Tag Archive: Patriot

Dumbing-Down Society: How to Reverse its Effects

The Vigilent Citizen
Aug 2, 2010

The first two parts of this series describes the negative effects that some commonly consumed chemicals have on the body and brain. This third and final part looks at some natural ways to keep the brain healthy and provides tips to rid the body of dangerous substances. In other words, how to fight back against the dumbing down of society!

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Parts I and II of this series of articles identified some toxic substances found in common foods and medicines and described some of their effects on the human brain. The main culprits discussed were aspartame, mercury, fluoride and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Whether these substances disturb the nervous system, decrease cognitive function, impair judgment, or affect the memory, the net result is the general dumbing down of society.

All is not doom and gloom, however. Nature, with its wonderful tendency to restore equilibrium, provides us humans the cure to almost any affliction we might develop. Ancient healers even believed that nature helped humans discover the cure to their illnesses in subtle and mysterious ways:

“The plant might also be considered worthy of veneration because from its crushed leaves, petals, stalks, or roots could be extracted healing unctions, essences, or drugs affecting the nature and intelligence of human beings – such as the poppy and the ancient herbs of prophecy. The plant might also be regarded as efficacious in the cure of many diseases because its fruit, leaves, petals, or roots bore a resemblance in shape or color to parts or organs of the human body. For example, the distilled juices of certain species of ferns, also the hairy moss growing upon oaks, and the thistledown were said to have the power of growing hair; the dentaria, which resembles a tooth in shape, was said to cure the toothache; and the palma Christi plant, because of its shape, cured all afflictions of the hands.”
– Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

So, after dwelling in the awful world of poisonous chemicals and corrupted officials, the only fitting way to conclude this series of articles is to explore the all-natural ways to restore health.

Stop the Toxification

Warning: This article provides tips to naturally detoxify the body. If you are in need of a serious detox program, please consult a professional.

The first step in ridding your body from poisons is, quite logically, to stop ingesting poisons. It sounds simple enough, but this step is probably the most difficult, as many toxins are found in everyday foods and even tap water. An increased vigilance is necessary in everyday life and, sometimes, some annoying actions must be taken to keep the toxins out of your body. Nevertheless, once you actually feel your body and mind healing, you’ll be proud of your efforts.

Before we look at the ways to avoid specific toxins, here are some general guidelines any health-conscious person should apply at all times: Avoid processed foods and artificial drinks. Instead, look for organic and locally grown produce or, even better, grow your own fruits, vegetables and herbs. By doing so, you automatically avoid many harmful substances, including MSG, HFCS, pesticides, sodium fluoride and mercury. You also save money, which is always nice. When buying groceries, always read the labels and, as they say, if you can’t read it, don’t eat it.

Here are specific ways to avoid particular toxins:

Avoiding Fluoride

There are two types of fluoride: calcium fluoride and sodium fluoride. Calcium fluoride is naturally found in water sources, while sodium fluoride is a synthetic waste product of the nuclear, aluminum, and phosphate fertilizer industries. Guess which type is found in our water? Right, the nasty one. Regular water filters such as Brita do a good job in reducing the taste of metals and chemicals in the water but they do not filter out the fluoride. Purifying the water through reverse osmosis is the most effective way to remove sodium fluoride from water.

Dumbing Down Society: How to Reverse its Effects  ro install Standard reverse osmosis system

Some processed foods also contain high concentrations of sodium fluoride, including instant tea, grape juice products, and soy milk for babies, so once again, avoid processed foods. Also, switch to a fluoride-free toothpaste (or at least try not to swallow the $0.93 Colgate you bought at Walmart).

Consuming foods rich in calcium and magnesium help prevent fluoride intoxication, as they prevent the poison from attaching to the body.

“Magnesium is a very important mineral that many are lacking. Besides being so important in the metabolism and synthesis of nutrients within your cells, it also inhibits the absorption of fluoride into your cells! Along with magnesium, calcium seems to help attract the fluorides away from your bones and teeth, allowing your body to eliminate those toxins. So during any detox efforts with fluoride, it is essential that you include a healthy supplemental dose of absorbable calcium/magnesium as part of the protocol.”
– Paul Fassa, How to Detox Fluoride from Your Body

Avoiding Mercury

First, if you or your children are being vaccinated, always request a Thimerosal-free shot. Second, avoid fish and seafood with high mercury levels; fish with the highest levels of mercury are marlin, orange roughy, shark, swordfish, tilefish and tuna (ahi, albacore and Yellowfin). Some seafood has low mercury levels, making them safer to consume, including anchovies, catfish, clam, crab, shrimp, flounder, salmon, sardine, tilapia and trout. As rule of thumb, bigger fish contain more mercury since they eat smaller fish and absorb all their mercury, and live longer, allowing mercury to build up.

As seen in Part II of this series, some foods containing HFCS are also contaminated with mercury. Here’s the chart produced by the EPA:

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Avoiding Aspartame

Always read labels and avoid “sugar-free” products. Aspartame is found in soft drinks, over-the-counter drugs & prescription drugs (very common, listed under “inactive ingredients”), vitamin & herb supplements, yogurt, candy, breath mints, cereals, sugar-free chewing gum, cocoa mixes, coffee beverages, instant breakfasts, gelatin desserts, frozen desserts, juice beverages, laxatives, milk drinks, shake mixes, tabletop sweeteners, tea beverages, instant teas and coffees, topping mixes and wine coolers.

Avoiding HFCS

Read the labels and if you find high fructose corn syrup at the top the list of ingredients, tell the product “oh no you didn’t!”, snap your fingers with attitude and put it back on the shelf. Ignore the confused looks of other shoppers.

We will now look at some all-natural ways to detox the body from harmful substances.


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The standard procedure for removing heavy metals from the body is called “chelation.” It is accomplished by administering a chelating agent – usually dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) – that binds to the heavy metals in the body and cause them to be naturally flushed out. This type of treatment is quite strenuous, has many side-effects and should be undertaken only with medical supervision.

If, however, you believe that ridding the body of a harsh substance with another harsh substance might be self-defeating, I tend to agree with you. Fortunately there are herbs and spices that naturally act as chelating agents: Cilantro does a great job at it.

The most widely used and loved herbs and spices worldwide are derived from the same plant, Coriandrum sativum. The leaves of this plant are frequently referred to as cilantro, while the seeds are most commonly called coriander. Other than making any dish spectacular, the herb has the unique power of neutralizing mercury.

“This kitchen herb is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum in both bones and the central nervous system. It is probably the only effective agent in mobilizing mercury stored in the intracellular space (attached to mitochondria, tubulin, liposomes etc) and in the nucleus of the cell (reversing DNA damage of mercury).”
– Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, Chelation: How to remove Mercury, Lead, & other Metals

Studies have however suggested that cilantro only moves the problem to other parts of the body and thus must be used with another agent to complete the detoxification process.

Chlorella: Cilantro’s Side-Kick

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In addition to repairing and activating the body’s detoxification functions, chlorella is known to bind to all known toxic metals and environmental toxins and facilitate their evacuation. This makes chlorella cilantro’s perfect sidekick.

“Because cilantro mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals, that were previously stored in safer hiding places.

This process is called re-toxification. It can easily be avoided by simultaneously giving an intestinal toxin-absorbing agent. Our definite choice is the algal organism chlorella. A recent animal study demonstrated rapid removal of aluminum from the skeleton superior to any known other detox agent.

Cilantro causes the gallbladder to dump bile — containing the excreted neurotoxins — into the small intestine. The bile-release occurs naturally as we are eating and is much enhanced by cilantro. If no chlorella is taken, most neurotoxins are reabsorbed on the way down the small intestine by the abundant nerve endings of the enteric nervous system”
– Ibid


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We may not be sure if garlic actually repels vampires, but we can be certain it repels toxins from the body.

