
God of the Moon, Magic and Writing

The Key of Life

Thoth’s other names include Djehuty, Jehuti, Tahuti, Tehuti, Zehuti, Techu, or Tetu, Lord of the Khemenu. One of Thoth’s titles, "Three times great, great" was translated to the Greek (Trismegistos) making Hermes Trismegistus.

Thoth was considered one of the more important deities of the Egyptian pantheon, often depicted with the head of an Ibis. His feminine counterpart was Seshat. His chief shrine was at Khemennu, where he led the local pantheon, later renamed Hermopolis by the Greeks (in reference to him through the Greeks’ interpretation that he was the same as Hermes) and Eshmunen in Coptic. He also had shrines in Abydos, Hesert, Urit, Per-Ab, Rekhui, Ta-ur, Sep, Hat, Pselket, Talmsis, Antcha-Mutet, Bah, Amen-heri-ab, and Ta-kens.

Thoth and Seti at Abydos

Thoth and the Eye of Ra

He was considered the heart and tongue of Ra as well as the means by which Ra’s will was translated into speech. He has also been likened to the Logos of Plato and the mind of God (The All).

Thoth, like many Egyptian gods and nobility, held many titles. Among these were "Scribe of Ma’at in the Company of the Gods," "Lord of Ma’at," "Lord of Divine Words," "Judge of the Two Combatant Gods," "Judge of the Rekhekhui, the pacifier of the Gods, who Dwelleth in Unnu, the Great God in the Temple of Abtiti," "Twice Great," "Thrice Great,"" and "Three Times Great, Great."

Thoth has been involved in arbitration, magic, writing, science and the judging of the dead.

In the Egyptian mythology, he has played many vital and prominent roles, including being one of the two deities (the other being Ma’at) who stood on either side of Ra’s boat. In the underworld, Duat, he appeared as an ape, A’an, the god of equilibrium, who reported when the scales weighing the deceased’s heart against the feather, representing the principle of Ma’at, was exactly even.

Depictions of Thoth

In art, Thoth has been depicted in many ways depending on the era and on the aspect the artist wished to convey. Thoth was usually depicted with the head of an ibis, deriving from his name, and the curve of the ibis’ beak, which resembles the crescent moon. Sometimes, he was depicted as a baboon holding up a crescent moon, as the baboon was seen as a nocturnal, and intelligent, creature. The association with baboons led to him occasionally being said to have as a consort Astennu, one of the (male) baboons at the place of judgment in the underworld, and on other occasions, Astennu was said to be Thoth himself.

He also appears as a dog faced baboon or a man with the head of a baboon when he is A’an, the god of equilibrium. In the form of A’ah-Djehuty he took a more human-looking form. These forms are all symbolic and are metaphors for Thoth’s attributes. The Egyptians did not believe these gods actually looked like humans with animal heads . For example, Ma’at is often depicted with an ostrich feather, "the feather of truth," on her head , or with a feather for a head.

Thoth on his throne

Cairo Museum: Thoth, Sobek and Wadjet … remind one of penguins.

Letter X = Above and Below

Thoth and Seshat

The Tree of Life

Thoth was thought to be scribe to the gods, who kept a great library of scrolls, over which one of his wives, Seshat (the goddess of writing) was thought to be mistress. He was associated by the Egyptians with speech, literature, arts, learning. He, too, was a measurer and recorder of time, as was Seshat. Many ancient Egyptians believed that Seshat invented writing, while Thoth taught writing to mankind. She was known as ‘Mistress of the House of Books’, indicating that she also took care of Thoth’s library of spells and scrolls.

Seshat is the Goddess of Libraries

all forms Writing

and the Measurement of Time.

Thoth The Scribe

Thoth became credited by the ancient Egyptians as the inventor of writing, and alphabets (ie. hieroglyphs) themselves. He was also considered to have been the scribe of the underworld, and the moon became occasionally considered a separate entity, now that Thoth had less association with it, and more with wisdom. For this reason Thoth was universally worshipped by ancient Egyptian Scribes.

[Thoth the Scribe, wrote the story of our reality then placed it into grids for us to experience and learn through the alchemy of time and consciousness.]

Thoth became credited as the inventor of the 365-day (rather than 360-day) calendar, it being said that he had won the extra 5 days by gambling with the moon, then known as Iabet, in a game of dice, for 1/72nd of its light (5 = 360/72). When the Ennead and Ogdoad systems started to merge, one result was that, for a time, Horus was considered a sibling of Isis, Osiris, Set, and Nephthys, and so it was said that Hathor/Nuit had been cursed against having children during the (360) day year, but was able to have these five over the 5 extra days won by Thoth.


Thoth was a master magician

The Egyptians credited him as the author of all works of science, religion, philosophy, and magic. The Greeks further declared him the inventor of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, land surveying, medicine, botany, theology, civilized government, the alphabet, reading, writing, and oratory. They further claimed he was the true author of every work of every branch of knowledge, human and divine.

Egyptologists disagree on Thoth’s nature depending upon their view of the Egyptian pantheon. Most Egyptologists today side with Sir Flinders Petrie that Egyptian religion was strictly polytheistic, in which Thoth would be a separate god.

His contemporary adversary, E. A. Wallis Budge, however, thought Egyptian religion to be primarily monotheistic where all the gods and goddesses were aspects of the God Ra, similar to the Trinity in Christianity and devas in Hinduism. In this view, Thoth would be the aspect of Ra which the Egyptian mind would relate to the heart and tongue.

His roles in Egyptian mythology were many. Thoth served as a mediating power, especially between good and evil, making sure neither had a decisive victory over the other.

The ancient Egyptians regarded Thoth as One, self-begotten, and self-produced. He was the master of both physical and moral (ie. Divine) law, making proper use of Ma’at. He is credited with making the calculations for the establishment of the heavens, stars, Earth, and everything in them. Compare this to how his feminine counterpart, Ma’at was the force which maintained the Universe. He is said to direct the motions of the heavenly bodies. Without his words, the Egyptians believed, the gods would not exist. His power was almost unlimited in the Underworld and rivaled that of Ra and Osiris.


Thoth has played a prominent role in many of the Egyptian myths. Displaying his role as arbitrator, he had overseen the three epic battles between good and evil. All three battles are fundamentally the same and belong to different periods. The first battle took place between Ra and Apep, the second between Heru-Bekhutet and Set, and the third between Horus, the son of Osiris, and Set. In each instance, the former god represented order while the latter represented chaos. If one god was seriously injured, Thoth would heal them to prevent either from overtaking the other.

Thoth was also prominent in the Osiris myth, being of great aid to Isis. After Isis gathered together the pieces of Osiris’ dismembered body, he gave her the words to resurrect him so she could be impregnated and bring forth Horus. When Horus was slain, Thoth gave the formulae to resurrect him as well. Similar to God speaking the words to create the heavens and Earth in Judeo-Christian mythology, Thoth, being the god who always speaks the words that fulfill the wishes of Ra, spoke the words that created the heavens and Earth in Egyptian mythology.

This mythology also credits him with the creation of the 365 day calendar. Originally, according to the myth, the year was only 360 days long and Nut was sterile during these days, unable to bear children. Thoth gambled with Khonsu, the moon, for 1/72nd of its light (360/72 = 5), or 5 days, and won. During these 5 days, Nut gave birth to Kheru-ur (Horus the Elder, Face of Heaven), Osiris, Set, Isis, and Nepthys.

