Gulf Oil Disaster EXPOSED: EPA Lies About Air Quality – AGAIN

Eric Blair
Activist Post
From stifling the media to buying all search terms related to the disaster, British Petroleum and the Obama Administration have gone to great lengths to hide the true nature of the problem.  The source of the oil well, nearly 6 miles below the ocean’s surface, has apparently tapped into a high-pressure magma chamber where the oil is erupting from the source at an estimated 20,000 – 70,000 psi. 

There is no human technology that can cap that level of pressure and all the “experts” who designed the failed containment box and “Top Kill” solutions knew that.  It is literally like trying to cap a volcano a mile below the ocean’s surface. These attempts were knowingly doomed from the start and apparently staged just to appease an angry public.

A former high-level oil executive reported that the oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico will never subside and is far worse than anyone is reporting.  Pastor Lindsey Williams (author of Energy Non-Crisis), in a recent interview, claims that his Elite oil informant told him that the oil gusher in the Gulf is erupting around 4 million gallons per day, and it is impossible to stop.  Furthermore, oil is NOT the most harmful element spewing out of the gusher.  No wonder why there are flight restrictions over the area.

Independent analysis by the Louisiana Environmental Action Networkshow toxic Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene gases in the Gulf area are registering at levels thousands of times above safe levels (reported on Eyewitness News story out of Louisiana).  Yet, the EPA’s headline states, EPA’s air monitoring conducted through June 10, 2010, has found that air quality levels for ozone and particulates are normal on the Gulf coastline for this time of year.”

In the very next sentence the EPA adds a caveat as cover, “EPA has observed odor-causing pollutants associated with petroleum products along the coastline at low levels. Some of these chemicals may cause short-lived effects like headache, eye, nose and throat irritation, or nausea. People may be able to smell some of these chemicals at levels well below those that would cause short-term health problems.”  This, in spite of the fact that Hydrogen Sulfide and Benzene gases can cause death.

These "volatile organic compounds" are in the air that is on the way to the coast for human beings to breathe.  And, of course people are not being warned.  Remember Christy Todd Whitman, former head of the EPA, telling the workers at Ground Zero that the air was safe to breathe in the weeks after 9/11.  Meanwhile, slews of rescue workers are dying now from respiratory and other diseases.  Lies, lies, and more lies.  How can we possibly trust the “official” information that we are being fed?

Although Williams’ informant claims that the oil disaster is a genuine accident and not a conspiracy, the prophets at Goldman Sachs and BP chief Tony Hayward knew enough todump their BP stock in the weeks before the “accident.”  What impeccable timing!

But I digress.  Given that all experts know that the Gulf oil volcano has no promising solutions including drilling a relief well, they are now floating the idea of detonating a nuclear bomb to collapse the well.  According Williams, this “nuclear option” is being planned despite the obvious dangers and uncertain outcome.

It is clear that the oil industry and the Obama Administration have no solutions to this disaster. This may indeed be the pinnacle of man’s folly versus nature.  Although I’m not one to quote religious text to make a point, Revelations 16:3 rings pretty darn true “And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.”


EPA lies about  911

EPA Response to September 11

September 18, 2001

Whitman Details Ongoing Agency Efforts to Monitor Disaster Sites, Contribute to Cleanup Efforts

EPA Administrator Christie Whitman announced today that results from the Agency’s air and drinking water monitoring near the World Trade Center and Pentagon disaster sites indicate that these vital resources are safe. Whitman also announced that EPA has been given up to $83 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to support EPA’s involvement in cleanup activities and ongoing monitoring of environmental conditions in both the New York City and Washington metropolitan areas following last week’s terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

"We are very encouraged that the results from our monitoring of air quality and drinking water conditions in both New York and near the Pentagon show that the public in these areas is not being exposed to excessive levels of asbestos or other harmful substances," Whitman said. "Given the scope of the tragedy from last week, I am glad to reassure the people of New York and Washington, D.C. that their air is safe to breath and their water is safe to drink," she added.

In the aftermath of last Tuesday’s attacks, EPA has worked closely with state, federal and local authorities to provide expertise on cleanup methods for hazardous materials, as well as to detect whether any contaminants are found in ambient air quality monitoring, sampling of drinking water sources and sampling of runoff near the disaster sites.

At the request of FEMA, EPA has been involved in the cleanup and site monitoring efforts, working closely with the U.S. Coast Guard, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and state and local organizations.

EPA has conducted repeated monitoring of ambient air at the site of the World Trade Center and in the general Wall Street district of Manhattan, as well as in Brooklyn. The Agency is planning to perform air monitoring in the surrounding New York metropolitan area. EPA has established 10 continuous (stationary) air monitoring stations near the WTC site. Thus far, from 50 air samples taken, the vast majority of results are either non-detectable or below established levels of concern for asbestos, lead and volatile organic compounds. The highest levels of asbestos have been detected within one-half block of ground zero, where rescuers have been provided with appropriate protective equipment.

In lower Manhattan, the City of New York has also been involved in efforts to clean anything coated with debris dust resulting from Tuesday’s destruction. This involves spraying water over buildings, streets and sidewalks to wash the accumulated dust off the building and eliminate the possibility that materials would become airborne. To complement this clean up effort, EPA has performed 62 dust sample analyses for the presence of asbestos and other substances. Most dust samples fall below EPA’s definition of "asbestos containing material" (one percent asbestos). Where samples have shown greater than one percent asbestos, EPA has operated its 10 High Efficiency Particulate Arresting, HEPA, vacuum trucks to clean the area and then resample. EPA also used the 10 HEPA vac trucks to clean streets and sidewalks in the Financial District in preparation for Monday’s return to business. The Agency plans to use HEPA vac trucks to clean the lobbies of the five federal buildings near the World Trade Center site, and to clean the streets outside of New York’s City Hall.

Drinking water in Manhattan was tested at 13 sampling points, in addition to one test at the Newtown Sewage Treatment plant and pump station. Initial results of this drinking water sampling show that levels of asbestos are well below EPA’s levels of concern.

While FEMA has provided EPA with a Total Project Ceiling cost of slightly more than $83 million for the Agency’s cleanup efforts in New York City and in at the Pentagon site, EPA currently is working with emergency funding of $23.7 million. If costs exceed this level, FEMA will authorize EPA to tap additional funding in increments of $15 million. As part of the additional funding to be provided by FEMA, EPA will be responsible for any hazardous waste disposal, general site safety and providing sanitation facilities for many of the search and rescue workers to wash the dust off following their shifts. EPA is coordinating with both the U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence and the U.S. Coast Guard to quickly implement these additional responsibilities to ensure that search and rescue personnel are provided with the maximum support and protection from hazardous materials that may be found during their mission.

At the Pentagon explosion site in Arlington Va., EPA has also been involved in a variety of monitoring of air and water quality. All ambient air monitoring results, both close to the crash site and in the general vicinity, have shown either no detection of asbestos or levels that fall well below the Agency’s level of concern. Testing of runoff water from the disaster site does not show elevated levels of contaminants. Given the large numbers of Department of Defense (DOD) employees returning to work this week, EPA has worked closely with officials from DOD and from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to evaluate air and drinking water quality and to be certain that the workplace environment will be safe.

While careful not to impede the search, rescue and cleanup efforts at either the World Trade Center or the Pentagon disaster sites, EPA’s primary concern has been to ensure that rescue workers and the public are not being exposed to elevated levels of potentially hazardous contaminants in the dust and debris, especially where practical solutions are available to reduce exposure. EPA has assisted efforts to provide dust masks to rescue workers to minimize inhalation of dust. EPA also recommends that the blast site debris continue to be kept wet, which helps to significantly reduce the amount of airborne dust which can aggravate respiratory ailments such as asthma. On-site facilities are being made available for rescue workers to clean themselves, change their clothing and to have dust-laden clothes cleaned separately from normal household wash.