“Garlic contains numerous sulphur components, including the most valuable sulph-hydryl groups, which oxidize mercury, cadmium and lead and make these metals water-soluble. (…) Garlic also contains the most important mineral, which protects from mercury toxicity, bioactive selenium.”
– Ibid

So, garlic zaps mercury and lead and helps the body evacuate the metals from the body. Perhaps bad breath is the way to good health.

Turmeric (Curcuma)

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This plant from the ginger family is widely used in Southeast Asia as a spice and its cleaning powers have been renowned for centuries. Turmeric is enshrined in Ayurvedic medicine as the king of spices. The bitter spice helps cleanse the liver, purify the blood, and promotes good digestion and elimination. It possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties, but none of the unpleasant side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs. It has been used for skin cleansing, color enhancement and food preservation.

Turmeric steps up the production of three enzymes-aryl-hydrocarbon-hydroxylase, glutathione-S-transferase, and UDP-glucuronyl-transferase. These are chemical “knives” that break down potentially harmful substances in the liver. Turmeric offers similar protection for people who are taking medications such as methotrexate and other forms of chemotherapy, which are metabolized by, or shuttled through, the liver.

– James A. Dukes, Ph D., Dr. Duke’s Essential Herbs

Scientific studies have recently discovered that mixing black pepper with tumeric exponentially increases its healing properties on the body. No wonder traditional South Asian recipes often combine the two spices. So don’t hold back … grind some black pepper into that tumeric!


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It is not a secret that consuming the fatty acids found in fish brings many healthy benefits. The acids do wonders for our brains. In fact, Omega-3 is literally our brain’s fuel, helping to maintain its core functions. Our most important organ heavily relies on Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids that our bodies cannot create. The only way to obtain those acids is through diet.

“Most health professionals believe that DHA is the fatty acid that is most important for healthy structure and development of the brain and for vision so it is vital that there is enough DHA in the diet during pregnancy and in the first few years of a child’s life. EPA on the other hand, is essential for healthy functioning of the brain on a day to day basis, which means that throughout your life you need a constant supply of EPA.”
– David McEnvoy, Why Fish Oil is Brain Fuel

Here are some facts about Omega-3 that are of particular interest in the context of those articles:

  • Research by the University of Western Australia found that women who took fish oil supplements during the latter part of their pregnancy had babies with better hand-to-eye coordination, were better speakers and could understand more at the age of two and a half than babies whose mothers who were given olive oil instead.
  • A study by Aberdeen University, led by professor Lawrence Whalley, found that fish oil helps the brain to work faster, increases IQ scores and slows down the aging process.
  • The Durham trials led by Dr. Madeleine Portwood have consistently found that fish oil improves behaviour, concentration and learning in the classroom.
  • Researcher Natalie Sinn in Australia found fish oil to be more effective than Ritalin for ADHD.
  • Hibbeln et al. looked at diet in 22 countries and found an significant association between low fish consumption and post-natal depression.
  • Dr. Malcolm Peet found that ethyl-EPA, a highly concentrated form of Omega 3, dramatically reduces depression.

Fish oil also plays an important role in ridding the brain of unwanted substances:

“The fatty acid complexes EPA and DHA in fish oil make the red and white blood cells more flexible thus improving the microcirculation of the brain, heart and other tissues. All detoxification functions depend on optimal oxygen delivery and blood flow. EPA and DHA protect the brain from viral infections and are needed for the development of intelligence and eyesight. The most vital cell organelle for detoxification is the peroxisome. These small structures are also responsible for the specific job each cell has.

In the pineal gland the melatonin is produced in the peroxisome, in the neurons dopamine and norepinephrine, etc. It is here, where mercury and other toxic metal attach and disable the cell from doing its work.”
– Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, Chelation: How to remove Mercury, Lead, & other Metals

That is all well and good, but what are the best sources of fish oil? Consuming large quantities of fish would be the logical choice, but knowing that many species contain high levels of mercury, doing so might actually cause further damage to the brain. For this reason, Omega-3 supplements are probably the best way to keep the body well-stocked with EPA and DHA.

When selecting an Omega-3 supplement, you need to make sure it is molecularly distilledand is high in both DHA and EPA, especially DHA. Molecular distillation is a special process that removes all the toxins from the oil (including mercury), ensuring it is safe for human consumption. Avoid low-grade products. They often contain low levels of fatty acids and are filled with other oils and preservatives.

Final Advice: Sleep, Sweat and Stimulate

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  • Sufficient sleep is vital to keeping the body and the brain in good condition. Conversely, sleep deprivation impairs one’s ability to think handle stress, maintain a healthy immune system and moderate one’s emotions.
  • Regular exercise is critically important for detoxification. It allows the evacuation of toxins through skin while improving the entire metabolism.
  • Stimulate your brain: read, think, meditate and challenge it constantly.

In Conclusion

This article examines the ways to avoid harmful substances in everyday products and looks at a handful of all-natural ways to free the body from their poisonous grasp. In addition to providing us the necessary nutrients used by the body to evacuate toxins, the natural substances described in this article also help maintain general heath. Regularly consuming cilantro, garlic, turmeric and Omega-3 boosts the immune system, improves rational thinking and increases memory. The amazing properties of those simple ingredients are only now being (slowly) documented by science, but they have been used by cultures worldwide for centuries.

We are conditioned to treat ailments caused by artificial products with other artificial products, that, in turn, can cause other ailments. It is only by breaking this vicious circle that we can reclaim ownership of our brains and reach our fullest potential. So, today’s a new day: Put down the cheeseburger-flavored Doritos … and change your life.

My duty is to save the world: Prince Charles believes he was born for a purpose

Last updated at 11:56 PM on 30th July 2010

The Prince of Wales says he believes he has been placed on Earth as future King ‘for a purpose’ – to save the world.

Giving a fascinating insight into his view of his inherited wealth and influence, he said: ‘I can only somehow imagine that I find myself being born into this position for a purpose.

‘I don’t want my grandchildren or yours to come along and say to me, “Why the hell didn’t you come and do something about this? You knew what the problem was”. That is what motivates me.

‘I wanted to express something in the outer world that I feel inside… We seem to have lost that understanding of the whole of nature and the universe as a living entity.’

Prince Charles

Green champion: Prince Charles, a long-term committed supporter of the environment, says the modern world has lost the understanding of nature

His impassioned comments come during a film about his belief that unbridled commerce has led to the destruction of farmland and countryside.

The documentary, called Harmony, is due to be aired on the U.S. network NBC in November to coincide with the launch of a book of the same name by the prince.

Charles is understood to have waived his author’s fee, and all royalties will go to his charity, the Prince’s Trust.

But the Prince has previously come under fire for hypocrisy over his eco-values.

Last year he commandeered a jet belonging to the Queen’s Flight to attend the Copenhagen climate change summit, generating an estimated 6.4 tons of carbon dioxide – 5.2 tons more than if he had used a commercial plane.

Critics condemned his words as ‘delusional’.

‘I don’t want my grandchildren or yours to come along and say to me, “Why the hell didn’t you come and do something about this? You knew what the problem was”. That is what motivates me’

Graham Smith, of the anti-monarchy group Republic, said: ‘He is under the impression he has been sent to save the world and deliver us from our sins. It’s quite delusional.

‘He will have to be impartial and keep his mouth shut when he’s king. If he really believes this is his mission and he disagrees with Government in future, he risks plunging us into a constitutional crisis.’

Senior royal aides denied the prince was attempting to mould his public image and pave the way to ensure a positive legacy.

They stressed Charles also cared passionately about his other royal duties, such as defence.

One said: ‘In private he has dismissed talk of legacies – that’s not for him to say because it’s for others to judge. But hopefully his charities will carry on for many years to come.

Expensive trip: Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall in Brunei, south east Asia

Expensive trip: Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall in Brunei, Asia last summer. For the trip, he hired a private jet, leading to accusations of ‘green hypocrisy’ as the visit was designed to highlight environmental issues

‘He has said there is a reason why he’s in a position to raise these issues – that there is some higher power. But there is more to his role than just green problems.

