Tag Archive: Karnak

The Sacred Geometry and Symbols of Washington DC


Symbols are seen as a concept or intention, and also stand-for a referent or extension from anything, from religion to a chemical compound and most importantly,  secrete society’s. Symbols have been around sense the beginning of time. With out symbols we would have no written language. Numbers are symbols, letters are symbols and they each have their specific meaning. Obvious, right? The thing is, most people don’t realize many of the symbols that surround them, nor do they understand their true meaning. Do you ever remember taking a class in high school about symbols? No, of course not, and why? Because if people knew the true meanings of all the symbols that are in the Capitol, the public would be much clearer on the origin’s of certain club’s and secret society’s that control the United States and much of world.  Once we start to connect the dots, the truth about secrete society’s controlling the United States starts to become very clear and just as obvious as any number or letter. Once you make the conscious effort to recognize the true meaning of the symbols that are laid throughout in the Geometry of Washington D.C. you will be astonished to what you’ll find.
      The one secret society that seems to have the most influence throughout Washington D.C.  are the Freemasons.    Now some may say that the Freemasons are not a secret at all and that they have nothing to hide.  But on the other hand when out break down the history of masonic symbols, their meanings and the positioning of these symbols throughout the city you’ll truly see how influencing these masons really were.  So lets take a look at the layout of the roads and the positioning of important sites throughout the city.  Just for fun take a map of Washington DC , a pencil, ruler and a compass.  You’ll be able to map out all sorts of pentagrams, hexagrams, triangles, crosses and even a pentagram (upside-down five pointed star).  It’s doesn’t take a genius to see them, it’s quite obvious.  So what’s the significance?   Well for starters many of the Freemason symbols are very heavily influenced by the ancient Egyptians and  It’s important to understand that Egyptians were heavily influenced by the stars, like how they built the pyramids in perfect alignment with the belt of Orion.  It’s still unexplained on how the Egyptians were so accurate with their astronomy.
The diagrams and theory’s below were conceived by Gary Osborn .

Here we have the great pyramid showing the king and queens chambers along with the holes that go through to the outside in order for certain stars to shine through them at a particular time of the year.  What is so fascinating about this is how perfect the angles are through out the entire pyramid and how they relate the are earths Ecliptic plane, Ecliptic Pole, Axis or Celestial Pole and the Equator.  

Let’s mention the most important angle of all, 23.5 degrees or 23.42 to be precise.  This is the angle that our earths axis is tilted at from the Ecliptic Plane.  What gives this angle such significance is the fact that the ancient Egyptians knew about this angle of the earths axis at a time when the tools of astronomy were archaic, how they were able to figure it out is still a mystery today. 

Now here is a picture that reveals the angles that connect the apex and the two bottom corners to the king and queens chambers and as well the chambers themselves.

Here is a diagram to make these angles a little clearer for you.   The angles exist only between five significant points.  Gray points out that this is no random occurrence.
The five points are:
1- The Apex
2&3 – The two corners
4&5 – The two chambers
Here we see the angle 23.5 repeated a few times.
As you can see the line between the two base corners (north and south) and the queens chamber is at an angle of 11.75 which times two = 23.5.  Then you’ll notice that the line from point two being the south corner going the kings chamber in precisely 23.5.   Now the question is how do we know they were actually correlating the angles of the pyramid to the earths axis?  We can confirm this by looking at a typical diagram of the earth and over lapping the diagrams on top of one-another.  Even know that the capstone of the Great Pyramid is missing, we find that it is actually pointing to it’s own location on the earth via it’s Apex.
How did Osborn come to this conclusion?  If you look at the diagram above the king’s chamber is at an offset from the Apex by 6.5 degrees.  These angles match the geophysical picture of the tilted axis of the earth and the Great Pyramids position on the earth.  There for in relation from it being 30 degrees from the equator and as the earth turns it comes as close as 6.5 degrees from the Ecliptic Plane.  Now subtract 6.5 from 30 and you get 23.5 degrees.

This diagram here shows the two positions of the Great Pyramid on the earth as the earth turns on a daily bases. As you can see it comes as close as 6.5 degrees and as far as 53.5 from the Ecliptic plane.
OK, so the Great Pyramid is precisely 2,125 meters short of being exactly 30 degrees from the equator.  It’s exact location is 29.98 degrees which would make the calculations something like one millimeter short of a ten feet to put it in perspective.

This diagram is where it really gets exciting.  As you can see when you put the diagram of the Great Pyramid in cross section along with the angles we find that everything lines-up perfectly and that the Great Pyramid is actually pointing to it’s own location on earth.
These diagrams were created by Gary Osborn and were used in an article he wrote with author Scott Creighton which is published on a web site made by Graham Hancock and can be viewed here.
So now the the real question becomes,was this done intentionally or mere coincidence.  
Lets move on to Washington DC shall we.

Here we have the layout of DC. See anything interesting? Like all  the angles of the roads seeming to correlate with the angles used to create the Great Pyramid. Coincidence?  I think not, this was very carefully planned by the Freemasons, but the big question is why?

Here is a diagram of the hidden geometry within the angular dimensions of the great pyramid and you’ll notice that the precise angle of the sides of the Great Pyramid are actually 51.84 degrees.

Take that diagram and over lap on a map of Washington DC and you’ll see that the streets and buildings match exactly to the same geometric angles of the Great Pyramid.

Now here we have what is called the "tree of life" which depicts the 22 paths or channels that connect the Sephiroth levels or spheres.  This "tree of life"  was said to originate from Sumeria and is very much like the "sacred tree" that has been seen on early Mesopotamian cylinder seals.  The same seals that mention the Annunaki or (the people who came from the sky).  This "tree of life" has been depicted in many different forms over the centuries and this picture is a depiction by the Qabbalah.

Take a closer look at the pictures above to see the meanings of each specific placement of each point.

Then of-course we lay the older version of the "tree of life" on top of a map of DC and you’ll again find a perfect match along with the angles of the Great Pyramid.  We also see that many of the points correspond with major landmarks throughout the city.
Jefferson Monument – Malkuth, otherwise known as "the kingdom" this is the lowest level.
Washington Monument – Yesod, also known as "the foundation"
The White House – Tiphereth, otherwise known as "Beauty" (of the human soul).
The Apex of the tree and the Pyramid – Kether, known as "the father" or "Supreme Crown" and also corresponds with the Hindu "Crown Chaka" this is known as the highest level.
The Apex represents the source center of creation or point zero, and there is nothing on the map of any significance at this location.
Well something that is quite interesting though, is the fact that the "all seeing eye" on the dollar bill as we all know is located just under the capstone of the pyramid and just three blocks east or down from the Apex is the "House of the Temple" which is the headquarters of the supreme council, of the 33 degree Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

If you notice, the all seeing eye is in correspondence with the headquarters of the supreme council, of the 33 degree Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and recently discovered by Dan Brown (Author of "The De Vinci Code")  in his new novel "The Lost Symbol" we find that this is the place of the 33rd -degree "initiation ritual".  The 33rd degree is the highest level you can reach within the brotherhood of freemasonry.  Maybe it’s just shear coincidence, maybe not.   Lets look at these next pictures and you can put it together for yourself.

So as we see the angle of 23.5 degrees has great significance and it was the Freemasons that designed the layout of Washington DC.

I personally believe that DC was  laid out the way it was in order to create specific energy points throughout the city.  Just like the Chakras in the human body.  I believe this ancient geometry stems down form the Egyptians who got there knowledge from other beings not of this earth.  It would only make sense,  who ell’s would these people of great power be conspiring for.  Think about it, the Capital of the United States has been constructed using sacred ancient Egyptian geometry that came from beings not of this world by the Freemasons who still to this day practice satanic rituals by drinking blood-wine out of a human scull.   The evidence is right in front of you, it’s just a matter of seeing it.

Attain your mind.

Attain your mind-


Vatican City

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vatican city1c

Vatican City en-us-Vatican City.ogg /ˈvætɪkən ˈsɪti/ (help·info) or Vatican City State,[11] officially Stato della Città del Vaticano (pronounced [ˈsta(ː)to delːa tʃiˈtːa del vatiˈka(ː)no]),[12] which translates literally as "State of the City of the Vatican", is a landlocked sovereign city-statewhose territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of Rome, the capital city of Italy. It has an area of approximately 44 hectares (110 acres), and a population of just over 800.[5][13]

Vatican City was established in 1929 by the Lateran Treaty, signed by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Gasparri, on behalf of the Holy See and by Prime Minister Benito Mussolini on behalf of the Kingdom of Italy. Vatican City State is distinct from the Holy See, which dates back to early Christianity and is the main episcopal see of 1.166 billion Latin and Eastern Catholic adherents around the globe. Ordinances of Vatican City are published in Italian; official documents of the Holy See are issued mainly in Latin. The two entities even have distinct passports: the Holy See, not being a country, only issues diplomatic and service passports; Vatican City State issues normal passports. Very few passports are issued by either authority.

The Lateran Treaty in 1929, which brought the city-state into existence, spoke of it as a new creation (Preamble and Article III), not as a vestige of the much larger Papal States (756-1870) that had previously encompassed much of central Italy. Most of this territory was absorbed into the Kingdom of Italy in 1860, and the final portion, namely the city of Rome with Lazio, ten years later, in 1870.

Vatican City is an ecclesiastical[5] or sacerdotalmonarchical[6] state, ruled by the Bishop of Rome—the Pope. The highest state functionaries are all Catholic clergymen of various national origins. It is the sovereign territory of the Holy See (Sancta Sedes) and the location of the Pope’s residence, referred to as the Apostolic Palace.

The Popes have generally resided in the area that in 1929 became Vatican City since the return from Avignon in 1377, but have also at times resided in the Quirinal Palace in Rome and elsewhere. Previously, they resided in the Lateran Palace on the Caelian Hill on the far side of Rome from the Vatican. Emperor Constantine gave this site to Pope Miltiades in 313. The signing of the agreements that established the new state took place in the latter building, giving rise to the name of Lateran Pacts, by which they are known.


A panorama of the city from atop St. Peter’s Basilica

The Vatican climate is the same as Rome’s; a temperate, Mediterranean climate with mild, rainy winters from September to mid-May and hot, dry summers from May to August. There are some local features, principally mists and dews, caused by the anomalous bulk of St Peter’s Basilica, the elevation, the fountains and the size of the large paved square.

In July 2007, the Vatican agreed to become the first carbon neutral state. They plan to accomplish this by offsetting carbon dioxide emissions with the creation of a Vatican Climate Forest in Hungary.[14]


Territory of Vatican City according to theLateran Treaty.

The name "Vatican" predates Christianity and comes from the Latin Mons Vaticanus, meaning Vatican Mount.[15] The territory of Vatican City is part of the Mons Vaticanus, and of the adjacent former Vatican Fields where St. Peter’s Basilica, the Apostolic Palace, theSistine Chapel, and museums were built, along with various other buildings. The area was part of the Roman rione of Borgo until 1929. Being separated from the city, on the west bank of the Tiber river, the area was an outcrop of the city that was protected by being included within the walls of Leo IV (847–55), and later expanded by the current fortification walls, built under Paul III (1534–49), Pius IV (1559–65) and Urban VIII (1623–44).

When the Lateran Treaty of 1929 that gave the state its present form was being prepared, the boundaries of the proposed territory were influenced by the fact that much of it was all but enclosed by this loop. For some tracts of the frontier, there was no wall, but the line of certain buildings supplied part of the boundary, and for a small part of the frontier a modern wall was constructed.

The territory includes St. Peter’s Square, distinguished from the territory of Italy only by a white line along the limit of the square, where it touches Piazza Pio XII. St. Peter’s Square is reached through the Via della Conciliazione which runs from the Tiber River to St. Peter’s. This grand approach was constructed by Benito Mussolini after the conclusion of the Lateran Treaty.

According to the Lateran Treaty, certain properties of the Holy See that are located in Italian territory, most notably Castel Gandolfo and the major basilicas, enjoy extraterritorial status similar to that of foreign embassies.[16][17] These properties, scattered all over Rome and Italy, house essential offices and institutions necessary to the character and mission of the Holy See.[17] Castel Gandolfo and the named basilicas are patrolled internally by police agents of Vatican City State and not by Italian police. St. Peter’s Square is ordinarily policed jointly by both.[16]


Gardens of Vatican City

Part of the Vatican Gardens.

Within the territory of Vatican City are the Vatican Gardens (Italian: Giardini Vaticani),[18] which account for more than half of this territory. The gardens, established during the Renaissance and Baroque era, are decorated with fountains and sculptures.

The gardens cover approximately 23 hectares (57 acres) which is most of the Vatican Hill. The highest point is 60 metres (200 ft) above mean sea level. Stone walls bound the area in the North, South and West.

The gardens date back to medieval times when orchards and vineyards extended to the north of the Papal Apostolic Palace.[19] In 1279 Pope Nicholas III (Giovanni Gaetano Orsini, 1277–1280) moved his residence back to the Vatican from the Lateran Palace and enclosed this area with walls.[20] He planted an orchard (pomerium), a lawn (pratellum) and a garden (viridarium).[20]

Head of state


The Pope is ex officio head of state[21] and head of government[22] of Vatican City, functions dependent on his primordial function as bishop of the diocese of Rome. The term Holy See refers not to the Vatican state but to the Pope’s spiritual and pastoral governance, largely exercised through the Roman Curia.[23] His official title with regard to Vatican City is Sovereign of the State of the Vatican City.

His principal subordinate government official for Vatican City is the President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, who since 1952 exercises the functions previously belonging to the Governor of Vatican City. Since 2001, the President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State also has the title of President of the Governorate of the State of Vatican City.

The Pope resides in the Papal Apartments of the Papal Palace just off Saint Peter’s Square. It is here he carries out his business and meets foreign representatives.

The current Pope is Benedict XVI, born Joseph Alois Ratzinger in Bavaria, Germany. Italian Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo serves as President of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City. He was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI on 11 September 2006.

St. Peter’s Square, the basilica and obelisk, from Piazza Pio XII


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Papal States

In this originally uninhabited area (the ager vaticanus) on the opposite side of the Tiber from the city of Rome, Agrippina the Elder (14 BC – 18 October AD 33) drained the hill and environs and built her gardens in the early 1st century AD. Emperor Caligula (31 August AD 12 – 24 January AD 41; r. 37–41) started construction of a circus (AD 40) that was later completed by Nero, the Circus Gaii et Neronis,[24] usually called, simply, the Circus of Nero.

The Vatican obelisk was originally taken by Caligula from Heliopolis, Egypt to decorate the spina of his circus and is thus its last visible remnant. This area became the site of martyrdom of many Christians after the Great Fire of Rome in AD 64. Ancient tradition holds that it was in this circus that Saint Peter was crucified upside-down.

Opposite the circus was a cemetery separated by the Via Cornelia. Funeral monuments and mausoleums and small tombs as well as altars to pagan gods of all kinds of polytheistic religions were constructed lasting until before the construction of the Constantinian Basilica of St. Peter’s in the first half of the 4th century. Remains of this ancient necropolis were brought to light sporadically during renovations by various popes throughout the centuries increasing in frequency during the Renaissance until it was systematically excavated by orders of Pope Pius XII from 1939 to 1941.

In 326, the first church, the Constantinian basilica, was built over the site that early Roman Catholic apologists (from the first century on) as well as noted Italian archaeologists argue was the tomb of Saint Peter, buried in a common cemetery on the spot. From then on the area started to become more populated, but mostly only by dwelling houses connected with the activity of St. Peter’s. A palace was constructed near the site of the basilica as early as the 5th century during the pontificate of Pope Symmachus (reigned 498–514).[25]

Popes in their secular role gradually came to govern neighbouring regions and, through the Papal States, ruled a large portion of the Italian peninsula for more than a thousand years until the mid 19th century, when all of the territory of the Papal States was seized by the newly created Kingdom of Italy. For much of this time the Vatican was not the habitual residence of the Popes, but rather the Lateran Palace, and in recent centuries, the Quirinal Palace, while the residence from 1309–77 was at Avignon in France.

In 1870, the Pope’s holdings were left in an uncertain situation when Rome itself was annexed by the Piedmont-led forces which had united the rest of Italy, after a nominal resistance by the papal forces. Between 1861 and 1929 the status of the Pope was referred to as the "Roman Question". They were undisturbed in their palace, and given certain recognitions by the Law of Guarantees, including the right to send and receive ambassadors. But they did not recognise the Italian king’s right to rule in Rome, and they refused to leave the Vatican compound until the dispute was resolved in 1929. Other states continued to maintain international recognition of the Holy See as a sovereign entity.

In practice Italy made no attempt to interfere with the Holy See within the Vatican walls. However, they confiscated church property in many other places, including, perhaps most notably, the Quirinal Palace, formerly the pope’s official residence. Pope Pius IX(1846–78), the last ruler of the Papal States, claimed that after Rome was annexed he was a "Prisoner in the Vatican". This situation was resolved on 11 February 1929 between the Holy See and the Kingdom of Italy.

The treaty was signed by Benito Mussolini on behalf of King Victor Emmanuel III and by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Gasparri for Pope Pius XI. The Lateran Treaty and the Concordat established the independent State of the Vatican City and granted Roman Catholicism special status in Italy. In 1984, a new concordat between the Holy See and Italy modified certain provisions of the earlier treaty, including the position of Roman Catholicism as the Italian state religion.


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Politics of Vatican City

The politics of Vatican City takes place in an absolute elective monarchy, in which the head of the Roman Catholic Church takes power. The Pope exercises principal legislative, executive, and judicial power over the State of Vatican City (an entity distinct from the Holy See), which is a rare case of a non-hereditary monarchy.[26]

Vatican City is currently the only widely recognised independent state that has not become a member of the United Nations. The Holy See, which is distinct from Vatican City State, has permanent observer status with all the rights of a full member except for a vote in the UN General Assembly.

Political system

View of the dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica from Borgo Santo Spirito.

The government of Vatican City has a unique structure. The Pope is the sovereign of the state. Legislative authority is vested in the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, a body of cardinals appointed by the Pope for five-year periods. Executive power is in the hands of the President of that commission, assisted by the General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary. The state’s foreign relations are entrusted to the Holy See‘s Secretariat of State and diplomatic service. Nevertheless, the pope has full and absolute executive, legislative and judicial power over Vatican City. He is currently the only absolute monarch in Europe.

There are specific departments that deal with health, security, telecommunications, etc.[27]

The Cardinal Camerlengo presides over the Apostolic Camera to which is entrusted the administration of the property and the protection of the temporal rights of the Holy See during a papal vacancy. Those of the Vatican State remain under the control of the Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City. Acting with three other cardinals chosen by lot every three days, one from each order of cardinals (cardinal bishop, cardinal priest, and cardinal deacon), he in a sense performs during that period the functions of head of state. All the decisions these four cardinals take must be approved by the College of Cardinals as a whole.

The nobility that was closely associated with the Holy See at the time of the Papal States continued to be associated with the Papal Court after the loss of these territories, generally with merely nominal duties (see Papal Master of the Horse, Prefecture of the Pontifical Household, Hereditary officers of the Roman Curia, Black Nobility). They also formed the ceremonial Noble Guard. In the first decades of the existence of the Vatican City State, executive functions were entrusted to some of them, including that of Delegate for the State of Vatican City (now denominated President of the Commission for Vatican City). But with the motu proprio Pontificalis Domus of 28 March 1968,[28] Pope Paul VIabolished the honorary positions that had continued to exist until then, such as Quartermaster General and Master of the Horse.[29]

The State of the Vatican City, created in 1929 by the Lateran Pacts, provides the Holy See with a temporal jurisdiction and independence within a small territory. It is distinct from the Holy See. The state can thus be deemed a significant but not essential instrument of the Holy See. The Holy See itself has existed continuously as a juridical entity since Roman Imperial times and has been internationally recognised as a powerful and independent sovereign entity since late antiquity to the present, without interruption even at times when it was deprived of territory (e.g. 1870 to 1929). The Holy See has the oldest active continuous diplomatic service in the world, dating back to at least AD 325 with its legation to the Council of Nicea.[30] Ambassadors are accredited to the Holy See, never to the Vatican City State.

Military and police

Swiss Guard in their traditional uniform

Though earlier Popes recruited Swiss mercenaries as part of an army, the Pontifical Swiss Guard was founded by Pope Julius II on 22 January 1506 as the personal bodyguard of the Pope and continues to fulfil that function. It is listed in the Annuario Pontificio under "Holy See", not under "State of Vatican City". At the end of 2005, the Guard had 134 members. Recruitment is arranged by a special agreement between the Holy See and Switzerland. All recruits must be catholic, unmarried males with Swiss citizenship who have completed their basic trainingwith the Swiss Army with certificates of good conduct, be between the ages of 19 and 30, and be at least 5 ft 9 in tall. The Palatine Guard and the Noble Guard were disbanded by Pope Paul VI in 1970.[31] While the first body was founded as a militia at the service of the Papal States, its functions within the Vatican State, like those of the Noble Guard, were merely ceremonial.

The Corpo della Gendarmeria acts as a police force. Its full name is Corpo della Gendarmeria dello Stato della Città del Vaticano (which means "Gendarmerie Corps of the Vatican City State"), although it is sometimes referred to as Vigilanza, as a shortening of an earlier name. The Gendarmeria is responsible for public order, law enforcement, crowd and traffic control, and criminal investigations in Vatican City.[31]

The military defence of the Vatican City is provided by Italy and its armed forces, given the fact that Vatican City is an enclave within the Italian Republic. Accordingly, Vatican City has no armed force of its own apart from the Swiss Guard. (See: Military of Vatican City)


Palace of the Governorate of Vatican City State

Legislative functions are delegated to the unicameral Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State, led by the President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State. Its seven members are cardinals appointed by the Pope for terms of five years. Acts of the commission must be approved by the pope, through the Holy See‘s Secretariat of State, and before taking effect must be published in a special appendix of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis. Most of the content of this appendix consists of routine executive decrees, such as approval for a new set of postage stamps.

Executive authority is delegated to the Governorate of Vatican City. The Governorate consists of the President of the Pontifical Commission—using the title "President of the Governorate of Vatican City"—a General Secretary, and a Vice General Secretary, each appointed by the pope for five year terms. Important actions of the Governorate must be confirmed by the Pontifical Commission and by the Pope through the Secretariat of State.

The Governorate oversees the central governmental functions through several departments and offices. The directors and officials of these offices are appointed by the pope for five year terms. These organs concentrate on material questions concerning the state’s territory, including local security, records, transportation, and finances. The Governorate oversees a modern security and police corps, the Corpo della Gendarmeria dello Stato della Città del Vaticano.

Judicial functions are delegated to a supreme court, an appeals court, a tribunal, and a trial judge. In all cases, the pope may choose at any time to exercise supreme legislative, executive, or judicial functions in the state.

The Country code prefix is SCV, and the only postal code is 00120 — altogether SCV-00120.[32]

Foreign relations

Foreign relations with the Holy See  Diplomatic relations  Other relations  No relations

 Foreign relations of the Holy See

Vatican City State is a recognised national territory under international law, but it is the Holy See that conducts diplomatic relations on its behalf, in addition to the Holy See’s own diplomacy, entering into international agreements in its regard. The Vatican City State thus has no diplomatic service of its own. Because of space limitations, Vatican City is one of the few countries in the world that is unable to host embassies.

Foreign embassies to the Holy See are located in the city of Rome; only during the Second World War were the staff of some embassies given what hospitality was possible within the narrow confines of Vatican City—embassies such as that of the United Kingdom while Rome was held by the Axis Powers and Germany’s when the Allies controlled Rome.

The size of Vatican City is thus unrelated to the large global reach exercised by the Holy See as an entity quite distinct from the state.[33]


 Economy of Vatican City

The reverse of the Vatican 1 coin produced in 2006 depicting the current pope, Benedict XVI.

The unique, non-commercial economy is supported financially by the sale of postage stamps and tourist mementos, fees for admission to museums, and the sale of publications.[34] Other industries include printing, the production of mosaics and the manufacture of staff uniforms.

The Vatican also conducts worldwide financial activities, having its own bank, Istituto per le Opere di Religione (also known as the Vatican Bank, and with the acronym IOR). This bank has an ATM with instructions in Latin, possibly the only such ATM in the world.[35]

Vatican City issues its own coins. It has used the euro as its currency since 1 January 1999, owing to a special agreement with the European Union (council decision 1999/98/CE). Euro coins and notes were introduced in 1 January 2002—the Vatican does not issue euro banknotes. Issuance of euro-denominated coins is strictly limited by treaty, though somewhat more than usual is allowed in a year in which there is a change in the papacy.[36] Because of their rarity, Vatican euro coins are highly sought by collectors.[37] Until the adoption of the Euro, Vatican coinage and stamps were denominated in their own Vatican lira currency, which was on par with the Italian lira.

The Vatican City State, which employs nearly 2000 people, ran a deficit in 2008 of over 15 million euros, but in 2007 had a surplus of 6.7 million euros.[38] The incomes and living standards of lay workers within the Vatican are comparable to, or somewhat better than, those of counterparts who work in the city of Rome.[34]


Population and languages

Vatican Museums.

Almost all of Vatican City’s 826 (2009 est.)[39] citizens either live inside the Vatican’s walls or serve in the Holy See’s diplomatic service in embassies (called "nunciatures"; a papal ambassador is a "nuncio") around the world. The Vatican citizenry consists almost entirely of two groups: clergy, most of whom work in the service of the Holy See, and a very few as officials of the state; and the Swiss Guard. Most of the 3,000 lay workers who comprise the majority of the Vatican workforce reside outside the Vatican and are citizens of Italy, while a few are citizens of other nations. As a result, all of the City’s actual citizens are Catholic as are all the places of worship.

Vatican City has no set official language. Unlike the Holy See, which most often uses Latin for the authoritative version of its official documents, Vatican City uses Italian in its legislation and official communications.[40] Italian is also the everyday language used by most of those who work in the state. In the Swiss Guard, German is the language used for giving commands, but the individual guards take their oath of loyalty in their own languages, German, French, Romansh or Italian. Vatican City’s official website languages are Italian, English, French, German, and Spanish. (This site should not be confused with that of the Holy See, which uses all these languages, along with Portuguese, with Latin since 9 May 2008 and Chinese since 18 March 2009.)


360 degree view from the dome over the Vatican and out into Rome, showing practically all of Vatican City

Unlike citizenship of other states, which is based either on jus sanguinis (birth from a citizen, even outside the state’s territory) or on jus soli (birth within the territory of the state), citizenship of Vatican City is granted jus officii, namely on the grounds of appointment to work in a certain capacity in the service of the Holy See. It usually ceases upon cessation of the appointment. Citizenship is extended also to the spouse, parents and descendants of a citizen, provided they are living with the person who is a citizen.[41][42]

Anyone who on loss of Vatican citizenship possesses no other citizenship, as judged by Italian law, automatically becomes an Italian citizen.[16]

As of 31 December 2005, there were, apart from the Pope himself, 557 people with Vatican citizenship, while there were 246 residents in the state who did not have its citizenship.

Of the 557, 74% were clergy:

  • 58 cardinals, resident in Rome, mostly outside the Vatican;
  • 293 clergy, members of the Holy See’s diplomatic missions, resident in other countries, and forming well over half the total of the citizens;
  • 62 other clergy, working but not necessarily living in the Vatican.

The 101 members of the Papal Swiss Guard constituted 18% of the total, and there were only 43 other lay persons with Vatican citizenship.[43]


Michelangelo’s Pietà is one of the Vatican’s best known artworks.

Culture of Vatican City

Vatican City is home to some of the most famous art in the world. St. Peter’s Basilica, whose successive architects include Bramante, Michelangelo, Giacomo della Porta, Maderno and Bernini is a renowned work of Renaissance architecture. The Sistine Chapel is famous for its frescos, which include works by Perugino, Domenico Ghirlandaio and Botticelli as well as the ceiling and Last Judgement by Michelangelo. Artists who decorated the interiors of the Vatican include Raphael and Fra Angelico.

The Vatican Library and the collections of the Vatican Museums are of the highest historical, scientific and cultural importance. In 1984, the Vatican was added by UNESCO to the List of World Heritage Sites; it is the only one to consist of an entire state.[44]Furthermore, it is the only site to date registered with the UNESCO as a centre containing monuments in the "International Register of Cultural Property under Special Protection" according to the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.[44]


Article 22 of the 1929 Lateran Treaty between the Holy See and Italy, the Italian government, when requested by the Holy See, handles the prosecution and detention of criminal suspects, at the expense of the Vatican.[16] In 1969, the Vatican state abolished capital punishment, which was envisaged in the legislation it adopted in 1929 on the basis of Italian law, but which it never exercised.


Vatican’s Railway Station.


Transport in Vatican City

Vatican City has a reasonably well developed transport network considering its size (consisting mostly of a plaza and walkways). As a country that is 1.05 kilometres (0.6 mi) long and 0.85 kilometres (0.5 mi) wide,[45] it has a small transportation system with noairports or highways. There is one heliport and a standard gauge railway connected to Italy’s network at Rome’s Saint Peter’s station by an 852 metres (932 yd) long spur, only 300 metres (328 yd) of which is within Vatican territory.[46]

Pope John XXIII was the first Pope to make use of this railway, and Pope John Paul II used it as well, albeit very rarely. The railway is mainly used to transport freight.[46] As Vatican City has no airports (it is one of the few independent states in the world without one) (except for the aforementioned heliport), it is served by the airports that serve the city of Rome, within which the Vatican is located, namely: Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport and to a lesser extent, Ciampino Airport, which both serve as the departure gateway for the Pope’s international visits.[46]


The stamp vending machine of the Vatican Postal Service.

The City is served by an independent, modern telephone system,[47] the Vatican Pharmacy, and post office. The postal system was founded on 11 February 1929, and two days later became operational. On 1 August, the state started to release its own postal stamps, under the authority of the Philatelic and Numismatic Office of the Vatican City State.[48] The City’s postal service is sometimes recognised as "the best in the world"[49] and mail has been noted to get to its target before the postal service in Rome.[49]

The Vatican also controls its own Internet TLD, which is registered as (.va). Broadband service is widely provided within Vatican City. Vatican City has also been given a radio ITU prefix, HV, and this is sometimes used by amateur radio operators.

Vatican Radio, which was organised by Guglielmo Marconi, broadcasts on short-wave, medium-wave and FM frequencies and on the Internet.[50] Its main transmission antennae are located in Italian territory. Television services are provided through another entity, the Vatican Television Center.[51]

L’Osservatore Romano is the multilingual semi-official newspaper of the Holy See. It is published by a private corporation under the direction of Roman Catholic laymen but reports on official information. However, the official texts of documents are in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the official gazette of the Holy See, which has an appendix for documents of the Vatican City State.

Vatican Radio, the Vatican Television Center, and L’Osservatore Romano are organs not of the Vatican State but of the Holy See, and are listed as such in the Annuario Pontificio, which places them in the section "Institutions linked with the Holy See", ahead of the sections on the Holy See’s diplomatic service abroad and the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, after which is placed the section on the State of Vatican City.


Vatican City has no sport league or stadium. It has sometimes fielded a national football team drawn from the Swiss Guards (dual Vatican and Swiss citizens), members of the Papal council,[clarification needed] and museum guards (Italian citizens). Since the Swiss Guards, who have Vatican City citizenship, are not free in sufficient numbers except for short periods, the national team can play international matches only rarely, on which occasions they may draw an interested press. The Vatican City national football team plays at Stadio Pio XII in Italy.[citation needed] Many of the Pontifical seminaries in Rome compete in the Clericus Cup football tournament each winter and spring. The Cup is organised by the Italian Centro Sportivo Italiano (CSI). Vatican Radio reports on the outcomes of the Cup’s matches which are held at the Knights of Columbus football fields at the Oratory of St. Peter on the Gelsomino Hill in Rome. In 2008 the Dutch Fellowship of Fairly Odd Places C.C. challenged the Vatican into raising its own National Team. Subsequently a first cricket match ever between their National side and the Dutch team was played at the Stadio dei Marmi. The Vatican XI won by 9 wickets. All Vatican XI players were of Indian descent.[citation needed]

See also

Flag of the Vatican City.svg
Vatican City portal

Vatican city1d

Outline of Vatican City


  1. ^ Visitors and tourists are not permitted to drive inside the Vatican without specific permission, which is normally granted only to those who have business with some office in the Vatican.
  1. ^ Vatican City is a city-state
  2. ^ In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Legge sulle fonti del diritto of 7 June 1929, all laws and regulations of the state are published in the Italian-language Supplemento per le leggi e disposizioni dello Stato della Città del Vaticano attached to theActa Apostolicae Sedis. The text of the first seven items published in that supplement is given here. While the state itself uses only Italian, many other languages are used by institutions situated within the state, such as the Holy See, thePontifical Swiss Guard, and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. The Holy See uses Latin as an official language and French as a diplomatic language; in addition, its Secretariat of State uses English, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish. The Swiss Guard, in which commands on parade are given in German, also uses French and Italian in all its official ceremonies. The semi-official Holy See newspaperL’Osservatore Romano uses English, French, German, Italian,Malayalam, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish. Vatican Radiouses 38 languages, including Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Byelorussian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Esperanto, English, Filipino, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tamil, Tigrigna, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.
  3. ^ "CIA – The World Factbook – Holy See (Vatican City)". Cia.gov. Retrieved 10 October 2009.
  4. ^ a b c "Holy See (Vatican City)". CIA—The World Factbook. Retrieved 22 February 2007.
  5. ^ Holy See (Vatican City), The World Factbook, CIA. Retrieved 1 July 2010.
  6. ^ Since 1 January 2002. www.vatican.va Holy See Press office — General Information. Retrieved 23 October 2009
  7. ^ Before 2002, the Vatican lira (on par with the Italian lira)
  8. ^ ITU-T assigned code 379 to Vatican City. However, Vatican City is included in the Italian telephone numbering plan and uses the Italian country code 39, followed by 06 (for Rome) and 698.
  9. ^ "Stato della Città del Vaticano" is the name used in the state’sfounding document, the Treaty between the Holy See and Italy, article 26.
  10. ^ "Vatican City State". Vatican City Government. Retrieved 28 November 2007.
  11. ^ "The Vatican to go carbon neutral". United Press International. 13 July 2007. Retrieved 12 September 2009.
  12. ^ "Vatican (search)". Online Dictionary. Retrieved 28 November 2007.
  13. ^ a b Excerpt of extraterritorial jurisdiction as per the Lateran Treaty of 1929:
    Article 13
    Italy recognizes the full ownership of the Holy See over the patriarchal Basilicas of St. John Lateran, Sta. Maria Maggiore, and St. Paul, with their annexed buildings.
    The State transfers to the Holy See the free management and administration of the said Basilica of St. Paul and its dependent Monastery, also paying over to the Holy See all monies representing the sums set aside annually for that church in the budget of the Ministry of Education.
    It is also understood that the Holy See shall remain the absolute owner of the edifice of S. Callisto, adjoining Sta. Maria in Trastevere.
    Article 14
    Italy recognizes the full ownership by the Holy See of the Papal Palace of Castel Gandolfo, together with all endowments, appurtenances, and dependencies thereof, which are now already in the possession of the Holy See, and Italy also undertakes to hand over, within six months after the coming into force of the present Treaty, the Villa Barberini in Castel Gandolfo, together with all endowments, appurtenances, and dependencies thereof.
    In order to round off the property situated on the northern side of the Janiculum Hill, belonging to theSacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide and to other ecclesiastical institutions, which property faces the Vatican Palaces, the State undertakes to transfer to the Holy See or other bodies appointed by it for such purpose, all real estate belonging to the State or to third parties existing in that area. The properties belonging to the said Congregation and to other institutions and those to be transferred being marked on the annexed map.
    Finally, Italy shall transfer to the Holy See, as its full and absolute property, the Convent buildings in Rome attached to the Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles and to the churches of San Andrea della Valle and S. Carlo ai Catinari, with all annexes and dependencies thereof, and shall hand them over within one year after the entry into force of the present Treaty, free of all occupants.
    Article 15
    The property indicated in Article 13 hereof and in paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 14, as well as the Palaces of the Dataria, of the Cancelleria, of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide in the Piazza di Spagnaof the S. Offizio with its annexes, and those of the Convertendi (now the Congregation of the Eastern Church) in Piazza Scossacavalli, the Vicariato, and all other edifices in which the Holy See shall subsequently desire to establish other offices and departments although such edifices form part of the territory belonging to the Italian State, shall enjoy the immunity granted by International Law to the headquarters of the diplomatic agents of foreign States. Similar immunity shall also apply with regard to any other churches (even if situated outside Rome) during such time as, without such churches being open to the public, the Supreme Pontiff shall take part in religious ceremonies celebrated therein.
    Article 16

    Saint Apollinaris Building (Palazzo sant’Apollinare)

    The property mentioned in the three preceding Articles, as also that used as headquarters of the following Papal institutions—the Gregorian University, the Biblical, Oriental, and Archaeological Institutes, the Russian Seminary, the Lombard College, the two Palaces of St. Apollinaris and the Home of the Retreat of the Clergy dedicated to St. John and St. Paul—shall never be subject to charges or to expropriation for reasons of public utility, save by previous agreement with the Holy See, and shall be exempt from any contribution or tax, whether ordinary or extraordinary and payable to the State or to any other body.
    It shall be permissible for the Holy See to deal with all buildings above mentioned or referred to in the three preceding Articles as it may deem fit, without obtaining the authorisation or consent of the Italian governmental, provincial, or communal authority, which authorities may in this regard rely entirely on the high artistic traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.
  14. ^ "Al Pellegrino Cattolico: The Vatican Gardens". © 2008 Al Pellegrino Cattolico s.r.l. Via di Porta Angelica 81\83 (S.Pietro) I- 00193 Roma, Italy. Retrieved 21 November 2008.
  15. ^ a b "Official Vatican City State Website: A Visit to the Vatican Gardens". © 2007-08 Uffici di Presidenza S.C.V.. Retrieved 21 November 2008.
  16. ^ One of the titles of the Pope listed in the Annuario Pontificiois "Sovereign of Vatican City State" (page 23* in recent editions).
  17. ^ "Vatican City (Politics, government, and taxation)". Nations Encyclopedia. Retrieved 28 November 2007.
  18. ^ Lanciani, Rodolfo (1892). Pagan and Christian RomeHoughton, Mifflin.
  19. ^ Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2001-2005
  20. ^ "Vatican City (Politics, government, and taxation)". Nations Encyclopedia. Retrieved 28 November 2007.
  21. ^ "Vatican City". Catholic-Pages.com. Retrieved 4 March 2007.
  22. ^ The site Hereditary Officers of the Papal Court continues to present these functions and titles as still in use, several decades after their abolition.
  23. ^ Vatican Diplomacy, Catholic-Pages.com, retrieved 15 Mar. 2007
  24. ^ a b "Vatican City Today". Vatican City Government. Retrieved 28 November 2007.
  25. ^ "International postal code: SCV-00120." www.vatican.vaHoly See Press office — General Information. Retrieved 23 October 2009
  26. ^ a b "Holy See (Vatican City): Economy". CIA – The World Factbook. Retrieved 23 February 2007.
  27. ^ "Agreements on monetary relations (Monaco, San Marino, the Vatican and Andorra)". Activities of the European Union: Summaries of legislation. Retrieved 23 February 2007.
  28. ^ "Benedict Vatican euros set for release". Catholic News. 21 April 2006. Retrieved 23 February 2007.[dead link]
  29. ^ Christian Telegraph: Holy See’s budget shortfall shrinks in 2008. Note that the report quoted deals mainly with the revenues and expenses of the Holy See and mentions only briefly the finances of Vatican City.
  30. ^ The Vatican City State appendix to the Acta Apostolicae Sedis is entirely in Italian.
  31. ^ "Vatican citizenship". Holy See Press Office. Retrieved 3 December 2006.
  32. ^ a b "Vatican City – UNESCO World Heritage Centre". whc.unesco.org. Retrieved 10 October 2009.
  33. ^ "Holy See – State of the Vatican City". Vatican Papal Conclave. Retrieved 28 November 2007.
  34. ^ a b c Vatican City State Railway "Railways of the World". Sinfin.net. Retrieved 8 August 2006.
  35. ^ "The Early Definitives". Vatican Philatelic Society. Archived from the original on 11 December 2007. Retrieved 28 November 2007.
  36. ^ a b Baker, Al (27 June 2004). "Hail Marys Not Needed: Vatican Mail Will Deliver". New York Times. Retrieved 28 November 2007.
  37. ^ "Vatican Radio – Index". Vatican.va. 2 September 2005. Retrieved 6 May 2009.
  38. ^ "Vatican Television Center – Index". Vatican.va. Retrieved 6 May 2009.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Vatican City

History of Europe

Categories: Vatican City | Capitals in Europe | Catholic pilgrimage sites | Christianity in Europe | City-states | Countries that are enclaves of Italy | Current monarchies | Prince-Bishoprics | European countries | Geography of Rome | Holy cities | Italian-speaking countries | Landlocked countries | Monarchies of


The Vatican City, one of the most sacred places in Christendom, attests to a great history and a formidable spiritual venture. A unique collection of artistic and architectural masterpieces lie within the boundaries of this small state. At its centre is St Peter’s Basilica, with its double colonnade and a circular piazza in front and bordered by palaces and gardens. The basilica, erected over the tomb of St Peter the Apostle, is the largest religious building in the world, the fruit of the combined genius of Bramante, Raphael, Michelangelo, Bernini and Maderna.