Sheep For Slaughter: Is the Elite really trying to KILL us?

Eric Blair
Activist Post
22, 2010


There has been much in the mainstream news recently aboutpopulation control.  In fact, there seems to be a concerted effort by the Elite to introduce the idea as a legitimate debate about dealing with the “problem” of over-population.  It appears the elite are trying to legitimize these claims using the global warming argument that CO2, which humans exhale, must be minimized at all costs.

Understandably, the notion that a small group of powerful people is consciously and methodically trying to kill off the majority of the population is a tough pill to swallow.  Incidentally, people who refuse to question the events of September 11th usually do so for one reason:  they don’t want to believe that the conspirators would kill over 3000 innocent people to advance their agenda.  However, what has taken place in the aftermath of 9/11 seems to prove the true nature of the Elite in regards to how little they value human life.

For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knowingly lied about the air quality at ground zero, which has caused countless more illnesses and deaths among brave first responders, much like the EPA is now lying about the air quality surrounding the Gulf oil spill.  Additionally, the attack on 9/11 spurred America’s preemptive, unprovoked, unsubstantiatedwars for profit and resources in Iraq and Afghanistan where an estimated 1.5 million innocent people have been killed.

Concerned researchers have tried to warn the public for decades that depopulation plans were indeed happening in stealth, quoting members of the ruling class like Rockefeller and others who clearly had motivation to implement them.

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” — Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund, quoted in “Are You Ready For Our New Age Future?” Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December, 1995.

Or, more recently, Ted Turner, CNN founder and UN supporter told PBS’s Charlie Rose in April, 2008, “We’re too many people; that’s why we have global warming . . . too many people are using too much stuff.”  Couple this with his June, 1996 statement well before the general public was aware of “global warming” in the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor,  “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

In the third world, Turner has contributed billions to population reduction, through United Nations programs, paving the way for others like of Bill and Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffett. These same figures have also donated vast sums of money to Planned Parenthood andvaccination programs that many have identified as methods of population control.

Now that the public is becoming more aware of the malevolent nature of the Elite, it is becoming easier to believe the evidence of their sinister “population control” plans.  These ingenious techniques include poisoning the food, water, air, and drugs as identified in Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 book The Population Bomb, “One plan often mentioned involves the addition of temporary sterilants to water supplies or staple food. Doses of the antidote would be carefully rationed by the government to produce the desired population size (p.130-131).”  The Elite’s previously secret “soft kill” methods have been in place for decades and are now verifiable by the general public.

1. Food: GMO (genetically modified organisms) foods that represent around 75% of the American diet, especially non-reproductive “terminator seeds,” have proven to cause mass sterilization within only three generations.
2. Water: For decades privately-owned “public” water systems have been chlorinated and fluoridated along with other dangerous chemicals used to dumb us down and sterilize our children.
3. Air:  In addition to industry-based air pollution that has caused increased cases of asthma, the air is being strategically poisoned through Chemtrail disbursements of dangerous elements like Aluminum. (Coincidentally, Monsanto has designed aluminum-resistant seeds)
4. Drugs: The Elite are drug pushers, using Big Pharma (and illegal drugs) to pacify the mind and spirit of the public, while inducing diseases through tainted vaccinations, etc.

After years of using humans as cannon fodder abroad and domestic soft kill methods mainly through sterilization programs, it now seems obvious that humans are nothing more than sheep for slaughter to feed the Elite.  Behind each one of these methods, we find the same Elite multinational companies working in concert with elements of the government that are supposed to look out for the public’s best interests like the EPA, FDA, and the DHS.  Furthermore, we can expect the Elite to ramp up the mainstream population debate under the auspices of Climate Change as the Gulf oil disaster brings Cap and Trade legislation back to the forefront.


Steve Connor: We need a global debate on population

Lab Notes

Monday, 14 June 2010

Mass protest: experts are speaking out against the growing human population and the impact it will have


Mass protest: experts are speaking out against the growing human population and the impact it will have

A growing number of scientists are going where politicians fear to tread by calling for a wider public debate on the sensitive issue of the global human population, which is set to rise from the present 6.8 billion to perhaps 9 billion by 2050.

Lord Rees, the president of the Royal Society, brought the subject up in his excellent Reith Lectures; Sir David Attenborough has become a champion of those who believe population has been relegated as an environmental issue; and more recently Professor Aubrey Manning, presenter of the BBC’s Earth Story, has stated that the sheer number of humans on the planet is the greatest menace the world faces.

Scientists have a reputation for saying things as they are, not as they should be. Politicians, forever looking for short-term solutions to keep them in office, do not, as a rule, look further than the middle distance. Yet population is one of those over-the-horizon threats without enemies, as Lord Rees put it. It is a disaster in slow motion, and all politicians seem to do is provide the sort of platitudes articulated by Michael Heseltine, who recently fielded a question on Radio 4 by saying that the problems associated with population never turn out to be as bad as predicted – which is probably true if you can enjoy your own Oxfordshire arboretum.

No doubt Heseltine and his fellow politicians who are in favour of doing nothing about population will cite the words of John P Holdren, President Obama’s science adviser, who wrote these words in 1969 when he was a young ecologist: "If the population control measures are not initiated immediately, and effectively, all the technology man can bring to bear will not fend off the misery to come."

Misery, what misery? You can of course imagine the political class arguing that scientists have consistently got it wrong about overpopulation. But the next 40 years are going to be very different to the previous 40 years, and many scientists fear that there will indeed be extreme misery to come if the world does not take population more seriously.

The facts speak for themselves. The UN estimates that the global population will rise from 6.8 billion in 2009 to 8.3 billion by 2030, with much of the increase in the poorest countries, notably sub-Saharan Africa, which is set for a 51 per cent increase in the same period – four times that of the UK.

World food production will have to increase by 50 per cent to meet rising demand; water availability will have to increase by 30 per cent; and global energy demands by 50 per cent. Politicians may think that science and technology will provide what is needed, as it has done in the past at a cost to the environment, but many scientists are not so sure.

Holdren himself came up with a simple equation to try to quantify the sustainability of a given population level: I=PxAxT – where I represents the impact on the environment, P the population size, A the affluence or level of consumption per head, and T the technology that determines how efficiently resources are used. The equation simply says that the impact on the environment is a factor of the number of people, how much they consume and how efficient the consumption is.

It is a crude equation, but the aim was to show how we can limit the impact on the environment by intervening at any of these three levels. What is clear is that a continuing increase in human numbers makes everything else we do to reach sustainability far more difficult. As David Attenborough says: "I’ve never seen a problem that wouldn’t be easier to solve with fewer people, or harder, and ultimately impossible, with more."

Just in case anyone thinks that this is just a problem for poor countries in Africa, they should read last week’s report on population by Forum for the Future. Official statistics show that the UK population grew by 2 million between 2001 and 2008, its fastest rate of growth since the post-war ‘baby boom’. Over the period from 2008 to 2033, the British population is set to grow from 61.4m to 71.6m, with 2029 being the year when there will be 70 million people living officially in Britain – there could be another 1 million or so living here illegally.

That means we will have to accommodate another city the size of Bristol every year. About two thirds of this projected increase is expected to be either directly or indirectly due to future migration, according to Forum for the Future. Politicians should be forced to debate this issue, rather than relying on people being cowed by suggestions that to do so is somehow pandering to illiberal, xenophobic and racist elements who have hijacked the subject for their own nefarious ends.