‘It’s true that outside royal duties, the environment is the thing he cares most passionately about.’

In a trailer to the film, the prince spoke passionately about his decades-long quest for what he described in a statement as ‘a sacred duty of stewardship of the natural order of things’.

He said: ‘I started 22 years ago on something that nobody really wanted to know about except a few people who thought it was pretty crazy.

‘The way nature presents itself – we’ve turned it into merely a mechanical process.

‘What is happening to the small farmers around the world is simply appalling, as a result of globalisation. Is that really the intention behind it all, just to sweep all these people off the land?’

An Asian woman, who is not named in the documentary, piled praise on the royal, saying: ‘Princes Charles has been a very courageous man because he has never thought through the throne he will occupy – he has thought through the planet he lives on.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1299099/Prince-Charles-My-duty-save-world.html#ixzz0vYngYjU9

Shadowy Spy Group Building Dossiers On Internet Users For Feds

Project Vigilant: New Face of Total Information Awareness Goes Public

Shadowy Spy Group Building Dossiers On Internet Users For Feds 020810top2

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 2, 2010

An organization that tracks 250 million IP addresses a day has been developing portfolios on Internet users and handing the information to U.S. federal agencies as the latest incarnation of the supposedly defunct Total Information Awareness spy program is revealed.

A group calling itself Project Vigilant went public at yesterday’s Defcon security conference in an effort to add more recruits to its 600 member strong cyber spy force. The outfit announced that it had been tracking “Internet villains” for no less than 14 years and handing the information to federal authorities as part of a massive intelligence gathering program.

However, the target of one such investigation did not fall into the category of cyber criminals – “terrorists, drug cartels, mobsters” – that the group claims to be fighting.

The organization “encouraged one of its “volunteers”, researcher Adrian Lamo, to inform the federal government about the alleged source of a controversial video of civilian deaths in Iraq leaked to whistle-blower site Wikileaks in April,” reports Forbes.

Project Vigilant director Chet Uber used Lamo’s friendship with Bradley Manning, the former U.S. Army intelligence analyst who allegedly released the classified video, to out Manning, who now faces criminal charges. Uber told Lamo that it was his “patriotic duty” to inform on the man who was instrumental in bringing to light the war atrocities witnessed in the infamous “Collateral Murder” video, which shows U.S. troops slaughtering over a dozen innocent people and injuring others, including two children, Sajad Salah and his little sister Duaa Salah.

“According to Uber, one of Project Vigilant’s manifold methods for gathering intelligence includes collecting information from a dozen regional U.S. Internet service providers,” states the report. “Uber declined to name those ISPs, but said that because the companies included a provision allowing them to share users’ Internet activities with third parties in their end user license agreements (EULAs), Vigilant was able to legally able to gather data from the Internet carriers and use it to craft reports for federal agencies. A Vigilant press release says that the organization tracks more than 250 million IP addresses a day and can “develop portfolios on any name, screen name or IP address.”

Uber also founded InfraGard, the ominous FBI-affiliated public-private partnership that is a key component of the unfolding implementation of martial law in the United States.InfraGard made its intentions to act as a political police force clear in March 2009 when the group announced that questions surrounding Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility were “potentially harmful to civil order and national security”.

Uber’s organization poses as a volunteer orientated crime-fighting private outfit, and yet it is nothing more than a tentacle of the military-industrial complex’s sprawling unconstitutional internal spy apparatus.

Project Vigilant is an offshoot of the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s Total Information Awareness, a program designed to catalogue, “Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web site you visit and e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book and every event you attend,” as the New York Times’ William Safire wrote in November 2002.

TIA, symbolized by its logo of an all-seeing eye atop a pyramid shining upon the globe, was supposedly nixed by Congress shortly after it became public, but the program merely went underground and continued as a part of the Pentagon’s “black budget” and in conjunction with a plethora of private contractors in the same mould as Project Vigilant.

As Capitol Hill Blue reported back in 2004, “Despite Congressional action cutting funding, and the resignation of the program’s controversial director, retired admiral John Poindexter, DARPA’s TIA program is alive and well and prying into the personal business of Americans 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

DARPA has hired private contractors to perform the exact same duties set out in Total Information Awareness, and Project Vigilant is undoubtedly one of them. By hiring private companies to do the dirty work of spying on the American people, Congressional audits can be avoided and legal barriers can be sidestepped.

Project Vigilant is clearly nothing less than a government controlled attack dog fulfilling its role to implement the cybersecurity agenda, which as we have exhaustively documented has nothing to do with security and everything to do with political oppression, Chinese style Internet censorship, and the total evisceration of free speech on the world wide web.

Media Whores Promote Eugenics: Let’s Start Killing Grannies!

Neil Foster
Sovereign Independent
Aug 2, 2010

The first line of the article below gives the reader the opinion the whole article sets out to ‘prove’ and that is that the planet is ‘overcrowded’.


However, when you look at the facts, in other words how much space there is on our ‘overcrowded’ planet things suddenly appear very different. The article below goes through the whole overpopulation myth in simple terms to make it obvious that ‘overpopulation’ is an outrageous lie.


For example, did you know that everyone on the planet could live in an area the size of Texas? Yep that’s right and it’s not a difficult arithmetical problem to solve. You simply divide the landmass by the amount of people on the planet.

Now I’m sure some will state quite rightly that not all the land in Texas for example is habitable but we should remember we’re only talking about Texas here. There is ample habitable land in other states or countries which could adequately cope with every person on Earth with enough space to not only have a sizable home but also enough space to grow their own healthy food.

This fact also destroys the myth that too many people will lead to a world food shortage. The only reason there will be a food shortage is if it’s artificially created. This process of artificial food scarcity is actually ongoing as more and more farmers are put out of business through government regulation or are being paid not to grow food.

The United Nations itself has said in their own documents that Africa could feed the world so why are Africans starving?


The truth is that the Irish Times is simply another rag pushing the myth of overpopulation to promote a eugenics agenda. In their intelligence insulting article they stigmatise the elderly as a drain on the finances of the state. I’m sure it won’t be too long before they start publishing articles on euthanasia. Watch this space! Newsweek’s been at it already.


The article also pushes the notion of China’s one child policy although in a remarkable blunder or example of double speak, they state that China’s population, despite a one child policy will increase by 10%. Now surely simple arithmetic shouldn’t be beyond the Times but apparently they can’t seem to work that a one child policy will ultimately lead to a 50% decrease in population but never mind, it’s in the Times so it must be true.

They also suggest that Africans are to blame for the growing world population despite famine and drought killing millions every year, not to mention the sterility brought about by covert vaccination programs from the likes of Bill Gates and his cronies who seem overly obsessed with sterilising people.

I’ve posted the video below in a number of articles but will keep posting wherever it’s relevant because those who are hard of thinking or simply don’t understand the English language, he’s actually talking about sterilising people against their will and basically murdering people by poisoning them with his Rockefeller funded pharmaceuticals.

Keep that in mind when you buy Microsoft products because you’re funding this psychopathic lunatic in his sick project to kill people in the Third World. I guess they can’t afford his products so they’re just ‘useless eaters’ as fellow psychopath Henry Kissinger would call them.

People need to understand where all of this psychopathic lunacy comes from. Kissinger’s 1974 NSSM 200 document is a good start. You can read the full report here;


Back to the Times. The Times is nothing more than a propaganda tool. It always has been for the elites as has every other newspaper and media outlet including Hollywood to push the agenda of whatever plans they have, in this case depopulation. This has and always will be the job of the media, the ‘media’ meaning the middle. They do not want you thinking outside the box so they keep you not thinking in the middle of any topic they give you to ‘think’ about already knowing that you’ll come to the conclusion they want you to.

This quote from David Rockefeller spells it out:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.
But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

And you wonder why we have a banking crisis?

In the case of the Times article they know that the average reader will immediately come to the conclusion that we need to control the populations of the Thrid World and in particular Africa.