In the Ogdoad cosmogony, Thoth gave birth to Ra, Atum, Nefertum, and Khepri by laying an egg while in the form of an ibis, or later as a goose laying a golden egg.

Thoth in the Book of the Dead

Thoth also went by the name of Tehuti,

the ruler of Atlantis


was originally the deification of the moon in the Ogdoad belief system. Initially, in that system, the moon had been seen to be the eye of Horus, the sky god, which had been semi-blinded (thus darker) in a fight against Set, the other eye being the sun. However, over time it began to be considered separately, becoming a lunar deity in its own right, and was said to have been another son of Ra. As the crescent moon strongly resembles the curved beak of the ibis, this separate deity was named Djehuty (i.e. Thoth), meaning ibis.

Thoth became associated with the Moon, due to the Ancient Egyptians observation that Baboons (sacred to Thoth) ‘sang’ to the moon at night.

The Moon not only provides light at night, allowing the time to still be measured without the sun, but its phases and prominence gave it a significant importance in early astrology/astronomy. The cycles of the moon also organized much of Egyptian society’s civil, and religious, rituals, and events. Consequently, Thoth gradually became seen as a god of wisdom, magic, and the measurement, and regulation, of events, and of time. He was thus said to be the secretary and counselor of Ra, and with Ma’at (truth/order) stood next to Ra on the nightly voyage across the sky, Ra being a sun god.

Thoth became credited by the ancient Egyptians as the inventor of writing, and was also considered to have been the scribe of the underworld, and the moon became occasionally considered a separate entity, now that Thoth had less association with it, and more with wisdom. For this reason Thoth was universally worshipped by ancient Egyptian Scribes. Many scribes had a painting or a picture of Thoth in their "office". Likewise, one of the symbols for scribes was that of the ibis.

During the late period of Egyptian history a cult of Thoth gained prominence, due to its main centre, Khnum (Hermopolis Magna), also becoming the capital, and millions of dead ibis were mummified and buried in his honor. The rise of his cult also led to his cult seeking to adjust mythology to give Thoth a greater role.

Thoth was inserted in many tales as the wise counsel and persuader, and his association with learning, and measurement, led him to be connected with Seshat, the earlier deification of wisdom, who was said to be his daughter, or variably his wife. Thoth’s qualities also led to him being identified by the Greeks with their closest matching god Hermes, with whom Thoth was eventually combined, as Hermes Trismegistus, also leading to the Greeks naming Thoth’s cult centre as Hermopolis, meaning city of Hermes.

It is also viewed that Thoth was the God of Scribe and not a messenger. Anubis was viewed as the messenger of the gods, as he travelled in and out of the Underworld, to the presence of the gods, and to humans, as well. Some call this fusion Hermanubis. It is in more favor that Thoth was a record keeper, and not the messenger. In the Papyrus of Ani copy of the Egyptian Book of the Dead the scribe proclaims "I am thy writing palette, O Thoth, and I have brought unto thee thine ink-jar. I am not of those who work iniquity in their secret places; let not evil happen unto me." Chapter XXXb (Budge) of the Book of the Dead is by the oldest tradition said to be the work of Thoth himself.

There is also an Egyptian pharaoh of the Sixteenth dynasty of Egypt named Djehuty (Thoth) after him, and who reigned for three years.

Center of Worship

During the late period of Egyptian history a cult of Thoth gained prominence, due to its main centre, Khnum (Hermopolis Magna), in Upper Egypt also becoming the capital, and millions of dead ibis were mummified and buried in his honor. The rise of his cult also lead to his cult seeking to adjust mythology to give Thoth a greater role, including varying the Ogdoad cosmogony myth so that it is Thoth who gives birth to Ra/Atum/Nefertum/Khepri, as a result of laying, as an ibis, an egg containing him. Later it was said that this was done in the form of a goose – literally as a goose laying a golden egg. The sound of his song was thought to have created four frog gods and snake goddesses of the Ogdoad who continued Thoth’s song, helping the sun journey across the sky.

Thoth was the ‘One who Made Calculations Concerning the Heavens, the Stars and the Earth’, the ‘Reckoner of Times and of Seasons’, the one who ‘Measured out the Heavens and Planned the Earth’. He was ‘He who Balances’, the ‘God of the Equilibrium’ and ‘Master of the Balance’. ‘The Lord of the Divine Body’, ‘Scribe of the Company of the Gods’, the ‘Voice of Ra’, the ‘Author of Every Work on Every Branch of Knowledge, Both Human and Divine’, he who understood ‘all that is hidden under the heavenly vault’. Thoth was not just a scribe and friend to the gods, but central to order – ma’at – both in Egypt and in the Duat. He was ‘He who Reckons the Heavens, the Counter of the Stars and the Measurer of the Earth’.

42 Books of Thoth

Thoth as Hermes in ancient Greece complied the Hermetic Text referred to him as Kore Kosmu. What he knew, he carved on stone [mataphor of physical plane] then hid most of the information. The sacred symbols of the cosmic elements he hid away using the secrets of Osiris, keeping and maintaining silence, that younger ages of the cosmic time clock might seek them out. Thoth was said to have succeeded in understanding the mysteries of the heavens and to have revealed them by inscribing them in sacred books which he then hid here on Earth, intending that they should be searched for by future generations but found by those of the bloodline.

Some of these sacred books are referred to as the 42 Books of Instructions or the 42 Books of Thoth which describe the instructions for achieving immortality plus 2 more books kept separately. The dating of the books is somewhere between the third century BC and the first century AD. Their influence has been tremendous on the development of Western occultism and magic. Neo-pagan witchcraft contains many rituals and much esoteric symbolism based upon Hermetic writings.

According to one legend Hermes Trismegistus, who was a grandson of Adam and a builder of the Egyptian pyramids, authored the books. But, more probably the books were written by several succeeding persons. According to legend, the books were initially written on papyrus.

A chronicler of pagan lore, Clement of Alexandria, stated thirty-six [36] of the Hermetic books contained the entire Egyptian philosophy; four [4] books on astrology; ten [10] books called the Hieratic on law, ten [10] books on sacred rites and observances, two [2] on music, and the rest on writing, cosmography, geography, mathematics and measures and training of priests. Six [6] remaining books concerned medicine and the body discussing diseases, instruments, the eyes and women. Most of the Hermetic books – along with others – were lost during the burning of the royal libraries in Alexandria. The surviving books were secretly buried in the desert where they are presently located. A few initiates of the mystery schools, ancient secret cults, allegedly know their location. What remains of the surviving Hermetic lore has been passed down through generation and published in many languages.

Most important of all are three works.

  • The most important and oldest is The Divine Pynander. It consists on 17 fragments all in one work. Within these fragments are many of the Hermetic concepts, including the was divine wisdom and the secrets of the universe were revealed to Hermes and the way in which Hermes established his ministry to spread this wisdom throughout the world. The Divine Pynander apparently was revised during the first centuries AD but lost none of its meaning due to incorrect translations.
  • Poimmandres or The Vision is the second book of The Divine Pynander and perhaps the most famous. It relates Hermes’ mystical vision, cosmogony, and the secret sciences of the Egyptians as to culture and the spiritual development of the soul.
  • The third work – Hermes Trismegistus is the wisdom of the Hermetica – the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. It’s all about alchemy, time and consciousness.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth

This file links to ….

