed $1.1 trillion in unsupported accounting entries to DoD Component financial data used to prepare departmental reports and DoD financial statements for FY 2000.”

David K. Steensma
Acting Assistant Inspector General
for Auditing for the DoD
February 26, 2002

From Housing & Urban Development (HUD)…

“At the time we discontinued our audit work… An additional 242 adjustments totaling about $59.6 billion, were made to adjust fiscal year 1999 activity.”

Susan Gaffney
HUD Inspector General
March 22, 2000

To see more about Catherine’s exposés about how “justice” works behind the curtain, check out these links:

The Myth of the Rule of Law


How the Money Works: The Destruction of the Hamilton Securities Group

Dillon Reed & Co., Inc. And the Aristocracy of Stock Profits


See Follow the Money Stories for All Sectors and Topics

The current health care system took root around the turn of the century when the AMA, Rockefeller Foundation, and Carnegie Foundation forged a partnership.  They put their money into drug-based research and made that the main focus of “healthcare”. Since then, the Rockefellers and other prominent banking elite have been able to control and profit enormously from the drug industry. The AMA – which is the largest association of physicians in the U.S. – enforces the drug-treatment paradigm by heavily lobbying Congress and publishing one of the most influential journals, JAMA, which is largely funded by pharmaceutical advertisers.  It is also engaged in suppressing alternative health treatments, such as the Royal Rife cancer cure.

Here’s a timeline detailing the suppression of alternative cancer cures and the Rockefeller Foundation’s role in shaping the healthcare industry:

1901 – Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Opens

Based out of New York, this became one of the most “richly endowed” research centers. By 1928, John D. Rockefeller had given it $65 million in endowment funds.[1] This later became Rockefeller University.

1910 – Flexner Report Published, Establishes New Standards For Medical Education

This highly influential report, sponsored by the Rockefeller’s and Carnegie Foundation, evaluated medical schools and restructured American medical education. It set up a new standard so that schools could only be accredited if they showed an emphasis in drug based research and treatment.  Homeopathy and other alternative approaches to medicine were no longer recognized. Abraham Flexner, author of the report, was on the staff of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.  In 1910, 161 medical schools existed. By 1919, there were only 81 left.[2]

1913 – Rockefeller Foundation Establishes the International Health Commission

This laid the foundation for how health and science research and development were to be conducted. Many of today’s health institutions were modeled on this commission’s practices, policies, and research processes such as the UN’s World Health Organization, the U.S. Government’s National Science Foundation, and the National Institute of Health.

1918 – Public Health Becomes Rockefeller Foundation’s Top Priority

“The Foundation identifies public health education as one of its principal areas of interest, and builds and endows the first school of public health at Johns Hopkins University.”

1921 – Rockefeller Foundation Contributes $357 million [3] to Medical Schools Around the World

This spreads the drug-based approach to the most prominent schools around the world.

1922 – Dr. Royal Raymond Rife Begins Cancer Research

In the 1920s, Dr. Rife – a brilliant bacteriologist and former student of John Hopkins University – began researching and developing an alternative cancer cure.

1924 – Morris Fishbein Becomes Primary Editor of JAMA

JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, is one of the most influential medical journals in the world. As head of JAMA, Morris Fishbein, became one of most powerful, prominent men in medicine during the time. He transformed the industry into a money-making machine and used negative campaigns to squash competitors. He was one of the key figures to suppress Dr. Royal Rife’s cancer cure.

1924 – Harry Hoxsey Founds First Cancer Clinic in Taylorville, Illinois

Harry Hoxsey offers a natural herbal formula to cure cancer that thousands claim to have worked. This is the first of 17 clinics to eventually open.

1926 – JAMA Publishes First Tirade Against Hoxsey

The article scares doctors and researchers from being associated with Hoxsey.

1927 – John D. Rockefeller Jr. Gave the First of his Annual $60,000 Contribution to Memorial (Sloan-Kettering) Cancer Center

1932 – Dr. Rife Develops Cancer Cure

Dr. Rife developed a machine that could neutralize disease-causing micro-organisms, including cancer cells, with the use of frequencies.

1932 Director of Rockefeller Institute, Dr. Thomas Rivers, Denies Success of Rife Cancer Treatment

In 1932, Dr. Arthur Kendall, director of Medical Research at Northwestern University, spoke before the Association of American Physicians at Johns Hopkins University about the preliminary successes with Rife’s methods and treatments of cancer. Dr. Thomas Rivers, virologist and bacteriologist, director of the Rockefeller Institute (a primary source of funding for medical research) and Dr. Hans Zinsser, called Kendall a liar to his face in front of the assembled crowd.[4]

1934 – Rife’s Treatment Cures 16 Terminally Ill Cancer Patients

In 1934 at the Scripps Institute in La Jolla, Southern California, Rife conducted clinical trials on 16 terminally ill cancer patients, and successfully cured all of them.  A team of medical specialists – including Dr. Milbank Johnson, Chairman of the Special Medical Research Committee of USC; George Fischer of the NY Children’s Hospital; and Dr. Wayland Morrison, the chief medical officer of the Santa Fe Railway – confirmed the findings.