Other Languages:
English French Arabic Chinese Russian Spanish

Vatican City | Jamie Davies © Jamie Davies


Vatican City Overview

There seem to be a confusion between the Vatican City State, the minuscule state that exists only since 1929, and the Holy See (of Rome), which is the entity which is active in all international relationships except those of a clearly territorial nature, such as membership of UPU (Universal Postal Union), INTELSAT, CEPT and UNIDROIT (International Institute for the Unification of Private Law).
No government would have much interest in relations with so tiny a state as Vatican City.  But 172 states maintain diplomatic relations with the Holy See, and half of those that have accredited their ambassador to the Holy See find it worthwhile to have him or her resident in Rome, distinct from their ambassador to the Italian Republic.
The flag of the Vatican City State is as on your webpage, showing the arms with the silver key in the dexter position.  When what is represented is the Holy See, not Vatican City State, the keys are reversed.  Rather, when the state was set up in 1929, thekeys in the arms of the Holy See, with the gold one in dexter position, were reversed to provide a distinctive symbol for the new entity.  In the personal arms of the popes, the keys are, of course, arranged as in the arms of the Holy See: the other arrangement would be equivalent to treating him as merely the head of that little state.  The arrangement for the Holy See is seen on Arms of John Paul II.
Rather than "the keys of paradise", as given on your page, the reference would be better expressed exactly as in Jesus’ words to Peter in St Matthew’s Gospel 16:19 "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven."
I doubt too the exactness of the description given of the papal flag in use before the Napoleonic occupation of Rome.  The flag used then was that of the city of Rome, which, if I rightly recall what is today displayed in Rome, is not "yellow and red" but gold (yellow) and purple, as it no doubt was also in 1848 and before 1808.
"nuntius", 14 Febuary 2000

The Vatican has citizens (1500 persons), but there is nobody with only Vatican citizenship. For example, the Pope is citizen of both the Vatican and Poland. The other peculiarity is that the Vatican issues only diplomatic passports, so this is a country, where all the citizens are diplomats.
Maxval, 14 March 2001

I would suppose the Holy See could be considered to be part of the government of the Vatican City State, which does have a small territory.
Elias Granqvist, 15 March 2001

US Department of State’s background notes on the Holy See explain the situation this way:
"The term "Holy See" refers to the composite of the authority, jurisdiction, and sovereignty vested in the Pope and his advisers to direct the worldwide Roman Catholic Church. As the "central government" of the Roman Catholic Church, the Holy See has a legal personality that allows it to enter into treaties as the juridical equal of a state and to send and receive diplomatic representatives. The Holy See has formal diplomatic relations with 166 nations, including the United States. Libya, Guyana, and Angola established diplomatic relations in 1997. Created in 1929 to administer properties belonging to the Holy See in Rome, the State of the Vatican City is recognized under international law and enters into international agreements. Unlike the Holy See, it does not receive or send diplomatic representatives."
Joe McMillan, 15 March 2001

I notice that the Vatican is listed as "Holy See" in a list of UN observers at the UN site. Is this used as an alternative name only, or does it imply something else- more of a supernational organization, the Catholic Church perhaps? It is listed as a "non-member state".
Nathan Lamm, 1 October 2002

Holy See is the center of the catholic church, while Vatican City State is the territorial unit where Holy See is placed. (the situation is much more complicated, as Holy See not *the* state is a subject of diplomatic recognition. See web page of the Holy See’s observer mission to UN.) The HS is not a member of UN (and does not want to become a member). Again – see the web page: <www.holyseemission.org>.
Jan Zrzavy, 1 October 2002

"In the period between the annexation of the Papal State by Italy in 1870 and the restoration of its temporal sovereignty in the Lateran Treaty of 1929, the Holy Sea concluded treaties (in the form of concordats) and entertained diplomatic relations with the great majority of States.  It was to that extent a subject of international law without being a State in the accepted sense of the term." (International Law; Collected Papers of Hersch Lauterpacht).
David Prothero, 29 December 2002

Vatican has 44 hectares of area + 13 other dependencies of which Castel Gandolfo who has 7 km2, if I remember well. The Holy See of whom Vatican is the head territory (Vatican is not strictly equal to Holy See), is the remnant of the Church States.
Jean-Marc Merklin, 28 December 2002


Vatican City State

Vatican City

(Click to enlarge)

Vatican City

(Mapping Specialists, Ltd.)

An independent papal state on the Tiber River within Rome, Italy. Created by the Lateran Treaty signed by Pope Pius XI and Victor Emmanuel III of Italy in 1929, it issues its own currency and postage stamps and has its own newspaper and broadcasting facilities. The government is run by a lay governor and council, all responsible to the pope. Population: 821.

Vatican City State

Travel to Rome

Why Visit The Region Of Lazio

An Introduction to Rome and the Vatican in Italy

Vatican City

Independent papal state, southern Europe, within the commune of Rome, Italy. Area: 109 acres (44 hectares). Population (2005 est.): 800. Its medieval and Renaissance walls form its boundaries except on the southeast at St. Peter’s Square. Within the walls is the world’s smallest independent nation-state, with its own diplomatic missions, newspaper, post office, radio station, banking system, army of 100 Swiss Guards, and publishing house. Extraterritoriality of the state extends to Castel Gandolfo and to several churches and palaces in Rome proper. Its independent sovereignty was recognized in the Lateran Treaty of 1929. The pope has absolute executive, legislative, and judicial powers within the city. He appoints the members of the Vatican’s government organs, which are separate from those of the Holy See, the name given to the government of the Roman Catholic Church. The many imposing buildings include St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Palace, and the Vatican Museums. Frescoes by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, by Pinturicchio in the Borgia Apartment, and by Raphael in the Stanze (rooms in the papal apartments) are also there. The Vatican Library contains a priceless collection of manuscripts from the pre-Christian and Christian eras. The pope and other representatives of the papal state travel widely to maintain international relations.

Vatican City became an independent, sovereign state when the Lateran Treaty was signed in Rome on this date in 1929. Italy had annexed the Papal States in 1871, restricting papal business to a few buildings and paying a yearly compensation. But the Church never accepted the annexation or the payments and the popes considered themselves prisoners in the Vatican. The Lateran Treaty ended this status and also established Roman Catholicism as the only official religion of Italy.

Vatican City (vătĭkən) or Holy See, officially Holy See (State of the Vatican City), independent state (2005 est. pop. 900), 108.7 acres (44 hectares), within the city of Rome, Italy, and the residence of the pope, who is its absolute ruler. Vatican City may be said to correspond politically to the former Papal States, but it was created as a result of the Lateran Treaty of 1929 between Pope Pius XI and King Victor Emmanuel III (negotiated by CardinalGasparri and Mussolini), which ended the so-called Roman Question.

Geographic and Political Extent

The Vatican City is a roughly triangular tract of land within Rome, on the west bank of the Tiber River and west of the Castel Sant’Angelo. In its southeast corner is the piazza of Saint Peter’s Church, surrounded by the splendid colonnade. North of the piazza is a quadrangular area containing administrative buildings and the Belvedere Park. West of Belvedere Park are the pontifical palaces, and beyond the palaces lie the Vatican Gardens, which make up half the area of the little state. The Leonine Wall forms the western and southern boundaries.

In the city of Rome are certain important basilicas, churches, and other buildings to which the Italian government extends the rights of extraterritoriality and tax exemption but not papal sovereignty. The basilicas include San Giovanni in Laterno (St. John Lateran), Santa Maria Maggiore (St. Mary Major), and San Paolo fuori le Mura (St. Paul outside the Walls). The palace of San Callisto at the foot of the Janiculum also shares the immunity of the Vatican, as does the papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, in the Alban Hills outside Rome.

Vatican City has its own citizenship, issues its own currency and postage stamps, and has its own flag and a large diplomatic corps. It is open to visitors all year, and the pope receives callers in public and private audiences. It has its own newspaper (Osservatore Romano), railroad station, and broadcasting facility (first established by Marconi under Pius XI). The seven Vatican universities, including the Pontifical Gregorian Univ., are located in Rome. The political freedom of the Vatican is guaranteed and protected by Italy.

Civil and Church Government

The civil government of Vatican City is headed by the cardinal president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City, which is the state’s legislature; the state is governed under the Fundamental Law of 2000. The legal system is based on canon law, and the courts are part of the judicial system of the church. The only court special to Vatican City is a court of first instance for civil and criminal cases arising in the city.

The Vatican is above all the seat of the central government of the Roman Catholic Church. Because of the papacy‘s vast interest in temporal as well as spiritual affairs, an elaborate bureaucracy has been developed over the course of centuries. The pope governs the church with the College of Cardinals. He may act as he chooses without their consent, but in practice he relies on the cardinals for advice as well as for administration of the church government. The whole administrative body surrounding the pope and responsible to him is called the Curia Romana.

The papal court long had all the characteristics of a royal court, such as elaborate rituals and uniforms, and complex rules of precedence; however, since the reign of Pope John XXIII (1958-63) and the Second Vatican Council, many of the Vatican ceremonies have been greatly simplified. The bodyguard of the pope is the corps of Swiss Guards, founded in the 16th cent. and made up of a small group of Roman Catholic Swiss. Its members wear the splendid Renaissance uniforms designed by Michelangelo.

The Palaces and the Vatican’s Treasures

The Vatican palaces are an irregular mass of three-story and four-story buildings, built on long, plain lines and broken by additions and alterations. The papal residence and offices occupy the portion near the colonnade, and the rest is given over to museums and the Vatican Library. The Vatican museums are among the most important in the world; they are the Museo Pio-Clementino, founded in the 18th cent. and containing one of the world’s great collections of antiquities; the Chiaramonti Museum, founded in the early 19th cent. and holding a collection of Greek sculptures and Renaissance imitations; the Braccio Nuovo, considered by many to be the most beautiful of all the museums; the Egyptian Museum and the Etruscan Museum, opposite the Braccio Nuovo; and the Pinacoteca Vaticana (opened in 1932), which contains paintings by Giotto, Guercino, Caravaggio, Poussin, and others.

The museums, however, house only part of the Vatican’s treasure, for many of the Renaissance and modern paintings are found in the galleries surrounding the various courtyards, such as the Cortile del Belvedere and the Cortile San Damasco. Adjoining the Cortile San Damasco is the building containing the Borgia apartments on the first floor and the Raphael rooms on the second. The works of Raphael and his followers in the building make it one of the most famous artistic monuments in the world. The Vatican Library lies all along the western side of the Giardino della Pigna and Cortile del Belvedere. It is one of the world’s richest repositories of ancient and medieval manuscripts in many languages. The principal chapel in the Vatican is the Sistine Chapel, the ceiling of which was painted (1508-12) by Michelangelo.


The history of the Vatican as a papal residence dates from the 5th cent., when, after Emperor Constantine I had built the basilica of St. Peter’s, Pope Symmachus built a palace nearby. The pope usually resided in the Lateran Palace until the "Babylonian captivity" (14th cent.) in Avignon, France. After the return of the papacy to Rome (1377) the Vatican became the usual residence. The Renaissance popes, principally Sixtus IV, Innocent VIII, Alexander VI,Julius II, Leo X, and Clement VII, were great patrons of the arts, and it was they who began to assemble the great collections and to construct the wonderful galleries. Gregory XIII and Sixtus V spent huge sums on the Vatican and also began the Quirinal, a palace that served as the papal residence from the 17th to the 19th cent., was the Italian royal palace from 1870 to 1946, and is now the home of the president of Italy.


See M. T. Bonney, The Vatican (photographs with explanations, 1940); K. Isper, Vatican Art (1953); R. Neville, The World of the Vatican (1962); P. M. Letarouilly, Vatican (2 vol., 1954-64); A. Lipinsky, The Vatican (tr. 1968); N. Lo Bello,The Vatican Wealth (1971).


Vatican City State

Tiny independent nation within Rome, Italy, located on the Vatican Hill, on the west bank of the Tiber River; often called the Vatican.

  • It is home to the pope and central administration of the Roman Catholic Church. The pope maintains complete legal, executive, and judicial powers. The Vatican was established in the 1920s by a treaty between the pope and the Italian government.
  • The Sistine Chapel and Saint Peter’s Basilica are located here.
  • With a total area of less than a fifth of a square mile, it is often considered the world’s smallest country.
  • The relations of the United States with the Vatican have been controversial. For years, the United States had a diplomatic representative there without the rank of ambassador, but in the middle 1980s, the United States established full diplomatic relations with the Vatican.

Vatican City, Holy See

Dialing Code:

The telephone dialing code for: Vatican City, Italy

The country code is: 39
The city code is: 06


Holy See (Vatican City)

Click to enlarge flag of Holy See (Vatican City)


Popes in their secular role ruled portions of the Italian peninsula for more than a thousand years until the mid 19th century, when many of the Papal States were seized by the newly united Kingdom of Italy. In 1870, the pope’s holdings were further circumscribed when Rome itself was annexed. Disputes between a series of "prisoner" popes and Italy were resolved in 1929 by three Lateran Treaties, which established the independent state of Vatican City and granted Roman Catholicism special status in Italy. In 1984, a concordat between the Holy See and Italy modified certain of the earlier treaty provisions, including the primacy of Roman Catholicism as the Italian state religion. Present concerns of the Holy See include religious freedom, international development, the environment, the Middle East, China, the decline of religion in Europe, terrorism, interreligious dialogue and reconciliation, and the application of church doctrine in an era of rapid change and globalization. About one billion people worldwide profess the Catholic faith.


Map of Holy See (Vatican City)

Southern Europe, an enclave of Rome (Italy)

Geographic coordinates:
41 54 N, 12 27 E

Map references:

total: 0.44 sq km
land: 0.44 sq km
water: 0 sq km

Area – comparative:
about 0.7 times the size of The Mall in Washington, DC

Land boundaries:
total: 3.2 km
border countries: Italy 3.2 km

0 km (landlocked)

Maritime claims:
none (landlocked)

temperate; mild, rainy winters (September to May) with hot, dry summers (May to September)

urban; low hill

Elevation extremes:
lowest point: unnamed location 19 m
highest point: unnamed location 75 m

Natural resources:

Land use:
arable land: 0%
permanent crops: 0%
other: 100% (urban area) (2005)

Irrigated land:
0 sq km

Natural hazards:

Environment – current issues:

Environment – international agreements:
party to: Ozone Layer Protection
signed, but not ratified: Air Pollution, Environmental Modification

Geography – note:
landlocked; enclave in Rome, Italy; world’s smallest state; beyond the territorial boundary of Vatican City, the Lateran Treaty of 1929 grants the Holy See extraterritorial authority over 23 sites in Rome and five outside of Rome, including the Pontifical Palace at Castel Gandolfo (the Pope’s summer residence)


826 (July 2009 est.)

Population growth rate:
0.003% (2009 est.)

urban population: 100% of total population (2008)
rate of urbanization: 0.1% annual rate of change (2005-10 est.)

HIV/AIDS – adult prevalence rate:

HIV/AIDS – people living with HIV/AIDS:

HIV/AIDS – deaths:

noun: none
adjective: none

Ethnic groups:
Italians, Swiss, other

Roman Catholic

Italian, Latin, French, various other languages

definition: NA
total population: 100%
male: 100%
female: 100%


Country name:
conventional long form: The Holy See (State of the Vatican City)
conventional short form: Holy See (Vatican City)
local long form: Santa Sede (Stato della Citta del Vaticano)
local short form: Santa Sede (Citta del Vaticano)

Government type:

name: Vatican City
geographic coordinates: 41 54 N, 12 27 E
time difference: UTC+1 (6 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)
daylight saving time: +1hr, begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October

Administrative divisions:

11 February 1929 (from Italy); note – the three treaties signed with Italy on 11 February 1929 acknowledged, among other things, the full sovereignty of the Vatican and established its territorial extent; however, the origin of the Papal States, which over the years have varied considerably in extent, may be traced back to the 8th century

National holiday:
Election Day of Pope BENEDICT XVI, 19 April (2005)

Fundamental Law promulgated by Pope JOHN PAUL II on 26 November 2000, effective 22 February 2001 (replaced the first Fundamental Law of 1929)

Legal system:
based on Code of Canon Law and revisions to it

limited to cardinals less than 80 years old

Executive branch:
chief of state: Pope BENEDICT XVI (since 19 April 2005)
head of government: Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio BERTONE (since 15 September 2006)
cabinet: Pontifical Commission for the State of Vatican City appointed by the pope
elections: pope elected for life by the College of Cardinals; election last held 19 April 2005 (next to be held after the death of the current pope); secretary of state appointed by the pope
election results: Joseph RATZINGER elected Pope BENEDICT XVI

Legislative branch:
unicameral Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State

Judicial branch:
there are three tribunals responsible for civil and criminal matters within Vatican City; three other tribunals rule on issues pertaining to the Holy See
note: judicial duties were established by the Motu Proprio of Pope PIUS XII on 1 May 1946

Political parties and leaders:

Political pressure groups and leaders:
none (exclusive of influence exercised by church officers)

International organization participation:
CE (observer), IAEA, Interpol, IOM (observer), ITSO, ITU, ITUC, NAM (guest), OAS (observer), OPCW, OSCE, UN (observer), UNCTAD, UNHCR, Union Latina (observer), UNWTO (observer), UPU, WFTU, WIPO, WTO (observer)

Diplomatic representation in the US:
chief of mission: Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Pietro SAMBI
chancery: 3339 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008
telephone: [1] (202) 333-7121
FAX: [1] (202) 337-4036

Diplomatic representation from the US:
chief of mission: Ambassador (vacant); Charge d’Affaires Julieta NOYES
embassy: Villa Domiziana, Via delle Terme Deciane 26, 00153 Rome
mailing address: PSC 833, Box 66, APO AE 09624
telephone: [39] (06) 4674-3428
FAX: [39] (06) 575-3411

Flag description:
two vertical bands of yellow (hoist side) and white with the arms of the Holy See, consisting of the crossed keys of Saint Peter surmounted by the three-tiered papal tiara, centered in the white band


Economy – overview:
This unique, noncommercial economy is supported financially by an annual contribution (known as Peter’s Pence) from Roman Catholic dioceses throughout the world; by the sale of postage stamps, coins, medals, and tourist mementos; by fees for admission to museums; and by the sale of publications. Investments and real estate income also account for a sizable portion of revenue. The incomes and living standards of lay workers are comparable to those of counterparts who work in the city of Rome.

GDP (purchasing power parity):

Labor force:

Labor force – by occupation:
note: essentially services with a small amount of industry; nearly all dignitaries, priests, nuns, guards, and the approximately 3,000 lay workers live outside the Vatican

Population below poverty line:

revenues: $310 million
expenditures: $307 million (2006)

Fiscal year:
calendar year

printing; production of coins, medals, postage stamps; a small amount of mosaics and staff uniforms; worldwide banking and financial activities

Electricity – production:
NA kWh

Electricity – consumption:
NA kWh

Electricity – imports:
NA kWh; note – electricity supplied by Italy; a small portion of electricity is self-produced from solar panels

Currency (code):
euro (EUR)

Currency code:

Exchange rates:
euros (EUR) per US dollar – 0.6827 (2008 est.), 0.7345 (2007), 0.7964 (2006), 0.8041 (2005), 0.8054 (2004)


Telephones – main lines in use:
5,120 (2005)

Telephone system:
general assessment: automatic digital exchange
domestic: connected via fiber optic cable to Telecom Italia network
international: country code – 39; uses Italian system

Radio broadcast stations:
AM 5, FM 3, shortwave 5 (2008)


Television broadcast stations:
1 (2008)


Internet country code:

Internet hosts:
55 (2008)

Internet Service Providers (ISPs):

Internet users:
93 (2000)


Military branches:
Pontifical Swiss Guard (Corpo della Guardia Svizzera Pontificia) (2009)

Military – note:
defense is the responsibility of Italy; ceremonial and limited security duties performed by Pontifical Swiss Guard

Transnational Issues

Disputes – international:


The Mysterious All-Seeing Eye

By David J. Stewart

2nd Corinthians 11:14, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”

       One of the key symbols of the New World Order is the eye. Jesus said in Matthew 6:22, “The light of the body is the eye…” It is through the eye that light, or in a spiritual sense, KNOWLEDGE, enters the body. There are 33 different degrees in the Masonic order. Each new level entitles the participant to acquire additional occult KNOWLEDGE. The eye is symbolic of KNOWLEDGE kept secret from the public; hence the eye is viewed as peering through a peep hole, spying on the society which they victimize; yet society cannot see what the predatory elite occultists are doing and planning for the world.

The Bible teaches that the eyes of Adam and Eve were opened to the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil the day they sinned by eating of the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:7). So we learn that the eye has great spiritual significance in the Scriptures, referring to one’s spiritual enlightenment and understanding.

With this truth in mind, consider the following eloquent words by 33rd degree Freemason and prolific author, Manly P. Hall . . . 

“Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries … By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language. Rejecting man-conceived dialects as inadequate and unworthy to perpetuate divine ideas, the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable. Hence, he who seeks to unveil the secret doctrine of antiquity must search for that doctrine not upon the open pages of books which might fall into the hands of the unworthy but in the place where it was originally concealed.”

—Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 20.

Jesus said in John 18:20, “I spake openly to the world … in secret have I said nothing.” This is in sharp contrast to secret societies which operate in secrecy. The reason why occult groups, such as Freemasonry, must operate in secrecy is because their works are evil. If the public knew what the predatory ruling elite were planning for the world, there’d be massive hangings by sunset. To educate yourself on the subject, watch the free eye-opening and shocking Alex Jones’ documentary movie . . . END GAME — Blueprint for Global Enslavement.

The eye is symbolic of secret societies; but moreover, the eye represents the forming New World Order and the rulers of the darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12), and ultimately Satan himself.

Satan deceitfully appears to his victims as an angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:14). This is to deceive. Satan is inherently evil, a master counterfeiter and deceiver, and so he must disguise himself as being righteous and good in order to successfully deceive his victims. The Bible warns us about wolves that come to us in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15). Satan is the father of all liars and murderers (John 8:44).

The Bible refers to evil, wickedness and Lucifer worshipping secret societies as “darkness.” Acts 26:18, “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.” Notice that Acts 26:18 mentions “the power of Satan.” Matthew 4:9, “Again, the Devil taketh Him[Jesus] up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth Him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto Him, All these things will I give Thee, if Thou wilt fall down and worship me.”

Notice that Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of this world and the glory of them in return for worship. Jesus resisted the temptation by quoting the first of the Ten Commandments, which prohibits idolatry. We learn from this passage of Scripture how Satan operates. The Devil offers men and women wealth, fame and pleasures in return for worship. This is why we see so many high-powered political, newsmedia and corporate leaders worshipping a 40-foot owl at Bohemian Grove and making the Satanic El Diablo hand sign showing their allegiance to Satan (more hand signs).

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. Notice that President George W. Bush is making a Satanic salute . . .

In a desperate attempt to achieve worldly glory, wealth and power, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin is photod making two Satanic hand signs to send a clear message to the rulers of darkness of this world . . . “pick me, pick me, pick me.”

Many people are wilfully ignorant and choose rather to believe anything than the truth. Satanists, Heavy-metal rockers, criminals, and hundreds of famous people have been photod showing their allegiance to Satan by flashing a hand-sign. Truth is truly stranger than fiction. The corporate world also shows their allegiance to Satan and the New World Order via various occult symbols, particularly the Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye. And sadly, religions worldwide have also jumped on the New World Order bandwagon, showing their allegiance to Satan and his coming Antichrist . . .

Why Does The Illuminati Eye Infest Christian Churches?

There is a clear occult connection between the world’s mainstream religions (more religious occult connections). Even Bible publishers are putting occult symbols on modern day Bibles. Satan is working relentlessly to bring about a Global Godless Totalitarian Communist Police State, aka, the New World Order. To learn more and get a clear picture, please read Pawns In The Game by Navy officer and prolific author, William Guy Carr.

The Bible refers to righteousness, salvation, the Word of God, Jesus Christ and that which is good as “light.” The Word of God is a Lamp to guide us through this sin-cursed world of lies and deceit. Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a LAMP unto my feet, and a LIGHT unto my path.” In John 8:12 Jesus proclaimed, “…I am the light of the world.”

Acts 26:18 says it all . . . “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.” This Scripture passage is so precious! God wants us as believers to preach the gospel and educate our converts to the truth. Everything happening in the world today are spiritual issues.

You cannot live in a bubble and just ignore what is going on in the world. It’s our responsibility to educate new converts about what’s going on in the world, because they need to know. But we cannot wake people up to the truth if we are ignorant ourselves. Christians who choose not to learn the truth and fight against evil are the reason why America has gone into apostasy. You can’t just sing a little louder while the trains are passing by going to Auschwitz to gas the bodies of innocent people. Stand up oh Christian!

The All-Seeing Eye was deliberately placed on every one-dollar bill, which is the most prevalent unit of U.S. currency. It’s purpose is to show that the Illuminati Banksters and predatory ruling elite own, control and dominate the American people. They are our overlords and we are their slaves. No effort by the American public nor congress has been successful since 1913 to stop, nor even legitimately audit the criminal Federal Reserve Banks (which are privately owned and have no gold reserve to back U.S. money). The worst bank-robbers in history are the bankers themselves.


Here once again are the prolific words of 33rd degree Freemason Manly P. Hall concerning The Great Seal on the U.S. dollar . . .

“On the reverse of our nation’s Great Seal is an unfinished pyramid to represent human society itself, imperfect and incomplete. Above floats the symbol of the esoteric orders, the radiant triangle with its all-seeing eye. … There is only one possible origin for these symbols, and that is the secret societies which came to this country 150 years before the Revolutionary War. … There can be no question that the great seal was directly inspired by these orders of the human Quest, and that it set forth the purpose for this nation. …”

—Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America, pp. 174, 181.

Occultists who understand the significance of The Great Seal revel in it’s meaning . . .

“Our beautiful seal is an expression of Freemasonry, an expression of occult ideas.”

—Wyckoff, H. S. The Great American Seal. The Mystic Light, the Rosicrucian Magazine, p.56.

Freemasonry is more than just a secret society, it is the very reason for which America was established as an independent nation. Their purpose, established centuries ago, was to bring to fruition a World Government. It was Freemasons who established Communism (Karl Marx) and Nazism (Karl Ritter) as vehicles by which to achieve this end. It was Freemasons who established numerous false religions such as Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh-Day Adventism as vehicles by which to bring about a World Religion. All of their founders were 33rd degree Freemasons.

Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1874, has a giant Illuminati pyramid parked on top of his grave. It was also Freemasons who brought about the demonic doctrines of Evolution and created the hellish public school system in the U.S. Adolf Hitler was a big fan of Charles Darwin’s atheist writings and philosophies, which allowed for eugenics and the extermination of weaker species of life. Hitler viewed Jews, disabled people and the elderly as expendable. To no surprise, Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, was a friend of Adolf Hitler, sharing the same demonic views on eugenics and the killing of the innocentunder the pretense of helping humanity.


There are 33 different degrees in the Masonic order. Each new level entitles the participant to acquire additional occult KNOWLEDGE. Seventy-five percent of Freemasons never advance beyond the 3rd level. Despite the abundance of honorable and decent men who are lower level Freemasons, the Masons at the top worship Baphomet, who is Lucifer. Infamous Freemason leader and author, Albert Pike, who predicted World Wars I, II and III, openly said that Lucifer is god in his writings. Argue as they may, the Freemason concept of The Great Architect is total New Age heresy.

The word “occult” means hidden. The reason why Freemasons and all occult organizations must hide everything is because their deeds are evil and the public would revolt if their true agendas were revealed. The average member of Freemasonry is a decent person, totally ignorant of the Luciferian worship which Albert Pike openly admitted occurs at the higher levels of the group. Most Masons are naive and ignorant of the demonic nature of the group. Pastor Dwight L. Moody of Chicago and Evangelist Charles Finney preached against the evils of Freemasonry.

Carefully notice that the New World Order is symbolized with ONE eye; but God gave us TWO eyes to see the truth for ourselves if we truly want to see it. Think about that.

Humanity’s eyes have been opened to the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil since the day Adam and Eve sinned. We can search out the truth, which God has always made available to those who desire to know it. In it’s most basic form, the creepy eye on the back of every one dollar bill represents Satanic deception, the hidden (occult) KNOWLEDGE known only by those in the occult, Satan worship and Luciferianism.

Nearly all Catholics are ignorant concerning the evils of the Image of Divine Mercy, which plainly reveals their involvement and loyalty to the New World Order. Tragically, most Catholics couldn’t care less. Catholicism is a hellish cult. Life is short. I know I’m going to Heaven. I also know that genuine Catholics are going straight to Hell for trusting their religion to save them. I say this with great sadness. Catholics worship Mary, which the Bible condemns as the sin of idolatry! Judgment Day is soon coming (Matthew 12:36)! Salvation is not about religion, it’s about getting your sins forgiven through the precious blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for our sins (Galatians 1:4).


Communism was Invented by Elite Banksters and Barons to Enslave Humanity

Members of the Illuminati sinfully pride themselves in deceiving the public. It’s not because people are stupid, naive nor ignorant that the evil ruling elite are able to destroy us; but rather, because of the wickedness of the public that causes citizens not to care, to choose to willingly remain ignorant and to accept a system of tyranny. No Bible-believing Christian who loves God would ever support Communism that punishes those who work and rewards those who don’t.

The Bible teaches Capitalism (which includes private ownership of land), which works fine in a truly free society; but when our corrupt government sends all of American’s jobs to foreign countries, of course Capitalism cannot work and people cannot afford to pay for a mortgage or healthcare… so the people beg for Communism instead, which gives the government complete control over nearly every aspect of our lives.

Do you know why Communists wants to abolish private ownership of land? It’s because when you own land you have RIGHTS! If the government takes away your land, they have also taken away much of your rights. When you own land, you have the right to tell the government to get off your land. You have the right to do what you want, when you want, and how you want, on and with your own land. That’s why Communism was invented to steal men’s properties and turn the people into slaves. When you live on the government’s land, they have absolute control over everything you do. This is exactly why the predatory ruling elite, who have hijacked The White House through The Council On Foreign Relations over the past several decades, have eliminated our jobs to hinder us from paying our mortgages in America.

This is exactly what has happened in the United States! We are now paying for a century of indifference, apathy and complacency toward government injustice, criminal corruption and violations of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. We need to give up our WRONGS in America, not our RIGHTS! That’s our true problem! Our wickedness in America has caused us not to care, to become indifferent, to go along to get along. And now we’re paying for our lack of integrity as a people. Communism can only thrive in a nation that has abandoned the God of the Bible, which is exactly what America has done! Depart from Us Jesus!

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The Owl and the Occult

The owl is revered by Celtic and Wiccan witches and elite worshippers of the demonic Bohemian Grove cult in California. The owl can see extremely well, especially at night. It is for this reason that the owl was chosen and is used to represent Satan in Luciferian worship, because the owl can see what most other creatures cannot see. The owl can peer keenly through the darkness and even see a tiny mouse moving. This represents the evil occult KNOWLEDGE possessed by occult-inspired, Lucifer-worshipping, Christ-rejecters who hate God and love sin. It is not mere coincidence in this age of modern information that Satan has chosen to exponentially increase his efforts to achieve a modern System of Babel where men unite in their wickedness once again against the God of the Bible.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 teaches that Satan is the “god” of this sin-cursed, politically and religiously corrupt, warmongering, heathen world. This Biblical truth is the key to understanding the occult and the New World Order. The Illuminati are an extremely evil group of people whom Satan are using to achieve a New World Order, i.e., the Beast system of the coming Antichrist.

This group is so evil that they have shamelessly murdered countless tens-of-millions of innocent people without conscience. In addition to the leaders of the New World Order are the devout unsaved followers of the New World Order, who have shown their allegiance to Satan through worldly music, occult symbolism, Satanic hand signs and even demonic religious devotion. Certainly we are witnessing the Last Days, the End Times foretold of in 2nd Timothy 3:1-7.

The Elite Monsters Behind the Sicko New World Order

Many members of this evil gang are members of The Council On Foreign Relations. Navy officer and prolific author, William Guy Carr, referred to these criminals as “Banksters.” These are international offshore bankers who are in total control of America’s government today via The Council On Foreign Relations and our jobs, housing market and economy via the criminal Federal Reserve Bank (which wrongfully hasn’t been financially audited in nearly 100-years). What a bunch of thieves! The biggest and most evil bank-robbers in the world are the Federal Reserve bankers themselves. Hell will be hot!

While America’s CIA continues to traffic illegal drugs into America, paramilitary troops are kicking in American’s doors, shooting their family pets, traumatizing parents and children and destroying families. The ruling elite are exploiting U.S. troops to farm and protect poppy (heroin) crops in Afghanistan. Then our own government illegally traffics those drugs onto America’s streets to kill our children. Russia demanded for NATO to destroy the poppy crops in Afghanistan, outraged over the drug-related deaths of 30,000 Russians each and every year from heroin. NATO said no!

Afghanistan produces a street value of $500,000,000,000 per year in heroin. The War On Drugs is a big evil scam! This is just more lies, deception and fraud by the global elite which are destroying the world’s families. The proceeds from the drug sales are being used in part to further the elite’s conquest of the free world, funding more government overthrows and coups around the world. The New World Order is a global corporate takeover of governments. They want to carry out eugenics (population reduction). It’s all a big fraud.

The death of millions of civilians and precious children means absolutely nothing to the global elite who are behind the open borders, the bogus War on Terror, the bogus War on Drugs, the bogus War on Illiteracy, the bogus War on Poverty, et cetera. Every time the United Nations or the U.S. government declares a war on anything, the problem gets MUCH, MUCH worse! Who’s kidding who? And meanwhile, U.S. taxpayers are continually bilked to pay for everything. The looting is astronomical. Just in the past 2-years, the Goldman Sachs criminals on Wall Street and their buddies who own the Federal Reserve have stolen over 23.7 TRILLION dollars from American citizens.

“If you spent a million dollars a day going back to the birth of Christ, that wouldn’t even come close to just one trillion dollars — $23.7 trillion is a staggering figure.” — Rep. Darrell Issa (R-California), the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee.

These criminals look like everyday people, many are philanthropists and speak humanely as a pretense; yet they worship Satan in the occult, cause needless wars for profit and steal trillions-of-dollars from the public. The most hideous evils in this world are cloaked in falsehoods of good intentions and fake honor. Bill Gates and his wife are praised for their philanthropist donations, yet they are a primary supporter of the knownracist eugenics group, Planned parenthood, that murders tens-of-millions of precious children. Adolf Hitler was a fan of cruel Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger.

These hellbound people are rotten, evil and think they have a right to make decisions for everyone else who has less money than them. The ruling elite are arrogant . . .

The top Eugenist The GATES Bill & Melinda

Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.”

They don’t obey the God of the Bible. They sinfully feel it is their job to sterilize young women worldwide unknowingly, kill off the world’s population for the sake of the planet and create a global Police State to control the public once they figure out they’ve been conned. The predatory ruling elite are sick-minded mobsters who are consumed with tyrannical usurpation of power. Their selfish greed devours families and the poor. Their eternal doom will be in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15).

There is no tyranny more evil and cruel than that done under the shield of justice and law. The elite monsters behind every major war over the past two centuries had alleged good intentions for murdering 200,000,000 human beings! Over half of those victims were completely unarmed innocent civilians!!!

The purpose of World Wars One and Two were to progress toward a New World Order. Albert Pike, the most infamous member in Freemasonry history, predicted World Wars One, Two and Three prior to his death in 1892. As I type, World War Three is in the works. Israel and the Arab nations will go to war and draw the world into a Middle East conflict. This is exactly what Pike predicted, and exactly what the Bible teaches.

World War Three is just around the corner. TENS-OF-MILLIONS of innocent people will be murdered!!! America is becoming a Police State. This was obvious decades ago and is now coming to fruition. The merging of the State with corporations is fascism. The United States is not a Socialist society today; it is Communist. The moral decay of America is all part of the Communist Subversion of America. From the lies of Evolution, to the filth of Hollywood movies, to the lying newsmedia, to the numerous mainstream false religions in America today, demonic secret societies are behind it all.

Satan is the spiritual power behind the lying, filthy, rotten, greedy, murderous, Illuminati-controlled New World Order.

Satan is the god of this world

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As the god of this world, Satan (who is a spirit) must have a means of controlling the world. Satan accomplishes this through spiritually inspired demonic groups, whom remain secretive (i.e., the occult) because of their diabolical agendas and inherent evil nature. Thieves and thugs operate under cover of darkness, whether it be literal darkness or a system of lies and deceptions intended to mislead the public.

The Devil is the father of murderers and liars (John 8:44). Satan influences people to do the unthinkable. Television shows that feature young people wounding themselves, hanging by hooks sewn into their skin from a helicopter, having ball-bearings and spikes sewn into their scalp, eating horse rectums, placing their head into a box filled with tarantulas, et cetera… this is all the Devil. Satan is the ultimate freak, predator and psycho; which is synonymous with the criminal ruling elite who are responsible for the deaths of tens-of-millions of people. Government is the leading cause of death in the world by war, failed social experiments and outright savage genocide. God is not a part of such wickedness.

Satan’s purpose is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). The Devil’s primary tactic is to deceive people, filling their minds with wrong thinking, false religions, false doctrines and worldly philosophies that despise and reject the Word of God. Without Jesus Christ people can become monsters. The world needs Jesus. This is why the Bible in Psalm 119:105 is referred to as a “Lamp” to guide our path throughout life. This is why Jesus told us to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES in John 5:39, which testify to us concerning Jesus Christ. The Word of God is our Sword by which we can fight the Devil (Ephesians 6:17). Through prayer temptations can be thwarted (Matthew 26:41).

The Illuminati eye originated in ancient Egyptian occultism with the Eye of Horus (a pagan god), who was the mythical son of the Pagan god Osiris…

Albert Pike, Masonic Grand Commander stated, "…the All-seeing eye, … to the Egyptian initiates was the emblem of Osiris, the Creator."

SOURCE: Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 1966, pp. 15-16

Infamous Freemason, Albert Pike, openly referred to Lucifer as god in his writings…


"The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine . . . Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay (Jesus) is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive . . ."The doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay (Jesus); but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of darkness and evil."

SOURCE: A.C. De La Rive, La Femme et l’enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, p. 588; Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy pp. 220-221.

There is no debating the Masonic background behind the New World Order. The United States was founded by Freemasons for the sole purpose of achieving a New World Order. As bizarre as this fact may sound, and as unbelievable as it may seem, it is documented history. The New World Order has been in the works for many centuries. In fact, it was happening at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 when men united together against God in rebellion. There have been six world powers throughout recorded civilization (namely; Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome). Satan attempted through each of these nations to conquer the world and establish world domination; but failed.

The mighty and greatly feared Roman empire fell apart in 486 A.D. There are many super powers today in the world; but no world powers. The next world power is developing now under the leadership of The Council On Foreign Relations (they created The League of Nations after WW1 and The United Nations after WW2). A world power is coming to fruition today—a Global Godless Totalitarian Communist Police State.

Nebuchadnezzar’s great image in Daniel 2:41-42 teaches that the toes of the image were composed of iron and clay (thus signifying Democracy and Communism mixed). The legs of iron represent the iron rule of Rome (who were in power during the entire New Testament period). The two legs represent the divided Roman empire between East and West during Rome’s world reign. Rome was the 6th world power according to Revelation 17:10. The 7th will be the New World Order’s global government. The 8th will be the Antichrist, the BEAST himself (Revelation 17:11).

Revelation 17:12 speaks of TEN KINGS (or ten nations), represented by the TEN TOES in Daniel 2:41-42. This is the New World Order, which is a form of false freedom (which is no freedom at all). When the U.S. and coalition UN forces invaded and then conquered Iraq, elections were held to allegedly give them a free society. The candidates were selected by the conquering nations. Iraq is not a free nation. They are slaves of the New World Order; but they are being told they are now free. They have LOST THEIR SOVEREIGNTY as a nation!!!

I believe this is what the clay and iron represents, i.e., a false form of so-called “freedom.” All of the nations being forced under the control of The Council On Foreign Relations by the International Monetary Fund(IMF), World Bank, The Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, The United Nations, et cetera… are now SLAVE NATIONS who have ALL LOST THEIR SOVEREIGNTY as free nations. Revelation 17:13 teaches us that the BEAST will have total control over these TEN KINGS. The BEAST will conquer four of these nations and only six will remain, a confederate that will woefully fear and dread the Antichrist.