However, even although they admit that the West is dying, nowhere in the article is this deemed a problem and it’s even touted as a positive sign that the West is doing the right by basically commiting cultural suicide.

Of course, immigration is signaled as the great population problem facing the West thus further stigmatising foreigners who I’m sure in future articles in the Times will be accused of crime waves and ‘stealing’ the jobs of native peoples thus creating an enemy for the disenfranchised to target.

All segments of society must understand that all of them are being used in a massive chess game internationally being played out by the elite in a multifaceted divide aqnd conquer technique to destroy all of our societies by bring us all into conflict with a manufactured foe.

The real enemy however are the power elite themselves. We must stand together to confront the beast and destroy it before it inevitable destroys human life as we know it. There are not too many people. There are simply a few psychopaths playing us for fools.

Censored Gulf eyewitness testimonies of coughing up blood and other horror stories

July 31, 10:02 PMHuman Rights ExaminerDeborah Dupre’

What you can't smell can kill. If you smell Gulf toxins, you've been poisoned says Toxicologist Ott

What you can’t smell can kill. If you smell Gulf toxins, you’ve been poisoned says Toxicologist Ott

MedlinePlus. Issam Mikati, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Dir, Northwestern Clinic Echocardiography Lab, Northwestern Univ, Chicago, IL.

Coughing up blood is among horrors that eyewitnesses are reporting in south Louisiana where BP medics diagnose the sudden widespread, burning, itching skin,  lesions and marks as "scabies" or staph and government health focus on "stress" and mental condition of millions of people poisoned with what scientists report is 11 times more lethal than crude oil toxins now in Gulf and coastal water and air. Americans are still encouraged to eat Gulf seafood.

On July 29 Global Justice Radio Blog Talk Radio program hosted by Rev. T.K. (Kathryn) O’Shannahan-Hyland and Vin Beazel called"Agent Orange Alert," listeners heard eyewitness and personal accounts of internal bleeding from orifices including coughing up blood and nose bleeds. 

There was a call-in from a woman stranded and ill with rashes on her body. She was calling for help.

Callers dscribed leg-swelling among other effects since the oil explosion and lethal dispersant spraying operation.

Project Gulf Impact report on IntelHub that  1000’s of adults and children in S. Louisiana are reporting scabs, lesions and skin rashes.

One woman, preferring to remain anonymous, interviewed by the Project not only has this skin condition, but also "aching bones, weight loss, stomach pains, inflammation in her leg and sties developing in her eyes." (IntelHub: Thousands  in Gulf suffer misdiagnosed skin lesions, Jul 31, 2010)

Photo: Project Gulf Impact / IntelHub

Micha Walsh was a Gulf Coast volunteer in Grand Isle, Louisiana for four weeks. She then received a heavy toxic exposure during a 3-hour trip research team trip to Barataria Bay.

Walsh explains being unprepared for what she saw that day the team went out to collect water samples. Walsh would not be alone in thinking the she would not witness what she did. Mainstream news is blanketing the world with reports that clean-up workers cannot find oil. Walsh explained that the Barataria Bay area of south Louisiana where she went with the team is heavily oiled.

One of those researchers was soon coughing up blood.

BP’s well is still "constantly leaking oil"; "Nothing to see here" by OilFlorida reported by IntelHub follows:

EPA analyst whistleblower Hugh Kaufman recently explained that "we have dolphins that are hemorrhaging. People who work near it are hemorrhaging internally. And that’s what dispersants are supposed to do." (Author’s emphasis: See Censored Gulf news: People bleeding internally. Millions poisoned. EPA whistleblower, Dupre, D. Examiner, July 21, 2010 and MSNBC: Corexit injures human plus hides criminal evidence (video))

Walsh said that due to her toxic exposure symptoms, shd needed to go somewhere right after the radio show for detoxing, but has no insurance.

Barefoot Doctors have since reported that they need a network of people of goodwill to offer a room in their homes for Gulf Coast volunteers to detox.

During the program, listeners heard about using their sense of smell to judge severity of air quality and health impact. This is a dangerous myth.

According to authors of Gulf Oil Spill Health Hazards, "In some cases, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) released from crude oil can be detectable by smell. But  not all hazardous airborne chemicals have a detectable odor.

"The absence of oil odors does not mean that there are no crude oil chemicals in the air."

The authors highlight that "children and adults with asthma and other respiratory health problems (e.g., COPD) can experience serious health problems as a result of exposure to irritants, including those from oil spill chemicals below exposure rates the EPA claims could cause short-term health problems."

COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease refers to chronic bronchitis and emphysema that commonly co-exist. It is a serious lung disease that over time, makes it hard to breathe, ("makes it hard to get air in and out") according to the National Institute of Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NIHLB).

"When COPD is severe, shortness of breath and its other symptoms can get in the way of even the most basic tasks, such as doing light housework, taking a walk, even washing and dressing." (NIHLB)

  • COPD is the 4th leading cause of death in the United States and causes serious, long-term disability
  • COPD kills more than 120,000 Americans each year. That’s one death every 4 minutes
  • More than 12 million people are diagnosed with COPD
  • An additional 12 million likely have COPD and don’t even know it (NIHLB)

People such as Dr. Riki Ott and EPA analyst, High Kaufman have been alerting the public about Gulf Coast toxic dangers. Their alerts, however, have been muffled by the petrochemical-military-industrial complex TV and th BP’s PR campaign that show no respect for human life, even most basic human rights.

The Gulf PR campaign is thus far successful in that many Americans seem oblivious that genocide is being conducted on people of the Deep South, eerily similar to the Germans who claimed not knowing Nazis were gassing Jews, gypsies and the mentally ill.

Dr. Ott has stated that if people remain in the Gulf Coast area, they need to be wearing respirators. No mention was made during the raio program about the volunteers nor the residents following Ott’s advice about respirators.

Humans Helping Humans

On the radio program, Laila Bicksler stated that most people down in south Louisiana haven’t the means to even get as far as New Orleans if they want to do so. She agrees that the rest of the public, away from the coast, are unaware of just how dangerous the toxins are that people are being exposed to the point that fund-raisers are solely to pay out-of-work fishermen.

Bicksler is part project in Louisiana’s hard-hit Plaquemines Parish. Her organization, Humans Helping Humans of Louisiana and the Earth is a faith-based organization with a simple goal: helping people help themselves.

Founded by a pastor, a social worker and a teacher, the group seeks to give voice to the voiceless and assist them to survive in the wake of natural and man-made disasters.

"Yes, there are many assistance groups out there. We are here to fill the gaps, serving in areas they choose not to go," Bicksler stated.

"Our current project is a family fair. We plan is to have a public BBQ complete with entertainment."

The good Samaritans will have booths for area residents to get school supplies, uniforms, and shoes plus food for their hungry families.

Plight of fishing families and fish eaters

"This is a fishing community – a proud people. They do not like to ask for help," stated Bicksler.

"When they did approach BP for help, they were turned away. Their marina is empty. It should be thriving.

Is the Gulf seafood safe? Gulf seafood safety is questioned not only in the Gulf Coast area, but nationally since the Gulf provides seafood on the tables of Americans throughout the country, seafood possibly tainted with dangerous poisons due to the prolonged use of chemical dispersants applied on oil flowing out of Deepwater Horizon’s oil well and sprayed into the air.

The government-BP partnerhship continues to lie that there is no public health crisis in the Gulf Coast region and that the food web is not being altered, yet the Louisiana tourist industry believes and promotes the dangerous cover-up.

Scientists have reported early signs of the Gulf oil catastrophe altering the marine food web by killing or tainting some Gulf water creatures and increasing growth of others that thrive on fouled environments. (See Censored Gulf news: Food web ‘not altered’ lies in public health crisis D. Dupre, Examiner, July 19, 2010)

In early July, an Imperial College in London study revealed that oil spills can block the ocean’s natural ability to filter arsenic out of seawater. 