1938 – The AMA Indicts Rife for Fraudulent Medical Practices

1939 – Philip Hoyland Files Suit Against Royal Rife’s Company, the Beam Ray Corporation

Philip Hoyland admitted to accepting a $10,000 bribe from Hahn Realty Group (AMA Agents) to sue the Beam Ray Corporation.

1939 – New Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Opens – John D. Rockefeller donated the land and provided $3 million of funding

1940s – Rife’s Work Is Destroyed & Continues to be Suppressed

1949 – Hoxsey Sues JAMA and Editors for Libel and Slander – Hoxsey Wins

1949 – Morris Fishbein is Ousted from AMA

1956 – FDA Issues Public Warning About Hoxsey Cancer Treatment

1960 – Hoxsey Method Banned in U.S. by the FDA

1960 – Laurance Rockefeller Serves as Chairman of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York from 1960-1982

This center is one of the most influential cancer centers in the world. During WWII it performed some of the first experiments applying chemical warfare weapons to the “treatment of cancer”, which evolved into chemotherapy.

1963 – Bio-Medical (Hoxsey) Center Opens in Tijuana, Mexico

It continues to operate and claims an 80% success rate.

1971 – President Nixon Declares a “War on Cancer”

Signs $1.6 billion law.

1977 – Sloan-Kettering Rejects Laetrile (derived from Apricot Kernels) as Effective Cancer Treatment

This is despite positive results from Sloan-Kettering’s own famous researcher, Kanematsu Suguira.   In November of 1977 Dr. Ralph Moss, Assistant Director of public affairs at Sloan-Kettering, held a press-conference about the success and potential of laetrile, despite the centers desire to cover it up. Ralph Moss was fired the next day for “failing to carry out the most basic job responsibilities.”

1991 – Rockefeller Foundation Helps Start Children’s Vaccine Initiative

The Foundation joins with the United Nations Development Programme, UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank to form the Children’s Vaccine Initiative (CVI).

2010 – More Than Half a Million Americans Die of Cancer

Related Links:

He Who Pays the Piper – Creation of the Modern Medical (Drug) Establishment by G. Edward Griffin

American Cancer Society: The World’s Wealthiest “Nonprofit” Institution by Samuel Epstein, M.D.

Cancer Studies Published in Respected Journals Biased by Medical Industry Money Natural News.

[1] Paul Starr, “The Social Transformation of American Medicine.”


[3] According to the Rockefeller Foundation, this was $357 million in “current dollars”:




By Foster Gamble

Did ancient cultures encode knowledge that could help us survive and thrive today?

The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, National Treasure, Contact… people love the thrillers about some secret code which, if solved, would reveal something of great value. But they are fiction.

What if there were a true code – a message encrypted by people centuries ago – a message so important that it could give us access to clean, boundless energy and a template for designing sustainable systems for humanity?

And what if there were powers that would stop at nothing to keep this code concealed?

This is in fact what 40 years of research led me to and the film, THRIVE, lays out how just such critical and advanced understanding has been sent across time to us from numerous ancient cultures. It has been passed down through stories, icons, buildings, and even alphabets in places all around the world, from Central America, to Egypt, to China. And now, at this critical crossroads in human evolution, it is being de-coded…

What is the code? It’s a fundamental pattern revealing how energy works in the universe. At the most basic level it consists of a torus, a donut shaped energy vortex that exists at all scales, and the Vector Equilibrium (VE), the underlying structure of space itself. This code has already proven to help us access clean, abundant energy, expand and evolve our consciousness, and advance the sciences. You can learn more about it in thefundamental pattern section of the website.

The Torus.

The Vector Equilibrium (VE).

Vector Equilibrium Inside Torus.

Nassim Haramein showed me how the code shows up in revered and closely guarded messages from civilizations long ago. It is remarkably coherent and often embedded within patterns such as the “flower of life” or the “64 tetrahedra matrix.” Check out the following examples to see for yourself.

The flower of life pattern.

Haramein 64 sphere matrix.

Spheres shown partially covering…

The 64 Tetrahedron “crystal”.

Temple of Osiris – Abydos, Egypt

Abydos, Egypt has some of the oldest archaeological remains.

Here you can find a very precise depiction of the flower of life that was somehow burned into the wall of one of the Osirion Temples more than 3,000 years ago.