International Monetary Fund's Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn  and Bahrain's Ahmed Al Khalifa join Finance Ministers join Finance Minister from the Development Committee as they pose for a photograph prior to holding their meeting at the IMF's Headquarters April 25, 2010 in Washington, DC. Finance Ministers and Bank Governors around the world will be attending the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings this weekend in Washington, DC. IMF Staff Photo/Stephen Jaffe

Satan tempted Jesus to worship him in Matthew 4:9-10, but Jesus quoted the Scripture and resisted the Devil. Satan has always desired worship, which is what got him into trouble in the first place in Heaven. In Isaiah 14:14 Lucifer said he wanted to be “like the most High” (God). This is the same sin of feminists today. They want equality in authority in the home, in the Church and in society.

The New World Order is all about an authority struggle between God and Satan. This is why Satan has pushed the feminist agenda relentlessly. CPS is taking children from their parents for anything and everything. Satan wants to remove the authority of the father over his children. Satan wants to remove the authority of the husband over his wife. Satan wants to remove the authority of the Word of God over the churches, uplifting a committee or woman in the pulpit instead of God’s man who preaches the Bible.

Thankfully, God’s authority in the end will prevail. Feminists will pay for their rebellion in the home, Church and society (1st Timothy 5:14-15). God’s judgment will prevail. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:9-11). Jesus is God Almighty and supreme in authority!

Satan wants to be worshipped, which explains why we see so much praise and worship of Satan in the Rock ‘N’ Roll culture and music industry overall. This is why so many famous people publicly express their allegiance and praise for the Devil. Here’s many more famous celebrities showing their loyalty to Satan. Wake up friend! Satan desires to have you and to sift you as wheat, just as Jesus warned the Apostle Peter (Luke 22:31). The Devil wants to ruin your life! Remember that Satan is a spirit and influences his victims through spiritual mediums; such as, worldly music, worldly philosophies, false religions, unbiblical teachings, et cetera. The Word of God is our defense! The Bible is our Sword of the Spirit of God (Ephesians 6:17). No one can deceive you if you SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES as Jesus commanded in John 5:39.


The Criminal International Banking Cartel, aka, the Banksters

According to William Guy Carr, a diligent historian and Commander in the U.S. Navy, every war and revolution since 1776 has been financed on BOTH SIDES by the monstrous International Banking Cartel…

"While the general public has been led to believe that Communism is a movement of the workers (Soviets) to destroy Capitalism, "Pawns In The Game" and "The Red Fog Over America" prove that both British and American Intelligence Officers obtained authentic documentary evidence which proved that internationalist capitalists operating through their international banking houses had financed both sides in every war and revolution fought since 1776. Those who to-day compromise The Synagogue of Satan direct our governments, whom they hold in usury, to fight the wars and revolutions so they further Pike’s plans to bring the world to that stage of the conspiracy when Atheistic-Communism and the whole of Christendom can be forced into an all-out war within each remaining nation as well as on an international scale. [emphasis added]

There is plenty of documentary evidence to prove that Pike, like Weishaupt, was head of the Luciferian Priesthood in his day."

SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, Introduction, page XVI, by William Guy Carr, 1958

You’ll never learn that in any Public School nor university (Christian or secular). General Albert Pike, one of the most influential leaders of Freemasonry, was a known worshipper of Lucifer…

"That which we say to the crowd is ‘we worship God.’ But it is the God that one worships without superstition. The religion should be, by all us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine… Yes! Lucifer is God. And unfortunately Adonay (the name given by Luciferians to the God we worship) is God also… for the absolute can only exist as two gods. Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy: and the true, and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay: but Lucifer, God of Light, and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay the God of Darkness and Evil."

SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, Introduction, page XVII, by William Guy Carr, 1958

Communism, Nazism, Evolution, Freemasonry and Lucifer worship are all synonymous with the New World Order [NWO]…


"Pike accepted the idea of a One World government and ultimately became head of the Luciferian Priesthood. Between 1859 and 1871, he worked out the details of a military blue-print, for three world wars, and three major revolutions which he considered would further the conspiracy to its final stage during the twentieth century."

SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME, Introduction, page XV, by William Guy Carr, 1958

The diabolical purpose of creating wars and revolutions is to bring about One World government. Here’s a free (.PDF) online version of PAWNS IN THE GAME if you’d like to read the entire book.

I have repeated some of the information in this lengthy article in hopes that it will sink in deeply and that you’ll pursue this study further to satisfy any doubts as to the reality of this information. The truth can be dealt with, but a lie cannot.

Who Are Contemporary Christian Music [CCM] Fans Really Worshipping?

I preach a lot against CCM singers, because they are deceivers. No one wonders what Marilyn Manson is about. We all know that he rips up Bibles, hates God and is a fool. However, sinister ecumenical ministers and apostate so-called Christian singers claim to love God and want to reach people with A MESSAGE of love and unity; BUT the sad truth is that they are leading churchgoers into apostasy, a false Catholic Gospel, and unbiblical unity with unbelievers. ChristianityToday even labels God as a Drama Queen (it is apostasy)! They ought to be honest and call themselves apostates!

We all know where Elton John stands; but TobyMac deceives people, and it is sinful to do so. TobyMac claims to be helping his fans through his music; but he is leading them astray, pushing them toward the Catholic religion. Pope Benedict XVI says people can be saved without any Biblical faith. Pope Benedict XVI is a fool. ALL CCM singers accept the Catholic Church and never say a negative word, because many of their fans are Catholic… cha-ching, money, money, money! At least Pink Floyd sings about money and doesn’t try to hide anything. God hates a proud look and a lying tongue (Proverb 6:16-19).

The Old Testament tells us that wicked king Nebuchadnezzar set up an golden IMAGE and demanded that everyone worship the IMAGE or be killed…

Daniel 3:5-7, “That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up. And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. Therefore at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of musick, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshipped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.”

Carefully notice that Revelation 13:15 tells us that the same thing will happen when the Antichrist comes, i.e., he will demand worship of the IMAGE (just as Nebuchadnezzar did), or else the masses of people will be killed…

Revelation 13:15, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

It is very interesting that king Nebuchadnezzar didn’t ask the people to worship him directly; but instead, worship an IMAGE. Nebuchadnezzar wanted to be worshipped, but he knew that he was just a man; so he needed an image 90-feet tall of pure gold to magnify himself through the image. The Antichrist will just be a man; but he will magnify himself through an IMAGE that the Bible says will speak and come to life (Revelation 13:15).

Those who refuse to worship the Beast’s IMAGE will be killed, just as Nebuchadnezzar proclaimed death to anyone who didn’t bow to worship his IMAGE. This is important to understand, showing us why Satan is using the Masonic pyramid and All-seeing Eye to recruit followers to the New World Order. It is for the same purpose as Nebuchadnezzar’s IMAGE.

So where does Contemporary Christian Music [CCM] come into play? It’s for the same purpose as all worldly music today. Daniel 3:5, “That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up.” Everyone was instructed to worship Nebuchadnezzar’s image when they heard the music, all kinds of music. The Bible lists all sorts of musical instruments. It wasn’t about singing or lyrics, but THE MUSIC.

Likewise, in these Last Days Satan is conditioning the masses of this world to worship the Beast, and the IMAGE of the Beast, through music. The similarities between Nebuchadnezzar’s IMAGE and the Antichrist’sIMAGE are more than mere coincidental. Satan’s methods haven’t changed in thousands of years.

Let’s go further…

George Harrison of The Beatles sang his hit song, MY SWEET LORD. Christian youth all across the world and America were singing along… My Sweet Lord. But then AT THE END of the song, Harrison deceitfully changed the lyrics to, MY SWEET LORD, HARE KRISHNA!!! Harrison’s 1971 song MY SWEET LORD, is a song of praise to the Hindu god, Krishna. In fact, Harrison admits that he did that to trick people.

In his 1982 interview with the Hare Krishna organization George Harrison stated…

"I wanted to show that Hallelujah and Hare Krishna are quite the same thing. I did the voices singing ‘Hallelujah’ and then the change to ‘Hare Krishna’ so that people would be chanting the maha-mantra-before they knew what was going on! I had been chanting Hare Krishna for a long time, and this song was a simple idea of how to do a Western pop equivalent of a mantra which repeats over and over again the holy names. I don’t feel guilty or bad about it; in fact it saved many a heroin addict’s life." [emphasis added]

SOURCE: George Harrison Interview: Hare Krishna Mantra–There’s Nothing Higher (1982)

People who would normally be offended by someone praising “Hare Krishna my sweet Lord,” were caught off guard by the way the song was arranged. The listener would follow along with the words “Hallelujah, my sweet Lord” several times before it subtly changed to “Hare Krishna, my sweet Lord.”

By that time the listener had already been mesmerized by the music and the song. George Harrison was an imposter who rejected Jesus Christ, and is burning in the fires of Hell forever because he died in his sins without Jesus Christ. I say this with sadness. 2nd Peter 3:9 declares that “God is not willing for any to perish” in their sins.

CCM is leading the religious world into the New World Order. This is plainly evidenced by all the occult imagery on their album covers, and the Ecumenical Movement (i.e., let’s unite by error, rather than divide over truth). CCM’s true colors will come out IN THE END, when the Antichrist appears; just as George Harrison’s song MY SWEET LORD, deceived millions of people to worship Hare Krishna of the Hindu religion. You are being deceived my friend.

Yes, Contemporary Christian Music is beautiful. Third Day, Mercy Me and Tree63 sing some really pretty music, uplifting one’s spirit. I am a musician, so I love all kinds of music, naturally. But as a Christian I have to side with THE TRUTH, and God’s Word. I don’t like being the bearer of bad news; but if the bad news is THE TRUTH, then so be it.

The Gospel is two-thirds bad news… Jesus died and was buried. Those were very sad occasions to the Lord’s friends, even though they knew it was necessary for redemption. So even though the Gospel is two-thirds bad news, we call it the “Gospel” (i.e., the good news) because it was all a good thing that the Lord was doing to redeem us. Amen!

I’ve researched the CCM crowd and their music, and they’re all rubbing shoulders with the sinful world. They’re all using corrupt Bibles. They’re all doctrinally compromised, prioritizing love and unity over truth and righteousness. They all sell their music for profit and the CCM industry rakes in billions-of-dollars annually. The lyrics are extremely vague and none of their websites tell anyone how to be saved to enter Heaven.

It is self-evident that music will be a big part of Satan’s New World Order. Just as millions of fans idolize their favorite Rock stars these days, so will the masses of society idolize and worship the Antichrist when he comes; who may very well be a Rock star, such as Bono from U2 (who is a member of the CFR and has worldwide influence). If 11,000,000 Americans will buy Marilyn Manson’s garbage, then they’ll certainly follow the Antichrist when he comes.

What is it with all the pyramids and all-seeing eyes? The explanation is simple. Satan uses images, just as “The Great Oz” in the movie, The Wizard of Oz. Satan is the little peon behind the curtain (Isaiah 14:16). The purpose of the IMAGE is to magnify a person, or thing, to give a bigger than life IMAGE. This is why king Nebuchadnezzar had a 90-foot tall, 9-foot wide, statue made of gold for the people to bow and worship, on his behalf.

This is why the apostate Israelites in the Wilderness demanded a golden calf, an IMAGE, to bow and worship. They needed an object of worship, something bigger than themselves.

This is why the wicked men at Babel rose against God to build a Tower, a place, something bigger than themselves to unite them as one, but without God. The Antichrist will create an IMAGE, and demand that everyone worship it or die (Revelation 13:15).

Why do world leaders and the who’s who of top corporations and newsmedia meet at Bohemia Grove every July to worship a 40-foot owl? Again, we see an IMAGE. Images and symbols are critically important to occult and Luciferian Devil worship. Since it is not befitting for men to outright admit to worshipping Satan, then disguise their worship with IMAGES instead. The Illuminati have created a bigger-than-life feeling around the world with their Masonic pyramid and all-seeing eye.

We see this in the “HOLLYWOOD” sign in West Hollywood. That sign generates a bigger-than-life feeling and atmosphere; just seeing the sign, because it appears in so many movies, and it has become a part of everyday life in the United States. Likewise, we are seeing the Masonic pyramid and all-seeing eye everywhere these days; they have become a part of our daily lives, embedded in our brains, and I sincerely believe that the Antichrist’s IMAGE (Revelation 13:15) may be the all-seeing eye and The Great Pyramid.

Freemasonry and the All-Seeing Eye Atop a Pyramid

Freemasonry is a demonic institution in which an initiate is climbing a ladder or stairs to reach the Luciferian light symbolized by an illuminated eye often displayed inside a triangle. The All-Seeing Eye was unquestionably placed on our U.S. dollar by Freemasons who have total control over America. The Illuminati hate freedom and mock us with occult symbols, enslaving us like milk cows and bragging in our faces of the evils they do, such as the 911 Memorial at Ground Zero in New York, featuring the All-Seeing Eye everywhere.

The Illuminati often mock the woefully ignorant public, telling people in movies and through other media outlets what’s going to happen next. In the 1996 blockbuster movie,Independence Day, Jeff Goldblum looks at his laptop computer on Air Force one as the President and staff are flying out of Washington D.C.. Jeff’s laptop shows 9:11 time remaining before The White House and every major city in America is destroyed. Coincidence?

Did you ever stop to think that the Illuminati could have quietly killed President John F. Kennedy with poison or some other silent way? Why did they execute him in high-visibility in front of all the public and cameras?

It’s because the evil Banksters and criminal barons behind the New World Order wanted to send a message to everyone to either go along or die. Kennedy’s executive order 11110 was a major threat to the treasonous banking establishment and they murdered Kennedy to send a message to any other would be heroes. It is highly likely that F.B.I. director, J. Edgar Hoover, was instrumental in having Kenny assassinated for the criminal banking elite. The common denominator is Freemasonry, which controls America. Few Americans grasp this curse  upon America. The true power in the United States does not abide at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where The White House stands; but rather, at The Grand Orient Lodge in Washington D.C. just down the street.

To eliminate this type of political threat, the establishment begun to only put into power those candidates who were blackmailable, i.e., the Illuminati has some dirt on them to remove them from office immediately if they fail to be the puppet of the puppeteers behind the scenes in Washington D.C. It was the infamous J. Edgar Hoover (unquestionable lifelong homosexual and 33rd degree Freemason who for 37-years founded and headed the F.B.I. between 1935 and 1972) who masterminded the illegal technique of spying and collecting dirt on thousands of politicians and other high-ranking officials. It worked like a charm and is the reason why Hoover was able to maintain his position for as long as he did. Hoover was a Luciferian worshipping criminal thug!

Presidents Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson each considered dismissing Hoover as FBI Director, but all of them ultimately concluded that the political cost of doing so would be too great (Hack, Richard Puppetmaster: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover; 2007; Phoenix Books; ISBN1597775126). Hoover was evil scum, a puppet of the New World Order, sold out to Satan! Hoover blackmailed hundreds of U.S. officials and effectively hi-jacked the U.S. government for Freemasonry. High-ranking Freemasons are demonic, evil and a bunch of murderous Satan-worshipping trash; but the majority of low-level Freemasons are a front for the organization, good and decent law-abiding men who are ignorant and have only joined the organization to gain prestige and the benefits of belonging to the group. Of the low-level Freemasons I have met, they all boasted of their membership in Freemasonry. However, the Bible strongly condemns all such affiliations with unbelievers in 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17. Freemasonry is of the Devil.

To a person who is not an occultist, they will have no concept of the true hidden meaning contained within occult symbols. And that hidden purpose is to communicate certain meanings to other occultists while hiding this meaning from all non-occultists. The All-Seeing Eye on The Great Seal represents the evil works of Satan, plain and simple. We see the occult Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye saturated within American society today.

Check out the new federal IRS complex in Carrolton, Maryland in 2009 . . .

In front of the building we find the twin columns of Freemasonry, Jachin and Boaz, with 13 stripes each, alternating black and white — like the Lodge floor tiles.

Between these columns is a black pyramid with a white capstone.

Engraved is the Constitution — minus the Bill of Rights!

On the base of one of the columns is a plaque reading, “The Bill of Rights was not ordained by nature or God. It’s very human, very fragile.”

New I.R.S. Headquarters Complex, built with U.S. taxpayer money!

You don’t need a doctorates degree in secret societies to know that the Bible says Satan is the god of this word (2nd Corinthians 4:4). That primary fact gets right to the point. The unsaved who don’t believe the Bible get sidetracked by a beliefs in UFOs, Reptilians, astrology and all sorts of whacko ideas.

For the Christian who does believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, we have a joy in knowing that Jesus Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33) and is our precious redeemer (Revelation 5:9). We also know that Satan is a defeated being who knows that his time is short. Many will one day look upon the Devil in eternity, in disbelief that such a wretched individual could wreak so much havoc upon the earth. Isaiah 14:16, “They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms.” The Devil will be bound in chains and imprisoned in a bottomless pit for 1,000 years, and then ultimately will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever and ever, to be tormented day and night (Revelation 20:10).

The New World Order is here. A Police State is forming right before our eyes. Communism has overtaken America. The federal government now controls the housing, automotive, banking, educational, energy, farming and heath industries. This is enslavement and can only turn America into a third-world nation. The good times are coming to an end. Faith in God is the only foundation upon which a truly free nation can be built; for without God a person has no moral benchmark, no higher Authority and no Word of God to light their path. The American people are walking in total darkness.

The New World Order is purely humanistic, atheistic and evolutionistic. The All-Seeing Eye is symbolic of human wisdom, accomplishment and knowledge. Satan can only offer a person the wealth, fame and pleasures of this world; but once you pass into eternity, you are completely in God’s hands. All that this sinful world has to offer will end at death. The unsaved go straight to Hell and the good times end when they die; but the born-again believer’s life begins at death.

The truth is certainly disturbing and you might lose some sleep at first absorbing all this information; but be of good cheer, because Jesus Christ has OVERCOME the world (John 16:33). If you are a truly born-again believer, then you are on the winning side. We may lose a fight here and there; but the battle is the Lord’s. Jesus has risen and is seated on the right-hand of the Father in Heaven. 1st Peter 3:22, “Who is gone into Heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him.” Amen and amen!

John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

The Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramid of Giza was Built Unfinished

It appears that the Great Pyramid was never finished since the top is flat, and not pointed, as it should be. It has a truncated summit which is coarse and uneven and measures about 30 square feet.  Most pyramids were crowned with a top-stone that completed their structure. This pyramid does not currently have one and it appears that it never did. One of the earliest references to the missing top-stone (or capstone) is from Diodorus Siculus (60 BC).

He tells us that in his day, when the Pyramid stood with its casing stones intact, the structure was "complete and without the least decay, and yet it lacked its apex stone". Since the top-stone could not have been dismantled without first demolishing the smooth casing-stones, so that the core masonry formed steps of approach to it, this statement of Diodorus supports the theory that the top-stone had never been added to the structure.

Also it appears that between the different courses of stones there is a thin cement which is absent on the upper surface of the highest course. Why the pyramid was never finished remains a mystery.

From an old Italian newspaper showing the Summit from
a Helicopter (date unknown)

When you look up at the Great Pyramid, it’s apex seems to be missing. It is flap topped and not pointed like a pyramid should be. Usually, when a pyramid was constructed, the top part, or capstone (also called top-stone), was the last thing to be placed on it. It was considered the most important part of the pyramid and was made of special stone or even gold. The capstone was usually highly decorated.

The fact that the Egyptians DIDN’T finish The Great Pyramid is clear evidence that the New World Order has been in planning for thousands of years. It is surely more than mere coincidence that the back of every U.S. one dollar bill has an incomplete pyramid on it.

An example of a capstone in the Cairo museum

Was the great pyramid always without a capstone or was it stolen, destroyed, etc? No one knows but the accounts of visitors to the pyramid from the ancient past (as far back as the time of Christ) always reported that the pyramid lacked a capstone.

It is possible that it was never finished. Another possibility is that capstones were sometimes made of gold and maybe the first thing looted.

The only problem is that this would be a very large capstone. If you climbed to the top, you could walk around very freely on the pyramid as many have done. It is about 30 feet in each direction. Thus, this capstone would have been huge and weighed a tremendous amount. Also on the summit you would see something that looks like a mast or flagpole. Actually it was placed there by two astronomers in 1874 to show where the Pyramid’s actual apex would have been if finished

On the back of a dollar bill, you can see a pyramid with a flat top. No one has been able to explain why the Great Pyramid would have been built without a capstone. This is an interesting story associated with a visit to the top of the great pyramid. Many tourists have climbed to the top, which is not an easy journey. One such person was Sir Siemen’s, a British inventor. He climbed to the top with his Arab guides.

One of his guides called attention to the fact that when he raised his hand with outspread fingers, he would hear an acute ringing noise. Siemen raised his index finger and felt a distinct prickling sensation. He also received an electric shock when he tried to drink from a bottle of wine that he had brought with him. Being a scientist, Siemen than moistened a newspaper and wrapped it around the wine bottle to convert it into a Leyden jar (an early form of a capacitor). When he held it above his head, it became charged with electricity. Sparks then were emitted from the bottle.

One of the Arab guides got frightened and thought Siemen was up to some witchcraft and attempted to seize Siemen’s companion. When Siemen’s noticed this, he pointed the bottle towards the Arab and gave him such a shock that it knocked the Arab to the ground almost rendering him unconscious. When he recovered, he took off down the pyramid shouting loudly. What kind of natural phenomena on the top of the Great Pyramid could produce such an electo-static effect? It would be interesting to conduct additional physics experiments on the top of the Great Pyramid.

“Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible.”
—Adam Weishaupt, founder of the ILLUMINATI

The Great Pyramid and the Occult

"Historian/author Ralph Epperson has spent many years researching the history of the Great Seal, and has discovered that those who designed the two circles committed America to what has been called "A Secret Destiny."  This future "destiny" is so unpleasant that those who wanted the changes it entails had to conceal that truth in symbols."

SOURCE: The New World Order, back cover, by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher: PUBLIUS PRESS, Tucson, Arizona.

Carefully notice that the capstone is separated from the pyramid.  The pyramid base represents mankind, as incomplete and wanting.  The capstone represents the enlightened few, i.e., the Illuminati, who reign in power over the world, and control the masses through the occult.  Biblically, Satan is the god of this sinful world (2nd Corinthians 4:4), and appears as an angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:13,14).  The Bible teaches that Satan was previously, Lucifer, one of the archangels in Heaven.  Lucifer rebelled against God, demanding equality (just as the feminists do), and was cast down to the earth.  We read concerning the name, Lucifer:

Lucifer is a Latin word meaning "light-bearer" (from lux, lucis, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring"), a Roman astrological term for the "Morning Star", the planet Venus. The word Lucifer was the direct translation of the Septuagint Greek heosphoros, ("dawn-bearer"); (cf. Greek phosphoros, "light-bearer") and the Hebrew Helel, ("Bright one") used by Jerome in the Vulgate, having mythologically the same meaning as Prometheus who brought fire to humanity.

SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer

If you understand that Satan is a master deceiver and liar, and always appears in a deceptive form, then it becomes much easier to understand the occult, and how they operate. Many of today’s top U.S. politicians are occult members, attending Satanic ceremonies annually at the Bohemian Grove in California. The occult is rich in symbolism, that the average person doesn’t understand, and tragically has no desire to understand. The Illuminists blatantly mock the woeful ignorance of society today. The masses are as sheeple, headed for certain destruction.

John Kerry campaigning in October of 2004.  Notice the numbers 666!  Was this just a coincidence or more of the illuminati's symbolic language which we see so prevalent throughout society?

What does all this mean? It means that the New World Order is here, i.e., the Beast system of the coming Antichrist. The New World Order began on 09-11-01, when the Trade Towers were attacked in New York city. Don’t believe it, listen to the eerie words of David Rockefeller 7-years earlier…

"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long – We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

David Rockefeller speaking at the UN, Sept. 14, 1994

There you have it. The Great Pyramid of Giza represents the great New World Order—a One World Government, One World Religion and One World Economy, which will eagerly await its ultimate leader… The person of Antichrist. Please read, Occult Symbols in Washington D.C.

What Does the Great Pyramid Really Represent?

Symbols are used throughout the occult. Harpers’ Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience (p.594) says,

"Symbols are important to all esoteric teachings, for they contain secret wisdom accessible only to the initiated."

Isn’t it very interesting that God’s people, the Jews, were in bondage in Egypt before and during Moses time; but today, thousands of years later, we see the Egyptian All-Seeing Eye and The Great Pyramid of Egypt everywhere—symbols showing that humanity is being enslaved by a Luciferian, occult-controlled, New World Order, mob?

Just as the lamb’s blood was symbolic of the coming Messiah and the blood that He would sacrifice for our sins (1st Peter 1:18-19); so are the Egyptian symbols of The Great Pyramid and the All-Seeing-Eye representative of the Luciferian powers that control the world (or as the Bible call it in Ephesians 6:12, “spiritual wickedness in high places.”)

What is it with Egypt? Why did Freemasons choose Egyptian symbols to represent the New World Order? Or did they? Why didn’t the Egyptians finish The Great Pyramid? They left off the capstone, which is 30-foot squared (900 square feet) at the base. That’s a BIG capstone!


I am going to share with you my opinion, which is something that God put in my heart. I’ve never heard this taught anywhere; but I’m going to share it with you now, and I think it is worthy of your consideration, as I believe it to be the truth. Do you know why the pyramid is missing the capstone? It’s because the Tower of Babel was never finished. I think The Great Pyramid represents the unfinished tower and city of Babel.Genesis 11:4, “And they said, Go to, let us build us A CITY AND A TOWER.”

Interestingly, we always hear about the tower, but never the city. People rely too heavily upon childhood stories told in Sunday School, and don’t study the Bible for themselves. I think The Great Pyramid symbolizes Satan’s unfinished work, and it has become an icon amongst occultists who are working to carry about Satan’s unfinished business. This is why Freemasonry and all the occults today are rooted in Egyptian and Babylonian mysticism and occult writings. Babylon had an extensive library of occult materials from Egypt, evidenced by their worship of the Queen of Heaven (Jeremiah 7:18), which originated with Nimrod and Semiramis in Egypt.

The occults are all linked back to Egypt, which was the first world power nation, i.e., Egypt ruled over the entire world at one time. Then Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. There are no world powers today, only super power nations, like Russia, China and the U.S. The next world power will be the Revived Romans Empire, a confederacy of 10 nations (Revelation 17:12). The Antichrist will rise up and conquer 3 of those nations, leaving only 7 (Daniel 7:24).

Notice that Genesis 11:8 mentions a “city” as well as a “tower” …

Genesis 11:8, “So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and THEY LEFT OFF TO BUILD THE CITY.” Genesis 11:1-9 teaches us about the Tower of Babel, when men attempted to unite together against the Lord. Genesis 11:6 tells us WHY God stopped them…

Genesis 11:6, “And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”

This is exactly why God destroyed the world by flood in Genesis 6, because of the wickedness of mankind…

b1h (20) (1)

Genesis 6:5, “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

The pyramid on the back of your dollar has the capstone detached. That is not just any ordinary pyramid, it is THE GREAT PYRAMID, which is estimated to have been built around 2600 BC. Amazingly, the pyramid was never finished when it was built. The capstone was left off. One of the earliest references to the missing top-stone (or capstone) is from Diodorus Siculus (60 BC). This evidences that the New World Order has been in the planning for thousands of years my friend.

God stopped them in the process of building in Genesis 11:1-9. Why did God stop them? Genesis 11:6 tells us why, “And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."

-David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

Satan failed at the Tower of Babel, because God stopped men in their tracks. It wasn’t in accordance with God’s prophetic timeline and sovereign plan for the universe. The future was a mystery to Old Testament saints, even to the prophets who penned God’s Word. I believe that the mystery of the Illuminati unfinished pyramid relates back to the unfinished city of Babel. We often hear about the Tower of Babel, and there was a great tower; but Genesis 11:8 teaches that they were also building a “city” at Babel. God saw that the people were uniting together against the Lord, having one speech.

Genesis 11:1, “And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.”

Notice that the people were not only of one language, but also of one SPEECH. That is, they all thought the same. They were all heading in the wrong direction. God did not like when He saw, and so He put an end to their building.

Today, thousands of years later, we once again see humanity coming together. English is now the universal language, being taught worldwide. The apostate Ecumenical Movement is leading the world’s religions into a one-world Luciferian New Age religion rooted in “feeling” and “experiences.” America’s churches, and in Canada, Europe and Australia, have embraced the hellish doctrine of Lordship Salvation; which is exactly what Catholicism teaches. Lordship Salvation is Catholic doctrine, and it has crept into all our churches, like rats infesting a vacant building. Our churches are becoming spiritually vacant of the truth of God’s Word.


The Great Pyramid is now in the process of being completed. The capstone is soon to be set in place, when they Antichrist appears. The all-seeing eye represents Lucifer, the angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:15). Light enter the body through the eye. The coming of the man of sin, the Antichrist, will be the culmination of the New World Order, the completion of The Great Pyramid. This is the big picture my friend.

But don’t fret, God is still on His throne. I love what 1st Corinthians 15:24 teaches, “Then cometh the end, when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He shall have PUT DOWN ALL RULE AND ALL AUTHORITY AND POWER.” Jesus Christ will PUT DOWN all rule, all authority and all power, human and demonic. Amen and amen!!!

1st Corinthians 15:25-26, “For He must reign, till He hath put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”

Praise God! Jesus will literally  reign as King over the earth from Jerusalem, upon the throne of David. This will happen during the Millennium Period, after the 7-year Tribulation Period and Christ’s Second Coming. But first, the Rapture must happen, which is imminent, when all believers shall be CAUGHT UP (1st Thessalonians 4:17) to meet with Jesus Christ in the air. The Apostle Paul taught this doctrine 2,000 years ago, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God. Although the word “Rapture” began to be used extensively a couple centuries ago, the teaching of the Rapture was in the Bible 2,000 years ago in 1st Thessalonians 4:17.

We are living in the Last Days. That pyramid on the back of every U.S. dollar is everywhere today. It is Masonic, a demonic cult that operates as an organization within an organization to deceive the public and ignorant lower-level members. Charles Russell (founder of the Jehovah’s witnesses), and Mary Baker Eddy (founder of Christian Science) both have giant Illuminati pyramids parked atop their graves.

Ellen G. White (Seventh-Day Adventism’s most influential figure) has a giant occult obelisk on her grave; which U.S. President George Washington also has on his grave (i.e., the Washington monument). The big common denominator is Freemasonry. There is a clear occult connection between all mainstream religions today. Sadly, this includes Baptists (Southern Baptist Convention men compromise 37% of U.S. freemasonry membership). It is unfathomable. How can this be? Freemasonry is a Satanic cult!

The Great Pyramid was built unfinished, because Satan has desired to unite mankind once again in rebellion against God, since his plot was thwarted at Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. It certainly seems plausible that the reason why the Illuminati pyramid on the back of every U.S. dollar is unfinished, represents Satan’s plot and desire to finish what was begun at the Tower of Babel. Genesis 11:8 says they were building a CITY, and not just a tower. God stopped them not only from building a tower, but also the entire city. I firmly believe that city to be the New World Order.

The Woeful Luciferian Religion

By David J. Stewart

       In 1871, a letter was written to a man in Italy named, Mazzini, from a general in the Confederate Army from Little Rock, Arkansas named, Albert Pike. On August 15, 1871, Albert Pike wrote:

“We shall unleash the Nihilists (People who reject all morality and religious belief) and the Atheists and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which, in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, forced to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will form direction and leadership, anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into public view, a manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” …

Wow, what does this quote mean? I’ll break it down, since it does require some knowledge of the Luciferian plot of the New World Order to interpret. It’s quite simple. The first paragraph has been fulfilled in America, and it’s consequences have been horrifying, just as Pike predicted. The moral anarchists, Humanists and Atheists behind the lies of evolution, feminism, abortion, and the homosexual agenda have caused social cataclysm. We have deteriorated into a decadent society of child-murderers and monsters, killing the disabled, and hundreds-of-thousands of women and children in unprovoked wars that have absolutely nothing to do with freedom.

The next part of the quote hasn’t happened yet, but is coming; when Americans (amongst other nations) will be forced to defend themselves against homeland tyranny. There will be a bloodbath in the streets of America and elsewhere. Out of chaos will arise secular order, a dictator (the Antichrist), who will lead the disillusioned world which is being formed now in the apostate Ecumenical Movement; the unsaved masses will adhere to a Luciferian philosophy (New Age) that transcends both traditional Christianity and atheism.

This new religion will be universal, adapted to New Age teachings concerning natural forces, feelings and experiences; which even now are being taught to surpass any absolutes, such as the Bible, in their one-world religion. True Bible-believing Christens will be martyred during the Tribulation Period in significant numbers.

Notice carefully that the Contemporary Christian Music [CCM] band Third Day refers to being born-again as a mere
feeling.” And the CCM band Newsboys refer to being born-again as an “experience.” Already, we see that New Age is being taught in the world’s churches. The Devil’s one-world religion will be centered around “feelings and experiences,” and not around absolutes such as THE TRUTH! God’s Word is absolute truth (John 17:17).

The main message conveyed by Albert Pike’s letter is that the world is going to embrace the Luciferian doctrine; which will ultimately bring death to Christians, and even atheists who refuse to worship the IMAGE of the Beast. Revelation 13:15, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

Albert Pike (1809-1892) was irrefutably the most infamous figure in Freemasonry history (and also the founder of the Ku Klux Klan). Pike was a worshipper of Lucifer (Satan according to 2nd Corinthians 11:15). Pike’s occult writings are revered today by Luciferians and occultists worldwide. Albert Pike predicted 3 world wars, and he’s been exact so far in his predictions. This is not surprising, when one understands that wars are CAUSED, and don’t just happen.

end the fed poster

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was illegally created to steal from American citizens, to make citizens pay for World War One. Literally, we paid for the deaths of our own citizens, drafted into war, so the rich could become richer and the Devil could move closer toward a Global government. Antony C. Sutton has written a handful of shocking books explain how Wall Street financed World War One, the Russian Revolution and Hitler’s War machine. Yes, the international banking cartel, mobsters, caused and financed World Wars 1 and 2 on all sides. In fact, they caused every war for the past 2 centuries. Read William Guy Carr’s eye-opening book, Pawns in the Game.

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."

-David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

Here are 3 free online books by Antony C. Sutton and 1 by John F. McManus . . .

Architects of the New World Order

John F. McManus


Antony C. Sutton


Antony C. Sutton


Antony C. Sutton

Educate yourself! God said He wants believers to be as wise as serpents, but as harmless as doves. We certainly can’t be wise if were ignorant of reality in the world in which we live. The Apostle Paul stated that he was NOT IGNORANT of Satan’s devices (2nd Corinthians 2:11). If all you do is sit on a couch, drinking beer and watching TV, then you are part of the problem. Doing nothing always allows evil men to rise to power.

Freemasonry and False Religion


Jesus had every reason to drop that cross and quit. I wouldn’t have blamed Him. I mean, look at how the world treated Him, but He never hurt anyone. Jesus came to do good, heal the sick, feed the hungry, cause the blind to see, teach the truth, and mend broken hearts; but the self-righteous hypocrites weren’t happy until He was dead, and even then they called Him a deceiver (Matthew 27:63).

Every true Christian that has taken a stand for the Lord in a secular workplace knows what it means to be persecuted. The unsaved world hates Jesus Christ and His disciples (John 15:19). Something is very wrong with your so-called Christian walk if everyone likes you (2nd Timothy 3:12). It’s been 2,000 years and people still hate Jesus today, saying all manner of evil against the perfect and sinless Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. If you are under Satanic attack while soul-winning, preaching the truth and living for God; then you know that you’re doing something right, hitting the Devil where it hurts. If the Devil kicks you in the butt, you kick him in the groin!

Make no mistake, the one-world religion that is now forming will progress into a Luciferian religion as it’s grows. The Ecumenical Movement (i.e., Let’s unite religiously by error; instead of dividing over truth as God commands) is giving birth to a monster, a deformed cataclysmic one-world religious system, that will eventually be led by the False Prophet (perhaps the Pope). The False Prophet, the Dragon (Satan) and the Antichrist (the Beast) will work together.

The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction!

I tell people, if I weren’t a Christian for any other reason, I’d become a Christian just because of how obvious it is that Satan controls this world. World leader blatantly worship the Beast. Washington D.C. is saturated with occult symbols. Lucifer Trust (now Lucis Trust) publishes everything for the UN. Their address was originally at 666 United Nations Plaza in New York City. How bizarre does it go?

Satan has infiltrated the church through Freemasonry. Alice Bailey, a leading spokesperson of the occultic Theosophical Society and member of Co-Masonry confirmed the occultic and Luciferian nature of Freemasonry, stated…

"The Masonic Movement is the custodian of the Law, the holder of the Mysteries, and the seat of initiation… a far more occult organization than can be realized… intended to be the training school for coming advanced occultists."

SOURCE: "President Clinton Will Continue The New World Order"; Dennis L. Cuddy, RESEARCH MANUAL: AMERICA 2000/GOALS 2000, MOVING THE NATION EDUCATIONALLY TO A "NEW WORLD ORDER" Editor: James R. Patrick Citizens for Academic Excellence, 1994, 28-48.

It is tragic that many professed "Christians" fail to recognize the occult nature of Freemasonry; while the occultists themselves, who blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ, openly admit the diabolical nature of Freemasonry.

Lest you fail to realize the detrimental impact of demonic Freemasonry on our churches today, most of the Freemasonry membership in the U.S. are Southern Baptists. Shame! Shame! Shame! 2nd Corinthians 6:14-17 forbids Christians from yoking together in bonds with unbelievers; which includes marriage, business partners and occult brotherhoods. John 12:43, “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”Revelation 3:15-16 says that God wants us in or out, on or off, hot or cold; but God will vomit us out of his mouth if we’re lukewarm. Hospitals use lukewarm water to induce vomiting. And lukewarm believers make God want to go puke. God wants us to be red hot.

The Antichrist will Honor the New Age god of Forces

The truth seems like hate to those who hate the truth. I am telling you the truth. The Antichrist, when he comes, will WORSHIP THE GOD OF FORCES…

Daniel 11:38, “But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.”

This is the New Age Movement, who teach that experience is the ultimate reality, and there are no absolutes (such as the Bible).

In these Last Days, we see massive religious concerts, millions of apostate people praising a god, but they don’t know who that god is. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:22 that she and her people didn’t know what they worshipped. And Jesus told her WHY… because God must be worshipped in TRUTH. God is not worshipped in heresy. Smith’s concerts are packed with Catholics who worship Mary instead of Jesus.

Every Catholic will lie through their teeth in denial, claiming that they don’t worship Mary; but then they pray every Rosary, chanting “Hail Mary” 53 times without mentioning the name of Jesus even once. What a bunch of liars! It is more than innocent deception. Jesus said in Mark 7:9 that they FULLY REJECT God’s Word.

Modern Western culture is Masonic

Based on Luciferianism, Freemasonry teaches that man and not God determines reality. (Naturally, they need to overrule natural and spiritual laws in order to assert their own control.) They have noticed that people are diffident malleable creatures who prefer to believe what they are told than trust their own reason or perception. Thus, for example, the media successfully promotes homosexual values that conflict with our natural instincts.


Every facet of the mass media (movies, TV, magazines, music, commercials, news) is used for indoctrination and social control with the ultimate goal of enslavement. There is a connection between what happened in Communist Russia and what is happening in America today. In both cases the central banking cartel is asserting its totalitarian control.

The mass media’s function is to distract us from this, and the imminent Iran war and North American Union. Currently they are using the global warming fracas for diversion. 

In order to destroy the family, the media convinced women that they could not rely on the heterosexual contract.
Myrna Blyth was the editor in chief of Ladies Home Journal from 1981 to 2002. In her book "Spin Sisters" (2004) she says the media sold women "a career in exactly the same drum banging way that the Happy Homemaker had been ..sold to their mothers." (38)
The Illuminati undermined women’s natural loving instincts using the following mantras:

1. Men can no longer be trusted. Using the Lifetime Network as an example, Blyth concluded "all men are 1) unfaithful rats 2) abusive monsters 3) dishonest scumbags, or 4) all of the above. Women on the other hand were…flinty achievers who triumph despite the cavemen who…want to keep them in their place." (62-63)
2. Women are victims by virtue of their sex.  Blyth says the media sends "one message loud and clear. Because we are women, we remain victims in our private lives, at work, in society as a whole." (156) Thus women must have a sense of grievance, entitlement and rebellion. The same tactic was used to manipulate Jews, Blacks, workers and gays. (See my "Victim as Moral Zombie" )
3. Women should be selfish. "Liberation and narcissism have merged," Blyth says. Leisure now means, "time for yourself, spent alone, or perhaps with one’s girlfriends but definitely without spouse and kids…Endless articles preached the new feminist gospel, that indulging yourself is an important part of being a healthy, well adjusted woman." (65)
4. Sex is not reserved for love and marriage. Magazines like Glamour and Cosmopolitan urge young women to "put out on their first date, "ogle men openly" and be an athlete in bed. There is no discussion of marriage or family. (160) Such women can’t trust a man enough to surrender themselves in love.

5. Self-fulfillment lies in career success and not husband and family. "The social rewards of holding down a job are critical to one’s sense of dignity and self worth," Betty Friedan pontificated. In fact, "most work is deeply ordinary," Blyth observes (35-36.) (I’m not saying women can’t have jobs, only they shouldn’t be tricked out of having families if they want them.)