I was intrigued to hear "experts" on urban foxes say it’s highly unusual for these animals to attack children, after the tragic case involving twin baby girls in east London. Country folk have a different, and less romantic view of the fox. The author Thomas Firbank, whose 1937 book I Bought a Mountain described the hard life of a Welsh hill farmer, described the bloody devastation that a fox can cause: "There is nothing which so angers a farmer as to find decapitated lambs wantonly killed for sport after they have been safely reared through the many natural hazards of their mountain birth."

A Golden Response to Economic Declines

Posted: June 19 2010

A plan for the euro, a response to declines is made with gold, pension benefits exposed, BP will default, Baltic Dry Index gets drier, oil deluge to flow for years, Fannie and Freddie to delist from exchanges, banks missing TARP payments.

Note how gold explodes whenever the euro takes a dive.  Those of you who think that the euro is going much lower in the near future had better think again.  The explosion of gold whenever the euro goes down will alone give the Illuminati powerful reasons to support the euro, as will the potential for a devastating trade imbalance that will aggravate the US debt problem from a balance of payments perspective.  Gold is now rising with the dollar because it is now competing with the dollar for safe-haven money, even when the stock markets are tanking.  Gold will win this battle eventually once it is clear that the US economy is going to go under, and that event is not far off. Silver may catch up with gold based on the ridiculous gold to silver ratio alone, but could suffer if the stock market starts to tank, since the combined attack from J P Morgan Chase and the ensuing downward expectation for commodities demand could take their toll.  Gold will continue strong in the current environment no matter what due to the unsolvable sovereign debt crises that have become evident around the world. 

Remember what J P Morgan himself said:  "Gold is money, period."  And soon it will be the only money that has any value, period.  Gold, silver and their related shares are the only place to be.  Stay clear of paper gold and silver and buy physical only and take possession.  These paper gold and silver Ponzi schemes, like GLD, SLV, OTC derivatives and mint certificates are going to be exposed soon.  The Sprott Gold Bullion Fund is a viable possibility if you want to buy some paper gold, otherwise go physical only.  Very shortly, JP Morgan will be sued in class actions by big players that have been criminally screwed in the silver markets, and this could be the catalyst that finally blows the whole precious metals fraud wide open.  So load up! Don’t forget as well, for those who want inherent leverage, do not forget the gold and silver shares that is where the most money is made with moderate risk.

Let’s start with your annual letter from the commissioner of Social Security. It recaps your work record and projects your future retirement benefits. It also warns that benefit payments will exceed employment tax collections by 2016. Worse, it says the Social Security Trust Fund will be exhausted by 2037. When that happens, employment taxes will cover only 76 percent of promised benefits.

As it turns out, the letter is optimistic.

Benefit payments already exceed employment tax collections. According to the Congressional Budget Office, a crush of retirees and fewer w

orkers has turned the expected surplus of employment taxes over benefit payments into a shortfall.

Fortunately, it’s estimated at only $29 billion this year, piffle in government finance. The piffle, however, is expected to continue. There will be a need to find cash, and we will be talking about it in 2012.

Some readers will say, “Gee, isn’t that what our Social Security Trust Fund is for?’’ It’s a reasonable, if naive, idea. While it is true that anyone who worked between 1983 and today has shoveled some extra money into the trust fund, it’s not sitting there like dollar bills in Scrooge McDuck’s vault. The trust is just a collection of IOUs from the Treasury.

In 1983, when Alan Greenspan led a commission that reformed Social Security, federal debt was only $1.4 trillion. Our reformed Social Security was supposed to be solvent for a full 75 years. Its accumulating surplus, held in trust, would cover the hefty cost of the baby boomers when they retired.

But the commission missed the mark. Today the unfunded liabilities of Social Security alone are $5.3 trillion. And the surplus is no more. Worse, Treasury debt is now $12.4 trillion which includes $2.3 trillion of IOUs held by the trust fund. So when Social Security goes to redeem its IOUs and cover that $29 billion shortfall, it will go to the Treasury. Sadly, the Treasury is empty except for its tax revenue and whatever it can borrow.

And what does that mean?

You can get an inkling by reading a recent report from the Senate Committee on Aging. It provides an extensive menu of steps to address the problem. Here are two extremes on the list:

■ “Increase worker and employer contributions by 1.1 percent.’’ Since worker and employer now pay 12.40 percent of payroll in employment taxes, the 2.2 percentage point increase in the tax would be a 17.7 percent increase on all workers, including those working short shifts at McDonald’s.

■ “Reduce benefits by 5 percent for new beneficiaries in 2010 and later.’’ That’s a hefty cut, but hardly enough. It would cover only 30 percent of the projected 75-year shortfall.

Between those two extremes, the Senate committee lays out a list of tools and calls it “modernization.’’ The bottom line is that more will be going in and less will be coming out at least to the people who paid it in.

BP and the Obama administration have reached a preliminary agreement that the oil company will place $20 billion in an escrow account to be administered by Kenneth Feinberg, a White House official said. Feinberg also oversaw payments to families of victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Credit investors are pricing in a more than 39 percent chance BP Plc will default within five years as it tangles with the Obama administration over cleanup costs and claims for the biggest oil spill in U.S. history.

The risk implied by credit-default swaps is up from 7 percent a month ago, according to CMA DataVision. BP swaps climbed 112 basis points today to a record 618. Investors are demanding 800 basis points more in yield to own BP debt due next year rather than Treasuries.

The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of commodity-shipping costs that’s tumbled 28 percent during its longest losing streak this year, may decline further, according to technical analysis by Barclays Capital.

The gauge fell to 3,020 points yesterday, extending a 13- day fall on speculation weaker Chinese construction may curb raw material demand. That may include iron ore, more of which is hauled at sea than any other dry-bulk commodity. The attached chart shows the index’s 200-day moving average of 3,164. It fell as low as 2,911 points in April, 3.6 percent less than now.

Fitch lowered BP’s credit rating 6 notches from AA- to BBB-, one notch above junk. Pensioners and other UK investors are about to get crushed, as if the black nobility run by the Queen and the Rothschild’s cared. It is obvious BP is destined for failure. Wait until the public finds out the oil fiasco was a false flag operation to pass Cap & trade and carbon taxes among other things. BP is junk and everyone knows it in spite of the attempted payoffs to Fitch. It won’t be long before the rating is junk and institutions are forced to sell the bonds for virtually nothing. It is even money BP will bite the dust. The bad news on the oil blowout gets worse every day as Obama tries to

hide what is really going on so they can get carbon taxes.

The Illuminists blew it. They didn’t know they were drilling into an oil volcano. There will be no way to plug the hole. The deluge will flow for years.

Between the real estate fiasco and now the oil mega disaster the banking system is closing in on collapse. Unemployment is definitely headed higher as millions of additional jobs are lost. Now the US economy is beset with the worst environment disaster in history that will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. The banking system is beset with trillions of dollars in toxic assets to accompany financial entities with two sets of books. When have you ever heard of banks being given a trillion dollars to stay in business rather than go bankrupt and the taxpayer is allowed to pay for it. The main culprit in this fiasco, the Fed, is about to be rewarded with new monopoly power to financially subject the American populace. What kind of a system is that? In the meantime the public is thrown a bone. There is no end to the toxic assets and the monetization. Is it any wonder gold and silver are climbing higher?

Government-sponsored mortgage purchasers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac plan to delist their shares from the New York Stock Exchange.

The companies’ regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, said Wednesday that it expects Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shares to trade on the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board, an electronic quotation service.

Wynn Resorts Ltd. on Tuesday laid off 220 hourly and 41 salaried workers from its two Las Vegas hotel-casinos, CEO Steve Wynn said.

Wynn told The Associated Press the cuts were made after some workers expressed support for layoffs instead of wage and hour reductions. The company cut wages and hours 18 months ago, and were meant to be temporary, he said.

"It became a morale issue," Wynn said.

Wynn says 2,300 hourly workers who want to work full time but were reduced to 32 hours per week will have their hours restored. Wynn said 1,400 workers earning less than $200,000 per year who took 15 percent pay cuts will have their salaries restored.

Wynn said the moves will add $7.7 million to the company’s payroll. Without the layoffs, restoring the hours and salaries would have cost nearly $10 million.

Total housing starts were at 593 thousand (SAAR) in May, down 10% from the revised April rate of 659,000 (revised down from 672 thousand), and up 24% from the all time record low in April 2009 of 477 thousand (the lowest level since the Census Bureau began tracking housing starts in 1959). Single-family starts collapsed 17.2% to 468,000 in May. This is 30% above the record low in January 2009 (360 thousand).
The second graph shows total and single unit starts since 1968. This shows the huge collapse following the housing bubble, and that housing starts have mostly been moving sideways for over a year. .

Housing Starts:

Privately-owned housing starts in May were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 593,000. This is 10.0 percent (±10.3%)* below the revised April estimate of 659,000, but is 7.8 percent (±9.7%)* above the May 2009 rate of 550,000.

Single-family housing starts in May were at a rate of 468,000; this is 17.2 percent (±7.9%) below the revised April figure of 565,000.

Building Permits:

Privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in May were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 574,000. This is 5.9 percent (±2.2%) below the revised April rate of 610,000, but is 4.4 percent (±2.6%) above the May 2009 estimate of 550,000.

Single-family authorizations in May were at a rate of 438,000; this is 9.9 percent (±2.1%) below the revised April figure of 486,000. Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 117,000 in May.

Note that permits fell sharply, suggesting another significant decline in housing starts next month. This is way below expectations (I took the under!), and is good news for the housing market longer term (there are too many housing units already), but bad news for the economy and employment short term.

George Osborne, the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, a role equivalent to that of Tim Geithner in the US, at least in public office, not sure about tax "avoidance", has just announced the abolition of the FSA – the English just as worthless equivalent to the SEC. It is time Mary Shapiro’s corrupt organization share the same fate. "George Osborne moved to redress what he described as the spectacular regulatory failure of the City, announcing the abolition of the Financial Services Authority and a sweeping increase in the Bank of England’s powers." And in other news, UK’s Bernanke-equivalent will now double up as uber regulator and Viceroy of the West Indies, due to amazing new powers given to him by the Osbourne super mushroom: "Mervyn King, the Bank’s governor, will become one of the most powerful central bankers in the world, with a new remit to prevent the build-up of risk in the financial system in addition to his monetary policy role." In other words, one big step forward, and an infinite number of steps back. After all why bother with petty theft, when the Central Banks will soon be funneling trillions away from what’s left of the global middle class, perfectly legally, in broad daylight, and at record 2s10s. [This is a move towards consolidation of power and a monopoly of everything to do with things financial in England, the same as we are seeing under financial legislation in the US. Financial tyranny is about to hit England as well as the US. Next will come exchange control.]

The former chairman of a large mortgage lending company has been charged in a $1.9 billion fraud scheme that contributed to the failure of Colonial Bank, one of the nation’s 50 largest banks before it was seized by regulators last year, the Justice Department said yesterday.

Lee Bentley Farkas, who led Florida-based Taylor, Bean & Whitaker, was arrested Tuesday in Ocala, Fla., after being indicted by a federal grand jury in Alexandria, Va., on bank fraud and other charges.

Taylor, Bean was one of the nation’s largest privately held mortgage lending companies before it filed for bankruptcy protection last year, and officials said the fraud scheme precipitated its collapse as well.

Court documents said Farkas and coconspirators at both companies misappropriated more than $400 million from Colonial and about $1.5 billion from a Taylor, Bean-owned firm to cover the firm’s operating losses.

Farkas, 57, is also charged with trying to defraud the government out of $553 million in Troubled Asset Relief Program bank bailout funds as the losses mounted. If convicted, Farkas faces a likely sentence of life in prison.

The state’s foreclosure crisis continued in May as the number of homeowners who lost their properties more than doubled compared with the same month a year ago, according to data released yesterday.

Warren Group, a Boston firm that tracks local real estate, reported that 1,283 residents lost their homes in May, a 119.7 percent increase from the 584 foreclosures reported in May 2009. There were 6,107 completed foreclosures reported from January to May, a 48.4 percent hike from the same time last year. But fewer homeowners are now on the precipice of foreclosure, which means the problem may eventually begin to ebb. Foreclosure petitions, the first step in the process, fell to 2,110 in May, a 9.4 percent drop compared with the same time last year, Warren Group said. Petitions also were down 13.2 percent from April.

The fact the HFT, which is nothing more than front-running customer orders, is still allowed is the strongest evidence possible that regulators and solons are grossly inept and/or abjectly corrupt.

One reason that solons allow, even encourage, HFT and other computer trading is because it is useful in manipulating stocks higher – by both the whims of traders and under direction by the elites.

Solons and regulators know that trader games and manipulations are usually to the upside, so they allow the pillaging of customers because it is a useful tool of market manipulation. Traders and wise guys know that upside manipulation is allowed and encouraged, so they eagerly manipulate stocks, futures and options to the upside. This is why there is a triple digit rally for expiration week for something like 10 of 12 expirations each year. After the 1987 Crash, program trading and OEX/SPU trading came under great scrutiny. So the Street colluded to prevent large downside expirations. This is not a guess or conjecture; we received the calls.

If there was a large imbalance of stock to sell on expiration, NYSE brokers called traders to buy up the shares in order to prevent the expiration from showing a large decline. The Street did this to keep Congress and regulators from shutting down the very profitable derivative schemes and trading.

Delaware Senator Ted Kaufman told CNBC’s Jim Cramer that aberrant trading recently in Diebold Inc. and the Washington Post Co. isn’t good for the market.

“Markets must be credible, or they’re no good,” he said. Such extreme advances and declines in stocks for no apparent reason is “death by a thousand cuts,” he said.

Note” Diebold plunged 30% in six seconds on June 2. Volume exploded to 11 times normal activity.

Senate Democrats suffered a blow Wednesday in an attempt to conclude debate on a sweeping bill that would extend a range of popular tax credits, renew several expired federal programs and provide financial aid to states.

In a defeat that saw Democrats abandoned by moderate lawmakers on both sides of the aisle concerned over the cost of the $140 billion measure, Senate leaders will now be forced to go back to the drawing board to devise a way to get a pared down bill through the Senate.

For almost a year, we have noted each expiration week that Ben Bernanke pours liquidity into the system to juice stocks. Even though the Fed’s MBS monetization scheme officially ended in March, Bennie Mae has been monetizing MBS for each expiration week since the official termination date.

Bennie Mae again monetized MBS for the current expiration week. The $13.922B of MBS monetized this week increased the Fed’s balance sheet by $12.778B.

Last week Ben told a Congressional inquirer that the Fed does not intervene in the stock market. This is another Bernanke deception. The Fed does not directly intervene, i.e. buy stocks or SPUs. But the Fed indirectly intervenes incessantly in the stock market by injecting juice into the system and by sending surrogates into the market. Think Al Capone ordering subordinates to do dastardly deed.

Consumer prices recorded their biggest decline in nearly 1-1/2 years in May as energy costs dropped, according to a government report on Thursday that pointed to tame inflation pressures and low interest rates.

The Labor Department said its seasonally adjusted Consumer Price Index fell 0.2 percent last month, the largest decline since December 2008, after dipping 0.1 percent in April.

The number of U.S. workers filing new applications for unemployment insurance unexpectedly rose last week as the manufacturing, construction and education sectors shed employees, adding to worries that the economic recovery is slowing.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits increased 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 472,000 in the week ended June 12, the Labor Department said on Thursday.

The four-week moving average of new claims, considered a better measure of underlying labor market trends, slipped 500 to 463,500.

In the first week of June, the number of people still receiving benefits after an initial week of aid rose 88,000 to 4.57 million, the Labor Department said.

The insured unemployment rate, which measures the percentage of the insured labor force that is jobless, edged up to 3.6 percent from 3.5 percent.

The U.S. current account deficit widened in the first quarter to $109.0 billion, or 3 percent of U.S. gross domestic product, from a sharply smaller estimate for the fourth quarter of 2009, a Commerce Department report said on Thursday.

It was the third consecutive quarterly increase from a low of $84.4 billion in the second quarter of 2009, when world trade fell sharply because of a global recession.

The Commerce Department lowered its estimate of the fourth quarter current account deficit to $100.9 billion, or 2.8 percent of GDP, from a previously reported $115.6 billion. Wall Street analysts had expected the first quarter deficit to widen to about $120.7 billion.

The Conference Board, an industry research group, said on Thursday its gauge of leading indicators rose to a new peak, suggesting the U.S. economic recovery will continue. The leading index, which tries to predict future levels of economic activity, rose 0.4 percent to a record 109.9, after stagnating in April. Analysts polled by Reuters had been looking for a slightly firmer 0.5 percent gain.

The Conference Board found the average length of unemployment had risen to 34.4 weeks in May from around 30 at the start of the year.

Factory activity growth plummeted in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region in June, a survey showed on Thursday, adding to worries that the short and tepid U.S. economic recovery is now fizzling.

The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank said its business activity index dropped to 8.0 in June from May’s 21.4. Economists had expected a reading of 20.9, based on the results of a Reuters poll, which ranged from 10.0 to 24.0.

More than 90 U.S. banks and thrifts missed making a May 17 payment to the U.S. government under its main bank bailout program, signalling a rising number of lenders are struggling to meet their obligations.

The statistics, compiled by SNL Financial from U.S. Treasury data, showed 91 banks and thrifts skipped the May dividend payment under the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. It was the first missed payment for 23 of the banks; for the others, it was at least their second miss.

The number of banks missing their TARP payments rose for the third straight quarter. In February, 74 banks deferred their payments; 55 deferred last November.

SNL Financial’s analysis found 20 banks have missed four or more payments since the program began in 2008, while eight banks have missed five payments.

Under the TARP program, the U.S. Treasury invested in preferred shares issued banks looking for funds. The banks were to make regular dividend payments to the Treasury, and have the right to repurchase the shares at some point in the future.

Rumor: Chinese State-Owned Banks Are ‘Aggressively’ Buying U.S. Dollars

Vincent Fernando, CFA | Jun. 22, 2010, 3:33 AM | 1,163 | comment 2

cash dollars moneyMaybe this is why the yuan has peculiarly weakened against the U.S. dollarTraders are reporting that Chinese state-owned banks are ‘aggressively’ buying U.S. dollars.


(Reuters) – Chinese state-owned banks are aggressively buying dollars for the yuan on Tuesday, traders said, but it was not clear if the buying was due to Chinese central bank intervention to keep the yuan stable.

Several traders said Chinese state-owned banks were buying dollars at various levels, suggesting they were not trying to defend the yuan at a certain level.

However, Tuesday’s aggressive buying of dollars could cut the supply of the U.S. currency in the spot market in coming days, which may in turn influence the yuan’s value.

Regardless, buying is a form of price support, even if at different levels, and could explain the odd movement of the yuan.

Read more:

Iran Attack Moves Forward

Kurt Nimmo
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Iran permitted the U.S. and Israel to score a propaganda victory on Monday when it refused to allow two International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors entry into the country for an inspection of its nuclear program.

Iran Attack Moves Forward  onepixel

Iran Attack Moves Forward  shavit
Iran Attack Moves Forward  onepixel

Former Mossad boss Shabtai Shavit cites doctrine of pre-emption for attack against Iran.

“This action [banning the inspectors from entering Iran] is in reality a regulatory notice to Amano to be careful so that the agency’s inspectors do not violate the international entity’s charter,” Iran’s state news agency IRNA quoted Foreign MinisterManouchehr Mottaki as saying on Tuesday. “Amano should manage the agency professionally.”

Yukiya Amano took over as head of the agency in December. The Japanese diplomat has adopted a less flexible approach toward Iran than his predecessor, Mohamed ElBaradei. On numerous occasions ElBaradei stated there is no evidence Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Agency, Ali Akbar Salehi, said on Monday that the two inspectors made an ”untruthful” assessment of the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, according to state media. Salehi added that the ban imposed on United Nations personnel falls under an IAEA “safeguards agreement” and stressed Iran’s commitment to the the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

On June 3, Salehi questioned the IAEA’s failure to mention a nuclear fuel swap declaration signed between Iran, Brazil and Turkey in Tehran on May 17, an effort by Iran to demonstrate that it is not secretly using its nuclear energy program to develop nuclear weapons. “Such an approach does not indicate good intentions on behalf of the agency and we hope that the agency will change its approach,” ISNA quoted Salehi as saying.

“It is worrisome that Iran has taken this step, which is symptomatic of its longstanding practice of intimidating inspectors,” U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said following Iran’s action. “This will not … encourage the international community to believe that Iran’s program is peaceful in nature.”

Also on Monday, Congress announced legislation that would block foreign banks that do business with Iranian institutions from gaining access to the U.S. financial system. In addition, Congress has drafted sanctions that would impose third-party sanctions against companies, countries and individuals that deal with Iran’s energy and shipping sectors. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee has praised the pending legislation.

A United Nations Security Council resolution passed on June 9 significantly expands sanctions. The resolution envisages a tighter embargo including military, commercial and financial measures.

In April, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas stated the obvious — sanctions imposed on Iran are tantamount to a declaration of war against the country.

“This legislation, whether the House or Senate version, will lead us to war on Iran. The sanctions in this bill, and the blockade of Iran necessary to fully enforce them, are in themselves acts of war according to international law. A vote for sanctions on Iran is a vote for war against Iran,” said Paul during debate on HR 2194, the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act.

“We need to see all this for what it is: Propaganda to speed us to war against Iran for the benefit of special interests,” Paul added.

Earlier this month, gathered at the Dolce luxury hotel in Sitges, Spain, a “special interest” known as the Bilderberg Group signaled its approval of an attack on Iran. “Sadly, Bilderberg remains committed to a U.S. attack on Iran on Israel’s behalf,” Bilderberg hound Jim Tucker wrote on June 10.

On Saturday, it was reported that more than twelve U.S. and Israeli warships, including an aircraft carrier, had passed through the Suez Canal and were headed for Iran.

Meanwhile, in Israel, Shabtai Shavit, a former Mossad boss, has added his voice to the growing chorus in favor of attacking Iran. “I am of the opinion that, since there is an ongoing war, since the threat is permanent, since the intention of the enemy in this case is to annihilate you, the right doctrine is one of pre-emption and not of retaliation,” Shavit told a conference held at the Likudite Bar Ilan University outside Tel Aviv.

Israel pioneered the art of pre-emptive warfare when it attacked Egypt in 1967. As Israeli historianBenny Morris has stated, the Egyptian army did not pose an existential threat to Israel and the Arabs “served as rather bewildered, sluggish punching bags.”

Iran also does not pose a threat to Israel or — as the United States claims — Europe. Iran’s response after the U.S. and Israel attack will not be bewildered and sluggish. It will send missiles into Israel and shut down all shipping in the Persian Gulf.

Armada of U.S. and Israeli Warships Head for Iran

Kurt Nimmo
June 19, 2010

More than twelve U.S. and Israeli warships, including an aircraft carrier, passed through the Suez Canal on Friday and are headed for the Red Sea. “According to eyewitnesses, the U.S. battleships were the largest to have crossed the Canal in many years,” reported the London-based newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi on Saturday.


Egyptians report the armada includes a U.S. aircraft carrier.

The Israeli newspaperHaaretz reported Egyptian opposition members criticized the government for cooperating with the U.S. and Israeli forces and allowing the passage of the ships through Egyptian territorial waters. The Red Sea is the most direct route to the Persian Gulf from the Mediterranean.

Retired Egyptian General Amin Radi, chairman of the national security affairs committee, told the paper that “the decision to declare war on Iran is not easy, and Israel, due to its wild nature, may start a war just to remain the sole nuclear power in the region,” according to Yedioth Internet, an Israeli news site.

The passage of a warship armada through the Suez Canal and headed for the Persian Gulf and Iran is apparently not deemed important enough to be reported by the corporate media in the United States.

Egypt recently rejected an Israeli request to prevent Gaza aid ships from passing through the Suez Canal. According to a report by al-Jazeera, Israel appealed to Egyptians asking them to prevent the passage of Iranian ships through the Suez Canal. The Egyptians responded that due to international agreements on movement through the Suez Canal, Egypt cannot prevent ships from passing through the canal unless a ship belongs to a state that is at war with Egypt. Iran and Egypt are not at war.

The United States and Israel, the sole nuclear-armed power in the Middle East, have not ruled out a military strike to destroy Iran’s nuclear program.

A number of Israeli politicians and scholars have admitted Israel has used its nuclear weapons for “compellent purposes,” in short forcing others to accept Israeli political demands.

Israel’s threats to use nuclear weapons have increased significantly since it was discovered in 2002 that Iran was building uranium enrichment facilities. Israel’s former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon “called on the international community to target Iran as soon as the imminent conflict with Iraq is complete,” the Sunday Times reported on November 5, 2002. The United States invaded Iraq on March 20, 2003.

Earlier this month Israel leaked to the press that they had permission from Saudi Arabia to use their air space to attack Iran. “In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran,” the Sunday Times reported on June 12. On June 14, the ambassador of Saudi Arabia to UK Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf issued a categorical denial of the report.

On June 17, Iran’s parliament warned it will respond in kind to inspection of its ships under a fourth round of sanctions imposed on the country by the UN Security Council. “Even if one Iranian ship is stopped for security-check, we will act likewise and thoroughly inspect any (western) ship passing through the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz,” member of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Hossein Ebrahimi said.

Also on Saturday, Iran accused the United States of “deception” and insisted its missile program is for self-defense after a top U.S. official claimed that Iran had the capacity to attack Europe. “The Islamic Republic’s missile capability has been designed and implemented to defend against any military aggression and it does not threaten any nation,” Defense MinisterAhmad Vahidi said in a statement carried by state media.

Vahidi announced on April 10 that Iran will use all available options to defend itself if the country comes under a military attack. “Americans have said they will use all options against Iran, we announce that we will use all options to defend ourselves,” Vahidi told the Tehran Times.


Iran Executes CIA Operative Abdolmalek Rigi


Kurt Nimmo
June 21, 2010

Sunni militant and prized CIA asset Abdolmalek Rigi went to the gallows on Sunday. The Jundullah leader was hanged in Iran’s Evin prison after being convicted by the Islamic Revolution Court of being a mohareb, or “enemy of Allah.” Rigi’s plane was forced to land by Iranian aircraft in February while on a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan. Other accounts said he had been arrested inside Iran or Pakistan.

“We have clear documents proving that Rigi was in co-operation with American, Israeli and British intelligence services,” Iran’s intelligence minister, Heydar Moslehi, said after Rigi’s capture. Moslehi said Rigi had been in a U.S. military base 24 hours before his arrest and was carrying an Afghan passport supplied by the United States.


Abdolmalek Rigi after his capture by Iran in February.

“After meeting with the U.S. officials in the U.S. embassy in Pakistan four years ago, they (the U.S. officials) promised to help us with everything we needed,”Abdolhamid Rigi, the brother of Abdolmalek Rigi, told reporters in 2009. “We received monetary and armed supports from the United States,” he continued. “We received orders from them” to carry out terrorist operations inside Iran. Abdulhamid said that from 2005 onwards Malik had held several “confidential” meetings with FBI and CIA agents in Karachi and Islamabad.

In 2007, a Sunday Telegraph report revealed that Jundullah was a CIA creation designed to achieve “regime change in Iran” through terrorist attacks. An ABC report also indicted that officials in Washington had instructed Jundullah terrorists to “stage deadly guerrilla raids inside the Islamic Republic, kidnap Iranian officials and execute them on camera” all as part of a “programmatic objective to overthrow the Iranian government.”

“The latest attacks inside Iran fall in line with US efforts to supply and train Iran’s ethnic minorities to destabilize the Iranian regime,” former high-ranking CIA official in Washington told the Sunday Telegraph following a series of bombings and an assassination campaign waged against Iranian soldiers and government officials.

In 2005, Jundallah attacked Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s motorcade in Iran’s Balochistan province, in which at least one of his bodyguards was killed and others injured. The following year the terrorist group killed 21 civilians, including a 13 year old student, near Tasooki. In 2007, Jundallah attacked a bus and killed 18 members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. The CIA supported organization has also staged mass abductions of civilians and police. In 2009, they bombed a mosque in the southeastern Iranian city of Zahedan as mourners participated in a ceremony marking the death of the daughter of the prophet of Islam.

U.S. neocons enthusiastically support the CIA’s effort to overthrow the Iranian regime. In 2009 former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called on the Obama administration to “sabotage” Iran’s oil and gas industry to trigger an economic crisis. “[We] should use covert operations to create a gasoline-led crisis to try and replace the regime,” Gingrich told the UPI. Democratic Representative and Chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Bob Filner, called on the U.S. to support terrorist groups like Jundallah and the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization

In February, D.C. based investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported that Rigi was to meet with New World Order minion Richard Holbrooke, who is Obama’s special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Noted journalist Seymour Hersh reported in 2008 on the U.S. campaign to destabilize Iran. Hersh detailed how the CIA and the United States Special Operations Forces have long-standing ties to the PEJAK, the outlawed breakaway faction of the PKK terrorist group in Iran, as well as other Sunni fundamentalists that former intelligence officials say “can also be described as Al Qaeda,” Steve and Paul Watson wrote on June 30, 2008. The effort was initiated by the Bush administration with congressional support and backing.

“Clandestine operations against Iran are not new. United States Special Operations Forces have been conducting cross-border operations from southern Iraq, with Presidential authorization, since [2007],” Hersh wrote for The New Yorker. “These have included seizing members of Al Quds, the commando arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and taking them to Iraq for interrogation.” Hersh reported that the “scale and the scope of the operations in Iran, which involve the Central Intelligence Agency and the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), have now been significantly expanded, according to the current and former officials.”

On Saturday it was reported that the U.S. and Israel have sent an armada of warships to Iran via the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. This significant escalation of hostile behavior by the U.S. and Israel was almost completely ignored by the corporate media in the United States.

Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny?

By THOMAS SOWELL Posted 06/21/2010 06:13 PM ET

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When Adolf Hitler was building up the Nazi movement in the 1920s, leading up to his taking power in the 1930s, he deliberately sought to activate people who did not normally pay much attention to politics.

Such people were a valuable addition to his political base, since they were particularly susceptible to Hitler’s rhetoric and had far less basis for questioning his assumptions or his conclusions.

"Useful idiots" was the term supposedly coined by V.I. Lenin to describe similarly unthinking supporters of his dictatorship in the Soviet Union.

Put differently, a democracy needs informed citizens if it is to thrive, or ultimately even survive.

In our times, American democracy is being dismantled, piece by piece, before our very eyes by the current administration in Washington, and few people seem to be concerned about it.

The president’s poll numbers are going down because increasing numbers of people disagree with particular policies of his, but the damage being done to the fundamental structure of this nation goes far beyond particular counterproductive policies.

Just where in the Constitution of the United States does it say that a president has the authority to extract vast sums of money from a private enterprise and distribute it as he sees fit to whomever he deems worthy of compensation? Nowhere.

And yet that is precisely what is happening with a $20 billion fund to be provided by BP to compensate people harmed by their oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Many among the public and in the media may think that the issue is simply whether BP’s oil spill has damaged many people, who ought to be compensated.

But our government is supposed to be "a government of laws and not of men."

If our laws and our institutions determine that BP ought to pay $20 billion — or $50 billion or $100 billion — then so be it.

But the Constitution says that private property is not to be confiscated by the government without "due process of law."

Technically, it has not been confiscated by Barack Obama, but that is a distinction without a difference.

With vastly expanded powers of government available at the discretion of politicians and bureaucrats, private individuals and organizations can be forced into accepting the imposition of powers that were never granted to the government by the Constitution.

If you believe that the end justifies the means, then you don’t believe in constitutional government.

Have you looked at the skies lately?



Arseniy A. Kozlov
June 22, 2010

If you haven’t, I urge you to do so. Observe the sky for couple of weeks and see if you notice something different, something strange there.


We need to become fully aware of the grand experiments under which we are being subjected.

What am I talking about?

Long white trails emitted by the commercial aircrafts and other high flying aerial vehicles. Since the utilization of jet engines, we became accustomed to the sight of pencil-thin and short contrails that the airplanes leave behind. However, within the last 15 years the appearance of contrails has changed dramatically. Those who are a bit older might remember that condensation trails used to disappear within minutes and that was the case up until mid 1990s. Now the new types of contrails persist for a longer period of time and do not dissipate. Eventually they spread out and form eggshell color blankets, which will hang in the sky for several hours. Occasionally a careful observer will notice that the sky is being crisscrossed by the airplane condensation trails and thereby forming checkerboard patterns.

Consequently, the skies above us become hazy or mushy. There are many other various patterns, colors and forms that contrails create. Unfortunately the lack of official public explanations created a breeding ground for speculation on the nature of these changes. Nevertheless, a flotilla of evidence regarding the new strange occurrences described above could be found in the scientific and government sources that are seldom looked at by the general public.

Chemtrails are real

First of all, the new development in the sky must be identified and the difference between an ordinary and a more recent phenomenon of contrails has to be understood. Ordinary condensation trails from the jet airplanes are produced when the exhaust water vapor condenses on dust particles at high altitudes then turns into ice crystals and dissipates within 20 minutes. However, the new phenomenon of contrails has a vast visual difference and longevity. The term chemtrails was coined to explain the condensation trails which persist in the sky for hours, spread wider than in the past and eventually multiple chemtrails form milky veils or create cloud like formations. Various unusual chemtrail patterns can be observed daily in many parts of the North America. They appear to be denser, have an off white color and different hues can be created when the sunlight goes through one of the chemtrails. Furthermore, there is evidence pointing to the fact that the new type of contrails has a different chemical composition and no longer consists of a mere water vapor.

Sometimes chemtrails could be seen slowly falling toward the ground and samples can be collected. Dr. Len Horowitz has submitted chemtrail samples to the EPA but they refused to analyze them. Nevertheless, concerned citizens provided samples to the several independent laboratories which have conducted tests and the particulates of Aluminum oxide, Barium, Magnesium were detected in them.

Equipped with test results the concerned members of the public requested various government agencies to produce a reasonable explanation for this new strange phenomenon, but to no avail.

Why are the earth-based chemicals being delivered into the atmosphere by airplanes? The only rational answer to this mind-boggling question came forward from the global warming activists, who call it a Geoengineering option.


In the last couple of years the leading voices in the climate change awareness movement began to discuss more openly an emergency strategy to combat global warming. This scenario is now called the Geoengineering, and it is primarily based on the chemical sprayings of the atmosphere via high altitude aerial vehicles. According to the climate change leaders the geoengineering option will be carried out when all other attempts to reduce CO2 gases in the atmosphere have failed and the planet was at the brink of an environmental catastrophe.

For instance, Bill Gates, one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet, introduced a geoengineering idea on the TedTalks in February 2010. After his speech a question was raised regarding the implementation of the “emergency measures” when all other programs to reduce the CO2 gases in the atmosphere have failed. Bill Gates answered and spoke of geoengineering as the last option on the table to delay the heating of the planet.

Geoengineering is an artificial way to alter the global atmospheric chemistry under the pretext of curbing global warming. It will be accomplished via cloud seeding with aerosolized sulfites, chemical sprayings of the jet stream and deflecting sun’s rays with a variety of means. This option was announced by experts and promulgated by philanthropists who deemed it to be the “emergency strategy” and a last resort against global warming. Geoengineering is part and parcel of climate control technologies, various weather modification schemes and weather warfare techniques.

The Wilson Quarterly, Spring 2007 issue, published an eye opening article with a headline “The Climate Engineers” pertaining to the large-scale weather modification experiments which are being carried out under the banner of geoengineering. The author presents an analytical summation of the scientific research on the weather control technologies, the rainmaking capabilities, the diversion of weather storms and the relevant applications thereof in the civilian and military fields. The article traces a number of scientific attempts to control the weather from the American Civil War to the present day propositions of the National Academy of Sciences on the artificial alteration of the climate. The experts from the various fields and disciplines made striking propositions and received an adequate government funding for geoengineering options. The options consist of cloud seeding with silver iodide, launching huge mirrors into the Earth’s orbit to deflect sun’s rays, for B-747s to deliver different chemical compounds into the upper atmosphere and to make clouds thicker by pumping whipped ocean water into them.


After the severity of global warming was exacerbated by a number of White House reports, the scientists began their search for a “technological quick fix” to the problem of climate change.

The physicist Lowell Wood, who among other things worked for Pentagon as a chief weapons designer and threat analyst, made a peculiar declaration at one of the NASA’s conference. Wood offered an idea of creating a “global thermostat” to control earth’s climate. In order to achieve that he proposed to use large cannons to shoot highly reflective sulfate aerosols and “specially engineered nanoparticles” into the Arctic stratosphere. Supposedly the result of such geoengineering measures would be an “instant climatic gratification”.

Since World War II the enthusiastic scientists were experimenting with the cloud seeding techniques by dropping dry ice and other chemicals from airplanes into the clouds to cause or enhance precipitation. During the Vietnam War the US Military, with a full support of both presidents Johnson and Nixon, conducted a covert operation under the name POPEYE. The Air Force delivered cloud seeding particulates over the Ho Chi Minh Trail with a purpose of reducing enemy’s traffic ability.

Thus, the geoengineering stems largely from the research on the weather warfare technologies.

James R. Fleming, the author of “The Climate Engineers”, makes frequent references to the government and university documents and a UN publication to validate the point of how serious is the discussion on the weather control. The summarized scientific papers and White House proposals have many common aspects, including cloud seeding and the sprayings of the jet stream with various chemical compounds. The rationale behind the schemes of geoengineers is to overcome the potentially disastrous consequences from the uncontrolled climatic changes on the planet.


The schemes listed above fit exactly with what we are witnessing in the skies, when chemtrails spread out, become cloud like and either create of enhance weather storms. The chemtrails tend to whiten the sky and create haze, which persists for hours and then transforms into clouds. After four to five days of continuous chemical sprayings, dark clouds begin to gather together and precipitation follows.

The Foreign Affairs periodical, a literary arm of the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations, carried a revealing essay in its March/April 2009 issue entitled “The Geoengineering Option”. A panel of professors and University directors described the possibility of utilizing the climate modifying technologies to reduce the harmful impact of carbon dioxide gases on the earth’s atmosphere. The authors introduce the topic of geoengineering through a standard climate change experts’ argument. The rapid and severe climate change will produce catastrophic consequences, the greenhouse gases are not being reduced fast enough, and therefore the governments all over the world will be forced to undertake emergency strategies for curbing the effects of global warming.

The first presidential report on the dangers of global warming was made in 1965 and the geoengineering was prescribed to be the only remedy. Henceforth, the geoengineering on the planetary scale is presented to be the only feasible solution for the world in the state of environmental crisis.

In the years after WWII the US and USSR developed an intense interest in the weather warfare, and the geoengineering schemes emerged mainly from the research on the weather control techniques. For example, the US military proposed to use nuclear explosions to create a “nuclear winter” which could considerably cool down the planet. The rest of the elaborate strategies against global warming were based on the “cloud seeding” to reflect sunlight or to thicken the clouds.

“So far, launching reflective materials into the upper stratosphere seems to be the easiest and most cost-effective option. This could be accomplished by using high-flying aircraft, naval guns, or giant balloons. The appropriate materials could include sulfate aerosols (which would be created by releasing sulfur dioxide gas), aluminum oxide dust, or even self-levitating and self-orienting designer particles engineered to migrate to the Polar Regions and remain in place for long periods.” (p. 69)


The above proposals were based on the observations of volcanoes, which after eruption and the release of soot and other chemicals were known to produce a cooling effect all over the globe. According to geoengineers the creation of the “chemical shield” around the planet is bound to create a similar volcano-like effect. Another scheme involves launching huge clouds of “thin refracting discs” into the earth’s orbit to deflect sunlight in order to considerably slow down the global warming effect on the planet.

Just to add to these horrific scenarios, the last section of “The Geoengineering Option” essay is headlined “Brave New World”, alluding to the Aldous Huxley’s dystopic novel published in 1932.

The literature summarized above has some common threads. The articles lead the reader to believe that such radical options were seriously discussed by scientists, but never came into fruition and the geoengineering remains a mere consideration in the array of possible solutions to the looming climate change.

Nevertheless, Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, a 1991 publication that was released by the National Academy of Sciences and is referred to as a “global warming Bible”, dedicated an entire chapter to the large-scale geoengineering projects and the current implementation thereof.

“It is important to recognize that we are at present involved in a large project of inadvertent “geoengineering” by altering atmospheric chemistry, and it does not seem inappropriate to inquire if there are countermeasures that might be implemented to address the adverse impacts.” (p. 433)

Therefore, the combination of the personal observations of the skies and the authorized literature on the geoengineering/weather modification programs raises the unequivocal conclusion that the chemical sprayings of the atmosphere began in ’90s and continue to this day.


Can there be unintended and catastrophic consequences due to tampering with the earth’s extremely complex climate system? What are the detrimental effects of chemical sprayings in the atmosphere upon human physiological and psychological states? Is it known to produce respiratory problems, create new forms of allergies and cause other ailments? Why do jet planes deliver the earth-based chemicals into the atmosphere in the first place? These are the pertinent questions which are not properly addressed in the above publications.

We need to become fully aware of the grand experiments under which we are being subjected. We must demand answers and the public forum has to be opened to discuss any “emergency measures” against global warming.

Similar experimentations took place in 1940s trough 1970s in England by the Ministry of Defense (“Millions were in germ war tests”, The Observer). Dangerous chemicals and biological agents were sprayed in the populated areas of the country, resulting in the massive health problems and fatalities. Also look at “French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment”, Telegraph.

We cannot let this happen again and become the next group of guinea pigs for the curious scientists.





General McChrystal’s Burning Contempt for the Puppet Obama

Kurt Nimmo
June 22, 2010

The farce that is the war in Afghanistan is coming apart at the seams. General Stanley McChrystal’s sharp comments about Obama, Biden, and the administration published by Rolling Stone are not so much about disrespect, as the script-reading corporate media talking heads would have it, but rather about a policy in disarray in Afghanistan.

Obama the wunderbar teleprompter reader (and little else) is instructed to push the completely untenable prospect that the United States can win the so-called war in Afghanistan, a country often referred to as the graveyard of empires. The British, the Russians, Alexander the Great, and Genghis Khan either fell to the Afghans or made painful concessions. The British suffered one of their greatest military defeats in the Khyber. 16,500 British soldiers and civilians, retreating after defeat in Kabul, were slaughtered by the Afghans. One person was spared to tell the story.

The establishment knows it cannot “win” in Afghanistan and the claim the U.S. military is there to defeat the Taliban and al-Qaeda is nothing but transparent propaganda.

Afghanistan is a black hole sucking up men and machinery for the sake of death merchant profiteers. It is valuable real estate to be held — not conquered — real estate where opium grows for the sake of CIA off-the-books operating capital funding covert wars against enemies of the global elite. The fantastic profits earned from opium also flood the coffers of the masters of the casino economy on Wall Street. As Catherine Austin Fiits has documented, without this influx of laundered underground and illicit money Wall Street would have collapsed long ago.

After the so-called Afghanistan assessment was supposedly leaked to the CIA’s favorite newspaper last year — the report recommended in Pentagon-speak securing the population, aiding in providing good governance, building and mentoring the Afghan security forces — McChrystal threatened to resign if he was not provided with resources to accomplish the mission.

In other words, McChrystal said he needs more troops, something our rulers will not do. Not because it is politically unpopular, but because the mission in Afghanistan is not to win. The unstated mission is to chew up men, resources, and a lot of money loaned out by international banksters. The mission is to keep an unwinnable conflict on low heat indefinitely, or at least until the United States collapses from the crushing debt burden.

McChrystal made his opinion about the corporatization of the “war” known in April when he criticized the use of private-sector contractors. “I actually think we would be better to reduce the number of contractors involved.” He suggested increasing the number of troops “if necessary,” or “using a greater number of Afghan contractors, or Afghans to help with the mission,” according to the Boston Globe.

Instead of acting as the CEO of a floundering occupation designed to last forever, McChrystal hinted he would resign. “Three officers at the Pentagon and in Kabul told McClatchy that the McChrystal they know would resign before he’d stand behind a faltering policy that he thought would endanger his forces or the strategy,” it was reported last September.

Now McChrystal and his boys are making sarcastic and derogatory — even adolescent — remarks about Obama and Biden in the presence of Rolling Stone journalists. McChrystal realizes this behavior will likely result in his forced resignation. He has obviously arrived at a decision to publicly express his contempt for Obama and the administration.

Contempt for the Chicago Mafia errand boy and accomplished teleprompter reader is now a popular sport not only in Washington but around the country. He will likely go down as the most reviled puppet of the ruling elite in modern history.

Another marionette awaits behind the curtain.