The Forbidden City – Beijing, China

At the entrance to the Forbidden City – an ancient imperial palace in Beijing that was built in the early 1400’s – you can see the same flower of life under the paw of the Fu Dog. This palace was home to 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Could the Fu Dogs not only be a symbol of protection to buildings and their inhabitants, but guardians of the knowledge of how universal energy works?

Could it be that the female Fu Dog, is guarding the life force itself – which is always in the form of a pup beneath her paw – while the partnered male is guarding the knowledge of how to access that life force for energy, sustainable design and the transformation of consciousness itself?

The Golden Temple – Amritsar, India

The flower of life also appears on the walkway around the Golden Temple, or Harmandir Sahib, one of the holiest shrines of the Sikh religion.  It was built in the 16th Century and means the “Temple of God.”

This temple was intricately designed and has many symbolic aspects. For example, it has four entrances that signify the importance of acceptance and openness in the Sikh religion – all visitors are welcome.

Given the thought and care that went into the temples construction, it seems significant that the flower of life also appears here. Is it merely a coincidence or could these ancient architects have also known about the flower of life and the potential it holds for humanity?

Flower of Life depictions also appear in Turkey and Austria as you can see below.

Flower of Life in India.

Flower of Life in Turkey.

Flower of Life in Austria.

Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci also studied the flower of life.  His drawings depict various components of the pattern and the geometries found within it.

I Ching

The I Ching, or “Book of Changes”, reveals the code through the 64 tetrahedron.  It is an ancient Chinese text dating back thousands of years that continues to be used as an oracle and book of wisdom. The I Ching is comprised of 64 oracular statements, that are each formed by a variation of 6 horizontally stacked lines, called hexagrams.

Nassim’s research went beyond the literal interpretation of each hexagram, to look at the I Ching as a whole, and that’s where one can see the encoded pattern of 64 units again. Each hexagram contains 6 edges that make up a tetrahedron, and together make up a 64 tetrahedron crystal. This is the underlying pattern of the torus – it is the same code being passed down through one of the most ancient and influential Chinese texts.

The Hebrew Alphabet

Stan Tenen’s research in the Meru Project reveals that the Hebrew alphabet is a system of shadowgrams encoding the torus. If you use a very precise torus shaped form you can create every single letter of the Hebrew alphabet by rotating it at different angles.

Left: Handheld torus form that reveals all Hebrew letters.

Center: The same torus form from above. The spiral comes out of the center of the torus and wraps around to its equator. So rotating it and flipping it will re-create the entire torus shape.

Right: Stan Tenen also illustrates how the alphabet lays out perfectly on the structure of the Vector Equilibrium, with the ‘Tagin crownlets” identifying orienting spin axes.

This diagram shows how you can create different letters of the Hebrew alphabet with the torus form.

For further information on this visit




Through my 15 years of training in the non-violent martial art of Aikido, I became exposed to Kototama – the millennia old tradition in which Morihei Ueshiba, the founder, was trained.

Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Aikido

Kototama seems to be a message from ancient cultures of how to tune ones consciousness to the energy of the universe.  Kototama is an ancient Japanese tradition that means “spirit of language”,  “sacred sound”, or “the knowledge of the vibration of the Universe.” It is the practice of generating ritual sounds and words, with the belief that they can influence your body, mind, and soul. The Kototama chant creates a resonant torus around the body as Jack Wada demonstrates in this video.

Ancient texts cite 49 “motive” sounds in Kototama and one toning, the 50th, which encompasses them all. This 50th toning is the secret – it’s the active dynamic of the torus and it’s what allows people to access higher levels of consciousness through the Kototama. This is a strategic and enduring way to pass along vital information across generations.

Could it be mere coincidence that the sequence of vowels is identical to the Hebrew name of God – “Yahweh” – that people were told not to speak aloud?

Actually there is strong scientific evidence being collected in our current era that this process can have profound effects on the tuning of our own consciousness.

I trained at the Monroe Institute in Virginia, where they have been studying the “beyond the body” experience for decades. Along with the other students, I was taught to chant a tone and visualize a torus shaped aura of light surrounding me, flowing up through my feet, and out my head.  It seems that skillful re-creation (visual and auditory mimicking) of the fundamental energy flow is a key to expanding levels of consciousness as well as tapping space energy for electricity.  Is it possible that this access to expanded consciousness – this link with the creative force was what was being concealed from people in everyday life?

Photos: The Monroe Institute concept of “Re-bal” or “Resonant Balloon” surrounding the human body. Chanting in resonance with this field is taught as an aide to expanding one’s consciousness beyond the body.

In his modern book on the history of Kototama, Aikido instructor Masahilo Nakazono refers to the ancient Japanese Koziki and Takeuti documents, and concludes:

Masahilo Nakazono

“The final mission of human beings is to judge perfectly their capacity and to place their creative activity in order with the universe.  About four thousand years ago our forefathers decided to perfect science, knowing that much sacrifice of human life, energy and matter would be necessary.”