Thus many women are schizophrenic as they attempt to reconcile their natural instincts with constant exhortations to do the opposite. The wreckage — broken families and dysfunctional people — is strewn everywhere.
At the same time, Playboy Magazine etc. aimed a similar message at men. You don’t need to get married to have sex. Marriage and children are a bore.

READ MORE: http://www.savethemales.ca/001904.html

Who Are Contemporary Christian Music [CCM] Fans Really Worshipping?

I preach a lot against CCM singers, because they are deceivers. No one wonders what Marilyn Manson is about. We all know that he rips up Bibles, hates God and is a fool. However, sinister ecumenical ministers and apostate so-called Christian singers claim to love God and want to reach people with A MESSAGE of love and unity; BUT the sad truth is that they are leading churchgoers into apostasy, a false Catholic Gospel, and unbiblical unity with unbelievers. ChristianityToday even labels God as a Drama Queen (it is apostasy)! They ought to be honest and call themselves apostates!

We all know where Elton John stands; but TobyMac deceives people, and it is sinful to do so. TobyMac claims to be helping his fans through his music; but he is leading them astray, pushing them toward the Catholic religion. Pope Benedict XVI says people can be saved without any Biblical faith. Pope Benedict XVI is a fool. ALL CCM singers accept the Catholic Church and never say a negative word, because many of their fans are Catholic… cha-ching, money, money, money! At least Pink Floyd sings about money and doesn’t try to hide anything. God hates a proud look and a lying tongue (Proverb 6:16-19).

The Old Testament tells us that wicked king Nebuchadnezzar set up an golden IMAGE and demanded that everyone worship the IMAGE or be killed…

Daniel 3:5-7, “That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up. And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. Therefore at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of musick, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshipped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.”

Carefully notice that Revelation 13:15 tells us that the same thing will happen when the Antichrist comes, i.e., he will demand worship of the IMAGE (just as Nebuchadnezzar did), or else the masses of people will be killed…

Revelation 13:15, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

It is very interesting that king Nebuchadnezzar didn’t ask the people to worship him directly; but instead, worship an IMAGE. Nebuchadnezzar wanted to be worshipped, but he knew that he was just a man; so he needed an image 90-feet tall of pure gold to magnify himself through the image. The Antichrist will just be a man; but he will magnify himself through an IMAGE that the Bible says will speak and come to life (Revelation 13:15).

Those who refuse to worship the Beast’s IMAGE will be killed, just as Nebuchadnezzar proclaimed death to anyone who didn’t bow to worship his IMAGE. This is important to understand, showing us why Satan is using the Masonic pyramid and All-seeing Eye to recruit followers to the New World Order. It is for the same purpose as Nebuchadnezzar’s IMAGE.

So where does Contemporary Christian Music [CCM] come into play? It’s for the same purpose as all worldly music today. Daniel 3:5, “That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up.” Everyone was instructed to worship Nebuchadnezzar’s image when they heard the music, all kinds of music. The Bible lists all sorts of musical instruments. It wasn’t about singing or lyrics, but THE MUSIC.

Likewise, in these Last Days Satan is conditioning the masses of this world to worship the Beast, and the IMAGE of the Beast, through music. The similarities between Nebuchadnezzar’s IMAGE and the Antichrist’sIMAGE are more than mere coincidental. Satan’s methods haven’t changed in thousands of years.

Let’s go further…

George Harrison of The Beatles sang his hit song, MY SWEET LORD. Christian youth all across the world and America were singing along… My Sweet Lord. But then AT THE END of the song, Harrison deceitfully changed the lyrics to, MY SWEET LORD, HARE KRISHNA!!! Harrison’s 1971 song MY SWEET LORD, is a song of praise to the Hindu god, Krishna. In fact, Harrison admits that he did that to trick people.

In his 1982 interview with the Hare Krishna organization George Harrison stated…

"I wanted to show that Hallelujah and Hare Krishna are quite the same thing. I did the voices singing ‘Hallelujah’ and then the change to ‘Hare Krishna’ so that people would be chanting the maha-mantra-before they knew what was going on! I had been chanting Hare Krishna for a long time, and this song was a simple idea of how to do a Western pop equivalent of a mantra which repeats over and over again the holy names. I don’t feel guilty or bad about it; in fact it saved many a heroin addict’s life." [emphasis added]

SOURCE: George Harrison Interview: Hare Krishna Mantra–There’s Nothing Higher (1982)

People who would normally be offended by someone praising “Hare Krishna my sweet Lord,” were caught off guard by the way the song was arranged. The listener would follow along with the words “Hallelujah, my sweet Lord” several times before it subtly changed to “Hare Krishna, my sweet Lord.”

By that time the listener had already been mesmerized by the music and the song. George Harrison was an imposter who rejected Jesus Christ, and is burning in the fires of Hell forever because he died in his sins without Jesus Christ. I say this with sadness. 2nd Peter 3:9 declares that “God is not willing for any to perish” in their sins.

CCM is leading the religious world into the New World Order. This is plainly evidenced by all the occult imagery on their album covers, and the Ecumenical Movement (i.e., let’s unite by error, rather than divide over truth). CCM’s true colors will come out IN THE END, when the Antichrist appears; just as George Harrison’s song MY SWEET LORD, deceived millions of people to worship Hare Krishna of the Hindu religion. You are being deceived my friend.

Yes, Contemporary Christian Music is beautiful. Third Day, Mercy Me and Tree63 sing some really pretty music, uplifting one’s spirit. I am a musician, so I love all kinds of music, naturally. But as a Christian I have to side with THE TRUTH, and God’s Word. I don’t like being the bearer of bad news; but if the bad news is THE TRUTH, then so be it.

The Gospel is two-thirds bad news… Jesus died and was buried. Those were very sad occasions to the Lord’s friends, even though they knew it was necessary for redemption. So even though the Gospel is two-thirds bad news, we call it the “Gospel” (i.e., the good news) because it was all a good thing that the Lord was doing to redeem us. Amen!

I’ve researched the CCM crowd and their music, and they’re all rubbing shoulders with the sinful world. They’re all using corrupt Bibles. They’re all doctrinally compromised, prioritizing love and unity over truth and righteousness. They all sell their music for profit and the CCM industry rakes in billions-of-dollars annually. The lyrics are extremely vague and none of their websites tell anyone how to be saved to enter Heaven.

It is self-evident that music will be a big part of Satan’s New World Order. Just as millions of fans idolize their favorite Rock stars these days, so will the masses of society idolize and worship the Antichrist when he comes; who may very well be a Rock star, such as Bono from U2 (who is a member of the CFR and has worldwide influence). If 11,000,000 Americans will buy Marilyn Manson’s garbage, then they’ll certainly follow the Antichrist when he comes.

What is it with all the pyramids and all-seeing eyes? The explanation is simple. Satan uses images, just as “The Great Oz” in the movie, The Wizard of Oz. Satan is the little peon behind the curtain (Isaiah 14:16). The purpose of the IMAGE is to magnify a person, or thing, to give a bigger than life IMAGE. This is why king Nebuchadnezzar had a 90-foot tall, 9-foot wide, statue made of gold for the people to bow and worship, on his behalf.

This is why the apostate Israelites in the Wilderness demanded a golden calf, an IMAGE, to bow and worship. They needed an object of worship, something bigger than themselves.

This is why the wicked men at Babel rose against God to build a Tower, a place, something bigger than themselves to unite them as one, but without God. The Antichrist will create an IMAGE, and demand that everyone worship it or die (Revelation 13:15).

Why do world leaders and the who’s who of top corporations and newsmedia meet at Bohemia Grove every July to worship a 40-foot owl? Again, we see an IMAGE. Images and symbols are critically important to occult and Luciferian Devil worship. Since it is not befitting for men to outright admit to worshipping Satan, they disguise their worship with IMAGES instead. The Illuminati have created a bigger-than-life feeling around the world with their Masonic pyramid and all-seeing eye.

We see this in the “HOLLYWOOD” sign in West Hollywood. That sign generates a bigger-than-life feeling and atmosphere; just seeing the sign, because it appears in so many movies, and it has become a part of everyday life in the United States. Likewise, we are seeing the Masonic pyramid and all-seeing eye everywhere these days; they have become a part of our daily lives, embedded in our brains, and I sincerely believe that the Antichrist’s IMAGE (Revelation 13:15) may be the all-seeing eye and The Great Pyramid.

“Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible.”
—Adam Weishaupt, founder of the ILLUMINATI


Just as with everything of God, Satan attempts to imitate things. Satan transforms himself into an angel of light to deceive mankind (2nd Corinthians 11:15), and also transforms his ministers to appear righteous in order to deceive humanity (2nd Corinthians 11:13-14; Matthew 7:15). The Antichrist will be the Devil’s Messiah. Followers of Judaism are anxiously looking and waiting for him; having rejected and denied Jesus Christ is the true Messiah. It is tragic that the Jews still today are rejecting Jesus Christ. Thankfully, Satan’s plot for world domination will utterly fail, and his armies will be defeated; and Jesus Christ will put down every power and authority, human and demonic!!!

But for now, we must fight and endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. 2nd Timothy 2:3, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”

The Christian life is not a playground, it’s a battleground.


The Lucifer Trust
Complied and Commented by David J. Stewart

Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan controls the world through demon-possessed Luciferian worshippers such as: Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Albert Pike and Aleister Crowley. Lucis Trust propagates the work of an “Ascended Master” (i.e., a demon possessed man) who was working “through” Alice Bailey for 30 years.

The Antichrist will have a religion―a One World Religion. We read in Revelation 17 that the woman, which rides the beast with seven heads and ten horns, is the mother of harlots. The ten "horns" are 10 kings according to Revelation 17:12. Carefully notice that the woman does not control or steer the Beast. It is the Beast, i.e., Satan, and cannot be tamed. Those who ride the Beast have sold their souls to Satan voluntarily, and are thus controlled by the Devil. Revelation 17:18, “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”

Revelation 17:18 reveals who the "woman" is… "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." Although many theologians believe the woman to be Catholicism (i.e., Vatican City), I think the Illuminati is more likely. It is abundantly clear thatFreemasonry controls the U.S. Government. The evidence is irrefutable that members of occult organizations such as Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Knights Templar and numerous others, control this sinful world. 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati

To accomplish their diabolical New World Order agenda, i.e., to bring to fruition a Global Totalitarian Godless Police State, the minds of the masses must be homogenized to share a common belief system; namely, New Age.

The New Age Movement was started to deviously lead society into a Luciferian mindset. The underlying foundation of New Age is that no one person, group, or denomination can be 100% correct; thus, New Age purports that there are thousands of paths to the light, or god.  Listen to Miss New Age herself, Oprah Winfrey, teach that Jesus couldn’t possibly be the only way to Heaven.  For a Christian to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven is a major offense to New Agers.  In effect, New Age is preparing the masses to be deceived by the Antichrist.

Demonic Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey
Lucis (Lucifer) Trust is the Spiritual foundation of the United Nations

Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society.

Due to public outrage over the creepy name of the publishing company, it was changed one year later to Lucis Trust.

The title page of Alice Bailey’s book, “Initiation, Human and Solar” was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as:

“Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923. Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly.”

SOURCE: Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49

Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan controls the world through demon-possessed Luciferian worshippers such as: Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Albert Pike and Aleister Crowley. Lucis Trust propagates the work of an “Ascended Master” (i.e., a demon possessed man) who was working “through” Alice Bailey for 30 years.

The Lucis Trust Publishing Company and their many fronts and organizations worship an “Externalized Hierarchy” of “Ascended Masters,” who carry out the work of a Luciferian “master plan” (Adam Weishaupt’s 1775 Illuminati blueprint) for the establishment of a permanent “Age of Aquarius” ruled by one “SANAT Kumara,” (notice the name SATAN has been rearranged, just as SANTA) the “Lord of the World” (2nd Corinthians 4:4 identifies this as the Devil, who is the “god” of this evil world). Sanat Kumara is a fictitious character made up by Alice Bailey and her Satan-worshipping buddies. The truth of the matter is that the so-called “Ascended Masters” were in contact with familiar sprits, demons, that dictated what Satan wanted them to write. This is how Satan controls the “spiritual wickedness in high places” as Ephesians 6:12 teaches in the Bible.

Fifty years at the United Nations plaza. Currently located on Wall Street in New York. Lucis Trust provides worldwide financial support for the Arcane School, World Goodwill, Triangles, Lucis Publishing, Lucis Productions, Lucis Trust Libraries, and the New Group of World Servers. Maintains the UN meditation room.

A quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books are published by Lucis Trust. At one time, the Lucis Trust office in New York was located at 866 United Nations Plaza and is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations under a slick program called “World Goodwill.”

In an Alice Bailey’s book called “Education for a New Age;” she suggests that in the new age,

“World Citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain.”

In other words, a One World Government, aka, a New World Order.

At one time, the Lucis Trust office in New York was located at 666 United Nations Plaza and is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations under a slick program called “World Goodwill.” Truly Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4).

Lucis Trust is sponsored by among others Robert McNamara, former Minister of Defense in the U.S.A., president of the World Bank, member of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Thomas Watson (IBM, former ambassador in Moscow).

Lucis Trust sponsors among others the following organizations:

  • UN

  • Greenpeace Int.

  • Greenpeace USA

  • Amnesty Int.


The United Nations has long been one of the foremost world harbingers for the “New Spirituality” and the gathering ”New World Order” based on ancient occult and freemasonic principles. Seven years after the birth of the UN, a book was published by the theosophist and founder of the Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, claiming that:

“Evidence of the growth of the human intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the "planning" of various nations and in the efforts of the United Nations to formulate a world plan… From the very start of this unfoldment, three occult factors have governed the development of all these plans.”

[Alice B. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol. II, p.35.]

Although she did not spell out clearly the identity of these ‘three occult factors’, she did reveal to her students that:

“Within the United Nations is the germ and seed of a great international and meditating, reflective group – a group of thinking and informed men and women in whose hands lies the destiny of humanity. This is largely under the control of many fourth ray disciples, if you could but realize it, and their point of meditative focus is the intuitional or Buddhic plane – the plane upon which all hierarchical activity is today to be found.”

[Ibid. p.220.]

To this end, the Lucis Trust, under the leadership of Foster and Alice Bailey, started a group called “World Goodwill” (an official non-governmental organization within the United Nations).

The stated aim of this group is:

“to cooperate in the world of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ

[One Earth, the magazine of the Findhorn Foundation, October/November 1986, Vol. 6, Issue 6, p.24.]

But the esoteric (hidden, occult) work inside the United Nations does not stop with such recognized occult groupings. Much of the impetus for this process was initiated through the officership of two Secretary-Generals of the UN, Dag Hammarskjöld (Secretary-General of the United Nations: 1953-1961) and U Thant (Secretary-General of the United Nations, 1961-1971) who succeeded him, and one Assistant Secretary-General, Dr. Robert Muller.

In a book written to celebrate the philosophy of Teilhard de Chardin (and edited by Robert Muller), it is revealed:

“Dag Hammarskjöld, the rational Nordic economist, had ended up as a mystic. He too held at the end of his life that spirituality was the ultimate key to our earthly fate in time and space.”

[Robert Muller (ed.), The Desire to be Human: A Global Reconnaissance of Human Perspectives in an Age of Transformation (Miranana, 1983), p.304.]

Sri Chinmoy, the New Age guru, meditation leader at the UN, wrote:

the United Nations is the chosen instrument of God; to be a chosen instrument means to be a divine messenger carrying the banner of God’s inner vision and outer manifestation.”

William Jasper, author of “A New World Religion” describes the religion of the UN:

“…a weird and diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism atheism, Communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism."”

http://www.lucistrust.org (Here’s their Satanic website). On the main page of the Lucis Trustwebsite, they state:

“The worldwide activities of the Lucis Trust, founded by Alice Bailey and Foster Bailey, are dedicated to establishing right human relations.

The activities of the Lucis Trust promote the education of the human mind towards recognition and practice of the spiritual principles and values upon which a stable and interdependent world society may be based. The Lucis Trust is non-political and non-sectarian. It sponsors no special creed or dogma.”

The problem is that Alice and Foster Bailey were God-hating, Christ-rejecting, Bible-denying unbelievers. They’re so-called “spiritual principles” are lying New Age doctrines of devils. 1st Timothy 4:1, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” Lucis Trust claim that their spiritual principles may be used to bring about a stable and interdenominational world society. But just as John Lennon’s fantasy in the song, IMAGINE, they all fail to take into account the evil nature of humanity (Jeremiah 17:9).

John Lennon’s dream in the song IMAGE, did come true many millenniums ago, after the flood. Noah and his wife and his three sons and their wives were the only ones to survive the flood. All humanity was killed in the flood. Only eight people survived the flood. There were no borders when they walked off the ark in Genesis 8. There were no religions. There was nothing to go to war nor fight over. But it wasn’t even a few chapters later in the Book of Genesis, that humanity had gone once again into utter wickedness.

God stopped them from uniting in apostasy at Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. God had to intervene and segregate mankind, separating them across the face of the earth; changing their languages and geographical locations as a safeguard (Acts 17:26-27). Satan is trying to undo what God did, to corrupt mankind, breaking down all barriers of culture, race, language and religion. This is why Lucis Trust aims to promote, through their unbiblical doctrines of devils, an interdenominational society (sounds like Babel all over to me). Please read, THE BIG PICTURE to learn more on this topic.

We are living in the Last Days, in times of woefully apostasy and rebellion against the God of the Bible, i.e., the God of true Israel.

You can find out much more about the Lucis Trust and how they’re involved with the work of the United Nations by following their link “World Goodwill” at the top of their home page.

When the Antichrist comes, he will WORSHIP THE GOD OF FORCES…

Daniel 11:38, “But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.”

The Satanic Aquarian Age Community


This Website is sponsored by the United Nations and the whole NWO philosophy is there. The page which explains the work of the Aquarian Age Community, as they call themselves, has this quote at the header of their page at http://www.aquaac.org/about/about.html

Such a grandeur is ahead!
Such a great step awaits a fiery affirmation.
Our teaching and the affirmation of the Higher
Principles will reveal so much that is great to humanity!
A great period is drawing near: Thus we do create together.

Fiery World
Vol. III, par. 149

Again, sounds like a modern-day Babel to me. Notice in Genesis 11:8 that they were building a “CITY”also, not just a tower as many errantly think. I think the unfinished pyramid (i.e., The Great Pyramid) represents the unfinished city and tower of Babel. Satan wants to complete what he started, and has wanted to do since the beginning of time, i.e., unite humanity together to worship him instead of God. The Antichrist will create a bigger-than-life IMAGE of himself, just as wicked king Nebuchadnezzar did in Daniel 3:5-7), demanding worship and killing those who refuse (Revelation 13:15).

This is exactly what the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, did in the Old Testament. He tried to kill Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego for refusing to bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s 90-foot tall golden image (Daniel 3:16-19). Times haven’t changed in 2,600 years since Daniel. Satan tried to get Jesus to worship him (Matthew 4:8-9), and he wants you to worship him as well. This is why over 42,000,000 Americans have purchased ACDC’s Highway to Hell song on the Back in Black album.

Amongst the many enlightening pages in the Aquarian Age website, you will find fascinating articles entitled:

“The New World Order and the Work of the UN” athttp://www.aquaac.org/un/nwo.html

“The World Spiritual Teacher, the Esoteric Community and the United Nations” athttp://www.aquaac.org/meetings/rttop.html

Alice Bailey’s False Christ

Keep in mind that these people worship Lucifer (the very name of their organization). In the following stated purpose of their organization, the AQUARIAN AGE COMMUNITY states that they are looking and awaiting for the reappearance of a WORLD TEACHER. This is the Antichrist. Nowhere in the Bible are we told that Jesus will return as a teacher. The following is a photo, so the hyperlinks don’t work. Read for yourself their New Age heresies. Notice that sin is not a concept embraced by New Agers. In their Humanistic thinking, they deny the reality of the sinful nature of mankind.

SOURCE: http://www.aquaac.org/about/about.html

The purpose of their organization is to prepare the world for the Antichrist. They’re “preparing the way for the reappearance of the World Teacher—the Christed (Anointed) One, the true Aquarian.” On the original page, if you click on the hyperlink that says, “the true Aquarian,” then the following Luciferian teachings by Alice A. Bailey come up…

SOURCE: http://www.aquaac.org/about/teacher.html

It is clear to me that the real agenda of this evil group is to further blind men from the truth of God’s Word. In fact, this is exactly what 2nd Corinthians 4:4 teaches, “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” Satan blinds the minds of THEM WHICH BELIEVE NOT.

The mighty Bible teacher, Dr. M.R. DeHaan, states concerning the Antichrist…

“In considering the policy and claims of the personal Antichrist, we must remind you again of a key that will help much in understanding his methods. Remember that he is the Antichrist. As we trace his course through the Word, we find that, like the saints in Revelation, he follows ‘the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.’ His purpose is to make men believe that he is the true Christ and God, and therefore he imitates Christ, making the same claims and doing many of the same miracles. For this reason both Jew and Gentile will readily accept him as the great master mind and coming deliverer.”

SOURCE: THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS, pg. 140; by M.R. DeHaan; 1944; ISBN: 0-8254-2483-6

That is EXACTLY what Alice Bailey has done, i.e., teaching that the Antichrist is the coming great master mind and coming deliverer. The truth is that the Antichrist will woefully DECEIVE the masses of this world (2nd Thessalonians 2:10-12). The Antichrist will use many illusions and lying wonders, and the majority of the world will be deceived into following him. The truth is our primary weapon against Satan.

The Doctrine of Christ (2nd John 1:9) is under malicious attack everywhere today, especially the doctrine of the GODHEAD (Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20 and Colossians 2:9 in the precious King James Bible). Note: If you are using a corrupted modern Bible version, such as the New International Version(NIV) then you won’t find the word “Godhead,” because they dishonestly removed the word to deceive you. The New Age Movement is based upon feelings and experience; but Biblical Christianity is based upon THE TRUTH and the PROMISES of God. Amen and amen!

Alice and Foster Bailey, Freemasonry, and Madame Blavatsky, have succeeded greatly in their purpose to blind humanity. All over the world today, billions of people are trusting in some false religion to save them. All mainstream world religions have been either started or infiltrated by the Freemasonry occult (part 2), leading people into Hell fire and damnation. This is Satan’s sole purpose—to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). Alice Bailey taught a false Christ. Maitreya is not Jesus Christ as she claims.

Alice Bailey is slicker than a greased bearing. She is saying that the Christian Christ is the Antichrist. Everything Bailey describes is about the man of sin, the Beast, the Antichrist. Notice that nothing she said comes from the Bible. Bailey twists and distorts the truth to confuse, mislead and blind those who are naive and ignorant of THE TRUTH. Notice also that she refuses to mention the name of Jesus. Bailey’s description of her false Christ is not

The following video does a good job of exposing The Lucifer Trust for the Satanic organization that it is…

The Lucifer Trust


The New World Order and the Tower of Babel

God confounded mankind at Babel, stopping them from building their tower and city (Genesis 11:8). Satan wants to finish what was started.

The Bible says that God stopped humanity at Babel because of their evil nature when they unite together. Genesis 11:6, “And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” The world had become so evil before the flood that God chose to destroy the world by flood. It wasn’t even a few chapters later in Genesis where we find men uniting in rebellion against God all over again (Genesis 11:1-9). God segregated mankind at Babel, changing their language and location, as a safeguard for humanity (Acts 17:26-27).

The New World Order has been in the planning and works for thousands of years. It is no coincidence that The Great Pyramid of Egypt was never finished. It is estimated to have been build around 2600 BC, but the top-stone (or capstone) was never put into place. I believe this is because Satan wants to finish was God stopped at Babel. For thousands of years, Satan has desired the worship of humanity. We see this evidenced in Matthew 4:8-9 when Satan offered Jesus everything that this temporary life has to offer in exchange for worship. Jesus used the Sword of God, the Scriptures, to defeat Satan (Matthew 4:10). Amen!

The New World Order in my opinion is Satan leading demon-possessed Luciferians to finish what was started at Babel, i.e., they were building a tower and a city. We always hear about the tower, but no one ever mentions THE CITY. I think the unfinished pyramid on the back of every U.S. dollar represents the unfinished city of Babel. The capstone is detached from the base of the pyramid. The puzzle is coming together.


The Lucis (Lucifer) Trust and Brainwashing Propaganda

The Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN. Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as "Lucifer Trust" by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. The title page of Alice Bailey’s book, ‘Initiation, Human and Solar’ was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as ‘Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923.’

Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. (Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49). A quick trip to any New Age bookstore will reveal that many of the hard-core New Age books are published by Lucis Trust.
At one time, the Lucis Trust office in New York was located at 666 United Nations Plaza and is a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations under a slick program called "World Goodwill". In an Alice Bailey book called "Education for a New Age"; she suggests that in the new age "World Citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened, with a world federation and a world brain." In other words – a One World Government New World Order.
Luci’s Trust is sponsored by among others Robert McNamara, former minister of Defense in the USA, president of the World Bank, member of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Thomas Watson (IBM, former ambassador in Moscow).  Luci’s Trust sponsors among others the following organizations:

  • United Nations

  • Greenpeace International

  • Greenpeace USA

  • Amnesty International


The United Nations has long been one of the foremost world harbingers for the "New Spirituality" and the gathering "New World Order" based on ancient occult and freemasonic principles. Seven years after the birth of the UN, a book was published by the theosophist and founder of the Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, claiming that,

"Evidence of the growth of the human intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the "planning" of various nations and in the efforts of the United Nations to formulate a world plan… From the very start of this unfoldment, three occult factors have governed the development of all these plans"

[Alice B. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol. II, p.35.]

Although she did not spell out clearly the identity of these ‘three occult factors‘, she did reveal to her students that,

"Within the United Nations is the germ and seed of a great international and meditating, reflective group – a group of thinking and informed men and women in whose hands lies the destiny of humanity. This is largely under the control of many fourth ray disciples, if you could but realize it, and their point of meditative focus is the intuitional or Buddhic plane – the plane upon which all hierarchical activity is today to be found"

[Ibid. p.220.]

To this end, the Lucis Trust, under the leadership of Foster and Alice Bailey, started a group called ‘World Goodwill‘ – an official non-governmental organization within the United Nations. The stated aim of this group is,

"to cooperate in the world of preparation for the reappearance of the Christ"

[One Earth, the magazine of the Findhorn Foundation, October/November 1986, Vol. 6, Issue 6, p.24.]

But the esoteric work inside the UN does not stop with such recognized occult groupings. Much of the impetus for this process was initiated through the officership of two Secretary-Generals of the UN, Dag Hammarskjöld (held office: 1953-1961) and U Thant (held office: 1961-1971) who succeeded him, and one Assistant Secretary-general, Dr. Robert Muller. In a book written to celebrate the philosophy of Teilhard de Chardin (and edited by Robert Muller), it is revealed,

"Dag Hammarskjöld, the rational Nordic economist, had ended up as a mystic. He too held at the end of his life that spirituality was the ultimate key to our earthly fate in time and space"

[Robert Muller (ed.), The Desire to be Human: A Global Reconnaissance of Human Perspectives in an Age of Transformation (Miranana, 1983), p.304.]

Sri Chinmoy, the New Age guru, meditation leader at the UN, wrote:

"the United Nations is the chosen instrument of God; to be a chosen instrument means to be a divine messenger carrying the banner of God’s inner vision and outer manifestation."

William Jasper, author of "A New World Religion" describes the religion of the UN:

"…a weird and diabolical convergence of New Age mysticism, pantheism, aboriginal animism atheism, communism, socialism, Luciferian occultism, apostate Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism".

At http://www.lucistrust.org you can find out much more about them and how they’re involved with the work of the United Nations by following their link "World Goodwill" at the top of their home page.
The Aquarian Age Community

This Website is sponsored by the United Nations and the whole NWO philosophy is there.  The page which explains the work of the Aquarian Age Community, as they call themselves, has this proud quote at the header of their page

Such a grandeur is ahead!
Such a great step awaits a fiery affirmation.
Our teaching and the affirmation of the Higher
Principles will reveal so much that is great to humanity!
A great period is drawing near: Thus we do create together.
Fiery World
Vol. III, par. 149

Amongst the many ‘enlightening’ pages in this website, you can easily find ‘fascinating’ articles entitled:

This is not Christian theology but New Age paganism. You can also read the NWO quotes I posted, further down this page. Here’s another by Curtis Dall, FD Roosevelt’s son in law as quoted in his book,My Exploited Father in Law:

"For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn’t. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign Relations One World Money group…

Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared "ammunition" in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support.

The UN is but a long range, international banking apparatus nearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One World Revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.
The depression was the calculated ‘shearing’ of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market… The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank."

SOURCE: http://www.freemasonrywatch.org/lucistrust.html

Alice A. Bailey Married to 33rd Degree Freemason, Foster Bailey

Another 33rd Degree Freemason, Foster Bailey, sponsored his wife, Alice A. Bailey, into Co-Masonry, where she became a key leader.  Alice was also the top leader of the House of Theosophy from the 1920’s to the early 1950’s; she was a prolific writer, admittedly a channeler for a spirit by the name of Master D.K.  She had significant revelations to add to this subject of Inner, Invisible Freemasonry.

"There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the inner-most circles of the esoteric societies. [Bailey, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 513]

Bailey is saying here that, once you get into the Inner, Invisible part of Freemasonry, there is no distinction possible between this heart of Masonry, the true Universal Church [which we know to be the church of Antichrist], and of the similar inner-most circles of the other secret societies throughout the world.

But, then, Bailey makes an even stronger statement revealing the Inner, Invisible Masonic fraternity.  "The Masonic Movement … is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries, and the seat of initiation.  It holds in it symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work.  The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward.  It is a far more occult organisation than can be realised, and it is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists." [Bailey, Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 511]

Since the meaning of the word, "occult", is "hidden", or "invisible", we know that Bailey is here speaking of the Inner, Invisible part of Freemasonry.  And, not only is does this Invisible Fraternity exist, it is intended to be the training ground for the coming advanced occultists!!

SOURCE: http://www.cuttingedge.org/free001a.htm

The United Nations, which was created and is controlled by The Council On Foreign Relations, is highly involved in bringing to fruition a One World Religion

U.N. plans to bring together 1,000 world religious leaders

By Larry Witham, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, July 14, 2000

A global summit bringing 1,000 religious leaders to the United Nations will disclose some participants next week, good news to U.N. officials eager to plan security and protocol for the unprecedented Aug. 28-29 event.  The "working list" to be issued Tuesday will not include personages such as Pope John Paul II and probably not the Dalai Lama, who reports no invitation.  But the Vatican’s Cardinal Francis Arinze, a Nigerian, will make the trek to New York City as will spiritual leaders from countries such as Peru who have never before left their native soils.

"The leaders we’ve met in Africa, and Europe and Asia and Russia understand the opportunity," said Dena Merriam, a vice chairman of the summit.  "The challenge is to have so many top leaders, and they all have something to say," she said.  Miss Merriam, who has traveled with the summit’s Secretary-General Bawa Jain to enlist participants, noted that even heads of state are given no more than five minutes to make remarks at the United Nations.

The Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders is organized by an "independent coalition" of interfaith leaders, and is being held in a year when nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs, are seeking use of the General Assembly chamber more than usual.
"We’re hoping in the next two weeks that their program will begin to gel," a U.N. official said.
"Any event that takes place in the General Assembly room requires major concern for security, protocol, the political [aspects], and making sure the program is compatible with the work of the United Nations," he said.

NGO use of the chamber averages about four times a year, but this year it will be roughly 10 times.
The Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders opens Aug. 28 with an afternoon procession into the General Assembly and sessions all the next day.  It moves for two more days to the nearby Waldorf Astoria hotel.  The summit was announced last October after "conversations" between media mogul Ted Turner and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who will address the session of "the world’s pre-eminent" spiritual leaders.

One casualty of the inevitable political delicacies may be the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibet. China holds one of five permanent seats on the U.N. Security Council and long has opposed his speaking at the United Nations.  "His Holiness has not been invited to the summit," an Office of Tibet spokeswoman in New York said Thursday.

The religious leaders are expected to issue a Declaration for World Peace and agree to some form of a permanent International Advisory Council of Religious and Spiritual Leaders.  Mr. Turner, the summit’s honorary chairman, has promised full live coverage by CNN.  The chairman of the top advisory board is Canadian businessman Maurice Strong, who ran the U.N. Earth Summit in 1992, and a vice president of the summit’s executive counsel is former Sen. Timothy Wirth, Colorado Democrat, who now heads Mr. Turner’s grant-giving United Nations Foundation.

Other vice presidents are Gillian Sorenson, assistant to Mr. Annan, and the Rev. James Morton, an Episcopal priest with the Interfaith Center of New York.  A midtown Manhattan office near the United Nations has been the hub of the yearlong effort inviting notable people from 12 world traditions, from the monotheistic faiths to Zoroastrianism, indigenous religions and Confucianism.  Funding comes from 11 sponsors, which include the Better World Fund of Mr. Turner and the Templeton, Carnegie and Rockefeller Brothers foundations. Summit organizers would not yet disclose a budget.

SOURCE:  http://www.washingtontimes.com/

The organization, SHARE INTERNATIONAL, falsely states that Jesus is already here as the New Age teacher Maitreya:

"Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfills all these expectations is already living among us.

Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes."

SOURCE: http://www.share-international.org/

The Bible warned us that these imposters would come… "And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not" (Mark 13:21). 


Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4), who’s ultimate goal is to lead the world once again in rebellion against God.  The heathen masses will worship the Antichrist… "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God" (2nd Thessalonians 2:4).  In order for Satan to achieve this, he must redefine the way people think.  This wasn’t possible before the advent of modern technology.  We are truly living in the last days.

The world is getting smaller every day, i.e., mass communication via the internet, television, cable TV, and cell phones are rebuilding a modern day Tower of Babel so-to-speak (Revelation 18:10).  Global governmental control is making it virtually impossible to escape modern civilization.  As at Babel in Genesis 11, the world is once again uniting in rebellion against God Almighty.

As the world grows smaller, so will it continue to join the New Age Movement of the New World Order.  The Lucis Trust is just one of hundreds of Satanic organization committed to leading the world to follow Lucifer, i.e., the Devil, who appears as an angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:13-14).


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Satan, who in Milton‘s Paradise Lost is also called Lucifer,[1] on his way to bring about the downfall of Adam.Gustave Doré‘s illustration for Paradise Lost, Book III, lines 739-742 by John Milton.

Lucifer is a Latin word (from the words lucem ferre), literally meaning "light-bearer", which in that language is used as a name for the dawn appearance of the planetVenus, heralding daylight. Use of the word in this sense is uncommon in English, in which "Day Star" or "Morning Star" are more common expressions.

In English, "Lucifer" generally refers to the Devil, although the name is not applied to him in the New Testament. The use of the name "Lucifer" in reference to a fallen angel stems from an interpretation of Isaiah 14:3–20, a passage that speaks of a particularBabylonian King, to whom it gives a title that refers to what in English is called the Day Star or Morning Star (in Latin, lucifer),[2] as fallen or destined to fall from theheavens or sky.[3] In 2 Peter 1:19 and elsewhere, the same Latin word lucifer is used to refer to the Morning Star, with no relation to the devil. However, in post-New Testament times the Latin word Lucifer has often been used as a name for the devil, both in religious writing and in fiction, especially when referring to him before he fell from Heaven.

Satan as Lucifer

The Lucifer story

A myth[4] of the fall of angels, associated with the Morning Star, was transferred to Satan, as seen in the Life of Adam and Eve and the Second Book of Enoch,[5] which the Jewish Encyclopedia attributes to the first pre-Christian century:[6] in these Satan-Sataniel (sometimes identified with Samael) is described as having been one of the archangels. Because he contrived "to make his throne higher than the clouds over the earth and resemble ‘My power’ on high", Satan-Sataniel was hurled down, with his hosts of angels, and since then he has been flying in the air continually above the abyss.[4]

Gustave Doré‘s illustration for Milton’s Paradise Lost,Book IV, lines 1013–1015: Satan (alias Lucifer) yielding before Raphael

Early Christian writers continued this identification of "Lucifer" with Satan. Tertullian ("Contra Marcionem," v. 11, 17),Origen (Homilies on Ezekiel 13), and others, identify Lucifer with Satan, who also is represented as being "cast down from heaven" (Revelation 12:7–10; cf. Luke 10:18).[4]

However, some contemporary exorcists and theologians such as Father José Antonio Fortea and Father Amorth in their experience and based on Biblical interpretations, assert that Lucifer and Satan are different beings.[7]

In the New Testament the Adversary has many names, but "Lucifer" is not among them. He is called "Satan" (Matt. 4:10; Mark 1:13, 4:15; Luke 10:18), "devil" (Matt. 4:1), "adversary" (1. Peter 5:8, ἀντίδικος; 1. Tim. 5:14, ἀντικείμενος), "enemy" (Matt. 13:39), "accuser" (Rev. 12:10), "old serpent" (Rev. 20:2), "great dragon" (Rev. 12:9), Beelzebub (Matt. 10:25, 12:24), and Belial (comp. Samael). In Luke 10:18, John 12:31, 2. Cor. 6:16, and Rev. 12:9 the fall of Satan is mentioned. The devil is regarded as the author of all evil (Luke 10:19; Acts 5:3; 2. Cor. 11:3; Ephes. 2:2), who beguiled Eve (2. Cor. 11:3; Rev. 12:9). Because of Satan, death came into this world, being ever the tempter (1. Cor. 7:5; 1. Thess. 3:5; 1. Peter 5:8), even as he tempted Jesus(Matt. 4). The Christian demonology and belief in the devil dominated subsequent periods.[8] However, though the New Testament includes the conception that Satan fell from heaven "as lightning" (Luke 10:18; Rev. 12:7-10),[9] it nowhere applies the name Lucifer to him.

The Jewish Encyclopedia states that in the apocalyptic literature, the conception of fallen angels is widespread. Throughout antiquity stars were commonly regarded as living celestial beings (Job 38:7).[9] Indications of this belief in fallen angels, behind which probably lies the symbolizing of an astronomical phenomenon, the shooting stars, are found in Isaiah 14:12.

The Morning Star in Isaiah 14:12

The Book of Isaiah has the following passage:

When the Lord has given you rest from your pain and turmoil and the hard service with which you were made to serve, you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has ceased! How his insolence has ceased! … How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of congregation on the heights of Zaphon; I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High." But you are brought down to Sheol, to the depths of the Pit. Those who see you will stare at you, and ponder over you: "Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, who made the world like a desert and overthrew its cities, who would not let his prisoners go home?[10]

The passage refers to the king of Babylon, a man who seemed all-powerful, but who has been brought down to the abode of the dead ("Sheol"). Isaiah promises that the Israelites will be freed and will then be able to use in a taunting song against their oppressor the image of the Morning Star, which rises at dawn as the brightest of the stars, outshining Jupiter and Saturn, but lasting only until the sun appears. This image was used in an old popularCanaanite story that the Morning Star tried to rise high above the clouds and establish himself on the mountain where the gods assembled, in the far north, but was cast down into the underworld.[4][11]

The phrase "O Day Star, son of Dawn" in the New Revised Standard Version translation given above corresponds to the Hebrew phrase "הילל בן־שׁחר" (Helel Ben-Shachar) in verse 12, meaning "morning star, son of dawn". As the Latin poets personified the Morning Star and the Dawn (Aurora), as well as the Sun and the Moon and other heavenly bodies, so in Canaanite mythology Morning Star and Dawn were pictured as two deities, the former being the son of the latter.[12]

In the Latin Vulgate, Jerome translated "הילל בן־שׁחר" (morning star, son of dawn) as "lucifer qui mane oriebaris" (morning star that used to rise early).[13] Already, as early as the Christian writers Tertullian andOrigen,[11] the whole passage had come to be applied to Satan. Satan began to be referred to as "Lucifer" (Morning Star), and finally the word "Lucifer" was treated as a proper name. The use of the word "Lucifer" in the 1611 King James Version instead of a word such as "Daystar" ensured its continued popularity among English speakers.

Most modern English versions (including the NIV, NRSV, NASB, NJB and ESV) render the Hebrew word as "day star", "morning star" or something similar, and never as "Lucifer", a word that in English is now very rarely used in the sense of the original word in Hebrew (Morning Star), though in Latin "Lucifer" was a literal translation.

A passage quite similar to that in Isaiah is found in Ezekiel 28:1–19, which is expressly directed against the king of Tyre, a city on an island that had grown rich by trade, factors alluded to in the text.[14] In Christian tradition, it too has been applied to Lucifer, because of some of the expressions contained in it.[15] But, since it does not contain the image of the Morning Star, discussion of it belongs rather to the article on Satan than to that on Lucifer.

Lucifer (Le génie du mal) byGuillaume Geefs (Cathedral of St. Paul,Liège, Belgium)

The same holds for the Christian depiction of Satan in other books of theOld Testament as, for instance, in the Book of Job, where Satan, who has been wandering the Earth, has a discussion with God and makes a deal with him to test Job.