The 12 Pyramids of Thoth

Sacred Journey, Music and Meditation

The Book of Thoth

The Book of Thoth – ‘M’ & ‘W’ Reversed

Thoth, Time, Thought, Geometry and Reality

Reality is myth, math, and metaphor. It is a consciousness computer experiment in time and illusion created by thought consciousness. The name Thoth means ‘Thought’ and ‘Time’. Thoth was the master architect who created the blueprint of our reality based on the patterns ofsacred geometry or 12 around 1.

It is here, in the duality – duat – underworld – chaos – void – place of creation ‘outside the box’ of our experience – reflected in gods and goddesses, the landscapes of Egypt including the pyramids and temples – that we experience until we evolve in the alchemy of time and consciousness.

Thoth’s Chamber

Fibonacci Sequence

Thoth created a grid program of experience – electromagnetic in nature to allow for the bipolar aspects of linear time and illusion. Thoth constructed a pyramidal shaped vehicle which personifies the nature of reality. He placed half above – "As is Above" in the nonphysical and half below "As is Below" thus creating the sands of time – the hourglass – the X Box – at the center of the planet where it all began and will all evolve at Zero Point a time or place where all comes into balance.

Thoth was the ‘god of the equilibrium’ and considered depictions of him as the ‘Master of the Balance’ to indicate that he was associated with the precession of the equinoxes – a time when the day and the night were balanced.

Thoth and the Pyramids

In one role or another

Thoth played a crucial part in the design

orientation and mythology

of many famous ziggurats

pyramids and temples.

Thoth and Hidden Knowledge

It is written in several ancient texts that Thoth wrote a

major work of scriptural importance that would one day be found.

Thoth allegedly wrote books in which he set forth

fabulous knowledge of magic and incantation then concealed them in a tomb.

Thoth in Other Famous God Roles

Sumer: Enki among other creational forces depicted in myths about reality as a biogenetic experiment with extraterrestrial connotations

Mesoamerica: Quetzalcoatl

Inca Viracocha

Rome: Mercury The Messenger

Greece: Hermes Weights and Measures, Travel

Celtic: Merlin the Magician and Storyteller

Atlantis Chiquitet, Tehuti,Zep Tepi

Persia Zarathustra or Zoroaster – Z

The list of roles this soul played is endless from all mythological gods, religious figures, famous people in science and history, creational forces including alien gods, etc.

According to a very old Masonic tradition, the Egyptian god Thoth played a major part in preserving knowledge of the mason craft and transmitting it to mankind after the flood. Our reality is a Masonic Program – Mother Sound – Creation by Harmonics – Symbolized by the Pyramid and the Eye – the Dollar Bill and the collapse of the economy at the end of time.


The Book of Thoth

Man and Woman Always Seeking Perfection Through Reunion
Reverse Polarities – Optical Illusions

Rotate Images 90º

Above and below merge to form the hourglass of time

The X Box


Third Dimension Folding In

Sacred Geometry


Twin Flames

12 Spiraling Cones Around 1 – Creation



In Egyptian mythology, Thoth is the god of wisdom, time, writing, magic and the moon. The Book of Thoth is a legendary book containing powerful spells and knowledge, said to have been buried with the Prince Neferkaptah (meaning perfect ka of Ptah in Egyptian) in theCity of the Dead.

The reader of the rolls would know the language of the animals, be able to cast great spells, and be able to enchant the sky and earth themselves.

Anyone who read the book was punished by the gods (who would cause the reader’s loved ones to die until the book was returned).

In recent years books such as ‘The Orion Mystery’ by Robert Bauval have created a popular belief that The Sphinx and other Giza monuments are thousands of years older than is currently claimed by orthodox Egyptologists. Members of this movement often suggest that the Book of Thoth has been positioned beneath the paws of the Sphinx for some 12,000 years.

Another legend

Rameses the Great, Pharaoh of Egypt, had a son called Setna who was learned in all the ancient writings, and a magician of note. While the other princes spent their days in hunting or in leading their father’s armies to guard the distant parts of his empire, Setna was never so happy as when left alone to study.

Not only could he read even the most ancient hieroglyphic writings on the temple walls, but he was a scribe who could write quickly and easily all the many hundreds of signs that go to make up the ancient Egyptian language. Also, he was a magician whom none could surpass: for he had learned his art from the most secret of the ancient writings which even the priests of Amen-Re, of Ptah and Thoth, could not read.

One day, as he pored over the ancient books written on the two sides of long rolls of papyrus, he came upon the story of another Pharaoh’s son several hundred years earlier who had been as great a scribe and as wise a magician as he greater and wiser, indeed, for Nefrekeptah had read the Book of Thoth by which a man might enchant both heaven and earth, and know the language of the birds and beasts.

When Setna read further that the Book of Thoth had been buried with Nefrekeptah in his royal tomb at Memphis, nothing would content him until he had found it and learned all his wisdom.

So he sought out his brother Anherru and said to him, ‘Help me to find the Book of Thoth. For without it life has no longer any meaning for me.’

‘I will go with you and stand by your side through all dangers,’ answered Anherru.

The two brothers set out for Memphis, and it was not hard for them to find the tomb of Nefrekeptah the son of Amen-hotep, the first great Pharaoh of that name, who had reigned three hundred years before their day.

When Setna had made his way into the tomb, to the central chamber where Nefrekeptah was laid to rest, he found the body of the prince lying wrapped in its linen bands, still and awful in death. But beside it on the stone sarcophagus sat two ghostly figures, the Kas, or doubles, of a beautiful young woman and a boy – and between them, on the dead breast of Nefrekeptah lay the Book of Thoth.

Setna bowed reverently to the two Kas, and said, ‘May Osiris have you in his keeping, dead son of a dead Pharaoh, Nefrekeptah the great scribe; and you also, who ever you be, whose Kas sit here beside him. Know that I am Setna, the priest of Ptah, son of Rameses the greatest Pharaoh of all – and I come for the Book of Thoth which was yours in your days on earth. I beg you to let me take it in peace – for if not I have the power to take it by force or magic.’

"I come for the Book of Thoth which was yours in your days on earth. I beg you to let me take it in peace."

Then said the Ka of the woman, ‘Do not take the Book of Thoth, Setna, son of today’s Pharaoh. It will bring you trouble even as it brought trouble upon Nefrekeptah who lies here, and upon me, Ahura his wife, whose body lies at Koptos on the edge of Eastern Thebes together with that of Merab our son – whose Kas you see before you, dwelling with the husband and father whom we loved so dearly. Listen to my tale, and beware!:

‘Nefrekeptah and I were the children of the Pharaoh Amen-hotep and, according to the custom, we became husband and wife, and this son Merab was born to us. Nefrekeptah cared above all things for the wisdom of the ancients and for the magic that is to be learned from all that is carved on the temple walls, and within the tombs and pyramids of long-dead kings and priests in Saqqara, the city of the dead that is all about us here on the edge of Memphis.