            – Kototama, Nakazono

So it became particularly intriguing to me that not only the alphabet, but also the famous Cabalistic Tree of Life from the Hebrew tradition, bears the same encoded knowledge.

Cabalistic Tree of Life

The Cabalistic Tree of Life, one of the central icons of the Hebrew holy book, the Torah, reveals a 64 tetrahedron array when composited and seen in 3D as ancient texts suggest. [1]

If we visualize in 3D, we can see that the “seed” at the bottom of the tree grows into a tetrahedron and then into an octahedron – in the same way that living geometry complexifies most efficiently – regardless of scale.

Cabalistic Tree of Life.



Tetrahedron and Octahedron.

Crop Pattern.

The same pattern has appeared in the mysterious patterns in fields called “crop circles.” The authentic ones of these seem to be messages from advanced cultures about how energy works in the Universe, so that humans can learn to align with nature – as the Kototama tradition suggests, before it is too late.

Nassim Haramein and Jean Luc Bozzoli have put together an animation to show how multiplying the Tree of Life reveals the 64-tetrahedral matrix with the Vector Equilibrium embedded within it.

It also fits perfectly on the flower of life…which also appeared in numerous forms as crop circles.

The Cheops Pyramid

The Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, has intrigued and mystified visitors and researchers for centuries.  It seems to embody vast troves of encoded ancient wisdom in at least two major realms. The first is mathematical and astronomical knowledge. The second is in expansion of consciousness – similar to the Kototama and Monroe Institute clues.

Cheops, Mathematics and Astronomy

Peter Tompkins, in Secrets of the Great Pyramid, describes how the Cheops pyramid encodes both the Pi and Phi proportions in the relation between its height, its base and its faces.[2] Astronomical data is also encoded in the Great pyramid, such as the distance between the Earth and Sun, the weights of the Earth and Moon and the radius of the Earth are also encoded in the structure.[3]

Consciousness Expansion

Elisabeth Haich, at the request of her Yoga students, wrote INITIATION, an autobiographical novel bringing together the life story of a Swiss woman and spiritual teacher in the 20th century with vivid recollections of her earlier life experience as a young priestess in ancient Egypt. She described the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber being used to focus resonance to facilitate a beyond the body journey of consciousness in highly trained initiates.

Manley P. Hall, in his Secret Teachings of All Ages, also describes knowledge that has been passed down across millenia concerning initiation in the King’s Chamber of the Cheops pyramid.

“The candidate was laid in the great stone coffin, and for three days his spirit – freed from its mortal coil – wandered at the gateways of eternity.  His Ka, as a bird, flew through the spiritual spheres of space. He discovered that all the universe was life, all the universe was progress, all the universe was eternal growth. Realizing that his body was a house which he could slip out of and return to without death, he achieved actual immortality. At the end of three days he returned to himself again, and having thus personally and actually experienced the great mystery, he was indeed an initiate…”

Peter Tompkins, one of the most renowned of pyramid researchers, came to a similar conclusion as Hall. “Whereas, externally the Pyramid ‘symbolized the creative principle of Nature, and illustrated also the principles of geometry, mathematics astronomy and astrology,’ within the building itself was the site of the mysteries of initiation – “a temple of initiation…a baptismal font upon emerging from which the neophyte was born again and became an adept.” [4]

Could there be any real science to this, or was this just ungrounded speculation?

Bill Schul and Ed Pettit, in Pyramids and the Second Reality, show with plexiglass models and laser beams, how the geometry of the Cheops Pyramid focuses energy into the King’s Chamber.

So what “energy” might be being focused in this way?

Scientific measurements have revealed that the Earth has “a heartbeat” – called the “Schuman Resonance”which pulses between the Earth surface and the bottom of the Ionosphere. It vibrates at approximately 7.8 cycles per second – right between the Alpha and Theta brainwave levels for humans and a carrier wave for “consciousness at rest” for horses, dogs and cats as well.  This is a state of deep but alert relaxation and intuitive attunement. The Schumann resonance has a wavelength so vast it circles the Earth in a matter of seconds and passes easily through concrete.

For many years I ran a company, MindCenter, in Silicon Valley that was pioneering in the world of Brainwave (EEG) Biofeedback. Through EEG feedback one can learn to voluntarily regulate their state of consciousness and relaxation through electronic monitoring and “feeding back” of their brainwave frequencies (as musical tones).  One of the major goals for many practitioners was to learn to lower one’s brain activity out of the Beta range (usual externally focused activity – above 13 cycles per second) down into the relaxed and creative Alpha range (8-13 cycles per second) and even into the meditative and highly intuitive Theta range (4-8 cps.)