The Tyndale Bible Dictionary states that there are many who believe the expression "Lucifer" and the surrounding context in Isaiah 14 refer to Satan: they believe the similarities among Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18, and Revelation 12:7–10 warrant this conclusion. But it points out that the context of the Isaiah passage is about the accomplished defeat of the king of Babylon, while the New Testament passages speak of Satan.[11]

Islamic point of view

According to the Qur’an, Iblis (the Arabic name used) disobeyed an order from Allah to bow to Adam and as a result was forced out of heaven and given respite until the day of judgement from further punishment.

When Allah commanded all of the angels to bow down before Adam (the first Human), Iblis, full of hubris and jealousy, refused to obey Allah’s command (he could do so because, as a jinn, he had free will), seeing Adam as being inferior in creation due to his being created from clay as compared to him (created of fire).[16]

"It is We Who created you and gave you shape; then We bade the angels prostrate to Adam, and they prostrate; not so Iblis (Lucifer); He refused to be of those who prostrate."
(Allah) said: "What prevented thee from prostrating when I commanded thee?" He said: "I am better than he: Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay."
Qur’an 7:11–12

It was after this that the title of "Shaitan" was given, which can be roughly translated as "Mischievous" or "Devil". Shaitan then claims that if the punishment for his act of disobedience is to be delayed until the Day of Judgment, that he will divert many of Adam’s own descendants from the straight path during his period of respite.[17] Allah accepts the claims of Iblis and guarantees recompense to Iblis and his followers in the form of Hellfire. To test mankind and jinn alike, Allah allowed Iblis to roam the Earth to attempt to convert others away from his path.[18]He was sent to Earth along with Adam and Eve, after eventually luring them into eating the fruit from the forbidden tree.[19]

Other readings

Joseph Campbell (1972: pp. 148–149) illustrates an unorthodox Islamic reading of Lucifer’s fall from Heaven, which champions Lucifer’s eclipsing love for God:

One of the most amazing images of love that I know is in Persian – a mystical Persianrepresentation as Satan as the most loyal lover of God. You will have heard the old legend of how, when God created the angels, he commanded them to pay worship to no one but himself; but then, creating man, he commanded them to bow in reverence to this most noble of his works, and Lucifer refused – because, we are told, of his pride. However, according to this Muslim reading of his case, it was rather because he loved and adored God so deeply and intensely that he could not bring himself to bow before anything else, and because he refused to bow down to something inferior to him (since he was made of fire, and man from clay). And it was for that that he was flung into Hell, condemned to exist there for eternity, apart from his love.

This interpretation of the satanic rebellion described in the Quran is seen by some Sufi teachers such as Mansur Al-Hallaj (in his ‘Tawasin’) as a predestined scenario in which IblisShaitan plays the role of tragic and jealous lover who, unable to perceive the Divine Image in Adam and capable only of seeing the exterior, disobeyed the divine mandate to bow down. His refusal (according to the Tawasin) was due to a misconceived idea of God’s uniqueness and because of his refusal to abandon himself to God in love. Hallaj criticized the staleness of Iblis’ adoration. Excerpts from Sufi texts expounding this interpretation have been included along with many other viewpoints on Shaitan (by no means all of them apologetic) in an important anthology of Sufi texts edited by Dr.Javad Nurbakhsh, head of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order.[20]

The Sufi teacher Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan taught that ‘Luciferian Light’ is Light that has become dislocated from the Divine Source and is thus associated with the seductive false light of the lower ego, which lures humankind into self-centered delusion.[21] Here Lucifer represents what the Sufis term the ‘Nafs’, the ego.

Use of the word "lucifer" in the Bible

The Vulgate (Latin) version of the Christian Bible used the word "lucifer" (with lower-case initial) twice to refer to the Morning Star: once in 2 Peter 1:19 to translate the Greek word Φωσφόρος (phōsphoros), a word, from φῶς (phōs) meaning "light" and φέρω (pherō̄) meaning "to carry", that has the same meaning of Light-Bringer that the Latin word has, and once in Isaiah 14:12 to translate the Hebrew word הילל (Hêlēl).[22] In the latter passage the title of "Morning Star" is given to the tyrannous Babylonian king, who the prophet says is destined to fall. This passage was later applied to the prince of the demons, and so the name "Lucifer" came to be used outside the Bible for the devil, and was popularized in works such as Dante Alighieri‘s Inferno and John Milton‘sParadise Lost, but for English speakers the greatest influence has been its use in the King James Version of Isa 14:12 to translate the Hebrew word הילל, which more modern English versions render as "Morning Star" or "Day Star". A similar passage in Ezekiel 28:11–19 regarding the "king of Tyre" was also applied to the devil, contributing to the traditional picture of the fallen angel.

The Vulgate translation uses "lucifer" (Morning Star) twice to translate words in the Book of Job that meant something different: once to represent the word "בקר"[23] (which instead means "morning") in Job 11:17, and once for the word "מזרות" (usually taken to mean "the constellations") in Job 38:32. The same Latin word appears also in the Vulgate version of Psalms 110:3, where the original has "שׁחר" (dawn, the same word as in Isaiah 14:12).

The Vulgate did not use the Latin word lucifer to represent the two references to the Morning Star in the Book of Revelation . In both cases the original Greek text uses a circumlocution instead of the single word "φωσφόρος", and a corresponding circumlocution is used in the Latin. Thus "stella matutina" is used for "ὁ ἀστὴρ ὁ πρωϊνός" inRevelation 2:28, which promises the Morning Star to those who persevere, and for "ὁ ἀστὴρ ὁ πρωϊνός" (or, according to some manuscripts, "ὁ ἀστὴρ ὁ ὀρθρινός") in Revelation 22:16, where Jesus calls himself "the bright morning star".

The English word "Lucifer" is used in none of these places (other than Isaiah 14:12), where the Latin translation uses the Latin word "lucifer" (i.e., morning star).

Outside the Bible, the Roman Rite liturgy’s Exultet chant in praise of the paschal candle refers to Christ as the Morning Star (in Latin, lucifer, with lower-case initial):

May the Morning Star which never sets
find this flame still burning:
Christ, that Morning Star,
who came back from the dead,
and shed his peaceful light on all mankind,
your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

Flammas eius lucifer matutinus inveniat:
ille, inquam, lucifer, qui nescit occasum,
Christus Filius tuus qui,
regressus ab inferis,
humano generi serenus illuxit,
et vivit et regnat in saecula saeculorum.

Astronomical significance

Because the planet Venus is an inferior planet, meaning that its orbit lies between the orbit of the Earth and theSun, it can never rise high in the sky at night as seen from Earth. It can be seen in the eastern morning sky for an hour or so before the Sun rises, and in the western evening sky for an hour or so after the Sun sets, but never during the dark of midnight.

It is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. As bright and as brilliant as it is, ancient people did not understand why they could not see it at midnight like the outer planets, or during midday, like the Sun and Moon. It outshines the planets Saturn and Jupiter, which do last all night, but it soon disappears. Canaanite mythology has a story of an unsuccessful attempt by Athtar, the Morning Star pictured as a god, to take over the throne of Baal.[24][25]

A 2nd-century sculpture of the moon goddess Selene accompanied by Hesperusand Phosphorus: the corresponding Latin names are Luna, Vesper and Lucifer.

"Lucifer" as Latin name for the Morning Star

In Latin, the word "Lucifer", meaning "Light-Bringer" (from lux, lucis, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring"), is a name used for the Morning Star (the planet Venus in its dawn appearances).[26] The word is used in its astronomical sense both in prose[27] and poetry,[28] but most poets personify the star in a mythological context.[29]

The Taxil Hoax: Lucifer’s alleged connection with Freemasonry

Léo Taxil (1854–1907) claimed that Freemasonry is associated with worshipping Lucifer. In what is known as the Taxil hoax, he claimed that supposedly leading Freemason Albert Pike had addressed "The 23 Supreme Confederated Councils of the world" (an invention of Taxil), instructing them that Lucifer was God, and was in opposition to the evil god Adonai. Apologists of Freemasonry contend that, when Albert Pike and other Masonic scholars spoke about the "Luciferian path," or the "energies of Lucifer," they were referring to the Morning Star, the light bearer,[30] the search for light; the very antithesis of dark, satanic evil. Taxil promoted a book by Diana Vaughan (actually written by himself, as he later confessed publicly)[31] that purported to reveal a highly secret ruling body called the Palladium, which controlled the organization and had a Satanic agenda. As described by Freemasonry Disclosed in 1897:

With frightening cynicism, the miserable person we shall not name here [Taxil] declared before an assembly especially convened for him that for twelve years he had prepared and carried out to the end the most sacrilegious of hoaxes. We have always been careful to publish special articles concerning Palladism and Diana Vaughan. We are now giving in this issue a complete list of these articles, which can now be considered as not having existed.[32]

Taxil’s work and Pike’s address continue to be quoted by anti-masonic groups.[33]

In Devil-Worship in France, Arthur Edward Waite compared Taxil’s work to what today we would call a tabloidstory, replete with logical and factual inconsistencies.

See also "Lucifer and Satan" at the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon website.

Occult beliefs

The Sigil of Lucifer ("Seal of Satan") amagical sigil[34] used occasionally as an emblem by Satanists

In the modern occultism of Dolores North (alias Madeline Montalban) (died 1982)[35]Lucifer’s identification as the Morning Star (Venus) equates him with Lumiel, whom she regarded as the Archangel of Light, and among Satanists he is seen as the "Torch of Baphomet" and Azazel.

In the Satanic Bible of 1969, Lucifer is acknowledged as one of the Four Crown Princes of Hell, particularly that of the East. Lord of the Air, Lucifer has been named "Bringer of Light, the Morning Star, Intellectualism, Enlightenment."

Author Michael W. Ford[36] has written on Lucifer as a "mask" of the Adversary, a motivator and illuminating force of the mind and subconscious.[37]


Lucifer, by Alessandro Vellutello (1534), for Dante’s Inferno, canto 34

Lucifer, by William Blake, for Dante’s Inferno, canto 34

cover of 1887 edition ofMario Rapisardi‘s poemLucifero

Lucifer before the Lord, by Mihály Zichy (19th century)

Lucifer, the Fallen Angel, by James Donahue

Mayor Hall and Lucifer, by an unknown artist (1870)

The planet Venus, either as the Morning Star (in Latin, Lucifer) or as the Evening Star (in Latin, Hesperus)

See also


  1. ^ Milton’s poem uses the name "Lucifer" only three times, as against 72 mentions of "Satan". The name used in this context is "Satan".
  2. ^ The word in the original text in Hebrew is הֵילֵל (transliteration: helel; definition: a shining oneStrong’s Hebrew Numbers, 1966).
  3. ^ The word in the original text is Hebrew שָׁמַ֫יִם (transliteration: shamayim; definition: heaven, sky –Strong’s Hebrew Numbers, 8064).
  4. ^ Verses 29:4, 31:4 of the longer recension manuscript R
  5. ^ "The Lucifer myth was transferred to Satan in the pre-Christian century, as may be learned from Vita Adæ et Evæ (12) and Slavonic Enoch (xxix. 4, xxxi. 4)" – article Lucifer
  6. ^ Jose [Fortea] Cucurull, Summa Daemoniaca2004. (ISBN 84-933788-2-8)
  7. ^ a b c Tyndale Bible Dictionary (Carol Stream, Illinois 2001 ISBN 978-1-4143-1945-2), articleLucifer (p. 829)
  8. ^ "Verses 12–15 seem to be based on aPhoenician model. At all events, they display several points of contact with the Ras-Shamra poems: Daystar and Dawn were two divinities; the "mount of Assembly" was where the gods used to meet, like Mount Olympus in Greek mythology. The Fathers identified the fall of the Morning Star (Vulgate, Lucifer) with that of the prince of the demons" (note in the New Jerusalem Bible).
  9. ^ The Septuagint Greek translation of the phrase uses the same interpretation of "son of dawn": ὁ ἑωσφόρος ὁ πρωὶ ἀνατέλλων.
  10. ^ Your heart is proud and you have said, "I am a god; I sit in the seat of the gods, in the heart of the seas" … By your great wisdom in trade you have increased your wealth, and your heart has become proud in your wealth (verses 2 and 5)
  11. ^ With an anointed cherub as guardian I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked among the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways from the day that you were created, until iniquity was found in you. In the abundance of your trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned; so I cast you as a profane thing from the mountain of God, and the guardian cherub drove you out from among the stones of fire (verses 14–16).
  12. ^ Nurbakhsh, Javad. The Great Satan ‘Eblis’. KNP, 1999. ISBN 0933546238.
  13. ^ In the Greek translation of this passage the word used is Ἑωσφόρος – from ἔως, meaning dawn – which literally means Dawn-Bringer.
  14. ^ John Day, Yahweh and the gods and goddesses of Canaan (Continuum International Publishing Group, 2002 ISBN 0826468306, 9780826468307), pp. 172–173
  15. ^ Gregory A. Boyd, God at War: The Bible & Spiritual Conflict (InterVarsity Press, 1997 ISBN 0830818855, 9780830818853), pp. 159–160
  16. ^ Cicero wrote: Stella Veneris, quae Φωσφόρος Graece, Latine dicitur Lucifer, cum antegreditur solem, cum subsequitur autem Hesperos (The star of Venus, called Φωσφόρος in Greek and Lucifer in Latin when it precedes, Hesperos when it follows the sun – De Natura Deorum 2, 20, 53.
    Pliny the Elder: Sidus appellatum Veneris … ante matutinum exoriens Luciferi nomen accipit … contra ab occasu refulgens nuncupatur Vesper (The star called Venus … when it rises in the morning is given the name Lucifer … but when it shines at sunset it is called Vesper) Natural History 2, 36
  17. ^ Virgil wrote:
    Luciferi primo cum sidere frigida rura
    carpamus, dum mane novum, dum gramina canent
    (Let us hasten, when first the Morning Star appears, to the cool pastures, while the day is new, while the grass is dewy) Georgics 3:324–325.
  18. ^ Ovid wrote:
    … vigil nitido patefecit ab ortu
    purpureas Aurora fores et plena rosarum
    atria: diffugiunt stellae, quarum agmina cogit
    Lucifer et caeli statione novissimus exit
    (Aurora, awake in the glowing east, opens wide her bright doors, and her rose-filled courts. The stars, whose ranks are shepherded by Lucifer the morning star, vanish, and he, last of all, leaves his station in the sky – Metamorphoses 2.114–115; A. S. Kline’s Version
    And Lucan:
    Lucifer a Casia prospexit rupe diemque
    misit in Aegypton primo quoque sole calentem
    (The morning-star looked forth from Mount Casius and sent the daylight over Egypt, where even sunrise is hot) Lucan, Pharsalia, 10:434–435;English translation by J.D.Duff (Loeb Classical Library) And Statius:
    Et iam Mygdoniis elata cubilibus alto
    impulerat caelo gelidas Aurora tenebras,
    rorantes excussa comas multumque sequenti
    sole rubens; illi roseus per nubila seras
    aduertit flammas alienumque aethera tardo
    Lucifer exit equo, donec pater igneus orbem
    impleat atque ipsi radios uetet esse sorori
    (And now Aurora rising from her Mygdonian couch had driven the cold darkness on from high in the heavens, shaking out her dewy hair, her face blushing red at the pursuing sun – from him roseate Lucifer averts his fires lingering in the clouds and with reluctant horse leaves the heavens no longer his, until the blazing father make full his orb and forbid even his sister her beams) Statius,Thebaid 2, 134–150; Translated by A. L. Ritchie and J. B. Hall in collaboration with M. J. Edwards
  19. ^ "Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!" (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 321). Much has been made of this quote (Masonic information: Lucifer).
  20. ^ Freemasonry Disclosed April 1897
  21. ^ The Bible of the Adversary "Adversarial Doctrine" page 8 – Bible of the Adversary, Succubus Productions 2007).

Further reading

  • Campbell, Joseph (1972). Myths To Live By. A Condor Book: Souvenir Press (Educational & Academic) Ltd.ISBN 0-285-64731-8

External links

Wikisource-logo.svg "Lucifer" in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia.

Categories: Abrahamic mythology | Biblical phrases | Christian terms | Angels in Christianity | Demons in Christianity | Fallen angels | Archangels | Fire gods | Hell | Individual angels | Latin religious phrases |Luciferianism | Satan | Satanism | Underworld gods | Wisdom gods




Story of Lucifer – His Origin
To find the origin of Lucifer, we turn to the Old Testament. In the Hebrew, the name Lucifer is translated from the Hebrew word "helel," which means brightness. This designation, referring to Lucifer, is the rendering of the "morning star" or "star of the morning" or "bright star" which is presented in Isaiah. "How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly on the heights of Zaphon; I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High’" (Isaiah 14:12-14, NIV).
The context of this passage is a referral to the king of Babylon as presented in his pride, splendor and fall. However, it is to the power behind the evil Babylonian king that this is actually addressed. No mortal king would claim that his throne was above that of God or that he was like the Most High. The power behind the evil Babylonian king is Lucifer, Son of the Morning.

Story of Lucifer – His History
Lucifer is just another name for Satan, who as head of the evil world-system is the real, though invisible, power behind the successive rulers of Tyre, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, and all of those evil rulers that we have seen come and go in the history of the world. This passage goes beyond human history and marks the beginning of sin in the universe and the very fall of Satan in the pristine, sinless spheres before the creation of man.
We also see this same motif in Ezekiel: "Moreover the word of the LORD came to me: Mortal, raise a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus says the Lord GOD: You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, carnelian, chrysolite, and moonstone, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald; and worked in gold were your settings and your engravings. On the day that you were created they were prepared. With an anointed cherub as guardian I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked among the stones of fire. You were blameless in your ways from the day that you were created, until iniquity was found in you. In the abundance of your trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned; so I cast you as a profane thing from the mountain of God, and the guardian cherub drove you out from among the stones of fire. Your heart was proud because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I exposed you before kings, to feast their eyes on you. By the multitude of your iniquities, in the unrighteousness of your trade, you profaned your sanctuaries. So I brought out fire from within you; it consumed you, and I turned you to ashes on the earth in the sight of all who saw you. All who know you among the peoples are appalled at you; you have come to a dreadful end and shall be no more forever" (Ezekiel 28:11-19, NIV).
This passage seems to be addressed to the "king of Tyre." In reality, it goes beyond the king to the one who is behind the evil king of Tyre. This passage also has near and far prophecy about Lucifer/Satan because although his final end is already sure, it has not happened yet and it occurs after the final judgment (Revelation 20:7-10). In both the Isaiah passage and the Ezekiel passage, the representation is not of Lucifer/Satan as confined to his own person but his working in and the consummating of his plans through earthly kings and rulers who take to themselves divine honors and who, whether they actually know this or not, rule in the spirit and under the aims of Satan. "For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12, NIV). Satan is the principality behind the powers of this corrupt world system.
Notice the statement that is given in the passage in Ezekiel, "the anointed cherub." These statements could never apply to a human king but, they do apply to Lucifer/Satan who is behind the human king. This angel is the highest creature the LORD ever created. The LORD says of him, "You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty." Satan was the wisest creature God ever created. No other angel, no other being was created with the intelligence that God gave to this creature. God says that this creation is "perfect in beauty." Apart from the Holy Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, this creature is today the highest being.
In verse Ezekiel 28:14 it says, "You were the anointed Cherub." This tells us we are not talking about a human king. The word cherub is singular for cherubim. The cherubim are symbolic of God’s Holy presence and His unapproachable majesty. These cherubim occupy a unique position. The "anointed cherub who covers" is the picture given to us in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve had been sent out and God had placed cherubim to guard the way of the tree of life. Also, when Moses made the mercy seat and placed it into the tabernacle’s Holy of Holies, God’s glory came and dwelt between the cherubim. They "covered" the mercy seat with their wings. So we now see that Satan was a cherub and his position was to guard the very throne of God. His position was that of protecting the holiness of God. Satan had the highest of all positions, a position which he despised and lost. We have here in Ezekiel a picture of the highest of God’s creatures, perfect in wisdom, beautiful beyond description, a musician and on top of all that, he was given this high, exalted position. But, this creation, with all of these wonderful attributes also had a free will. One day, God says to this marvelous creature, "Iniquity was found in you."

Story of Lucifer – His Status
What kind of iniquity was found of him? In the book of Ezekiel, God has let us stand with Him at the very beginning, to see the origin and the creation of Satan. But, why does God say this? What is this iniquity? We must look back to Isaiah 14:12, which tells us of Lucifer/Satan’s choice. "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly on the heights of Zaphon; I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High." Did you notice in this passage all of the "I wills. " He said he would exalt his throne above the stars of God. The word "stars" here does not refer to what we see in the night sky. It refers to the angels of God. In other words, "I will take over heaven, I will be God." That is Lucifer/Satan’s sin and that is the iniquity that was found in him. He does not want to be God’s servant. He does not want to do what he was created to do. He wants to be served and there are millions who have chosen to do just that; serve him. They have listened to his lies and chosen to follow him. Eve believed the lie that she would be like God. The reason Lucifer/Satan tempted her with that was because it is the very thing that he wants — to be God.



Lucifer’s Story




The Mightest Angel

It was only a few days into THE Beginning that God realized that there was a necessity for a meeting of all of the angelic realm and a consensus reached if duality (one of His better creations) was going to succeed. He sent out a memo letting each of the cherubim, seraphim, thrones, powers, archangels and angels of all degrees know that a meeting was being called in THE BOARD ROOM and that a great decision was to be made.

The entire angelic realm showed up on the appointed day (of course, since they only know the Divine Will) and each angel was intently curious about what the question was going to be that could be SO important that God would call every single angel into this meeting. They were arranged by rank with the most important archangels seated nearest the throne of Almighty Source. Everyone was there – Uriel, Metatron, Gabriel, Ariel, Raphael, Michael, Lucifer, Samiel – all of the mighty names appeared in person to sit next to the throne of God as He called the meeting to order.

"We have before us a very grave decision. I am going to need the help of every angel of every rank. It seems that there is a piece of duality that has not been created and I am not going to create it Myself. It takes something and someone much more important to create this piece. It has to do with the planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy which is going to form in another several billion years. This planet is going to be the home of a particular creation that is going to experience duality for Me. And there is the rub. I AM ONE and I need to be dual to create the opposite so that the creation which will be called Man will be able to learn by contrast how to experience the Love that I AM." All of this God said and not an angel spoke a word. You could have heard a pin drop (if there were a pin TO drop) it was so silent.

God continued, "I am calling for a volunteer. I need one angel, most likely an archangel, to hold the opposite end of the energy vibration that is known as Love. I need an angel who is strong enough, bright enough and who loves Source enough that it can hold the opposite end of the energy spectrum which will be called Fear. This angel must be capable of enduring endless hardship, be hated by mankind as the most abominable entity imaginable, have horrible actions done in its name and be thought of as the ruler of a place mankind will create called Hell. All of this must this angel do out of love for mankind so that my second finest creation (angels being the first) may come to know what Love really is, experience a polar world and allow Source to truly experience ALL."

After this last part of the announcement, a loud shuffling of chairs was heard as many of the angels of all ranks and dominions left the Board Room Chamber. No one wanted to take the part that would be the opposite of Love for that would be like taking the part that would be the opposite of God. By the time silence was again "heard", there were very few angels left and only a handful of higher or archangels. Some of the cherubim and seraphim had also stayed though they were of no mind to take on this part in the Divine Play.

God sat looking at what was left of the "staff" and held the Divine Space for someone to come forward. And then a voice was heard. It was a mighty voice, one like the north wind when it blows through the tundras in Alaska through the wet, cold nights. It was the voice of Lucifer. "I will play this part with you, Oh Mighty One. My love for You and my love for your creations knows no bounds. I KNOW that I AM strong enough for you have made me that strong. I KNOW that I have enough love to hold the opposite energetic end of Love for you have created within me ever-enduring Love and I will not forget Who I AM for I AM You – as are all of your creations. I have the strength, the brightness, the might and the courage to hold the opposite end of Love with you, God, for all eternity if that is what is required."

God was SO pleased. His best, his brightest, his bravest archangel was going to take the job and hold the opposite end with and for Him. He had really created WELL! It looked like the Board Meeting could come to an end and God was about to adjourn the few remaining members when it became apparent that Lucifer had another few words to say – and these words were to Archangel Michael. "Michael, my brother," he said, "I have one reminder for you before we part. I am going to a place where you cannot go. I am going alone. We will meet many times upon the path before this Play is over. I ask that you remember that we are the same every time you see my face. I ask that every time you raise your sword at me in the name of Source, you remember I AM Source. If you will remember to do this, mankind will learn the lesson of contrast more gracefully and my job will be made easier. Will you agree to this?"

And Michael, as great an archangel as Lucifer himself, knelt on one knee before his Mighty, Courageous Brother and bowing his head, he said, "Yes, I will agree. Give me your blessing before we begin our roles in this Divine Drama." And, as Lucifer placed his hand upon Archangel Michael’s head, the horns of triumph could be heard blowing throughout the entire Universe for now God’s plan was complete and mankind would be born – born into duality, into a world of polarity, so that Source could experience what it is like to separate and then, once again, become One.



The Origin of the Lucifer Story

also known as

"How The Planet Venus Became The Devil"

By Elroy Willis — © 2005


If you ask the average person on the street who Lucifer is, at least here in the United States, many or maybe even most people will tell you some story about Lucifer being a disobedient angel who was cast out of heaven because he wanted to take over heaven or some supposed "throne of God."

Interestingly, the Bible doesn’t really say that, at least with regards to some actual Lucifer character being anything other than a shining planet or morning star that everyone can see with their own eyes if they know when and where to look.

The story involves a supposed "War in Heaven," which many people seem to believe in or take seriously, despite them not being able to point to some actual "Heaven" where the war is taking place, or took place, or even to some "Hell," where the supposed Lucifer character is currently chained up, after he was supposedly defeated by Jesus on the cross, or after Jesus was said to rise from the dead.

According to most Christians, Lucifer is still alive and well, which makes sense, since everyone can actually see the planet Venus/Lucifer shining in the sky.

Mom and Pop believe or believed that Lucifer was a fallen angel, and that Jesus defeated him by pretending to be dead for three days, and so does the local preacher, so why should anyone question the story or idea?

Well, there are plenty of reasons, actually, if you’re the least bit inquisitive and curious about the origin of the story or fable.

If you do a Bible search, you’ll find out that the word Lucifer is only found in the following passage, and interestingly enough, isn’t found in the vast majority of Bible translations, but just a few, such as the KJV and the NKJV, which are both newcomers as far as Bible translations go.

Isaiah 14:12 (KJV)
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!"

Isaiah 14:12 (NKJV)
"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!"

Earlier versions of the Bible don’t use the word Lucifer, but use "morning star" or "star of dawn" or something close to that instead.

Isaiah 14:12 (NIV)
"How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn!"

Isaiah 14:12 (NASB)
"How you have fallen from heaven, star of the morning, son of the dawn!"

Isaiah 14:12 (NLT)
"How you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning!"

Isaiah 14:12 (RSV)
"How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn!"

Isaiah 14:12 (YLT)
"How hast thou fallen from the heavens, O shining one, son of the dawn!"

The original Hebrew, or what seems to be the earliest rendition of the story that I’ve come across, translates to "O Helel, son of Shahar."

Shahar was an ancient Persian god of the dawn, and Helel was his son, the morning star which we now call Venus. Shahar had a twin brother named Shalem, which was associated with dusk and perhaps with the evening appearance of Venus in several ancient legends. According to several dictionaries I’ve looked at, Jerusalem means "House of Shalem," which has ties to the worship of Shalem/Venus as a god or goddess and bringer of light.

Queen of Heaven

Below is a Bible verse which talks about people worshipping the planet Venus as the "Queen of Heaven." They were apparently quite happy and prosperous, and were unhappy that some priests were trying to get them to give up their Queen of Heaven beliefs.

Jeremiah 44:17 (NIV)
"We will certainly do everything we said we would: We will burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and will pour out drink offerings to her just as we and our fathers, our kings and our officials did in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. At that time we had plenty of food and were well off and suffered no harm."

Some scholars say that the above is talking about worship of the moon and the goddess Artemis/Diana, who was worshipped by the Greeks and Romans and called the "Queen of Heaven" as well.

And there are others who claim that it’s referring to Venus, Asherah, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, or Isis, all of which seem to be some shiny star or planet in the sky or up in heaven.

The idea of "Go in peace" or "Peace be with you" originated from stories of Venus and the sun as well, since the two are always close together, going into the supposed underworld at night, and wishing them a safe journey through the imagined underworld of darkness. "Shalem" eventually turned into "Shalom" over time.

If the above verse about the Queen of Heaven is talking about the moon instead of the planet Venus, the same sentiments apply to it as well, since both the moon and Venus were considered fertility goddesses. I personally think it refers to the planet Venus, but others disagree, and think it refers to the moon. Others think it refers to the star Sirius, which was also a fertility goddess which became visible in the sky right before the Nile river in Egypt flooded each year.

Regardless, it seems to refer to some actual shiny heavenly object that everyone can see with their own eyes if they know when and where to look in the sky.

At certain times, Venus can be visible in the morning, yet not visible in the evening, or in a different position than it was in the morning, so many ancient cultures had two different names for Venus. One for the morning appearance, or morning star, and a different name for the evening appearance, or evening star. To the ancients, the planets were mystical sources of light, which moved around differently than actual stars, so they made up stories about them, gave them names, deified them even, and invented elaborate stories about them, such as the one about Venus being "cast out of the high heavens" because of some imagined battle in heaven which never really happened in reality.

Back to the Bible, looking at the rest of the Isaiah 14 verse, you can see how the imagery of Venus not being able to rise up to the heights of the clouds and among the "stars of God" comes into play through the poetry/taunt.

Isaiah 14:13-15 (KJV)
"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit."

Personifying the planet Venus as a god or goddess or fallen angel, stories were made up to explain why it couldn’t rise up into the "high heavens" where the sun and moon and outer planets appear in the sky. "Most High" was a description or title used to refer to the planet Zeus/Jupiter by several different ancient societies. Some societies also called Saturn the "Most High" as well, because it was considered the outermost planet at the time.

It’s been suggested in several books and articles I’ve read that the name of God to many of the northern tribes of Israel was "El" and that it means "most EL-evated" or "most high," and that in fact such a title belonged to the planet Saturn at that time.

Journey Into The Underworld

According to many ancient mythologies, when the Sun and the Moon and the different planets disappear at night, or during different times of the year, they are supposed to travel into some mythical underworld of darkness, or into some grave where demons and evil spirits exist, which want to stop the Sun and the other immortal "Heavenly Objects" from rising up into the sky again the next day.

Such myths are based on actual observations of the heavenly objects, but the conclusions and stories which attempt to explain the causes are for the most part completely wrong, and quite superstitious at the core or center of the beliefs.

Venus, or the "Queen of Heaven," in all her forms/names, ends up victorious, and rises once again in the morning after disappearing for different periods of time throughout the year or during the day. Much of the poetry and stories written about Venus and its travels through the sky and into some pretended underworld are quite imaginative and filled with all kinds of imagery, which tends to hide the fact that the stories and songs and poetry are actually talking about a shiny planet and its movements and appearances in the sky.

Over time, and because of repeated mistranslations and intentional embellishments, a shiny planet and bringer of light has somehow turned into some evil devil character who lives in the dark.

The word Lucifer actually means "light-bringer," or "light-bearer," and so to call or consider the planet Venus as some "prince of darkness" like so many Christians seem to consider it, is completely backwards and wrong-headed.

If the ancient people knew the earth was a planet, and that the sun and planets don’t actually go into some "underworld" or "grave" at night, then they never would have invented stories about the sun or the planets dying or being cast out of the high heavens, or being reborn when they reappear. They did the best they could to try to explain things, but they got quite a few things wrong, especially the parts about the planets and stars being actual "living beings" up in the sky.

Even though the myths surrounding the movements of the heavenly objects and their imaginary journey into some make-believe underworld are just fiction, the actual observations of those objects themselves serve a useful purpose in measuring the passage of time, and the changing of the seasons, and in the prediction of the arrival of floods and tides and so on.

Back to the Bible

Looking back to the Bible, and at the beginning of Isaiah 14, you can see that this passage is a taunt against the king of Babylon. The stories and myths about Venus or Lucifer being "cast out of heaven" are compared to the downfall of the king of Babylon.

Isaiah 14:3-4 (KJV)

"On the day the LORD gives you relief from suffering and turmoil and cruel bondage, you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has come to an end! How his fury has ended!"

The taunt basically says "You will be cut down to the ground just like the planet Venus, which is only visible near the horizon and goes into the grave every night, and can never rise high in the sky. The king of Babylon is defeated, just like Venus or Lucifer was supposedly defeated or "cast out of heaven" and left to roam low, to and fro, near the earth or horizon.

The writer of Revelation, whoever it was, claims that Jesus actually referred to himself as the "Morning Star," which presents a problem with the idea of Satan being some fallen angel named Lucifer or fallen "Morning Star," when Jesus is said to have also referred to himself as the "Morning Star."

Rev 22:16 (NIV)
"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

Jesus calls himself the "Morning Star," just like Venus was a Morning Star and a goddess of love to the Romans, and Jesus is supposed to express the idea of unconditional love, just like Venus and many of its other ancient personifications expressed ideas of love and beauty and youth and brightness.

The "fallen angel" part of the Lucifer story is handed down and passed on out of ignorance for the most part. Some people actually believe it, and tell it to other people. The Mormons went a little crazy with the story, and got caught with their pants down, so to speak.


"So why is Lucifer a far bigger problem to Mormons? Mormons claim that an ancient record (the Book of Mormon) was written beginning in about 600 BC, and the author in 600 BC supposedly copied Isaiah in Isaiah’s original words. When Joseph Smith pretended to translate the supposed ‘ancient record’, he included the Lucifer verse in the Book of Mormon. Obviously he wasn’t copying what Isaiah actually wrote. He was copying the King James Version of the Bible. Another book of LDS scripture, the Doctrine & Covenants, furthers this problem in 76:26 when it affirms the false Christian doctrine that "Lucifer" means Satan. This incorrect doctrine also spread into a third set of Mormon scriptures, the Pearl of Great Price, which describes a war in heaven based, in part, on Joseph Smith’s incorrect interpretation of the word "Lucifer" which only appears in Isaiah."


The bottom line or conclusion is that Lucifer isn’t actually some fallen angel, but merely a Latin name used to refer to the planet Venus, which can’t be seen high in the sky, and so was considered a "fallen angel" by some of the ancient myth-makers and storytellers.

Additionally, there isn’t and never was some actual war going on in some invisible heaven that nobody can actually see. The war was just made up by ancient storytellers attempting to explain the things they saw going on up in the actual night sky, and sometimes the day sky, during events such as eclipses.

If the church you go to teaches that Lucifer is really some fallen angel who was cast out of the high heavens in some act caused by his pride or defiance of some invisible god, then you should print this out and give it to your pastor or preacher or church leader, and teach them something they don’t already know.




The word "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14:12 presents a minor problem to mainstream Christianity. It becomes a much larger problem to Bible literalists, and becomes a huge obstacle for the claims of Mormonism. John J. Robinson in A Pilgrim’s Path, pp. 47-48 explains:

"Lucifer makes his appearance in the fourteenth chapter of the Old Testament book of Isaiah, at the twelfth verse, and nowhere else: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

The first problem is that Lucifer is a Latin name. So how did it find its way into a Hebrew manuscript, written before there was a Roman language? To find the answer, I consulted a scholar at the library of the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. What Hebrew name, I asked, was Satan given in this chapter of Isaiah, which describes the angel who fell to become the ruler of hell?

The answer was a surprise. I had to sit back into a cotton bean bag chair and take a moment before continuing. In the original Hebrew text, the fourteenth chapter of Isaiah is not about a fallen angel, but about a fallen Babylonian king, who during his lifetime had persecuted the children of Israel. It contains no mention of Satan, either by name or reference. The Hebrew scholar could only speculate that some early Christian scribes, writing in the Latin tongue used by the Church, had decided for themselves that they wanted the story to be about a fallen angel, a creature not even mentioned in the original Hebrew text, and to whom they gave the name "Lucifer."

Why Lucifer? In Roman astronomy, Lucifer was the name given to the morning star (the star we now know by another Roman name, Venus). The morning star appears in the heavens just before dawn, heralding the rising sun. The name derives from the Latin term lucem ferre, bringer, or bearer, of light." In the Hebrew text the expression used to describe the Babylonian king before his death is Helal, son of Shahar, which can best be translated as "Day star, son of the Dawn." The name evokes the golden glitter of a proud king’s dress and court (much as his personal splendor earned for King Louis XIV of France the appellation, "The Sun King").

The scholars authorized by … King James I to translate the Bible into current English did not use the original Hebrew texts, but used versions translated … largely by St. Jerome in the fourth century. Jerome had mistranslated the Hebraic metaphor, "Day star, son of the Dawn," as "Lucifer," and over the centuries a metamorphosis took place. Lucifer the morning star became a disobedient angel, cast out of heaven to rule eternally in hell. Theologians, writers, and poets interwove the myth with the doctrine of the Fall, and in Christian tradition Lucifer is now the same as Satan, the Devil, and — ironically — the Prince of Darkness.

So "Lucifer" is nothing more than an ancient Latin name for the morning star, the bringer of light. That can be confusing for Christians who identify Christ himself as the morning star, a term used as a central theme in many Christian sermons. Jesus refers to himself as the morning star in Revelation 22:16: "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

And so there are those who do not read beyond the King James version of the Bible, who say ‘Lucifer is Satan: so says the Word of God’…."

Henry Neufeld (a Christian who comments on Biblical sticky issues) went on to say,

"this passage is often related to Satan, and a similar thought is expressed in Luke 10:18 by Jesus, that was not its first meaning. It’s primary meaning is given in Isaiah 14:4 which says that when Israel is restored they will "take up this taunt against the king of Babylon . . ." Verse 12 is a part of this taunt song. This passage refers first to the fall of that earthly king…

How does the confusion in translating this verse arise? The Hebrew of this passage reads: "heleyl, ben shachar" which can be literally translated "shining one, son of dawn." This phrase means, again literally, the planet Venus when it appears as a morning star. In the Septuagint, a 3rd century BC translation of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek, it is translated as "heosphoros" which also means Venus as a morning star.

How did the translation "lucifer" arise? This word comes from Jerome’s Latin Vulgate. Was Jerome in error? Not at all. In Latin at the time, "lucifer" actually meant Venus as a morning star. Isaiah is using this metaphor for a bright light, though not the greatest light to illustrate the apparent power of the Babylonian king which then faded."

Therefore, Lucifer wasn’t equated with Satan until after Jerome. Jerome wasn’t in error. Later Christians (and Mormons) were in equating "Lucifer" with "Satan".

So why is this a problem to Christians? Christians now generally believe that Satan (or the Devil or Lucifer who they equate with Satan) is a being who has always existed (or who was created at or near the "beginning"). Therefore, they also think that the ‘prophets’ of the Old Testament believed in this creature. The Isaiah scripture is used as proof (and has been used as such for hundreds of years now). As Elaine Pagels explains though, the concept of Satan has evolved over the years and the early Bible writers didn’t believe in or teach such a doctrine.

The irony for those who believe that "Lucifer" refers to Satan is that the same title (‘morning star’ or ‘light-bearer’) is used to refer to Jesus, in 2 Peter 1:19, where the Greek text has exactly the same term: ‘phos-phoros’ ‘light-bearer.’ This is also the term used for Jesus in Revelation 22:16.

So why is Lucifer a far bigger problem to Mormons? Mormons claim that an ancient record (the Book of Mormon) was written beginning in about 600 BC, and the author in 600 BC supposedly copied Isaiah in Isaiah’s original words. When Joseph Smith pretended to translate the supposed ‘ancient record’, he included the Lucifer verse in the Book of Mormon. Obviously he wasn’t copying what Isaiah actually wrote.He was copying the King James Version of the Bible. Another book of LDS scripture, the Doctrine & Covenants, furthers this problem in 76:26 when it affirms the false Christian doctrine that "Lucifer" means Satan. This incorrect doctrine also spread into a third set of Mormon scriptures, the Pearl of Great Price, which describes a war in heaven based, in part, on Joseph Smith’s incorrect interpretation of the word "Lucifer" which only appears in Isaiah.

The author of The Polytheism Of The Bible And The Mystery Of Lucifer, F.T. DeAngelis, comments on this page as follows

"It seems minor, but – the actual term used in the Greek Septuagint version of Isaiah 14:12 (given that there is no ONE way of accurately transliterating) is Eo(u)s phoros, morning star/DAWN god of light. Eos or Eous phoros [not Heos (as your website claims) or phos phorus (as a Christian website I visited shows)] – although there is a Greek term and English… phosphoro(u)s. Your [site] is pretty accurate.

The actual name, "Lucifer," goes back to the Greeks, before the Romans. Socrates and Plato talk about this "god of light"; surprisingly, not in the context of Eos (god of Dawn), but — as a morning star — juxtaposed with the sun (Helios) and Hermes. This information can be found in Plato’sTimaeus (38e) and in Edith Hamilton’s Mythology."