In late July, a Tulane University study revealed that samples of crab larvae from the area tested positive for hydrocarbons. The “orange blobs found lodged in the bodies of tiny blue crab larvae collected from marshes that stretch from Texas to Florida” appear to contain Corexit." (Fox 8 in New Orleans, reported on IntelHub) Not only are blue crabs a favorite Gulf food; other fish eat crab larvae.

Representative Edward Markey (D-MA) tried contacting FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg to confirm Gulf seafood safety, but still hasn’t heard back according to Care2 that today, launched a campaign to tell FDA Commissioner Hamburg to come clean about food safety in the Gulf.

New Orleans tourist industry is promoting that y’all come on and eat their Gulf seafood. This weekend, the Louisiana Convention and Business Center launched a new website on This Just In New Orleansfeaturing the video, Seafood Fresh As Ever (below),

"Now would be the time to try it."

<script src="http://player.ooyala.com/player.js?autoplay=1&width=640&deepLinkEmbedCode=F0dGRsMTpmQFlvjoHEE5T98L1wuRcGzK&height=360&embedCode=F0dGRsMTpmQFlvjoHEE5T98L1wuRcGzK"></script>


Bicksler stated that owners of only four of the hundreds of boats that dock in Plaquemines Parish "have been hired by BP and its operatives and that they were politically connected. The rest were not."

On the radio program, she explained that other boats that can go out to look for fish return to port empty, and that "the seafood supplies have been depleted."

Bicksler said:

"We have looked deep into the sorrowful eyes of the fishermen.

"We have heard the plaintive pleas of mothers.

"We have smelled the foul noxious odor of the oil.

"We cannot stand idly by and do nothing."

Copyright Deborah Dupre’ July 31, 2010 All Rights Reserved

The author grants permission to republish the title and first 2 paragraphs of this article provided they are linked to the original article her on Examiner. She welcomes emails: info@DeborahDupre.com

Urgent: Gulf Emergency Aid Need Now

“The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part of one another, and all involved in one another.” – Thomas Merton (American and Trappist Monk, Our Lady of Gethsemani Abbey in Trappist, Kentucky, 19151968)


10 ways to aid Gulf victims in need right now and how to survive being poisoned

Aid for Americans fleeing chemical rape


Human Helping Human of Louisiana and the Earth for information about your community holding a fund-raiser to help people in S. Louisiana: Phone or email Laila  Bicksler – 504.957.1533,  laila.bicksler@gmail.com.

Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors for information about urgently needed technical support and supplies for Toxic Survival Kits they are distributing. Email gcbarefootdocs@gmail.com

E. Harris if you are pregnant, or if you know someone pregnant and wanting to relocate from the Gulf Coast in need of financial help to leave, please phone Emily Harris on her cell phone,501.733.2409 or email touche.mobile@gmail.com. Please contact Harris today if you or your church has extra space for a pregnant woman to stay. This is urgently needed for women wanting to leave.

Remote Aerial Medical to volunteer for medical duty for the thousands of S. Louisiana people asking for help – see www.ramusa.org or email laurak@ramusa.org.

Thank you. – Deborah


Oops! Obama mama passport ‘destroyed’

State Dept. claims records gone for Stanley Ann Dunham prior to 1968

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Photo from Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro’s 1972passport records

Responding to a Freedom of Information Act request, the State Department has released passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham, President Obama’s mother – but records for the years surrounding Obama’s 1961 birth are missing.

The State Department claims a 1980s General Services Administration directive  resulted in the destruction of many passport applications and other "non-vital" passport records, including Dunham’s 1965 passport application and any other passports she may have applied for or held prior to 1965.

Destroyed, then, would also be any records shedding light on whether Dunham did or did not travel out of the country around the time of Barack Obama’s birth.

The claim made in the FOIA response letter that many passport records were destroyed during the 1980s comes despite a statement on the State Department website that Passport Services maintains U.S. passport records for passports issued from 1925 to the present.

The records released, however, contain interesting tidbits of new information about Obama’s mother, including the odd listing of two different dates and locations for her marriage to Obama’s Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.

In the released documents Dunham listed both March 15, 1965, in Molokai, Hawaii, and March 5, 1964, in Maui, Hawaii, as the dates and places of her marriage.

Dunham later divorced Lolo Soetoro in Hawaii. The divorce decree took effect Nov. 5, 1980, but the divorce papers do not list the date of the marriage.

No marriage certificate between Dunham and Soetoro has yet publicly surfaced, but a released application to amend Dunham’s 1965 passport to her married name Stanley Ann Soetoro includes a checked box indicating a passport officer had seen the marriage certificate.

The released records also document that on Aug. 13, 1968, Dunham applied to have her 1965-issued passport renewed for two years, until July 18, 1970.

Under 22 USC Sec. 217a, from 1959 through 1968, passports were initially issued for three years, but they could be renewed for an additional two years.

Obama, by any other name

Also revealed by the released records is a heretofore unknown, alternative name for Barack Obama.

In the 1968 application to renew her 1965 passport, Dunham listed as her son Barack Hussein Obama, including in parenthesis below the name, "Saebarkah," in what appears to be a variation of an Indonesian surname not previously associated in the public record with the president.

For some unexplained reason, the designation of "Barack Hussein Obama (Saebarkah)" is crossed off the 1968 application by five handwritten, diagonal hash marks.

S. Ann Dunham in Indonesia

Dunham also appears to have used two different variations of her name in obtaining and amending passports while married to Lolo Soetoro: Stanley AnnDunham Soetoro and, without her maiden name, Stanley Ann Soetoro.

On April 27, 1981, Dunham applied from Jakarta, Indonesia, for a U.S. passport, indicating that she was in Indonesia working on a two-year contract from the Ford Foundation, from January 1981 through December 1982.

At that time, Dunham was working on a microfinance program for the Ford Foundation, which was overseen by Peter Geithner, the father of Timothy Geithner, the current U.S. secretary of the treasury.

Ann Dunham’s occupation in the 1981 passport application was listed as "Program Officer, Ford Foundation."

No passport records subsequent to 1986 for Ann Dunham were released, though presumably a passport was issued following her 1986 application, such that the 10-year period prior to expiration would have extended one year past her death.

Dunham died Nov. 7, 1995, and was known to have been in Indonesia in 1994 when an Indonesian doctor first misdiagnosed as indigestion the first signs of the ovarian cancer that was the cause of her death the following year.

The released documents shed no light on proving or disproving whether Dunham might have held a passport prior to Barack Obama’s birth that she could have used to travel to Kenya for his birth, as has been speculated in the absence of the release of Obama’s long-form birth certificate from Hawaii..

The State Department released the Dunham passport documents July 29, responding to a FOIA request submitted by Christopher Strunk, a New York resident who has actively pursued obtaining documents regarding Obama’s birth and his eligibility to be president under the "natural born citizen" requirement of Section 1, Article Two of the United States Constitution.

The Dunham documents have been archived on the Internet.

The controversy continues

A prominent array of commentators, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, Lou Dobbs, Peter Boyles and WND’s Chuck Norris and Pat Boone have all said unequivocally and publicly that the Obama eligibility issue continues to be legitimate and worthy.

Longtime New York radio talker Lynn Samuels did the same.

"We don’t even know where he was born," she said. "I absolutely believe he was not born in this country."

WND has reported on multiple legal challenges to Obama’s status as a "natural born citizen." The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Some of the lawsuits question whether Obama was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama’s American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time.

Other challenges have focused on Obama’s citizenship through his father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born.

Further, others question his citizenship by virtue of his attendance in Indonesian schools during his childhood and question on what passport did he travel to Pakistan three decades ago.

Adding fuel to the fire is Obama’s persistent refusal to release documents that could provide answers and his appointment of lawyers to defend against all requests for his documentation.

While his supporters cite an online version of a "Certification of Live Birth" from Hawaii as his birth verification, critics point out such documents actually were issued for children not born in the state.