Right on the cusp between Alpha and Theta is where we are awake but not forcing mental activity. In our experiments, we found this frequency band – right in resonance with the Schumann frequencies mentioned above – was where a portal of consciousness would often open up, allowing one’s awareness to extend into realms well beyond the physical. Subjects would often encounter unusual wisdom, information and even conscious entities in this state. I am strongly inclined to believe that facilitating such exploration and mastery was at least one of the purposes for the King’s chamber of the Great pyramid.

The half-octahedral shape of the Cheops pyramids is a key part of the fundamental structure of space-time itself.

It alternates with tetrahedra in the make-up of the Vector Equilibrium – the mother of all geometric symmetries – and the Isotropic Vector Matrix – the invisible structure of space.

This meta-physical “skeleton” of the cosmos itself was confirmed by a 10-year study by Italian Astronomers to see if the arrangement of galactic clusters was random or had any intrinsic structure.

It turned out to be based on what they called “The Egg Carton Universe” – Octahedra – point to point.[5]

Ark of the Covenant

Some say the Ark of the Covenant was not just a box, supposedly containing the tablets with the Ten Commandments written by God, but a device – a technology.

Here’s physicist, physician Dr. Patrick Flanagan:

Author Graham Hancock came to the conclusion after years of research that the “Ark” was actually an electrical device. He cites how “God” gave Moses detailed instructions on how to build a capacitor (Acacia wood covered on both sides by gold) with two gold objects on top which could have served as electrodes.

“The cherubim are to have their wings spread upwards so that they overshadow the throne of mercy on top of the Ark…there I shall come to you: there from above the throne of mercy, from between the two cherubim that are on the Ark.” [6]

Notice the Flower of Life type geometric pattern on the side of the Ark ”“ similar to the core of the Osirion/64 pattern decoded earlier in this article.

Perhaps “God and the burning bush” could more practically be describing an extra-terrestrial and a UFO – sharing knowledge of how to build an electric device?

Perhaps the “Covenant with God” was… accessing the life force itself?

“According to an enduring folk memory, for example, ‘two sparks (elsewhere described as “fiery jets”) issued from the cherubim which shaded the Ark – sparks which occasionally burned and destroyed nearby objects.” [7]

If the Ark were a potent electrical device, great care would have needed to be taken to avoid getting electrocuted by contact with it.

“According to several legends, and to rabbinical commentaries on the Old Testament, these bearers were occasionally killed by the ‘sparks’ which the Ark emitted an, in addition, were lifted bodily off the ground from time to time because ‘the Ark [was] able to carry its carriers as well as itself.” [8]

… [in] the story of Nadab and Abihu, the two sons of Aaron who were struck down by the Ark soon after its installation in the Tabernacle…according to the Scriptures a flame leapt out at them ‘and devoured them and they died.’ ” [9]

In my research I found it deeply provocative that:

Photo by Andre Salvador

1) legend speaks of these counter-gravitational capabilities of the Ark,

2) that ET visitors must have some sort of fuel-less anti-gravity propulsion that shapes time and space around it,

3) and that there is still no reasonable explanation for how huge stones were lifted into place for Egyptian pyramids and other structures – some of which even today could not be lifted by our cranes.

Hancock wrote that throughout the scriptures it was the only artefact explicitly and unambiguously portrayed as being imbued with supernatural energies.[10]

So on a practical level the “covenant of God” could have been the communion with the life force itself – by concentrating and discharging electricity.

“I believe that an explanation exists for the miracles and the terrors that it worked during this period – a rational explanation connected to its character as a man-made device and not to any divine or unearthly influences. Indeed my own investigations have led me to conclude that it may only be possible to understand the sacred relic properly when it is seen in this light – not as a repository of supernatural powers but as an artefact and as an instrument….the gift of an ancient and secret science, I think of it as a key to the sealed and unremembered history of our species, a sign of our forgotten glory, and a testament to lost truths about ourselves.” [11]

Researcher Nassim Haramein suggests that the key to the energy capabilities of the Ark was the 64 tetrahedra crystal he believes was contained within – that it tapped the energy that was then contained by the “capacitor box” and discharged through the gold cherubim “electrodes.”

Speculation, Conclusions, and Implications

So how does all this data and speculation tie together? Here’s what it means for me. Numerous ancient civilizations seemed to know an amazing amount about how energy works in the Universe – perhaps guided by advanced extra-terrestrial beings who visited here long ago – and were committed to passing it on through texts, oral traditions, icons and various other means.  While they may not have had the technology or resources to fully utilize this knowledge, it seems to me there were those who knew this code held huge potential for humanity.  Now that we have this vital information, we can learn to better align with the flow of the Universe to access abundant energy and the state of consciousness we know as harmony or love – that is so desperately needed to create a thriving planet.