On a lighter note, Arthur Clarke, in his fictional book 2061 correctly uses the word "Lucifer". He uses it as a name for a new sun in the solar system which is correct since the new sun is a second ‘morning star’ of ‘original’ ‘light-bearing’ substance–not some evil being of religious mythology.

David Grinspoon comments on the historical aspects of the word as follows: "The origin of the Judeo-Christian Devil as an angel fallen from heaven into the depths of hell is mirrored in the descent of Venus from shining morning star to the darkness below. This underworld demon, still feared today by people in many parts of the world, is also called Lucifer, which was originally a Latin name for Venus as a morning star." (Venus Revealed p. 17) Actually, Grinspoon should just refer to the "Christian Devil" since the Jews never believed in such a creature and still don’t to this day.



The Story of Redemption    http://www.preparingforeternity.com/sr/sr01.htm

Chapter 1

The Fall of Lucifer

LUCIFER in heaven, before his rebellion, was a high and exalted angel, next in honor to God’s dear Son. His countenance, like those of the other angels, was mild and expressive of happiness. His forehead was high and broad, showing a powerful intellect. His form was perfect; his bearing noble and majestic. A special light beamed in his countenance and shone around him brighter and more beautiful than around the other angels; yet Christ, God’s dear Son, had the pre-eminence over all the angelic host. He was one with the Father before the angels were created. Lucifer was envious of Christ, and gradually assumed command which devolved on Christ alone.

The great Creator assembled the heavenly host, that He might in the presence of all the angels confer special honor upon His Son. The Son was seated on the throne with the Father, and the heavenly throng of holy angels was gathered around them. The Father then made known that it was ordained by Himself that Christ, His Son, should be equal with Himself; so that wherever was the presence of His Son, it was as His own presence. The word of the Son was to be obeyed as readily as the word of the Father. His Son He had invested with authority to command the heavenly host. Especially was His Son to work in union with Himself in the anticipated creation of the

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earth and every living thing that should exist upon the earth. His Son would carry out His will and His purposes but would do nothing of Himself alone. The Father’s will would be fulfilled in Him.

Lucifer was envious and jealous of Jesus Christ. Yet when all the angels bowed to Jesus to acknowledge His supremacy and high authority and rightful rule, he bowed with them; but his heart was filled with envy and hatred. Christ had been taken into the special counsel of God in regard to His plans, while Lucifer was unacquainted with them. He did not understand, neither was he permitted to know, the purposes of God. But Christ was acknowledged sovereign of heaven, His power and authority to be the same as that of God Himself. Lucifer thought that he was himself a favorite in heaven among the angels. He had been highly exalted, but this did not call forth from him gratitude and praise to his Creator. He aspired to the height of God Himself. He gloried in his loftiness. He knew that he was honored by the angels. He had a special mission to execute. He had been near the great Creator, and the ceaseless beams of glorious light enshrouding the eternal God had shone especially upon him. He thought how angels had obeyed his command with pleasurable alacrity. Were not his garments light and beautiful? Why should Christ thus be honored before himself?

He left the immediate presence of the Father, dissatisfied and filled with envy against Jesus Christ. Concealing his real purposes, he assembled the angelic host. He introduced his subject, which was himself. As one aggrieved, he related the preference God had given Jesus to the neglect of himself. He told them that henceforth all the sweet liberty the angels had enjoyed was at an end. For had not a ruler been appointed

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over them, to whom they from henceforth must yield servile honor? He stated to them that he had called them together to assure them that he no longer would submit to this invasion of his rights and theirs; that never would he again bow down to Christ; that he would take the honor upon himself which should have been conferred upon him, and would be the commander of all who would submit to follow him and obey his voice.

There was contention among the angels. Lucifer and his sympathizers were striving to reform the government of God. They were discontented and unhappy because they could not look into His unsearchable wisdom and ascertain His purposes in exalting His Son, and endowing Him with such unlimited power and command. They rebelled against the authority of the Son.

Angels that were loyal and true sought to reconcile this mighty, rebellious angel to the will of his Creator. They justified the act of God in conferring honor upon Christ, and with forcible reasoning sought to convince Lucifer that no less honor was his now than before the Father had proclaimed the honor which He had conferred upon His Son. They clearly set forth that Christ was the Son of God, existing with Him before the angels were created; and that He had ever stood at the right hand of God, and His mild, loving authority had not heretofore been questioned; and that He had given no commands but what it was joy for the heavenly host to execute. They urged that Christ’s receiving special honor from the Father, in the presence of the angels, did not detract from the honor that Lucifer had heretofore received. The angels wept. They anxiously sought to move him to renounce his wicked design and yield submission to their

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Creator; for all had heretofore been peace and harmony, and what could occasion this dissenting, rebellious voice?

Lucifer refused to listen. And then he turned from the loyal and true angels, denouncing them as slaves. These angels, true to God, stood in amazement as they saw that Lucifer was successful in his effort to incite rebellion. He promised them a new and better government than they then had, in which all would be freedom. Great numbers signified their purpose to accept him as their leader and chief commander. As he saw his advances were met with success, he flattered himself that he should yet have all the angels on his side, and that he would be equal with God Himself, and his voice of authority would be heard in commanding the entire host of heaven. Again the loyal angels warned him, and assured him what must be the consequences if he persisted; that He who could create the angels could by His power overturn all their authority and in some signal manner punish their audacity and terrible rebellion. To think that an angel should resist the law of God which was as sacred as Himself! They warned the rebellious to close their ears to Lucifer’s deceptive reasonings, and advised him and all who had been affected by him to go to God and confess their wrong for even admitting a thought of questioning His authority.

Many of Lucifer’s sympathizers were inclined to heed the counsel of the loyal angels and repent of their dissatisfaction and be again received to the confidence of the Father and His dear Son. The mighty revolter then declared that he was acquainted with God’s law, and if he should submit to servile obedience, his honor would be taken from him. No more would he be intrusted with his exalted mission. He told them that

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himself and they also had now gone too far to go back, and he would brave the consequences, for to bow in servile worship to the Son of God he never would; that God would not forgive, and now they must assert their liberty and gain by force the position and authority which was not willingly accorded to them.  [THUS IT WAS THAT LUCIFER, "THE LIGHT-BEARER," THE SHARER OF GOD’S GLORY, THE ATTENDANT OF HIS THRONE, BY TRANSGRESSION BECAME SATAN, "THE ADVERSARY." —PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS, P. 40.]

The loyal angels hastened speedily to the Son of God and acquainted Him with what was taking place among the angels. They found the Father in conference with His beloved Son, to determine the means by which, for the best good of the loyal angels, the assumed authority of Satan could be forever put down. The great God could at once have hurled this archdeceiver from heaven; but this was not His purpose. He would give the rebellious an equal chance to measure strength and might with His own Son and His loyal angels. In this battle every angel would choose his own side and be manifested to all. It would not have been safe to suffer any who united with Satan in his rebellion to continue to occupy heaven. They had learned the lesson of genuine rebellion against the unchangeable law of God, and this is incurable. If God had exercised His power to punish this chief rebel, disaffected angels would not have been manifested; hence, God took another course, for He would manifest distinctly to all the heavenly host His justice and His judgment.

War in Heaven

It was the highest crime to rebel against the government of God. All heaven seemed in commotion. The angels were marshaled in companies, each division with a higher commanding angel at its head. Satan

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was warring against the law of God, because ambitious to exalt himself and unwilling to submit to the authority of God’s Son, heaven’s great commander.

All the heavenly host were summoned to appear before the Father, to have each case determined. Satan unblushingly made known his dissatisfaction that Christ should be preferred before Him. He stood up proudly and urged that he should be equal with God and should be taken into conference with the Father and understand His purposes. God informed Satan, that to His Son alone He would reveal His secret purposes, and He required all the family in heaven, even Satan, to yield Him implicit, unquestioned obedience; but that he (Satan) had proved himself unworthy of a place in heaven. Then Satan exultingly pointed to his sympathizers, comprising nearly one half of all the angels, and exclaimed, "These are with me! Will you expel these also, and make such a void in heaven?" He then declared that he was prepared to resist the authority of Christ and to defend his place in heaven by force of might, strength against strength.

Good angels wept to hear the words of Satan and his exulting boasts. God declared that the rebellious should remain in heaven no longer. Their high and happy state had been held upon condition of obedience to the law which God had given to govern the high order of intelligences. But no provision had been made to save those who should venture to transgress His law. Satan grew bold in his rebellion, and expressed his contempt of the Creator’s law. This Satan could not bear. He claimed that angels needed no law but should be left free to follow their own will, which would ever guide them right; that law was a restriction of their liberty; and that to abolish law

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was one great object of his standing as he did. The condition of the angels, he thought, needed improvement. Not so the mind of God, who had made laws and exalted them equal to Himself. The happiness of the angelic host consisted in their perfect obedience to law. Each had his special work assigned him, and until Satan rebelled, there had been perfect order and harmonious action in heaven.

Then there was war in heaven. The Son of God, the Prince of heaven, and His loyal angels engaged in conflict with the archrebel and those who united with him. The Son of God and true, loyal angels prevailed; and Satan and his sympathizers were expelled from heaven. All the heavenly host acknowledged and adored the God of justice. Not a taint of rebellion was left in heaven. All was again peaceful and harmonious as before. Angels in heaven mourned the fate of those who had been their companions in happiness and bliss. Their loss was felt in heaven.

The Father consulted His Son in regard to at once carrying out their purpose to make man to inhabit the earth. He would place man upon probation to test his loyalty before he could be rendered eternally secure. If he endured the test wherewith God saw fit to prove him, he should eventually be equal with the angels. He was to have the favor of God, and he was to converse with angels, and they with him. He did not see fit to place them beyond the power of disobedience.



Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Devil…known by many names, he was the once-favorite angel who fell from grace. Cast out from Heaven, he became mankind’s tormentor, vowing to destroy the creation of his former master.
From the Biblical tale of his fall to the incredible stories of those who believe they have crossed his path, join BIOGRAPHY® for a chilling journey through the long and legendary history of Satan. Scholars, historical experts, and theologians examine classic paintings, academic texts, and modern movies for an unprecedented look at the many ways Satan has been portrayed throughout the centuries. The bonus documentary Hell: The Devil’s Domain completes this sinister portrait, peering into the darkest depths of the devil’s fiery realm.
For Those wanting to know where the first part of this story originates then here is a link to the book of Adam and Eve which gives a much more detailed account into the fall and sometime after

I believe this book to be inspired, but each one must deicide for themselves

The Books of Adam and Eve

From VITA ADAE ET EVAE and Apocalypse of MOSES

From The Apocrypha and Pseudeipgrapha of the Old Testament by R. H. Charles, vol. II , Oxford Press

1:1 When they were driven out from paradise, they made themselves a booth, and spent seven days mourning and lamenting in great grief.

2:1 But after seven days, they began to be hungry and started to look for victual to eat, and they 2 found it not. Then Eve said to Adam: ‘My lord, I am hungry. Go, look for (something) for us to eat. Perchance the Lord God will look back and pity us and recall us to the place, in which we were before.’

3:1 And Adam arose and walked seven days over all that land, and found no victual such as they 2 used to have in paradise. And Eve said to Adam: "Wilt thou slay me? that I may die, and perchance God the Lord will bring thee into paradise, for on my account hast thou been driven thence 3 Adam answered: ‘Forbear, Eve, from such words, that peradventure God bring not some other curse upon us. How is it possible that I should stretch forth my hand against my own flesh? Nay, let us arise and look for something for us to live on, that we fail not.’

4:1 And they walked about and searched for nine days, and they found none such as they were used to have in paradise, but found only animals 2 food. And Adam said to Eve: ‘This hath the Lord provided for animals and brutes to eat; 3 but we used to have angels’ food. But it is just and right that we lament before the sight of God who made us. Let us repent with a great penitence: perchance the Lord will be gracious to us and will pity us and will give us a share of something for our living.’

v. 1 And Eve said to Adam: ‘What is penitence? Tell me, what sort of penitence am I to do? Let us not put too great a labour on ourselves, ‘which we cannot endure, so that the Lord will 2 not hearken to our prayers: and will turn away, His countenance from us, because we have not, 3 fulfilled what we promised. My lord, how much penitence hast thou thought (to do) for I have brought trouble and anguish upon thee?’

vi. 1 And Adam said to Eve: ‘Thou canst not do so much as I, but do only so much as thou hast strength for. For I will spend forty days fasting, but do thou arise and go to the river Tigris and lift up a stone and stand on it in the water up to thy neck in the deep of the river. And let no speech proceed out of thy mouth, since we are unworthy to address the Lord, for our lips are unclean from the unlawful and forbidden tree. 2 And do thou stand in the water of the river thirty-seven days. But I will spend forty days in the water of Jordan, perchance the Lord God will take pity upon us.’

vii. 1 And Eve walked to the river Tigris and did 2 as Adam had told her. Likewise, Adam walked to the river Jordan and stood on a stone up to his neck in water.

viii. 1 And Adam said: "I tell thee, water of Jordan, grieve with me, and assemble to me all swimming (creatures), which are in thee, and let them surround 2 me and mourn in company with me. Not, for themselves let them lament, but for me; for it is not they that have sinned, but I.’ 3 Forthwith, all living things came and surrounded him, and, from that hour, the water of Jordan stood (still) and its current was stayed.’

ix. 1 And eighteen days passed by; then Satan was wroth and transformed himself into the brightness of angels, and went away to the river 2 Tigris to Eve, and found her weeping, and the devil himself pretended to grieve with her, and he began to weep and said to her: ‘Come out of the river and lament no more. Cease now from sorrow and moans. Why art thou anxious 3 and thy husband Adam? The Lord God hath heard your groaning and hath accepted your penitence, and all we angels have entreated on your behalf and made supplication to the Lord; 4 and he hath sent me to bring you out of the water and give you the nourishment which you had in paradise, and for which you are crying 5 out. Now come out of the water and I will conduct you to the place where your victual hath been made ready.’

x. 1 But Eve heard and believed and went out of the water of the river, and her flesh was (trembling) 2 like grass, from the chill of the water. And when she had gone out, she fell on the earth and the devil raised her up and led her to Adam. 3 But when Adam had seen her and the devil with her, he wept and cried aloud and said: ‘O Eve, Eve, where is the labour of thy penitence? 4 How hast thou been again ensnared by our adversary, by whose means we have been estranged from our abode in paradise and spiritual joy?’

xi. 1 And when she heard this, Eve understood that (it was) the devil (who) had persuaded her to go out of the river; and she fell on her face on the earth and her sorrow and groaning and wailing 2 was redoubled. And she cried out and said: Woe unto thee, thou devil. Why dost thou attack us for no cause? What hast thou to do with us? What have we done to thee? for thou pursuest us with craft? Or why doth thy malice 3 assail us? Have we taken away thy glory and caused thee to be without honour? Why dost thou harry us, thou enemy (and persecute us) to the death in wickedness and envy?’

xii. 1 And with a heavy sigh, the devil spake: ‘O Adam! all my hostility, envy, and sorrow is for thee, since it is for thee that I have been expelled from my glory, which I possessed in the heavens 2 in the midst of the angels and for thee was I cast out in the earth.’ Adam answered, ‘What dost 3 thou tell me? What have I done to thee or what is my fault against thee? Seeing that thou hast received no harm or injury from us, why dost thou pursue us?’

xiii. 1 The devil replied, ‘Adam, what dost thou tell me? It is for thy sake that I have been hurled 2 from that place. When thou wast formed, I was hurled out of the presence of God and banished from the company of the angels. When God blew into thee the breath of life and thy face and likeness was made in the image of God, Michael also brought thee and made (us) worship thee in the sight of God; and God the Lord spake: Here is Adam. I have made thee in our image and likeness.’

xiv. 1 And Michael went out and called all the angels saying: Worship the image of God as the Lord God hath commanded.’ 2 And Michael himself worshipped first; then he called me and said: ‘Worship the image of God 3 the Lord.’ And I answered, ‘I have no (need) to worship Adam.’ And since Michael kept urging me to worship, I said to him, ‘Why dost thou urge me? I will not worship an inferior and younger being (than I). I am his senior in the Creation, before he was made was I already made. It is his duty to worship me.’

xv. 1, 2 When the angels, who were under me, heard this, they refused to worship him. And Michael saith, ‘Worship the image of God, but if thou wilt not worship him, the Lord God will be wrath 3 with thee.’ And I said, ‘If He be wrath with me, I will set my seat above the stars of heaven and will be like the Highest.’

xvi. 1 And God the Lord was wrath with me and banished me and my angels from our glory; and on 2 thy account were we expelled from our abodes into this world and hurled on the earth. And 3 straightway we were overcome with grief, since we had been spoiled of so great glory. And we 4 were grieved when we saw thee in such joy and luxury. And with guile I cheated thy wife and caused thee to be expelled through her (doing) from thy joy and luxury, as I have been driven out of my glory.’

xvii. 1 When Adam heard the devil say this, he cried out and wept and spake: ‘O Lord my God, my life is in thy hands. Banish this Adversary far from me, who seeketh to destroy my soul, and give 2, 3 me his glory which he himself hath lost.’ And at that moment, the devil vanished before him. But Adam endured in his penance, standing for forty days (on end) in the water of Jordan.

xviii. 1 And Eve said to Adam: ‘Live thou, my Lord, to thee life is granted, since thou hast committed neither the first nor the second error. But I have erred and been led astray for I have not kept the commandment of God; and now banish me from the light of thy life and I will go to the sunsetting, 2 and there will I be, until I die.’ And she began to walk towards the western parts and to mourn 3 and to weep bitterly and groan aloud. And she made there a booth, while she had in her womb offspring of three months old.

xix. 1 And when the time of her bearing approached, she began to be distressed with pains, and she 2 cried aloud to the Lord and said: ‘Pity me, O Lord, assist me.’ And she was not heard and the mercy of God did not encircle her. And she said to herself: ‘Who shall tell my lord Adam? I implore you, ye luminaries of heaven, what time ye return to the east, bear a message to my lord Adam.’

xx. 1 But in that hour, Adam said: ‘The complaint of Eve hath come to me. Perchance, once more hath the serpent fought with her.’ 2 And he went and found her in great distress. And Eve said: ‘From the moment I saw thee, my lord, my grief-laden soul was refreshed. And now entreat the Lord God on my behalf to 3 hearken unto thee and look upon me and free me from my awful pains.’ And Adam entreated the Lord for Eve.

xxi. 1 And behold, there came twelve angels and two ‘virtues’, standing on the right and on the left 2 of Eve; and Michael was standing on the right; and he stroked her on the face as far as to the breast and said to Eve: ‘Blessed art thou, Eve, for Adam’s sake. Since his prayers and intercessions are great, I have been sent that thou mayst receive our help. Rise up now, and 3 prepare thee to bear. And she bore a son and he was shining; and at once the babe rose up and ran and bore a blade of grass in his hands, and gave it to his mother, and his name was called Cain.

xxii. 1 And Adam carried Eve and the boy and led 2 them to the East. And the Lord God sent divers seeds by Michael the archangel and gave to Adam and showed him how to work and till the ground, that they might have fruit by which they and all their generations might live. 3 For thereafter Eve conceived and bare a son, whose name was Abel; and Cain and Abel used to stay together. 4 And Eve said to Adam: ‘My lord, while I slept, I saw a vision, as it were the blood of our son Abel in the hand of Cain, who was gulping it down in his mouth. Therefore I have sorrow.’ 5 And Adam said, ‘Alas if Cain slew Abel. Yet let us separate them from each other mutually, and let us make for each of them separate dwellings.’

xxiii. 1 And they made Cain an husbandman, (but) Abel they made a shepherd; in order that in this wise they might be mutually separated. 2 And thereafter, Cain slew Abel, but Adam was then one hundred and thirty years old, but Abel was slain when he was one hundred and twenty two years. 3 And thereafter Adam knew his wife and he begat a son and called his name Seth.

xxiv. 1 And Adam said to Eve, ‘Behold, I have begotten a son, in place of Abel, whom Cain slew. 2 And after Adam had begotten Seth, he lived eight hundred years and begat thirty sons and thirty daughters; in all sixty-three children. And they were increased over the face of the earth in their nations.

xxv. 1 And Adam said to Seth, ‘Hear, my son Seth, that I may relate to thee what I heard and 2 saw after your mother and I had been driven out of paradise. When we were at prayer, there 3 came to me Michael the archangel, a messenger of God. And I saw a chariot like the wind and its wheels were fiery and I was caught up into the Paradise of righteousness, and I saw the Lord sitting and his face was flaming fire that could not be endured. And many thousands of angels were on the right and the left of that chariot.

xxvi. 1 When I saw this, I was confounded, and terror seized me and I bowed myself down before 2 God with my face to the earth. And God said to me, ‘Behold thou diest, since thou hast transgressed the commandment of God, for thou didst hearken rather to the voice of thy wife, whom I gave into thy power, that thou mightst hold her to thy will. Yet thou didst listen to her and didst pass by My words.’

xxvii. 1 And when I heard these words of God, I fell prone on the earth and worshipped the Lord and said, ‘My Lord, All powerful and merciful God, Holy and Righteous One, let not the name that is mindful of Thy majesty be blotted out, but convert my soul, for I die and my 2 breath will go out of my mouth. Cast me not out from Thy presence, (me) whom Thou didst form of the clay of the earth. Do not banish from Thy favour him whom Thou didst nourish.’ 3 And lo! a word concerning thee came upon me and the Lord said to me, ‘Since thy days were fashioned, thou hast been created with a love of knowledge; therefore there shall not be taken from thy seed for ever the (right) to serve Me.’

xxviii. 1 And when I heard these words, I threw myself on the earth and adored the Lord God and said, ‘Thou art the eternal and supreme God; and all creatures give thee honour and praise. 2 ‘Thou art the true Light gleaming above all light(s), the Living Life, infinite mighty Power. To Thee, the spiritual powers give honour and praise. Thou workest on the race of men the abundance of Thy mercy.’ 3 After I had worshipped the Lord, straightway Michael, God’s archangel, seized my hand and 4 cast me out of the paradise of ‘ vision’ and of God’s command. And Michael held a rod in his hand, and he touched the waters, which were round about paradise, and they froze hard.

xxix. 1 And I went across, and Michael the archangel went across with me, and he led me back to 2 the place whence he had caught me up. Hearken, my son Seth, even to the rest of the secrets [and sacraments] that shall be, which were revealed to me, when I had eaten of the tree of the 3 knowledge, and knew and perceived what will come to pass in this age; [what God intends to do 4 to his creation of the race of men. The Lord will appear in a flame of fire (and) from the mouth of His majesty He will give commandments and statutes [from His mouth will proceed a two-edged sword] and they will sanctify Him in the house of the habitation of His majesty. 5 And He will show them the marvellous place of His majesty. And then they will build a house to the Lord their God in the land which He shall prepare for them and there they will transgress His statutes and their sanctuary will be burnt up and their land will be deserted and they 6 themselves will be dispersed; because they have kindled the wrath of God. And once more He will cause them to come back from their dispersion; and again they will build the house of God; 7 and in the last time the house of God will be exalted greater than of old. And once more iniquity will exceed righteousness. And thereafter God will dwell with men on earth [in visible form]; and then, righteousness will begin to shine. And the house of God will be honoured in the age and their enemies will no more be able to hurt the men, who are believing in God; and God will stir up for Himself a faithful people, whom He shall save for eternity, and the impious shall be punished 8 by God their king, the men who refused to love His law. Heaven and earth, nights and days, and all creatures shall obey Him, and not overstep His commandment. Men shall not change their 9 works, but they shall be changed from forsaking the law of the Lord. Therefore the Lord shall repel from Himself the wicked, and the just shall shine like the sun, in the sight of God. And 10 in that time, shall men be purified by water from their sins. But those who are unwilling to be purified by water shall be condemned. And happy shall the man be, who hath ruled his soul, when the Judgement shall come to pass and the greatness of God be seen among men and their deeds be inquired into by God the just judge.

xxx. 1 After Adam was nine hundred and thirty years old, since he knew that his days were coming to an end, he said: ‘Let all my sons assemble themselves to me, that I may bless them before I die, and speak with them.’ 2 And they were assembled in three parts, before his sight, in the house of prayer, where they used 3 to worship the Lord God. And they asked him (saying): ‘What concerns thee, Father, that thou shouldst assemble us, and why dost thou lie on 4 thy bed? ‘Then Adam answered and said: My sons, I am sick and in pain.’ And all his sons said to him: ‘What does it mean, father, this illness and pain?’

xxxi. 1 Then said Seth his son: ‘O (my) lord, perchance thou hast longed after the fruit of paradise, which thou wast wont to eat, and therefore thou liest in sadness? Tell me and I will go to the nearest gates of paradise and put dust on my head and throw myself down on the earth before the gates of paradise and lament and make entreaty to God with loud lamentation; perchance he will hearken to me and send his angel to bring me the fruit, for which thou hast longed.’ 2 Adam answered and said: ‘No, my son, I do not long (for this), but I feel weakness and great 3 pain in my body.’ Seth answered, ‘What is pain, my lord father? I am ignorant; but hide it not from us, but tell us (about it).’

xxxii. 1 And Adam answered and said: ‘Hear me, my sons. When God made us, me and your mother, and placed us in paradise and gave us every tree bearing fruit to eat, he laid a prohibition on us concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which is in the midst of paradise; (saying) 2 ‘Do not eat of it.’ But God gave a part of paradise to me and (a part) to your mother: the trees of the eastern part and the north, which is over against Aquilo he gave to me, and to your mother he gave the part of the south and the western part.

xxxiii. 1 (Moreover) God the Lord gave us two angels 2 to guard us. The hour came when the angels had ascended to worship in the sight of God; forthwith the adversary [the devil] found an opportunity while the angels were absent and the devil led your mother astray to eat of the 3 unlawful and forbidden tree. And she did eat and gave to me.

xxxiv. 1 And immediately, the Lord God was wrath with us, and the Lord said to me: ‘In that thou hast left behind my commandment and hast not kept my word,’ which I confirmed to thee; behold, I will bring upon thy body, seventy blows; with divers griefs, shalt thou be tormented, beginning at thy head and thine eyes and thine ears down to thy nails on thy toes, and in every 2 separate limb. These hath God appointed for chastisement. All these things hath the Lord sent to me and to all our race.’

xxxv. 1 Thus spake Adam to his sons, and he was seized with violent pains, and he cried out with a loud voice, ‘What shall I do? I am in distress. So cruel are the pains with which I am 2 beset.’ And when Eve had seen him weeping, she also began to weep herself and said: ‘O Lord my God, hand over to me his pain, for it is I who sinned.’ 3 And Eve said to Adam: ‘My lord, give me a part of thy pains, for this hath come to thee from fault of mine.’

xxxvi. 1 And Adam said to Eve: ‘Rise up and go with my son Seth to the neighborhood of paradise, and put dust on your heads and throw yourselves on the ground and lament in the sight of 2 God. Perchance He will have pity (upon you) and send His angel across to the tree of His mercy, whence floweth the oil of life, and will give you a drop of it, to anoint me with it, that I may have rest from these pains, by which I am being consumed.’

xxxvii. 1 Then Seth and his mother went off to wards the gates of paradise. And while they were walking, lo! suddenly there came a beast 2 [a serpent] and attacked and bit Seth. And as soon as Eve saw it, she wept and said: ‘Alas, wretched woman that I am. I am accursed since I have not kept the commandment of God 3 And Eve said to the serpent in a loud voice: Accursed beast! how (is it that) thou hast not feared to let thyself loose against the image of God, but hast dared to fight with it?’

xxxviii. 1 The beast answered in the language of men: ‘Is it not against you, Eve, that our malice (is directed)? Are not ye the objects of our rage? 2 Tell me, Eve, how was thy mouth opened to eat of the fruit? But now if I shall begin to reprove thee thou canst not bear it.’

xxxix. 1 Then said Seth to the beast: ‘God the Lord revile thee. Be silent, be dumb, shut thy mouth, accursed enemy of Truth, confounder and destroyer. Avaunt from the image of God till the day when the Lord God shall order thee to be 2 brought to the ordeal.’ And the beast said to Seth: ‘See, I leave the presence of the image of God, as thou hast said.’ Forthwith he left Seth, wounded by his teeth.

xl. 1 But Seth and his mother walked to the regions of paradise for the oil of mercy to anoint the sick Adam: and they arrived at the gates of paradise, (and) they took dust from the earth and placed it on their heads, and bowed themselves with their faces to the earth and began to lament and 2 make loud moaning, imploring the Lord God to pity Adam in his pains and to send His angel to give them the oil from the ‘tree of His mercy ‘.

xli. 1 But when they had been praying and imploring for many hours, behold, the angel Michael appeared 2 to them and said: ‘I have been sent to you from the Lord — I am set by God over the 3 bodies of men — I tell thee, Seth, (thou) man of God, weep not nor pray and entreat on account of the oil of the tree of mercy to anoint thy father Adam for the pains of his body.

xlii. 1 ‘For I tell thee that in no wise wilt thou be able to receive thereof save in the last days.’ 2 [When five thousand five hundred years have been fulfilled, then will come upon earth the most beloved king Christ, the son of God, to revive the body of Adam and with him to revive 3 the bodies of the dead. He Himself, the Son of God, when He comes will be baptized in the river of Jordan, and when He hath come out of the water of Jordan, then He will anoint from the 4 oil of mercy all that believe in Him. And the oil of mercy shall be for generation to generation for those who are ready to be born again of 5 water and the Holy Spirit to life eternal. Then the most beloved Son of God, Christ, descending on earth shall lead thy father Adam to Paradise to the tree of mercy.]

xliii. 1 ‘But do thou, Seth, go to thy father Adam, since the time of his life is fulfilled. Six days hence, his soul shall go off his body and when it shall have gone out, thou shalt see great marvels in the heaven and in the earth and the 2 luminaries of heaven. With these words, straight-way Michael departed from Seth. 3 And Eve and Seth returned bearing with them herbs of fragrance, i.e. nard and crocus and calamus and cinnamon.

xliv. 1 And when Seth and his mother had reached Adam, they told him, how the beast [the serpent] 2 bit Seth. And Adam said to Eve: ‘What hast thou done? A great plague hast thou brought upon us, transgression and sin for all our generations: and this which thou hast done, tell thy 3 children after my death, [for those who arise from us shall toil and fail but they shall be 4 wanting and curse us (and) say, All evils have our parents brought upon us, who were at the 5 beginning].’ When Eve heard these words, she began to weep and moan.

(from Apocalypse of Moses)

xv. 1 Then saith Eve to them: ‘Hear all my children and children’s children and I will relate to you 2 how the enemy deceived us. It befell that we were guarding paradise, each of us the portion 3 allotted to us from God. Now I guarded in my lot, the west and the south. But the devil went to Adam’s lot, where the male creatures were. [For God divided the creatures; all the males he gave

to your father and all the females he gave to me.]

xvi. 1 And the devil spake to the serpent saying, "Rise up, come to me and I will tell thee a word 2 whereby thou mayst have profit." And he arose and came to him. And the devil saith to him: 3 "I hear that thou art wiser than all the beasts, and I have come to counsel thee. Why dost thou eat of Adam’s tares and not of paradise? Rise up and we will cause him to be cast out of paradise, even 4 as we were cast out through him." The serpent saith to him, "I fear lest the Lord be wroth with 5 me." The devil saith to him: "Fear not, only be my vessel and I will speak through thy mouth words to deceive him."

xvii. 1 And instantly he hung himself from the wall of paradise, and when the angels ascended to 2 worship God, then Satan appeared in the form of an angel and sang hymns like the angels. And I bent over the wall and saw him, like an angel. But he saith to me: "Art thou Eve?" And I said 3 to him, "I am." "What art thou doing in paradise?" And I said to him, "God set us to guard and 4 to eat of it." The devil answered through the mouth of the serpent: "Ye do well but ye do not eat 5 of every plant." And I said: "Yea, we eat of all, save one only, which is in the midst of paradise, concerning which, God charged us not to eat of it: for, He said to us, on the day on which ye eat of it, ye shall die the death."

xviii. 1 Then the serpent saith to me, "May God live! but I am grieved on your account, for I would not have you ignorant. But arise, (come) hither, hearken to me and eat and mind the value of that tree." 2, 3 But I said to him, "I fear lest God be wroth with me as he told us." And he saith to me: "Fear not, for as soon as thou eatest of it, ye too shall be as God, in that ye shall know good and evil. 4 But God perceived this that ye would be like Him, so he envied you and said, Ye shall not eat of 5, 6 it. Nay, do thou give heed to the plant and thou wilt see its great glory." Yet I feared to take of the fruit. And he saith to me: "Come hither, and I will give it thee. Follow me."

xix. 1 And I opened to him and he walked a little way, then turned and said to me: "I have changed my 2 mind and I will not give thee to eat until thou swear to me to give also to thy husband." (And) I said, "What sort of oath shall I swear to thee? Yet what I know, I say to thee: By the throne of the 3 Master, and by the Cherubim and the Tree of Life, I will give also to my husband to eat." And when he had received the oath from me, he went and poured upon the fruit the poison of his wickedness, which is lust, the root and beginning of every sin, and he bent the branch on the earth and I took of the fruit and I ate.

xx. 1 And in that very hour my eyes were opened, and forthwith I knew that I was bare of the righteousness 2 with which I had been clothed (upon), and I wept and said to him: "Why hast thou 3 done this to me in that thou hast deprived me of the glory with which I was clothed? "But I wept also about the oath, which I had sworn. But he descended from the tree and vanished. 4 And I began to seek, in my nakedness, in my part for leaves to hide my shame, but I found none, for, as soon as I had eaten, the leaves showered down from all the trees in my part, except the fig 5 tree only. But I took leaves from it and made for myself a girdle and it was from the very same plant of which I had eaten.

xxi. 1 And I cried out in that very hour, "Adam, Adam, where art thou? Rise up, come to me and 2 I will show thee a great secret." But when your father came, I spake to him words of transgression 3 [which have brought us down from our great glory]. For, when he came, I opened my mouth and the devil was speaking, and I began to exhort him and said, "Come hither, my lord Adam, hearken to me and eat of the fruit of the tree of which God told us not to eat of it, and thou shalt be as 4 a God." And your father answered and said, "I fear lest God be wroth with me." And I said to 5 him, "Fear not, for as soon as thou hast eaten thou shalt know good and evil." And speedily I persuaded him, and he ate and straightway his eyes were opened and he too knew his nakedness. 6 And to me he saith, ‘O wicked woman! what have I done to thee that thou hast deprived me of the glory of God?"

xxii. 1 And in that same hour, we heard the archangel Michael blowing with his trumpet and calling to 2 the angels and saying: "Thus saith the Lord, Come with me to paradise and hear the judgement with which I shall judge Adam." 3 And when God appeared in paradise, mounted on the chariot of his cherubim with the angels proceeding before him and singing hymns of praises, all the plants of paradise, both of your father’s lot 4 and mine, broke out into flowers. And the throne of God was fixed where the Tree of Life was.

xxiii. 1 And God called Adam saying, "Adam, where art thou? Can the house be hidden from the presence 2 of its builder?" Then your father answered; "It is not because we think not to be found by thee, Lord, that we hide, but I was afraid, because I am naked, and I was ashamed before thy might, 3 (my) Master." God saith to him, "Who showed thee that thou art naked, unless thou hast forsaken my 4 commandment, which I delivered thee to keep (it)." Then Adam called to mind the word which I spake to him, (saying) "I will make thee secure before God;" and he turned and said to me: "Why 5 hast thou done this?" And I said, "The serpent deceived me."

xxiv. 1 God saith to Adam: "Since thou hast disregarded my commandment and hast hearkened to thy wife, cursed is the earth in thy labours. 2 Thou shalt work it and it shall not give its strength: thorns and thistles shall spring up for thee, and in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread. [Thou shalt be in manifold toils; thou shalt be crushed by bitterness, but of sweetness shalt thou not taste.] 3 Weary shalt thou be and shalt not rest; by heat shalt thou be tired, by cold shalt thou be straitened: abundantly shalt thou busy thyself, but thou shalt not be rich; and thou shalt grow fat, but come to no end. 4 The beasts, over whom thou didst rule, shall rise up in rebellion against thee, for thou hast not kept my commandment."

xxv. 1 And the Lord turned to me and said: ‘" Since thou hast hearkened to the serpent and turned 2 a deaf ear to my commandment, thou shalt be in throes of travail and intolerable agonies; thou shalt bear children in much trembling and in one hour thou shalt come to the birth, and lose thy 3 life, from thy sore trouble and anguish. But thou shalt confess and say: ‘Lord, Lord, save me, and 4 I will turn no more to the sin of the flesh.’ And on this account, from thine own words I will judge thee, by reason of the enmity which the enemy has planted in thee."

xxvi. 1 But he turned to the serpent [in great wrath] and said: "Since thou hast done this, and become a thankless vessel until thou hast deceived the innocent hearts, accursed art thou among all beasts. 2 Thou shalt be deprived of the victual of which thou didst eat and shalt feed on dust all the days of 3 thy life; on thy breast and thy belly shalt thou walk and be robbed of hands and feet. There shall not be left thee ear nor wing, nor one limb of all that with which thou didst ensnare them in 4 thy malice and causedst them to be cast out of paradise; and I will put enmity between thee and his seed; he shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel until the day of Judgement."

xxvii. 1, 2 Thus he spake and bade the angels have us cast out of paradise: and as we were being driven out amid our loud lamentations, your father Adam besought the angels and said: "Leave me a little (space) that I may entreat the Lord that he have compassion on me and pity me, for I only 3 have sinned." And they left off driving him and Adam cried aloud and wept saying: "Pardon me, 4 O Lord, my deed." Then the Lord saith to the angels, "Why have ye ceased from driving Adam from paradise? Why do ye not cast him out? Is it I who have done wrong? Or is my judgement 5 badly judged?" Then the angels fell down on the ground and worshipped the Lord saying," Thou art just, O Lord, and thou judgest righteous judgement."

xxviii. 1 But the Lord turned to Adam and said: "I will not suffer thee henceforward to be in paradise." 2 And Adam answered and said, "Grant me, O Lord, of the Tree of Life that I may eat of it, before 3 I be cast out." Then the Lord spake to Adam, "Thou shalt not take of it now, for I have commanded the cherubim with the flaming sword that turneth (every way) to guard it from thee that 4 thou taste not of it; but thou hast the war which the adversary hath put into thee; yet when thou art gone out of paradise, if thou shouldst keep thyself from all evil, as one about to die, when again the Resurrection hath come to pass, I will raise thee up and then there shall be given to thee the Tree of Life."

xxix. 1, 2 Thus spake the Lord and ordered us to be cast out of paradise. But your father Adam wept before the angels opposite paradise and the angels say to him: "What wouldst thou have us to do, 3 Adam?" And your father saith to them, "Behold, ye cast me out. I pray you, allow me to take away fragrant herbs from paradise, so that I may offer an offering to God after I have gone out 4 of paradise that he hear me." And the angels approached God and said: ‘"JAEL, Eternal King, command, my Lord, that there be given to Adam incense of sweet odour from paradise and seeds 5 for his food." And God bade Adam go in and take sweet spices and fragrant herbs from paradise 6 and seeds for his food. And the angels let him go and he took four kinds: crocus and nard and calamus and cinnamon and the other seeds for his food: and, after taking these, he went out of 7 paradise. And we were on the earth.

xxx. 1 Now then, my children, I have shown you the way in which we were deceived; and do ye guard yourselves from transgressing against the good.’

xxxi. 1 And when Eve had said this in the midst of her sons, while Adam was lying ill and bound to die 2 after a single day from the sickness which had fastened upon him, she saith to him: ‘How is it that 3 thou diest and I live or how long have I to live after thou art dead? Tell me.’ And Adam saith to her: ‘Reck not of this, for thou tarriest not after me, but even both of us are to die together. And she shall lie in my place. But when I die, anoint me and let no man touch me till the 4 angel of the Lord shall speak somewhat concerning me. For God will not forget me, but will seek His own creature; and now arise rather and pray to God till I give up my spirit into His hands who gave it me. For we know not how we are to meet our Maker, whether He be wroth with us, or be merciful and intend to pity and receive us.’

xxxii. 1, 2 And Eve rose up and went outside and fell on the ground and began to say: ‘I have sinned, O God, I have sinned, O God of All, I have sinned against Thee. I have sinned against the elect angels. I have sinned against the Cherubim. I have sinned against Thy fearful and unshakable Throne. I have sinned before Thee and all sin hath begin through my doing in the creation.’ 3 Even thus prayed Eve on her knees; (and) behold, the angel of humanity came to her, and raised 4 her up and said: ‘Rise up, Eve, (from thy penitence), for behold, Adam thy husband hath gone out of his body. Rise up and behold his spirit borne aloft to his Maker.’

xxxiii. 1 And Eve rose up and wiped off her tears with her hand, and the angel saith to her, ‘Lift up thy 2 self from the earth.’ And she gazed steadfastly into heaven, and beheld a chariot of light, borne by four bright eagles, (and) it were impossible for any man born of woman to tell the glory of them or 3 behold their face — and angels going before the chariot– and when they came to the place where 4 your father Adam was, the chariot halted and the Seraphim. And I beheld golden censers, between your father and the chariot, and all the angels with censers and frankincense came in haste to the 5 incense-offering and blew upon it and the smoke of the incense veiled the firmaments. And the angels fell down and worshipped God, crying aloud and saying, ‘JAEL, Holy One, have pardon, for he is Thy image, and the work of Thy holy hands.’

xxxiv. 1 And I Eve beheld two great and fearful wonders standing in the presence of God and I wept for 2 fear, and I cried aloud to my son Seth and said, ‘Rise up, Seth, from the body of thy father Adam, and come to me, and thou shalt see a spectacle which no man’s eye hath yet beheld.’

xxxv. 1 Then Seth arose and came to his mother and to her he saith: ‘What is thy trouble? Why 2 weepest thou?’ (And) she saith to him , ‘Look up and see with thine eyes the seven heavens opened, and see how the soul of thy father lies on its face and all the holy angels are praying on his behalf and saying: "Pardon him, Father 3 of All, for he is Thine image." Pray, my child Seth, what shall this mean? And will he one day be delivered into the hands of the Invisible 4 Father, even our God? But who are the two negroes who stand by at the prayers for thy father Adam?’

xxxvi. 1 And Seth telleth his mother, that they are the sun and moon and themselves fall down and 2 pray on behalf of my father Adam. Eve saith to him: ‘And where is their light and why have 3 they taken on such a black appearance?’ And Seth answereth her, ‘The light hath not left them, but they cannot shine before the Light of the Universe, the Father of Light; and on this account their light hath been hidden from them.’

xxxvii. 1 Now while Seth was saying this to his mother, lo, an angel blew the trumpet, and there stood up all the angels (and they were) lying on their faces, and they cried aloud in an awful voice and 2 said: ‘Blessed (be) the glory of the Lord from the works of His making, for He hath pitied 3 Adam the creature of His hands.’ But when the angels had said these words, lo, there came one of the seraphim with six wings and snatched up Adam and carried him off to the Acherusian lake, and washed him thrice, in the presence of God.

xxxix. 1 And God saith to him: ‘Adam, what hast thou done? If thou hadst kept my commandment, there would now be no rejoicing among those who are bringing thee down to this place. 2 Yet, I tell thee that I will turn their joy to grief and thy grief will I turn to joy, and I will transform thee to thy former glory, and set thee on 3 the throne of thy deceiver. But he shall be cast into this place to see thee sitting above him, then he shall be condemned and they that heard him, and he shall be grieved sore when he seeth thee sitting on his honourable throne.’

xxxvii. 4 And he stayed there three hours, lying down, and thereafter the Father of all, sitting on his holy throne stretched out his hand, and took Adam and handed him over to the archangel 5 Michael saying: ‘Lift him up into Paradise unto the third Heaven, and leave him there until that fearful day of my reckoning, which I will make in 6 the world.’ Then Michael took Adam and left him where God told him.

xxxviii. 1 But after all this, the archangel asked concerning 2 the laying out of the remains. And God commanded that all the angels should assemble in His presence, each in his order, and all the angels assembled, some having censers in their 3 hands, and others trumpets. And lo! the ‘Lord of Hosts’ came on and four winds drew Him and cherubim mounted on the winds and the angels from heaven escorting Him and they came on 4 the earth, where was the body of Adam. And they came to paradise and all the leaves of paradise were stirred so that all men begotten of Adam slept from the fragrance save Seth alone, because he was born ‘according to the appointment 5 of God’. Then Adam’s body lay there in paradise on the earth and Seth grieved exceedingly over him.

xl. 1 Then God spake to the archangel(s) Michael, 2 (Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael): ‘Go away to Paradise in the third heaven, and strew linen clothes and cover the body of Adam and bring oil of the ‘oil of fragrance’ and pour it over him. And they acted thus did the three great angels and they prepared him for burial. 3 And God said: ‘Let the body of Abel also be brought.’ And they brought other linen clothes 4 and prepared his (body) also. For he was unburied since the day when Cain his brother slew him; for wicked Cain took great pains to conceal (him) but could not, for the earth would not receive him for the body sprang up from the earth and a voice went out of the earth saying: ‘I will not 5 receive a companion body, till the earth which was taken and fashioned in me cometh to me.’ At that time, the angels took it and placed it on 6 a rock, till Adam his father was buried. And both were buried, according to the commandment of God, in the spot where God found the dust, and He caused the place to be dug for two. 7 And God sent seven angels to paradise and they brought many fragrant spices and placed them in the earth, and they took the two bodies and placed them in the spot which they had digged and builded.

xli.1 And God called and said, ‘Adam, Adam.’ And the body answered from the earth and said: ‘Here 2 am I, Lord.’ And God saith to him: ‘I told thee (that) earth thou art and to earth shalt thou 3 return. Again I promise to thee the Resurrection; I will raise thee up in the Resurrection with every man, who is of thy seed.’

Vita Adae et Evae

xlix. 1 Six days after, Adam died; and Eve perceived that she would die, (so) she assembled all her sons 2 and daughters, Seth with thirty brothers and thirty sisters, and Eve said to all: ‘Hear me, my children, and I will tell you what the archangel Michael said to us when I and your father transgressed the command of God. 3 On account of your transgression, Our Lord will bring upon your race the anger of his judgement, first by water, the second time by fire; by these two, will the Lord judge the whole human race.

l. 1 But hearken unto me, my children. Make ye then tables of stone and others of clay, and write 2 on them, all my life and your father’s (all) that ye have heard and seen from us. If by water the Lord judge our race, the tables of clay will be dissolved and the tables of stone will remain; but if by fire, the tables of stone will be broken up and the tables of clay will be baked (hard).’

Apocalypse of Moses

xlii.1 After these words, God made a seal and sealed the tomb, that no one might do anything to him for six days till his rib should return to him. 2 Then the Lord and his angels went to their place. 3 And Eve also, when the six days were fulfilled, fell asleep. But while she was living, she wept bitterly about Adam’s falling on sleep, for she knew not where he was laid. For when the Lord came to paradise to bury Adam she was asleep, and her sons too, except Seth, till He bade Adam be prepared for buria ; and no man knew on 4 earth, except her son Seth. And Eve prayed (in the hour of her death) that she might be buried in the place where her husband Adam was. And 5 after she had finished her prayer, she saith: ‘Lord, Master, God of all rule, estrange not me thy handmaid from the body of Adam, for from his 6 members didst thou make me. But deem me worthy, even me unworthy that I am and a sinner, to enter into his tabernacle, even as I was with him in paradise, both without separation from 7 each other; just as in our transgression, we were (both) led astray and transgressed thy command, 8 but were not separated. Even so, Lord, do not separate us now.’ But after she had prayed, she gazed heaven wards and groaned aloud and smote her breast and said: ‘God of All, receive my spirit,’ and straightway she delivered up her spirit to God.

xliii.1 And Michael came and taught Seth how to prepare Eve for burial. And there came three angels and they buried her (body) where Adam’s 2 body was and Abel’s. And thereafter Michael spake to Seth and saith: ‘Lay out in this wise every man that dieth till the day of the Resurrection.’ 3 And after giving him this rule; he saith to him: ‘Mourn not beyond six days, but on the seventh day, rest and rejoice on it, because on that very day; God rejoiceth (yea) and we angels (too) with the righteous soul, who hath 4 passed away from the earth.’ Even thus spake the angel, and ascended into heaven, glorifying (God) and saying: ‘Allelujah.’ 5 [Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, in the glory of God the Father, for to Him it is meet to give glory, honour, and worship, with the eternal life-giving spirit now and always and for ever. Amen.] [Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts. To whom be glory and power for ever and for ever. Amen .] [Then the archangel Joel glorified God; saying, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, heaven and earth are full of thy glory.’]




666 Goy 

The Hebrew language has no actual numerals. Numbers are represented by letters. The Hebrew "V" or "VAU" e.g. represents the number "6". Jewish prophesies (those 90% who call themselves Jews are really Khazars and not Jews) are almost entirely Cabbalistic fantasies bordering on the insane, which are pushing the world to the brink of disaster. Cabbalism is not a matter of the past, quite the contrary is true: "The influence of the cabbala has remained predominant." [1]

The number "6" plays a vital part in all of this. Jewish Cabbalists insist this to be Yahweh’s number, a sinister power, which Judaism calls God. A God who, according to the Old Testament, curses, kills and destroys. Genuine Jews, like some Sephardim, the Torah-True-Jews [Neturei Karta Movement] and the "Liberal Synagogue", do not identify themselves with the Cabbalistic Khazars and their image of "God".

The letters in the Hebrew-word "Messiah" added up, according to Cabbalistic interpretation, give the sum of 666 – i.e. three times "V". However, Messiah is an English word and it is spelled different in Greek. Its origin is the Greek language: MEISSIAS. Now we want to take that name in the Greek alphabet, add it up and see who the Jews are waiting for so fervently:

666 Goy2

This number is known throughout the world as the sign of the Anti-Christ, the mark of the beast, it also signifies the year in which the Messiah will enslave all non-Hebrews: "When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews". (Talmud, Erubin 43b)

"This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666." (Revelation 13:18) In autumn 1999 the Hebrew year 5760 begun. Add the digits of that number and see what the number is: 5 + 7 + 6 + 0 = 18 (three times 6) – the year of the beast.

Mark of the Beast

The Cabbalistic meaning of the number 18 (as a compound number, 666) was disclosed to us by a spiritually sympathetic Rabbi, who defined the number "as a ‘rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling; a wolf and a hungry do are seen below catching the following drops in their opened mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them. It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates with … war, social upheavals, revolutions; and in some cases it indicates making money and positions through wars or by wars. It is, however, a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements such as storms, danger from water, fire and explosions. When this compound number appears in working out dates in advance, such a date should be taken with a great amount of care caution and circumspection." It means, that, as from the year of the Hebrew Messiah, the world will be stricken by pure materialism that "strives to destroy the spiritual side of nature". Under the reign of Satan with the beginning of the 666-era (1999), wars and destruction shall shake and devastate the world. We tasted a bit of it since the stooges of the anti-Christ arranged the 911 attack. Interestingly, exactly 911 days after the WTC attack, the train stations of Madrid had become the targets of another Satanic mass murder. The holocausts on Afghanistan and Iraq speak volumes.

666 Goy3

"The mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. That calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666." (Revelation 13:16-18)

The War-Criminal Winston Churchill, devoted to the Cabbalists, introduced the Cabbalistic 6 (the Hebrew letter V) to the Goyim world as the "V" for ‘Victory sign’. The naive Goyim have taken over this evil symbol, not realising that by showing it, promoting the Cabbalistic aim to subjugate the world.

The Cabbalistic 6 and the holocaust

In the Hebrew-text of Torah-prophesies it states: "You shall return." In that text the letter "V" or "VAU" is missing (which also stands for "6"). The researcher Ben Weintraub was informed by Rabbis that the missing "V" (= the missing 6) was the foreshadowing of the "6 million". Therefore, the prophesy: "You shall return", is interpreted as: "You shall return minus 6 million." [2]

This self-imposed prophesy led to the "6 million-prophecy-crash" in 1919. Based on the Balfour-Declaration of 1917 the state of Israel was guaranteed, and the Diaspora-Jews would return to the "Promised Land". The leading Jews at that time expected 1920 a migration of their brethren into "their Land". But, before the return could take place, "6 million" of them had to disappear, according to prophesies.

In fact, Jewish organisations proclaimed already in 1919 a "6 million-holocaust", taking place in the Ukraine: "Six million men and women are dying; eight-hundred-thousand children cry for bread. And this fate is upon them through no fault of their own, through no transgression of the law of God or man; but through the awful tyranny of war and a bigoted lust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of human life …" [3]

Since the global political situation was such, that the founding of the state of Israel was not possible and other Cabbalistic criteria did not match at the time, the whole "6 million" idea of 1919 was simply put on ice. However, the fulfilment of this prophesy is now taking place in the courtrooms of Europe, where verdict after verdict against critical historians, serve as "judicial notice" proof that the holocaust-version of "6 million" Jewish victims murdered in the "burning ovens" of the Nazis "took place". Meaning, that the prophesy is fulfilled and the "Chosen People" own the promised land rightfully under the Cabbala.

Those "6 million", which must be missing in order to completely evict the Palestinians from their land or to wipe them out entirely, was Yahweh’s way of cleansing the Jewish souls of all sins, since a return of sinful and unclean souls is not permitted. The cleansing of the "chosen" souls was to be administered in "burning ovens" according Talmudic tenets: "God said: Could I forget the holocaust-victims? Rabbi Tanchum, Chanilias son said: In the hour, when Hananja, Misael and Asarja stepped out of the burning ovens, the people of the world came together to strike the haters of Israel in the face." [4]

Zalman Grinberg, who chaired the "Munich Conference of Liberated Jews" on January 27, 1946 revealed: "We sacrificed six million people as an offering." [5]

Do we have to understand now, that "6 million" had to disappear in the "burning ovens" of Auschwitz (who quiet possibly stepped out of them again, as the Talmud says), in order to be worthy of returning to the "Promised Land", cleansed and pure and, at the same time, to break the resistance in many parts of the world against the Hebrew-leadership, aiming for world dominance? Since the Jews went allegedly through the crematories of Auschwitz, the world "strikes all haters of Israel in the face", as we all know. Since the second holocaust with its "burning ovens" in Auschwitz, the Jews have become the "untouchables", they are invincible. Nobody dares to even utter one syllable of criticism anymore "out of fear of the Jews" (Book of Esther, 8,17) or as we know from the persecution of Jesus, the Christian redeemer: "But no-one would say anything publicly … for fear of the Jews." (John 7:13)

No-one less important than the late Director of the Institute for Contemporary History, Dr. Martin Broszat, stated under oath in front of a German court, that the "6 million holocaust-Jews is a symbolical figure." [6]

Therefore, the 6-million holocaust has become the basis for the existence of "Israel" through the most important prophesy, now being fulfilled and protected by, literally, all European courts and lawmakers. "By denying the mass-murder (holocaust) in the concentration camps of Auschwitz, the basis for existence is denied to the Jewish people." [7] Moreover, the judicial holocaust-protection includes the "symbolic" killing-method, outlined in the Talmud-passages about the "burning ovens", since the crematories are an inseparable part of the gas-chambers: "The denial of those ‘symbolic killing methods’ besmirches the memories of the victims." [8]

None other than the Jewish Peace-Nobel-Prize-Laureate (1982), Elie Wiesel, who calls himself a high priest of the holocaust, writes in his famous book (1986) "Legends of our Time": » "What are you writing?" the Rebbe asked. "Stories," I said. He wanted to know what kind of stories: true stories. "About people you knew?" Yes, about things that happened or could have happened. But they did not?" No, not all of them did. In fact, some were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end. The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more sorrow than anger: "That means you are writing lies!" I did not answer immediately. The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense. Yet, I had to justify myself: "Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are – although they never occurred".« [9] Wiesel called his holocaust-writing, cynically, "Legends". What is Wiesel telling us, that only Hebrews of the inner-circle can understand? Are the "6 million" a Cabbalistic reality, while it is a "Legend" in factual terms?

Haim Landau, after signing the restitution-agreement in 1952 with Adenauer, called out to Schmul Dayan (Mapai) in Yiddish: "Lucky us! 6 million Jews were murdered and we can get some money". [10] Can one really call it lucky to get paid for 6 million murdered brethren? This would be unthinkable for us non-Jews. It is out of any imagination for non-Jews, to be paid for the artificial fulfilment of a prophesy, enforced by the victorious Allies, permitting the Jews to return to the promised land and at the same time acquire a title to receive billions of Dollars for things that may be true, but have not happened, as Elie Wiesel is telling us.

»"These numbers do matter," Hilberg [one of the most prominent Jewish holocaust historians] said. "They also matter for a very simple reason — call it religious, if you like."« [11]

The Cabbalistic 6 and world power

However, the year 1999 (666), according to the Cabbala, was the year when the "The Hebrew Messiah" promised to his Jews to enslave the world. All efforts of the Hebrews in high government positions, who direct the policies of the US and most European Nations, are aimed to tighten the grip on the globe since the year 5760 (1999) the "Year Of The Hebrew Messiah" which is 666.

None other than the late President of "The Council of Jews in Germany" (interestingly enough, not German Jews) Ignatz Bubis, reaffirmed, to the amazement of the audience, the importance of the dominating numeral 6 and the 666 in Judaism – in front of running TV-cameras. E.e. the triple 6. Bubis chided the Jewish attorney Fagan, suing Germany for restitution for the so-called slave-labour during WW II, that he is simplifying the case by trying things the "Hebrew way, demanding "3×6=18, we demand $ 18 billion." [12]

In order to be able to control the world, the world’s riches must be controlled first. Thus, from the beginning, Yahweh made it very clear to his chosen people, to whom the gold and silver of this world belongs to. Thus, controlling the world, providing that the covenant between him and his people is fulfilled.

»"Lord of the world, we have created many market places, we have built baths and we multiplied silver and gold. And we did it only for Israel" … The Lord then speaks to them: "The gold and silver belongs to me."« [13]

His followers are so certain about this fact that they will do and dare anything to guarantee that all the control (acting as trustees) of material assets are arranged to his utmost satisfaction: "Foreigners will rebuild your walls, and their kings will serve you [Jews]. … For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined." (Isaiah, 60:10,12) The noticeable dramatic increase of financial demands throughout the world is no longer restricted to the Germans, but has now spread to almost every nation on earth under one pretext or another. No nation is immune any longer to demands made by the Chosen.

Even the most important prophecy, that 6 million Jews had to vanish into the "burning ovens" (of Auschwitz), became "judicial notice" with the help of specially designed laws in almost all countries of the western world. With this holocaust status (holocaust means "fire victim") the Cabbalists grew to omnipotence.

The US and Europe are now almost under their total control: "The Jewish World-Congress has considerable influence and a clout in all US-government decisions. In both, politics and the economy." [14] And Ariel Sharon, Israel’s Prime Minister, unabashedly stated in Israel Radio that the Jews control the United States: "We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." [15] They work for unilateral policies, for unilateral opinions and the annihilation of all criticism against Israel and the Jews – globally. Hallelujah!

The Cabbalistic 6 and Erez Israel

This fitted in with the demands of the Cabbalistic US-foreign minister, Madeleine Albright, to have the Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan ultimately extradited from Italy to Turkey in 1998. Why was Öcalan so important to the Cabbala? Why did they want him hanged in Turkey?

Öcalan documented that the founder of modern Turkey, called Atatürk, was a converted Jew, who not only denied the Kurds their own country, but also began to exterminate them. Why? The Kurds are no threat to anyone in that region.

According to the Cabbala and the Old Testament, Yahweh promised the Jews "Erez Israel": "A number of discrepant versions of Biblical borders of the Land of Israel, which rabbinical authorities interpret as ideally belonging to the Jewish state, are in circulation. The most far-reaching among them include the following areas within these borders: in the south, all of Sinai and a part of northern Egypt up to the environs of Cairo; in the east, all of Jordan and a large chunk of Saudi Arabia, all of Kuwait and a part of Iraq south of the Euphrates; in the north, all of Lebanon and all of Syria together with a huge part of Turkey (up to lake Van); and in the west, Cyprus." [16]

The area around the Lake Van is a Kurdish settlement. Kurds, therefore, without knowing, have become the biblical enemies of Erez Israel. Since Öcalan taught his people about Jewish Cabbalism, he was all the more hated. What made him even more hated, is the fact that he is "fascinated by the clear illumination of Germany’s history, which is obviously not recognised by her own people and even denied." [17] The present pact Turkey-Israel (a Turkey much to the liking of Israel’s taste) is something to think about.

Will the 666 be enforced by war?

There are, however, a few difficulties in the way of the final implementation of world dominance. The Moslem world does not believe in the "6 million-holocaust" anymore. This may require, according to the Talmud, to "strike the ‘haters of Israel’ in the face", (who do not want to bow-down and surrender to the Cabbalistic prophesies).

There are, already, Talmudic measures in place to punish the enemy. The Jewess Deborah Horan wrote in 1998 in the ‘Washington Post’: "Israel’s army is now preparing for the possibility of a war that military analysts say may come in 1999 if Palestinians make good on their threat to declare an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza in May." [18] What we experience since the year 2000, the mass murder of the Palestinian people by Yahweh’s forces and the confiscation of the entire Iraq and her riches, confirms Deborah Horan’s prediction.

The Cabbalistic 6 and Terror

The Cabbalists regard the Palestinians as Amalek (people of Canaan, descendant of Esau, hereditary enemies of Hebrews). "The Amalekites, meaning that one is permitted to murder [sic] them until their remembrance is blotted out from under heaven.". [19] The Nazis, just as the Palestinians, are also considered to be Amalekites. The Jerusalem Post (22. March 1997) states: "The spiritual heirs of Amalek include the Nazis, the Soviet communists, and those Arabs who will not rest until we disappear from the Land." [20]

"Germany is ill prepared for a gas-terror-attack", writes "Die Welt" (Dec. 28, 1998, p.4) in a security analysis. And further down is says: "Harald Müller (Peace activist) does not exclude the possibility, that biological weapons may be used." Thinking about this war against the Amalek, who may need to be removed from the face of the earth by the order of the Messiah following the year of the beast (666) 1999. Germans recall in horror, when on July 28, 1995, a 31 year old Israeli by the name of Leon Bor hijacked a public transport bus in Cologne (used mostly by foreign workers) and asked: "Who German?" [21] "Two bodies were left on the bus, the driver and a 64 year old woman from Baden-Württemberg, who had to die only because she answered; ‘I’m German’." [22] This Russian Jew was, obviously, consumed by hate for the Amalek. According to him; he acted righteously. What if the next "angel of hate" arrives from Israel with a biological bomb in his luggage, which is much easier than kidnapping a bus full of passengers at gunpoint. Or, Israel fires some rockets from its nuclear arsenal onto the land of the German Amalek.

Extinction under the guidance of the Cabbalistic 6?

The technical possibilities are breathtaking, considering the year of the Messiah (666) 1999, adding to that some mentally deranged persons with a death-wish for the Amalek. Already in 1946, some Israelis wanted to eradicate 6 million Germans by poisoning them: "Full details of a plot to kill millions of Germans – one for every Jew killed in the Holocaust – are revealed today in an exclusive Observer interview with the man behind the plan … and they were helped by the man who became Israel’s first President. In fact, they had to be content with wiping out up to 400 former SS guards, poisoned in one sweep by painting arsenic on their bread." [23] This saintly Jew and first president of Israel, Chaim Weizman, actively participated in the grizzly murder, while the world cannot stop praising Weizman.

Another murderer, Joseph Harmatz, who was part of the planning-circle, gives interviews and boasts about his mass-murder of Germans, without winding-up behind bars. On the contrary, the Jewish Lord Janner even praises this evil deed: "The people who took this action knew, even in 1945, that they would never get justice. It is not for me as a Queen’s Counsel to advocate people taking the law into their own hands, but in this case they were right." [24] On the other hand, 85 year old Erich Priebke received a life-sentence in Italy for his retaliation, in accordance with the Hague-War-Charter, against communist partisans, who killed 35 Italians and Germans, amongst them several children. Israeli mass-murderers can pursue their own personal revenge unpunished and even receive great enthusiasm, fame and staggering amounts of money for boasting about their mass murders on TV and in their books.

The extermination of Afghans and Iraqis are only the prelude of Yahweh’s reign. We can soon expect many more man-made disasters. This is the age of gene-manipulations. We now learn that Israel is developing gene-weapons, aimed to kill specific racial groups. According to Israeli scientists, the Jewish state has the capability e.g. to wipe-out the Iraqi people. The Sunday Times reports: "They have, however, succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic profile of certain Arab communities, particularly the Iraqi people. The disease could be spread by spraying the organisms into the air or putting them in water supplies." [25]

Can we really rule out, that the Israeli scientists have not discovered a specific German gene-profile by which to remove the "Teutonic Amalek" cleanly and completely, without harming Jews around them?

And the Cabbalistic-Khazars would no doubt meet the approval of the free world if Sharon or any other Israeli leader would eliminate the Germans. The Jewish Harvard professor, Daniel Goldhagen, insists that the Germans have an inborn killer-gene which drives the Germans to kill Jews. However, the Germans have no right to complain, for Helmut Kohl awarded this Harvard scholar 10.000 German Marks, signalling to the world that born Jew-killers have no rights to live on this earth.

Who is to say that the Cabbalistic ethno-bomb is not also effective on Sephardic Jews, real Jews, dark-skinned Jews, Torah-True-Jews? Let’s look into the Book of John where Jesus tells his "Jewish" enemies that they are not the children of Abraham, but the children of the devil. Tora-True-Jews, too, do not recognise the Zionists and Khazars as real Jews:

"How could the Zionist leaders and the World Jewish Congress (a major Zionist organization) have the nerve to ask for Jewish assets? The world-wide boycott against Germany in 1933 and the later all-out declaration of war against Germany initiated by the Zionist leaders and the World Jewish Congress enraged Hitler so that he threatened to destroy the Jews. By using the new atheist exile politics they provoked and increased anti-Semitism in Europe which led to the Second World War and the destruction of European Jewry. All the great Rabbis have warned of the terrible consequences of the Zionist heresy. The same exile politics has caused the problems in the Middle East where Jews lived peacefully with the Arabs until the advent of Zionism. Now the same tactics are being used against the Swiss and other nations." [26]

Warnings of the Cabbalistic 6 madness

The Cabbalistic insanity is managed by a relative small but powerful clique of Israeli Khazars. The late President of organised Jewry in Germany, Ignatz Bubis, tried in 1998 to distance himself bravely from those insane Cabbalists. Those who know our position, know that we have very little sympathy for the late Mr. Bubis. But in this case, we have to stand with him and admire his dangerous move to disassociate himself from the Cabbalistic clutches. In front of "Frontal" TV-cameras he warned of the Hebraic madness and admitted, that there is, in reality, a 666 insanity. He was one of the highest authorities of Judaism in the world, when he admitted that the Cabbala and the anti-Christ numerals really exist and that it was driving the world towards the brink of annihilation.

Even David Levy, ex-Foreign-Minister of Israel (a Sephardic Jew) issued a sharp warning: "[This] takes us back to the dark ages, with people looking for good luck charms and ascribing divine qualities to a human being. This has become a virtual industry, unfortunately based on superstition and leading us towards an abyss, blindness and near civil war." [27]

Ignatz Bubis’ suffered a sudden death following Michael Wolffsohn’s demand of Bubis’ resignation. Wolffsohn, an Israeli Professor, teaches holocaust-history in the "Bundesrepublik’s" Army: "The history professor at the ‘Bundeswehr’ (the new German Army) university, Michael Wolffsohn, demanded the resignation of the chairman for the ‘Council of Jews in Germany’, Ignatz Bubis. The professor wrote in the Rhein-Zeitung; the 71 year-old Bubis is overworked and suffers from reality-dilution and is no longer politically competent." [28]

War and the number 6

Rabbi Teitelbaum: "Zionism, an invention of Satan."

According to Prof. Israel Shahak (commenting on a ‘Maariv’ article on Sept. 2, 1994, titled ‘The Jewish Laundry of Drug Money’) stated that †Yoel Teitelbaum, a Rabbi of the ‘sacred family’ of the Hassidic line of Judaism, had published learned books in which Zionism was described as an invention of Satan. Israeli victories (especially the one in the 6 Day War) were attributed solely to the direct Satanic help given to the Israeli army. Teitelbaum’s accusation is also in line with Christ’s revelation that the leading Jews "belong to the devil".

As we are well aware, in reality the so-called 6-Day-War between Israel and her enemies in 1967 lasted more than "6" days – yet, the Cabbalists call it the 6-Day-War! The Israeli invasion of Lebanon took place on June 6, 1982. It took "6" years to defeat the German Amalek in World War II. Was this the reason why brutal mass bombings of civilian German targets, violating all international conventions, had to be carried out to complete the campaign in time.

The Allied Invasion of Normandy commenced on the 6th of June 1944. Once again we see the 6th day of the 6th month. And adding the digits of the year 1944 = 18, which is 3 x 6.

The United States of America tropped the Atomic Bomb (‘Yahweh’s Dream’ was written on the bomb) on the "6"th of August 1945 on Hiroshima. We are taught that the world was created by God in "6" working days, is it true? Is Teitelbaum suggesting that a certain God is really Satan? Could this be the reason why there is never peace, justice and truth in our troubled world? However, the importance of the number 6 to the Cabbalists is clearly shown once more in the above examples.

Jesus Christ said to the Jews: "You belong to your father, the devil and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him." (John 8:44)

Will the Cabbalistic 6 escort the decline of Jewish power?

As from 1999 the world has become an increasingly perilous place. In 1998 the NATIONAL JOURNAL wrote in the earlier version of this article: "It may start with the total destruction of Iraq, since, according to Cabbalistic fantasies, Saddam Hussein embodies the rebirth of a Babylonian Amalek." Preparations were already made in 1998 (1998 divided by 3 = 666) and, how interesting, that in January 1999, leading Cabbalists have already announced the arrival of the Messiah, the Jewish control of the world: "The arrival of the Messiah is imminent or he could have already come and is living amongst us, without wishing to expose himself at this moment." (29)

However, the Cabbalists could also suffer a tremendous defeat, should it become known that the Cabbalistic prophesies were concocted with artificial prophesies to deceive the devil, their god. They are in terrible trouble. Not only because they have tried to trick Yahweh, the all knowing power, of which the Cabbalists are fully aware and afraid of, but as biblical history has shown, if Yahweh’s demands are not obeyed to the letter, terrible punishments on his Chosen People usually follows. Their evil game is also monitored by their spiritual enemy, Jesus Christ. Soon they have to fear punishment from both sides. From the redeemer of mankind, Jesus Christ, and from Yahweh. Perhaps Christ, the adversary of Yahweh, may be observing it all, finally deliver them into oblivion, if Yahweh does not act before him.

Besides schedule problems and other unfinished tasks, the Cabbalists suffered also in Germany in autumn 1998 an unexpected setback. The German general elections, always held in October, had this time been re-scheduled for the 27th of September (2+7+9 = 18 = three times 6), in order to safeguard Chancellor Kohl’s re-election. Therefore, some people called Kohl "Satan’s Chancellor". However, Kohl lost the election, Yahweh must have been enraged by this failure of his people. Yahweh was right again. It turned out that Kohl’s successor, Gerhard Schröder, refused to support the Jewish war against Iraq in 2003.

Since the Cabbalists failed to complete all their tasks to Yahweh’s satisfaction in the year of the Anti-Christ (666), 1999, they might lose it all and it will be a long time until they would get another chance to enslave the Goyim world. In Putin’s Russia, Jewry suffered the most graven failure by losing the globalistic grip on the country’s riches and the control of the media. This is a disaster because they gained total power in Russia under the stooge Boris Jelzin. Yahweh, who is intolerant of failure may choose another people to fulfil his plans and enslave his earlier favourites.

Here is another more important danger on the horizon. The arrival of Yahweh’s arch enemy, the arrival of Marduk. The year 2013 is a crucial date for Yahweh and his chosen ones. It’s not coincidental that leading Cabbalists have already warned in 1996: "Indeed, many Jewish leaders are warning of danger signs on the horizon this year, suggesting the organized clout of the community may be facing a long period of decline." [30]

And we know from the Bible: "You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?" (Mathew 23:33)

1- Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, London 1994, Pluto Press, page 32. (Cabala: Hebrew, medieval Jewish secret teachings,Duden, German dictionary, 18. edition, valume I, page. 363, Duden Publishers, Mannheim 1980, ISBN 3-411-00901-2)

2- Ben Weintraub, The Holocaust Dogma, Cosmo Publishing, Washington, 1995, page 3

3- THE AMERICAN HEBREW, Oct. 31, 1919, Nbr. 582

4- The Talmud, Goldmann Publishers, Munich 1980, pages 138, 225

5- Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16.2.2001, Seite 53)

6- "Dr. Martin Broszat declared [regarding the 6 million] that this figure must be considered a symbolic one, rather than a factual one." (Letter to the editor by Prof. Dr. Ernst Nolte, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Aug. 23, 1994, page 7)

7- Reasoning of a written verdict against a revisionist by the Magistrate Court Munich (File nbr: 115 Js 3344/94)

8- Sentence against a Revisionist. Source: Mittelbayerische Zeitung (a regional paper in Bavaria), March 7, 1996, page. 1

9- Elie Wiesel, Legends of Our Time, Schocken Books, New York 1982, S. VIII (Introduction)

10-Tom Segev, The Seventh Million, Hill and Wang, New York 1994, pages 222/223

11- Guttenplan in THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Boston (USA), February, 2000

12- German TV, the very popular magazine "Frontal", Nov 24,1998, 21:00 h

13- The Talmud, Goldmann Publishing Co, Munich 3/1988, IISBN 3-442-08665-5) page 132 (»"Herr der Welt, viele Marktstraßen haben wir errichtet, viele Bäder haben wir gemacht, und viel Silber und Gold haben wir gemehrt. Und das alles haben wir für Israel getan" … Der Heilige, gelobt sei er, spricht zu ihnen: "Mir gehört das Silber und das Gold".«

14- It was said by Israel Singer, Secretary General of THE JEWISH WORLD CONGRESS. Source: Michael Wolffsohn, THE GERMAN FILE, edition ferency with Bruckmann, Munich 1995, page 343.

15- Washington Report on Middle East Affairs – WRMEA  10 Oct 2001)

16- Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Pluto Press, London 1994, page 9

17- DIE WELT, May 20, 1996, p. 7

18- Washington Times, Sep. 2, 1998

19- Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Pluto Press, London 1994, page.77

20- Jerusalem Post, March 22,1997

21- Bild am Sonntag (Germany’s largest Sundy Paper), July 30,1995, page 1

22- Die Welt, July 31,1995, page 10

23- The Oberserver, London, March 15, 1998, page 1.

24- The Oberserver, March 15, 1998, page. 1.

25- The Sunday Times (London) Nov. 15,1998, page 1.

26- AMERICAN NETUREI KARTA; FRIENDS OF JERUSALEM, Rabbi Schwartz – P.O.B. 1030, New York 10009, New York Times, Sep. 30, 1997

27- Jewish Chronicle (London) Oct. 9,1998, page. 3

28- Süddeutsche Zeitung – Nov. 17,1998, page 5

29- Der Spiegel nbr. 1 (Jan. 4, 1999) page 119

30- Jewish Chronicle (London) Nov. 1, 1996, page 5

The Horror of Anti-Semitism – Why Do People Hate the Jews?


These creatures are "the apple of God’s Eye"?

They say these are ‘God’s Chosen People’
‘Judeo-Christians’ say that we must "bless the jewish people" and support the jewish state of ‘Israel’, reminding us of the scripture "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee" (Genesis 12:3) [1]
And they tell us that ‘Jesus’ and His Apostles were jews too.
Actually, the "jews" arenot Israelites
At the time of ‘Jesus’, a remnant of Israelites and many non-Israelites lived in Jerusalem and the land of Israel. A non-Israelite people known as the Idumeans, orEdomites, were present in the land in great numbers, and actually were the ruling ethnic group, whith a large percentage of the Pharisees and King Herod being Edomites. The "jews" of Jesus’ time, and today, are descendants of the Edomites. The Edomites are the descendants of Esau (Jacob/Israel’s brother), who took Canaanite wives.
"Edom is in modern Jewry." —The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol.5, p.41
‘Jesus’ was not a jew
Judea and Galilee were two separate states and political entities at the time of Yahshua the Messiah (aka "Jesus"). Yahshua Himself was not a "jew" (Judean) or resident of Judea, but rather a Galilean or resident of Galilee (Matthew 26:69; John 7:41), and a Judahite or descendent of the Tribe of Judah.
Yahshua chose all his apostles from Galilee as well, with the exception of Judas who betrayed him who was from Judea. His apostles were pure-blooded Israelites, not of the same racial ancestry as the people of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and their Edomite "jewish" kindred who dominated the land of Judea at that time.
‘Jesus’ was an "anti-semite"
Yahshua condemned the jews of his day in the strongest of terms, as literal "children of the devil", "full of hypocrisy and iniquity", and "children of hell" (Matthew 23).
Yahshua speaking to the Jewish Pharisees:
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."John 8:44
"Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"Matthew 23:33
The jews murder ‘Jesus’
Enraged at Yahshua, The Jewish elders and leaders, the Pharisees, sought to kill him.
"After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him."John 7:1
As recorded in chapter 27 of the book of Matthew, Pilate found no reason to execute ‘Jesus’, and it was the Pharisees and Jews who urged Pilate to crucify him and stated "let his blood be on our hands and that of our children".
What are the lusts of their father, that great "Serpent"?
To steal, to kill, and to destroy. (John 10:10)
Have the jews continued their war against the followers of ‘Jesus’ of Nazareth?
A Synagogue of Satan
Revelation 2:9: "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Judahites, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
"Judaism" is not the Old Testament, but Babylonian Occultism/Satanism
The most "holy" book in the religion of "Judaism" is called the Babylonian Talmud. It spews vicious hatred for Christians and non-jews, including teaching that "Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement", non-jews are "subhuman cattle", and that Jews may exploit, rob, and kill non-jews. [more on the Talmud]
Usurious Banking – Enslavement of the ‘Gentiles’
Jews have controlled usurious banking since at least the Middle Ages in Europe. This is the key to their power, and how they have enslaved the masses, and gained control over the governments of nations.
Numerous Expulsions – Jews are "Nation Wreckers"
Jews have been expelled from various nations and territories over 100 times since 70 A.D. due to their propensity to oppress the population of the host nation via usury banking and financial exploitation, subvert the morals of the the society, and gain excessive power in the government and areas of influence vastly disproportionate to their numbers. [2]
The ‘New World Order’ Conspiracy
This is another name for the age old Satanic conspiracy, now being led by elite Jewry — the aim being the enslavement of humanity, destruction of the true Israelites, mass human population reduction, abolition of religion and national sovereignty, and the establishment of a totalitarian world government ruled by Satan via the Jews.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
This document is a synopsis of the Jewish-Satanic plan for world conquest at the turn of the 20th century, remarkable for the fact that the plans laid out in the Protocols have come to pass — including plans for: Jewry to control the press and media, the use of communism to destroy the aristocracy of nations, a concerted attack on Christianity and belief in God in society, the rise of world government and globalism, the destruction of the middle class, the erosion and destruction of individual liberties, the subversion of Christian society through corruption of the morals of the youth, the fomenting of war and revolution, and the aim of genocide of non-jews.
Jewish Communism – 60+ million slaughtered in Soviet Union
The terror, tyranny, and mass murder of jewish-ruled Soviet Russia is an example of the Jewish plans for the entire world if the "New World Order" conspiracy comes to full fruition.
Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin were all of Jewish blood. The 1917 ‘Russian Revolution’ was nothing more than atakeover of Russia by jewish terrorists and revolutionaries. The ideology of "communism", as formulated by the jew Karl Marx and his Jewish associates, is nothing more than a ruse promising a "socialist utopia for the working class", causing the masses to revolt and install the Jewish leaders of the movement into power, whereby they can conduct their agenda of mass destruction, theft and genocide.
Jews admit they are not Israelites
Jewish researchers and leaders acknowledge that they are actually descended from the Edomites and the Khazars, a Mongolian-Turkish people from modern-day southern Russia who converted to Judaism in the 8th or 9th century A.D. Jewish researcher Arthur Koestler admitted this in his 1976 book "The Thirteenth Tribe", which was based largely on the earlier work "The history of the Jewish Khazars" by D.M. Dunlop (1967).
These Khazars were, in fact, actually descended from the Edomites, originially from the area south of the Dead Sea near the land of Israel.
Subversion via Jewish-controlled Hollywood, Press and Media
For anyone who cares to notice, Hollywood and the press and media of America and the Western nations are completely dominated and controlled by jews. [3]
Although jewish organizations such as the ADL will deny this, it is easily confirmed with cursory investigation, and other jews have admitted it, including Ben Stein and comedian Joel Stein.
The "liberal", "politically correct" ideology emanating from Hollywood and the media is ideological warfare designed to subvert Western Christian society — eg, promotion of multiculturalism and non-white immigration, promotion of homosexuality and sexual promiscuity, propaganda against "racialism" among whites.
U.S. Government completely controlled by Jewish Zionists
In 2006, two of the preeminent political scholars in America, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, issued a scholarly reportfrom Harvard entitled "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy", which documented that The jewish Israeli lobby has a "stranglehold on Congress" and "vast influence over Republican and Democratic administrations", that pro-Israel jewish neo-conservatives were the "driving force" behind the Iraq War, and that through the jewish control of the media critics of this jewish influence are silenced and smeared with charges of "anti-Semitism."
Jews foment wars
Why should American boys fight and die in Iraq,Afghanistan, and Iran to protect the interests of a foreign nation, the Jewish state of ‘Israel’, or to advance the ‘New World Order’ agenda of jewish elites?
The House of Rothschild – Architects of the "NWO"
This legendary jewish banking dynastyhas been at the forefront of the direction of the Satanic ‘New World Order’ conspiracy for the past several centuries, and have been behind almost all wars, revolutions, and plots designed to subvert Western Christian civilization.
War against the true Israelites, the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, and kindred peoples
Via their control over Western governments and media, Jewry are waging a war of racial and cultural genocide against the real descendants of the Israelites, the white peoples of Northern European descent — utilizing fomented wars, mass non-white immigration into virtually every white nation on earth, abortion, birth control, multiculturalism propaganda, psychological warfare, feminism, and big government & taxation as weapons.
Counterfeit ‘Israel’
As Satan desires to ascend to Heaven and take the place of the Most High YHWH and counterfeits His ways, Satan’s children are couterfeit "Israelites", imposters masquerading as "God’s Chosen People." What better cover to attempt to hide their true nature and agenda than to pretend to be God’s Chosen?
The Holocaust™ Canard
A jewish fraud, complete with the sacred never-changing 6 million number, ridiculous false atrocity fairytales of soap, lampshades and shrunken heads made of jews, and gassing people to death with bug spray in delousing chambers.
Yes, the Germans put many jews (and non-jews) in camps, but these camps were work camps, not "extermination" camps. There was no plan by Germany to "exterminate all the jews". Those who died in the camps died overwhelmingly from typhus and other diseases due to the breakdown in conditions inside Germany and Poland due to the war. Nowhere near 6 million jews died in the camps. Records show only tens of thousands of jews (and non-jews) died in all of the German camps.
The jews tried this swindle before WWII, alleging a "Holocaust" of "6 million jews" occured in 1906, 1919, and 1921.
The Holocaust lie is critical to the jewish NWO conspiracy as it acts to prevent criticism and opposition to elite jewry and their wicked agenda.
The Smear of ‘Antisemitism’ and War Against Freedom of Speech
Individuals or groups who rightfully attempt to warn others on issues such as jewish power and influence, the crimes of elite jewry or the jewish state of Israel, or the jewish direction of the NWO conspiracy are smeared by the jewish-controlled media with hysterical cries of "anti-Semitism", "jew hater", "Nazi", etc. The goal is to attempt to tarnish the reputation of those individuals, discredit them, and silence them. Clearly, this is a tactic of disinformation and distraction, avoiding facts and logic, and playing on emotions and pre-programmed lies and propaganda — ie, the "Holocaust" canard and the lie that the jews are "God’s chosen people".
Organized jewry, lead by the ADL, is also working to destroy freedom of speech, criminalizing those who speak out against the influence of jewry and their lies, such as laws in Europe where "holocaust denial" and "race hate" are crimes.
God hates the Edomite "jews" – Promises their future destruction
Malachi 1: 3-4: "And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever."
Obadiah 1:18: "And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it."


12 Medical Myths Even Most Doctors Believe…

Posted By Dr. Mercola | September 20 2010 | 183,567 views


health myth, cardio exercise

CNN has published a list of the “truth about twelve “health myths”. Among the myths this article busts? “If you cross your eyes, they’ll stay that way.” “Eat the crust of your bread because it’s full of antioxidants,” and, “to get rid of hiccups, have someone startle you.”


There is massive amount of medical misinformation circulating right now, which is causing an epidemic of chronic disease, unprecedented in human history, and their big concern is whether or not if you cross your eyes, they’ll stay that way?

CNN is beyond clueless.

The primary purpose of their article is entertainment, as it has absolutely nothing to do with the top health myths. With articles such as this one, CNN is part of the problem of perpetuating misinformation and leading you astray with nonsense.

Below I will review 12 REAL health myths that CNN didn’t bother to mention, even though these are the cause of a lot of unnecessary suffering and premature death.

With all the medical misinformation we’re currently exposed to on a daily basis, it’s disappointing to see CNN waste time and space on yet another entertainment-style fluff piece, discussing “health myths” that have no real bearing on your health whatsoever.

Because, believe me, there is no shortage of real health myths that can, and do, have a massive impact on tens of thousands if not millions of people.

Here is my list of the top 12 health myths, none of which CNN bothered to mention:

1: Cardio is One of the Best Types of Exercise

In recent years, researchers have begun to realize that conventional cardio, such as jogging, is not all it’s been cracked up to be, and that you can actually improve your health and increase fat burning by making slight modifications to your cardio routine.

The problem is that traditional cardio only works on the slow twitch muscle fibers in your red muscle, completely ignoring your white muscle super-fast twitch fibers.

Peak 8” refers to peak exercises done once or twice a week, in which you raise your heart rate up to your anaerobic threshold for 20 to 30 seconds, followed by a 90-second recovery period.

To perform these properly you will want to get very close to, if not exceed, your maximum heart rate by the last interval. Your maximum heart rate is calculated as 220 minus your age. You will need a heart rate monitor to measure this as it is nearly impossible to accurately measure your heart rate manually when it is above 150.

Researchers have found that interval cardio produces a unique metabolic response that is in large part responsible for its superior benefits. Intermittent sprinting produces high levels of chemical compounds called catecholamines, which allow more fat to be burned from under your skin and within your muscles. The resulting increase in fat oxidation is thought to drive the increased weight loss.

It is also the only type of exercise that will increase growth hormone levels. This becomes especially important after the age of 30, when growth hormones steadily decline. It is much safer and far less expensive to have your body make growth hormone naturally thoughPeak 8 type exercises than inject it like many athletes do to the tune of $1500 per month.

2: Vaccines are Safe and Effective and Prevent Disease


I completely understand that for many this issue is not debatable as they believe that vaccines are one of the greatest gifts to public health in the history of civilization.

If you believe that, then let me encourage you to open your mind and explore other views held by many well respected physicians, scientists, clinicians and pro-vaccine safety educators.

You might want to review the article Read This Before Vaccinating for Anything, to help you start your exploration process.

When it comes to vaccines, there are three primary questions that need to be considered.

  • First, is the vaccine in question safe?
  • Secondly, does it effectively prevent disease?
  • And third, which vaccines can safely and effectively be given together or in close succession?

Unfortunately, these issues have not been sufficiently studied for most vaccines, and those vaccines that have been studied frequently show that they are either unsafe or ineffective, or both!

Pro-vaccine-safety educators have long been saying that vaccines can over-stimulate your child’s immune system, sometimes causing the very disease it’s designed to protect against, or worse. And, when several vaccines are administered together, or in close succession, their interaction may completely overwhelm your child’s developing immune system.

This is one of the primary problems with vaccines in general – their detrimental impact on your body’s primary, natural defense against ALL disease.

Now consider that if your child is vaccinated according to the CDC’s recommended schedule, by the time your child starts kindergarten he or she will have received 48 doses of 14 vaccines. Of these, 36 doses will be given during the first 18 months of life – a time when your child’s body and brain is undergoing massive development!

Public health officials have NEVER proven that it is indeed safe to inject this volume of vaccines into infants. What’s more, they cannot explain why, concurrent with an increasing number of vaccinations, there has been an explosion of neurological and immune system disorders in American children.

This issue covers so much ground, it’s impossible to even try to summarize the many hazards and the lack of efficiency data for all the vaccines currently being given, in this article.

For more information please visit our vaccine section at http://vaccines.mercola.com/

3: Fluoride in Your Water Lowers Your Risk of Cavities


The theory behind the introduction of fluoride in your water supply initially seems beneficial – to reduce the incidence of dental caries in children. However, the health dangers of fluoride are so numerous; they far outweigh any benefit to your teeth, and that’s IF water fluoridation actually did what its claimed to do.

Today, even promoters of fluoridation concede that the major benefits are only from topical applications; fluoride works from the outside of the tooth, not from inside of your body, so why swallow it?

Statistics tell us that water fluoridation is ineffective for preventing caries. There is practically no difference in tooth decay between fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries, and no difference between states that have a high- or low percentage of their water fluoridated.

Meanwhile, fluoride can cause significant harm, from dental fluorosis to thyroid damage to reduced IQ… and much more.

I’ve joined forces with the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) to help end water fluoridation poisoning in Canada and the United States.

For more about the dangers of fluoride, and information about how to get involved in this campaign, please see this recent article, which also includes an excellent interview with Dr. Paul Connett, who created FAN and is one of the foremost experts on this topic.

4: GMOs Crops are Safe, Well Tested and Economically Beneficial


GMOs may be the greatest health disaster in the American diet. Within 9 years of their introduction in 1996, multiple chronic illnesses jumped from 7 percent to 13 percent of the population, food allergies doubled in less time, and many other ailments have exponentially increased with the introduction of GM foods.

Millions may already be suffering health problems caused by genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their diet. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has already urged doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients, citing studies that show how GMOs cause disorders such as vital organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system problems, accelerated aging, infertility, and dysfunctional regulation of insulin and cholesterol.

But not only are GM foods a health disaster, they also pose a significant environmental threat, and industry promises of financial benefits have turned out to be false as well.

For a quick introduction, I recommend reading the article 10 Reasons to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods, which delves into everything from the health problems associated with eating GM foods to the evidence against GM crops as a sustainable, economically and environmentally viable alternative to traditional farming.

5: Sun Causes Skin Cancer

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There are many misconceptions about melanoma – the most dangerous type of skin cancer that accounts for more than 75 percent of skin cancer deaths. But despite all the bad press linking sun exposure to skin cancer, there’s almost no evidence at all to support that stance. There is, however, plenty of evidence to the contrary.

Over the years, several studies have already confirmed that appropriate sun exposure actually helps prevent skin cancer. In fact, melanoma occurrence has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and can be increased by sunscreens.

In my interview with vitamin D expert Dr. Robert Heaney, he explains how the conventional recommendations are in fact causing the very health problem they claim to prevent.

How does sunlight prevent, rather than cause, skin cancer?

In short, it’s the vitamin D formed in your skin from exposure to sunlight that provides this built in cancer protection.

The vitamin D goes directly to genes in your skin that help prevent the types of abnormalities that ultraviolet light causes. Unfortunately, if you follow the conventional recommendation to avoid sun exposure or always use sunscreen, your skin will not make any vitamin D, leaving you without this built-in cancer protection.

Statistics confirm the truth of these findings, as melanoma rates have increased right along with sun avoidance and increased use of sunscreens. If avoiding the sun actually was the answer, then melanoma rates should have decreased exponentially over the past couple of decades…

Instead, sun avoidance and the excessive use of sun screen are actually the two primary reasons for the rise in melanoma.

6: Saturated Fat Causes Heart Disease

As recently as 2002, the "expert" Food & Nutrition Board issued the following misguided statement, which epitomizes this myth:

"Saturated fats and dietary cholesterol have no known beneficial role in preventing chronic disease and are not required at any level in the diet."

This dangerous recommendation, which arose from an unproven hypothesis from the mid-1950s, has been harming your health and that of your loved ones for about 40 years now.

The truth is, saturated fats from animal and vegetable sources provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances, without which your body cannot function optimally.

They also act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Dietary fats are also needed for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, for mineral absorption, and for a host of other biological processes.

In fact, saturated is the preferred fuel for your heart!

For more information about saturated fats and the essential role they play in maintaining your health, please read my previous articleThe Truth About Saturated Fat.

7: Artificial Sweeteners are Safe, Well Tested and Help Promote Weight Loss


Most people use artificial sweeteners to lose weight. The amazing irony is that nearly all the studies that have carefully analyzed their effectiveness show that those who use artificial sweeteners actually gain more weight than those who consume caloric sweeteners.

In 2005, data gathered from the 25-year long San Antonio Heart Study showed that drinking diet soft drinks increased the likelihood of serious weight gain – far more so than regular soda. On average, each diet soft drink the participants consumed per day increased their risk of becoming overweight by 65 percent within the next seven to eight years, and made them 41 percent more likely to become obese.

The reasons for this ironic reality are still being investigated, but there are several potential causes, including:

  • Sweet taste alone appears to increase hunger, regardless of caloric content.
  • Artificial sweeteners appear to simply perpetuate a craving for sweets, and overall sugar consumption is therefore not reduced—leading to further problems controlling your weight.
  • Artificial sweeteners may disrupt your body’s natural ability to “count calories,” as evidenced in studies such as this 2004 study at Purdue University, which found that rats fed artificially sweetened liquids ate more high-calorie food than rats fed high-caloric sweetened liquids.

In the end, the research tells us that artificial sweeteners are NOT a dieter’s best friend, because contrary to what the marketing campaigns claim, low- or no-calorie artificial sweeteners are more likely to help you pack on the pounds than shed them.

There are also a large number of health dangers associated with artificial sweeteners and aspartame in particular. I’ve started compiling a growing list of studies pertaining to health problems associated with aspartame, which you can find here. If you’re still on the fence, I highly recommend reviewing these studies for yourself so that you can make an educated decision.

For more information on aspartame, the worst artificial sweetener, please see my aspartame video.

8: Soy is a Health Food

The meteoric rise of soy as a “health food” is a perfect example of how a brilliant marketing strategy can fool millions. But make no mistake about it, unfermented soy products are NOT healthful additions to your diet.

If you find this recommendation startling then I would encourage you to review my Why Soy Can Damage Your Health, which contains links to dozens of articles on the topic, and a video I recently did.

On the contrary, thousands of studies have linked unfermented soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-system breakdown, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders and infertility—even cancer and heart disease.

Not only that, but more than 90 percent of American soy crops are genetically modified, which carries its own set of health risks.

Here is a sampling of the detrimental health effects that have been linked to soy consumption:

  • Breast cancer
  • Brain damage
  • Infant abnormalities
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Kidney stones
  • Immune system impairment
  • Severe, potentially fatal food allergies
  • Impaired fertility
  • Danger during pregnancy and nursing

I am not opposed to all soy, however. Organic and, most importantly, properly fermented soy does have great health benefits. Examples of such healthful fermented soy products include tempeh, miso and natto.

9: Whole Grains are Good for Everyone

The use of whole-grains is an easy subject to get confused on especially for those who have a passion for nutrition, as for the longest time we were told the fiber in whole grains is highly beneficial.

Unfortunately ALL grains, including whole-grain and organic varieties, can elevate your insulin levels, which can increase your risk of disease.

It has been my experience that more than 85 percent of Americans have trouble controlling their insulin levels — especially those who have the following conditions:

  • Overweight
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Protein metabolic types

In addition, sub-clinical gluten intolerance is far more common than you might think, which can also wreak havoc with your health.

As a general rule, I strongly recommend eliminating grains as well as sugars from your diet, especially if you have any of the above conditions that are related to insulin resistance. The higher your insulin levels and the more prominent your signs of insulin overload are, the more ambitious your grain elimination needs to be.

If you are one of the fortunate ones without insulin resistance and of normal body weight, then grains are fine, especially whole grains. It is wise to continue to monitor your grain consumption and your health as life is dynamic and constantly changing. What might be fine when you are 25 or 30 could become a major problem at 40 when your growth hormone and level of exercise is different.

10: All Plant Based Supplements are as Good as Animal Supplements

The primary example here is that of omega-3’s. It’s very important to realize that not all omega-3 fats are the same, and that the type and source of your omega-3 will make a big difference in the health benefits it provides.

There are three types of omega-3 fats:

  • DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)
  • EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)
  • ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid)

Many people do not realize that most of the well-known health benefits associated with omega-3 fats – such as mental health, stronger bones and heart health — are linked to the animal-based omega-3 fats (EPA and DHA), not the plant-based omega-3 fat (ALA).

ALA, which is the type of omega-3 found in flaxseed and nuts, is converted into EPA and DHA in your body, but only at a very low ratio.

So even if you eat large amounts of ALA, your body can only convert a relatively small amount into EPA and DHA, and only when sufficient enzymes are present.

This does not mean plant-based omega-3 fats are intrinsically harmful or that they should be avoided, only that you ideally want to include an animal-based form as well. Personally, I regularly include omega-3 (ALA) plant-based foods, like flax and hemp, in my diet, but these are always combined with animal-based omega-3 fats.

But in order to reap its most important health benefits, your omega-3 needs to be from an animal source. For more information on this topic, please read through my previous article, Are You Getting the Right Type of Omega-3 Fats?

11: Milk Does Your Body Good

Can milk do your body good?

Yes, if it’s RAW.

Unfortunately, this myth insists that conventional pasteurized milk has health benefits, which is far from true. Conventional health agencies also refuse to address the real dangers of the growth hormones and antibiotics found in conventional milk.

Please understand that I do not recommend drinking pasteurized milk of any kind, including organic, because once milk has been pasteurized its physical structure is changed in a way that can actually cause allergies and immune problems.

Important enzymes like lactase are destroyed, which causes many people to not be able to digest milk. Additionally, vitamins (such as A, C, B6 and B12) are diminished and fragile milk proteins are radically transformed from health nurturing to unnatural amino acid configurations that can actually worsen your health.

The eradication of beneficial bacteria through the pasteurization process also ends up promoting pathogens rather than protecting you from them.

The healthy alternative to pasteurized milk is raw milk, which is an outstanding source of nutrients including beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus, vitamins and enzymes, and it is, in my estimation, one of the finest sources of calcium available.

For more details please watch the interview I did with Mark McAfee, who is the owner of Organic Pastures, the largest organic dairy in the US.

12: Low-Fat Diets are Healthy

The low-fat myth may have done more harm to the health of millions than any other dietary recommendation. Again, just as the recommendations to avoid sunshine has increased melanoma rates, the low-fat craze led to increased consumption of trans-fats, which we now know increases your risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

To end the confusion, it’s very important to realize that eating fat will not make you fat!

The primary cause of excess weight and all the chronic diseases associated with it, is actually the consumption of too much sugar — especially fructose, but also all sorts of grains, which rapidly convert to sugar in your body.

If only the low-fat craze had been a low-sugar craze… then we wouldn’t have nearly as much chronic disease as we have today.

For an explanation of why and how a low-fat diet can create the very health problems it’s claimed to prevent, please see this previous article.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there’s no shortage of health myths out there, and it only seems to be getting worse… The 12 myths reviewed above are but a sampling, because there are still many more.

If you want to review a number of additional health topics that are fraught with misinformation, please see the three-part series listed below in Related Articles.

As opposed to the nonsense offered in the CNN article above, these health topics are all essential to get “right” if you want to protect your health, and the health of your loved ones.

Feds Target Americans As Terrorists In Effort To Break Back Of Big Government Resistance

Government uses its own network of Muslim patsy handlers to sick the anti-terror apparatus on peaceful Americans

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, September 23, 2010

The feds are up to their old tricks once again – demonizing American citizens who are politically engaged and use the Internet as domestic terrorists in a transparent ploy to chill free speech and immobilize resistance to big government – when in actual fact every major terror plot in the United States was provocateured, contrived or directly facilitated by the federal government itself.


Council on Foreign Relations member Diane Sawyer attempts to lend the story some gravitas with her pained expression and stern words, but a 5-year-old could pick apart the propaganda.

“The nation’s top counterterrorism officials were blunt. The threat from within—of Americans willing to commit terrorist acts— is growing. FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III told a congressional hearing today that a spike in recent terrorism cases is direct evidence of the evolving threat,” reports ABC News.

The ABC report describes how “Hassan, Abdulmutallab and Shahzad are all believed to have links or have been influenced by radical Muslim cleric Anwar Awlaki, a Yemeni-American who has moved from a propagandist for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to an operational role, active in attack planning.” But as we have documented, Awlaki is the CIA’s supreme patsy-handler, he’s a double agent working for the feds.

Indeed, just about every one of those “recent terrorism cases” mentioned in the hearings has had the fingerprints of the feds all over it. We have never come across a major terror bust that was not manufactured or allowed to happen by the government.

Just yesterday yet another example came to light – the case of a 22-year-old Lebanese immigrant accused of attempting to bomb Chicago’s Wrigley Field. The dud bomb was of course “provided by FBI undercover agents,” reports the Associated Press, mirroring just about every other case where the feds infiltrate and radicalize a group of mentally deranged patsies before providing them with the means to carry out the attack.

This was exemplified nowhere better than the case of the “seven dipshits in a warehouse” as comedian Jon Stewart labeled them, a group of semi-retarded men in Chicago who were accused of plotting to bomb the Sears Tower, yet were radicalized and funded at every step by an agent of the South Florida Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Just about every example cited by Mueller, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and National Counterterrorism Chief Michael Leiter during the hearing yesterday did nothing to indicate that there is a genuine domestic terror threat from Americans, since each one of the cases was directly engineered, facilitated or over hyped by the same gaggle of crooks pointing fingers at Americans for being terrorists.

– The attempted Christmas Day “underwear bomber” incident

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. The Detroit News reported how the State Department refused to revoke Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s visa despite the fact that he was on a terror watch list and allowed him to board the plane. Eyewitnesses reported that Abdulmutallab was accompanied by a well-dressed man who appeared to be in a position of authority who convinced ticket agents to allow him to board the plane despite the fact that he had no passport and was on a terrorist watch list. “He’s from Sudan and we do this all the time,” the man was reported as saying. The authorities changed their story on numerous occasions to combat eyewitness accounts from passengers like Kurt Haskell, as the feds struggled to uphold the flaky official explanation that Abdulmutallab was a lone terrorist.

Abdulmutallab’s bizarre behavior in apparently being unaware that there was a bomb in his briefs on Flight 253 strongly suggests that he was an unwitting patsy under the control of federal government handlers who, despite the botched attack, swiftly exploited the terror scare he created to ram through an intensification of the war in Yemen as well as mandating the lucrative roll out of full naked body scanners.

– The attack at Ft Hood Texas by gunman Army Maj. Nidal Hassan which killed 13 people

It later emerged that the plot was contrived by Anwar al-Awlaki, who as Webster Tarpley has documented is “an intelligence agency operative and patsy-minder” and “one of the premier terror impresarios of the age operating under Islamic fundamentalist cover” whose job it is to “motivate and encourage groups of mentally impaired and suggestible young dupes who were entrapped into “terrorist plots” by busy FBI and Canadian RCMP agents during recent years.”

– The averted May 1 bombing in Times Square by Faisal Shahzad

Shahzad was again later reported to have been directed by Awlaki, the CIA’s premier patsy-handler. His deadly attempted terror attack amounted to little more than a box of fireworks in the trunk of a car. The establishment media hyped the non-story as a harrowing reminder of the threat to America posed by terrorists despite the fact that New York’s bomb squad said the mishmash of fireworks and wires was not even a bomb. Kevin Barry, a former supervisor in the New York City police bomb squad, speculated that if it had functioned “it would be more of an incendiary event” than an explosion.

– The 2007 plot to attack Fort Dix

Attorneys proved that the FBI informants were the key figures behind the operation and that the accused, six foreign-born Muslims, were merely bungling patsies. The plot was also overseen by intelligence agency operative Anwar al-Awlaki.

These are just a handful of the innumerable cases of government-provocateured terror events that have been exploited to tighten the screws on peaceful American citizens, like the anti-gas drilling and second amendment groups that were listed as terrorists by an Israeli company tasked with spying on them for Homeland Security.

Indeed, the only American citizen who demonstrably encouraged violence was radio talk show host Hal Turner, who was being paid by the FBI to do so.

There’s little doubt that the feds are again hyping the terror that they manufacture as an election ploy to try to derail the momentum currently being enjoyed by anti-establishment candidates like Rand Paul and Sharron Angle. Just as the Bush administration issued fake terror alerts under then Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge in an attempt to sway the outcome of key votes, the Obama regime is following suit.

We’re also seeing a deliberate effort to tie domestic extremism and terror to the Internet as a means of greasing the skids for the passage of Cybersecurity legislation, which will hand Obama the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight.

From the ABC report,

Leiter, the head of the National Counterterrorism Center, said that the vast array of terrorist propaganda on the Internet was having an influence in driving individuals in the United States to turn to potential acts of terrorism.

Describing the power of the Internet and its use as a recruiting tool, Leiter said, “A blend of al Qaeda inspiration, perceived victimization, and glorification of past plotting, has become increasingly accessible through the Internet, and English-language websites are tailored to address the unique concerns of US-based extremists.”

As we have seen from the MIAC report, the aforementioned spying case in Pennsylvania and a host of others in recent years, the federal government defines “terrorist propaganda” as any material critical of the state. The Department of Defense characterizes peaceful protest as “low level terrorism” in its own report.

The real targets of the anti-terror apparatus that the feds have empowered through their own network of Muslim patsies and handlers are not Al-Qaeda members, they are American citizens from across the political spectrum who exercise their rights legally in an effort to point out the alarming fact that the government is brazenly exploiting the war on terror to crush the right to dissent of millions of U.S. citizens.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.

British monarch ‘asked for heating handout’

Queen Elizabeth II, seen here in June 2010, asked the British government for money from a fund for poor people to help pay heating bills on her palaces.  Photo:Adrian Dennis/AFP

Fri Sep 24, 7:21 AM

LONDON (AFP) – Queen Elizabeth II asked the British government for money from a fund for poor people to help pay heating bills on her palaces, a newspaper reported on Friday.

The request was rebuffed because officials feared the news would be a public relations disaster for the monarch, according to the Independent, which learned of the request under Freedom of Information legislation.

Royal aides complained to ministers in 2004 that the queen’s gas and electricity bills had increased by 50 percent and were now "untenable", costing more than one million pounds (1.5 million dollars, 1.2 million euros) a year.

Aides said the 15-million-pound state grant the queen received for the upkeep of the palaces was inadequate and asked if the royal family was eligible for special funds to replace four combined heat and power units at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle.

The money would come from a government scheme to fund heating programmes that benefit people on low incomes.

According to the Independent, the then Labour government initially agreed to the idea but then changed its mind.

An official wrote to the palace pointing out the fund’s intended purpose, adding: "I also feel a bit uneasy about the probable adverse press coverage if the palace were given a grant at the expense of, say, a hospital."

Buckingham Palace refused to comment on the report.


Maybe she should sell a Carriage or Two  What a Hypocrite!!!

Establishment Reacts To Ahmadinejad 9/11 Controversy Like Kid Caught With Hand In Cookie Jar

Petulant tantrums over statements of fact betray guilt

Steve Watson
Friday, Sept 23rd, 2010

Establishment Reacts To Ahmadinejad 9/11 Controversy Like Kid Caught With Hand In Cookie Jar 240910IranThe reaction of establishment politicians and their corporate media mouthpieces to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s comments about 9/11 is akin to that of a guilty child caught with his hand in the cookie jar and chocolate smeared all over his face.

The move to inflate the situation by creating a media circus will ultimately backfire as more people discover that, unfortunately, the Iranian President’s comments, although cloaked in an ever present anti-Israel sentiment, are accurate.

Ahmadinejad stated simply that millions of people believe there is evidence to suggest the 9/11 attacks were an inside job of some kind – a statement of fact, no matter how repugnant he who delivers it may be.

US President Barack Obama has declared he is “outraged and offended” by the comments, later giving an interview to the BBC’s Persian service, in which he told the Iranian people that the comments were “offensive and hateful”.

As ever, the truth of the matter has been distorted beyond recognition as a minority of UN delegates walking out on Ahmadinejad’s speech yesterday was transformed overnight into a full scale revolt by the corporate media.

The EU, we are told, was so disgusted with Ahmadinejad’s comments that “all representatives of the 27 nations of the EU walked out”.

However, in 2008 when the European parliament hosted a debate on the events of 9/11, the evidence that contradicts the official explanation and the reasons why an independent investigation should be carried out, there was no outcry whatsoever.

When European member of parliament Giulietto Chiesa and former German defence minister Andreas von Bulow led the debate on 9/11 inconsistencies, no one walked out and the newspapers remained devoid of front page headlines, because there was no opportunity to smear and discredit the issue based on the characters of those raising it.

Similarly, when prominent Japanese politician Yukihisa Fujita held debates and spoke on questions surrounding 9/11, prompting Parliamentarians of various countries to consider asking the UN to investigate, no establishment politicians denounced him and the newspapers remained devoid of front page headlines.

When the former President of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, stated that in his view 9/11 was a vast intelligence operation overseen by the U.S. intelligence apparatus, the newspapers remained devoid of front page headlines.

When several members of the officially appointed 9/11 Commission stated that the intelligence apparatus and the US government had actively obstructed their investigation, no establishment politicians expressed outrage and the newspapers remained devoid of front page headlines.

When military leaders, scientists, engineers, architects, legal professionals, first responders, family members and all of the other thousands of individuals listed in this article questioned the US government’s explanation of 9/11, the newspapers remained devoid of front page headlines.

“that the United States was in any way responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks or that the majority of people in the US believe this to be the case, is outrageous and unacceptable.” said EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton today.

Whether you believe the official explanation of 9/11 or not, it is clear from multiple polls and surveys conducted over the past few years that a majority of Americans do question it, they do want an independent investigation and they do blame elements of their own government. These are simply facts:

CNN Poll: 89% Believe US Government Covering Up 9/11

New Zogby Poll: 51% Of Americans Want New 9/11 Investigation

Scientific Poll: 84% Say 9/11 Is A Cover Up

Poll: More Americans blame Bush for 9/11

Zogby Poll: Over 70 Million American Adults Support New 9/11 Investigation

Zogby Poll: Half of New Yorkers Believe Government Complicity in 9/11


The media hyped controversy rumbles on with British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to “denounce” Ahmadinejad at the UN today following the Iranian premier’s comments yesterday.

“…once again, an issue of grave global concern has been overshadowed by the bizarre, offensive and attention-grabbing pronouncements by President Ahmadinejad from this podium yesterday. His remarks were intended to distract attention from Iran’s obligations and to generate media headlines. They deserve to do neither.” Clegg’s speech reads.

If Clegg does not want headlines created why has he elected to switch his entire speech around thus creating them?

“…the Iranian president said there was evidence that the US government had at least supported the attacks, including passports in the rubble of the twin towers of men who had been involved with US officials, while no trace of the alleged suicide attackers was retrieved.” The London Guardian article states.

This paragraph is very interesting, because the Guardian journalist seems to think Ahmadinejad is implying that the evidence for elements of the US government being involved in the attacks consists of some passports found in the rubble, and that this is part of the “conspiracy theory”.

In actual fact what Ahmadinejad actually means is that the evidence that Islamic extremists carried out the attacks consisted of passports found in the rubble. That implausible claim forms part of the official version of events.

Indeed, if you actually read what Ahmadinejad said, it becomes clear that the point of his speech was to connect the 9/11 attacks to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which are still ongoing. No matter how much you may abhor Ahmadinejad, with good cause, this is a key point that is rarely, if ever, reiterated at international summits by politicians.

Without 9/11 as justification there would have certainly been no war in Afghanistan, and little international support for the invasion of Iraq. In accounting for the fallout of these wars of aggression, 9/11 must therefore be addressed. A thorough independent investigation of what happened on 9/11, how the attacks were carried out and by whom should have been the very least we could have expected – instead, it is now accepted as the norm that it is somehow “offensive”, “bizarre” or “hateful” to ask for a plausible explanation of the events, or even to talk about it.

This mindset is one step away from erasing the event from history altogether. It only serves to create even more suspicion that in turn drives people to explore the evidence and discover the truth for themselves.

You are expected to simply accept the fact that there are hundreds of thousands, most likely millions, of innocent Afghans and Iraqis now dead ultimately because of what happened on 9/11. If you do not unquestioningly accept that as just, you are “bizarre” or “offensive”.


In a widely covered press conference today, the Iranian President repeated his comments, noting:

“I did not pass judgment but don’t you feel that the time has come to have a fact finding committee?”

He also lashed out at the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as an overreaction to the attacks.

“The Americans should not occupy the entire Middle East… bomb wedding parties… annihilate an entire village just because one terrorist is hiding there.”

That a tinpot dictator with a disgusting record on human rights speaks more sense on this issue than our elected leaders is truly pitiful.

Even if you wholeheartedly accept the official explanation of 9/11, it still cannot be made to jive with the attack on Afghanistan. The official story goes that the hijackers were trained at US air bases and the 9/11 plot was conceived in Europe. Furthermore, the Taliban had agreed to co-operate with the US government and extradite Osama Bin Laden before 9/11 and then again immediately following 9/11.

Nevertheless, if you dare to ask why Afghanistan was attacked following 9/11, that is “offensive” and you are “bizarre” and “hateful”.

In reality, the most “bizarre” thing to emerge from this sorry affair is the reaction of the establishment, in its underestimation of the public desire to understand and trace the source of a decade of intense global conflict and a vast economic and moral degradation within society.

The more our so called politicians whine and posture, the more guilty they look.

It is clear that the seizure upon Ahmadinejad’s comments by the establishment and the intense media circus now surrounding the story is an attempt to do two things, garner support for continued sanctions against Iran, and to smear those who continue to ask questions about 9/11 and the subsequent wars of aggression in the middle east by associating them with a manufactured “enemy” of the free world.

Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor at Alex Jones’ Infowars.net, and regular contributor to Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.


Even your best friends won’t tell you

Jerry Mazza
September 24, 2010

As I remember, that has been a headline for everything from bad breath to dandruff sufferers to those suffering from body odors. The headline was ideal shame-making for manufacturers of mouthwashes, dandruff shampoos, deodorants and antiperspirants. And now it applies to our purported worst enemy, the President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. That is, he’s telling us what none of our “best friends” in our government are saying, “that the American government may have been behind the 9/11 attack.”

After being greeted by a round of applause as he entered the U.N. General Assembly yesterday, September 23, Ahmedinejad was applauded again after his remarks. During his General Assembly address he called for a “U.N. fact finding group to investigate 9/11.” I hope their findings (if a group should ever come about) won’t be treated like the fact-finding results of Hans Blix, head of the UN’s United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission. His claims of no WMD in Hussein’s Iraq were ignored. As were the claims of orthodox Jewish Justice Richard Goldstone’s report on Zionist overkill in Gaza.

How about a fact-finding group of U.S. 911 Scholars, academics, scientists, architects, engineers, journalists, even celebrities who know? After all, it is about our country.

Meanwhile, Ahmedinejad went on to say what our “best friends” would never say, that “the majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world” believe that “some segment s within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining of the American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order to save the Zionist regime” (read Israel). Sounds on the money to me and 1200 plus architects and engineers for AEfor911Truth.org, or Pilots, retired military officers, and journalists for 911 Truth.

Certainly, any mention of this will draw AIPAC out with fangs and claws in striking media positions to further discredit the truth-telling Ahmedinejad and ask for Zionist Israel’s right to bomb Iran back into the stone-age. That is so the Zionists can become the scourge of the entire Mid East not just Iraq (whom they prompted the U.S. and George Bush to attack) and as they have engulfed and are devouring Palestine, that is, the fragments of what is left of the nation that now is Israel, and, as they tell us, “our best friends.”

As I remember, the Five Dancing Israelis, who were celebrating the 9/11 attack by dancing on a white van and cam-cording it in a park directly across the Hudson River, with the smoking, crumbling Towers in the background, and dressed as Arabs, one flicking his cigarette lighter to the havoc behind him just for laughs. Yes, he/they said words to the police that had been called by onlookers to the effect of why are you arresting us, we’re your friends. Now you know what it’s like.

911jewjob (1)

After being arrested and held by the FBI for 72 days, ironically “our friends,” who probably were involved with the remote control flying of whatever crafts or drones those “airliners” were on that day, went on television in Israel to say they were just there to “document” the event. How would they know there was going to be an event if they weren’t involved in its planning and execution? But then, despite the traces of explosives sniffing k-9’s found in the first white van (then two others), they found a goodly amount of cash, maps of our subways, bridges and tunnels.

The second van was found in an off-ramp of the George Washington Bridge with similar evidence of explosives, some cash, maps of subways, bridges and tunnels. And the third van was found parked on King Street between Sixth Avenue and Varick, which leads in only minutes down to the Lincoln Tunnel. Only this van had a realistic picture painted on its panel of an airliner crashing into the Towers, and two more idiots dressed like Arabs sitting inside. They tussled with the NYPD, who arrested them as the others. Yet all of “our best friends” were released once they returned to Israel.


But then our “best friends” whom we’ve showered hundreds of billions of dollars on for defense, including free “surplus” jet fighters and other military hardware, unsecured loans, et al, since Israel’s inception in 1948 wouldn’t say a word about 9/11, only to point fingers at their Muslim enemies, as ex P.M. Ehud Barak did on national TV only minutes after the Towers were hit. He said that it was Osama bin Laden that did it. How did he know that so quickly? And if he did, why didn’t he and his government warn us in advance in a convincing manner, like best friends should?

So is it any wonder that everybody knows what our national media helps them not to know, that 9/11 was an Inside Job, but few like Ahmedinejad will tell us. The last one was the former president of Italy, who had grown up in Italy’s intelligence agencies. His announcement blew through our media like the proverbial fart in the breeze. Ahmadinejad’s missive is going fromFox News Applause for Ahmedinejad to US Fury At Ahmadinejad’s 9/11 Speech, and more in line with setting a wildfire of fear and anger.

The latter was referenced by our State Department spokesman, P.J. Crowley who said “a short distance from here, nine years ago, three-thousand people were killed in an attack perpetrated by nineteen people, and an attack that was orchestrated by Al Qaeda. We know exactly who did it, they’ve admitted it, the facts are not in dispute. So for the President of Iran to come here and make the suggestion somehow this was an American plot, is simply outrageous.”

First of all, Mr. Crowley, the death toll was 2,752 victims who died in the attacks on the World Trade Center, which included 343 firefighters and 60 police officers from New York City and the Port Authority. 184 people were killed in the attacks on the Pentagon. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 70 countries. Also 900 first responders have also died since that day from fatal diseases caused by their exposure to the chemical and thermite infected dust of Ground Zero. Their deaths were due to wearing (or not wearing) paper face masks given to them instead of real respirators. Plus, tens of thousands more who worked “on the pile” at Ground Zero and off are sick unto dying. So the facts are disputed, and widely.

Then, too, Osama bin Laden has been taken off the FBI’s Most Wanted List for the crime of 9/11 due to lack of evidence. The 19 Muslim purported perpetrators and their pictures were pulled from an FBI file pell-mell and days later convicted in the press. Subsequently FBI Chief Robert Mueller said words to the effect that we could not be sure these were the men. So those facts are in dispute too, including that seven or eight of the men have been living in Mid East countries during the attacks, and were victims of identity thefts.

Additionally 15 of the purported attackers were said to be Saudis. Yet we never attacked Saudi, Arabia, but we did attack Afghanistan, have not found Osama bin Laden (our stated purpose, who is said to be dead by the dean of 9/11 Scholars David Raye Griffin in his book Osama bin Laden – Dead or Alive), having passed in late December of 2001 and been buried, with notices in Pakistan newspapers, in an unmarked grave (in Muslim tradition) somewhere in Pakistan. Perhaps he makes a better poster boy than corpse.

In August of 2001, Bin Laden had been in the American Hospital where he met his CIA handler (from his Mujahadeen days), but then he was in the hospital for dialysis for a serious kidney disease. Purportedly he ran the 9/11 op from a cave on the Pak/Afghan border from a laptop. Whether or not his aides totted his dialysis machine to the cave is in doubt.

In fact, when the U.S. Army had him cornered him in Tora Bora, they were unable to catch him and, fleet-footed, he slipped away into the eternal night of no real facts and the cloud of the government conspiracy, in question by intelligent human beings all over the planet. So, making the statements you did, Mr. Crowley, signifies you don’t read or perhaps are simply an idiot born to high places, and not a friend at all. And lastly, Osama’s so-called confession was admitted to be a fake by no less than the CIA recently, thanks to voice-morphing technology, and the simple facts that the man in the video had a fuller face, flatter nose, and wore a gold ring and chain, a no-no for an orthodox Muslim.

As to the other confessions you may be referring to, Khalid Sheik Mohammed’s for instance, it was obtained in 2003 when he was tortured by water-boarding some 183 times. President Bush subsequently asked for a non-torture confession and, surprise, got it. As to Zacharias Moussaoui, a wanna-be top-gun, his testimony was given to the court as he wore a stun belt under his robes. Originally, the FBI refused to pick him up based on his laptop evidence gathered by FBI woman Colene Rowley’s group in Minnesota. Her whistle-blowing efforts eventually lead to her resignation for FBI inaction. She has subsequently become an activist for 9/11 Truth.

All this, Mr. Crowley is just the tip of the mountain of information that exists contradicting the government’s 9/11 conspiracy theory. Perhaps this is why as Ahmedinejad walked from the podium at the U.N. General Assembly, the New York Post writer Eric Shawn noted “he did so rewarded by applause in the august chamber of the world body.” This was a NY Post effort to be fair and balanced, I suppose, but it also inflamed the vast numbers of the ignorant, arrogant, and sound-bite bitten who don’t know Shinola from a hole in the wall. So perhaps you should tender your resignation, Mr. Crowley, since you as well seem to know so little of the real events of that day. In fact, even your best friends won’t probably tell you you’re talking through your hat. But I will.

Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer, life-long resident of New York City. His book “State Of Shock – Poems from 9/11 on” is available at www.jerrymazza.com, Amazon.com andBarnesandnoble.com. He has also written hundreds of articles on American and world politics as an Associate Editor of Online Journal.