The 21st Century Matrix: Technocracy and the Rise of the Machines

By 21st Century Wire

By Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire

Call it the Matrix, the Scientific Dictatorship, Transhumanism- or call it the Technocracy. No matter which name we give it, few can deny that today’s technology is advancing at an ever-increasing rapid clip, with most of us left on the sidelines playing the passive role of consumer and spectator. For ethicists and philosophers, however, it’s become a game of catch-up. So how does one navigate, let alone make sense of our new 21st century matrix?

Technology… it is all around us- some contend that we are literally bathing in it. Most of us spend our entire waking day inside a WiFi zone. But beyond the iPods, iPads, iPhones and the Bluetooths, further below the surface of this seemingly innocuous chapter in human evolution, there lurks a number of unseen forces and currents of change. One of these is a desire by a newly crowned technological elite or new Technocracy to impose, or ‘implement’ (depending on your vantage point) an increasing amount of new and far-reaching technologies on to the population at large. What is the Technocracy? Originally, it was an early 20th century movement which fell out of public favor, but its ideas haven’t died, they’ve merely migrated into other areas of the governing class and society. They are regrouping, and this new system, or matrix is now coming into view. But this time it’s not technocrats who will be leading the revolution… it’s the machines themselves.

Step One: Adoption

We have entered into a new epoch where speed and efficiency and what we expect of our machines increases with every new upgrade. If you are under the age of 30, then you probably will not remember a time when there were absolutely no cell phones, no internet, no virtual social networking and no CCTV cameras. If you are under the age of 20, then you were in effect, born into this early version of the 21st century matrix, or as Morpheus might say, ‘born into bondage’. If this transformation were truly an organic process, then most critical minds would be able to rationalize the rise of the machines. But the evolution of technology and how we interact with it, is not so easy to keep track of. It is more attuned to Chaos Theory than it is to Darwinian Theory. The media and its modern marketing arms tell us that it’s progress- their role is defined as the initial express vehicle on which all new ideas and advancements are delivered into the mainstream, and in many cases you could say that the public are pre-conditioned to accept new technology on arrival. Certainly the media is an awesome technological beast worthy of its own in-depth analysis, but we can leave it aside for now, as it has its own virtual limits and only serves as a platform from which real technological applications are successfully launched on the ground. The  key juncture in this equation is when we can touch technology, when it’s adopted in real world interactions, when it becomes our companion or even an extention of our physical self. In the end, much of our day-to-day life depends on technology, so society has had to develop a kind of  unwavering  faith in ‘it’. Some enthusiasts take things a step further, as if it’s a white buffalo, they hunt their prey, waiting from 3am for the Apple Store to open, and finally fall at the feet of their gadgets, paying homage- in effect, worshipping their machine. Most people might even admit they talk to their cars and give them affectionate names. It’s quite a relationship we are developing with our machines.

Once the stuff of Victorian science fiction, machines embody the ultimate in man’s pursuit of technology.

The term “matrix” is one that many have become familiar over the last decade. And there is a good reason for this. The advancement of new technologies is making that allegory into a reality. The allegory of the ‘matrix’ was first introduced into the mainstream conversation with the Wachowski Brothers film The Matrix. The film describes a future in which reality is a computer generated contruct perceived by a human population held in captivity and whose harvested  bodies’ heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source to power the machine world. Their reality is actually a simulated reality created by sentient machines in order to pacify and subdue the human race. To date, The Matrix series is one of the most powerful and poignant stories which offers an accessible, theoretical and philosophical explanation of what fundamental characteristics a technocracy or scientific dictatorship might actually have. Few will disagree that it’s a valuable metaphor for our times. So how can society begin to navigate through the 21st century matrix if it finds itself entangled in the ever sophisticated web of modern technology? How can one determine which technology is good for us and which should be discarded? Can we at least check its growth? First we need to understand where we came from in the hope to better know where we are heading.

Short film montage, The Robot’s Rebellion, featuring Morpheus, Neo… and David Icke.

How did we get this far?

If one is to obtain even a basic grasp of the mercurial juggernaut known as the Technocracy and its impending Scientific Dictatorship, it is crucially important to know how we got to where we are today. Just like the invention of the printing press transformed society and the advent of the automobile transformed communities, the introduction of each new technology brings forward a new set of dilemmas. The introduction of cellular phones has arguably transformed our nature and the way we operate and communicate minute to minute. GMO’s (Genetically Modified Food and Organisms) were introduced only a few decades ago and have already devastated many of the world’s natural crops and fish stocks. Likewise, Genetic Cloning and Nanotechnology have some frightening applications which would put most imaginative horror-science fiction stories to shame.

Contemporary philosopher, filmmaker, and brilliant modern thinkerGodrey Reggio was quoted as saying, “All tools have intrinsic politics and technology is the tool of now.” Reggio goes on to explain, “I think it’s the tragedy of our time that we’re not aware of the affect of the manner in which we’ve adopted tools. Those tools have become who we are… It’s not that we use technology, we live technology… it (technology) is unknoweable”.

In so far as corporations are concerned, economics certainly has played its part in the rise of the machines. In a bid to save money, reduce labor costs and increase efficiency, for the past 200 years corporations have sought to streamline their operations, gaining speed in the late 19th century with industrial revolution practices like the division of labor, separation of parts, as well the incredible growth of the military industrial complex in the early 20th century. Since the latter half of the 20th century, these same corporations have moved on to robotics, smart tracking, and smart marketing and advertising in order to secure any possible advantage in an ever-increasing competitive global marketplace. This is for the most part motivated by achieving more competitively priced goods, returning bottom line profits which in turn increase the quarterly value of a corporation’s share prices. It’s business 101- corporations are motivated by money and controlling their markets, so we can easily track the rise of the corporation and also understand their consumer base. Throughout history, when corporations overstep the mark, consumers have boycotted the corporation’s products. That’s your Ace in the pocket. But what happens when the State is involved in the mix? The State has become one of the biggest consumers of the products that corporations are pedalling, and as you will see later, understandingits motivations can be a different matter altogether.

Rise and rise of the State

There is now a new kid on the block. One of the biggest new growth areas for big corporations is providing applications for their biggest bread and butter client- the State. In an era of fiat currencies and government deficits, unlike Joe Public, the State has an almost unlimited cheque book. For the most part, the State maintains a captive audience and has a mandate to take whatever money it needs from that audience, and giving back whatever or what little it sees fit.  One of the biggest, and surely the most expensive things the State claims to provide is “security”. And that brings us to the real rub. There is an elegant and disturbingly tango which has taken place between the State’s governing bureaucracy and a Public who has become obsessed with the need to feelhyper-secure. Using fear as an instrument of control, each party feeds off the other, and this dark dance increases in its intensity as each new technological innovation is applied to the science of people management- administered by a governing class that appears to have become high on its elaborate new toy chest. And most of these toys are tools used for applications in the field ofsocial engineering. The goals of the State and its social engineers are not so much economic or bottom line driven(as in the case of corporations), they are to do with maintaining power in what has become an almost neo-fuedal manner. Why else would municipalities in the US and UK spend many billions on CCTV cameras and elaborate computer systems for spying on their own citizens? At such an expense to the public purse, surely there is no real money in that enterprise. So why do it then? We can begin looking for answers to this question by entering the brave new world of Biometric security. Once confined to fingerprints, blood stains and photo identification, Biometrics has now expanded to iris scanning software, RFID chips, DNA screening, X-ray body scanning and facial recognition scan software, some of which is readily available to buy online. RFID-ID tracking chips and human implants are no longer theoretical, they are fast becoming commonplace. Driving this whole revolution is, of course, the rise in popularity and universal adoption of the microchip. It’s applications are virtually limitless. As UK based lecturer and best-selling author David Icke explained recently on tour, “It’s not just about electronic tagging…  microchips are ready to be introduced.” Icke added, “The technology is designed to have the emotional, mental and physical level of people manipulated and dictated to from the computer to the chip.  They can isolate an individual or they can do it en mass. They (the administrators) can make you docile, aggressive (ect)”.