‘One day as he was studying what is carved on the walls in one of the most ancient shrines of the gods, he heard a priest laugh mockingly and say, "All that you read there is but worthless. I could tell you where lies the Book of Thoth, which the god of wisdom wrote with his own hand. When you have read its first page you will be able to enchant the heaven and the earth, the abyss, the mountains and the sea; and you shall know what the birds and the beasts and the reptiles are saying. And when you have read the second page your eyes will behold all the secrets of the gods themselves, and read all that is hidden in the stars."

‘Then said Nefrekeptah to the priest, "By the life of Pharaoh, tell me what you would have me do for you, and I will do it – if only you will tell me where the Book of Thoth is."

‘And the priest answered, "If you would learn where it lies, you must first give me a hundred bars of silver for my funeral, and issue orders that when I die my body shall be buried like that of a great king."

"All around the iron box are twisted snakes and scorpions, and it is guarded by a serpent who cannot be slain."

‘Nefrekeptah did all that the priest asked; and when he had received the bars of silver, he said, "The Book of Thoth lies beneath the middle of the Nile at Koptos, in an iron box. In the iron box is a box of bronze; in the bronze box is a sycamore box; in the sycamore box is an ivory and ebony box; in the ivory and ebony box is a silver box; in the silver box is a golden box – and in that lies the Book of Thoth. All around the iron box are twisted snakes and scorpions, and it is guarded by a serpent who cannot be slain."

‘Nefrekeptah was beside himself with joy. He hastened home from the shrine and told me all that he had learned. But I feared lest evil should come of it, and said to him, "Do not go to Koptos to seek this book, for I know that it will bring great sorrow to you and to those you love."

I tried in vain to hold Nefrekeptah back, but he shook me off and went to Pharaoh, our royal father, and told him what he had learned from the priest.

‘Then said Pharaoh, "What is it that you desire?" And Nefrekeptah answered, "Bid your servants make ready the Royal Boat, for I would sail south to Koptos with Ahura my wife and our son Merab to seek this book without delay."

‘All was done as he wished, and we sailed up the Nile until we came to Koptos. And there the priests and priestesses of Isis came to welcome us and led us up to the Temple of Isis and Horus. Nefrekeptah made a great sacrifice of an ox, a goose and some wine, and we feasted with the priests and their wives in a fine house looking out upon the river.

‘But on the morning of the fifth day, leaving me and Merab to watch from the window of the house, Nefrekeptah went down to the river and made a great enchantment.

‘First he created a magic cabin that was full of men and tackle. He cast a spell on it, giving life and breath to the men, and he sank the magic cabin into the river. Then he filled the Royal Boat with sand and put out into the middle of the Nile until he came to the place below which the magic cabin lay. And he spoke words of power, and cried, "Workmen, workmen, work for me even where lies the Book of Thoth!" They toiled without ceasing by day and by night, and on the third day they reached the place where the Book lay.

Then Nefrekeptah cast out the sand and they raised the Book on it until it stood upon a shoal above the level of the river.

‘And behold all about the iron box, below it and above it, snakes and scorpions twined. And the serpent that could not die was twined about the box itself. Nefrekeptah cried to the snakes and scorpions a loud and terrible cry – and at his words of magic they became still, nor could one of them move.

‘Then Nefrekeptah walked unharmed among the snakes and scorpions until he came to where the serpent that could not die lay curled around the box of iron. The serpent reared itself up for battle, since no charm could work on it, and Nefrekeptah drew his sword and rushing upon it, smote off its head at a single blow. But at once the head and the body sprang together, and the serpent that could not die was whole again and ready for the fray. Once more Nefrekeptah smote off its head, and this time he cast it far away into the river. But at once the head returned to the body, and was joined to the neck, and the serpent that could not die was ready for its next battle.

‘Nefrekeptah saw that the serpent could not be slain, but must be overcome by cunning. So once more he struck off its head. But before head and body could come together he put sand on each part so that when they tried to join they could not do so as there was sand between them – and the serpent that could not die lay helpless in two pieces.

‘Then Nefrekeptah went to where the iron box lay on the shoal in the river; and the snakes and scorpions watched him; and the head of the serpent that could not die watched him also: but none of them could harm him.

‘He opened the iron box and found in it a bronze box; he opened the bronze box and found in it a box of sycamore wood; he opened that and found a box of ivory and ebony, and in that a box of silver, and at the last a box of gold. And when he had opened the golden box he found in it the Book of Thoth. He opened the Book and read the first page – and at once he had power over the heavens and the earth, the abyss, the mountains and the sea; he knew what the birds and the beasts and the fishes were saying. He read the next page of spells, and saw the sun shining in the sky, the moon and the stars, and knew their secrets – and he saw also the gods themselves who are hidden from mortal sight.

‘Then, rejoicing that the priest’s words had proved true, and the Book of Thoth was his, he cast a spell upon the magic men, saying, "Workmen, workmen, work for me and take me back to the place from which I came!" They brought him back to Koptos where I sat waiting for him, taking neither food nor drink in my anxiety, but sitting stark and still like one who is gone to the grave.

‘When Nefrekeptah came to me, he held out the Book of Thoth and I took it in my hands. And when I read the first page I also had power over the heavens and the earth, the abyss, the mountains and the sea; and I also knew what the birds, the beasts and the fishes were saying. And when I read the second page I saw the sun, the moon and the stars with all the gods, and knew their secrets even as he did.

‘Then Nefrekeptah took a clean piece of papyrus and wrote on it all the spells from the Book of Thoth. He took a cup of beer and washed off the words into it and drank it so that the knowledge of the spells entered into his being. But I, who cannot write, do not remember all that is written in the Book of Thoth – for the spells which I had read in it were many and hard.

"…a sudden power seemed to seize our little boy Merab so that he was drawn into the river and sank out of sight."

‘After this we entered the Royal Boat and set sail for Memphis. But scarcely had we begun to move, when a sudden power seemed to seize our little boy Merab so that he was drawn into the river and sank out of sight. Seizing the Book of Thoth, Nefrekeptah read from it the necessary spell, and at once the body of Merab rose to the surface of the river and we lifted it on board. But not all the magic in the Book, not that of any magician in Egypt, could bring Merab back to life.

Nonetheless Nefrekeptah was able to make his Ka speak to us and tell us what had caused his death. And the Ka of Merab said, "Thoth the great god found that his Book had been taken, and he hastened before Amen-Re, saying, ‘Nefrekeptah, son of Pharaoh Amen-hotep, has found my magic box and slain its guards and taken my Book with all the magic that is in it.’ And Re replied to him, ‘Deal with Nefrekeptah and all that is his as it seems good to you: I send out my power to work sorrow and bring a punishment upon him and upon his wife and child.’ And that power from Re, passing through the will of Thoth, drew me into the river and drowned me."

‘Then we made great lamentation, for our hearts were well nigh broken at the death of Merab. We put back to shore at Koptos, and there his body was embalmed and laid in a tomb as befitted him.

‘When the rites of burial and the lamentations for the dead were ended, Nefrekeptah said to me, "Let us now sail with all haste down to Memphis to tell our father the Pharaoh what has chanced. For his heart will be heavy at the death of Merab. Yet he will rejoice that I have the Book of Thoth."

‘So we set sail once more in the Royal Boat. But when it came to the place where Merab had fallen into the water, the power of Re came upon me also and I walked out of the cabin and fell into the river and was drowned. And when Nefrekeptah by his magic arts had raised my body out of the river, and my Ka had told him all, he turned back to Koptos and had my body embalmed and laid in the tomb beside Merab.