[1] The Secret Teachings of all Ages, Manley P. Hall, P. CXXIII

[2] Secrets of the Great Pyramid. Pgs.189-190.

[3] Secrets of the Great Pyramid. Pg. 266.

[4] Secrets of the Great Pyramid, p. 257.


[6] The Sign and the Seal, p. 273.

[7] The Sign and the Seal, p. 275.

[8] The Sign and the Seal, p. 276.

[9] The Sign and the Seal, p. 353.

[10] The Sign and the Seal, p. 286.

[11] The Sign and the Seal, p. 355.

David Icke Newsletter Preview



It’s Time To Choose

The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

Any ‘protest’, any ‘change’ or ‘revolution’ not founded on the list below – at the very least the list below – has got no chance of changing anything. These very pillars of the system must fall or they will block any transformation of the human condition. The system does not need to be tinkered with or even fundamentally changed (on the surface). The whole bloody lot must go … starting with …

  1. An end to creating money out of thin air on computer screens and charging interest on it (fractional reserve lending).
2. An end to governments borrowing fresh-air money called ‘credit’ from private banks and the people paying interest on this ‘money’ that has never, does not and will never exist. Governments (and that concept must change radically) can create their own currency – interest free.
3. An end to private banks issuing non-existent money called ‘credit’ at all and thus creating ‘money’ as a debt from the very start.
4. An end to casinos like Wall Street and the City of London betting mercilessly on the financial and commodity markets with the lives of billions around the world.
5. An end to all professional lobby groups that earn their living and their clients’ living from corrupting the professionally corruptible – vast numbers of world politicians and the overwhelming majority on Capitol Hill.
6. An end to no-contract government in which mendacious politicians can promise the people they will do this and that to win their support and then do the very opposite after they have lied themselves into office (see Obama).
7. An end to the centralisation of power in all areas of our lives and a start to diversifying power to communities to decide their own lives and thus ensure there are too many points of decision making for any cabal to centrally control.

That is just for starters. There is so much more where that came from. What good will come from rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic? NONE.

The banking system as we know it does not need to be ‘changed’ – it needs to be gone. It is a criminal activity based on fraud, extortion and, through its effect, on worldwide mass murder.

Its replacement needs to be decided by the population – not the very people who created it in the first place and are covertly manipulating a new global structure of financial control based on a world central bank.

Ain’t that right, Mr Rothschild, Mr Rockefeller, Mr Soros?

The tail is not wagging the dog – the tail is wagging the elephant so many are there in servitude to the few.

Winchester Model 1894

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Winchester Model 1894

Winchester Model 1894.jpg

Lever-actionhunting rifle

Place of origin
United States

Production history

John Browning


1894–2006, 2011–

Number built


6.8 lb (3.1 kg)

37.8 in (960 mm)

Barrel length
20 in (510 mm)

.30-30 Winchester; also available in numerous other cartridges


Muzzle velocity
2,490 ft/s (759 m/s)

Feed system
6- or 7-round internal
tube magazine

Leaf rear sight, barleycorn-type front sight

Winchester Model 1894 (also known as Winchester .30-30 rifle, Winchester 94, Win 94,, .30-30 Winchester, or simply .30-30) is a lever-action rifle which became one of the most famous and popular hunting rifles. It was designed byJohn Browning in 1894 to chamber rounds loaded with smokeless powder, and was produced by Winchester Repeating Arms Company through 1980 and then by U.S. Repeating Arms under the Winchester brand until they ceased to manufacture rifles in 2006. The rifles are back in production today, being made by the Miroku company of Japan and imported into the United States by the Browning Arms company of Morgan, Utah.

The Model 1894 has been referred to as the “ultimate lever-action design” by firearms historians such as RL Wilson and Hal Herring. The Model 1894 is the rifle credited with the name “Winchester” being used to refer to all rifles of this type and was the first commercial sporting rifle to sell over 7,000,000 units.[1]

The Winchester Model 1894 was the first commercial repeating rifle built to be used with smokeless powder. The 1894 was originally chambered to fire 2 metallic black powder cartridges, the .32-40 Winchester and .38-55 Winchester. In 1895 Winchester went to a different steel composition for rifle manufacturing that could handle higher pressure rounds and offered the rifle in .25-35 Winchester and .30-30 Winchester. The .30-30 Winchester, or .30WCF (Winchester Centerfire), is the cartridge that has become synonymous with the Model 1894.[2]

It was the first sporting rifle to sell over 7,000,000 units. The millionth Model 1894 was given to President Calvin Coolidgein 1927, the 1½ millionth rifle to President Harry S. Truman on May 8, 1948 and the two millionth unit was given to President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1953.[3]