The role of art in understanding the technocracy

Art can play a significant role in either unmasking a technocracy or conditioning people to passively accept and be literally amazed by it. In the case of the film The Matrix, it has most likely awakened more young minds to the architecture of control-based systems designed by the governing corporate elite. A look at the popularTerminator series, particularly its latest episode Terminator Salvation, shows what can happen at the end of our current trajectory of unmanned, computer controlled drone attack aircraftand automated robotic military weaponry. An awakened mind may look at this film and see the perverse nature in these kinds of military applications, while a military bureaucrat or military contractor engineer may see something completely different- a beautiful new world of automated machinery which takes the human element completely out of one side of the equation. You can almost hear them now, “Wow. That would be sooo cool.” Whereas the US military used to mean ‘soldier vs. soldier’, and lately ‘soldier vs. man’, it is increasing becoming a disturbing story of ‘machines vs. man’. Other important pieces of cinema in recent years include The Minority Report, based on the novel by Philip K. Dick, which shows a future law enforcement based on the rather disturbing concept of ‘Precrime’- a trend based on computer generated ‘profiling’ which is already coming into play with law enforcement today, and the twin TV series productions, Battlestar Galactica and Caprica, both of which trace the genesis and social adoption of robotics in their off-planet fictional human civilization. Also worth mentioning are the films A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and the 70′s cult classic Zero Population Growth staring Oliver Reed, a dystopic tale which chronicles a future where child birth is banned by the State.

Scene from from the Björk music video "All is full of love".

The future is at our doorstep

So many of the scenarios mapped out in popular science fiction are coming to fruition much faster than expected. Scenes that we thought were never going to happen for the next 100 years are appearing in our news every day, just visit WIRED magazine’s website for daily evidence of this. Scientists, ‘futurist’ pundits, policy makers and the most crucial group in this mix- the public, have probably enjoyed many films and viewed scenes like theVoight-Kampf Test in Blade Runner , the invention of CYLONS inCaprica or the smart iris scans in The Minority Report, considering any serious moral or ethical questions to be generations away- not a priority for discussion today, and yet suddenly we have the future right at our doorstep. A contemporary philosopher might ask: Are the advancements in intelligent computers, virtual realities and robotics serving to further detach humanity from its core sense of human experience?

For years, the holy grail of technology has definitely been therobot. Once the stuff of Victorian science fiction, machines made in man’s likeness embody the ultimate in man’s pursuit of technology.  Advances in robotics, particularly work done in countries like Japan, have already eclipsed the fictional horizon and are with us as we speak. We can look to the Far East for more evidence here.  The HRP-4C, a walking, talking humanoid fashion model ‘fembot’ developed by Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) made her first official runway debut in a special fashion show in Tokyo last year. Not least of all, the HRP-4C fembot seems to have mastered that all important vacant, expression-less stare we see on most top runway models. She may have a future afterall…

Humanoid fashion model ‘fembot’ developed by Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.

There are plenty of innovations we can point to that may give an indication as to where technology is going. So called ‘intelligent’ computers and their many applications have already replaced a significant proportion of the world’s workforce and slowly but surely man is losing his grip on the fundamental idea of “the fruits of one’s labor”. This means that the single biggest  growth area for jobs is not for men and women- it’s jobs for computers because they are cheaper, faster and in some cases ‘smarter’ than their human counterparts. One of the biggest growth areas in terms of human jobs has been in software and digital media, a culture that for the most part was(and still is to some degree) built on dreams of a 20 hour work week and million dollar employee stock options, and it’s an industry where the trusted microchip is now doing all the work. Microsoft built its global empire on a product which cost nothing to reproduce, yet is sold for hundreds of dollar per unit. The social ramifications of the digital products these same companies are producing are even more compelling- replacing the human experience with virtual communities and portals- boasting numbers in the hundreds of millions. One of the biggest portions of the digital world is the infamous digital global sex industry, which now dwarfs its own print and vice predecessors.

A scene like that of Kissing robots may be a disturbing and perverse watershed moment for many people, but it constitutes a breakthrough moment for certain technology enthusiasts and science fiction fans (or sci-fi freaks, depending on your particular bent). As odd as it might seem, an idea that was once reserved for MTV and comic books has, at a great expense, now manifested itself in real life (see video below).

Kissing robots developed by the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Waking up to the matrix

Technology might be the tool of choice for the social engineer and a power obsessed technocratic elite, but it is a long way from being infallible or, in some cases- even practical. Huge amounts of money are wasted by the State annually on technology which has no practical application on the ground. After they have wasted millions on purchasing it, the State will often waste millions more in an attempt to ram it down the public’s throat. This was certainly the case with regards to the now obsolete Man-made Global Warming movement. In ten years it grew into one of the world’s most expensive state-sponsored global industries, an industry based entirely on computer modeled projections of what mighthappen in 50 years time- an example of some people’s unquestioning faith in a piece of computer software (and not the science of observation) that purported to predict the future, and thus, the fate of the entire human race. Understanding certain technological failures can help us to realise that not all seemingly new and exciting innovations are effective in achieving the stated objectives of their designers and are hardly safe from theft or manipulation. Robots can (and will) malfunction or run out of battery power, DNA can be switched, forged or data details attached to it altered, and computers can certainly be hacked.RFID chips can be hacked and disabled using basic, inexpensive electronic equipment available from your local electronic shop. In addition to this, it’s important to point out that legions of ‘white hat’ hackers (many of whom could easily be confused with authentic libertarians) have done incredible work in recent years to expose the futility of State-sponsored control-based technologies, helping in some way to keep the governing and corporate elite in check.

One of the most power demonstrations of a white hat hacker, easily hacking passports in his neighbourhood.

In a world that some might say constitutes many more consumers than it does deep thinkers, technology is steaming ahead in an unrestrained fashion. If mankind was ever presented with an opportunity to start asking the hard questions and identifying the real dilemmas, it is right here and right now. To delay any serious discussion about the nature of new technology and its place alongside the human race is to deny any of the inherent responsibilities that we are entrusted with as a race on this planet. There is a very real quickening taking place before our eyes, and there is a risk that certain technological applications could supplant a valuable set of commonly understood, fundamental languages and human values.  We have to ask ourselves which aspects of the real human experience are we willing to sacrifice for a few abstract constructs like ‘convenience’ and ‘security’. Rutger Hauer’s character in Blade Runner offers a replicant’s perspective on this, one of the great philosophical questions of our time…

Rutger Hauer’s famous passage,  “Tears in the Rain”.

As we witness the rise of a 21st century scientific matrix, we must all ask ourselves that basic question: how far should mankind go in order to achieve his life, liberty and happiness?Here, Godfrey Reggio offers up a fitting conclusion, “Mystery is gone to the certainty of technological principles. So the real terror, the real aggression against life comes in the form of the pursuit of our technological happiness”.


About the author: Patrick Henningsen is a writer, filmmaker, communications consultant and managing editor of 21st Century Wire.

Contact: pj.henningsen@gmail.com

ACLU Sues Hidalgo for Jailing Teens Over Unpaid Tickets

by Brian Thevenot
July 27, 2010 

credit: Bob Daemmerich

Francisco De Luna got his first ticket at school just after his father died, when he was 13. "Failure to comply," it read. The boy "did not want to learn." He would rack up many more for such crimes as baggy-pants-wearing, teacher-cursing and general disobedience.

In 2007, his mother, Elisa De Luna anxiously signed a document agreeing to pay off one ticket per month, plus court costs, for the next 11 months — a bill that then amounted to between $257 and $383, quite a bit more than she could afford on her sub-$20,000 annual pay. After more court actions and missed payments, the debt climbed to more than $11,000 for 24 school-related offenses spanning five years, according to a lawsuit announced today by the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas.