‘Then he set out once more in bitter sorrow for Memphis. But when it reached that city, and Pharaoh came aboard the Royal Boat, it was to find Nefrekeptah lying dead in the cabin with the Book of Thoth bound upon his breast. So there was mourning throughout all the land of Egypt, and Nefrekeptah was buried with all the rites and honors due to the son of Pharaoh in this tomb where he now lies, and where my Ka and the Ka of Merab come to watch over him.

‘And now I have told you all the woe that has befallen us because we took and read the Book of Thoth – the book which you ask us to give up. It is not yours, you have no claim to it, indeed for the sake of it we gave up our lives on earth.’

When Setna had listened to all the tale told by the Ka of Ahura, he was filled with awe. But nevertheless the desire to have the Book of Thoth was so strong upon him that he said, ‘Give me that which lies upon the dead breast of Nefrekeptah, or I will take it by force.’

Then the Kas of Ahura and Merab drew away as if in fear of Setna the great magician. But the Ka of Nefrekeptah arose from out of his body and stepped towards him, saying, ‘Setna, if after hearing all the tale which Ahura my wife has told you, yet you will take no warning, then the Book of Thoth must be yours. But first you must win it from me, if your skill is great enough, by playing a game of draughts with me – a game of fifty-two points. Dare you do this?’

And Setna answered, ‘I am ready to play.’

So the board was set between them, and the game began. And Nefrekeptah won the first game from Setna, and put his spell upon him so that he sank into the ground to above the ankles. And when he won the second game, Setna sank to his waist in the ground. Once more they played and when Nefrekeptah won Setna sank in the ground until only his head was visible. But he cried out to his brother who stood outside the tomb: ‘Anherru! Make haste! Run to Pharaoh and beg of him the great Amulet of Ptah, for by it only can I be saved, if you set it upon my head before the last game is played and lost.’

So Anherru sped down the steep road from Saqqara to where Pharaoh sat in his palace at Memphis. And when he heard all, he fastened into the Temple of Ptah, took the great Amulet from its place in the sanctuary, and gave it to Anherru, saying: ‘Go with all speed, my son, and rescue your brother Setna from this evil contest with the dead.’

Back to the tomb sped Anherru, and down through the passages to the tomb-chamber where the Ka of Nefrekeptah still played at draughts with Setna. And as he entered, Setna made his last move, and Nefrekeptah reached out his hand with a cry of triumph to make the final move that should win the game and sink Setna out of sight beneath the ground for ever.

But before Nefrekeptah could move the piece, Anherru leapt forward and placed the Amulet of Ptah on Setna’s head. And at its touch Setna sprang out of the ground, snatched the Book of Thoth from Nefrekeptah’s body and fled with Anherru from the tomb.

As they went they heard the Ka of Ahura cry, ‘Alas, all power is gone from him who lies in this tomb.’

But the Ka of Nefrekeptah answered, ‘Be not sad: I will make Setna bring back the Book of Thoth, and come as a suppliant to my tomb with a forked stick in his hand and a fire-pan on his head.’

Then Setna and Anherru were outside, and at once the tomb closed behind them and seemed as if it had never been opened.

When Setna stood before his father the great Pharaoh and told him all that had happened, and gave him the Amulet of Ptah, Rameses said, ‘My son, I counsel you to take back the Book of Thoth to the tomb of Nefrekeptah like a wise and prudent man. For otherwise be sure that he will bring sorrow and evil upon you, and at the last you will be forced to carry it back as "a suppliant with a forked stick in your hand and a fire-pan on your head."

But Setna would not listen to such advice. Instead, he returned to his own dwelling and spent all his time reading the Book of Thoth and studying all the spells contained in it. And often he would carry it into the Temple of Ptah and read from it to those who sought his wisdom.

"One day as he sat the temple he saw a maiden, more beautiful than any he had ever seen with 52 girls in attendance."

One day as he sat in a shady colonnade of the temple he saw a maiden, more beautiful than any he had ever seen, entering the temple with fifty-two girls in attendance on her. Setna gazed fascinated at this lovely creature with her golden girdle and head-dress of gold and colored jewels, who knelt to make her offerings before the statue of Ptah. Soon he learned that she was called Tabubua, and was the daughter of the high priest of the cat goddess Bastet from the city of Bubastis to the north of Memphis – Bastet who was the bride of the god Ptah of Memphis.

As soon as Setna beheld Tabubua it seemed as if Hathor the goddess of love had cast a spell over him. He forgot all else, even the Book of Thoth, and desired only to win her. And it did not seem as if his suit would be in vain, for when he sent a message to her, she replied that if he wished to seek her he was free to do so – provided he came secretly to her palace in the desert outside Bubastis.

Setna made his way thither in haste, and found a pylon tower in a great garden with a high wall round about it. There Tabubua welcomed him with sweet words and looks, led him to her chamber in the pylon and served him with wine in a golden cup.

When he spoke to her of his love, she answered, ‘Be joyful, my sweet lord, for I am destined to be your bride. But remember that I am no common woman but the child of Bastet the Beautiful – and I cannot endure a rival. So before we are wed write me a scroll of divorcement against your present wife; and write also that you give your children to me to be slain and thrown down to the cats of Bastet – for I cannot endure that they shall live and perhaps plot evil against our children.’

‘Be it as you wish!’ cried Setna. And straightway he took his brush and wrote that Tabubua might cast his wife out to starve and slay his children to feed the sacred cats of Bastet. And when he had done this, she handed him the cup once more and stood before him in all her loveliness, singing a bridal hymn. Presently terrible cries came floating up to the high window of the pylon – the dying cries of his children, for he recognized each voice as it called to him in agony and then was still.

But Setna drained the golden cup and turned to Tabubua, saying, ‘My wife is a beggar and my children lie dead at the pylon foot, I have nothing left in the world but you – and I would give all again for you. Come to me, my love!’

Then Tabubua came towards him with outstretched arms, more lovely and desirable than Hathor herself. With a cry of ecstasy Setna caught her to him – and as he did so, on a sudden she changed and faded until his arms held a hideous, withered corpse. Setna cried aloud in terror, and as he did so the darkness swirled around him, the pylon seemed to crumble away, and when he regained his senses he found himself lying naked in the desert beside the road that led from Bubastis to Memphis.

The passersby on the road mocked at Setna. But one kinder than the rest threw him an old cloak, and with this about him he came back to Memphis like a beggar.

When he reached his own dwelling place and found his wife and children there alive and well, he had but one thought and that was to return the Book of Thoth to Nefrekeptah.

‘If Tabubua and all her sorceries were but a dream,’ he exclaimed, ‘they show me in what terrible danger I stand. For if such another spell is cast upon me, next time it will prove to be no dream.’

So, with the Book of Thoth in his hands, he went before Pharaoh his father and told him what had happened. And Rameses the Great said to him, ‘Setna, what I warned you of has come to pass. You would have done better to obey my wishes sooner. Nefrekeptah will certainly kill you if you do not take back the Book of Thoth to where you found it. Therefore go to the tomb as a suppliant, carrying a forked stick in your hand and a fire-pan on your head.’