Variants of the Model 94 over its long history included the Winchester Model 55, produced from 1924 through 1932 in a 24-inch (610 mm) barrel, and the Winchester Model 64, produced from 1933 through 1957 in 20, 24, and 26-inch (660 mm) barrel lengths. (Note: The model number 55 was used twice by Winchester, first as a Model 94 variant introduced in 1924, and, later, as a short-lived single-shot/semi-automatic hybrid .22-caliber rifle that self-cocked the hammer each time it was fired).[4]

In mid-1964, the manufacturing of the 94 was changed in order to make the firearm less expensive to produce. Generally referred to as “pre-64” models, these earlier versions command a premium price over post-change rifles.[5] The limited number of early-1964 production models produced prior to the changeover are considered quite desirable, as they are considered by many to represent the ending of an era.[1]

The Winchester 1894’s design allowed the cycling of longer cartridges than the Winchester 1892 carbines could permit. When the lever is pulled down, it brings the bottom of the receiver with it, opening up more space and allowing a longer cartridge to feed without making the receiver longer. The mechanism is complex but very reliable. Complete stripping of the action is a multi-stage task that must be accomplished in precise sequence. However it is rarely necessary to completely strip the action. The largest cartridge that the 1894 action can accommodate is the .450 Marlin, which was chambered in some custom rifles and the short-lived Timber Carbine on a beefed-up 1894 “big bore” receiver.[6]

Decades after the Winchester 1892 was phased out, the Winchester 1894 Models were manufactured in typical revolver calibers such as .38 Special/.357 Magnum, .44 Special/.44 Magnum, .45 Colt (or .45 Long Colt), .38-40 Winchester, and .44-40 Winchester. Typically, the tube magazine is able to hold 9 to 13 rounds of the previously mentioned handgun calibers. The magazine capacity depends on the length of the barrel, as the tube magazine (located below the barrel) typically covers the entire length of the barrel.[7]

Handgun calibers are preferred by modern day Cowboy Action Shooters as it allows one type of ammunition for both rifle and handgun. A typical combination would be an 1873 Colt (Colt Peacemaker or clone) and a Winchester 1894 capable of shooting the same type of ammunition. The 1894 action, designed for smokeless rifle rounds, is much stronger than the action of the Winchesters (Models 1866, 1873, 1876) that were based on Benjamin Henry‘s toggle-link system, and can easily handle modern high-pressure pistol cartridges such as .44 Magnum.

In 1984, the Model 94XTR angle eject rifle and carbine chambered in 7-30 Waters (an improved .30-30 case necked down to a 7mm bullet), was introduced.[8] In 2003, the rifle was offered in .410 shotgun and named the Model 9410.[9]

The Winchester 1894 holds the record for best-selling high-powered rifle in U.S. history.[10]

U.S. production ceased in 2006, at the time there were 14 versions of the Model 94 in the Winchester catalog. In 2010 Winchester Repeating Arms reintroduced the model 94 in two Limited Edition models to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Oliver F. Winchester’s birth in New England in 1810.[11]


In 1964, to save money on production costs, Winchester began machining certain small parts for the Model 94 as opposed to forging them. The use of hollow roll-pins replaced solid ones. Many users felt these attempts cheapened the rifle and would only use rifles made before 1964 (pre ’64).[5]

One of the drawbacks of the Model 1894 action in relation to its main competitors, such as the Marlin Model 336, is that the Winchester ejects cartridges from the top of thereceiver and over the user’s shoulder rather than to the side. A top-ejecting firearm cannot mount a scope on top of the receiver, but instead must mount it either forward on the barrel or offset to the side, degrading the usefulness and availability of a scope.[12] Winchester alleviated this issue with angular ejection implemented in the early 1980s, which ejects shells at an angle between the original Winchester design and the Marlin’s, thus allowing receiver mounted scopes.[12] Ironically, in the 21st century, forward scope mounts have become increasingly popular due to Jeff Cooper’sscout rifle concept (e.g., Steyr, Ruger, and Savage offer them), as well as the military (for combat) and civilian (for competition) use of red dot sights.