When Francisco De Luna, now 18, got snared in a public intoxication charge, the whole pile of warrants came down on him. County Justice of the Peace Rosa Trevino tossed him in jail, prescribing a day’s hard time for each $100 he owed and could not pay. ACLU lawyers claim Francisco De Luna — now one of the plaintiffs in the group’s federal class action — was essentially sentenced to debtor’s prison, which violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution. The lawyers also claim it violates a Texas statute that requires courts to ensure a defendant, before being sentenced to jail for failure to pay, is not indigent and can’t perform community service in lieu of fines.

"It’s a classic equal-protection case," said Gouri Bhat, senior staff attorney for the ACLU of Texas, referring to the Fourth Amendment clause. "The claim at issue is that (the court) consistently failed to ensure it didn’t jail poor people because of their inability to pay."

Hidalgo County declined comment in a written statement, citing the pending litigation.

ACLU officials say they have heard anecdotal reports across Texas of young people jailed for failure to pay school-related fines — which in some school districts are issued by the thousands — but that the practice seems commonplace Hidalgo County, where an estimated 150 people between 17 and 21 years old have served time for unpaid fines, largely for minor school-related offenses. Issuing criminal citations for relatively mundane school misbehavior has drawn fire from advocates, who term the practice part of the "school-to-prison pipeline." Hidalgo’s sentencing youths to extended jail time represents an extreme example, Gouri said in a conference call with reporters this afternoon. "We’re not aware of any other county where it’s happening to this degree," Gouri said.

The lawsuit claims Francisco De Luna served 18 days in a cell with 24 adult prisoners, an experience that "scared and disturbed" him. The only reason he got out so early, rather than serving the entire 132 days of his sentence, was that Hidalgo County public defender Jaime Gonzales noticed his case in a random review of jail logs, according to the suit. Gonzales filed a writ of habeas corpus to County Court at Law Judge Rudolfo Gonzales, who granted the writ freeing the teenager on Jan. 28.

Top Heavy Metal band Fear Factory produce 9/11-themed track “Controlled Demolition”

We Are Change.org
August 2, 2010

Fear FactoryIndustrial metal, groove metal, death metal, alternative metal, regardless of what you call them Fear Factory has been tearing up the heavy metal scene since they were formed in 1989. With over 1million records sold in the United States alone, performing at three Ozzfests and the inaugural Gigantour with Megadeth, they have continued to be one the biggest heavy metal bands around the globe with millions of fans.

Excitingly with the release of their tenth album, Mechanize, Fear Factory has not only put out another amazing sounding album, but one ripe with anti-New World Order overtones. None more obvious than a track titled “Controlled Demolition,” a song loaded with references to the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7 on 9/11.

“You will believe this blood sacrifice
Life was the price for change
All to kill, dominate
All to kill, for control
A false flag conceals truth to sacrifice chosen few
Destruction, conspiracy,
An inside job done with efficiency
Bodies were falling, burning and screaming
Buildings collapsing, disintegrating
Hellfire scorching, blinding the sky”

In a recent interview with absolutemetal.com lead singer and frontman Burton C. Bell went into detail about his questions regarding the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7:

“…the buildings were in a controlled demolition, and all I have to make people think about is building 7. Building 7 was blocked away and for some reason it caught on fire and it fell down shortly after both buildings fell. Funny thing that every building standing right next to the trade centers were untouched, never caught on fire even though they were next to it, and no damage was done. So why did building 7 fall in a controlled demolition fashion? The World Trade Centers were built to withstand a 737 flying into it. You know, and the fact that..dude when you look at video you see explosions beneath, going down as it falls up high. That’s controlled demolition, that’s totally controlled demolition, you look at any video archive of buildings falling and that’s exactly how they fall. And then there’s the thermite cuts into the steel of the foundation, that’s cut directly how a building should fall you know? It’s fact, it’s not a just theory, I’m looking just at the facts.

When describing the track Fear Campaign Bell exemplifies his understanding of the control mechanisms that are being used against us as well as his understanding of the fraudulent war on terror:

“…It’s misinformation that causes the fear, half-truths, lies, and you know they do it through the media, they do it through exploitation and it’s something that we’ve been seeing for centuries and it’s even more true in this day and age, you know, the war on terror is a fear campaign”.

In an article on Blabbermouth.net, while providing a track-by-track guide, Bell gives his description of Controlled Demolition and again shows his knowledge of history and how “violence and deception” have also been used as mechanisms of control:

“So many questions, so many lies, so perfect a destruction. All one has to do is consider the theories. Why is it so difficult to believe that our elected officials are above destructive corruption? History has proved that absolute control through violence and deception is a common theme. Consider the alternative thought, and you may see there is truth behind the False Flag.”

Founding member and guitarist Dino Cazares in an interview with craveonline.com further explains the band’s view on 9/11:

“…Well if you look at how the buildings fell, most of it fell directly down and people heard things exploding on the bottom….We just felt that 9/11 was a conspiracy because of the way the buildings fell and that people were hearing banging and explosions from the bottom floor not ninety floors up. The way the beams were cut, they were all cut clean and the same way. We just felt it was a conspiracy. War is money so why not create a fake war to make money. Why haven’t we found Osama Bin Laden? I’m sure he’d be easy enough to find. Have we really wanted to find him?

With the recent Megadeth album Endgame being inspired by Alex Jones’ documentary, it is great to see another influential band exposing the New World Order and who are not afraid to openly question the events surrounding September 11th, 2001. We are sure the establishment will not like another group that reaches millions of people exposing their globalist agenda and their use of false-flag terror as a means of control.

Feds To Protect Drug-Dispensing Postal Workers From “Violent Crowds”

Obama executive order contains ominous language about combating Americans who choose to resist martial law takeover after biological terror attack

Feds To Protect Drug Dispensing Postal Workers From Violent Crowds 030810top

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The federal government is training postal workers in six U.S. cities to dispense “anti-terror drugs” in the event of a biological attack, with the promise that they will be accompanied by law enforcement officers to protect them from “potentially violent crowds”.

“The White House won’t name the six cities, and Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Amy Kudwa says she can’t talk about whether more cities are interested in the voluntary program,” reports USA Today.

At a cost of $1 million per city, the Department of Homeland Security is training postal workers to dispense boxes of drugs accompanied by fliers telling people what to do in the event of a mass casualty attack.

About 60% of mail carriers volunteered for a trial run of the program in Minneapolis and were able to reach 205,000 households within 8 hours, with the program set to be expanded to enable it to reach all 735,000 households in the metro area.

The program is being promoted as a vital and lifesaving component of emergency preparedness, helping to get urgently needed drugs out to the elderly and those who cannot easily leave their homes.

However, the real intention behind the policy takes on a more ominous tone in light of the fact that President Obama’s December 2009 executive order that laid the groundwork for the program included guarantees that the government would protect postal workers from angry American citizens who would react violently to receiving the drugs by ensuring they were accompanied by police officers when dispensing the medication.

This raises the prospect that the government will mandate citizens to take whatever medication is being dispensed, including vaccinations. There appears to be no other explanation as to why the government is preparing for “potentially violent crowds” in reaction to the supposedly lifesaving drug dispensing program.

As we have previously reported, the U.S. Postal Service has always been an integral player in federal preparations for martial law.

Back in May, we received documents from a military source indicating that U.S. Postal Service facilities across the country are expanding the construction of secretive criminal investigation rooms, which some fear will be used to detain American citizens in the event of a national emergency, bioterror attack or pandemic.

The documents show architectural floor plans for criminal investigation rooms that would be housed within existing U.S. Postal Service buildings. The blueprints show “secret rooms” within post offices where, the source claims, “families will be separated” in the event of martial law being declared.

Under the terms of the December 2001 Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, of which the majority of states have now passed similar versions, the government has the power to seize control of all public and private property in the event of a biological terror attack.

Critics savaged the MSEHPA as “an unprecedented assault on the constitutional rights of the American people,” that, according to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons claimed, “could turn governors into dictators”.

The act included draconian and sweeping language giving the government almost limitless power in responding to a declared national health emergency, such as a bioterrorist attack or an epidemic.

Under the act, the government ascribes itself the power take over any public facility, including post offices.