Setna did as Pharaoh advised. When he came to the tomb and spoke the spell, it opened to him as before, and he went down to the tomb-chamber and found Nefrekeptah lying in his sarcophagus with the Kas of Ahura and Merab sitting on either side. And the Ka of Ahura said, ‘Truly it is Ptah, the great god, who has saved you and made it possible for you to return here as a suppliant.’

Then the Ka of Nefrekeptah rose from the body and laughed, saying, ‘I told you that you would return as a suppliant, bringing the Book of Thoth. Place it now upon my body where it lay these many years. But do not think that you are yet free of my vengeance. Unless you perform that which I bid you, the dream of Tabubua will be turned into reality.’

Then said Setna, bowing low, ‘Nefrekeptah, master of magic, tell me what I may do to turn away your just vengeance. If it be such as a man may perform, I will do it for you.’

‘I ask only a little thing,’ answered the Ka of Nefrekeptah. ‘You know that while my body lies here for you to see, the bodies of Ahura and Merab rest in their tomb at Koptos.

Bring their bodies here to rest with mine until the Day of Awakening when Osiris returns to earth – for we love one another and would not be parted.’

Then Setna went in haste to Pharaoh and begged for the use of the Royal Boat. And Pharaoh was pleased to give command that it should sail with Setna where he would. So Setna voyaged up the Nile to Koptos. And there he made a great sacrifice to Isis and Horus, and begged the priests of the temple to tell him where Ahura and Merab lay buried. But, though they searched the ancient writings in the temple, they could find no record.

Setna was in despair. But he offered a great reward to any who could help him, and presently a very old man came tottering up to the temple and said, ‘If you are Setna the great scribe, come with me. For when I was a little child my grandfather’s father who was as old as I am now told me that when he was even as I was then his grandfather’s father had shown him where Ahura and Merab lay buried – for as a young man in the days of Pharaoh Amen-hotep the First he had helped to lay them in the tomb.’

Setna followed eagerly where the old man led him, and came to a house on the edge of Koptos.

‘You must pull down this house and dig beneath it,’ said the old man. And when Setna had bought the house for a great sum from the scribe who lived in it, he bade the soldiers whom Pharaoh had sent with him level the house with the ground and dig beneath where it had stood.

They did as he bade them, and presently came to a tomb buried beneath the sand and cut from the rock. And in it lay the bodies of Ahura and Merab. When he saw them, the old man raised his arms and cried aloud; and as he cried he faded from sight and Setna knew that it was the Ka of Nefrekeptah which had taken on that shape to lead him to the tomb.

So he took up the mummies of Ahura and Merab and conveyed them with all honor, as if they had been the bodies of a queen and prince of Egypt, down the Nile in the Royal Boat to Memphis.

And there Pharaoh himself led the funeral procession to Saqqara, and Setna placed the bodies of Ahura and Merab beside that of Nefrekeptah in the secret tomb where lay the Book of Thoth.

When the funeral procession had left the tomb, Setna spoke a charm and the wall closed behind him leaving no trace of a door. Then at Pharaoh’s command they heaped sand over the low stone shrine where the entrance to the tomb was hidden; and before long a sandstorm turned it into a great mound, and then leveled it out so that never again could anyone find a trace of the tomb where Nefrekeptah lay with Ahura and Merab and the Book of Thoth, waiting for the Day of Awakening when Osiris shall return to rule over the earth.


The ancient Greek word for interpreter/translator is Hermeneus directly related to the name of the god Hermes.


Hermes, the herald of the Olympian gods, is son of Zeus and the nymph Maia, daughter of Atlas and one of the Pleiades. Hermes is the god of shepherds, land travel, merchants, weights and measures, oratory, literature, athletics and thieves, and known for his cunning and shrewdness. Most importantly, he is the messenger of the gods. Besides that he was also a minor patron of poetry. He was worshipped throughout Greece – especially in Arcadia – and festivals in his honor were called Hermoea.

According to legend, Hermes was born in a cave on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. Zeus had impregnated Maia at the dead of night while all other gods slept. When dawn broke amazingly he was born. Maia wrapped him in swaddling bands, then resting herself, fell fast asleep. Hermes, however, squirmed free and ran off to Thessaly. This is where Apollo, his brother, grazed his cattle. Hermes stole a number of the herd and drove them back to Greece. He hid them in a small grotto near to the city of Pylos and covered their tracks.

Before returning to the cave he caught a tortoise, killed it and removed its entrails. Using the intestines from a cow stolen from Apollo and the hollow tortoise shell, he made the first lyre. When he reached the cave he wrapped himself back into the swaddling bands. When Apollo realized he had been robbed he protested to Maia that it had been Hermes who had taken his cattle. Maia looked to Hermes and said it could not be, as he is still wrapped in swaddling bands.

Zeus the all powerful intervened saying he had been watching and Hermes should return the cattle to Apollo. As the argument went on, Hermes began to play his lyre. The sweet music enchanted Apollo, and he offered Hermes to keep the cattle in exchange for the lyre. Apollo later became the grand master of the instrument, and it also became one of his symbols. Later while Hermes watched over his herd he invented the pipes known as a syrinx (pan-pipes), which he made from reeds. Hermes was also credited with inventing the flute. Apollo, also desired this instrument, so Hermes bartered with Apollo and received his golden wand which Hermes later used as his heralds staff. (In other versions Zeus gave Hermes his heralds staff).

Being the herald (messenger of the gods), it was his duty to guide the souls of the dead down to the underworld, which is known as a psychopomp. He was also closely connected with bringing dreams to mortals.

It was Hermes who liberated Io, the lover of Zeus, from the hundred-eyed giant Argus, who had been ordered by Hera, the jealous wife of Zeus, to watch over her. Hermes charmed the giant with his flute, and while Argos slept Hermes cut off his head and released Io. Hera, as a gesture of thanks to her loyal servant, scattered the hundred eyes of Argos over the tail of a peacock (Heras’ sacred bird).

Known for his swiftness and athleticism, Hermes was given credit for inventing foot-racing and boxing. At Olympia a statue of him stood at the entrance to the stadium and his statues where in every gymnasium throughout Greece. Apart from herms, Hermes was a popular subject for artists. Both painted pottery and statuary show him in various forms, but the most fashionable depicted him as a good-looking young man, with an athletic body, and winged sandals and his heralds staff.


Hermes was the Master of all arts and sciences, perfect in all crafts, Ruler of the Three Worlds, Scribe of the Gods, and Keeper of the Books of Life, Thoth Hermes Trismegistus – the Three Times, the "First Intelligencer" – was regarded by the ancient Egyptians as the embodiment of the Universal Mind. While in all probability there actually existed a great sage and educator by the name of Hermes, it is impossible to extricate the historical man from the mass of legendary accounts which attempt to identify him with the Cosmic Principle of Thought.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Hermes Trismegistus

Hermes was Thoth the Egyptian Scribe Who wrote the story of our reality

Hermes was Mercury – the Messenger of the Gods. Greek Gods of Mount Olympus – Mercury inherited Hermes’ attributes

Hermes was the Trickster Representing the Duality of our Reality – Good vs. Evil. In the role of the Trickster he was also the god of thieves and deceit. His lessons are taught by tricking you.

Hermes was Merlin the Magician – linked to his role as the Trickster. His lessons are taught by Magic to help you see through the illusion of Time and Emotion.