The mid 1990s brought a change from the long-used half-cock notch safety to a cross-bolt safety like the aforementioned Marlins. Many longtime users, however, prefer the original half-cock notch safety design over the newer cross-bolt “lawyer” safety. The last Winchester 94s to leave the New Haven factory before production ceased in 2006 had tang-mounted safeties.[13]

A-Z Catalogue Shamanic Ethnobotanicals Entheogen Plant List

Botanical Name
Common Name


Achillea millefolium

Acorus calamus
Calamus/Sweet Flag

Adansonia digitata
Baobab Tree

Adonidia merrillii
Christmas Palm

Albizia julibrissin
Silk Tree

Althaea officinalis

Amanita muscaria
Fly Agaric

Amanita pantherina
Panther Amanita

Amomi cardamom

Angelica sinensis
Dong Quai

Arctium lappa
Burdock Root

Areca catechu
Betel Nuts

Argemone mexicana
Prickly Poppy

Argyreia nervosa
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

Arnica montana

Artemisia absinthium

Artemisia afra
African Wormwood

Artemisia vulgaris

Astragalus membranaceus
Huang Qi

Atropa belladonna
Deadly Nightshade

Banisteriopsis caapi
Ayahuasca Vine

Barosma betulina
Buchu Leaf

Bee Pollen
Bee Pollen

Tree Datura


Calea zacatechichi
Dream Herb

Canavalia rosea
Bay Bean

Cannabae Resinous Herbal Hash
Cannabae Resinous Herbal Hash

Cassia alata
Candelabra Bush

Centella asiatica
Gotu Kola

Chamaelirium luteum
False Unicorn

Chorisia speciosa
Silk Floss Tree

Chrysanthemum morifolium

Cimicifuga racemosa
Black Cohosh

Cnicus benedictus
Blessed Thistle

Coriandrum sativum

Corynanthe yohimbe


Delosperma bosseranum
Ice Plant

Desmanthus illinoensis

Dioscorea dregeana
Wild Yam

Diplopterys cabrerana



Entada rheedii
African Dream Herb

Ephedra sinica
Ma Huang

Ephedra viridis
Mormon’s Tea

Equisetum arvense

Erythrina mulungu

Escholtzia californica
California Poppy

Eucalyptus globulus

Foeniculum vulgare

Glycyrrhiza glabra
Licorice Root

Gnaphalium obtusifolium
Cherokee Tobacco

Heimia salicifolia

Helichrysum odoratissimum

Hoodia gordonii

Houttuynia cordata
Vap Ca

Humulus lupulus

Hyoscyamus niger

Hypericum perforatum
St. John’s Wort

Ilex guayusa

Iochroma fuchsioids
Sorcerer’s Tree

Ipomoea arborescens
Palo des Muertes

Ipomoea carnea
Morning Glory Bush

Ipomoea tricolor
Morning Glory

Juniperus communis
Juniper Berries

Khaya nyasica
Mululu Tree

Lactuca virosa
Opium Lettuce

Lagochilus inebrians
Inebriating Mint

Lawsonia inermis

Ledum palustre
Wild Rosemary

Leonotis leonurus
Wild Dagga

Leonotis nepetifolia
Klip Dagga

Leonurus sibiricus

Lepidium meyenii

Lespedeza bicolor
Lespedeza bicolor

Linum usitatissimum
Flax Seed

Lonchocarpus violaceus
Balche Tree

Lophophora williamsii

Lycopus virginicus

Macropiper excelsum
Maori Kava

Mahonia aquifolium
Oregon Grape

Matricaria chamomila

Medicago sativa

Medivine Blend
Medivine Blend

Mimosa hostilis

Mitragyna speciosa

Mucuna pruriens

Nelumbo nucifera
Sacred Lotus

Nepeta cataria


Nymphaea ampla
White Lotus

Nymphaea caerulea
Blue Lotus

Panax ginseng

Papaver somniferum
Opium Poppy

Passiflora incarnata
Passion Flower

Pedicularis densiflora
Indian Warrior

Peganum harmala
Syrian Rue

Pimpinella anisum

Piper methysticum
Kava Kava

Polygonum multiflorum

Psychotria nervosa
Wild Coffee

Psychotria viridis

Ptychopetalum olacoides
Muira Puama

Rhamnus purshiana
Cascara Sagrada

Rhodiola rosea
Golden Root

Ricinus communis
Castor Bean

Rivea (aka Turbina) corymbosa

Salix alba
White Willow Bark

Salvia divinorum
Diviner’s Sage

Sceletium tortuosum

Scutellaria lateriflora

Sida cordifolia

Silene Capensis
Xhosa Dream Herb

Silene capensis
Xhosa Dream Herb

Silybum marianum
Milk Thistle

Solandra maxima
Golden Chalice Vine

Sophora secundiflora
Mescal Bean

Stachys officinalis
Wood Betony

Sterculia foetida
Oil Nut

Stevia rebaudiana

Stipa robusta
Sleepy Grass

Tabernanthe Iboga

Tanacetum parthenium

Tarchonanthus camphoratus
Bushman’s Tobacco

Terminalia catappa
Indian Almond

Trichocereus Cacti
Trichocereus Cacti

Trichocereus pachanoi
San Pedro

Turnera aphrodisiaca

Turnera diffusa

Vaccinium myrtillus

Virola spp

Voacanga africana

Withania somnifera

Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate