Leaked G20 Documents Show Carbon Taxes Still High on Globalist Agenda

James Corbett
The Corbett Report
22 July, 2010

This week The Corbett Report was sent documents purported to be the notes of an attendee of the recent Toronto G20 meeting. The documents, if genuine, show that the recent meeting once again gave the G20 a chance to discuss global government as an answer to the ongoing economic meltdown and reaffirm that carbon taxes are high on the globalists’ priority list.


The idea of funding a nascent global governmental structure through the introduction of carbon taxes is by no means a new one.

The notes were obtained from a source inside a South African bank whose CEO was a confirmed attendee of the Toronto meeting. According to the source, they are most likely notes from a feedback session between the CEO and bank officials upon the CEO’s return from the conference.

Download the documents in PDF format via this link.

According to the documents, the delegates concluded that a process of fiscal consolidation would be the key solution to the crisis, involving country-specific ideas with central coordination…presumably by the G20 itself. Although the delegates evidently discussed the need to address the sovereign debt crisis “through cutting expenses and not through increased taxes,” that statement is immediately followed in this attendee’s notes by the idea of introducing carbon taxes.

The idea of funding a nascent global governmental structure through the introduction of carbon taxes is by no means a new one, having been proposed as a funding mechanism for a North American Union at a secret Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting in Banff, Canada in 2006.

Perhaps not coincidentally, the idea was last floated in the G20 Finance Ministers’s meeting in Scotland last year. In leaked documents from that meeting it was revealed that attendees had seriously discussed the possibility of using a carbon tax to fund an international financial body which would supposedly be entrusted to look after climate adaptation and mitigation programs.

That the carbon tax was discussed during G20 deliberations comes as no surprise. Nor does the fact that the delegates deliberated on the need “to develop Global governance structures” and the desire for “coordination across countries.” The urge to use a manufactured economic crisis to institute a new international system of governance administered by the very bankers who created the problem in the first place has likewise been noted for years.

But there are hopeful signs that the globalists’ agenda is being derailed by a mass political awakening among the public, exactly as key globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski discussed in a recent speech. Perhaps the foremost hurdle to the implementation of the G20’s plans comes from fierce opposition to the carbon tax agenda in the United States exemplified by the fact that the current Senate climate bill is likely dead in the water. Another hopeful sign are those passages of the leaked documents that seem to suggest that national governments may be diverting from the globalist agenda in order to protect their national interests, including repeated references to the specter of increased protectionism as a result of the global downturn.

On a more ominous note, however, are references to the need to create a “B20″ or “Business 20″ to give unaccountable multi-nationals an even bigger stake in the nascent global governmental structure inherent in the G20 structure.

This year’s G20 drew the ire of Canadians and concerned citizens around the world for its $1.3 billion security budget and brutal treatment of protestors. The next G20 summit will take place in November in Seoul, Korea.

Poll: Faith in Social Security system tanking

By Danny Johnston, AP

Jane Roswick pauses during her shopping trip to a Little Rock Wal-Mart store at a Social Security Administration information table near the store’s pharmacy Feb. 20, 2008.

By Susan Page, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — Battered by high unemployment and record home foreclosures, most Americans seem to have lost faith in another fundamental part of their personal finances: Social Security.

A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds that a majority of retirees say they expect their current benefits to be cut, a dramatic increase in the number who hold that view. And a record six of 10 non-retirees predict Social Security won’t be able to pay them benefits when they stop working.

Skepticism is highest among the youngest workers: Three-fourths of those 18 to 34 don’t expect to get a Social Security check when they retire.

RETIREMENT: Tips, latest news on how to save

PLANNING: Time to rethink your estimated return

STUDY: For many, retirement savings will run out too soon

The public’s views are more dire than the calculations of Social Security’s trustees. Last year, they projected the system would begin running in the red in 2016, as the Baby Boom generation retired, and the trust fund would be exhausted in 2037.

Even then, Social Security — which celebrates its 75th anniversary next month — could finance about three-fourths of current benefits through the payroll tax.

The downbeat outlook reflects "all the attacks on Social Security that we have this total crisis in the program," says Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. What’s more, she says, "the fear and distrust as a result of the financial collapse and the Great Recession has spilled over into people’s expectations generally, that you can’t count on anything."

Well-informed or not, public attitudes could affect the debate over what to do about Social Security, a subject that is likely to be raised when President Obama’s deficit commission delivers its report in December.

"It makes it easier to make some of the changes that we are inevitably going to have to make," says Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. "We could make changes and still have people collecting more in benefits than they’re expecting to see."

So far, however, resistance hasn’t eased against steps such as raising the retirement age or increasing Social Security taxes. The only policy options that command majority support are imposing the payroll tax on all the wages of higher-income workers — the amount is now capped — and limiting benefits for wealthy retirees.

Confidence in Social Security has significantly eroded since 2005. The percentage of retirees who predict cuts has jumped by 24 points, even though benefit levels have never been cut for current retirees. In that time, the number of non-retirees who doubt they’ll get benefits has risen by 10 points.

The poll of 1,020 adults, taken July 8-11, has a margin of error of +/–4 percentage points.

CNN Anchors Call For Crackdown on Bloggers

July 24, 2010

Anchors Kyra Phillips and John Roberts discussed the “mixed blessing of the internet,” and agreed that there should be a crackdown on anonymous bloggers who disparage others on the internet. Censored in Greece
July 23, 2010

An reader sent an email today informing us that our website is no longer available in Greek public libraries. “ is still accessible, but it’s only a matter of time before the Greek censors notice attention has shifted to that website, and move in to ban it as well,” she writes. “This isn’t just a local library banning access to, but is a nationwide ban: the digital traffic filters, through which all traffic from and to Greek public libraries passes, are located in and controlled from Athens (National Technical University of Athens), so yes, THIS IS A NATION WIDE BAN!”

Attempting to reach from a Greek public library produces the screen below. Censored in Greece  greekscreen

If Greek public library patrons want to protest to ban, they are out of luck. There is a page for this purpose, but it is only accessible to library workers with a special password and not library patrons.

Patrons and others outraged by this blatant effort to prevent access to in Greece should contact National Technical University of Athens, the institution responsible for providing libraries with internet connectivity:

National Technical University of Athens,
Network Management Center,
Heroon Polytechniou 9,
Zografou 157 80
tel: + 30 210 772 1865
Fax: + 30 210 772 1866

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show

Kurt Nimmo
July 23, 2010

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show  onepixel

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show  eternalflame

The military attempted to prevent Ventura and his crew from filming a stand-up at JFK’s Eternal Flame.

In an exclusive interview on the Alex Jones Show today, Jesse Ventura will talk about the U.S. military’s attempt to undermine his popular TruTV show, “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.”

Jesse was prevented from filming a stand-up in front of the Eternal Flame at Arlington National Cemetery for an episode on government involvement in the JFK assassination. Despite the military ban, Ventura managed to film the segment. “I did it anyway,” he told theMinneapolis Star Tribune.

“They felt I offended them with my last series, because I look into government things, Conspiracy Theory, my TV show,” Ventura told Ann Sharpsteen of Scripps News. Sharpsteen posted a video of her interview with Ventura on YouTube earlier in the week (see video below).

Ventura told Sharpsteen he went through “proper channels” in order to film at the Eternal Flame. He was subsequently told by the military that he would not be allowed to film “because we don’t like your television show,” accord to Ventura.

The U.S. Army’s Public Affairs Office in Los Angeles, which acts as a liaison to the entertainment industry, told Kevin Diaz of the Minneapolis Star Tribune that JFK’s final resting place is “hallowed ground” and off limits to the media. “We don’t allow stand-ups next to the eternal flame for anyone,” explained Ken Hawes, director of the U.S. Army’s Public Affairs Office.

JFK’s Eternal Flame has appeared in countless television shows and movies. As part of the National Park Service, Arlington National Cemetery and JFK’s Eternal Flame are open to the public.

Hawes said that the government does not think it proper to cooperate with a show alleging that JFK’s death was an inside government job. He denied Ventura’s assertion that they turned the ex-governor down simply because they don’t like his show, according to Diaz.

“The bottom line is we said we didn’t want to be part of his television program,” Hawes told the newspaper. “We support all kinds of programs, but that one was just a little out of bounds.” In other words, the military will now decided who will be allowed to film at the Eternal Flame and permission will be predicated on what is politically acceptable to the government.

Jesse was in D.C. earlier in the week complaining about the incident of military-imposed censorship. The former Minnesota governor has complained about the incident to “every congressman I run into.”

Jesse will also talk with Alex about efforts by the Department of Homeland Security to prevent his crew from filming at other sites.

White House Emails Show More Extensive Improper Contact With Google

Submitted by Peter Flaherty

McLaughlin photo

Recent email communication between White House Deputy Chief Technology Officer Andrew McLaughlin (in photo), who is Google’s former head of Global Public Policy, and multiple outside individuals raise new questions about the official’s alleged circumvention of federal ethics and recordkeeping rules.

McLaughlin’s communications with Google officials and others about issues that directly benefit the company appears to be more extensive than indicated by a May White House report, which resulted in an official reprimand of Mr. McLaughlin. Click here for a 12-page pdf of the McLaughlin emails.

Administration rules expressly prohibit former lobbyist company officials like McLaughlin from involving themselves in federal policies that materially impact their former employer.  But the new emails, which NLPC obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, show a continued pattern in which Mr. McLaughlin communicates with another apparent Google lobbyist, the leader of a Google-funded organization that lobbies in support of Google’s primary area of federal interest, and the head of a nonprofit that works closely with Google lobbyists.

The topics in the email communication involve many of Google’s highest priority lobbying issues, including FTC rules on online privacy; Administration broadband policy, including Net neutrality; and intellectual property rules.

As Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Internet Policy, McLaughlin is at the policymaking nexus of virtually all of the most important Internet issues being debated in the country today. There is now no doubt – none whatsoever – that a more serious investigation of potential ethics breaches is warranted. These emails raise additional questions about whether Mr. McLaughlin’s efforts circumvented or just plain ignored federal ethics rules.

Today, we are asking Rep. Edolphus Towns, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Rep. Darrell Issa, the committee’s ranking member, to conduct a thorough investigation.Click here to download 3-page pdf of the letter. It reads, in part:

Like Halliburton in the previous Administration, Google has an exceptionally close relationship to the current Administration. No fair-minded person could look at McLaughlin’s record and not conclude that further investigation is warranted. Click here for a pdf of the letter.

Among other things, the emails reveal:

In September 2009, McLaughlin agreed to meet with a representative of Wilmer Hale Cutler Pickering and Dorr who was a registered Google lobbyist as recently as 2008 according to Senate lobby disclosure records.  The representative, Becky Burr, proposed a meeting to discuss White House assistance in weighing in with the Federal Trade Commission on privacy regulation in ways that would appear to benefit Google.

Over a two-week period in February 2010, McLaughlin exchanged numerous emails with Free Press director Ben Scott, another prominent advocate for Net neutrality who has coordinated policy strategy with Google and attended joint meetings with Google at the FCC and White House on numerous occasions.  They agreed to meet outside the White House at a nearby coffee shop to discuss Internet policy.

From January through March of this year, several email messages relating to intellectual property issues were sent to McLaughlin from the Executive Director of a Google-funded coalition.  The emails appear to have been sent to keep McLaughlin “in the loop” regarding copyright and intellectual property issues – key policy issues for the Mountain View company.


U.S.-S. Korean War Drills Begin

Published: July 25, 2010


The United States and South Korea on Sunday kicked off their largest joint war game in years, with a nuclear-powered American aircraft carrier prowling off the east coast of South Korea while North Koreathreatened to retaliate with its nuclear weapons and reportedly put its military on an alert for war.

Rising tensions demonstrated how tenuous peace remained on the divided peninsula after the Korean War was temporarily halted in a ceasefire between the U.S.-led United Nations forces and the communist troops from North Korea and China 57 years ago on Tuesday.

The current spate of tension was sparked when a South Korean warship was blown up in March, killing 46 sailors. A team of investigators from South Korea, the United States and other countries that joined the U.N. forces during the war determined in May that North Korea torpedoed the ship.

Sweden, which did not join combats of the war, participated in the part of the investigation that concluded that the torpedo was "manufactured by North Korea," but not in the intelligence analysis that determined that the torpedo was fired by a North Koran submarine.

North Korea has called the investigation a "fake." China, a North Korean ally in the war, also rejected it. Meanwhile, the United States and South Korea announced new sanctions against North Korea last week when their foreign and defense ministers traveled together to the inter-Korean border in a symbolic gesture of confronting the North.

On Sunday, in a show of their combined military power, a fleet of U.S. and South Korean naval ships and submarines sailed into waters off the east coast of South Korea, led by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington, one of the biggest ships in theU.S. Navy. Japan, a historical rival of the two Koreas but an ally of South Korea and the United States in their confrontation with North Korea, dispatched military observers in the four-day exercise.

The drills mobilized 20 ships, 8,000 troops from both allies and an unusually large number of warplanes: more than 200 aircraft, including the F-22 Raptor fighter, which joins an exercise in South Korea for the first time.

The exercises this week are the first in a series of U.S.-South Korean maneuvers to be conducted in the coming months. U.S. officials warned last week that political pressure arising from the succession of power from the ailing North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, to his youngest son, Kim Jong-il, might prompt the regime to attempt further military provocations.

On Saturday, North Korea vowed to launch a "sacred war" against the United States and South Korea at "any time necessary," and counter their “largest-ever nuclear war exercises" with its own "powerful nuclear deterrence."

Radio Free Asia reported that the North has put its military and hunger-stricken people on high alert. North Korea uses tensions with the Americans to boost solidarity at home and justify its development of nuclear weapons.

It will likely test short-range missiles and fire artillery in waters near the disputed western sea border and might even attempt a test of its long-range missile and a nuclear device, said Kim Yong-hyun, a North Korea analyst at Dongguk University in Seoul. North Korea is also enriching uranium to boost its nuclear capabilities.

"North Korea will try to fend off the mounting joint pressure from the United States and South Korea by retching up tensions in stages," Mr. Kim said. "For now, both Washington and Seoul seem to believe that they got nothing big to lose by continuing the pressure. What worries me is that the tension is not just between the two Koreas but also between the biggies, the United States and China." China turned unusually vocal in confronting the United States and criticizing its joint military maneuvers with South Korea, prompting the allies to relocate their drills from the sensitive Yellow Sea.




the Lord of Dispersion

by Anders Sandberg

from SpiritsAndOtherBeings Website

Choronzon, also known as 333, Lord of Hallucinations, is one of the most feared umbrood in existence. Many mages have fallen prey to its cunning plans, and its power can’t be ignored. It is a preceptor, which some claim is one of the Wyrm’s most dangerous servants. Other mages whisper that it is a part of Wyrm capable of independent action. Some mages claim Choronzon is the Wyrm. The truth is not known. Choronzon appears to sometimes be a group of entities, and sometimes a single entity (My name is Legion).

Choronzon is a spirit of dissolution, physical, mental and spiritual. Everything around it will begin to decay. It will do its best to hasten the dissolution of everything it can reach. Matter will slowly dissolve. Living beings will age and sicken. It derails the trains of thought, and turns people insane. In the vicinity of it, nothing remains untainted.
It is said that every mage must some day confront and overcome it in order to ascend. Choronzon will do its best to hinder anybody from reaching Ascension or any other goal. Its greatest triumph is when a mage loses Arete. On December 6, 1909 Aleister Crowleyfoolishly let himself be possessed by the demon (Se Liber XXX Aerum, The Vision and the Voice, for more detailed descriptions). The end result was close to a disaster, and according to many mages Crowley lost the path towards Ascension.
Choronzon is confused and often quite stupid. But it is also extremely cunning and dangerous. It can manipulate people subtly while appearing to make crude attacks. The demon will almost always retreat from any attack, not even defending itself. But it will never give up, and will reappear later, in a more insidious form. The only thing it cannot abide is order and discipline. Any form of highly ordered thought, speech or behavior is abhorrent to it, and it will flee if possible (unless it could topple the order in a subtle way).
The demon seldom appears threatening to a mage. Instead it appears to be a quite confused and irritating little being, unable to do much harm. In fact, it often behaves entertainingly, incoherently discussing things that seem important to the mage. While the mage listens to the confusing demon, it will slowly plant the seeds of dissolution in the soul of the mage. Choronzon will strengthen the flaws and illusions in the victim, making the victim believe in his own self image. As the demon works on, the mage will be derailed from the path towards Ascension and turned towards dissolution and insanity. A mind infected by Choronzon will slowly decay, and the victim will be a simple matter to possess for the demon, regardless how strong-minded the victim believes he is.
It is thought that Choronzon dwells somewhere near The Horizon, in an area known as the Abyss (Which could be another name for the Deep Umbra). According to some rumors, he must be defeated by anyone venturing out into the Deep Umbra searching for a place among the Oracles.
To summon Choronzon is quite simple, almost any fool with Spirit 2 can do it. It sometimes acts as a kind of freelance paradox spirit, appearing when a mage has used spectacular entropy-prime effects. In many cases it has secretly encouraged the mage to continue, thus spreading entropy even more.

Choronzon as the Serpent on the Tree of Life

Choronzon very seldom manifests physically, preferring to possess people. It does this with great skill, making his victims think they are in perfect control over their own minds. When it does manifest, it will only appear as a voice. Sometimes it will manifest using many bodies and voices, giving the impression of a great horde of demons.

  • Attributes: no own body

    • Perception 5

    • Intelligence 1

    • Wits 5

  • Abilities: no useful

  • Background: Arcane 5

  • Spheres:

    • Entropy: 5

    • Life: 4

    • Mind: 4

    • Prime: 4

  • Arete: 5

  • Willpower: 1

  • Quintessence: 5


  • Typical Effects:

    • Dissolve Structure (Prime 4 Entropy 3/4/5)

      Choronzon initiates decay wherever he goes. This effect will make anything start to dissolve into nothing. Most of the time it uses this effect coincidentally, preferring to let dissolution take its time. Sometimes Choronzon dissolves things quickly, often for no reason. The process is subtle, but when initiated it cannot be stopped except by more powerful magick. The dissolution slowly spreads, turning matter into dust which blows away and disappears, killing life and making people slowly go insane.

    • Dissolve Mind (Entropy 5 Mind 2)

      Choronzon implants a destructive, irrational or confusing impulse in the mind of someone. This impulse will not go away, but will slowly grow until it becomes an obsession. Usually Choronzon implants distortions in the self image, turning people into unknowing caricatures of themselves. Sons of Ether will slowly become complete egomaniacs. Celestial Chorus will slowly become fanatics. Choronzon will quickly become even more confused.

    • Sow the Seed of Entropy (Entropy 3/4/5 Prime 2)

      The demon plants a small entropy seed inside something or someone. Most of the time it will remain there, unchanging but when stressed, it will release its entropy. A rope will suddenly break when someone’s life depends on it, a horse will bolt, a mirror will crack and faith will momentarily crumble in a crisis. Choronzon does not have any control over these seeds, but spreads them liberally.

    • Confused Knowledge (Mind 3)

      The demon is almost constantly using this effect. It opens the user’s mind to every other mind in the area, especially nearby ones. The user will know everything anybody knows, feel every desire and fear and generally understand the secret motivations of people. Unfortunately the user is completely confused, and his own personality and knowledge is submerged. This doesn’t matter to Choronzon, who hasn’t got much personality in the first place. Using this rote, the demon will always talk about things that interest the listener, have beliefs somewhat like his and a uncanny way of revealing the deepest secrets of a person in an offhand way.

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by Michael Topper

That “Mighty Devil” in the Enochian system of magick (which latter was “channeled” by Edward Kelly at the Elizabethan Court through supervision of Elizabeth’s astrologer/spy/mathematician the renowned Dr. John Dee). Guardian spirit and scourge of the “Abyss”, that apparently unbridgeable separation between states of the created worlds and real Gnosis of the spiritual worlds. Choronzon personifies the total breakdown of “translation” between one mode of being and the Other. He is most direct/fearsome embodiment of the real chasm in quality, orientation, understanding and existence confronting any aspirant to spiritual attainment of that threshold degree, or intensity, where true transformation is required, where development must peremptorily produce a real Revolution of the being or else erosion and oblivious backslide inevitably ensue.

In all of spiritual/metaphysical/or magickal literature there are no (authentic) accounts of any direct commerce with that “Devil” Choronzon, all “crossings” being made in the framework of traditions ,not demanding every element (physical, psychic and spiritual) be submitted to such Change of the intensity demanded in the spirit of Choronzon—except one. Aleister Crowley (qv) records in his Magickal Diary his hallmark episode of crossing the abyss while literally crossing the desert of Bou Saada with his magickal student assistant Victor Neuburg. Putting aside the arguable question as to whether the Master Therion ever completely succeeded in so monumental a milestone to Magickal accomplishment, it must be noted that only within the framework of the Magickal tradition (with its perennial emphasis on bridging the corporeal and spiritual, of bringing spirit down into practical embodiment through the physical dimension of things) had such an endeavor ever actually been made.

This is significant for the one reason that such ultimate integration and whole being resolution between the two seemingly disparate Magnitudes is inevitably mandated for the corporeal dimension as a whole, and all the class of chronically 3rd density consciousness associated with it. Such epochal “crossing” as Crowley assayed to accomplish presages the Don Juan material of Carlos Castaneda, similarly acting as instructive forerunner for a humanity which—even in its ostensible vanguard—seems reluctant to concede out of its conventional yogic “withdrawals” and functional “separation of the planes” that such a whole being physicalized translation can be made to metaphysical Peaks.

Yet this is precisely the confrontation of Crossing presently faced by the planet as a whole, as chronic 3rd density (host of physically focused consciousness) transmutes through implacable processes of Cosmic Timing to the unmasked meta physical fourth. Such Crossing, being imposed upon the plane and all its corporealized inhabitants does not, then, depend upon the personal desideration of “approach” but visits all its disrupting implications directly upon and through the consciousness of everyone no matter how dismally unprepared. This accounts for all the political, social, economic, national, technological, energetic and spiritual disruption characterizing the calendar of “current events” on the planet In particular it manifests as a direct communication from the heart of the Abyss, that channeled confabulation of cacophonous “counsel” issuing from the dead zone or no-man’s-land of self proclaimed/invisible Brothers and higher dimensional beings from beyond.

The opportunity of every plane, dimension, planetary or dark star entity, social/memory/complex and galactic guild to pour its influence, advice and allure into the widening breach of the crumbling 3rd density “screen” can only manifest, collectively, as a chaos; it can only sift out in the end as a gibberish, an ultimately unintelligible babble of oranges demanding to be compared and collated with apples, and an all too gullible Earth intelligence soaking in the psycho active downpour (wreaking witless though nonetheless extensive damage on the mind/body complex) while trying so earnestly to comply with the Alice in Wonder land instructions.

Thus the Spirit of Choronzon is alive-and-well, presently known to one and all but by another name. With so many, competing and obviously contradictory “Christs” and “Jesusescoming by active interdiction on channeled airwaves owing to guaranteed kneejerk adulation and uncritical obsequy toward the bare whisper of the name, the longstanding archetypal image holding sway over the planet by a priestly and off-planet confidence-game is now manifestly decaying, expiring like an isotope as it sheds its last radiative venom over the planet. The identity of “that Devil Choronzon” is given away in the insane susurration and slow crumble of the greasepaint countenance given its last ugly embodiment through insipid “Sanandas” and specious sons-of-god sponsored courtesy of “Ashtar Command”, P.O. Box 333 Betelgeuse in the Constellation Orion.

(Note: UFO has the value 666 by Qabala, since vav is equivalent to “U”, “F” and “O” in English.) It has been noted by many who know of such magick things, that “Choronzon” is almost identical in spelling and pronunciation, save for an extra vocalized “n”, to the Spanishcorazon, meaning “spirit, love and heart”. Assuming no such thing as coincidence, may we imply a deliberate “formula” thereby? Can it be that, were Choronzon simply to learn to “spell his name” correctly, he might undergo a real change of heart? (Amazing what horrors a lack of primary-school education can breed.)

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The Mass of Choronzon
by Pete Carroll

from ChaosMatrix Website

An Invocation of the personal ego or false Holy Guardian Angel, for the purpose of casting ones entire will as an Enchantment upon reality. Such an operation would normally qualify as an extreme act of black magic, were it not prefaced by an initial invocation of theformless Kia or real Holy Guardian Angle. The essential purpose of the conjuration as a whole is to increase the dominion of ones ego over the world in the hope of bringing the formless life force of the Kia more fully into play. The ritual is traditionally performed with a wand to exemplify will, although other instruments can be used, or improvisation made with the clenched fist if necessary.

The invocations are in the Enochian language and represent in part, adaptations of the calls of the first and tenth Enochian Aethers, and consist of eleven and thirty three words each.
Unlike the Mass of Chaos B (Baphomet Conjuration), this ritual cannot be aimed to enchant for any specific desire and has the property of tending to phenomenise the desires of the ego at random. Herein lies its use and its danger. You may only realize what it was you wanted when it arrives.
The ritual must therefore be considered as partly an act of Divination. Following the statement of intent, the Kia is first invoked by an incantation, a mantra and a brief period of complete mental silence. It would be both blasphemous and catastrophic to attempt to conceptualize Kia as other than a formless pregnant void. The god/daemon form of Choronzon is manifested by a visualization of ones self in the form of ones grossly hypertrophied ego whilst the incantation is given. The ritual is concluded with three simultaneous acts.

  • a lightening flash in the form of the solar sig or sigil or sowulo victory rune is visualized flashing down from ones head to the ground

  • a loud martial arts Kia is shouted

  • the wand is struck against the ground

  • laughter banishing then follows

Mass of Choronzon

  1. Statement of Intent: LET MY TOTAL WILL BE DONE !

  2. The Eight Rayed Star of Chaos is traced upon the ground with the wand.

  3. The Invocation to Kia is delivered, holding the wand aloft, with both hands, directly above the head.

    ZIRDO       IADNAMAD            ELILA
       I am    the undefiled knowledge of the 1st aether
       MICALZODO   SAANIR              MADRIAAX
       mighty      in the parts of     the heavens
       FINIS       BALZIZIRAS          IADA
       executing   the judgement of    the highest
                   IO KIA !

  4. "I" mantra for one complete exhalation. In PTAH posture (feet together, wand held with both hand upright against body).

  5. Mental silence for a few moments. In PTAH posture.

  6. Choronzon Invocation: wand held crosswise above the head.


       ANETAB        OTHIL         LUDSI           CAOSAGI
       in government I have set    my feet         in the earth
       ZIRDO         LONSMI        DEPEDE          ZARZAX
       I am          the power     333             of the 10th aether
       SOBA          DOOAIN        MAD             ZILODARPE
       whose name    amongst you   is              the god of conquest
       TOOAT         GMICALZOMA    LARSAD          TOLGLO
       furnishing    a power of    to dispose of   all things
       YRPOIL        LATOK         OVCHO           ASYMP
       division,     one thing     let it confound with another
       UNCHI         OMORS         ZODACARE        GOHUS
       confound      understanding move!           I say
                     with darkness
       OADRIAX       OROCHA        DODPAL          CAOSAGI
       the lower     beneath       let them vex    upon the earth
       ABRAMAG       NETAAIB       CAOSAGI         IO CHORONZON !
       I prepare     for the       of the earth

  7. Visualize Lightening Flash, Shout Kiai, Strike Wand to Ground.

  8. Banish with Laughter.

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The Dark Side Demoness of 333

from NewCovenantChurchOfGod Website

Choronzon is the female half (333) of the Beast (616, 666) described in the Book of Revelation and goes, like so many demons and demonesses, by many different names. Because she is an associate aspect of the Beast, she is often described in male terms. She is known as the "Lord of Hallucinations" and is viewed by occultists as the chaos latent or manifest in the ego. Because she is a part of a group of demonesses she can either manifest as a single demon or group of demons. Her characteristics directly parallel those of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) only Her diametric opposite. Thus she is known as the "demon child of wisdom and understanding", paralleling the Ruach’s (Spirit’) own title and function as Hochma (Wisdom). Choronzonis the supreme demon of Thelema (will), the occultic order founded by the late arch-satanist Aleister Crowley. Hence the occultic motto, "Love is the Law, Love under Will". In all the female demon counterfeits of love, love is a servant of the will or ego, the diametric opposite of the Christian paradigm. Many metaphors may be used to describe the characteristics of Choronzon but perhaps the best would be a "stagnant pool" filled to the brim with psychic sewage.
The numerology of Choronzon is of especial interest to us in this ministry. The Hebrew of Choronzon is ChVRVNVN which is 333. In Greek numerology 333 corresponds to a kaleidoscope of negative words such as:

  • akolasia (dispersion, incontenance, debauchery, wantonness)

  • akrasia (self-indulgence, lack of self-control)

  • epikranthen (make bitter, become bitter, be harsh or embittered)

  • orgilon (quick-tempered, prone to anger, passionate)

  • ediati (the why)

  • ekataba (the fall)

  • eparthenoi (the conceit of apparent purity)

  • demosia (the public acclaim that causes public figures to begin inflating their egos)

  • paidiske (maiden, female slave – seductive aspect)

  • eaeidelos (unseen, dark)

The fallen, carnal nature of all mankind has a correspondence with Choronzon, one of whose functions is to catalyze the inherent chaos within us. As a demoness, she is quick-tempered (typical of most demons, in fact) and passionate without self-control, and is thus known in some circles as the Obscene Gardener of Bitterness. When the soul refuses to forgive wrongdoing and the carnal aspects of hate and bitterness take over, Choronzon is there, invited in by transgression of the Law of Forgiveness which Christ taught. If there is bitterness or hatred in a soul, then it’s a good bet that somewhere, and to some degree, Choronzon is involved.
Satan is a master at playing with our unseen fears, and Choronzon is his primary agent waiting in ambush within. One of the peculiarities about Choronzon – yet not so peculiar when you consider that all demons are anti-life, since they possess none of their own and must rob it from disobedient humans – is that she has no substance – she is an empty shell simulating life, as is true of all counterfeit spiritual activity. Like all demons, Choronzon tears people apart inside and then feeds off their life force which leaks out rather like a damaged nuclear reactor. This ’spiritual bleeding’ leads to a kind of ’spiritual anaemia’, draining the soul of its will to live. If Choronzon had a motto it would probably be: "Let my total will be done" … at the expense of your own, of course.
Choronzon was regarded by Aleister Crowley as "the first and the deadliest of all the powers of evil", and in that observation he was probably right, as we shall see. Choronzon – also known by some in an anagrammatical form as Noznoroch – is a notorious shape-shifter. She is the sole inhabitant of the Abyss between Kether and Daat in the Kabbalistic system and her force is the diametric opposite of the force of occultic magic, a kind of spiritual "anti-matter". In this respect she is similar to Hecate who, in the final act of destruction which she presents as a kind of state of Nirvana, oneness, or enlightenment, simply sucks up the soul like a vacuum into a darkness of nothingness.

That is why I describe her (and the other ’wives of satan’) as anti-life – she is am empty shell which she presents as a substantial universe, but which in truth is nothing. Presenting her world as deliciously attractive and freeing, it is not until the victim is in her vortex that he realizes that he has been tricked and that his ultimate destination – if he doesn’t break out – is a kind of spiritual ’black hole’. Those who have been sucked into this ’black hole’ and are delivered from it believe that they "are" the darkness and are dead. Yet it is an illusion, as are all demonic ploys. That structureless world is known by Kabbalists as qilpoth. It is no more or less than hell’s sewage vessel.
This state of oblivion is presented to victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) as a kind of ’counter-paradise’. By latching on to the dark side of the ego or ’false self’, Choronzon and her allies like Hecate create the false illusion that the false self is the true one. And quite naturally the soul, deprived of consciousness of the true self, believes that there is no hope and that the Christian portrayal of Yahweh’s world is all illusion. That way they are tricked into remaining in darkness because they fear that by leaving it everything will collapse – or to use the expression of some survivors of SRA that I know, "there is no safety-net" beyond what they know. That is another lie. When Yah’shua (Jesus) is invited into the soul to transform it, He also holds it together and is the safety-net.

The symbol for Choronzon – the three triangles arranged in a circle – is the very same symbol employed to denote the danger of radioactive material

We should pause now to consider more about the numerology of Choronzon, as well as her logo, which consists of three triangles (3+3+3=333) (see above). You will recall that Hecate’s symbol consisted of a triangle with a circle around it (see below). These reflect the functional differences of Hecate and Choronzon, even though their activities overlap and function rather like a choir.

Another symbol used by Choronzon is similar to that of the planet Uranus (the old version) but minus the circle at the bottom – )+(. This symbol was even seen on the underside of a UFO over San José de Valderas, Spain (see below). Yet another Choronzon symbol is the lightening flash popular amongst fascist and various occult organizations.

Choronzon has been described as a kind of entropic agent of decay. This demoness causes everything that she touches to whither and decay, whether on the mental, emotional, spiritual or physical planes. She causes age and illness to accelerate so that the body begins to look worn out and old. Thought processes become confused often leading to insanity. Even being around someone who is influenced or controlled by Choronzon causes them to experience her dissolving influence, which is probably why friends and acquaintances are usually repelled and melt away. Only those who have a proper covering of the Ruach (Spirit) are able to withstand this spiritual suction machine of dissolution.
Occultists who are aware of Choronzon have been deceived into believing that she is someone they must "overcome" in order to "ascend" to a plane of mythical enlightenment and immortality. But true to demonic form, Satan uses one set of demons to oppose others to create the illusion of "white" vs. "black magic" or other sets of opposites. Demons help noone. They are not interested in human beings as anything other than sources of energy to be parasitized or vampirised, and take perverse pleasure in deceiving them. Satan has set up mythical ’paths to enlightenment’ which lead to destruction either in this life or the next, for it matters little to him whether they discover the truth of his deception here or there, so long as he has them in his power. Choronzon may be used as part of the theatre of demonic illusion and convince occultists that she is a ’power’ to be overcome in their spiritual ’ascent’ to some ’higher plane’, not realizing that all the planes are a part of the clever transient scenery purporting to lead to some ’reward’ for loyalty. As you will have read in the story of Hecate, the loyalty of humans to demons is never rewarded except with greater enslavement or destruction. Crowley may have believed that he ’overcame’ Choronzon as part of his journey to some ’higher plane’ but the truth is he is one of the greatest fools of them all – for he is utterly trapped and powerless now.
So what does Choronzon do? By messing around with mental, emotional and physical processes, she simply blocks off the natural God-given functions of reason, feeling and health. The effect of Choronzon is to create within a person confusion and give the impression that he is quite stupid. A person possessed of this demoness will alternate between thinking that he is extremely intelligent to being very stupid indeed. The person may have great depth and insights into certain aspects of life but has little or no idea of what the whole consists of, and cannot tie them together because key thought and feeling channels are deliberately blocked. In short, they are unable to integrate their diverse thoughts and feelings. In the case of MPD (Multiple Personality Syndrome), this anarchy is maintained between the various alters who cannot see their way to finding wholeness and integration. There are just so many gaps in mental and emotional knowledge caused by this intruding demoness and her legions of helpers that they see no hope of ever being one again. Fear replaces certainty upon which demons naturally play with great skill, convincing them that only they can "hold the show together". Removing them through deliverance is the first or integral step with the process of integrating the ego on the basis of truth and not lies.
Choronzon is cunning and dangerous to an extreme. She is able to subtly manipulate people while appearing to make overtly crude attacks. Whilst she will often retreat from an attack that uses the Name and Blood of Christ, she rarely gives up and returns at another convenient time and usually in a more insidious and unexpected form. A characteristic of this demoness is that she passionately hates ordered thought, ordered speech, and ordered behavior. Thus she is dedicated to the task of creating disorder and anarchy. She hates rules, commandments, and systems which might bring order, harmony and system to the soul within.
Choronzon rarely appears threatening to the victim and frequently gives the impression that she is incapable of doing much harm. By this deception she is able to consolidate her control. But the act of just listening to her is enough to accelerate the planting of the seeds of dissolution in the victim. Every flaw and illusion in the victim will be painstakingly strengthened thereby, causing the victim to believe in his own self-image carefully crafted by the demoness. By this means the victim is deflected from what he must do to retain control of his mind and reason, namely, turning to Christ for salvation and casting out the demons present. The mind thus infected by Choronzon will gradually decay and the total possession of the victim will simply be a matter of time, irrespective of how strong-willed the victim may believe he is. For the victim will be unaware that his own will has been subverted to the will (Thelema) of the demoness, like a virus taking over the duplicating apparatus of the cell in order to multiply itself and create chaos (cancer) in the process.
Choronzon is dangerous precisely because she almost never manifests physically, her craft being to make the victim think he is in perfect control over his own mind. When she does manifest, is is usually only as a voice, though sometimes she manifests as thousands of voices to give the impression that thousands of demons are present.

Clash of the Classes: Does Rush Limbaugh Finally Get It?
July 25, 2010


Rush Limbaugh noted last week that the Republican party as whole typically behaves a part of the ruling elite.

Last week Rush Limbaugh — mockingly called the leader of the Republican party by limo liberals in the corporate media — talked about Angelo M. Codevilla’s article published in the current issue of The American Spectator,America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution. Codevilla points out something many of us have know for some time — both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and the White House represent the interests of the ruling class.

Following the bankster bailout and the decision by the establishment to stick the American tax payer with cost of fixing the rigged game known as the American financial system, many Republicans and Democrats came around to the realization that indeed the ruling elite are in control of the “political class” that claims to represent us. Both “Republican and Democratic office holders and their retinues show a similar presumption to dominate and fewer differences in tastes, habits, opinions, and sources of income among one another than between both and the rest of the country. They think, look, and act as a class,” writes Codevilla

Rush Limbaugh noted last week that the Republican party as whole typically behaves more as a part of the ruling elite than politicians interested in liberty and the founding principles of the republic. “Why do we accept the premise that there must be a health care overhaul?” Limbaugh asked. “Why do we accept the premise that there must be a stimulus package? Why do they set the agenda?” This piece is partially the answer: They’re all part of the ruling class. The Republicans want to be even more accepted in the ruling class. They want to be even more powerful. They want to be considered part of it. They want to be in the clique.”

Amazingly, Rush then said something many in the patriot movement have said for some time now — establishment Republicans are as threatened by the Tea Party movement as Democrats. “So all of you looking at the Tea Party thinking it’s the Republican Party’s salvation, the Republican members of the ruling class are just as threatened by the Tea Party as the Democrats are. Because the Tea Party is outsiders; the Tea Party is not in the big clique; the Tea Party does not want to be in the big clique. The Tea Party wants to wrest power away from the big clique. The problem, and as Mr. Codevilla’s piece points out is, what vehicle does the Tea Party use?” said Limbaugh.

It appears Limbaugh has had himself an epiphany. Let’s hope he continues along this line. The only way to save the country under the current political system is to have millions of Republicans and Democrats defect from the establishment — the ruling elite — parties and vote Republicans and Democrats out of office and replace them with principled independents who are sworn to uphold and follow the Constitution.

Oath Breakers and the Age of Treason

"Patriotism," said George Orwell, "has nothing to do with conservatism." Love for one’s country is not right or left; it is not the sole province of the poor, or the rich; and it can be expressed in different ways. Benjamin Franklin gave voice to the spirit of patriotism when he said; "We must all hang together or we shall most assuredly all hang separately." Today, patriotism is in need of greater allegiance than ever before. Almost all countries in the world, but especially America because it is the largest military power, are under the threat of a global dictatorial "new world order" that is being deceptively established as the coming together of nations in the interests of saving the planet, but in reality serves the interests of a private international banking cartel, and the global corporate elite. It is a war between two classes more than it is a war between two philosophies. Both sides, the nationalist patriots, and the globalist oligarchs, have much to gain, and lose.
How did we get to this point in history? Telling the facts is complicated because they are not gossip material, and they are hidden from public discussion by the mainstream media, but once they are grasped, it is really quite simple to understand. Powerful elites have always dominated nations, from the Greeks to the modern world, and America is not an exception, but never have the top one percent of oligarchs acted so aggressively against the interests of the people.
Since the end of WWII, America has been misdirected by its government controllers in the biggest way, and for the most evil designs. John F. Kennedy tried to change course, but he got shot in the head for it. It wasn’t pretty. Forty-seven years after his death, and there still isn’t any sense of national closure because his true murderers have not faced justice. In fact, they still rule America through the usual tricks of the trade: deception, secrecy, and fear. Largely unknown to them until now, the American people have suffered under a tyrannical and traitorous shadow corporate-state that killed their President, and which operates secretly behind a cowardly, and self-serving political class, in the name of "National Security." High treason, war crimes, and state terror are the defining features of this "National Security State." And it was created for purposes that are not much different from those of the Nazi regime; power, greed, and world domination for elite profits.
In short, America was covertly overthrown by a tight-knit group of criminal insiders. The coup happened in stages, and achieved through deception, assassination, and terrorism. The seminal dates are 1913, when the private Federal Reserve Bank was established; 1963, which saw the assassination of a real and independent president; and 2000, the beginning of the Bush Administration and the reign of the neoconservatives, who got into power by stealing the election.
From the fifties onward, with the honorable exception of John F. Kennedy’s brief reign as President, the American people have been treated as slaves, and held hostage by their much despised government, public representatives, and shadow rulers. No more a constitutional republic, America became a totalitarian "top secret" empire that is guilty of the invasion and occupation of two innocent countries in the Middle East, and is waging the largest illegal war in history, a "war on freedom" disguised as a "war on terrorism."
Outlandish language like the "war on terrorism" is the norm in Orwellian America, where everything is the reverse of what government leaders say. The "Patriot Act" of 2001 is actually the "Traitor Act." The war on terrorism is the war on freedom; the 9/11 investigation is the 9/11 cover up; Israel’s acts of self-defense are in reality acts of criminal aggression; the financial collapse is the financial heist and con; hope and change is more of the same; national security is national tyranny; a new world order is the last vestiges of an old world’s chaos. But the truth matters little, and instead, lies are cherished. Like sheep, the people are deceived into loving the traitors, and fearing the patriots.
Mass propaganda, secrecy, and deception are the linchpins of the NSS. The American people are denied the full knowledge of the shadow government’s crimes and lies, and since they lack foresight, knowledge of the past, and historical imagination, many of them can’t anticipate future deceptions, and future acts of state terror by their two-faced criminal leaders. But that is changing, as more people in America and around the world are waking up, and starting to see the great political crisis that hangs over America, and indeed, all of mankind.
The times we’re living in are so tense that I can hardly sleep at night. Civilization is threatened by the presence of lunatic criminals in the highest positions of power in America, England, Israel, and Iran. For Iranians, resisting the crazy Mullahs isn’t easy. And for Americans, resisting the Transnational Tyrannical State also won’t be easy. It has many resources, and lots of faithful idiots who don’t mind following orders.
It will require mass civil disobedience in America, and the threat of nation-wide citizen revolt, to get rid of the tyrants and traitors that are in the highest levels of the country’s government, banks, media, and corporations. To organize such a resistance not just in America, but in all Western nations, means dropping the labels of "conservative" and "liberal," ignoring petty ideological differences, and sacrificing our individual egos for the greater good – a free country, and a free world. So far, very few groups have emerged with this view in mind. Oath Keepers is one of them. It is a bipartisan and patriotic organization that includes active-duty soldiers, veterans, National Guard, police officers, fire fighters, and regular citizens who are determined to take back America from the tyrants and traitors, and reestablish the republic on the ruins of a collapsing empire.
On April 19, 2009, members of the Oath Keepers commemorated the first revolutionary war by reciting their oath to support, and defend the Constitution, and promising to never obey unlawful orders. Thevideo of them raising their hands, and declaring that they will follow their conscience, and protect the Constitution is very inspiring, and moving, which is why I was so angry when Mother Jones magazine sought to discredit, and tarnish the image of the Oath Keepers in an article written by Justine Sharrock called, "Oath Keepers and the Age of Treason." In response to that article, I wrote "10 Reasons Why Progressives Should Support Oath Keepers." Due to government brainwashing, some people actually need to be reminded that those who break their oaths are the traitors, and those who keep them are the patriots. You think it would be obvious. But it’s not. A lot of Americans are still in deep denial about the dangerous state of the country, and the criminality of their leaders who have betrayed them, and forsaken the grand experiment that is America.
In his classic book, "The Rape of the Mind" Dutch-American psychoanalyst Joost A.M. Meerloo wrote about the denial of hardcore facts in totalitarian societies:

"Modern psychology has taught us how strongly the mental mechanism of denial of reality works. The eye bypasses external occurrences when the mind does not want them to happen. Secondary justifications and fantasies are formed to support and explain these denials. In Totalitaria we find the same despising of reality facts as we do in schizophrenia. How else are we to explain the fact that Hitler was still moving his armies on paper after they were already defeated?"

The left-leaning individuals that fear, and hate the Oath Keepers because they are "conspiratorial," and "intellectually backward" are either fools, or cowards. They view the Oath Keepers as "right-wing" who only want Obama out of the White House. But that’s not true. They are interested in fixing larger issues, and ending illegal spying, torture, and other government abuses which reflect the breakdown of the rule of law in Washington D.C. And they understand that both parties are responsible for the mess that America is in. Oath Keepers put the country and the constitution above any party or person. The group’s success is a strong indication that the traditional left-right identities are now meaningless. A significant number of Americans have acquired a new political consciousness that is surfacing in groups like Oath Keepers. They shun both the Democrats, and Republicans, and make room for small political disagreements because they care about reestablishing the rule of law, and saving the country. What matters to them is the truth, freedom, and justice; not petty partisan issues.
George Orwell recognized the lack of bleeding-heart patriotism in many leftist "yuppie" intellectuals not as a virtue, but a fault. In his essay "My Country Right or Left," he wrote:

"I grew up in an atmosphere tinged with militarism, and afterwards I spent five boring years within the sound of bugles. To this day it gives me a faint feeling of sacrilege not to stand to attention during ‘God save the King.’ That is childish , of course, but I would sooner have had that kind of upbringing than be like the left-wing intellectuals who are so ‘enlightened’ that they cannot understand the most ordinary emotions. It is exactly the people whose hearts have never leapt at the sight of a Union Jack who will flinch from revolution when the moment comes," (My Country Right or Left, Orwell’s Essays, pg. 137).

The conservatives who religiously supported President Bush even while the rest of the country saw him for the traitor that he is are probably the ones who will sacrifice themselves to save their country if, and when they wake up and realize that the real enemies of America are not in Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Iran, but in Washington, and Tel Aviv. They have a lot of passion in their hearts, and love their country. The problem is that they are politically dumb, and very gullible. But they are not hopeless. And neither are left-leaning progressives who like to demean traditional conservatives rather than understand their views. Both sides are victims of brainwashing, the conservatives are under the hypnosis of Fox News, and the progressives follow the Democrat party wherever it leads them.
I am optimistic that conservatives, progressives, libertarians, and independents will come together to form a wide political tent to help America ride the apocalyptic storm of economic collapse, foreign wars, and internal political turmoil. The American dream is worth saving. The Republic wasn’t perfect, but it beats tyranny, and anarchy. Freedom is worth fighting, and dying for. And after the war is won, once the new world order is defeated, when the songs of patriots are sung, and traitors hung, we can truly enjoy the gifts of this life. But not until then.

‘Though those that are betrayed Do feel the treason sharply, yet the traitor Stands in worse case of woe.’
– William Shakespeare