Hermes – Ancient Mystery School Teachings – the Hermetic Orders – which is linked with Alchemy of Consciousness – Moving to a higher frequency of thought – Releasing the Hermetic seals at the End of Time – Or the Illusion of Time – the release of the soul from the physical form.

An end time happens when the grid program of a reality – triggers a release into the next level of consciousness and all souls return to higher light.

Hermes Wikipedia

Hermeticism Wikipedia


There will come a time when it will have been in vain that Egyptians have honored the Godhead with heartfelt piety and service; and all our holy worship will be fruitless and ineffectual. The Gods will return from earth to heaven; Egypt will be forsaken, and the land which was once the home of religion will be left desolate, bereft of the presence of its deities.

They will no longer love this world around us, this incomparable work of God, this glorious structure which he has built, this sum of good made up of many diverse forms, this instrument whereby the will of God operates in that which he has made, ungrudgingly favoring man’s welfare.

Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven; the pious will be deemed insane, the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good.

As for the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to attain to immortality, as I have taught you; all this they will mock, and even persuade themselves that it is false. No word of reverence or piety, no utterance worthy of heaven, will be heard or believed.

And so the Gods will depart from mankind – a grievous thing and only evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and drive the poor wretches into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the soul.

Then will the earth tremble, and the sea bear no ships; heaven will not support the stars in their orbits, all voices of the Gods will be forced into silence; the fruits of the Earth will rot; the soil will turn barren, and the very air will sicken with sullen stagnation; all things will be disordered and awry, all good will disappear.

But when all this has befallen, then God the Creator of all things will look on that which has come to pass, and will stop the disorder by the counterforce of his will, which is the good. He will call back to the right path those who have gone astray; he will cleanse the world of evil, washing it away with floods, burning it out with the fiercest fire, and expelling it with war and pestilence.

The God Hermes


Astrology – Mercury Retrograde

Hermes Trismegistus
Greek for "Hermes the thrice-greatest"

Caduceus Rod of Hermes

Lyra of Hermes

Using the Rod to Slay the Dragon

Omega Project, Ending the Human DNA Experiment, Leo, Lion

Along with the list of mythological gods we find encoded in the grid stories of the creation of the human experiment, we also find the Zep Tepi. As with all legends, this is metaphoric in content, a connection between the Atlantean grid program and the ancient Egypt grid.

Within the void called Time and Space there are those who move from reality to reality creating the programs in which souls experience. They move through the place known as Zero Point , where matter and antimatter merge to create new realities. It is the place where positive and negative collide to destroy matter and recreate new.

It is a place of awakening and a place of forgetfulness. It is the beginning and the end of all and everything. It is the home of the creational forces, those who bend and shape realities through sound, light and color. The term Zep, Zipper, closing and opening, rips in time, movement through space time, DNA as a polymer or encoded DNA.

Zep Tepi is Genesis. Zep means Time. Tepi means First. Together they are the ‘First Time’ or the Golden Age (Alchemy) where the gods moved through the Void and created the grid of our reality. We know them as the Pantheon of Egyptian Gods, Ptah, Ra, Su, Geb, Set,Osiris, (associated with Orion, god of resurrection and rebirth,) Horus, Ma’at , and Thoth who came to this realm, loosely based on the precession of the equinoxes, approximately 12,500 year ago, give or take a few hundred years.

Their sacred message was allegedly recorded in the Emerald Tablet of Thoth the Atlantean who, as the God, Tehuti, was the ruler of Atlantis for an unspecified period of time, coming and going through the story of its existence.

At Zep Tepi, the constellation Orion acknowledged as the most significant constellation to the ancient Egyptians, was at its lowest position in the southern sky. From Zep Tepi onward, precession of the equinoxes has been gradually carrying Orion/Osiris higher and higher in the sky. The Sphinx is positioned such that in 10,500 BC – time of Zep Tepi – give or take a few hundred years, a remarkable astronomical arrangement of the Sun, Orion, and the constellation of Leo occurred. Leo, Lion, Crown, King.

Orion=Star Gate=SG=Sacred Geometry.

This is the symbol for the god Aker. It signifies the horizon, the point where night turns to day, where day turns to night – Zero Point or Zep Tepi. It is depicted as two lions seated back to back, facing away from each other. They are also called Yesterday and Tomorrow, as one lion faces towards the east where the sun rises and begins the new day, the other lion faces west where the sun sets and descends into the Underworld. Aker also guards the gate to the Underworld and opens it for the King to pass through. We also find this pattern on thebreastplate of the Sphinx and represents duality.

The area between the lions’ backs often shows the circle of the sun as if rising between two hills. This also signifies the sun’s journey across the sky during the day, as well as it being safely carried on the back of Aker during its dangerous night journey in the Underworld each night. Aker was not worshipped in temples as a Netjer. He was more connected perhaps to the primeval concepts and Earth powers.

According to a prominent Ancient Egyptian myth, the legendary Gates of the Afterworld were guarded by two gigantic lions or sphinxes called Aker. In New Kingdom tomb drawings the aker-sphinx of the eastern gate sits proud with its hind parts in a hollow. Underneath it can be seen an curious underground stream or duct. Behind the lion towers a huge mound or pyramid and under it is found a large, oval chamber which appears to be hermetically sealed.

In this mysterious chamber it said to be some lofty secret, no doubt from the ‘gods’ who ruled the land of Egypt during the remote epoch of Zep Tepi -‘The First Time’. This strange chamber was called the ‘House of Sokar’ in Rostau. The resemblance with the Sphinx complex at Giza is uncanny. Giza, in ancient time, was called Rostau. Sokar, a hawk-headed deity, was identified as Horus.

Mythology and Metaphors

At the time of the destruction of Atlantis, when the Earth shook, and all was lost in the oceans of creation, the secret knowledge was hidden in crystals, and higher frequency elements to be released at the time of the Zep Tepi. This is that time. It was Tehuti who allegedly left Atlantis in a spaceship, with those who were to recreate the next program of man. They waiting for the seas to settle and the sun to come out upon the glistening water below.

And when the sun did shine, it rose in the Age of Leo, and the Lion did roar, and a new creation began, symbolized by the Lion (Sphinx) who sits beside the Great Pyramid (male-female). It was at that time that Tehuti/ Thoth/ Thought/ Time, moved back into the realms of the physical and brought with him those who would walk upon the land.

There were supposedly those who survived the Great Flood, the end of one program and the beginning of another as water means collective unconsciousness. There are those who believe that at the fall of Atlantis souls moved underground guided by a golden light, where they created subterranean cities. This is a metaphor for moving into another grid program. These entities were sometimes referred to as the Deros.

When the Gods and Goddesses returned to the planet, this was in truth another program or reality created by a new blueprint or sacred geometry that would create the effect of linear movement through passages called time. It was just an experiment.

Tehuti allegedly arrived through a portal, in his pyramid-shaped spaceship, in the land that the Egyptians would call Khem. There he would build the foundation of his new reality program. Above would be a pyramid in which he and the Zep Tepi, as a race of gods, would reside. Below would be its counterpart another Great Pyramid perfectly encoded and placed at the center of the mathematical design to create an illusion in which the souls would experience. The Zep Tepi supposedly remained on the planet long enough to create a new race, humans.

The Zep Tepi or Ancients would visit their creation coming through their pyramids on the planet or arriving in great spaceships that would be part of humanity’s recorded history. They would leave behind great reminders of humanity¹s creational forces, the Zep Tepi.

There were 12 areas or major grid points on the planet through which the Zep Tepi moved, creating 12 nations, all of which came into being at the same time, each independent of the other, yet all created by the Zep Tepi, who would go by different names in different lands. Some called them the Giants who walked upon the Earth, their exploits recorded on ancient hieroglyphs, sacred monuments and texts as creational myths by all 12 nations, each with their own understanding of these creational forces, the Zep Tepi.

There are those who say Tehuti buried the truth about creation in a Hall of Records, Halls of Amenti, in a Crystal Tablet, which lies beneath the ground, in his spaceship, near the Great Pyramid. The Zep Tepi left behind the core crystal which supports the reality of their creation. It has been called the Hall of Records. Some say the Zep Tepi hid the information in a Golden Capstone, above the Great Pyramid. As is Above, So is Below – pyramids above and below forming an hourglass that form the illusion of time.

As realities move within the spiraling loops of consciousness, change must occur. The Zep Tepi must return to rebalance and recreate new experience. As the flame of their Crystal Creation burns through the fires of the alchemy of experience, there comes a time of separation or merge. The flame separates the transition metals of consciousness, the gold (enlightened ones) moving to higher light due to their accelerated frequency, and the slag, having to return to the raw materials of the void.

The outer walls of the temple of Edfu, which date back to the pyramid age, speak of Zep Tepi, or the First Time of the Gods, whose kings were the Neteru (Neters or Gods).

Alchemy and Magic

Zep Tepi is also known as an alchemist which makes him a Magician, Magi, Master, he who can bend the light to create illusion in the electromagnetic program or our reality – magnetics and illusion. He is known to the Egyptians as Thoth, (thought) the "Lord of Magic and Time" – to the Greeks as Hermes, ‘Messenger of the Gods" – and to the Celtics as the enigmatic wizard Merlin, who disappears up an apple tree to mythic Avalon, seeking the secret of immortality and vowing to return.

Zep Tepi has always left the message in all legends, even those of an extraterrestrial nature, that he will return at the end of this Cycle of Time through the alchemy of DNA and consciousness. He brings with him the secret keys to the gates of a sacred land or golden age, meaning a spiraling of consciousness as it returns to higher frequencies of light and understanding.

In the role of Enoch, Zep Tepi encoded messages in a language of symbols, archetypes. Hidden in ancient languages, the lost Enochian knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a Language of Light. Known to the ancients as HIBURU, which sounds like Nibiru or Hebrew. It is the primal seed language, introduced at the beginning of this time cycle by the Zep Tepi. Modern research confirms, the most ancient form Hebrew to be a natural language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare patterns of the brain. The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning vortex. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system.

Encoding the natural waveform geometries of the physical world, Hiburu is a harmonic language, mimicking the waveform properties of light. The Keys Enoch speaks of, turn out to be sound keys, keys to be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the mythic ‘Power of the World’. The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and higher consciousness states.

DNA, the ancient cabalistic Tree Of Life portrayed in the Biblical Torah, is now coming to be viewed as a live vibrating structure, rather than a fixed tape recording. Many modern scientists, regard DNA as a shimmering, waveform configuration, able to be modified by light, radiation, magnetic fields or sonic pulses. The legacy of Thoth/Enoch suggests this Language of Light the harmonic science of the ancients, could actually affect DNA.
The evidence in Egypt, indicates this was the grand 6,000 year genetic experiment attempted by the Egyptians, the quest for immortality and the stars, a quest described by the great ones of old, a quest initiated by Gilgamesh long ago. The Egyptians were not fixated on the afterlife, as thought by early Christian translators but, focused on creating a higher type of human. This also links with bio-genetic engineering, cloning and alien experiments. Along with many ancient cultures, they believed DNA came from the stars and was destined to return and transform.

The Greek word Phoenix derived from the Egyptian word Pa-Hanok, meaning "The House of Enoch". The Enochian knowledge suggests these regular cataclysmic changes act as an evolutionary agent provocateur, to quicken the resident life forms to the next evolutionary phase prior to exodus from the womb planet, creational egg.

The knowledge of Thoth and Enoch implies humans are meant to evolve beyond our present terrestrial form. The Egyptians recorded stories of the Star Walkers, occasional individuals who, like Enoch, traveled beyond the Great Eye of Orion [out of the program] and returned, to walk like gods amongst men. The ancient texts insist we are destined to become as gods, the Mayan Lords of Light and the Egyptian/Tibetan Shining Ones. We are in truth there now. We are destined to remember who we are. Such is the golden alchemy of time and consciousness.

According to many Earth legends, the Zep Tepi return at the beginning and end of each time cycle, the 13,000 year half-point of our solar system – 26,000 year zodiacal orbit around galactic center. Because of conditions on our galactic orbit, these 13,000 year intervals or worlds, seem to be separated by cataclysmic upheaval, as history teaches.

The ‘calendar in stone’ of the Great Pyramid, describes the so-called Phoenix Cycle of our galactic orbit, the present time period ends (converted to our present calendar) in the year 2012 AD. The Greek word Phoenix, derived from the Egyptian word, Pa-Hanok, actually means, The House of Enoch.

Enochian knowledge suggests regular cataclysmic changes act as an evolutionary agent provocateur to quicken the resident life forms to the next evolutionary phase, prior to exodus from the womb planet. Human evolution may proceed more rapidly than previously thought. The evidence now appearing, records civilizations before us, who mastered the physical continuum and progressed beyond this world.

Discoveries emerging from Egypt, describe the existence of a world wide pyramid temple system in prehistory, mounted like antennae on the key energy meridians, which were employed by ancient priest-scientists as a musical system to stabilize the tectonic plates of the planet… cataclysmic geology at it’s finest. From the mother tongue word Jedaiah, meaning ‘the way of the Word’ or ‘The power of the Word’, the ancient Jedai priests used the Language of Light to tune the planet like a giant harmonic bell. Much is being rediscovered in the last days of this time cycle.

During the fabled First Time, Zep Tepi, when the gods ruled in their country, they said it was a golden age during which the waters of the abyss receded, the primordial darkness was banished, and humanity, emerging into the light, was offered the gifts of civilization.

They spoke also of intermediaries between gods and men called the Urshu, a category of lesser divinities whose title meant ‘the Watchers’. And they preserved particularly vivid recollections of the gods themselves, puissant and beautiful beings called the Neteru who lived on earth with humankind and exercised their sovereignty from Heliopolis and other sanctuaries up and down the Nile.

Some of these Neteru were male and some female but all possessed a range of supernatural powers which included the ability to appear, at will, as men or women, or as animals, birds, reptiles, trees or plants. Paradoxically, their words and deeds seem to have reflected human passions and preoccupations. Likewise, although they were portrayed as stronger and more intelligent than humans, it was believed that they could grow sick – or even die, or be killed – under certain circumstance."

The ancient Egyptians left records describing the Zep Tepi as actual historic peoples who were very advanced and came to the Nile valley from the south and proceeded to civilize and rule over the native peoples. This group of people known as Zep Tepi were survivors of disaster in their former home and sought safety and a new life in the Nile valley. It is they, according to the Egyptian records that built the Great Sphinx and the Pyramid complex at Giza.

– Graham Hancock – Fingerprints of the Gods

The Rods of the Zep Tepi